Virgin Islands. Offshore under the American flag. US Virgin Islands US Virgin Islands


The climate of the British Virgin Islands is tropical, maritime, trade wind type. Comfortable temperatures remain throughout the year. In winter on the islands it is +22-24 °C, in summer +28-29 °C, and the temperature changes little with the time of day. The precipitation rate here is up to 1300 mm per year.

In the British Virgin Islands there are 2 dry (winter, summer) and 2 wet (spring, autumn) seasons. The rainy season is most pronounced from September to November, but even then the tropical downpours are short-lived. And in July-October there are hurricanes on the islands.


The most high point US Virgin Islands - only 475 m above sea level. The surface of the islands is hilly, due to their limestone origin. In some places you can see inclusions of volcanic and crystalline rocks.

There are no rivers or lakes on the islands. On the shores of the bays you can see mangrove swamps, while the main part of the islands is covered with tropical forests. Unfortunately, some of them, along with the animal world, were destroyed by humans. You can admire the preserved lushness of nature on the island of St. John, two-thirds of which is occupied by a national park. On the island of St. Thomas one could see woodlands and shrubs that appeared on the site of former plantations. IN sea ​​waters The US Virgin Islands are home to a variety of fish, crustaceans and molluscs.


Top 10 attractions of the islands:

1. US Virgin Islands National Park, where you can get acquainted with the rarest species of animals and birds
2. Fort Christian on St. Thomas
3. Blackbird Castle
4. Market Square in Charlotte Amalie
5. Charlotte Amalie Aquarium with rare tropical fish
6. Mount St. Peter Greathouse with botanical gardens and a distillery on its slopes
7. The picturesque Cokey Bay
8. Uim Sugar Plantation on Santa Cruz Island
9. Cruzan Wineries in Christiansted
10. Uninhabited Buck Island

  • The tourist season in the US Virgin Islands is from January to April. For lovers of snorkeling and other water activities, it makes sense to fly to the islands in early summer, when there are no storms yet and housing prices are reduced.
  • Please note that the hotel bill additionally includes an 8% tax and a 10% service tip. Sometimes 3% is added to the cost of living for electricity.
  • In restaurants and cafes, tips for service are 10–15%, and in large restaurants they are initially included in the bill, and in small cafes it is customary to tip the waiter personally.
  • Please note that lifting any marine organisms and objects from the bottom, as well as collecting shells washed ashore, is prohibited. A license is required for sport fishing.


There are many hotels in the US Virgin Islands to suit every taste, but the prices can hardly be called low. Room prices resort hotels start from $250–300 per night. Economy class hotels will ask for $150–170 per night, and a room in a budget guesthouse can be rented for $80. At the same time, no matter which accommodation option you choose, you will be pleased with quality service.

Some islands also have tent camps that are popular with young people.

If you are interested in a top-class holiday, then in the US Virgin Islands you can rent a villa on the coast. Prices start from $5 thousand per week.


Sea and air communications are developed between the islands, and on large islands no problem renting a scooter, car or taking a taxi. True, the distances between the resorts here are relatively short, so many travelers prefer to travel on foot or by bicycle.


Keep in mind that you can take purchases out of the island duty-free if their total value does not exceed $1,200. By the way, in the US Virgin Islands you can profitably buy watches, jewelry, equipment for photography and video shooting, perfumes, leather goods and porcelain. Stores are open strictly according to schedule: Mon-Sat from 9:00 to 17:00.

Also be sure to visit the local markets. Sellers are happy to bargain, and you can buy souvenirs quite inexpensively. The most popular are handicrafts, rum, spices, and tea. Treat yourself to fresh fruit.


Top 5 things to do in the US Virgin Islands:

1. Diving
2. Cruise the US Virgin Islands and the Caribbean
3. Helicopter excursion
4. Visiting one of the local festivals (for example, Fireworks Week at the end of June or the Crucian Festival in January)
5. Sport fishing

Business climate

Every year on American Virgin Islands about 2 million travelers arrive. Accordingly, the tourism and service industries are rapidly developing here.

Industry also plays a special role. The islands are home to one of the largest oil refineries in the world. Local residents are also employed in the production of rum, textiles, and the assembly of electronics and watches. Agriculture is poorly developed, but the financial sector, dependent on the US economy, has all the conditions for rapid growth.

The earliest human settlements in the Virgin Islands date back to approximately 1500 BC. e, although there is evidence of the presence of people here at least a thousand years earlier. The Chiboni, Arawak and Carib Indians successively replaced each other for almost three thousand years. In 1493, Columbus's ships approached the eastern part of the archipelago, known today as the British Virgin Islands, and after him a wave of European settlers poured into the islands - the British, French, Danes, Spaniards and Knights of Malta attempted to take possession of the islands for almost two centuries . It was not until 1672 that the Danish West India Company established its presence on St. Thomas, and in 1694 on St. John. In 1733, the same company acquired the island of Santa Cruz from the French, uniting all three islands under Danish jurisdiction. The sugar industry that developed here was completely dependent on slavery, so African slaves were intensively imported to the islands, and the largest slave auctions in the world are held in Charlotte Amalie (suffice it to say that in 1797, for example, out of a population of thirty thousand on the islands, slaves accounted for 25.5 thousand !). After the abolition of slavery in 1848, the sharp rise in labor costs of freed slaves, drought, hurricanes and falling sugar prices led to a sharp deterioration in the economic situation of the Danish West Indies, and the rapidly growing United States turned its attention to these conveniently located islands and their deep-water harbors. Just the beginning Civil War did not allow the Senate to allocate the required $7.5 million for the acquisition of St. Thomas and St. John from Denmark. After the outbreak of World War I, when there was a real threat of occupation of the islands by German troops and thereby establishing control over the eastern entrance to the Panama Canal, Denmark sold its possessions in the Virgin territory for $25 million in gold - the highest price the United States had ever paid for Caribbean land.

