The most attractive waterfall in Africa for tourists. The most interesting places in Africa. Sights of North Africa

It seems that there are practically no unexplored places on Earth. However, Africa still remains an incompletely explored, and therefore mysterious and enigmatic continent.

Here you can always make another discovery. This is what Africa attracts and at the same time frightens travelers.

The history, culture and traditions of this continent are so diverse that everyone will find something of interest here: be it beaches, numerous nature reserves, original tribes or deserts.

Although Africa consists of 55 countries, less than half are suitable for safe and comfortable tourism. This is due to constant local conflicts and wars. But every year more and more African states open their borders to tourists. Taking into account the safety and development of tourism infrastructure in a particular place, has chosen for you 5 African countries that you must visit.

1. Kenya (East Africa)

There are several main reasons to visit Kenya. Firstly, it was on this territory that human civilization was born: the first homo sapiens appeared here. Secondly, the equator line runs across the land of Kenya, which is interesting to cross.

Thirdly, you need to go to this country to see with your own eyes the Great Migration of animals: every year about 2 million animals, driven by rains and looking for fresh pastures, travel vast distances through the parks of Tanzania and Kenya. Fourthly, the famous “African Big Five” live here (and are willingly shown to tourists by guides): leopard, lion, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo. Fifthly, diving enthusiasts can thoroughly enjoy diving to coral reefs with rare fauna Indian Ocean. Sixthly, in Kenya live the African indigenous peoples of the Maasai, Samburu and Meru, who have preserved their traditional way of life, which is interesting to get to know.

2. Namibia (South Africa)

Namibia is one of the richest and safest countries in Africa. Here the sun is constant, endless ocean coast, vast deserts, green foothills, rich flora and fauna, unusual landscapes and tribes preserving ancient traditions. In addition, Namibia offers hotels and campsites to suit every taste.

The main attraction of the country is the oldest desert in the world, the Namib, which is about 60-80 million years old. It amazes with the variety of landscapes: brown rocks, canyons of dry rivers, shifting dunes, wastelands and tiny oases replace each other here. In the very center of the desert there is one of the world's largest nature reserves, where you can see national symbol of this Namibia is the rarest plant “welwitschia mirabilis” (“desert rose”), the age of some specimens of which reaches 2,000 years.

3. Uganda (East Africa)

Many people call Uganda the pearl of Africa. Tourists come here to visit local National parks and admire the amazing nature. Uganda lies in a fracture zone of the earth's crust, so its landscapes and reliefs are very diverse. Among the natural attractions, the most famous lakes are Victoria, Kyoga, Alberta, Edward, river system White Nile, Kabarega Falls. Uganda has 35 extensive protected natural areas, ten National Parks, where you can see a lot of representatives of African flora and fauna, including even rare mountain gorillas.

Ugandans are very friendly and the country is very safe. But you should be careful outside the cities, as animals (elephants, hippos, lions, etc.) move absolutely freely.

4. Tanzania (East Africa)

Tanzania is considered one of Africa's best tourism destinations. There is plenty to do and see here. Many tourists come here on safari to take plenty of photographs of elephants, lions, rhinoceroses, buffalos, zebras, wildebeests and other exotic animals. The most famous park in Tanzania is the Serengeti, where the pristine nature of the African jungle has been preserved. The Kilimanjaro mountain park is popular, where the legendary volcano of the same name is located.

Attracts travelers and salt Lake Magadi, located at the bottom of the crater in Ngoro Ngoro Park: it is home to thousands of flamingos, herons, pelicans and other birds. In addition to safaris, tourists choose Tanzania because of its sandy beaches and rich underwater world. And this is not all the attractions and delights.

5. Cape Verde (West Africa)

Cape Verde Island (that is the name of this small state sounds in Russian) combines primitive nature and European level of service. People come here to take a break from civilization and explore the unique underwater world of coral reefs, where there are a huge number of underwater caves and inhabited most interesting representatives marine fauna.

Cape Verde is famous for its the most beautiful mountains with green terraces, soft sandy beaches, happy holidays and sunshine 365 days a year. In addition, the country is one of the five world centers for windsurfing and one of the world centers for sport fishing. During the migration period, flocks of whales appear off the coast of the islands, which allow them to approach for quite some time. close quarters. Today many people call Cape Verde “the new Canary Islands”.

Do you want new discoveries and unusual sensations? Then it's time for you to get to know Africa.

Africa is an amazing continent, captivating with its natural charm and naturalness. Many scientists consider it the cradle of civilization. After all, it is on this mainland Human civilization began to develop. Open slightly unusual world, which the mainland lives in, will be helped by a selection that presents all the most amazing things about Africa.

Interesting facts about the local population

Africa is home to 16% of the world's population. Of these, experts identify about 3 thousand ethnic groups. The second largest continent on the planet has 54 countries.

Among the 2 thousand languages ​​spoken on this continent, the most common is Arabic.

Not everyone knows the amazing fact about Africa that the smallest people on the planet live on its lands. The Negrilli are a group of short peoples better known as Pygmies. The height of adult men of a special race varies between 125-150 cm. The growth limiter in pygmies starts during the period of intrauterine development. Children are initially born small and grow much slower than Europeans.

