Beach holidays for the New Year holidays. Where can you fly for the New Year? Inexpensive to Europe for the New Year

Federal agency Tourism Council recommended that Russian tourists abandon plans to spend New Year in Egypt. “There is no need to do this yet,” he said Head of the Federal Tourism Agency Alexander Radkov, who admitted that there is no alternative in terms of cost and flight time to the country of the pyramids.

New Year's trips are already an expensive pleasure, and after Rostourism advised compatriots to refrain from traveling to Egypt for New Year holidays, tours to other destinations will definitely increase, experts warn. However, a vacation is something on which it is better not to save, but to overpay for your own safety and comfort. We have selected five popular countries in which you can relax, if not as cheap as in Egypt, but also warm, and most importantly, much calmer than in the country of the pyramids. By the way, if you think about the New Year holidays in advance and book hotels, plane tickets or tours now, you can save money, and the difference in prices between Egypt and Israel will not be so big.


Exciting ocean, warm sand, seductive smell of spices and lots of fresh and cheap fruit. A New Year's holiday in India is suitable for those who want to plunge into an atmosphere of exotic relaxation and at the same time get acquainted with the rich history of the country and visit the ancient Hindu temples. In addition, India is popular among diving enthusiasts - the beaches of Nicobar, Andaman and Lakshadweep islands are suitable for exploring the underwater world of this country.

Visa: To travel to India, Russian citizens need to obtain a visa, which can be issued in visa center. The cost of the document is 3900 rubles. The visa is issued within 5-7 days.

Winter weather: Between October and March, Indian resorts experience favorable, warm weather. average temperature air temperature ranges from +25 to +30 degrees.

Travel time: You can get from Moscow to Delhi in 6 hours by direct flight.

Price: A week-long tour for the New Year in a three-star hotel in South Goa is offered on average for 70 thousand rubles for two. Meals - breakfasts.


Israel is one of the best alternatives to Egypt - the flight to this country will not take too much time, vacation prices are quite affordable, and Russian citizens do not need to apply for a visa. In addition, many Israeli resorts are located on the Red Sea coast. This direction is also supported by the fact that almost a quarter of the Israeli population speaks Russian fluently, which removes the difficulties of the language barrier.

Visa: Need not.

Winter weather: Winter on the Israeli coast is mild. At this time you can swim in the Red and Dead Seas.

Travel time: You can fly a direct flight from Moscow to Eilat in 4.5 hours.

Price: A seven-day tour in a four-star hotel in Eilat is currently offered for 51 thousand rubles for two (without meals).


Thailand's popularity Russian travelers is growing every year - compatriots are attracted by the pleasant climate of this country, amazing nature, exotic cuisine, and, of course, the cleanest ocean. In addition, Thailand is famous for its low prices for food, jewelry, and clothing. True, trips to the resorts of this state are often not cheap, since most of the cost of the tour is air tickets. Russians living in the eastern part of the Russian Federation, from where it is not as far to fly to Bangkok as from Moscow, can have a relatively inexpensive holiday in Thailand.

Visa: Need not.

Winter weather: From October to March in Thailand, favorable conditions for beach holiday weather.

Travel time: The road from Moscow to Bangkok will take 9.5 hours, and from Irkutsk or Krasnoyarsk - 6.5 hours.

Price: Average cost of a trip to three star hotel Phuket is 118 thousand rubles for two (flight from Moscow, meals “breakfast”).


In terms of exoticism and low prices, Vietnam is not inferior to Thailand, however, there are still significantly fewer tourists from Russia in this country than in Phuket and Pattaya. For residents of the eastern part of Russia, traveling to Vietnam will cost much less than for tourists from the central part of the Russian Federation.

Vietnam is good not only from the point of view of a beach holiday; the state is famous for its amazingly beautiful nature, cultural program and, of course, its cuisine. It should be noted that Vietnamese diving is considered one of the cheapest in the world.