Nowadays, this small piece of land is a recognized center for duty-free trade and tourism. Despite the fact that the government of the US Virgin has never sought to give tourism a dominant position in the economy, it employs more than a third of the entire working population of the islands, and the development of recreation infrastructure continues at a rapid pace. The landscape of the Virgin Islands is dramatic and includes the dense subtropical forests of the St. John Hills, barren and arid patches of succulent vegetation along the coastal hills, extensive mangrove swamps and beautiful beaches - making the Virgin Islands one of the best beach areas in the Caribbean. Luxurious resorts, an armada of cruise ships that regularly visit the islands, excellent conditions for diving, windsurfing and mass yachting regularly attract more than one and a half million tourists a year.

St. Thomas

St. Thomas Island occupies a strategically important location in the Anegada Strait, a key shipping route for the Panama Canal. Having one of the best deep-water harbors in the Caribbean, St. Thomas, with its picturesque capital and developed duty-free zone, is well developed as a resort area and is literally oversaturated with shops, hotels and restaurants. The island itself is strikingly beautiful - the forested slopes of picturesque hills form numerous capes separating beautiful bays and coves filled with turquoise blue water. There are more than forty beautiful beaches, and excellent dive sites are found at almost every turn.

Charlotte Amalie

The capital of the property, Charlotte Amalie, was founded by the Danes in 1672, and its modern name named after the Danish queen, wife of King Christian V, in 1691. Today it is a lively and bustling city, with extremely polite local residents (this property is considered national peculiarity islanders), always crowded with tourists and very hectic. The center of the city, as you might guess, is its port, which in some incomprehensible way has preserved the Danish style and is constantly filled with giant cruise ships. Framed by a string of duty-free shops, tidy old warehouses painted in pastel colors, green parks and service buildings, it is topped by the modest building of Fort Christian, the city's main historical landmark. The fortress was built in 1672 as a joint post for guarding the port from attacks by pirate armadas, a government house, a church and a meeting room for the city community at the same time. When the threat of pirate invasion disappeared, the fort became a prison, and since 1987 has housed the Museum of the Virgin Islands with an extensive collection of natural heritage region and art (open from Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 16.30, on Saturdays from 10.00 to 15.00). The fort complex is now considered the oldest European structure on St. Thomas.

On nearby Government Hill looms the medieval skyline of Skatesborg, better known today as Blackbird Castle. One of many fortresses built by the Danes in the 17th century to protect the island, Skatesborg is the only fortification of its kind and age in the Caribbean. Local legends give this building a special flavor, according to which it was here that the famous pirate of the 19th century lived, who served as the prototype for the famous literary character - the misogynist Bluebeard (which is why it is often called Bluebird Castle).

A little further south, on Veterans Drive, stands the green Legislative Building (open daily, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), which today houses the islands' government office. And to the north, on Norre Gade, stands the Gregorian church Frederick Lateran Church (built in 1850 on the site of the first Danish church in the Virgin Islands, which was destroyed by fire and hurricanes). To the north-east of the church, on Köngens Gade, stands the imposing white mansion Government House (1866, open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, free entry), which originally housed the Danish Colonial Council. Now here is the office of the administration of the US Virgin Islands and Art Museum featuring works by renowned local artists. Somewhat to the west, the palm-lined Ninety Nine Steps staircase (as if in defiance of its name, it has 103 steps rather than 99) begins, leading north to the top of Government Hill, from where a beautiful panorama of the harbor and surrounding city neighborhoods opens up.

A little to the west, on Crystal Gade, rises the unique Beracha V "Shalom V" Gimilat Chasidim synagogue, which was built by Jews fleeing Spain. The first synagogue building was erected on this site in 1796 and, after a fire destroyed it in 1804, it was rebuilt in 1833 - thus, it is the oldest synagogue in the United States and the second oldest in the Western Hemisphere (open Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 16.00). Next door is the Weible Museum (open from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 16.00) - an interesting exhibition of the three-hundred-year history of the Jewish community on the islands, as well as the Camille Pissarro Gallery, housed in the very building where this artist, one of the founders, was born in 1830 French school of impressionism. Somewhat to the east, on Nyi Gade, is the modest church of St. Thomas Reformed Church (19th century), and to the south, on Main Street, rises the majestic three-story Crown House (18th century) - the home of Peter von Scholten, Governor General Danish West Indies.

