Russian dive centers in Bali. Best prices for flights to Bali. Dive sites in Amed

First part of this review is in Russian, but the second part is in English. I ask you, dear readers, to close this review if you are a fan of “purely Russian service”. In this concept I include: a manner of behavior with a client similar to Galya yelling at the cash register at Pyaterochka at someone whose loaf hasn’t made it through, but “Man, you’re not alone here, we’re not holding up the line!”, i.e. strained efficiency and a constant feeling that as a client they are doing you a favor. Because if with any sticker “Russians go!” You experience joy from the closeness of ephemeral brothers; you cannot understand the disappointment we experienced. There are no questions regarding the transfer. We had a wonderful driver who even stopped at the durian stand for us. Arriving at the place, we were met by a shaggy woman who roughly pushed us into office space, throwing signature sheets in front of us and almost shouting “Faster, faster!”, while we, such bad people, tried to at least superficially familiarize ourselves with what we were signing. The woman itching above her ear spluttered that we were somehow late and everyone was just waiting for us. Well, OK. Looking ahead, I will say that immediately after this we changed clothes and stood for more than 40 minutes. Did these wonderful, clever businessmen try to provoke them into signing without reading it? I think the dear reader will draw the right conclusions himself. The first instructor we met was Mikhail. And this is definitely the star of today. I think, dear reader, that you have had the misfortune several times to meet life-drunk regulars of dubious cheburek shops (after all, there is no food closer to the exit from the factory)? The same guy who digs into your clogged drain for a bottle or scrapes the snow under the windows with a shovel? If the image of an unkempt, bearded face disfigured by a condescending smile has already entered your imagination, then you will easily recognize Mikhail. This delightful subject communicated with us exclusively by grumbling, accompanied by a nod of his chin. That suit over there, those shoes over there, you can leave your things there. And now for the quiz. Do you think tourists like to take pictures with their smartphone? Yes, do you think so? Well, I have to upset you, but you will leave your phones right there. No photos or videos of you in a scuba suit. Well, except for an extra charge, of course. And then you object: “If you want, take your phone at your own peril and risk, they are just playing it safe.” To which I will answer that just the day before yesterday we had a rafting trip on the Telaga River (by the way, a personal recommendation!) for half the price and each boat had a sealed bag High Quality. Could they, if they wanted, buy the same one for themselves? Or do they deliberately leave the tourist with the choice “If you want any photos at all, pay more”? I will leave the question open, but very obvious to my intelligent reader. Seeing that I was prepared and took a GoPro in a waterproof case with a selfie stick, they began to convince me to leave it all, because “I still won’t take pictures like a pro.” But with such a level of persuasiveness, Mikhail would not have sold a bag of potatoes in a hungry year. In general, the motto of this diving was the eternal “Let’s make minimum preparations, save here and there, they’ll grab you anyway.” There were 5 tourists + 2 instructors + boat captain. Plus, we had huge backpacks of equipment, boxes of fins, cylinders (2 for each) and little things traveling with us. To say that there was no place to sit on the boat is an understatement. Instead of renting two boats for two teams, we played Twister. Putting on the equipment was very difficult, as was getting down to the water. Here I would like to rightly note that our instructor, Anton, and my wife, behaved much more professionally than his colleagues. He at least tried to communicate with us tourists, solved problems that arose, etc. We are grateful to him personally for the quality experience. But here I have to return to organizational issues . We were promised a village under the Agung volcano? A sunken ship? Forget it. From the point where we dived, Agung is not visible at all. We were brought to the lagoon, where there were 6 other boats, on the other side altogether. Did you promise lunch? Dear reader, on the same notorious rafting trip we had a delicious breakfast and lunch in a cafe at the expense of the tour. What's going on here? BaliClub (forgive the name of this diving club) was generous with two thermoses of instant coffee and tea, a tasteless sandwich without meat and a little fruit for everyone. And don’t even hope that Mikhail feels like a representative of the company and will take it upon himself to pour at least drinks from a thermos to the guests. The arrogance of the unfortunate diver was only enough to throw a case of food at us (after the first one climbed into it and got everything for himself), like “eat, animals.” He spent the rest of his time solely on preventing his pathetically knitted eyebrows from cracking across his face, answering questions about sharks from his group, fully aware, however, that local children were snorkeling in the bay. There was a moment when I heard that Mikhail needed his waterproof camera and that he was traveling with us in the same case. I became interested and found him through my eyes. It was a fairly large half-suitcase, where each of the 5 tourists could put their smartphone, and there would still be a lot of space left for the same camera. And even if not, don’t you think that a waterproof camera can go in this case? Another concealment of data, which is why people were left without photographs. By the way, you didn’t think that at the end of the excursion there would be at least one unfortunate towel waiting for you? Dry as you wish! In other words, the impressions are truly unforgettable, it’s just a pity that they weren’t in a positive way. We don't recommend it. Diving If you are a fan of a "severe Russian service" experience - then it"s the perfect activity for you. Still hope that you prefer other kind of attitude. To begin with, I would like to say a few good words about the driver who took us to the spot. Made (that"s his name) was extremely friendly, polite and understanding. He even helped us find the place to try a durian fruit on our way back. The second positive thing I"d like to mention is our diving instructor Anton. Thank God he was supervising us instead of his colleague Michael. Anton is a professional diver and surely understands how hard it is for people to dive for the first time. Now let"s get down to listing the huuuuuge disadvantages of this Bali-Club organization. We were met by a very unfriendly Russian girl who hurried us up (though we were not late at all) to sign our documents. She even tried not to give us time to read the papers properly. Good thing we told her off and took our time. Nasty feeling anyway as if they were trying to fool us. The next unpleasant person we met that day was the diving instructor called Michael. He was rude, didn't bother himself with any explanations. Just pointed to the diving equipment (mind it, it was our first experience in diving ever!!!) and told us to wear the costumes. Thank God they changed our instructor very quickly, though Michael was left with the other, more experienced tourists. So our adventures began. We were seated into a small boat (all of us I mean, eight people with all the equipment and food and water and so on). By the way, we had been promised "an unforgettable diving experience near the Agung volcano". Forget it, we were taken to a small spot from where no volcano could be seen. We had also been promised to see a shipwreck. Again, nothing like that .When we returned to the club and asked for towels, we were told that there were none. So we had to put on our dry clothes being wet after the ocean. Perfect. To sum up - avoid these guys. Do not recommend this place to anyone.

