Where to relax for a year without a visa. Which countries will accept Russians without a visa? Countries that have concluded an agreement with Russia on Local Border Traffic

Do you want to go abroad, but don’t want to get involved in bureaucratic battles with embassy staff? No problem, because there are as many as 38 states that can be visited without unnecessary formalities.

Visa-free countries for Russians included in this list in 2019, they offer beach holidays for every taste: from inexpensive to exclusive. A relatively short flight is also an important argument when choosing a destination.

Albania belongs to the Balkan states. This member of the list is located near Montenegro and Greece, washed by the Ionian and Adriatic Seas. The resorts of the Adriatic are rich in the purest sandy beaches. The shores are decorated scenic spots, rocky bays and pine forests. You can stay in the country for 90 days without a visa.

Vietnam attracts with its pristine nature, the good nature of the locals, clean white and pink beaches and a mild climate. Here you can relax for 15 days completely freely and, importantly, inexpensively.

Georgia. The resorts of Adjara are ideal for family holidays. The cleanest water, mild climate and comfortable conditions are appreciated by many tourists. If you are looking for a holiday abroad without a visa, and inexpensively, then Georgia is a great option. Free entry for Russians is valid for a whole year.

Egypt continues the list, despite some difficulties with . Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh still delight vacationers with comfortable hotels. Clean beach areas, beautiful underwater world and coral reefs attract travelers all year round. The visa is issued upon arrival, valid for a month, the price is $25.

Israel- a country rich in ancient sights and resort areas. Mediterranean coast attracts tourists with its unique vegetation, warm healing water of the Dead And . Here you can vacation visa-free for 90 days.

It pleases with bright colors, inexpensive food and the absence of language problems, because the Russians have occupied almost all the hot spots. An e-visa to India for 30 days can be issued online and costs $60.

Indonesia in 2019 climbed even higher in the list of popular tourist destinations among travelers abroad. Fascinating flora and fauna, many picturesque corners with clear sea water - perfect place for tourists. The coasts of Indonesia are popular among surfers and those who like to bask in the rays of the tropical sun. Within a month, tourists are provided visa-free holiday.

– the ancient shore of Aphrodite, washed by warm Mediterranean Sea, with vibrant scenery and beautiful stretches of beach. It's small paradise for tourists. To enter, you just need to first apply for a visa online, valid for 90 days. A single entry will cost inexpensively, 25 euros, a multiple entry visa - 65 euros.

– an African state with Arabic exoticism. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The coast and Moroccan beaches will delight tourists with untouched nature, hot sand and warm water. The visa-free regime for Russians is valid for 90 days.

Thailand– exotic warm country, similar to a heavenly fairy tale. Luxury Resorts with coconut palms and clear blue lagoons will not leave any tourist indifferent. Visitors from abroad are allowed to enjoy the local beauty for a month.

Is in North Africa and is washed by the warm Mediterranean Sea. You can swim here almost all year round. Picturesque shores, clear turquoise water and cozy surroundings are the optimal place for traveling with children. Hassle-free and inexpensive holiday in Tunisia is provided for a period of 90 days.

Türkiye, which at the beginning of 2019 was still on the list of “undesirable” destinations for Russians, continues the list of visa-free countries for beach holiday. The long coastline is rich beautiful beaches and historical sites. You can spend a month in Turkey without visa control.

Montenegro is a hospitable country on the Balkan Peninsula. Shore Adriatic Sea has picturesque beach resorts, cozy sunny bays and clear waters of the Adriatic. Visa-free entry is valid for 30 days.

Sri Lanka- a paradise on the planet with amazing colors and romantic landscapes. Cleanest beach areas, calm ocean waters, amazing corals and a peaceful atmosphere will make your vacation unforgettable. An entry permit is issued upon arrival, valid for no more than 1 month.

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And a little exotic

If the previous options for getting a tan abroad did not interest you, it’s too early to get upset. The most interesting things are yet to come. Visa-free entry for Russians extends to another list of countries where you can sunbathe in 2019. They are located, as a rule, on other continents, so this vacation can hardly be called inexpensive. However, the brighter the impression will be.

Antigua and Barbuda is a small island state in the Caribbean Sea. The mild climate, exotic vegetation, pink and white sand, and cozy bays attract travelers from all over the world. Free entry is open for a month.

Argentina– an unusually vibrant country on the coast Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful beach coast stretches for 17 km, where there are 24 comfortable resorts, which are crowded with tourists in the summer. You can relax here for 90 days.

Bahamas - the next tropical exotic in the Atlantic Ocean. The Bahamas are rich in snow whites sandy beaches, blue lagoons, coral reefs and pristine tranquility of nature. Visa-free entry for Russians is valid for 3 months.

Barbados located in the eastern Caribbean. It is famous for its pristine beaches, luxurious gardens, caves with underwater lakes and rivers. You can stay here freely for up to 28 days.

Brazil– a bright exotic country, attracting tourists with its color, warm climate and rhythm of life. Brazil's white sand coastline is very diverse, with secluded picturesque spots and crowded resorts. You can vacation for 90 days without a visa.

Vanuatu- tropical islands surrounded by the Pacific Ocean. Beautiful weather all year round makes for an unforgettable beach holiday. For lovers of underwater entertainment, there is a long list of opportunities here. It's fashionable to spend time here abroad Honeymoon. Visa-free entry for Russians is valid for 30 days.

Venezuela– a beautiful Latin American country with unique exoticism. Picturesque landscapes, delicate sand, an abundance of pearls and tropical forests will leave a lot of impressions. Margaret Island is famous great holiday and clean warm water. A visa is not required for visits up to 90 days.

Haiti is a tropical island state surrounded by coral reefs, with hot sand, clear lagoons and romantic sunsets. You are allowed to stay for three months without any formalities.

Hong Kong, washed on three sides by the South China Sea, is rarely offered on tourist lists for a beach holiday. And in vain. Numerous bays and bays stretch along coastline, and the cleanest coastline is protected from the wind mountain ranges and great for swimming. Russians are allowed to vacation here without a visa for two weeks.

Grenada located on the southeast coast Caribbean Sea. Cozy bays, a rich underwater world and a deserted coast are created for lovers of calm, peaceful leisure. Visa-free travel is allowed for 90 days.