At the same time, it is quite remarkable that among black residents of other African countries a lot of tall people. The tallest people in the world are representatives of the Nilotes. Their average height is 184 cm.

This continent has the lowest life expectancy. Men live on average 50 years, and women even less - 48 years. Among the total number of malaria diseases in the world, 90% of cases occur in residents of this continent. About 3 thousand African children die from this disease every year. The number of HIV-infected people living in the southern part of the Sahara is estimated in the hundreds of thousands.

Attractive countries of the continent for tourists

Africa is considered both the poorest and the richest on the planet. The lowest level of well-being is noted here. At the same time, on the mainland there are lands with stunning flora and fauna, the depths of which are rich in such precious metals and stones as gold, emerald, diamond, garnet, tanzanite, amethyst, ruby.

The most populous country is Nigeria. Egypt ranks second in terms of population and attractiveness for tourists. The list of peaceful and safe countries for tourists also includes: Botswana, Ghana, Namibia, Cape Verde, Zimbabwe.

It is in Africa that you can see the only surviving wonder of the world - the Pyramids of Cheops. But few people know an amazing fact about Africa that the pyramids were built not only on the lands of Egypt. In Sudan, the number of “desert temples” reaches 223. True, the dimensions are several times smaller.

Some of the most amazing countries in Africa include:

  1. Kenya. The equator line runs through the lands of this state. The country is interesting for tourists because it provides the opportunity to witness with their own eyes the great migration of animals, including representatives of the “African Big Five”: buffalo, rhinoceroses, elephants, leopards and lions. Those who like to study the characteristics of the cultures of different nationalities can get acquainted with the tribes that have preserved their traditional way of life: the Meru, Samburu, and Masai.
  2. Uganda. The pearl of the continent is located in the fault zone of the earth's crust. It is famous for its amazing and diverse nature. Natural attractions that are popular among locals and visitors are: Kabarega Falls, the White Nile mountain river, as well as the picturesque lakes Edward, Kyoga, Victoria, and Alberta. In the state-protected natural parks of Uganda, you can meet representatives of the fauna of endangered species, including mountain gorillas.
  3. Tanzania. This country is attractive due to its pristine jungle. Tourists come here in an effort to admire exotic animals during a safari. Tanzania has the legendary volcano Kilimanjaro and the salt lake Ngoro Ngoro formed at the bottom of the crater.

But still, most of the countries of the mainland belong to the number of third world countries that are still on the path of development. For an ordinary tourist, visiting them can be associated with a risk to life.

Breathtaking nature spots

As Africa crosses center line the earth's surface and the prime meridian, it is rightfully considered the hottest and most symmetrical among all continents. The area of ​​the continent is 29.2 million sq. km. And four-fifths of this was swallowed up by tropical forests and deserts.

One of the amazing facts about Africa is that the Sahara is the most big desert not only on the scale of the continent, but throughout the entire planet. It accounts for 30% of the area of ​​the entire continent. This uninhabited expanse of land is larger than the total area of ​​the United States. At the same time, the Sahara continues to expand. Every year it increases in size, expanding its borders to 10 km. There are lakes with salt water in the middle of the Sahara. But their life-giving moisture is not able to quench thirst.

Amazing natural attractions of Africa:

  • Nile– the river, with a length of 6850 km, is considered the longest on the planet.
  • Victoriafresh lake, whose impressive size makes it the second largest on Earth.
  • Ink Lake- a natural phenomenon. Instead of clear water, it contains ink that is created naturally, but is poisonous to living organisms.
  • "Roaring Smoke"- the grandiose Victoria Falls, over 100 m high and almost 1000 m long, the noise from the falling streams in which spreads over 40 km in the area.
  • Oh Doinio Legai– a volcano that erupts black natrocarbonate lava and is rightfully considered the coldest in the world.

There are some very amazing trees growing on the mainland. For example: soap, the fruits and leaves of which are soapy, or candle, the elongated seeds of which contain high concentration oils Dairy, sausage and breadfruit trees also grow here.

On desert lands There are also a large number of rare animals: elephants, bongos, giraffes, rhinoceroses, cheetahs, gazelles, zebras, hippopotamuses, lions, okapi, aardvarks. Some species are not found anywhere else in the world.

The most dangerous African animals are hippos. Previously, they were widespread throughout the territory. Today, hippos live only in the southern part on the border with the Sahara. Therefore, they have been given the status of “rapidly declining species.” Despite this, some tribes continue to hunt prohibited animals.

Among the most amazing animals in Africa, the rodents “naked mole rats” deserve special attention; their skin does not age and does not feel pain from fire and cuts. Lungfishes also live here, which are able to burrow into the ground during critical dry periods.

Africa is the hottest continent on the planet, which ranks second in size among the continents. This is a part of the world with very interesting story, traditions and culture. There are many world famous attractions, natural and cultural monuments historical significance.