Usually tourists come to Bali for surfing or beach holiday. But among lovers unique places You can also meet divers. But they usually have their own route, completely different from other tourists.

Almost all of Bali is located on the east coast in the Amed area. There are also in Sanur, Nusa Dua and on the islands of Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan.

Top diving spots in Bali:

  • Menjangan Island is an uninhabited island where divers all over the world love to visit. Menjangan is considered the most interesting place in Bali.
  • US Liberty is an American warship that was sunk by Japanese torpedoes and is located off the coast of Tulamben. You can swim and dive near it even without special equipment.
  • Amed - the center of diving life east coast Bali.
  • Gili Tepekong is volcanic island, around which there is an amazing underwater world.
  • Lipah is a small village that became popular thanks to the wreck of a ship located in the northern part of the bay of the same name. There are strong currents here, so you need to be extremely careful when diving.
  • The Blue Lagoon is a wonderful beach where there are very few tourists.
  • Manta Point – this is where you can see huge manta rays.

Although these are not all the places that will be of interest to divers.

How much does diving cost: prices in Bali

Depends on the dive location. For example, a dive without a certificate from the shore at Tulamben costs $144, the same cost for diving in the Blue Lagoon from a boat. If a certified diver dives, the cost is slightly lower. A night dive on Tulamben costs $63. Same price for boat diving at PadangBay.

In addition to two dives, the price includes transfer, insurance, necessary equipment, lunch, instruction in Russian, and assistance from an instructor.

If we talk about the cost of dive packages, then, for example, one day on Tulamben costs $105 per person. A dive package to Nusa Penida costs $145 per person for one day.