Located in eastern Haiti. Evergreen vegetation and snow-white beaches with delicate sand, diving and snorkeling activities will be remembered for a long time by guests from abroad. You can vacation in the country for a whole month without obtaining an entry permit.

Kenya continues the list of destinations where you can gain impressions relatively inexpensively. The Indian Ocean washing it will delight tourists with warm waters all year round. Possibility of classes aquatic species Sports are a great way to diversify your leisure time. The visa is issued at the airport, valid for 90 days, and costs $50.

Colombia. The waves of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea wash the shores of an amazing and colorful state. The Caribbean coast is rich in secluded beach resorts and tropical exotica. Russians are allowed to stay in the country for 90 days.

Comoros They are distinguished by excellent beaches with emerald crystal clear water and wild, untouched nature. It’s not for nothing that those who come from abroad call them “ tropical paradise" The visa is issued upon arrival, for 45 days, and costs 30 euros.

Costa Rica tops the list of the happiest countries in the world. She is in central America, is known for its colorful beaches with azure waters on the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts. You can rest for 30 days without an entry permit.

– the famous Freedom Island offers unique opportunities for diving and underwater photography. The country's luxury beach resorts welcome tourists all year round. Russians can vacation in Cuba visa-free for no more than 30 days.

– highlight Indian Ocean, which is extremely popular in 2019. Island state prized for its luxurious beach area, colorful plants, underwater sports and wedding ceremonies. Vacations are allowed for two months without obtaining an entry permit.

Malaysia– a small tropical paradise with white sandy islands and stunning soft sand, picturesque bays and azure water. You are allowed to spend a holiday in Malaysia without a visa for 30 days.

famous islands The Indian Ocean is truly its pearl. Maldives beaches are located in picturesque transparent lagoons with luxurious comfortable villas and the peaceful tranquility of nature. You can enjoy a visa-free stay for 30 days.

– another member of the list from South America. A cheerful state washed by two oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic. Iconic Acapulco is prized for its holiday-friendly climate, stunning beach resorts and vibrant nightlife. You can stay here for a whole six months without visa control.

Seychelles located in the western Indian Ocean. Untouched charming nature, pink and white beaches, clear water, soft sand - all this is called “a little paradise on earth.” Here you can relax for up to 30 days.

Fiji– magnificent fairy islands V Pacific Ocean. They are known for their excellent wedding venues, luxury holiday, diving, surfing and snorkeling. Russians are allowed to stay freely for 4 months.

Jamaica completes the list of visa-free countries for 2019. This delightful island in the northern Caribbean attracts with its outlandish places and unspoiled nature, elite beaches with golden sand, warm sun and hospitality. You are allowed to stay in Jamaica for 30 days without an entry permit.

Consolidated list of visa-free countries for beach holidays

A country Days without a visa
1 Abkhazia 90
2 Albania 90
3 Antigua and Barbuda 30
4 Argentina 90
5 Bahamas 90
6 Barbados 28
7 Brazil 90
8 Vanuatu 30
9 Venezuela 90
10 Vietnam 15
11 Haiti 90
12 Hong Kong 14
13 Grenada 90
14 Georgia 365
15 Dominican Republic 21
16 Israel 90
17 Indonesia 30
18 Colombia 90
19 Costa Rica 30
20 Cuba 30
21 Mauritius 60
22 Malaysia 30
23 Maldives 30
24 Morocco 120
25 Seychelles 30
26 Thailand 30
27 Tunisia 90
28 Türkiye 90
29 Montenegro 90
30 Fiji 120
31 Jamaica 30

Rest easy! We list all visa-free countries for Russians in 2020. Bonus: a list of countries where you can fly on a seaside holiday without a visa and inexpensively.

Don’t want to collect packages of documents, pay expensive fees, wait for registration and comply with other bureaucratic formalities? Fly on vacation without a visa!

We have compiled full list countries where Russians can travel without a visa in 2020. Choose and relax! For convenience, we divided the countries by geographic principle and next to each popular destination we placed a link to search for air tickets or tour packages to that country.

List of visa-free countries for Russians in 2020

Russians in 2020 can travel to Russia without a visa. 76 countries and territories. Of these, 5 countries and territories can be visited even without a passport. But in Europe, only 4 countries are open for visa-free entry; most require Schengen. But according to South America you can travel to your heart's content and literally without borders - you can live in each country for 90 days, and at border points you only need to show valid passport. Visa-free for Russians and many Asian countries.

Without a foreign passport (using a general passport)

You can travel abroad not only without a visa, but also without a passport. True, the choice is very limited. Russians can enter the following countries and territories by general passport:

  • (90 days)
  • Armenia (180 days)
  • Belarus (90 days)
  • (90 days)
  • Kyrgyzstan (90 days)

Europe (by passport)

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 days): tickets →
  • Macedonia (90 days): tickets →
  • Serbia (30 days): tickets →
  • (30 days):

Former USSR (according to international passport)

  • (90 days)
  • (up to one year):
  • Moldova (90 days)
  • Uzbekistan (unlimited)
  • Ukraine (90 days)
  • Tajikistan (up to 90 days)

Where is it calm and safe? Look - we compared countries by natural disasters, wars and terrorism, peacefulness and attitude towards tourists.

(photo © ArArAt Brandy / flickr.com)

South America and West Indies

  • Antigua and Barbuda (30 days)
  • Argentina (90 days)
  • Bahamas (90 days): tickets →
  • Barbados (28 days)
  • Bolivia (90 days)
  • (90 days): tickets →
  • Venezuela (90 days)
  • Haiti (90 days)
  • Guyana (90 days)
  • Guatemala (90 days)
  • Honduras (90 days)
  • Grenada (90 days)
  • Dominica (90 days)
  • (60 days):
  • Colombia (90 days)
  • Costa Rica (90 days)
  • (30 days):
  • Nicaragua (90 days)
  • Panama (90 days)
  • Paraguay (90 days)
  • Peru (90 days)
  • El Salvador (90 days)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (up to 30 days)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Lucia (up to 42 days)
  • Suriname (60 days)
  • Turks and Caicos (up to 90 days)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (90 days)
  • Uruguay (90 days)
  • Chile (90 days)
  • Ecuador (90 days)
  • (30 days)