Visa: If your trip to Vietnam does not exceed 15 days, then you do not need to obtain a visa.

Winter weather: In December-January, Vietnam is dry and hot. The average air temperature is +30 - +35 degrees.

Travel time: The road from Moscow to Ho Chi Minh City will take on average 10 hours, and from Vladivostok only 5.

Price: 10 days in a three-star hotel in Hanoi will cost 107 thousand rubles for two (breakfast included).


In the United Arab Emirates You can not only celebrate the New Year, but also have a good time shopping - at this time large-scale sales begin in the country. However, the UAE will be of interest not only to shopaholics and beach lovers; this country is famous for its oriental bazaars and Arabic cuisine, which attract tourists. By the way, the New Year is celebrated in the Emirates on a special scale - three years ago, the most expensive Christmas tree in the world, decorated with jewelry worth $11 million, was installed in Abu Dhabi.

Visa: To travel to the UAE, Russian citizens need to obtain a visa (the cost of the service at the visa center is $75).

Winter weather: IN winter time The UAE is warm and dry. The average temperature is from +20 to +30 degrees.

Travel time: A direct flight from Moscow to Abu Dhabi or Dubai will take on average 5 hours.

Price: A week-long tour for the New Year in Abu Dhabi will cost 89 thousand rubles for two (three-star hotel, breakfast included).

Read about the situation in Egypt in the story >>

Beach holiday for the New Year on the “Subtleties of Tourism”

Everyone knows: how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it, and who among us doesn’t dream all year round enjoy a serene life on the seaside? Maybe that’s why many people rush to the New Year to celebrate warmer climes. Unfortunately, contrary to popular belief, not everyone will contemplate the surface of the sea every day, but everyone can spend an unforgettable New Year holiday and recharge with positive emotions.

A beach holiday for the New Year is a great opportunity to fill an ordinary holiday with new meaning, unexpected surprises and incredible impressions.


There are plenty of advantages to vacationing in Israel: the flight from Moscow will take about 4.5 hours, the cost of tours is not much higher, and Russians do not need a visa to enter the country. By the way, fans of the Red Sea can celebrate the New Year in Eilat - this resort is located on the shores of the Gulf of Eilat of the Red Sea.

“Subtleties” tell: 5 beach destinations that can easily replace Egypt in winter

Goa vs. Hainan

New Year's holiday on resorts in Goa will be appreciated by those who dream of beach relaxation against the backdrop of exotic nature and the exciting ocean.

The Chinese tropical island of Hainan also invites beach lovers to celebrate the New Year. The festive program offered by the resorts of Hainan will appeal to even sophisticated tourists: incendiary shows, all kinds of water activities, New Year's parties on yachts, romantic dances on the beaches - the New Year in Hainan promises to be the hottest, both literally and figuratively.


Wide opportunities open up for exotic lovers. Resorts in the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Malaysia offer excellent beach holidays for the New Year. Mauritius, Seychelles, Maldives or Bahamas will be open to amateurs luxury holiday truly heavenly places. Good from the point of view of a beach holiday for the New Year and Vietnam, the beauty of its nature is legendary.

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The New Year holidays in Thailand are accompanied by wonderful weather; in December-January the rainy season is over, the country is very sunny, warm and dry, the air warms up to +26...+29 °C, the water temperature reaches +24...+26 °C , and nothing will darken the New Year’s mood for vacationers. Tourists spend their days on the beaches, participate in holiday festivals, and go diving and windsurfing.


The most popular destination Egypt has been the place to go for a beach holiday for the New Year for several years now. In winter, Egypt does not have such sweltering heat as in summer, but it is warm enough for sunbathing and swimming. The resorts of Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada are in a New Year's mood: streets and hotels are decorated, tourists dressed in Santa Claus hats roam everywhere, and themed parties are held in hotels.

Price New Year's tours to Egypt is increasing, but this direction is considered the most accessible compared to other countries.