Diving in Bali is considered one of the best in the world. Off the coast of the island there are many coral reefs with various life forms, the water temperature is optimal for diving. There are several dozen sites here that are suitable for both beginners and experienced divers.

There are many attractions on the island, they are very diverse. So I shared everything interesting places by category. You are currently reading the Diving category. To find information on other attractions, go to the "Places by Category" section, and then click on the link with the name you are interested in. You will find a complete list of objects in the “All places” section.

In Bali, Pemuteran is considered not a very popular place. This is a small village in the north of the island, in Buleleng district. The main focus of the resort is diving. The conditions for diving here are optimal, the depth is average, no fast currents. There are several sites near the coast, the most famous of which is the Underwater Temple, created in 2005.

One of popular places for diving the northern part of Bali, Pur and Jati, is located near Lovina. This is a shallow dive site with a sandy bottom covered with algae. It is ideal for macro photography; the shallow depth and lack of current allow even beginners to dive here. Underwater you will see many small sea creatures, including very rare ones.

The Blue Hole dive site is located in Amuk Bay, off the southeast coast of Bali, near the islet of Tepekong. It is a tunnel in the rock that ends in a vertical wall. This place has very unpredictable currents, which is why it is considered one of the most dangerous on the island and is only suitable for experienced scuba divers.

The dive site Sekola Dasar is located in the north west coast Nusa Penida islands. It is a large, healthy coral reef that gently descends to depth. Small and large fish and many varieties of corals are found here. The currents near the site are quite strong, making it suitable for experienced divers.

In Bali, Sakenan is considered a dive site suitable for beginners. It is located in the north of Nusa Lembongan island, among mangroves. The reef slopes smoothly into the sea, it is covered with healthy corals, among which live many fish and shellfish. The site is considered the easiest and safest in the Lembongan islet area.

Dive site Ceningan Wall is located near Bali, off the east coast neighboring island Nusa Ceningan. The site is a steep limestone wall that drops down to a depth of 180m - hence its name. The reef is completely covered with corals. The currents near the wall are strong and changeable; only experienced divers can dive here.

Of all the many dive sites on the island of Bali, Tulamben is considered the most interesting. Diving in Tulamben became famous thanks to the American ship Liberty, which sank not far from the coast. In addition, in the vicinity of the village there are several other interesting sites with a rich underwater world and beautiful landscapes.

Diving Features

Scuba diving is one of the most popular types active rest on the island. This is facilitated by the climate and good visibility under water. In terms of the number of species of marine animals and plants, the island ranks almost first in the world. The fact is that Indonesia lies between the Indian and Pacific oceans. The water level in these oceans is different: in the Pacific it is 200 mm above average, and in the Indian it is 100 mm below average. Because of this difference, huge flows of water move across the Indonesian archipelago.

About 20% of the currents from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean pass through the strait between the islands of Lombok and Bali. Along with them, fish, shellfish, and other marine life come here from all over the southern and partly northern hemisphere. They inhabit coastal reefs, creating a unique diversity of animals and flora. The current passing through the strait makes some places quite dangerous for diving. At the same time, there are sites for beginners off the coast of the island.

Unlike other outdoor activities, there is no such thing as a diving season in Bali. This means that you can scuba dive on the island at any time. Even during the rainy season (December to March), visibility underwater is not reduced too much. However, if you want to do macro diving, then it is better to choose the period from April to November (dry season). At this time the water is the clearest here.
Macro, macro diving or macro (as it is more often referred to in English terminology) is a special type of scuba diving. The seabed is home to many tiny creatures. These are small reef fish, crustaceans, and different kinds shellfish They skillfully hide and camouflage themselves among sand, corals and algae. It takes a lot of effort to see them. The immersion turns into a real detective story. Most often, macro diving enthusiasts record their finds on camera.

Diving conditions can be described as follows:

  • Immersion depth - from 3 to 50 meters
  • Visibility is within 5-30 meters (in some places up to 50 meters).
  • Water temperature throughout the year is about 21-3 0 degrees
  • Currents are weak, moderate, rarely strong, sometimes unpredictable
  • Sites can be accessed from the sea or from the coast

Diving sites

The main dive sites in Bali are located in the following places:

  • South coast and nearby islands
  • East Coast
  • North West Coast

South coast

U south coast The islands have quite high waves, so there are not many places for diving. But the infrastructure here is very well developed, since the best resorts are located in the south.