Also at the foot of Government Hill you can find the Seven Arches Museum, or the Danish Museum, the “Pillar of Venus” on Magnolia Hill, the green Emancipation Park (1848), the Lavalette House mansion and the semicircular green block at its western wall (locals they simply call it the Park), the beautiful Vendors Plaza and Drakes Sea - the place where the famous captain Francis Drake first landed on the island at the end of the 16th century (the beach itself is located outside the capital). A huge number of duty-free shops are concentrated in the port area, between Raadets Gade, Main Street and Post Office Alley - here you can buy almost every conceivable product from all over the world, and at very liberal prices.

In the eastern part of the bay stretches the Havensight Alley area, where there are several picturesque alleys, a dock for cruise ships and the famous Atlantis submarine, which dives to a depth of up to 30 meters with tourists on board, as well as the terminus of the Skyride Paradise Tramway , which takes tourists to the top of Slag Hill (210 m). Double Danish-English street signs here emphasize the rich historical past of this area, and the shady alleys create a uniquely romantic atmosphere.

Around the city

The entrance to Charlotte Amalie Harbor is closed by two fairly large islands - Hassel Island (0.22 sq. km) and Water Island (0.49 sq. km). Uninhabited Hassel Island is part of the Virgin Islands National Park System and is home to a nature reserve of the same name. Of the historical buildings here, you can only find the ruins of an old British military garrison (19th century) and the construction of a hotel, abandoned for many years - the rest of the island is given over to the power of plants.

Water Island is famous for its beautiful beaches and is a favorite Sunday destination for residents of the capital. Here you can explore the underground Fort Segarra, built to protect the shipping zone during the Second World War (excursions are available through the tunnels and underground casemates of the fort), observation deck(a former correctional point of the same fort), Botanical gardens in the very center of the island, the ruins of old plantations (considered unique in their way, since the island and plantations belonged to free (!) immigrants from Africa), primarily the well-preserved Caroline Point- Plantation. The island's most popular beach is Honeymoon Beach, with soft white sand in the sheltered Drift Bay.

3.5 km west of the city, on the slopes of the “mountain” of St. Peter Greathouse, are the Botanical Gardens (open daily, from 9.00 to 16.00). In addition to a wonderful set of plantings containing around 200 specimens from across the region, there is an old distillery and a shop selling local arts and crafts. At the same distance east of the city limits, in the town of Tata, there is green Zone Taillet Gardens is a real “city of craftsmen”, where you can see all types of local crafts and the artisans themselves at work, as well as buy their works in a small shop (the popular Mexican restaurant Pollis is located nearby). A north of the capital, in the very center of the island, rises Mount Drake's Seat (413 m) with a memorial sign installed on its top, from the place of which, as local legends say, Sir Francis Drake himself watched the surrounding waters and ships passing through the strait. And the view from here is truly amazing. At the northern foot of Drakes Sea lies Magens Bay Beach, touted by National Geographic Magazine as one of the most beautiful beaches on the planet. To the west lies a huge shopping complex Mountain Top, which offers unprecedented discounts and a huge selection of goods (by the way, it is the “homeland” of the world famous Banana Daiquiri cocktail, which is mixed exclusively with local Cruzan rum).

Red Hook

The small town of Red Hook, located on the very east of the island, is often called the "little capital of St. Thomas." Indeed, it has all the “conveniences” of Charlotte Amalie, albeit on a smaller scale. Ferries from Saint John, Tortola and numerous resort islands come here east coast, there is a popular yacht anchorage and many shops, several shady alleys and a huge number of good restaurants. But the main attraction of the city is the famous Marine Park Coral World at Cockey Point (open daily from 9am to 5.30pm; admission US$18 for adults, US$9 for children). This 4.5-acre park contains an Underwater Observatory, a Marine Trail (an underwater tunnel with transparent walls leading to a sunken tanker turned artificial reef; admission costs $68), a special aquarium containing sea turtles and iguanas, as well as Coqui Beach itself in Smith Bay - probably best beach for snorkeling on the island. The surrounding waters of St. John Bay, Red Bay, Cockey Bay, Great Bay, Compet Bay and Nazareth Bay are surrounded by a large natural reef, providing many opportunities for marine recreation.


St. Thomas's rugged coastline offers a huge variety of coves, bays, headlands and peninsulas, where beach areas can be found, each with its own natural conditions. On the north coast best place For relaxation by the sea, Magens Bay, protected by two capes, with its almost two-kilometer strip of beach, as well as the Hull Bay area, are considered. In the west, Hull Bay Beach with its Inner Brass and Outer Brass reefs is very popular, especially among windsurfers. To the east, Sapphire Beach (especially for windsurfers and divers) and the entire coastline of Wessup Bay near Red Hook are noteworthy.

The shores on the south side of the island are not so good - there are more rocky areas and mangrove swamps, but not far from the capital you can find good (and deserted!) beaches of Brewers Bay, 5 km west of the city, and the well-maintained Morningstar Beach in Frenchmans -Reef (1.5 km south of Havensite), quiet Limetri Beach, as well as the excellent Bolongo Beach and the resort area of ​​the same name around it, which can be reached by the Reefer ferry ($3 each way). Bluebird Beach is known for its excellent windsurfing conditions, while Coqui Beach northeast coast Popular with scuba diving enthusiasts. There is only one on the islands a good place for surfing - Hill Bay west of Magens Bay.