  • Botswana (90 days)
  • Gambia (56 days)
  • (60 days)
  • (90 days):
  • Namibia (90 days)
  • Swaziland (30 days)
  • (30 days):
  • (90 days):

(photo © dibaer / flickr.com)

Asia and Oceania

  • Vanuatu (30 days)
  • (15 days, for a longer period you need to apply electronically):
  • (14 days): tickets →
  • Guam (45 days)
  • Northern Mariana Islands(45 days)
  • (90 days):
  • (30 days): tickets →
  • Cook Islands (31 days)
  • Laos (15 days)
  • Macau (30 days)
  • (30 days)
  • (30 days, free):
  • Micronesia (30 days)
  • Mongolia (30 days)
  • Niue (30 days)
  • (30 days):
  • (30 days):
  • (60 days):
  • Fiji (up to 4 months)
  • (30 days): tickets →
  • (60 days)

Where to go without a visa in 2020: simplified system

If the list of visa-free countries for Russians is not enough for you, then choose a vacation destination with simplified entry. In some countries you can get a visa on arrival, in others an electronic visa is easily obtained. There are no difficulties in obtaining such visas - it is quick and easy. The lists below will greatly expand the geography of your vacation.

Visa on arrival

Russians in 2020 can travel without a pre-issued visa to 31 countries- it will be placed upon arrival at the airport. In some places you will have to pay (for example, in Jordan), but in others they will install it for free. In any case, a visa on arrival is a very convenient thing: you don’t need to go to the consulate and collect a package of documents, wait a long time and be afraid that the visa will be refused. Often, to obtain a visa on arrival, you only need to have a return ticket or a ticket to a third country, a hotel reservation and funds sufficient to stay in the country for the entire duration of the trip. Requirements depend on the specific country; check the information on the official websites of the consulates.

Asia and Oceania

  • Bangladesh (15 days)
  • Bahrain (30 days)
  • (30 days)
  • Iran (30 days)
  • (30 days)
  • Lebanon (30 days, free visa at Beirut airport)
  • Nepal (15-90 days)
  • Palau (30 days)
  • Pitcairn (14 days)
  • Samoa (60 days, free)
  • East Timor (30 days, to Dili)
  • Tonga (1 month, free)
  • Tuvalu (1 month, free)
  • Turkmenistan (10 days, paid, issued at Ashgabat airport, you need to have an invitation)

(photo © dibaer / flickr.com)


  • Burundi (30 days, permission from the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required)
  • Guinea-Bissau (90 days)
  • Djibouti (30 days)
  • (30 days or 15 days on Sinai peninsula with a free visa)
  • Zambia (30-90 days)
  • Zimbabwe (30-90 days)
  • (30 days)
  • Comoros (14 days)
  • Madagascar (30 or 90 days)
  • Mozambique (30 days, at Maputo airport)
  • Nauru (14 days)
  • Rwanda (30 days)
  • (90 days)
  • Togo (7 days, can be extended up to 90 days)
  • Uganda (90 days)
  • Eritrea (30 days)
  • Ethiopia (up to 90 days at Bole Airport)

(photo © Guybrush Tripwood / flickr.com)

Where can you go with an e-visa?

There are two types of e-visa:

  1. actually electronic, that is, you apply for it via the Internet and you are allowed into the country without having to paste a paper visa into your passport (for example, in Cyprus);
  2. electronic permission to obtain a visa upon arrival, when you only receive a visa permission over the Internet, and at the airport they stick a visa in your passport (for example, in Vietnam, if your stay exceeds 15 days).

Both visas are convenient and save a lot of time and nerves. Typically, to obtain a visa permit, you need to pay a fee and send scanned copies necessary documents. Below is a list of countries where you can travel in 2020 without a visa in the traditional sense - that is, you can either apply for a visa permit online or get an electronic visa.

  • Australia (3, 6 or 12 months, you can apply online. BUT you need to submit biometrics): tickets →
  • Gabon (visa for 1, 2, 3 or 6 months)
  • (60 days, visa required):
  • (90 days, extendable for another 90 days)
  • (90 days, free registration. Condition: entry to Cyprus only from the territory of the Russian Federation, and not from third countries. If you are flying on a connecting flight or from another country, you need to apply for a regular visa.):
  • Ivory Coast (3 months)
  • (30 days, extension possible. You can stay in the country for up to 180 days within one trip. Free registration.): tickets →
  • Montserrat (1 year, multiple entry)
  • Myanmar (28 days stay in the country with a visa validity of 90 days)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (30 days)
  • (35 days from the date of visa issue): tickets →
  • Solomon Islands (3 months, free)
  • Sierra Leone (30 days)
  • (30 days):

Where can you fly inexpensively without a visa?

Do you want to relax on a budget and without visas? Select a country from those listed below. We have compiled a list of visa-free countries and states with simplified entry for Russians, where you can fly quite inexpensively.

The minimum prices in rubles for air tickets (round trip) for one person are indicated. The cost of tours is indicated for two for 7-10 nights. We are watching flights from Moscow.

Search for air tickets. Compare prices different airlines on the Skyscanner search engine - smart search will help you find cheap tickets.


To get to Abkhazia, you need to fly to Sochi (Adler) airport. Further by land transport We get to the Abkhaz resorts. Tickets to Adler cost from 3,000 rubles, tours to Abkhazia - from 20,000 rubles.

Vietnam, Thailand and Sri Lanka

Inexpensive and visa-free destinations for Russians. One bad thing is that you will have to spend money on the flight. Tickets cost from 30 thousand rubles, sometimes you can find them for 22-25 thousand. Tours cost from 60 thousand for two, to Sri Lanka - from 80 thousand.


The country is on the list of visa-free countries for Russians, and they are allowed to stay in Georgia for at least a whole year. You can fly here inexpensively: air tickets from Moscow and St. Petersburg usually cost about 8-12 thousand rubles. The cheapest air tickets from Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Adler and Krasnoyarsk to Tbilisi cost around 15-22 thousand.


Israel is another country where you can fly to without a visa and very cheaply, and many enjoy this! Tickets cost from 11,000 rubles, tours - from 55 thousand.


To travel to India, an electronic visa is issued: it is easy to obtain, but it costs $100. But Goa is one of the most inexpensive destinations for relaxation by the sea. Tours cost from 50 thousand, last minute tours are cheaper. Tickets to Delhi cost from 20 thousand.


