Latin translator online. Translation of Russian letters into English (online)

Online service: text transliteration- writing Russian characters in Latin.

About transliteration of Russian names and surnames

When filling out registration forms, questionnaires, drawing up various kinds of documents (for example, a passport or visa), you have to write your last name, first name, address in Latin (English) letters. This service allows automate translation ( transliteration) Russians letters in English.

How to write the last name and first name in English? How to correctly name a Russian site in English letters? There are various systems or rules for the transliteration of names and surnames (transliteration of Russian words). They are based on the process of simply replacing the letters of the Russian alphabet with the corresponding letters or combinations of letters of the English alphabet (see below). The difference between the systems of transliteration of names and surnames is observed when translating some letters, for example, E, E, Ъ, b and diphthongs (combinations of a vowel and Y).

A - A K - K X - KH
B - B L - L C - TS (TC)
B - V M - M H - CH
G - G H - N SH - SH
D - D O - O Щ - SHCH
E - E, YE P - P b -
Yo - E, YE R - R Y - Y
Zh - ZH C - S b -
Z - Z T - T E - E
I - I U - U Yu - YU (IU)
Y - Y (I) F - F I am YA (IA)

In order to translate english letters V Russians Paste the text into the top input field and click the "Make" button. As a result, in the lower input field you will get the translation of the Russian text into a transcript (Russian words in English letters).

Note. Since March 16, 2010, new Cyrillic transliteration rules for the Russian alphabet have been used when issuing a passport. The result may not match the old name, for example, on a plastic card. In order for the name to be entered correctly in the passport (as before), that is, so that it matches the name on the credit card or driver's license, you must additionally submit an appropriate application. Example: Julia new system will be Iuliia , most likely you will want Julia or Yuliya (which, in my opinion, is more harmonious).

When applying for a driver's license, a transliteration system is used that is different from a foreign passport, similar to the system for a US visa. At the request of the owner of the record in Latin letters in driver's licenses can

This section of the site allows you to automate the translation of Russian letters into Latin. It is enough to write your last name, first name and patronymic in Russian and click the Transliterate to Latin button. The text in the field will be translated into the Latin alphabet in accordance with the new rules developed on the basis of GOST R 52535.1-2006.

There are various systems or rules for transliteration of names and surnames (transliteration of Russian words)


Do you want to know how your name and surname will be written in the passport according to the new rules? To do this, you need to enter your data in the appropriate cells of the form below and click on the "Translate to Latin" button

What is transliteration?

On our site you can find out what transliteration is, what it is for, where it is used and how to use it correctly.

Transliteration is the conversion of text from Cyrillic to Latin or vice versa. In other words, the designation in Latin letters of words written in Russian, or the designation in Cyrillic of words written in foreign languages using the Latin alphabet.

Transliteration is used in various areas of our daily life: in the banking system - when registering credit cards, in OVIR - when filling out documents for obtaining foreign passport, in international payment systems - when filling in data for making bank transfers, for purchasing goods via the Internet and, finally, when passing an integration exam in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the basics of Russian law, and for the subsequent submission of documents for obtaining: a patent for work, temporary residence permit (TRP) and residence permit (residence permit).

RVP, residence permit and patent applicants should take into account that the free translation of the surname, name and patronymic from Cyrillic to Latin or from Latin to Cyrillic will have negative consequences when submitting documents to the Federal Migration Service of Russia. The fact is that federal agency for technical regulation and metrology, since 2010, new rules for writing Cyrillic letters in Latin letters have been introduced. They are based on a simple replacement of letters of the Russian alphabet with letters or a combination of letters of the Latin alphabet. These rules are already in force in the Federal Migration Service of Russia and it is by them that the correctness of the translation by a foreigner of his name and surname from the Russian alphabet into Latin is determined. In this case, pronunciation (or transcription) is not taken into account. The action of transliteration implies a clear regulation in the graphic definition of one character by another, which differs significantly from transcription. Because when transcribing from the Russian language, letters and combinations of letters of the Latin alphabet are used to maximally approximate the pronunciation of the letters of the source language.

So, you registered on Aliexpress or on any other foreign online store, spent a lot of time figuring out how to shop correctly, choose a product and a reliable seller. And now, the moment of the first order has come, but to complete the checkout process, you need to write the delivery address in Latin letters.

But how to do it right? You are used to writing the address only in Russian, but here you need to somehow write in English. Believe me, there is nothing complicated in filling in the address. Everything is very simple. The most important thing is to write the index correctly. It is at the specified index that the parcel will arrive at your post office, and already there the postal employees will need your address in order to send you a notice of the parcel. Therefore, the address must be written in such a way that they can understand it at the post office.

If you write the index incorrectly, then your package will make a short trip. First, it will come to another post office with an erroneous index, and already there the postal workers will read your address, understand that you made a mistake, edit the index and send your package to the correct post office.

If you made a mistake in writing the address, but the index is correct, then you just need to track the parcel from Aliexpress by the track number. As soon as it arrives in your mail, immediately take your passport with you (to confirm your identity and that the package is intended for you) and go get it before it goes back to the sender due to the wrong address.

Instructions on how to write an address in Latin (English) letters

1)County- here we write the country. The country needs to be translated into English
State/Province/Region- area.
City- City.
Google translator will help you translate the country and city
2) The subsequent address is written for the employee on your mail, so you need to write it in such a way that it is clear to him.
The address is written using the Latin alphabet. You don't need to translate the words. Otherwise, your postman will not understand anything
Street Address - here we write down the street, house number, building, apartment

Zip / Postal Code - index (post office number). The index will help to find you, even if you have errors in the address. The index can be specified on the Russian Post website.

Write the address in Russian letters to convert them to Latin spelling
color:#0C3A45; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; background:#F2F2F2;">

We also write abbreviations in Latin letters:
boulevard - boulevard
village - der.
house - d. or dom
name - im.
quarter - quarter
apartment - kv
region - obl.
lane - per.
village - pos.

Address example:
292397 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, ul. Esenina, dom 8-2, kv 14

Don't forget to include phone numbers:
Tel - landline phone number. You need to write only numbers (without brackets and dashes). We start with the country code. (7 - code of Russia). Then the area code and then your number.
Mobile is yours mobile phone. We write in the same way with a code with a country code. (7 - for Russia) then the operator code and your number.
Phone numbers are needed so that postal workers can contact you in case of any problems.

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