The majestic pyramids of Egypt or the pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are classified as ancient buildings worldwide, located near the city of Cairo. They are a complex of pyramids of different sizes, the largest of which is considered the pyramid of Cheops (Khufu). The Pyramid of Khufu, about one hundred and fifty meters high, the construction methods of which are still debated among scientists, is considered one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. Inside the pyramid there are several rooms, they are called tombs, and many descending and ascending corridors lead to them. Nearby are slightly smaller, but just as majestic and mysterious pyramids Mikerin, Khafre and three mini-pyramids.

Great Sphinx

Not far from the pyramids of Giza there is an equally mysterious statue of the Great Sphinx. The statue is a figure of a lion with a human head, twenty meters high and more than seventy meters long. According to legend, the sculpture was erected to protect the tombs of the pharaohs located in the pyramids. According to historians and archaeologists, there should be three passages under the monument, but so far only one has been discovered.

Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings is located near the city of Luxor, at the base of Mount El Korn. The valley is famous for the multiple burials of royalty and their entourage. Sixty burials were discovered on its territory, the most famous of which are the tombs of Mentuhotep, Intef, Tutankhamun, Al-Khokh, Nefertari. Because of the precious objects with which noble deceased were buried, royal burials were subject to robbery, despite all sorts of tricks to disguise the entrance to the crypt. The tomb of Tutankhamun, opened in 1922, was the only tomb that was not looted. Countless treasures were discovered here, which are now kept in the Cairo Museum. The main tourist attraction in the Valley of the Kings is the tomb of Queen Nefertari. Its walls are decorated with bas-reliefs, drawings depicting gods and excerpts from the life of the queen. And the ceiling is made in the form of a dark blue starry sky. The burial hall itself, where the sarcophagus with the body was kept, is a golden room with pictograms from the Book of the Dead carved into the walls.

Cairo Museum

The Cairo Museum in Egypt, located in Tahrir Square, was opened in 1902. The museum contains a huge number of historical exhibits dedicated to the era of the pharaohs, some of them are about five thousand years old. Among the exhibits you can see objects of ritual significance, scrolls, manuscripts, sarcophagi, statues, etc. The statue of the Colossus of Ramses II, ten meters high, made of pink granite rock, as well as a sculpture depicting Amenhotep III, amazes with its enormous dimensions. One of the outstanding attractions of the museum is the hall where eleven mummies of the pharaohs are located. Unforgettable impression produces the treasury of the tomb of Tutankhamun. She is so rich that she occupies eight rooms in the museum.

Ancient city of Carthage

The city of Carthage, built in 814 BC, was at one time the center of Africa. Every year, the ruins of the ancient city, located twenty kilometers from Tunisia, attract many tourists from all over the world. Some of the most visited places in Carthage include the baths of Antoninus Pius, decorated with mosaics and numerous sculptures, as well as an amphitheater that can accommodate more than thirty thousand spectators, which is still used today for music concerts, the sacrificial altar of Tophet, where the inhabitants sacrificed their first-born sons to the gods.


Bandiagara is a plain with ancient rock dwellings in which the Dogon people live to this day. About ten villages are located on the territory of Bandiagara. Among the special attractions are the mosque, rock paintings, and cave burials of the ancestors of the peoples living here.

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is Africa's most famous natural landmark. It is located on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia. The size of the waterfall is enormous, its height is more than one hundred meters and its width is almost two kilometers. This most beautiful place is very popular among tourists all over the world. For a panoramic view there are many installed observation platforms. For active rest Sports activities such as kayaking and rafting are organized.

Dallol volcano in Ethiopia

Volcano Dallol is also called the gates of hell. This is the only volcano whose crater is located below sea level. What makes the volcano unique is its unusually colorful landscapes. It's all about deposits of mineral substances washed to the surface, which have scarlet, yellow, green shades. And in the crater of the volcano itself you can observe basalt formations of bizarre shape. According to scientists, the volcano is not expected to be active in the near future, so walking in this area is not dangerous. By the way, the journey to the volcano is not easy, since the terrain here is quite steep. They live not far from the volcano local tribes, acquaintance with which will allow you to get acquainted with local traditions and the peculiarities of life outside civilization.

Ethiopian Danakil Desert

The Danakil Desert is enchanting and at the same time incredibly frightening. beautiful views. This is a valley of sulfur lakes and volcanoes. Lava lakes active volcanoes fascinate with their impressive glow in the night. The air here is very heavy and poisonous from sulfur fumes, but despite this there are people who want to look at the enchanting beauty of the valley.

Giraffe Center in Kenya

The Kenya Giraffe Sanctuary was founded in 1983. In the park you can climb onto the bridge, from where you have a unique opportunity to take a closer look and even feed the animal directly from your hands.

Valley of the Whales Wadi Al Hitan

Wadi al-Hitan is located one hundred and fifty kilometers from Cairo. The valley is a significant paleontological find discovered in 2005. The value of the find lies in the huge accumulation of remains of ancient cetaceans, from which scientists were able to recreate a picture of the evolution of this species of animal. In addition to the remains of whales, the skeletons of turtles, crocodiles and many animals of the local fauna are also preserved here.