If you want to go to real black Africa, go to Kenya or Tanzania! Alas, these countries are not on the list of visa-free countries for Russians, and tickets are not cheap - from 32,000 rubles. But everything is learned by comparison. Obtaining visas for almost all other African countries is difficult, and flights there are even more expensive. Traveling to Kenya and Tanzania is easier: visas are issued using a simplified system, there are more flights, and security is higher.


Another popular destination recreation. An e-visa can be easily obtained online; prices at resorts are European, but not prohibitively high. Tickets to Larnaca cost from 6,000 rubles, to Paphos - from 15,000 rubles. You can buy a tour to Cyprus from 50 thousand rubles.

Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt

Russians can fly to Morocco and Tunisia without a visa; in Egypt, a visa is issued upon arrival. Holidays in all countries are inexpensive. Tickets from Moscow to Morocco cost from 10-15 thousand, to Egypt and Tunisia - the same.

Photo © Marc Veraart / flickr.com.


Inexpensive tickets to Dubai are also not uncommon, and for flights from many Russian cities. Fly to the UAE from Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Mineralnye Vody, Krasnodar, Kazan can be from 15 thousand rubles, during big sales - even cheaper. Vouchers cost from 50 thousand.


Where can you go inexpensively and without a visa, if not to Turkey? It is these two criteria that have made the country so popular for Russians: visa-free entry and cheap holiday. You can fly to Istanbul for 8,000 rubles, to Antalya for 10 thousand. Tours are very cheap: even 20 thousand rubles is not the limit; there are tours for 15 and even 10 thousand for two. An all-inclusive holiday costs from 35 thousand rubles.


A flight to the Philippines cannot be called inexpensive - tickets usually cost from 35-40 thousand rubles. However, sometimes you can fly to this visa-free country for Russians cheaper - sometimes there are tickets for 27-30 thousand.


Tickets to Tivat can be found from 10 thousand rubles, to Podgorica - from 13 thousand. Vouchers cost from 40 thousand.

South America and the Caribbean

An unfortunate paradox and injustice - the list of visa-free countries for Russians includes almost all the countries of South America and the Caribbean, but flying there is very expensive. Only major sales (for example, Allitalia) or erroneous tariffs save you. Usually tickets to countries Latin America cost from 40-50 thousand rubles.

South Korea

One of the few developed countries from the list of visa-free for Russians. It's worth using! The cheapest way to fly to Seoul is from Vladivostok and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - tickets for direct flights with S7 airlines can cost only 14,000 rubles. Flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg cost from 30 thousand rubles.

We looked at all the countries where Russians can travel in 2020 without a visa and at an inexpensive price. All other countries either require pre-issued visas (through the consulate and visa centers) or are not destinations where you can fly cheaply.

Introductory image source: © Bestpicko / flickr.com / bestpicko.com.

Which countries can Russians travel to without a pre-issued visa in 2020? Just one passport is enough.

In total, 119 countries are available to Russians in 2020, where they can fly and travel without a visa. To visit them, it is enough to have a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Some states give entry permission at the border. And there are those where you need to request a visa in advance, but this can be done online and in the shortest possible time.

State name Permitted period of stay for citizens of the Russian Federation (expressed in days)
Abkhazia 90
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (domestic or foreign).
Azerbaijan 90
  • International passport.
Albania 90 (between April 1 and October 31, 2020)
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days from the date of entry into the state;
  • Ticket confirming departure from the republic.
Antigua and Barbuda 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
Argentina 90
  • International passport.
Armenia 180
Bahamas 90
  • International passport.
Barbados 28
  • International passport with a validity period of at least 180 days;
  • Invitation letter /
  • Return tickets;
Belarus 90
  • Internal or foreign passport of the Russian Federation.
Bolivia 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Reservation hotel room;
  • Evidence of the required amount Money.
Bosnia and Herzegovina 30
  • A foreign passport valid for at least 90 days from the date of departure from the country;
  • Return tickets;
  • Invitation letter or document confirming hotel reservation.
Botswana 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Cash in the amount of $300 per person for 1 week in Botswana.
Brazil 90
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 6 months from the date of departure;
  • Return ticket;
  • A document confirming the availability of a sufficient amount of money to stay in Brazil;
  • A document confirming the hotel reservation.
Brunei 14
  • International passport;
  • Hotel or hotel reservation;
  • Evidence of the required amount of funds to stay in the country;
  • Return ticket.
Vanuatu 30
  • International passport with a validity period of at least 6 months;
  • Evidence of the required amount of funds;
  • Return ticket.
Venezuela 90
  • Ticket;
  • A document confirming the availability of a sufficient amount of money to stay in Venezuela.
Vietnam 15
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days;
  • Return ticket.
Gambia 56
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • 69 USD at border crossings by land.
Haiti 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Guyana 90
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days;
  • Return ticket;
Guatemala 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Proof of funds for stay.
Honduras 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Sufficient amount of funds;
  • Hotel reservation or invitation letter.
Hong Kong 14
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 30 days;
  • Return ticket.
Grenada 90
  • A foreign passport, the validity period of which must be at least 180 days;
  • Sufficient amount of funds;
  • Hotel reservation.
Georgia 365
  • International passport of the Russian Federation.
  • It is important to remember that entering Georgia through Abkhazia or South Ossetia is strictly prohibited.
Dominica 21
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • A document confirming the hotel room reservation or an invitation letter;
  • Sufficient amount of funds ($50 per person per day).
Dominican Republic 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
West Sahara 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Israel 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
Indonesia 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • A document confirming the hotel room reservation;
Kazakhstan 90
  • Internal or foreign passport of the Russian Federation.
Colombia 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • A document confirming the hotel room reservation;
  • The required amount of funds.
Costa Rica 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Cuba 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Required funds in the amount of 50 US dollars per person per day.
Laos 30
  • International passport, valid for at least 6 months.
Mauritius 183
  • International passport.
Macau 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Macedonia 30
  • International passport;
  • Health insurance policy;
  • The required amount of funds.
Malaysia 30
  • International passport;
  • Return tickets;
  • The required amount of funds is $500 per person.
Maldives 90
  • International passport;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Return ticket.
Morocco 90
  • International passport.
Micronesia 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • The required amount of funds.
Moldova 90
  • International passport.
Mongolia 30
  • International passport.
Nagorno-Karabakh 180
  • International passport.
Namibia 90
  • International passport.
Nicaragua 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Cash in the amount of 200 US dollars per person.
Niue 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • $56 cash per person;
  • Invitation letter or travel voucher.
Cook Islands 31
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Cash in the amount of 40 dollars per person per day.
Palau 30
  • International passport;
  • The amount of funds is not less than 200 US dollars per person for 7 days of stay in Palau;
  • Hotel reservation.
Palestine 90
  • International passport.
Panama 180
  • International passport.
Paraguay 90
  • International passport.
Peru 183
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • The required amount of funds.
Transnistria 180
Salvador 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • The required amount of funds.
Seychelles 30
  • International passport;
  • Return tickets;
  • Hotel reservation or travel voucher;
  • The required amount of money is 150 US dollars per person per day.
Senegal 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel room reservation.
Saint Kitts and Nevis 90
  • International passport;
  • Required amount of funds;
  • Return ticket.
Saint Lucia 45
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Serbia 30
  • International passport.
Suriname 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Tajikistan Unlimited stay at discretion migration service
  • Internal or foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Thailand 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Taiwan 14
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Turks and Caicos 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Tonga 31
  • International passport.
Trinidad and Tobago 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel reservation.
Tuvalu 30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Tunisia 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Türkiye 60
  • International passport;
  • Hotel reservation.
Uzbekistan Unlimited stay at the discretion of the migration service
  • International passport.
Ukraine 90
  • International passport;
  • Invitation from the country.
Uruguay 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Philippines 30
  • International passport;
  • Required amount of funds;
  • Return ticket.
Montenegro 30
  • International passport.
Chile 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Ecuador 90
  • International passport.
Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) 30
  • International passport;
  • A document confirming the hotel reservation;
  • The required amount of funds.
South Africa 90
  • International passport;
  • Documents confirming the reservation of a hotel room or other place of residence in the country.
South Korea 60
  • International passport;
  • A document confirming the hotel room reservation.
South Ossetia 90
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Jamaica 90
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Cash in the amount of 20 US dollars per person per day.