Travel to the winter vacation to warm countries will allow you to celebrate your favorite holiday in an unusual setting, against the backdrop of palm trees and snow-white beaches.

Where should you go to relax in search of sunny weather and where can you swim in the sea on New Year’s Day?

Regions of the country where it is warm for the New Year and you can swim - Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, Nuweiba. The thermometer at night in the third ten days of the month drops to 17°C, during the day it rises to 24°C. The water in these resorts warms up to 23-25°C, which is quite comfortable for a beach holiday. Rain at the end of December is unlikely.

Naama Bay is considered the most windless place on the coast.

From the middle of the month the streets shopping centers decorated with illumination, installations, figures of Santa Claus, whom the Egyptians call Papa Noel. For hotel guests, banquets are held in tents or restaurants with entertainment programs. Air traffic with Russia has been temporarily suspended, but... Traditionally, the cost of tours at the end of December increases to 30%.


Located in the south of the country, on the shores of the Red Sea. Local residents consider the New Year period to be cool for a beach holiday: during the day the temperature rises to a maximum of 22°C, in the evening it becomes colder, to 10-12°C. The sea warms up to 23-25°C, the water is comfortable for swimming. The time is ideal for a trip to the desert, park Timna or reserve Khaybar.

When choosing where you can go inexpensively abroad for the New Year by sea, you should take into account that the flight to Israel takes less than 4 hours, there is no visa regime and the language barrier. Tourists celebrate the holiday in restaurants in the city. Those who want to fully relax gather on the beach and watch the fireworks. Operators offer holiday tours for two from $1400 (accommodation, flights) for a week.


IN Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Abu Dhabi On New Year's Day the air warms up to 26°C during the day, and gets colder at night, up to 15°C. The water temperature in the Persian Gulf is invigorating (21-23°C), but acceptable for swimming. It's even colder by a couple of degrees at the resort Fujairah, in the Gulf of Oman. At this time of year, sandstorms and downpours are possible, but it is quite possible to relax.

Residents celebrate the New Year according to the Muslim calendar and hold a secular holiday on December 31. Fireworks in the capital were registered twice in Guinness Book of Records. Restaurants host banquets with mandatory dress code compliance. The price of a holiday week-long tour for two (accommodation, flights) starts from $1.5 thousand with early booking.


A popular option where to fly for the New Year to the sea, where it’s warm and inexpensive is Andaman coast. In December here, the month is favorable for a beach holiday. Daytime air temperature in Krabi, Pattaya, Phi Phi reaches 30°C, night – 22°C. The sea water warms up to 28°C. On Samui high humidity, showers and storms are possible. It often rains in Phuket, but the resort remains a favorite among compatriots.

Thais celebrate New Year according to the Chinese calendar. On December 31, grand festivities with carnival processions take place in Bangkok, Huahine. Known for incendiary parties Pattaya. If you book early, you can relax relatively inexpensively, from $1,500 for two with flights and accommodation.


For European tourists, the problem of where to go for New Year 2021 inexpensively at sea - to a resort has been solved Aqaba. The destination is completely undeservedly not popular among domestic tourists. In this country low level crime, friendly locals, interesting sights.

IN Akabe in December there is no rain, the temperature during the day reaches 22°C, and at night it drops to 10°C. The water in the Red Sea warms up to 23°C. Jordan is a country where you should combine a beach holiday for the New Year and where to go for treatment. Half an hour's drive from Dead Sea hot ones are located thermal springs Main Spa with hotel complexes where you can stay inexpensively. A week's stay will cost from $1.7 thousand if booked early.


Best resort for New Year's holidayPhu Quoc. It is dry here: the average daytime reaches 30°C, nighttime – 26.5°C. The water in the South China Sea warms up to 28-29°C.