Baobab Sunland

Baobab Sunland is located on the territory South Africa, in Limpopo. The peculiarity of this tree is its incredible size. Its height is more than twenty meters, and its volume is one hundred and fifty-five. In addition, the Sunland baobab is one of the oldest plants on the planet. There are many stories and legends associated with it. Interestingly, inside the tree there is a bar with a capacity of up to forty people.

Kirstenbosch Garden

Kirstenbosch Garden in South Africa is one of the most beautiful natural areas. The reserve includes more than seven thousand representatives flora planets. There are many houses for tourists in the garden.

South African Tourism/flickr

The nature of Africa is truly multifaceted, but few people know about it. The continent has not yet become a popular tourist destination, with the exception of its northern part. Today we will talk about the natural attractions of Africa outside the top tourist areas. You will be surprised, but in addition to African savannas and deserts, the continent’s nature is rich in national parks, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, and one of the most famous waterfalls in the world - Victoria Falls - is located right here in Africa. Read our article about what the nature of Africa is like, what its main attractions are and how to get to them.

Victoria Falls is nestled somewhere on the border of two countries - Zambia and Zimbabwe. The height of the waterfall is 120 meters, impressive, isn't it? The compilers of the UNESCO lists, apparently, also considered it and included it in the World Heritage List. Victoria Falls once formed on the Zambezi River in a narrow chasm and gradually expanded. Just think, Victoria Falls is twice as wide and taller than another famous waterfall - Niagara. Victoria is located not only on the territory of two states, but also on the territory of two natural parks - Thundering Smoke and Victoria Falls. Tourists can explore the area from one side and the other. The closest starting points are Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Maramba in Zambia. The best vantage point for the falls is at the Nive Edge Bridge, and its opening hours are from early morning until 6 pm.

Christiaan Triebert/flickr

2. Congo River

Known for its deserts and savannas, the nature of Africa can surprise you once again: did you know that one of the deepest rivers in the world is also located in Africa? The Congo River stretches over 4.5 thousand km in length, it crosses the equator twice and is located in three African countries. Surprisingly, the river is fed mainly by rainfall. And this despite the fact that Africa is considered one of the driest continents on the globe! All these facts are impressive, but what will tourists really appreciate on the Congo River? The places of interest here are Stanley Falls and Livingston Falls.

The first has 7 rapids and is included in the Guinness Book of Records in terms of water flow; the second waterfall is considered the world's largest waterfall in terms of water flow per second. Livingston Falls is located near the capital of Congo - Kinshasa, so it is better to start your trip here. As for Stanley Falls, it is located between the cities of Ubundu and Kisangani, also in the Congo. You can explore the waterfalls either with a helicopter tour or by canoe, which is more suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts.

David Tansey/flickr

3.Cape of Good Hope

Located in South Africa on the Cape Peninsula Good Hope is the most southwestern point of Africa, it is here that the warm waters of the Indian Ocean and the cold waters of the Atlantic meet. The Cape of Good Hope is located in the reserve of the same name, so in addition to fantastic views from panoramic platform, it’s worth going here to get acquainted with the amazing flora and fauna of the area. An interesting fact is that penguins and seals have settled on the coast of the reserve, so you can see these animals in their natural environment not only in the vastness of Antarctica. Cape Town is considered the closest city to the Cape of Good Hope; from there, the journey directly to the cape will take about 4 hours by taxi or tourist bus.

4.Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is known to us from numerous songs and references in films. Meanwhile, Kilimanjaro is the highest volcano-mountain in Africa! And although now the volcano located in Tanzania does not pose a great danger, the potential for its volcanic activity is quite high. Now Mount Kilimanjaro is extremely popular among climbers. The eastern side is considered easier to climb, while the western side is more suitable for professionals. The closest city to the volcano mountain is the town of Moshi, where most tourists begin their journey. There is also a nearby international Airport, which makes visiting the capital of Tanzania completely optional.

The best months for climbing are December-February, because... The region has a strong rainy season. Majority tourist routes Mount Kilimanjaro leads to one final goal - the caldera extinct volcano Kibo. Routes are usually designed for 5-8 days. In the town of Moshi in tourist center there is all the necessary information on climbing.

The Drakensberg Mountains are located on the territory of 3 countries - South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. Most of mountain range is part of the Drakensberg National Park and is world heritage UNESCO. The flora and fauna of the place is unusually diverse and includes endemic species. In the Drakensberg Mountains, every place is of amazing beauty, every panorama is breathtaking. You should start your journey to this fabulous and original region from the town of Durban, where the tourist center is located.

It is from Durban that it is most convenient to get to the Drakensberg National Park. The park, it must be said, is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay for tourists: there are even lodges and campsites. Among the entertainment in the park, tourists have plenty to choose from. Fishing, hiking, horseback riding, group excursions and even helicopter excursions.

Steve Slater/flickr

The national park of the same name is located in the Serengeti eco-region of Africa in Tanzania. Its natural continuation is the Ngorongoro national parks also in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya. The Serengeti is a region of untouched lowland expanses that are home to various species of animals unique to Africa. It is here, in the Serengeti, that the annual migration of animals occurs, described in many books and programs on biology. The park offers various entertainments for tourists, for example, excursions to Lake Natron, where flamingos live, or excursions to hot-air balloon when visible from a bird's eye view wild nature in its natural environment: lions, cheetahs, buffalos, giraffes, leopards, elephants and many other animals live on the plains and savannas.