When entering any state, you must fill out a migration card.

Video: how to get medical insurance for traveling abroad

Find out from the video:

  • is it worth buying insurance;
  • how to calculate the cost of a policy;
  • how to buy and receive insurance online.

List of countries where visa is issued upon arrival

State name Permitted period of stay Cost of visa application Required documents for crossing the border
Bangladesh 30 50 US dollars
  • Foreign passport (validity of the travel document is not less than 180 days);
  • Return ticket;
  • Evidence of sufficient funds.
Bahrain 14 US$66
  • Foreign passport (valid for at least 180 days);
  • Return ticket;
  • Permission letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bahrain;
  • Printout of electronic entry permit.
Burundi 30 40 US dollars
  • International passport;
  • Permit document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
60 90 US dollars
East Timor 30 US$30
  • International passport.
Guinea-Bissau 90 85 EUR
  • International passport valid for at least 6 months;
  • Return tickets;
  • Invitation;
  • Financial guarantees;
  • Certificate confirming vaccination against yellow fever.
Djibouti 30 90 US dollars
  • Entry permit form (issued at the customs control point);
  • International passport.
Egypt 30 US$25
Zambia 90 50 US dollars
  • International passport;
  • Photocopy of travel document;
  • Medical report;
  • Round trip tickets.
Zimbabwe 90 US$30
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Sufficient amount of funds.
Jordan 60 40 dinars
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days;
  • Hotel reservation.
  • If a person flies in and out of Aqaba, he is not required to pay for a visa.
Iran 30 40 euros
  • Foreign passport valid for at least 6 months;
  • Photograph 30 by 40 mm.
Cape Verde 90 25 euros
  • Foreign passport + copy;
  • Return ticket.
Cambodia 30 US$30
  • International passport;
  • Photograph;
  • Confirmation of entry issued on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Qatar 30 For free
  • International passport valid for at least six months;
  • Return tickets;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Confirmation of solvency (availability of at least 1500 USD).
Comoros 45 30 euros
  • Foreign passport with a validity period of more than 6 months;
  • Return ticket;

Hainan Island

30 For free
  • A foreign passport with a validity period of at least 180 days.
Lebanon 30 For free
  • International passport;
  • A document confirming a hotel reservation or an invitation letter.
Mauritania 30 100 EUR
  • International passport;
  • Return tickets;
  • Tourist voucher.
Madagascar 90 35 EUR or 37 USD
  • International passport;
  • Return tickets.
Marshall Islands 90 For free
  • International passport;
  • Letter of preliminary approval of a visa application from the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mozambique 30 52 EUR or 55 USD
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Sufficient amount of funds.
Nauru 14 For free
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket.
Nepal 15 25 USD
  • International passport;
  • Questionnaire;
  • Photographs in the amount of 2 pieces.
UAE 30 For free
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel reservation or invitation.
Oman 10 6 Omani rials
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Hotel reservation or invitation.
Pitcairn 14 44 pounds
  • International passport;
  • Ticket;
  • The required amount of funds is 300 US dollars per person for 7 days of stay in the country.
Rwanda 30 USD
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Financial guarantees.
Samoa 60 For free
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • Financial guarantees.
Sao Tome and Principe 30 50 dollars
  • Permission issued through the airline;
  • International passport;
  • Ticket.
Saudi Arabia 60 440 rials (approx. 140 USD)
  • Medical insurance;
  • Hotel reservation.
Saint Helena Island (Ascension and Tristan da Cunha) 183 17 GBP
  • International passport with a validity period of more than 6 months;
  • Medical insurance;
  • Return tickets;
  • Hotel reservation;
  • Financial guarantees.
Tanzania 90 50 US dollars
  • International passport;
  • Medical report;
  • Return ticket;
  • The required amount of funds is 3.5 US dollars per person per day.
Turks and Caicos 7 US$16
  • International passport valid for 6 months;
  • Certificate of vaccinations.
Togo 7 10000 CFA (16 USD)
  • International passport;
  • Medical certificate confirming vaccination against yellow fever.
Turkmenistan 10 US$155
  • International passport;
  • An invitation letter can only be obtained by the civil service of a given country for registration of foreign residents.
Uganda 90 100 dollars
  • International passport;
  • The required amount of funds.
Fiji 120 For free
  • International passport;
  • Return tickets;
  • Financial guarantees.
CAR 7 40 US dollars
  • International passport;
  • A document confirming vaccination against yellow fever;
  • Return ticket.
Sri Lanka 30 40 USD upon arrival,

35 USD – upon preliminary registration of an e-visa

  • Permission obtained in advance from the ETA portal (issued 24-48 hours in advance);
  • International passport;
  • The required amount of money is 15 dollars per person per day;
  • Return ticket.
Eritrea 30 50 US dollars
  • Invitation letter;
  • International passport;
  • Photocopy of 1 page of the travel document;
  • Photograph;
  • Return ticket.
Ethiopia 30 50 US dollars
  • International passport;
  • Return ticket;
  • The required amount of funds.