They are in demand among compatriots for a beach holiday. inexpensive tours V Mui Ne, Phan Thiet despite the rough sea. A noisy celebration takes place in Ho Chi Minh City, hotels at resorts host New Year's dinners. The cost starts from $1,700 for two without meals and a banquet.


Go to main resort India is a great idea where to go to the sea for the New Year. During the day the air warms up to 32°C, at night the temperature drops to 10 degrees. The water in the Arabian Sea is as comfortable as possible for a beach holiday - 28°C. The residents of the state are predominantly Catholic, and it takes place on a grand scale. Coastal bars host discos and fire shows. Hotels organize banquets with performances by local dance groups.

The southern part of the coast is chosen by wealthy tourists. The northern region is a place where you can really relax abroad for the New Year 2021, getting a quality beach holiday inexpensively. The most expensive item on a trip is flights, from $1.9 thousand round trip. Rent a bungalow or room in guest house for 8 nights it will cost from $200.

Sri Lanka

In the first month of winter, the humidity on the coast is relatively low, the temperature difference between night and day is 3-7 degrees. The probability of showers is significantly lower at . Daytime at the resorts Wadduwe, Tangalle, Negombo, Mount Lavinia, Marawile air temperature reaches 29-32°C, water temperature – 26-28°C.

Sri Lankans celebrate the New Year according to the Vedic calendar and together with tourists, on December 31. There are discos and fireworks on the beach. The main entertainment events take place in Colombo. The trip will cost from $2,400 for two with accommodation in a three-star hotel. If you stay in a modest apartment, you can really relax for $1800.

New Year for Russians is the most beloved and desired holiday. But I really want to take it in the middle of winter and fly away to where it’s warm for the New Year, where there’s a hot sun, a gentle sea, palm trees and amazing sunsets. Make your dream come true! At least once in your life, leave behind the pre-holiday worries, banish the winter blues, buy a plane ticket and go for new experiences.

Warm countries for the New Year

In this article, I have collected for you 11 warm countries where you can wonderfully celebrate the New Year. For ease of selection, average prices for hotels, air travel or package sea tours for the New Year are indicated under each country. Please note that not every country is cheaper to fly to on your own than with a package tour. Prices are average for the market for December-January.

Maldives for New Year

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In the middle of the Indian Ocean, the Republic of Maldives is located in a picturesque chain of 20 atolls. This is an excellent option where you can spend a holiday at sea for the New Year 2018. It is summer all year round on the islands, and the change of year occurs during the most favorable dry period, when it is 27° in the air and 24° in the water.

The Maldives is a real paradise oasis where you can feel like Robinson Crusoe, because some islands are still uninhabited. Calmness, few people, white sand and clear turquoise water - what else is needed for complete relaxation?

Underwater caves and coral reefs will delight diving enthusiasts. There are no dangerous currents here, so even beginners can go underwater. There are dozens of dive sites around the hotels.

IN New Year's Eve a gala dinner is organized for hotel guests and entertainment until morning.

There are no cheap hostels in the Maldives, and therefore the most economical accommodation option is 1,600 rubles per night. for one person in a guesthouse, for two - from 2500 rubles.

Thailand for New Year

© mjpicsde / / CC BY 2.0

The Kingdom of Thailand is the most popular destination where you can go to the sea for the New Year. Therefore, book your hotel in advance.

The conditions for a beach holiday are ideal, the sea is warmed up to 28°, and the air is 30°.

Thais love holidays and know how to spend them cheerfully and in a big way. On New Year's Day, guests will not be bored, no matter where they find themselves.

The most popular islands are Phuket and Pattaya. Tourists can expect comfortable hotels, and in combination with Thai exoticism, lush shady parks, azure sea ​​water A vacation in the “Land of a Thousand Smiles” will be remembered for a lifetime.

In Thailand, prices are significantly lower than in the Maldives. Here you can find a bed in a hostel from 300 rubles/night, from 500 rubles. double room in a guest house. Average prices for popular hotels in the area are 1,500 rubles.