Diving sites are concentrated in the following areas:

  1. Sanur
  2. Nusa Penida
  3. Nusa Ceningan
  4. Nusa Lembongan

Now more about each of them.


There are several dive sites in the area around this resort to suit divers of all skill levels.

Read more about this area in the article Sanur Beach.

general characteristics sites:

  • Immersion depth – from 3 to 20 meters
  • Visibility within 5-30 meters
  • Water temperature - 26-3 0°
  • The current is weak, but in some places changeable and unpredictable, especially in bad weather
  • Access from the sea

Here are the most popular dive sites in Sanur:

1.Channel Point

The site is located in a strait - near the edge of a coral reef, which smoothly descends to the sandy bottom. It is considered a good place for beginners; competitions are often held here. When diving, you should be careful, as there are shipping lanes nearby.

2. Penj or Reef

The coral reef in this place goes at a slight angle, the bottom is dark, consists of volcanic sand. Clown fish, moray eels and sea snakes, crabs and crayfish are found here.

3. Jeladi Wilis

The best time to dive in this place is during low tide, when the current is weakest. In addition, this site is popular among night diving enthusiasts.

Nusa Penida

Nusa Ceningan

Nusa Lembongan

Conditions for diving off the coast Nusa Lembongan complex. The currents here are not too strong, but unpredictable and often change direction. Therefore, to dive you need to have some experience. But the flora and fauna in these places are very diverse.

General characteristics of the sites:

  • Immersion depth – 5-40 meters
  • Water temperature – 21-27°С
  • Current from weak to strong, very variable
  • Access from the sea

There are two diving spots on the island:

1. Jack Point, Mang roves, or Sakenan

The site is on the north-eastern side of Nusa Lembongan, close to the mangrove forests. Even with a shallow dive (up to 6 m), a variety of different types corals and fish. If you descend to a depth of 21-24 m, you can see schools of tuna, several subspecies of angelfish, a variety of sponges and other marine polyps. It is best to dive near the mangroves and follow the current to the south.

2. Blue Corner

The site is a gentle reef that descends to 40 m. At the depth you can see many tuna, huge stingrays, barracuda, clown fish, and sometimes Mola Mola swims here. The currents in this place are strong and changeable.

East Coast

Eastern resorts position themselves as best places for diving. The underwater world in this area is very diverse. Most sites are suitable for experienced divers, but there are a few places for beginners as well.

The sites are located in the following areas:

  1. Padang Bai
  2. Amuk Bay

Now in more detail about each.

Padang Bai

Padang Bai is a small port village in the southeastern part of the island. There are several diving spots near it. The current here is weak or moderate, and can become stronger during high and low tides. Some places are quite safe and suitable for beginners, but there are also difficult sites. The water in the bay is warm, the marine world is very diverse, near the shores of Padang Bai you can see many types of corals and huge schools of fish.

General characteristics of the sites:

  • Immersion depth – 3-30 meters
  • Visibility within 10-20 meters
  • Water temperature – 25 -28°C, sometimes can drop to 18-20°C
  • The flow is weak or moderate
  • Access from the shore as well as from the sea (5-10 minutes by regular boat)

There are the following sites near Padang Bai:

1. Blue Lag oon and Tanjung Sari

Both shallow water sites are located very close to the village of Padang Bai and are an extension of each other. The reef stretches along the coast; you can see it by diving to a depth of 2-3 meters directly from the beach. Because of its elongated shape, it is often called Turtle's Neck. Corals and sea lilies grow both on the reef itself and on the sandy bottom with a scattering of stones.

2. Padang Bai Channel, or Ferry Channel

The site is located directly at ferry crossing Padang Bai village. You should dive in the area of ​​the closed docks and sail east. You should not descend to great depths in this place - there are quite strong, changeable and unpredictable currents.