Also located on the territory of the Serengeti Park is the Oldo Lengai volcano, where excursions are also available. The best time to visit the park is considered to be from December to March to avoid the rainy season. You can get to this place from the towns of Arusha, Lake Manyara and Mwanza. By the way, there are lodges and campsites for tourists in the park.

Güldem Üstün/flickr

7.Sahara Desert

The Sahara occupies about 30% of the area of ​​Africa and is located on the territory of 10 African states. Impressive, isn't it? Contrary to popular belief, the desert consists not only of quicksand, but also from rocky plateaus, and only 25% of the entire desert is occupied by sand dunes. And despite the high degree of aridity of the Sahara Desert, annual rainfall falls here, and sandstorms also occur. Tourists most often visit northern part deserts. Here the temperatures are not so high (relatively speaking), and in winter there are even frosts.

The closest located settlements The city of Douz (Tunisia), the cities of Mhamid and Merzouga (Morocco) and the city of Siwa (Egypt) are considered to be near the Sahara Desert. The most remarkable from a scenic point of view will be the views from Morocco. It is here that you can admire the red dunes and visit the desert oasis - the Draa Valley. Excursion activities are quite developed in Moroccan towns near the Sahara Desert, and the excursions themselves, as a rule, begin at the foot of the Atlas Mountains; “Moroccan” routes are famously popular among tourists.

8. Namib Desert

A distinctive feature of the Namib Desert from the Sahara Desert is that the Namib is a coastal desert, while the Sahara is an inland desert. The desert stretches for almost 2000 km across the territory of the states of Namibia and South Africa along Atlantic coast. The proximity to the ocean makes the Namib Desert more populated. For example, seals and penguins like to nest on the shores of the desert. The Namib Desert is a mixture of mountain ranges and sand dunes. It is believed that this is where the highest sand dune– dune No. 7 with a height of 383 meters. Most of the desert territory is protected - these are the Namib Desert national parks, the Cape Cross seal reserve, and the Skeleton Coast national park.

You will be surprised, but the desert is crossed by automobiles and railways, and even several cities are located. There are also coastal roads that provide access to the tourist area. Tourism here is relatively well developed; lodges and campsites are organized for tourists, as well as an interesting excursion program. Getting to Namibia is not so easy; there are simply no direct flights from Russia, but you can fly with transfers in Europe or South Africa. Visa to Namibia Russian tourists not required.

Damien du Toit/flickr

9. Limpopo River

The Limpopo is a river that we have heard about since childhood; it is a recognizable image in children's songs and cartoons. So what is this Limpopo River and where is it located? Limpopo is the natural border between the states of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Another name for the Limpopo River is the crocodile river. In 2002, a reserve of the same name was organized here, which occupies part of the territory of as many as 3 states. Limpopo Transnational Park is located on the border of Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The area is well guarded and open for tourist purposes. The easiest way to enter the park is from South Africa (the nearest cities are Nelspruit and Maputo).

The park is home to rare species of animals that are on the verge of extinction; it is for this purpose that this transnational park was organized. Inside the park are carried out tourist excursions with professional guides, because This is, after all, a land of wild nature.

Derek Keats/flickr

10.Table Mountain

Table Mountain is a unique symbol of South Africa. The picturesque mountain is located in the bay of the same name on the shores of Cape Town. The height of Table Mountain is more than 1000 m, and it itself consists of rather steep rocky slopes, which from the outside make an indelible impression of their brutality and monumentality. What is definitely convenient for tourists is that on Table Mountain there is a cable car, which makes it relatively easy and safe to reach the peak of the mountain and admire the beauty of the bay and the city from a bird's eye view.

David Stanley/flickr

Africa's natural attractions are some of the most diverse on the planet. Lunar landscapes of deserts and picturesque valleys coexist here, and the rarest species of animals and plants live here. Despite its arid climate, it is here that one of the largest waterfalls in the world, Victoria, is located, and the continent is also famous for its numerous national parks that carefully protect the nature of Africa from external influences.

Anita Ritenour/flickr

Practical and eventful travels to you!

“Little children, don’t go for a walk in Africa for anything in the world!”, - everyone remembers how Korney Chukovsky scared us in childhood with his terrible Barmaley. But we know that in fact the Dark Continent is not only sharks, gorillas and evil crocodiles. This is the hot sun, unprecedented plants, amazing traditions and exciting adventures that await everyone who dares to challenge their everyday life!

Sights of South Africa

When it comes to Africa, it is the southern territories that first come to mind. Traditionally, South Africa includes five countries - Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. So, meet the main attractions of South Africa, their photos and descriptions.

Horseback riding on the trails of Swaziland

Swaziland- not just a country in southern Africa, but a real kingdom (as, indeed, most African states) with a real king (of which in Africa, in fact, there are a dime a dozen).