Philippines for New Year

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Christmas and New Year in the Philippines are one huge fireworks display! Festive events begin in mid-December.

The highest prices are on Boracay Island. Local residents celebrate the holiday noisily and cheerfully, with dancing, singing, ringing bells and flashing funny lights.

Those who love solitude will prefer Bantayan Island. There are fewer tourists here, prices are lower, and the silence is broken only by the sound of the surf. And the sea is warm everywhere - up to 28°, in the atmosphere 29°. Imagine how nice it would be to celebrate New Year on the beach - just paradise!

Even if it takes a long and expensive time to get to this paradise, it’s worth it! But it works for Russians visa-free regime, and this is a definite plus.

The situation with hotels in the Philippines is the same as in Thailand. Those. there are cheap hostels, there are inexpensive guesthouses, there are luxury hotels. The majority of tourists choose something in between for 1500 - 2000 rubles. per room.

Vietnam for New Year

In terms of hotel pricing, Vietnam is in the same category as Thailand and the Philippines.

Bali, Indonesia for New Year

© jedavillabali / / CC BY 2.0

Bali or "Island of the Gods" is located in Indian Ocean and combines jungles, waterfalls, extinct volcanoes, rice fields on mountain terraces and, of course, snow-white sandy beaches.

New Year's Eve among blooming nature, on the ocean shore will leave the most vivid impressions. A festive banquet for vacationers is organized in hotels, on the beach, and in nightclubs.

The island has a subequatorial climate. In the water all year round it’s 26-28° - that’s where the sea is warm on New Year’s, and in the air it’s up to 30°.

Among the disadvantages of a holiday in Bali are an expensive and long flight, and even an undeveloped transport network. You can't get around the island by taxi; it's a long walk, so the most convenient way is to rent a bike.

There are even cheaper accommodation options in Bali. Literally from 170 rubles. for a bed in a hostel. But the most popular hotels cost from 3,000 rubles per night. In any case, everyone will find an option for themselves.

Dominican Republic for New Year

© dsumin / / CC BY 2.0

Worth crossing Atlantic Ocean to celebrate the New Year in the most popular country in the Caribbean. Even in winter, the water temperature in the sea does not drop below 27°, and in the air up to 30°.

Fantastically beautiful nature, the azure ocean, fine white sand that does not burn your feet, and the European level of service will turn your vacation into heavenly bliss.

IN new year holidays Colorful fire shows, grand processions with fiery Latin American dances await you.

A visa-free regime remains for Russians.

You can also relax cheaply in the Dominican Republic, prices for hostels start from 140 rubles. For inexpensive hotels from 600 rubles. Lots of expensive and mid-range options.

New Year's seaside tours to the Dominican Republic also do not stand out in price from the average segment.

India, Goa for New Year

© cblue98 / / CC BY 2.0

Goa is another great option to spend New Year's holidays at sea. The resort occupies 100 km of magnificent beaches on the Arabian Sea coast. The average winter temperature here is 30°, in the water 28°.

Young people prefer to celebrate the New Year in North Goa with its noisy parties and dancing under the moon. The more respectable public prefers South Goa with clean deserted beaches, luxury hotels, old Hindu temples, where a colorful wedding ceremony can be organized for you.

It would seem that India is a poor country, and hotel prices start from 600 rubles. In popular hotels, rooms cost from 4,000 rubles.

Cambodia for New Year

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The New Year holidays in Cambodia are relatively inexpensive. The most significant part of the cost is the flight. Prices within the country are quite affordable. And wonderful beaches, warm sea, opportunities active rest make this holiday option attractive for exotic lovers.

Cambodia is another super-cheap country with hostel accommodation starting from 140 rubles. Prices for popular hotels average 2,000 rubles.

Sri Lanka for New Year

© jeanlouispotier / / CC BY 2.0

“Blessed Land” is a great option for celebrating the New Year for active travelers. On the coast, despite 28-30°, the heat is not felt, thanks to the fresh sea breeze. The ocean is 28° and conditions are ideal for surfing and diving.