Countries that issue a visa on arrival require each family member to have a passport, regardless of age.

List of countries for which an e-visa can be issued

  • Angola, 120 USD.
  • Gabon 90 days, 100 EUR.
  • India 30 days, 75 USD.
  • Kenya 90 days, 50 USD.
  • Cyprus 90 days, free.
  • Mexico 180 days, free.
  • Montserrat 90 days, 50 USD.
  • Myanmar 28 days, 50 USD.
  • Oman, 10 days, 5 Omani rials.
  • Rwanda 30 days, 30 USD.
  • Samoan Eastern (American) 30 days, 20 USD.
  • Sao Tome and Principe 20 EUR.
  • Solomon islands 90 days, free.
  • Sierra Leone 30 days, 140 USD.
  • Tristan da Cunha, free

Countries with visa-free transit

State name Permitted length of stay
Anguilla 24 hours
Aruba 24 hours
Bulgaria 36 hours
Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (Netherlands Antilles) 48 hours
Great Britain 24 hours
China 72 hours

Transit is only provided in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Chengdu

Curacao 48 hours
New Zealand 24 hours

Visa-free transit is possible if the final destination of the flight is Australia

Romania 24 hours
Singapore 96 hours

Countries you can enter with a visa from another country

State name What country's visa is allowed to enter with?
Albania Schengen, USA
Anguilla Great Britain
Aruba Schengen, USA
Belize Schengen, USA
Bermuda UK, USA, Canada
Bulgaria Schengen, Cyprus, Romania, Croatia
O. Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius Schengen, USA, Canada
Guadeloupe French Schengen
French Guiana French Schengen
Gibraltar Schengen, UK
Guam USA
Ireland Great Britain
Cyprus Schengen, Bulgaria, Romania
Kosovo Schengen
O. Curasay Schengen, USA
Mayotte French Schengen
Mariana Islands USA
Martinique French Schengen
Marshall Islands USA
Mexico USA, Schengen
Montserrat Schengen, USA
New Caledonia French Schengen
O. Norfolk Australia
Oman USA
Polynesia French French Schengen
Puerto Rico USA
Reunion French Schengen
Romania Schengen, Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus
Saint Barthelemy French Schengen
Saint Martin French Schengen, USA, Canada
Saint Pierre and Miquelon French Schengen
Sao Tome and Principe Schengen, USA
Turks and Caicos UK, USA, Canada
Wallis and Futuna French Schengen
Croatia Schengen, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Romania

Schengen visas to enter the above countries must be open and multiple-entry (double-entry).

Countries that have concluded an agreement with Russia on Local Border Traffic

Top 15 visa-free countries for a beach holiday

Season average temperature air during the day

Peak season water temperature

Thailand November - April +32° C +28.5° С
Vietnam November - April +30° C +25° C
India December-February +32° C +27° C
Sri Lanka All year round +31.5° С +30° C
Cyprus May-October +30° C +27.5° С
Türkiye May-October +34° C +30° C
Montenegro April-October +28° C +25° C
Egypt April-October +33° C +27° C
Cuba November - April +30° C +26° C
Dominican Republic All year round +29° C +29° C
Tunisia May-October +29° C +26° C
Morocco May-October +28° C +25° C
Georgia May-October +30° C +25° C
Abkhazia May-October +29° C +25° C
Mexico November-April +32° C +28° C

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Find out from the video:

  • best months for holidays in Turkey;
  • how the weather changes in Istanbul;
  • Is it worth going to Turkey in summer?

Visa-free countries of the former USSR

Belarus is the most friendly state to Russia

Mount Ala-Too in Kyrgyzstan


The length of stay in Uzbekistan is not limited, however, entry into the territory of this country is carried out using a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The most popular place cultural heritage is the Blue Mosque.


Visiting Armenia is possible with a foreign passport and is limited to a stay of 90 days.

The nature of the country attracts tourists who conduct excursions on foot and on horseback through pristine nature, beautiful and blooming mountain meadows. Numerous historical and architectural monuments allow you to plunge into the life of the people since time immemorial and feel like a small part of that time.

Visa-free countries in Europe and Asia

Russian tourists have the opportunity to visit countries both near and far abroad, having only a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The list of countries that can be visited without a visa is quite large.

Hong Kong, Tunisia and Laos are some of the shortest in terms of permitted period of stay. Duration of stay of a citizen of the Russian Federation from foreign passport limited to two weeks in these locations.

Hong Kong

The Indian Visa Process is Simple

Video: applying for an electronic visa to India

Find out from the video:

  • how to fill out an application for an electronic visa to India;
  • what documents are needed for a visa;
  • the amount of the visa fee and methods of payment;
  • How to obtain an electronic permit.

Every year, visa requirements change, some countries become more open, while others, on the contrary, become more and more difficult to get into. Let's look at where a Russian citizen can get in 2016 without applying for a visa at all or applying for it in a simplified mode (right at the border or online).

In fact, there are a lot of such countries, so Russian passport not so bad for a traveler - there are simply a huge number of opportunities to travel somewhere without a visa!

You can visit South America, Africa, and some European countries, even go to distant exotic islands. The only continent where you can’t get to without a visa is Australia:

Let's get a look, Which countries should Russian citizens go to in 2015? You can enter without a visa, and you can easily get there by applying for an electronic visa or a visa at the border.