There are about ten nature reserves and natural parks located on the territory of the kingdom. The largest of them is Royal National Park Hlane. As you can guess from the name, it belongs to His Majesty the King of Swaziland, for whom it serves as a hunting ground. Tourists, of course, will not be allowed to hunt, but lions, giraffes and antelopes will still be shown. It is much more democratic natural Park Mlilwane, where crocodiles, hippos, zebras and a huge number of all kinds of birds live freely, including the famous purple loris - the symbol of Swaziland. If visiting hippos is a little scary, you can watch their life from the windows of the Hippo restaurant located right there.

Other natural parks include: Mlawula, Mkhaya, Malolotja, Mantenga, Poponyane Falls, each of which is distinguished by unique flora and fauna, as well as centuries-old ethnotropes along which hundreds of years ago ancient leaders led their tribes to hunt or war.

Swaziland is known throughout the world as one of the largest equestrian tourism centers. This is not surprising, since most tourist sites can only be reached on horseback. If you do not have a passion for horses, you will either have to settle for walking or master mountain biking.

Lesotho - "Kingdom in the Sky"

The main attraction of Lesotho is the mountain landscapes.

  • Sehlabatebe National Park designed to preserve and perpetuate the unique charm of the Drakensberg Mountains - the highest mountain range Africa. In addition to magnificent views, the park can surprise tourists with karst caves, mini-savannas and rivers full of trout.
  • IN Quitinge, or "Place of the Wind", most southern city Lesotho, all lovers of mysteries will experience a unique phenomenon - the footprints of real dinosaurs, which, according to scientists, are about 180 million years old.

"Nature State" Botswana

This country is famous primarily for the Kalahari Desert, which occupies most of the territory of the state and, of course, is protected by law.

  • Central Kalahari Game Reserve- This is perhaps the largest natural park in the world (more than five million hectares). It is famous for its flora and fauna, the picturesque Okavanga River delta.
  • If you travel to Botswana, be careful of the treacherous Valley of Deception. Mirages have been appearing here for many centuries, and it seems that there is water again in the dry bed of the once deep river. Or maybe you imagine something else?
  • The best guides for "Central Kalahari" are representatives of the Bushmen tribe - the true owners of these lands, who have lived here for thousands of years. Today they are holding the most interesting excursions on the continent, talking about the traditions of their people and the secrets of the great Kalahari.

Namibia: sun all year round

The natural world of Namibia is striking in its diversity. In this amazing country Illuminated by the sun's rays all year round, lakes and deserts, fields and mountains, volcanoes and canyons coexist.

  • Namib Desert famous not only for its sands, but also sadly famous Beach Skeletons. They say that many years ago the formidable Captain Kidd buried chests of gold and precious stones here, and since then hundreds of desperate adventurers have overcome the inhospitable sea and harsh mountain ranges to try their luck and find treasures. So far no one has succeeded in this, and only the skeletons of shipwrecked ships stand on the seashore, like eerie monuments to the Age of Adventure.
  • Namibia is home to the world's second largest natural canyon, second only to Arizona's. Grand Canyon.Fish River Canyon, formed thanks to centuries of tectonic activity, amazes with its amazing landscapes, which can be observed as much as you like by stopping at one of the many campsites of the natural park of the same name.

Precious South Africa

South Africa- This incredible beauty The Drakensberg Mountains, worthy of being the backdrop of any Hollywood fairy tale, numerous parks and, of course, scatterings of diamonds.

  • The most extreme southwestern point of Africa - well known to all sailors Cape of Good Hope. And if earlier this place gave hope to all the brave men skirting the Dark Continent, today it attracts thousands of tourists thanks to its beautiful landscapes. By the way, in the reserve of the same name you can meet not only traditional African animals, but also – imagine! - penguins. The main attraction of the Cape of Good Hope is the lighthouse, from the observation deck of which there is a view of two oceans at once - the Indian and Atlantic.
  • Limpopo Transnational Park- This unique place, where abolished state borders. Located in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, it gives its guests the opportunity to visit three countries at once. Around the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashi rivers, rare and endangered species live and traditional African communities still live peaceful lives.
  • If you find yourself in Cape Town, the capital of the Republic of South Africa, well known to all fans of adventure novels, be sure to check out Diamond Museum, where they will tell you how South Africa became the world leader in mining this precious stone, and show you how a natural, uncut diamond is turned into exquisite jewelry.

Sights of North Africa

A completely different one appears before us North Africa, uniting Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania and Western Sahara. The African Mediterranean, inhabited mostly by Arabs, does not boast lush vegetation and dizzying mountain landscapes, but it is an example of a unique combination of different cultures and the focus of amazing historical monuments- this is something worth looking at.

Secrets of Egypt

Oddly enough, these are not only the great pyramids. Although, in fact, where would we be without them?