3. Pura Jepun

The name of the site comes from the temple of the same name, next to which it is located. You can find this place in a little bit north of the beach Padang Bai. Here the reef gently descends in the form of a terrace, and after 2-3 m it abruptly ends. It is best to dive near the temple and swim towards the Blue Lagoon. Visibility on the site may be impaired in case of strong waves.

These small shallow water sites are located on the south side of Padang Bai. The reef descends to a depth of 20 meters, its slopes are covered with soft corals. A ferry route passes by this place, so you need to be very careful when diving. Best watches for diving - high tide, when the current is directed towards the bay.

Amuk Bay

There are three islands in Amuk Bay, next to which there are diving sites. The currents here are quite unpredictable. Therefore, diving requires a lot of experience. The sites are easily accessible from Padang Bai.

General characteristics of the sites:

  • Immersion depth – from 10-25 to 40 meters
  • Water temperature – 26-30 degrees
  • The current is moderate to strong, variable and unpredictable
  • Access from the sea

There are 3 sites in Amuk Bay:

1. Gi li Tepekong, or Kambing

This is a small island in the sea opposite the east coast. The site is a canyon similar to a Roman amphitheater. It has very chaotic and sometimes strong currents. In the canyon you can see reef sharks, barracuda, moray eels, cuttlefish and shrimp, sometimes Mola Mola and turtles swim here.

2. Gili Mi mpang

This island is located next to Gili Tepekong, but a little closer to the Balinese coast. It is a group of rocks in the middle of the sea. A fast and strong current from the Lombok Strait enters here, and whirlpools often form. The site is home to barracuda, tuna, reef shark, huge stingrays and even Mola Mola.

3. Gili Bi aha

A small rocky island, covered with grass on all sides. At a depth of 12 meters there is an entrance to a large cave where you can meet sharks. Not far from the cave there is a piece of wall overgrown with corals. The site is quite dangerous, the currents here form whirlpools, and there are strong temperature changes at different depths.


The resort area of ​​Amed is located on the eastern tip of the island. The local reef was famous for its numerous small species of corals. Unfortunately, in 1998 most of them died. The fact is that in the southeastern part Pacific Ocean Every few years the water temperature changes. Warming is called El Niño, and cooling is called La Niña. Twenty years ago average temperature water rose not by 0.25°C, as usually happens, but by 1.5°C. This has led to the death of corals on many reefs. Now the number of polyps is beginning to resume, but they take a very long time to grow.

General characteristics of the sites:

  • Immersion depth – from 5 to 50 meters
  • Visibility within 15-30 meters
  • Water temperature – 26-30°C, may drop due to cold water flows
  • Current is weak, moderate or strong
  • Access to most sites from the shore, there are several points at sea - 5-10 minutes drive

Dive sites in Amed:

1. Bunut an Reef

This reef is famous for its “eel gardens”. These snake-like fish live at a depth of 10-18 meters. They burrow into the sand and poke their heads out when prey approaches. From a distance they can be mistaken for a cluster of fancy algae. Access to the site is from the sea.

2. Li pah Bay, or Japanese Wreck

This place is located near the village of Banyar. Many divers know it from the sunken Japanese transport ship, which lies at a depth of about 12 meters. The reef at the Lipah Bay dive site is uneven and consists of individual underwater rocks. The current here forms whirlpools and can be quite strong.

3. Jemel UK Reef

A couple of decades ago the site was considered perhaps the most beautiful in the world. Unfortunately, the reef suffered greatly after El Niño. In 2011-2013, sculptures of the heads of Ganesha, Hanuman and a small child, created by a Balinese artist named Wayan Winten, were placed at the bottom of the bay. Now they are starting to become covered with polyps and algae.

4. Uyah Reef

Up to the 15 m mark, you can see a destroyed reef, the result of El Niño. At a depth of 15-50 m it was not damaged; the slopes are covered with different types of corals. Large pelagic fish, sharks, groupers and snakes swim here. The coral thickets are home to many colorful tropical fish.

5. Pyrami ds

This is an artificial reef that was created in 2005 next to a natural one that was severely damaged by El Niño. About 50 concrete pyramids, 2.5 meters high, were lowered into the water so that corals and other marine life could settle on their walls.