Saint John

Saint John Island is the smallest of the group's main islands and the oldest of them. The top of the ancient underwater volcano, rising 364 meters out of the water in the form of Mount Kemelberg Peak, forms with its slopes a complex system of capes and bays that stand out strongly into the sea, which are a real paradise for nature lovers. Once known as a thriving agricultural community founded in the early 18th century by Danish settlers, this rocky and wild island with its superb white beaches is now considered the best place for active rest. Its main attraction is the Virgin Islands National Park, densely overgrown with lush tropical forest. The history of its origin is somewhat unusual - in the middle of the 20th century, the American financier Lawrence Rockefeller visited Saint John and, inspired by its beauty, simply bought part of the island and built a private resort and a small (then tent) camp on the site of an old sugar plantation. Rockefeller donated the remaining undeveloped 2000 hectares to the government of the country, and today this territory, occupying almost two-thirds of the island, has been turned into a protected area of ​​the national park.

One of best excursions around the island is the Bordeaux Mountain Trail, which leads to the top of the mountain of the same name, as well as the peaks of Kemelberg and Mami, offering quite strenuous excursions and magnificent scenery, while a walk to the old Annaberg plantation allows you to explore the partially restored ruins of the plantation and sugar mill. factory of the 18th century. The national park also covers a large area of ​​adjacent reef areas, providing excellent diving sites with vibrant marine life. Particularly popular are the very beautiful Trunk Bay, as well as Reef Bay and Salt Pond Bay.

Cruz Bay

The main city on the island, Cruz Bay, was founded in early XIX century by Danish soldiers from St. Thomas, who equipped the south- west coast observation post and outpost. Now half of the island’s almost 4 thousand inhabitants live here, and the best shops, restaurants and facilities are concentrated nightlife St. John's. Unlike other capitals of the islands, there are no special examples of architecture or history, but this is a very suitable place for a quiet and cozy pastime. The center of the city is, naturally, the port in an unusual L-shaped bay, the Municipal Park and its pavilion, where all the island’s guests like to gather over a glass of beer, as well as the Mongus Junction shopping alley in the north-eastern corner of the port area. Wharfside Village Beach is the only beach within the city, although swimming is not recommended due to heavy traffic in the city's harbour. But here, right on the shore, there is an extensive shopping area, not inferior in its variety of retail outlets to the Mongus Junction area.

A five-minute walk from the city center stands the Elaine-ion-Sprouve mansion (XVIII century), which now houses a library and a fairly extensive collection of materials and things on the history and culture of the countries of the Caribbean region. 7 km northeast of the city, overlooking Leinster Bay, you can find the well-preserved Annaberg Plantation (1733, entry $4). And almost in the very center of the island you can visit the ruins of the old Katherineberg plantation and sugar factory, which served as the headquarters for the leaders of the slave revolt in the 1730s. On the opposite south coast islands, in Reef Bay, there are several more interesting ruins of old plantations (all of them lie within National Park Virgin Islands).

Besides the capital, the only serious city on the island is Coral Bay- the location of the first Danish colony on St. John, which these days is a fairly rapidly growing commercial area with many restaurants and shops (however, they are mostly popular only with local residents). This is also where the most old church on the island - Emmaus Moravian Church (until 1733).

To the west of Reef Bay, near a small cascade of waterfalls of the same name, a whole group of petroglyphs was discovered, which were allegedly left by the Taino Indians about a thousand years before Europeans arrived in these parts. In Cinamon Bay, excavations uncovered a Taino ceremonial center, where numerous examples of pottery with symbolism identical to the Reef Bay petroglyphs were discovered. On the eastern side of the island, in the area of ​​the Rams Head rock jutting out into the sea, there is a favorite viewing platform for all guests of the island, which offers a majestic panorama of the adjacent islands and straits, as well as a beautiful view of the nearby thickets of cacti, sometimes blooming in whole groups.


The seemingly rocky shores of Saint John provide excellent conditions for relaxation by the sea for all categories of tourists. White sand beach in Leinster Bay, famous beach Maho, Francis Bay and Watermelone Cay are excellent for civilized beach holiday. The shores of Watermalone Cay, Great Laimshaw Bay and Little Laimshaw Bay are excellent for diving and snorkelling, while the ever-crowded shores of Trunk Bay, Caneel Bay, Hawksnest Bay and Cinamon Bay serve as the center of local social life.

Santa Cruz

The island of Santa Cruz (locals call it Santa Croix or Sainte-Croix) is much less developed in terms of tourism than Saint Thomas, but it is an excellent place to “disconnect” from the benefits of civilization and have a relaxing holiday on isolated shores of the tropical coast. The largest, flattest, and southernmost of the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Croix is ​​surrounded by magnificent coral reefs and has about a hundred old sugar plantations and stone towers Numerous windmills noticeably diversify the rather calm local landscape. The island's landscape is a mixture of the low, rocky hills ("sierras") of the north, the vast fertile coastal plain of the south, tropical forest and, of course, picturesque coastlines. Almost the entire island has been managed by the National Park Service since 1948 and has retained its natural and historical charm.