  • On Giza plateau for hundreds of years, under the hot African sun, the pyramids of Cheops, Mikerin and Khafre have stood, and the Great Sphinx asks its riddles to everyone who wants to listen to it. Go see the pyramids, and then visit the Cairo Museum for a better understanding of ancient history.
  • Luxor confidently ranks among the top ten most entertaining cities in the world. The right bank of the Nile here is called the City of the Living, and it is not nearly as interesting as the left bank and located there City of dead. Having crossed the river on a small boat, you will find yourself in the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Hatshepsut with the famous tomb of Tutankhamun.
  • After communicating with the ancient kings, it won’t hurt to get to know the Egyptian world of the living. IN Hurghada, best resort Egypt, life is in full swing all year round. In addition to the beaches, the city is famous for its beautiful mosques, ethnic markets and even the Arabian Nights Palace.

Sudanese rose

North African Sudan is a country of diverse landscapes, the Red Sea and ancient historical monuments that rival those of Egypt.

  • Sudanese Red Sea coast boasts beautiful sandy beaches that stretch for several tens of kilometers. By the way, Sudan is a wonderful place for scuba diving enthusiasts; Special diving tours are organized here for tourists, or, as they like to call them here, diving safaris.
  • Pyramids of Meroe are much less known than the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and, perhaps, undeservedly. With narrow bases and steeply rising walls, the tombs of the Sudanese kings are adjacent to elegant front gates and a colonnade of sculptures in honor of the god Amun.
  • In the west of the country it flaunts Jebel Marrapicturesque mountain with an extinct volcanic crater called the “eye of the mountain”, near which there are several hot springs.

Jebel Marra

Elegant Libya

Apparently, the Libyan Bedouins were a very poetic people. Just listen to the names they gave to their cities!

  • Capital of Libya - Tripoli city– often called the “Bride of the Mediterranean”. It is definitely worth visiting the old part of the city, built in the spirit of the Arab East with numerous beautiful mosques.
  • Ghadames, or "Pearl of the Desert", represents amazing oasis city in the middle of the desert, whose houses from a bird's eye view resemble neat white honeycombs.

Tunisia - the heir of ancient Carthage

Tunisia is not as spoiled by the tourist flow as other countries North Africa, but there is also something to see and be surprised here.

  • Ruins of the great Carthage Today they are located in the suburbs of the capital. Ancient city will delight archeology lovers with several layers of excavations, excellent views for photos and a decent museum.
  • In addition to Carthage in Tunisia, you should pay attention to Colosseum in El Jem And Gazi Mustafa fortress.
  • The highlight of a vacation in Tunisia is thalassotherapy, or comprehensive healing using the healing properties of the sea. Only freshly mined sea mud is used here, and prices are an order of magnitude lower than in Europe.

Ruins of the great Carthage

Medieval Algeria

In sultry Algeria, the past and the present meet in an amazing way.

  • Old town Kasbah- a unique part of the modern capital of Algeria. When you get here, it’s as if you’re transported back several centuries: tangled labyrinths of narrow streets, buildings piled on top of each other, riding donkeys as the only possible form of transport, Algerians lazily dozing at the doors of houses and children playing on the roofs. Colorful, whatever you say!
  • Picturesque Atlas Mountains, associated with the ancient myth of Titan, or rather, their Saharan part, stretches across the whole of Algeria. The best way To get to know the Atlas Mountains is through hiking, because there are a huge number of specially equipped trails.

Red Dunes of Morocco

Morocco is the most suitable country for exploring the formidable Sahara, the personification of all deserts. Stunning landscapes await you: red dunes, ancient fortresses and the Draa Valley- a world of lush oases, the destination of all the trade caravans that once crossed the Sahara, heading from Timbuktu to the Mediterranean.

Mysterious Mauritania

If you should go to Morocco to enjoy the majestic landscapes of the Sahara, then to Mauritania - to touch the secrets and mysteries of the great desert.

Richat, or "Eye of the Sahara", is a unique geological object of the local relief. Thanks to the huge size of the “eye” (diameter about 50 kilometers), even astronauts use it to orient themselves in Earth orbit. Scientists have still not come to a consensus on the origin of this phenomenon: they call it a meteorite, natural erosion of rocks, and even volcanic activity. But tourists are unanimous: every year hundreds of people flock here to stay in a cozy hotel in the very center of the “eye”, try to unravel its secret, and the most desperate ones – drive jeeps around the ancient rings of Richat.

Sights of West Africa

West Africa includes about two dozen countries. For many decades it was associated exclusively with the slave trade and tropical diseases, but today it attracts many fans of surfing, fishing and rallying.

  • Sacred forests of Nigeria. This country will inspire fans of green tourism. Yankari National Park, by far the best in West Africa, offers tourists a unique opportunity to see wild animals in their natural habitat and experience several hot springs gushing out on site. In addition, it is of great interest Ogun Reserve Forest, in which, according to the beliefs of local tribes, spirits and deities live, sculptures in whose honor stand there to this day.
  • Hitchhiking from Paris to Senegal. They say that Senegal is the most hospitable country in Africa. Local women are considered the most beautiful, king prawns are considered the most delicious. In addition, it was in Senegal that the most famous rally in the world, the Dakar, finished for more than thirty years. Today his successor Africa Eco Race supports a given brand and attracts thousands of tourists and car racing fans to enjoy the driving spectacle.
  • Cape Verde - child of the ocean. Throughout the world, the state of Cape Verde is recognized as a center for windsurfing and sport fishing. Here you can forget for a while about the oppressive obligations of civilization and immerse yourself in the extraordinary underwater world of the Cape Verde Islands. In addition to the ocean and secluded beaches, Cape Verde is proud of the most colorful carnival in Africa, which takes place in February and attracts thousands of fans of costume shows.