6. Gili Sel ang

A small island off the east coast. The reef here descends at an angle of 45° to a depth of 50 meters. The upper part is almost destroyed, the real diversity of marine life can be seen at a depth of about 15 meters. The site has dangerous shifting currents.

The area is perhaps the best diving spot in Bali. It became famous because of the sinking of the American ship Liberty during World War II. At the bottom of the bay you can see natural reefs, pieces of volcanic rock overgrown with corals. In the ocean near Tulamben there are thousands of species of marine animals and plants.

  • General characteristics of the sites:
  • Immersion depth – from 5-25 to 60 meters
  • Visibility within 10-30 meters
  • Water temperature 24-30°C
  • The current is weak or moderate
  • Shore access

Dive sites of Tulamben:

1. Paradi se Reef, or Coral Garden

The site is small and shallow, a coral reef full of life can be seen already at a depth of 10-12 m. Quite rare ribbon fish, parrotfish, scorpions, groupers, and barracudas are found here. Single sea lilies grow at the bottom, among them you can find a harlequin fish, or a ghost, which suddenly appears in the water and also suddenly disappears.

2. Al amanda

The reef is located in Tulamben Bay. It is an almost vertical wall covered with soft and hard corals and gorgonians. Many seahorses live here, and schools of cod often swim in.

3. Batu Kelebi t, or Kelebit Rocks

The site consists of two underwater rocks located near the shore. The top of one of them is visible above the water and serves as a landmark for divers. Most of the living creatures can be seen here at the bottom. Pelagic fish, sharks, tuna swim into the site, and sometimes Mola Mola is found.

4. Drop Off

The vertical wall at this site drops down 70-80 meters. It was formed in 1963 during a volcanic eruption. Soft, hard and black corals grow at depths of up to 18 meters. At approximately 25-28 m there is a long cornice on which sponges have settled. Below 30 m the reef becomes dangerous.

5. USS Liberty Shipwreck, or Ship Wreck

The most famous site in Tulamben and on the entire island. Suitable for both day and night dives. In 1942, the American ship Liberty, damaged by a Japanese torpedo, was delivered here. The half-sunken ship stood off the coast until 1963, when a volcanic eruption completely submerged it in the water. Now the ship is completely under water, 30 meters from the beach.

6. Kubu Monkey Reef

The site is located in the small village of Kubu. The reef in this place reaches almost to the very surface of the water, has two cliffs, at a depth of 30 and 25 meters. The bottom is covered with sponges, corals, starfish and lilies. In 2012, a ship with a capacity of 150 tons and a length of about 55 meters sank near the village of Kubu. It can be seen at a depth of 13-30 meters, on the right side of the reef.

7.Seray a

The site is located east of Tulamben. There are no large coral thickets here, but on the black sandy bottom there are various species of fish. Some divers identify several more “subsites” in this place - Seraya Secrets, Deep Secrets, and Noisy Reef, or Noisy Reef.

8. Batu Belah

The site is located east of Tulamben, near the small temple of Manik Kembar. There is a spring in this temple fresh water, which appears on the surface once every 4 years, the rest of the time it is hidden in the ocean. A volcanic eruption in 1963 led to the appearance of “wandering” springs. It has also caused mutations in some of the corals found at this site.

9. Emeral Bay

The site is located southeast of Tulamben, near Batu Kelebit. At a depth of 15 m, you can see two specially submerged cars, densely covered with corals and sponges.

North West Coast

Many tourists come to the north specifically for diving. Local sites are not as colorful as in the east or south, there are few corals, and the bottom is often covered with algae. But the northern and western coasts do not have strong and unpredictable currents, and the amazing animal world can be seen already at a depth of 5-10 meters. That's why this area is very popular among newcomers. Experienced divers regain their skills here after long breaks. These places also attract lovers of macro photography.

The northern and northwestern sites are in the following areas:

  1. Lovina
  2. Gilimanuk
  3. Menjangan Island

Now I’ll tell you about them in more detail.