In addition to traveling around fairy island you can afford to fly to the Maldives for a few days. The price of the flight will pleasantly surprise you.

Overnight in a hostel in Sri Lanka from 230 rubles. Popular hotels cost around 1500 - 2000 rubles.

New Year's tours at sea in Sri Lanka are quite inexpensive.

UAE for New Year

Seychelles for New Year

© jmhullot / / CC BY 2.0

A real earthly paradise on 115 islands, where it is warm in New Year, of which only 30 are inhabited, located in the Indian Ocean. Celebrate the New Year in one of most beautiful places on earth - an expensive pleasure. But it redeems everything incredible beauty wildlife, excellent beaches with warm clear water and comfortable weather (29°).

Rooms in popular hotels from 6,000 rubles, and most cheap accommodation- from 3000 rub.

Introductory image source: © jmhullot / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

In this article we tell you where you can relax by the sea in winter. We briefly compare and talk about 10 destinations where it is better to relax abroad in winter.

Comparative table of countries where it is better to relax at sea in winter


Temperature Price level

Flight time from Moscow

air water
No (28 days) +30 °C +28 °C Short 9 hours (direct flight)
No (15 days) +30-33°C +24-27°C Short 9 hours (direct flight)
No (30 days) +30 °C +27°C Average 10 h (direct flight)
No (30 days) +27-30°C +26 °C Average 11-13 h (direct flight), approx. 17 h (with transfer)
Yes +30 °C +27°C Short 7 hours (direct flight)
Yes +30°C +28°C Average 8.5 h (direct flight), approx. 10 hours (with transfer)
No (30 days) +29-30°C +27°C Short from 16 hours (with transfer)
No (30 days) +30°C +28°C High 8h45 (direct flight)
No (30 days) 24-26°C +23-25°C High 5h 15 (direct flight)
No (30 days) +27-28°C +25-27°C Average 13 h (direct flight)

Visa for Russians in Thailand it is not necessary if you do not plan to stay in the country for more than a month. You can read about a visa to Thailand in our article “”.

Photo © Jiashiang/

Prices. Despite the ruble exchange rate and increased prices During the peak tourist season, prices in Thailand remain quite reasonable. In the article "" you can see detailed review prices in the kingdom.

Prices for air tickets from Moscow to Bangkok start from 24-26 thousand rubles (round trip). From St. Petersburg to Bangkok the price tag for tickets is slightly higher, from 29-33 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

As for the prices of tours, it directly depends on the time of purchase of the tour and vacation dates. The most popular places Phuket and Pattaya are considered holiday destinations in winter; this is where most tourists go on package tours. In the article "" we compared prices for 2 main winter holiday destinations.

Pros and cons of winter holidays in Thailand


  • Great weather for a beach holiday
  • Abundance of exotic fruits
  • No need to apply for a visa
  • Low prices for food, clothing and housing
  • Developed tourist infrastructure


  • Lots of tourists
  • Prices rise due to high season
  • Long plane flight


In winter, you can have a great holiday at sea in the southern part of Vietnam. The weather at this time is pleasant with warmth and plenty of sun.

Weather. In winter in the south of the country the air warms up to +30-33°C. The water temperature is set at +24-27°C.

Prices for air tickets from Moscow to Vietnam in winter start at 26,500 rubles. (There and back again). The highest prices for air tickets are set at the end of December. It is best to purchase tickets in advance. We use the air sales service or skyscanner to find cheap air tickets.

Since the end of November, prices for tours have been gradually creeping up. At the beginning of December you can find tours from 29-30 thousand per person, and closer to January the price of a tour may increase by 10-20% and continue to grow. The cost of tours changes every hour, so the prices in the article are approximate. Prices for specific dates can be found and compared from different tour operators using special services, and.