Former capital US Virgin Islands and an old Danish colony, Christiansted has repeatedly won the honorary title of "the prettiest town in the Caribbean." The city was founded by Danish settlers in 1735 and named after Christian VI, King of Denmark. Situated in a vast bay on the northern shore of the island, Christiansted is laid out so simply and intelligently that it is simply impossible to get lost in its territory. The austere lines of old Danish warehouses, customs houses, government buildings and a church cluster around a beautiful harbour, with some of the city's oldest houses built from bricks that were brought to the islands as ballast on sea ​​vessels even 500 years ago.

Almost all of Christiansted's historical attractions, interspersed with small restaurants and picturesque courtyards, are centered around the old fort, at the junction of Christiansted Harbor and Gallows Bay. Fort Christiansvaern (Christiansted) was built in 1749-1774. and protected the city from pirates and unruly slaves until 1878, when it was converted into a police department. From the battlements of the fort there is a beautiful panorama of the harbor and ramparts, abundantly lined with old guns. Today, the fort complex is surrounded by the green area of ​​Hamilton-Jackson Park, around which all the old buildings of the city are concentrated. Here you can see the Stipple Building - the first church built by the Danes after the colonization of the island (now home to the Historical Museum with an extensive collection of exhibits from pre-Columbian times to the colonial era), the impressive Government House (1747), the Old Customs House (now used as an art Gallery), Scale House, the Post Office Building, Alexander Hamilton House and the immaculate St George's Village Botanical Garden, which contains over 1,500 varieties of plants planted around the old plantation buildings, workshops and distillery.

Just a block southwest stands the imposing Lord God of Sabbat Lutheran Church, the Florence Williams Library complex, the City Tourist Office and Trade area, and a little to the north, along the shore of the bay, stretches the picturesque seaside promenade Boardwalk. Even further to the southwest, in the area of ​​​​the former city outskirts, you can see the Gothic Anglican Church of St. John with an extensive cemetery near its walls, the Catholic Holy Cross Catholic Church and the huge Friedentshall Moravian Church (XVIII century, both churches are considered the most the oldest of the temples of these faiths on US soil). Almost lost among the impressive churches is another historical monument of the city - the Christiansted Pharmacy, founded by a young Danish pharmacist in 1828 (the pharmacy itself was closed in 1970, and its equipment was moved to the Vim Estate Museum, but in the late 1990s everything was returned to its original state the place where the Historical Hall was opened). Even further to the west stands the new Senate building.

On the other side of Gallows Bay lies the Christiansted Marina and the small beach of the Kay Hotel, and further to the northwest, in Cane Bay, there is a large beach complex with a restaurant and dive center. The old Santa Cruz Aquarium, located almost in the center of the city, is currently closed, and its inhabitants are preparing to move to a new location. Approximately 5 km west of Christiansted is the Salt River Canal, a freshwater channel that allows yachts to enter the port. The area is part of the National Ecological and Historical Park complex, since it was here that sailors from Columbus's caravels first landed to explore the island, and it was here that many interesting archaeological finds from the pre-Columbian era were discovered. Further west along West Airport Road is the Cruz Rum Distillery, where you can sample any brand of local rum and watch the production process. Nearby lies the green Kramer Park with beautiful beach and an area for organizing picnics.


On the west coast, in a vast bay that almost entirely occupies this part of the island, is located the port city of Frederiksted, which is somewhat smaller than Christiansted. Founded around the same time as the capital of the island, the city fell victim to a huge fire in 1879, which almost completely destroyed all buildings. Therefore, many of his modern historical monuments are only carefully restored copies standing on foundations from the mid-18th century. Its main monument is the large Fort Frederick next to the pier, which was built in 1760 (now an art gallery and museum, open Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 16.00). It was at this fort that on July 3, 1848, Governor General Pieter van Scholten signed a decree abolishing slavery in the Danish West Indies. Favorite local attractions also include St. Paul's Anglican Church (1812), St. Patrick's Catholic Church (1842), the old Danish school (mid-1830s, all on Prince Street), Lutheran and Moravian churches, as well as St. Ann's Catholic Church on Center Island.

Not far from the city are the 35-meter Crack Dam and the 15-acre Rhine Forest Nature Reserve with a small workshop of wood carvers (it is worth noting that local craftsmen use only the wood of dead trees as the starting material), as well as the exotic Mahogany tree lined Road (the forest itself around the road is private property, access to its territory is possible only with the permission of the owner).

In the eastern part of the island, noteworthy are Fort Frederick (19th century) and the surrounding picturesque area of ​​old houses, the only Santa Cruz lighthouse on the island (19th century) on the top of the Hams Bluff cliff, the neoclassical mansion of the Wim Estate plantation (18th century) with windmill, unusually curved walls and a unique dry moat that served to ventilate this huge building (now there is a small museum), as well as the famous Point Adall and its Millennium Monument - the easternmost point of the United States. Nearby stands the “Heavenly Eye” - a colossal radio telescope antenna for exploring the Universe (one of 9 similar antennas of a single system of radio telescopes framing the entire territory of the United States). And to the north, beyond the narrow Buck Island Channel, lies a vast area National Nature Reserve Buck Island Reef (1962), consisting of 700 acres of pristine reef and 180 acres of land (Buck Island itself). The entire island and its surrounding reef are designated as a protected area, but diving is permitted and there are even real underwater excursions - the Turtle Bay Trail and the East End Trail (staghorn coral, which is found in abundance). in these waters, belongs to the best examples of this species on the planet).