  • Albania (from May 25 to September 25, 2016)
  • Belarus (up to 90 days, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (up to 30 days)
  • Macedonia (up to 90 days, a visa is not required until March 15, 2016, in addition to a passport, you also need the necessary amount of money for accommodation)
  • Moldova (up to 90 days)
  • Transnistrian moldavian republic(PMR)
  • Serbia (up to 30 days)
  • Türkiye (up to 60 days)
  • Ukraine (up to 90 days, international passport)
  • Montenegro (up to 30 days)
  • Cyprus (up to 90 days, an application for a special pro-visa can be submitted online, you need to fill out a form on the embassy website)

2. Asia

  • Abkhazia (up to 90 days, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport)
  • Azerbaijan (up to 90 days)
  • Armenia (up to 180 days per year, up to 30 days without registration)
  • Bangladesh (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Bahrain (up to 14 days, visa is issued at the border if you have return tickets, hotel reservations and the required amount)
  • East Timor (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Vietnam (up to 15 days without a visa, a free visa up to 90 days can be obtained at the airport with a confirmation letter)
  • Hong Kong (up to 14 days)
  • Georgia (up to 360 days, but it is prohibited to enter the country with stamps about crossing the borders of Russia and Abkhazia or South Ossetia)
  • Israel (up to 90 days)
  • India (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the airport if you have a valid visa permit through the Internet)
  • Indonesia (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Jordan (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Iran (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Kazakhstan (up to 90 days, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or international passport)
  • Cambodia (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border or online)
  • Qatar (up to 14 days, visa is issued at the border, permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar is required to enter)
  • Kyrgyzstan (up to 90 days, international passport)
  • China (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border, or visa-free entry with a tourist group or during a work trip)
  • Kuwait (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border, an invitation from a Kuwaiti tour operator is required)
  • Laos (up to 15 days)
  • Lebanon (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Macau (up to 30 days)
  • Malaysia (up to 30 days)
  • Maldives (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border, return ticket required)
  • Mongolia (up to 30 days)
  • Myanmar (up to 28 days, visa can be issued in advance via the Internet)
  • Nepal (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Syria (up to 15 days, visa is issued at the border only for men, women need to apply for a visa in advance)
  • Tajikistan (3 days without registration, international passport)
  • Thailand (up to 30 days)
  • Turkmenistan (up to 10 days, visa is issued at the border at the Ashgabat airport)
  • Uzbekistan (up to 90 days)
  • Philippines (up to 30 days)
  • Sri Lanka (up to 30 days, you must apply for a visa in advance online)
  • South Korea (up to 60 days)

3. South, Central and North America

  • Antigua and Barbuda (up to 30 days)
  • Argentina (up to 90 days)
  • Bahamas (up to 90 days)
  • Barbados (up to 28 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Belize (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the land border)
  • Bolivia (up to 30 days, visa issued at the border, return tickets required, yellow fever vaccination certificate)
  • Brazil (up to 90 days)
  • British Virgin Islands(visa on arrival upon entry on a cruise ship)
  • Venezuela (up to 90 days)
  • Haiti (up to 90 days)
  • Guyana (up to 90 days)
  • Guatemala (up to 90 days)
  • Honduras (up to 90 days)
  • Grenada (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Dominica (up to 21 days, return ticket, hotel reservation, proof of solvency required)
  • Dominican Republic (up to 30 days, visa on arrival)
  • Colombia (up to 90 days)
  • Costa Rica (up to 30 days)
  • Cuba (up to 30 days, return tickets required, proof of solvency)
  • Mexico (up to 180 days, you must apply for an electronic entry permit online)
  • Montserrat (1 year, visa is issued online)
  • Nicaragua (up to 90 days)
  • Panama (up to 180 days, return ticket and proof of solvency required)
  • Paraguay (up to 90 days)
  • Peru (up to 183 days, return ticket required)
  • El Salvador (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (up to 30 days, return ticket required)
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Lucia (up to 42 days)
  • Suriname (up to 60 days, visa is issued at the border if you have a visa permit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Suriname)
  • Turks and Caicos (up to 30 days, visa on arrival)
  • Trinidad and Tobago (up to 90 days)
  • Uruguay (up to 90 days)
  • Falkland Islands (up to 7 days, visa on arrival for cruise ship passengers)
  • Chile (up to 90 days)
  • Ecuador (up to 90 days)
  • Jamaica (up to 90 days, return ticket required)

4. Africa

  • Botswana (up to 90 days, return ticket required)
  • Burundi (up to 1 week, visa is issued at the border)
  • Gabon (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border or online)
  • Gambia (up to 56 days)
  • Ghana (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border with a visa permit from the Ghana Immigration Department, a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required)
  • Guinea-Bissau (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Djibouti (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Egypt (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Zambia (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Zimbabwe (up to 30 days)
  • Cape Verde (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Kenya (up to 90 days, visa is issued online)
  • Comoros (up to 45 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Cote d'Ivoire (visa on arrival with electronic permit)
  • Mauritius (up to 60 days)
  • Madagascar (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Morocco (up to 90 days)
  • Namibia (up to 90 days)
  • Saint Helena (up to 90 days)
  • Rwanda (up to 90 days)
  • Sao Tome and Principe (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border, you need to issue an electronic permit in advance on the website Migration Service)
  • Swaziland (up to 30 days)
  • Seychelles (up to 30 days)
  • Senegal (up to 90 days)
  • Somalia (up to 30 days)
  • Sierra Leone (up to 30 days, visa can be applied for online on the websites of accredited travel agencies)
  • Tanzania (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Togo (up to 7 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Tunisia (up to 90 days)
  • Uganda (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Central African Republic (up to 7 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Eritrea (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border at Asmara airport if you have a pre-issued invitation)
  • Ethiopia (up to 180 days, visa is issued at the border at Bole Airport, Addis Ababa)

5. Australia and Oceania

  • Vanuatu (up to 30 days)
  • Guam (up to 45 days)
  • Marshall Islands (up to 90 days, visa on arrival)
  • Micronesia (up to 30 days)
  • Nauru (up to 14 days)
  • Niue (up to 30 days)
  • Cook Islands (up to 31 days)
  • Palau (up to 30 days, visa issued at the border)
  • Pitcairn (up to 14 days, for cruise ship passengers)
  • Samoa (up to 30 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Northern Mariana Islands (up to 45 days)
  • Tonga (up to 31 days, visa is issued at the border)
  • Tuvalu (up to 30 days)
  • Fiji (up to 90 days, visa is issued at the border)

6. Countries with visa-free transit stay

And if you haven’t found the country you’ve been dreaming of going to on the list of visa-free countries, don’t despair! After all, now a visa to most countries can be obtained quite easily - on your own or through a visa agency. You can even order a visa online through a special service visatohome, where all documents will be processed without your personal presence. And if you need biometric data, you can even order a mobile biometrics service, when a specialist will come to any place convenient for you and take biometric data!

