State management of migration processes in the conditions of the formation of Russian statehood. Abstract: Management of migration processes in Russia

abstract on the discipline State and Law on the topic: Management migration processes in Russia; concept and types, classification and structure, 2015-2016, 2017.

INTRODUCTION In the process of economic and political transformations in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a new institutional environment emerged in Russia, the migration situation changed dramatically, new forms of migration emerged, and funding for a number of state migration programs ceased. As a result, many methods of regulating internal migration processes, which were actively used within the framework of a planned economy and an administrative-command management system, largely lost their effectiveness with the beginning of market reforms. In the context of a transitional economic system, the achievements of the Soviet period in the field of formation of a permanent population in the regions of the Far North, regions of Siberia and the Far East in connection with the curtailment of industrial and housing construction, as well as the growth of unemployment in these regions, have become an acute socio-economic problem, for the solution of which it was necessary to develop new approaches and tools. Thus, there was a need for a new migration policy that would be adequate to the realities of the transitional economic system of Russia. One of the negative aspects of the 1990s should be recognized as the chaotic development of migration legislation, which was largely due to the lack of a clear conceptual basis for the state migration policy.1. Migration management at the federal level At the federal level, migration management has long focused on the reception and accommodation of forced migrants (refugees and internally displaced persons). In recent years, the emphasis has shifted to the fight against illegal immigration, which is clearly reflected in the laws on citizenship and foreign citizens. At the same time, the problems of settling refugees and internally displaced persons faded into the background, despite the fact that the state never fulfilled its obligations to a significant part of them in the 1990s. For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is currently in charge of migration management, migration problems are obviously of secondary importance. most importantly, they seem to be solvable using traditional prohibitive and control methods for this ministry. The real contribution of the state to the regulation of migration lies in the increasingly complex system of control and registration, which is mandatory for both internal and external migrants. This system is extremely bureaucratic and, at the same time, ineffective, because it is very easy to “bypass” it, given its corruption . Today, in Russian legislation, the number of regulatory legal acts affecting certain aspects of managing migration processes amounts to more than a dozen federal laws, over fifty current decrees of the President Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of various ministries and departments, as well as several dozen interstate and intergovernmental agreements. At the same time, despite such a variety of federal legal experience, as well as a huge array of laws and other normative legal acts adopted in the constituent entities of Russia, issues of managing internal Russian migration processes are practically not reflected in modern migration legislation Russian Federation. Currently the Federal Migration Service The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, according to the figurative expression of the deputy. the director of this service, General M. Tyurkin, “basically only monitors the processes of internal migration, but does not regulate them.” Thus, internal migrations (so significant for social economic development countries and representing the usual object of governance in pre-revolutionary Russia in Soviet period) are practically ignored without any logical explanation for this approach of the state. This is all the more unjustified, given that the scale of internal population movements significantly exceeds external migration. We have to admit the fact that in Russia there is still no officially approved state strategy in the field of managing migration processes, which would take into account the objective factors of the present and future development of the country and link together all types and types of migration movements, the interests of the federal state and its individual, and also various population groups, including migrants. The concept of regulating migration processes in the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2003 (No. 256-r), does not eliminate this gap, since it addresses issues of improving legislation in the field of migration in a generalized form and does not contain clear guidelines regarding the country’s migration policy . At the same time, the most big failure of the current state migration programOpolicy consists in the absence of any policy regarding internalnher migration.To achieve an optimal result, in our opinion, it seems advisable to quickly develop and adopt Concepts of the StateRnational migration policy, which is designed to determine the main directions for the implementation of state policy. The concept should act as a general approach, a general idea that unites all migration policy measures into a consistent system. The fundamental idea of ​​the concept should be the understanding that migration - this is not an evil that needs to be fought using the entire powerful repressive apparatus of the state, and good for Russia. Observed in Russia, leading to the emergence of inevitable territorial and sectoral disproportions in the distribution of the population and labor force, along with a significant reduction in the working-age population due to an unfavorable demographic situation, necessitate interregional redistribution of the population, taking into account the needs of the economy and national security interests of Russia. Theoretically, the mechanism for such population redistribution should be internal migration, designed to mitigate significant regional differences and more effectively use Russia's scarce labor resources. At the same time, as we have shown in previous chapters, administrative barriers and the insufficient degree of development of the Russian labor and housing markets, as well as the financial market, lead to the ineffectiveness of market mechanisms for regulating migration flows within the country. 