The island's attractions also include its excellent beaches and excellent diving sites. The best beach areas of Santa Cruz are located along its north coast, in the areas of Cane Bay Beach, Buccaneer Beach, Cheney Bay Beach, Coakley Bay Beach, Columbus Landing Beach, Gentle Winds Beach, Grapetree Bay, Isaacs Bay, Jacks Bay, West End Beach and Sugar Beach. The main places for diving and snorkeling are concentrated in these same regions. Colony Cove Beach is widely known for its beautiful reef, in addition to which there is also an artificial reef made from old tires. Other excellent beach areas include Cormoran Beach Club and Hibiscus Hotel Beach west of Christiansted, Cramer Park Public Beach at the end of Route 82, Reef Beach in Teague Bay, and the beautiful secluded Sandy Point Beach in the southwest. corner of the island, quiet sand beach Shoe Beach east of Christiansted, as well as the one and a half kilometer Spratt Hull and Rainbow Beach Club north of Frederiksted.

Vladimir Dergachev

American Virgin Islands (AVO) are located 60 km east of Puerto Rico. The islands of St. Thomas, St. John's and St. Croix stand out. AVOs have the status of an unincorporated organized territory of the United States, in other words, an American colony. They are part of the Virgin Islands, which also includes the British Virgin Islands.

The population of the AVO is 106.4 thousand people (2010). Residents have the status of citizens of the United States.

The Virgin Islands were discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1493. The islands were successively owned by Great Britain, Spain, France and the Order of Malta. Denmark subsequently took possession of the island of St. Thomas, captured the island of St. John's and bought the island of St. Croix from France. However, local sugar cane plantations, with the exception of Santa Cruz Island, did not generate income, so the trade in slaves and rum flourished. The port of St. Thomas became a base for Caribbean pirates. After the decline of the slave trade and sugar production, the Danish West India Company sold the islands to the United States in 1917 for $25 million, which was equal to six months of the Danish state's budget.

The Russian Empire also considered purchasing St. John's Island for a naval base, and Russian warships visited the local harbor. But, probably, in St. Petersburg they thought for a long time, unlike the Americans.

The world's oldest Knights of Malta, the Order of the Roman Catholic Church, left its mark on the history of the West Indies. In 1651, the Hospitallers acquired several islands, including the island of St. Martin, and later received private ownership of the island of St. Croix. But in 1665, the Order sold its holdings to the French West India Company.

The US Virgin Islands consists of three counties: Santa Cruz (50.6 thousand inhabitants) with the administrative center of Christiansted County, Mente Thomas (51.6 thousand inhabitants) with the administrative center of the ownership of Charlotte Amalie, and St. John's ( 4.2 thousand inhabitants).

The population is 76% black and 13% white. The language is predominantly English (75%). Baptists (42%) and Catholics (34%) predominate. The average life expectancy under the tropical sun is 82 years for women and 76 years for men.

President of the AVO Barak Obmana, head of the executive branch - governor. Three parties are vying for a seat in the Senate.
The basis of the territory's economy is tourism (80% of GDP), income exceeds over $600 million. More than 2 million tourists visit AVO annually. St. Thomas and its beaches are included in the world TOP 10 most beautiful islands and beaches of the world. The island is one of the top tropical resorts in the United States where Americans escape the winter.

Information about the main disadvantage of Caribbean cruises. Many tourists go to the West Indies to come face to face with pristine nature. But when two or three moors to the island every day cruise superliner, local beaches turn into overcrowded ghettos or psychodromes.

On the island of Santa Cruz was located one of the largest oil refineries in the Western Hemisphere of the American company Amerada Hess, with a capacity of 23 million tons per year. The refinery operated on Venezuelan oil. Despite Hugo Chavez's confrontation with the United States, Venezuela sold oil to the United States. An agreement was reached with American President Bill Clinton on a price corridor for Venezuelan oil. Subsequently, a law was passed requiring transnational corporations to keep 30% of profits from oil sales (instead of 16%). By 2007, the nationalization of oil companies was completed.
Losses of the joint venture of the American corporation Hess and the state oil company of Venezuela (Hovensa company) amounted to $1.3 billion. This was caused by the nationalization of American oil companies in Venezuela, as well as a reduction in demand due to the global crisis and an increase in production volumes in emerging markets. The refinery is being converted into a storage tank for petroleum products.

A US territory on the western part of the islands of the same name in the West Indies. Consist of 68 islands, most of which are uninhabited. total area 355 km2, population 123.5 thousand people. (est. 2002). The administrative center is Charlotte Amalie (11 thousand people, estimate 2000) on the island of St. Thomas. Official language- English. National holiday - Transfer Day (from Denmark to the USA) on March 27. Currency unit- U.S. dollar. Associate member of ECLAC.

Sights of the US Virgin Islands

Geography of the US Virgin Islands

Located between 17°30′ and 18°40′ north latitude and 64°35′ and 65°15′ west longitude, they occupy the northwestern part of the Lesser Antilles. Washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and Caribbean Sea on South. Length coastline- 188 km. The largest islands (km2): Santa Cruz (Saint Croix) (212), St. Thomas (82), St. John (48) - volcanic in origin, prone to earthquakes. The terrain is hilly, the highest point being Crown Mountain (474 ​​m) on the island of St. Thomas. Small islands are of coral origin, flat. The climate is tropical, winter temperatures +22-28°C, summer temperatures +26-31°C. The annual precipitation level is 1120 mm. Rainy season from May to November. Tropical storms are possible from July to October. Surface water sources on three large islands. Redwood and sumac forests remain on 6% of the area. On the island of Saint John - national park, occupying 2/3 of its territory.