As you can see, the list of countries where Russian citizens can go without a visa or under a simplified scheme is simply huge! All that remains is to choose the country, buy air tickets, to book a hotel and go on a journey!

Last minute tours to visa-free countries are more popular than travel to countries with strict visa controls. And this is not surprising. Many Russian tourists, going on vacation abroad, have repeatedly encountered bureaucratic red tape associated with the need to obtain entry documents. Going through all the formalities takes a lot of time and effort, so when planning their next vacation, Russians are already consciously choosing visa-free tourist destinations. This not only allows you to save on the cost of the trip, but also saves your time and nerves. Let's talk in this article about which countries were included in the list of visa-free countries for Russians in 2017? We will also tell you where a visa will be issued under a simplified scheme?

Every year all more states demonstrates a loyal attitude towards Russian citizens visiting its territory. So, there are countries with simplified visa access; the visa issuance procedure takes place upon arrival, which is very convenient. Indeed, in this case, you initially will not have to settle issues with the travel agency and the consulate regarding obtaining permits. When going through control at the airport of arrival, it will be enough to present your international passport; in isolated cases, you will need to confirm the trustworthiness of your intentions and show a sample form of a tourist voucher or return air tickets.

When passing control, in addition to your passport, you may be asked to present a return ticket, voucher, health insurance, invitation and confirm your solvency by having a certain amount of money. There is no universal visa-free period of stay for all visa-free countries, so each country resolves this issue separately. Usually the period is 30 days, in some countries – up to 90 days, sometimes – only two weeks.

Where can you go on vacation without a visa?

Let’s take a closer look at which visa-free destinations you can choose for your holiday in 2017, and tell you about these countries. The list of the most popular and inexpensive visa-free countries includes:

  • Türkiye. Such favorite holiday destinations for Russians as Kemer, Antalya and Alanya do not need any introduction. The visa is obtained at the airport of the country of arrival and is valid for 60 days.
  • Egypt. Although political situation it can hardly be called stable; many Russians remain faithful to their choice and continue to vacation in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada. A visa is automatically issued to everyone upon arrival, valid for 30 days.
  • Thailand. Anyone planning to stay in Thailand for 30 days or less is given an arrival stamp in their passport at the airport. A visa needs to be issued only to those who want to spend 2-3 months in this country, for example, the whole winter. Single entry visa for 60 days it will cost $40 and then it can be extended for another 30 days.
  • Russians can stay in Vietnam without a visa for 15 days. If the period is longer, then here, as in many countries, you can apply for a Visa on arrival right at the airport for free.
  • Israel. Russians can enter Israel with one foreign passport, and the maximum period of stay in this country is 90 days for our tourists.
  • Georgia. A foreign passport is sufficient for entry.
  • Tunisia. A popular visa-free country for our citizens. To visit, you only need a foreign passport valid for more than 3 months from the date of application.
  • Morocco. Morocco's popularity among Russian tourists began to grow about 3-4 years ago, since then the trend has not weakened. This was largely possible due to the fact that you do not need a visa to visit this country.
  • Dominican Republic To get to the Dominican Republic, you just need to apply for a tarjeta del tourista - a tourist card and pay a fee of 10 euros for it. It allows you to stay in the republic for up to 30 days.
  • Cuba. You do not need a visa to travel to Cuba. A passport must be valid only for the duration of the trip.
  • China (Hainan Island). If a tourist from Russia flies to Hainan on his own, he can apply for a visa upon arrival at the airport. If you are part of a tourist group, then Russians do not need a visa.
  • Mexico and India. These countries require a formal visa. It can be easily completed online.
  • Jordan. You do not need to apply for a visa before traveling to Jordan. Tourists receive a permit for 40 dinars right at the airport.

Which European countries are easy to get a visa for?

Cyprus. Aphrodite Island attracts tourists with its luxurious beaches, ancient architecture and amazing nature. To get to heaven on earth you will need to apply for a visa online, valid for 90 days.

Bulgaria. To the lucky owners current Schengen, you will not have to obtain a visa, the period of stay is limited to 3 months. If there is no multiple visa, then the permit document is issued in visa center Bulgaria or the visa department at the consulate.

Montenegro. In this country, visa-free stay is allowed for 30 days, from here you can visit any visa-free neighbor - Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Herzegovina.

Serbia. You can safely travel around Serbia without a visa if your trip does not exceed 30 days.

Macedonia. Visa-free entry to Macedonia for Russians will be valid at least until March 2018.

Bosnia and Herzegovina. If you are traveling to this country for tourist purposes and for no more than 30 days, then you do not need to obtain a visa.

Greece. A short-term visa to Greece costs 35 euros. And although the procedure for obtaining a document is almost the same as in the case of obtaining a visa to any other country of the Schengen Union, Greece is the most loyal to tourists from Russia.

Which countries can you travel to with a Russian passport?

Don't forget about the most popular resort countries, entry into which is permitted with an internal Russian passport. Feel free to go there for new experiences, but remember that the period of stay for Russian tourists on their territory is limited to 90 days.

  • Abkhazia is a sunny region with amazing mountain nature, ancient caves and healing mineral springs.
  • Belarus is definitely where neither acclimatization nor the language barrier can prevent you from enjoying your vacation to the fullest.
  • Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

Average prices for last-minute tours to visa-free countries from Moscow

Traveling to countries without a visa on a last-minute tour is the ideal and most common holiday option. The cost of such tours is really 30-40% lower compared to regular options, and visa-free regime makes it easy to organize the trip itself. You can choose a tour 4-5 days before the expected date, buy it and quickly get ready. There is no need to worry about whether you will be given a visa or not.

Many exotic countries require visa-free entry; they are slightly less popular among tourists, since holidays in them are more expensive. But nevertheless, last-minute tours departing from Moscow are sold there more often than to countries where Schengen is required.