Sights of Central Africa

Central Africa– the very heart of the Dark Continent, a territory as close as possible to the equator and as far away from civilization as possible. Going to conquer it is not for the faint-hearted!

  • Volcanic Cameroon. If you want to tickle your nerves, go to Cameroon to the mountain of the same name, which represents active volcano, last eruption which took place since 1999. It is not surprising that locals consider Mount Cameroon sacred, highly respect it and regularly make sacrifices - so be careful and speak of the volcano only with respect! By the way, the view even of the sleeping volcano is the most picturesque.
  • Lakes of Chad. The Republic of Chad boasts more than a dozen lakes: Fianga, Fitri, Katam, and many others. However, they are all small in size and cannot compete with the main lake, which gave the country its name. Lake Chad is unique in that it has no drainage and is relict, that is, isolated from the ocean. The area of ​​the lake is 27,000 square kilometers, there are even several islands inhabited by aborigines.

Unfortunately, tourism infrastructure developed extremely modestly, travelers will have to stock up on considerable patience in order to eventually reach their desired goal.

  • Fishing in Congo. If Neil is the most long river Africa, then Congo River confidently holds the palm in terms of fullness of water. The character of the Congo is changeable, like the mood of a true southerner: at first it is a small mountain river, which from time to time seethes with waterfalls, then spills into a lake and finally flows into a wide, deep river Atlantic Ocean. Fishing in the Congo can turn into a real adventure: just look at the “bloodthirsty” tiger fish, which is caught in a variety of ways! If this scares you a little, don’t despair: you can always buy some of the rich catch from the locals here, donated by the generous Congo River.


Sights of East Africa

This region is blessed with a combination of exotic African nature and friendly sea ​​resorts. So after the adventures of Western and Central Africa, the east of the Dark Continent will seem like heaven on earth to the traveler.

  • Zambia: in the spray of a waterfall. "Roaring Smoke" And "Place of the Rainbow"– these are the names local residents gave to the majestic Victoria Falls. Indeed, millions of splashes from a powerful stream create a cloud of fog, over which a rainbow always shimmers. From several viewing platforms the waterfall opens up in completely different ways. And in order to fully take in the most wonderful sight of Africa (according to D. Livingston, and it’s hard to argue with him), you can use the services of excursion helicopters and paragliders.
  • Reserves of Zimbabwe. IN Hwange National Park It’s worth going at least for the elephants, which are considered the symbol of the reserve. Elephants here coexist peacefully with almost all representatives of the African fauna, so welcome to this animal kingdom. By the way, national Matobo parks And Zambezi no less interesting and hospitable to tourists.
  • Diving in Kenya. Marine Park Watamu famous for its coral reefs with amazing arches, caves and even a sunken ship, which you can also go down to. The depth here is not extreme, so everyone can feel Jacques-Yves Cousteau and shake the flipper of one of the green sea turtles that live in underwater caves. Among other things, off the coast of Kenya all summer you can observe the migration of whales swimming from south to north.
  • Rwanda: "Land of a thousand hills." Volcanoes National Park, which Rwanda is rightfully proud of, will not greet you with hot lava and ash. The volcanoes have long been extinct, overgrown with tropical forest, and seven families of gorillas have chosen them for themselves. Each of them is known to the whole world (at least to zoologists and fauna lovers), and the birth of a new gorilla baby is accompanied by a special naming ceremony - “Kvita Izina”.
  • To Tanzania on safari. Tanzania is generous with entertainment for lovers active tourism. Here you can climb the “roof of Africa”, famous mountain Kilimanjaro, take a ride to the island of Zanzibar and travel to all the best corners of the country on a variety of safari tours.
  • Privacy Seychelles . Seychelles is the world's most popular destination for honeymoon. Thousands of newlyweds flock here every year to enjoy complete peace, the clearest sea and secluded beaches, and the most restless - with all kinds of marine activities: diving, surfing, yachting.
  • Madagascar - an exotic island. Madagascar is a real continent in miniature. This is an island where there is almost everything: mountains, plains, unique flora and fauna not found anywhere else, and beautiful architectural ensembles capital Antananarivo, and wonderful natural parks. Ranomafana Park is famous for its night excursions, and Isalu Park is famous for its stunning landscapes and almost complete absence of wildlife (the exception is lemurs, but they are literally everywhere in Madagascar).

East Africa - video

The African continent is truly huge and diverse. You can return here all your life, but still never fully understand it. amazing nature, ancient history and residents who are so different from us and therefore even more attractive. But it’s certainly worth starting! Therefore, look for your “piece” of sunny equatorial land, choose where to go or fly to Africa, and discover - for the first time or anew - this bright Dark Continent!