Pros and cons of winter holidays in Vietnam


  • Southern resorts are designed for beach holidays
  • Cheap diving
  • Low prices for transport, housing and food


  • The development of tourism infrastructure is slightly behind
  • Prices go up during the holidays in winter

Useful articles about winter holidays in Vietnam

Malaysia in winter is a tropical fairy tale for Russian tourists. In winter you can relax here on the clean sandy beaches surrounded by mountain and plant landscapes.

Weather. In winter, the air temperature stubbornly remains at +30 °C, and the water temperature does not drop below +27 °C.

Resorts. The most best beaches The islands of Langkawi, Pangkor, and Penang are considered holiday destinations. Popular resorts for beach holidays are Pangkor Laut and Tioman Island.

Visa for Russians it is not needed if the duration of the trip to Malaysia is less than 30 days. The stamp is placed upon arrival at the country's airports.

Prices. Compared to Thailand, prices for some things, services and products in Malaysia are higher (about 1.5 times). Malaysia is mostly a Muslim country, so all alcoholic beverages here are quite expensive (with the exception of the islands of Langkawi and Labuan).

Photo © Eddie Yip /

In winter, prices for air tickets from Moscow to Malaysia start from 30-33 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

Tours to Malaysia are less popular among Russian tourists than Thailand or Vietnam. The cost of a 7-day tour from Moscow to Malaysia for two is from 107,308 rubles. You can compare prices on any of the services and.

Photo © David Russo /

Advantages and disadvantages of holidays in Malaysia


  • The climate is suitable for winter holidays
  • The population speaks good English
  • Relatively high level security
  • Picturesque country
  • Friendly attitude towards tourists (+virtually no divorces)


  • Prices are slightly higher than in neighboring countries
  • Long flight

If you don’t know where to go abroad to the sea in winter, then the Dominican Republic is perfect for a vacation, including a vacation with children. Winter in the Dominican Republic begins best time for relaxation with hot sun and lack of winds. Many tourists call a holiday in the Dominican Republic a visit to paradise.

Weather. In winter, the air temperature during the day stays at +27-30°C. The water temperature is around +26°C.

Resorts. Some of the most popular resorts in winter are Punta Cana, La Romana and Boca Chica. For holidays with small children, the resorts of Boca Chica or Punta Cana are best suited. You can see the description of the resorts and their location on the map in the article

Visa For Russians, a 30-day stay will not be required. For citizens of Belarus or Kazakhstan, a preliminary visa will be required.

Photo © Delphine Jankowski /

Prices. Food prices here are higher than in Russia. In the Dominican Republic, prices for dairy products and bread are high, however low prices for local fruits. Also, the prices for excursions (from $50 per person) are not particularly encouraging.

In winter, prices for air tickets from Moscow to the Dominican Republic start from 64 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

A hotel room can be rented from $30 (in the most modest hotels); in luxury hotels you can stay for $280. We are looking for housing in the Dominican Republic or airbnb.

Winter tour to Dominican Republic can be purchased from 111 thousand for two. It is better to purchase tours with all-inclusive meals. Prices from different tour operators are compared on websites, or. On these sites you can find reviews from tourists.

Pros and cons of winter holidays in the Dominican Republic


  • Summer all year round
  • Clean beaches and clear sea
  • Some resorts are well suited for families with small children
  • Exotic fruits

Goa, India

In winter, Goa is a favorable place for a seaside holiday. In Goa, New Year and Catholic Christmas are celebrated on a grand scale. The resort attracts tourists affordable prices and exotic climate.

Weather. During the day, the air temperature can remain at +30 °C, and the sea can warm up to +27 °C. Unlike summer, winter in Goa has a less humid climate, which makes it easier to tolerate the heat.

Visa you need a permit to visit Goa, so you will have to spend a little time getting it done before leaving for India.