This northern resort has one dive site - Puri Jati, it is located a little west of Singaraja, twenty minutes drive from Lovina beach.

Here is the basic information about it:

  • Immersion depth – from 3 to 30 meters
  • Visibility within 5-15 meters
  • Water temperature – 28-31°С
  • The current is weak
  • Shore access

Pemuter an

Diving here began to develop relatively recently. The water in the bay is quite warm and clear, there are no dangerous currents, so the local sites are well suited for beginners. There are few corals here, many were destroyed by El Niño. There are several artificial structures that are beginning to become overgrown with polyps. People often come to Pemuteran to do underwater photo shoots.

General characteristics of the sites:

  • Immersion depth – from 5 to 30 meters
  • Water temperature – 27-30°C
  • The current is weak
  • Shore access

Main sites of Pemuteran:

1. Pura Tembok and Temple e Wall

These two sites are next to each other. The temple wall is a small vertical coral reef. Near it you can see huge statues of Buddha, Ganesha, Vishnu, Shiva and other gods. All divers call this place “Underwater Temple”. The figures are located at a depth of 15 m and 30 m.

2. Bi o-Wreck

In this place, almost all the corals were destroyed due to El Niño and uncontrolled fishing. In 2005 and 2009, special structures made of wood and steel connected by solar panels were lowered to the bottom. Now rare species of corals are beginning to grow on them.

3. Cl ose Encounters

The reef consists of three steep slopes that converge at a flat top. It is completely covered with corals of various types, which is rare for northern sites. The eastern wall looks especially beautiful.

4. Coral Canyon Wreck

This site has a small wall covered in hard corals. At a depth of 30 m you will see a large sunken wooden schooner.

5. Deep Reef, Napoleon Reef, Gondol Reef

These several reefs are quite similar in their characteristics. They were discovered by divers in the first half of the 90s, then lost popularity due to the death of corals. Marine life on these reefs is now being revived.

6. Kebun Chris (Chri's Garden) and Kebun Batu (Rock Gardens)

The two shallow water sites are great for beginners and underwater photography enthusiasts. Previously, mass catching of aquarium fish was carried out here, but now this activity is prohibited. On the ocean floor you can see different types of sponges, sea cucumbers, lilies, soft corals, and small fish.

Gilimanuk Bay

Gilimanuk Bay has a large port from which boats and ferries operate between Java and Bali. There is only one dive site here - Secret Bay.

Here are its characteristics:

  • Immersion depth – from 5 to 12 meters
  • Visibility within 5-10 meters
  • Water temperature 27-30°C
  • The current is weak
  • Shore access

The shallow water site is located next to the port docks. Right off the coast there are rare species of small fish and shellfish that skillfully hide between the algae. Large species do not swim here. The site is suitable for beginner divers and macro photography enthusiasts.



Dive sites in Bali allow you to get acquainted with the amazing underwater world South-East Asia. Near the island there are places for both beginners and advanced divers. Almost every resort has schools and specialized centers that provide a full range of services - from equipment rental to training from scratch. Prices vary depending on the region. In the north, center services can be almost two times lower than in the south.

Now that you know where in Bali good diving, it will be easier for you to choose a suitable dive site. Let me remind you once again that detailed description Specific sites can be found in the list of attractions located at the beginning of this article.

Dive with Bali International Diving Professionals in June 2009. We really enjoyed. We did not go to Bali through a travel agency, but simply bought air tickets, and through this diving center we booked all the hotels and the diving trip by email. BIDP did a great job organizing our entire holiday, including hotels, safaris around Bali, diving in Nusa Penida and excursions. In terms of price, they were no more or less than the same services in other places in Bali. The only note that may be important for Russian speakers is that communication with the instructor is only limited English language, there were no Russian-speaking employees there. But for us this was not a problem. As a result, our trip, including diving around all of Bali (Menjangan, Pemuterran, Tulamben, Padang Bay, Nusa Penida) excursions and accommodation in 5 different hotels, cost us the same amount as just a tour package through an agency costs in Moscow. So friends, organize your own vacation, don’t mess with agencies!!!