Population of the US Virgin Islands

Annual natural increase 1.0% (2002 estimate), birth rate 15.9%, mortality 5.6%, infant mortality 9.2 people. per 1000 newborns. Average life expectancy is 78.4 years, incl. women - 82.5, men - 74.6. Population aged 0-14 years - 26.7%, 15-64 years - 64.2%, 65 years and older - 9.1%. There are 100 women for every 87 men. Literacy among adults is 95%. Natives of the US Virgin Islands make up 49% of the population, other West Indian countries and territories - 32%, USA - 13%, Puerto Rico - 4%, others (mostly Latin Americans and Europeans) - 2%. By race, 78% of the population is black, 10% is white, 12% is mulatto. Over 20% of residents use it at home Spanish. Almost half of the residents are on St. Croix, St. 45% - in St. Thomas. By religion - 2/3 are Protestants, incl. 42% Baptists, 34% Catholics.

History of the US Virgin Islands

The Arawak Indian tribes settled in the US Virgin Islands in the 1st century. BC. In the 15th century AD supplanted by the Caribs. The islands were discovered by the expedition of H. Columbus in 1493. In 1555 the Spaniards took possession of them. The first settlements were founded by the British and French on St. Croix in 1625, after which it different time belonged to the French, British, Dutch and the Order of Malta. The Danes colonized St. Thomas in 1672 and St. John in 1683 and bought St. Croix in 1733. In 1754 the islands were declared a colony of the Danish West Indies. In 1801-02 and 1807-15 they were under British control. Before the abolition of slavery in 1848, 28 thousand slaves were imported. In 1917 the islands controlling the main route from Atlantic Ocean to the Panama Canal, were purchased by the United States for $25 million. Until 1931, the US Virgin Islands were governed by the Department of the Navy, after which supervisory functions were transferred to the Ministry of the Interior. In 1954 local self-government was introduced and the Senate was created. Since 1970, the appointed governor began to be elected by the population.

Government and political system of the American Virgin Islands

Under the Constitution, which is the Revised Organic Act of 1954, the US Virgin Islands have the status of an unincorporated territory of the United States, administered by the Department of the Interior. Local natives have American citizenship, but do not take part in presidential elections. The head of state is the President of the United States. The head of government is the governor, elected by universal suffrage for a term of 4 years (since 1999, C. W. Turnbal, re-elected in 2002 for a second term). Limited legislative functions are performed by the Senate of 15 members, elected once every 2 years. Decisions made by the Senate are subject to mandatory approval by the governor. Since 1973, the US Virgin Islands has elected one non-voting member to the US House of Representatives. There are local branches of the US Democratic and Republican parties, the Movement of Independent Citizens, created in 1970. The Democratic Party has been ruling since 1999, and includes the governor and member of the US House of Representatives from the US Virgin Islands. In the 2002 elections, it increased representation in the local Senate from 6 to 8 members.

Economy of the US Virgin Islands

GDP based on the purchasing power of currencies in 2000 was estimated at $1.8 billion. Inflation is consistently below 3%. Employment in 2002 - 49 thousand people, of which in the service sector - approx. 80% of the economically active population (in tourism - about 70%), in agriculture - 1%, the rest - in industry and construction. Since the 1960s There is a restructuring of the economic structure, traditionally based on the sugar industry and the production of rum. The basis of the economy is tourism, which creates St. 70% of GDP. Annual number of tourists approx. 2 million people, St. 2/3 - cruise. The maximum figure - 2.5 million - was registered in 2000. The bulk of tourists are from the USA. The majority of industrial enterprises are concentrated on Santa Cruz, incl. the largest oil refinery in the Western Hemisphere with a capacity of 550 thousand barrels. per day. There is an alumina plant, watches are assembled from imported components, electronic devices, plastics, medicines, woolen clothing, and rum are produced. Since 1993, manufactured products manufactured in the US Virgin Islands can be labeled as “made in the USA.” Agricultural land is occupied by approx. 20% of the territory, cultivation of sorghum, root crops, vegetables and fruits for domestic needs, on Santa Cruz - breeding of Senopol cattle, adapted to tropical conditions. Length highways 856 km. The largest ports are Christiansted, Frederiksted (Santa Cruz), Charlotte Amalie, Cruz Bay (Saint John). Ferry service between the islands and with the British Virgin Islands. Airports on St. Thomas and St. Croix. Telephoned to St. 90% of houses. Foreign trade turnover is at the level of 3-3.5 billion dollars, up to 90% comes from the USA and Puerto Rico. GDP production, calculated by purchasing power, per capita in 2002 amounted to 19 thousand dollars. Hiring and payment of labor are carried out in accordance with US labor laws. In 2001, the minimum wage in the public sector (27% of employees) was $15 thousand per year. Almost all residents have their own homes. Almost 4/5 of families have personal cars.