Prices. In general, Goa has low prices. In the north of Goa, prices in stores are lower than in the southern part of the resort. In cafes and shops, prices are quite reasonable and can please budget travelers.

Note: prices before winter holidays in Goa are rising sharply.

In winter, prices for air tickets from Moscow to Moscow start from 27-28 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

Goa can be divided into Young and Northern. The north is dominated by young people, budget hotels and shops. A distinctive feature of North Goa is a large number of entertainment and low housing prices. South Goa is mostly home to large 5-star hotels with an appropriate price category.
Photo © Amit Chacko Thomas /

The main pros and cons of winter holidays in Goa


  • Comfortable climate for relaxation
  • Low prices
  • Lots of entertainment
  • No language barrier (population speaks English)


  • Theft, fraud and pushy traders
  • Not suitable for families with children

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an exotic abode, where the best time to relax is in winter. From December to April, Sri Lanka experiences favorable weather for excellent beach and sightseeing holidays.

Weather. During the day the thermometer shows +30°C. In winter, the water in Sri Lanka warms up to +28°C.

Resorts. The best resorts For winter holidays, the popular resorts of Negombo, Hikkaduwa, Bentota and Wadduwa are considered.

Visa For Russians it is mandatory to register. An electronic ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) visa can be applied for online.

Photo © Vilmos Vincze /

Prices. Inexpensive in Sri Lanka public transport. However, excursions and accommodation are relatively expensive. Prices for groceries in stores and meals in cafes can accommodate a wallet of any size.

in winter air ticket prices from Moscow to Sri Lanka start from 26 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

In winter, prices for tours start at around 66 thousand rubles. for 2 for 7 nights. See prices for tours on the website, or.

Pros and cons of winter holidays in Sri Lanka


  • Great weather in winter
  • The population speaks English
  • Just get a visa
  • Cheap public transport
  • Natural diversity

In winter, the high tourist season begins in the Philippines. The weather has been stabilizing since the beginning of December and the Philippines is turning into exotic place recreation. The country offers varied holiday from a relaxing beach holiday to an active and extreme holiday.

Weather. The air temperature in winter in the Philippines is +29-30 °C. The water warms up to +27°C and lasts until the end of winter.

Resorts. The most popular resorts among tourists are Boracay, Panay, Bohol, Cebu and Palawan.

Visa not needed for Russians. The maximum period of stay in the Philippines without a visa is 30 days.

Prices. In general, the Philippines has low prices for food and housing.

In winter, prices for air tickets from Moscow to the Philippines start from 31-33 thousand rubles. (There and back again).

A standard hotel room can cost from 400 pesos ($9). On average, hotel rooms cost from 700 pesos ($15). Look for cheap accommodation hotellook or airbnb.

Photo © Fabio Achilli /

Pros and cons of holidays in the Philippines


  • Beach holiday in winter
  • Low prices for food and accommodation
  • Developed active and extreme recreation
  • Constantly developing tourism
  • Many attractions


  • Long and expensive flight
  • Lack of developed infrastructure in some regions
  • Slow Internet

For those who are not strapped for money and don’t know where to relax in the winter at sea, we suggest paying attention to vacations in Republic of Maldives. Holidays in the Maldives are primarily about beach holidays and diving. The Maldives is often chosen as a honeymoon destination.

Weather. In winter, the weather in the Maldives is as pleasant as ever. The air temperature is +30°C, and the water temperature is +28°C. The most good weather for recreation it is established from mid-December to mid-spring.

Resorts. The most popular resorts The Maldives are Ari Atoll, South Male Atoll, Raa Atoll and Addu Atoll. South Male Atoll is perfect for a romantic getaway for two or family vacation with kids. Ari Atoll is famous for diving.

Visa for Russians it is not necessary if the period of rest does not exceed 30 days.

Photo © Mac Qin/

Prices. Food prices here are high (relative to previous countries). The highest price tag is in cafes and restaurants at hotels and in places where tourists gather.