Science and culture of the US Virgin Islands

Universal compulsory and free education for children aged 5 to 16.5 years. There are 24 public primary and 10 secondary schools with 9.9 thousand and 8.2 thousand students respectively (2002/03). 22 private schools with 12 thousand students. Higher education is provided at the University of Virginia, with campuses in St. Croix and St. Thomas. All forms of education covered 2.5 thousand students. There are 3 daily newspapers and a weekly published on St. Croix, and a weekly on St. Thomas. 16 radio stations and 2 television stations. In Charlotte Amalie - the National and Architectural Museums, in Christiansted - the Danish Museum.

Travel notes, day 17

We continue our journey through Caribbean Islands. Today the Virgin Islands. They are divided by three territories: the British Virgin Islands, the American Virgin Islands and the Spanish Virgin Islands. Few people know Spanish in general, since they belong to Puerto Rico. The Virgin Islands have become famous throughout the world for their offshore companies. This is the merit of the British part; it is often called the offshore capital of the world, because up to 40% of offshore companies are registered here. The American part of the islands is the most populated; they sell diamonds and engage in oil refining.

01. Sailing to the British Virgin Islands (BVI, abbreviated locally as BVI, after the first letters of the English name of the territory).

02. Russian citizens need a separate visa to visit the BVI, which is issued by the British consulate.

03. The islands all have steep terrain on which houses stand. There are 25,000 people living in the BVI. Such a big village.

04. The Virgin Islands are familiar to us. This is the world's largest offshore company. There is no corporate income tax or income tax in the British Virgin Islands individuals, there is also no VAT or sales tax.

05. 40% of all offshore companies in the world are registered in the BVI. Why here? Here you can open a company in 1 day, no one picks on the documents, and the most important thing is confidentiality: in the British Virgin Islands there is no single register of beneficiaries. However, more recently, the authorities of this British overseas jurisdiction began discussing the possibility of creating a single open register of owners. So they might close the shop soon.

06. Let's see what the offshore capital of the world looks like. So, Road Town is the capital of the British Virgin Islands.

The directory says that 10,000 people live here. I don't know where they live here. The whole city can be walked around in 10 minutes. We would be embarrassed to call it a city. A large village, probably: 4 streets, 2 shops.

07. This is the island administration.

08. In order to somehow brighten up the impressions of visiting tourists, all the houses in the center were painted in acid colors.

09. The brighter the better.

10. However, not a single local resident paints his house like this.

11. There is nothing at all in the city. I'm not exaggerating this. Several streets with colorful sheds housing cafes and souvenir shops.

12. Several stores with junk.

13. Market.

14. The main supermarket in the country. Public transport absent: only taxis and rental cars.

15. I don’t really understand why tourists come here.

16. Local resident.

17. In 10 minutes the city ends, the forest begins.

18. The city is one of the main centers for yacht chartering in the Caribbean.

19. Let's go back.

20. There are old houses on the outskirts.

21. On the right is the oldest building in the city: this is the former royal prison on Main Street, built in the 1840s

22. Now I understand why it takes only 1 day to register a company in the BVI. No one can stand to be here anymore.

23. A great place to come for an hour on business and get back faster.

24. Business center offshore capital.

26. The remaining islands of the BVI are sparsely populated.

27. We are sailing to a neighboring state - the American Virgin Islands (AVO, or simply the Virgin Islands). In English, Virgin Islands of the United States, but when Americans say “Virgin Islands,” they mean the American ones. We often say “Virgin Islands”, meaning the British ones, where there are offshore companies. On American islands There are no offshore companies. So it is more correct to say “British Virgin Islands” about an offshore paradise, and simply “Virgin Islands” about a tourist paradise.

28. Unlike the British Isles, the American Isles are much more interesting. Firstly, there are old English double-decker buses. Secondly, 4 times more people live here - 100,000. Everyone here lives off tourists. Like or Guam, it is an "unincorporated organized territory of the United States." That is, the locals have American citizenship, but their own laws.

29. Streets of the capital, Charlotte Amalie. By the way, the Americans bought the Virgin Islands from Denmark in 1917.

30. These are local taxis, buses, minibuses. It's hard to imagine an uglier car. Taxi fares are fixed and are listed on a special sign.

31. Tourist center.

32. Baby dolls are being transported.


34. Tourists have a good time in the Virgin Islands.

35. Beaches, yachts, sunshine



39. Models

40. Sunset

41. But the main thing is shopping. All the main street in jewelry stores. All famous brands are represented here. Americans go to the Virgin Islands for diamonds.

42. Stores don’t know how to attract tourists; they even offer free Wi-Fi. Why do you need free internet in a jewelry store?

43. In the evening, all the jewelry shops close and you can even take a walk around the city.

44. It’s actually strange, why do all the shops close at 6 o’clock? Restaurants are open until 9. Locks on the jewelry store.

45. Main Street

46. ​​That's it.

Entire trip:
Day 1: San Francisco, USA
Day 2: Carmel Valley, USA
Day 3: Apple, Facebook, Google, USA
Day 4: 17 Mile Road, Sunset in SF, USA
Day 5: Bermuda
Day 6: Bahamas
Day 7: Bahamas
Day 8: Cayman Islands
Day 9: Jamaica
Day 10:
Day 11.