2. Historical experience in regulating migration Historical experience shows that in Russian conditions, solving resettlement problems is possible only with the organizing role of the state at all stages of the migration process, right up to settlement. The latter necessitates a targeted state policy in the field of internal migration management and, accordingly, the development of a set of measures to improve state migration policy at the federal and regional levels, aimed at encouraging the movement of residents between regions of the country. Such a set of measures, among other things, should be based on the historical practice of regulating migration processes in Russia, the results of ongoing monitoring of the socio-economic development of territories, coordination of the efforts of federal and regional authorities in this direction. As our analysis of Russian migration policy in historical retrospect has shown, practice State regulation of migration processes in Russia has deep historical roots and a theoretical basis developed in relation to specific historical, natural, climatic and socio-economic conditions of the country's development. Certain methods of regulating (primarily economic) internal migration of the population, which were also used during Russian Empire, and in the Soviet Union and have shown their effectiveness can be successfully used in modern Russia.Internal migration policy is a system of generally accepted at the level of ideas and conceptually combined measures to stimulate or limit population movements within the country in volumes and directions, taking into account the specific historical conditions of the country and meeting the current and future development goals of the country and its individual regions. To ensure optimization of the structure and scale of internal Russian migration flows within the framework of state migration policy may apply such provisions provided for by regulatory legal acts methods migration regulation (migrant measuresAtion policy), How: administrative ( providing for administrative liability, including civil servants, for violation of existing regulations); economic ( providing tax benefits, providing financial assistance for moving and settling in a new place, regulating the cost of renting and purchasing housing, etc.); propaganda, socio-psychological ( providing for a targeted impact on the system of preferences and value orientations that shape the migration behavior of the population). All measures can also be divided into stimulating and limiting the migration mobility of the population. Modern realities predetermine the need for state management of migration processes, primarily through the use of economic incentives for resettlement to certain regions of the country. In our opinion, state policy in the field of regulation of internal migrations in the Russian Federation must combine the interests of the individual, society and the state. Her fundamentalsour goals should become: * protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation, ensuring the fullest realization of the economic potential of individuals; * ensuring sustainable socio-economic and demographic development of the country, rational distribution of the population on the territory of the country, taking into account the needs of the economic development of the country; * protecting national interests and ensuring security of the Russian Federation. As part of the implementation of the first fundamental goal, it is necessaryOdimo eliminate (formal and informal) adminisTative barriers to internal migration and ensure freedom of passageemovements of Russian citizens and their choice of their place of residence and stay within the country. Currently, without permanent registration in a given region (settlement), it is almost impossible to get a job not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other regions and individual cities, even those where the unemployment rate is low. It is necessary to cite the established practice of formal and informal restrictions on internal migration of citizens through the institution of registration at the place of residence and place of stay in accordance with the norms of federal legislation. A real solution to this problem will be the transition from permitting to application-based registration at the place of residence. It should be noted that this measure can be introduced in a short time, since it is prepared by law and does not require significant financial costs. The main thing is to ensure state control on the part of internal affairs bodies over its compliance. Disciplinary and administrative measures should be immediately applied to persons who create administrative barriers for migrants. It also seems appropriate creation of a single centralizationObathroom information resource (information system), which would reflect the movements of citizens and their permanent location, as well as the state guarantees and social support provided to them. The creation of such an information system will improve the statistical accounting of intra-Russian migrations, and is also necessary for the development and implementation of effective state regional policy. Only the availability of complete and reliable information about migration processes will make it possible to rationally and effectively regulate migration movements in the region. Similar systems existing in the economic sphere can be taken as a model. developed countries ah (for example, the social security system and social security in USA). At the same time, when creating a system, issues of security of personal information must be considered. To achieve the first and second fundamental goals, it is necessary to eliminate economic barriers to migration, that is, to ensure the financial opportunity to move labor resources from labor-abundant regions to labor-deficient ones, as well as solve the problem of employment and settlement of migrants in a new place. At the moment, a significant part of the population of Russia has fallen into the so-called “poverty trap,” the essence of which is that, despite the desire to change their place of residence, individuals do not have the minimum financial resources to allow them to move. In our opinion, it is necessary to develop government measuresAndnance support for certain categories of migrants. Such measures should be addressed, first of all, to citizens registered with regional employment authorities and living in depressed regions, as well as citizens traveling to regions of the country that are important from the point of view of national security interests. State guarantees can be taken as an example of such assistance and social support measures provided to participants in the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation, including: compensation for the costs of moving an internal migrant (in some cases also members of his family) to a new place of residence; compensation for expenses for transportation of a migrant's personal property; provision of a one-time allowance for the arrangement ("lifting"); provision of long-term loans for the construction or purchase of housing, provision of land for building a house; receipt of a monthly allowance in the absence of income from labor, business and other activities not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but not more than six months. The amount of the benefit should be determined taking into account the cost of living established in the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation; receipt of a social package that includes the services of state and municipal institutions of preschool education, general and vocational education, social services, healthcare and services of the state employment service. State financial assistance can be provided both on a reimbursable basis (for example, for unemployed citizens who have found work in another region of the country) and on a gratuitous basis (for citizens traveling to regions that are strategically important from the point of view of Russia’s national security interests and are characterized by a declining population). 3. Main difficulties in migration management Internal movements of citizens are significantly limited by the underdeveloped institutions of the Russian housing market. At the same time, the obstacle to increasing the migration mobility of the population is no longer the absence of the housing market as such, not the inability to rent or change housing, but a combination of institutional factors (underdevelopment of mortgage lending, narrowness of the low-cost housing market combined with low labor costs and the almost complete impossibility of accumulating funds for purchase of an apartment for the majority of citizens), and geographically natural barriers (wide price range for housing in different regions and in different types settlements). Now, if a person moves from region to region, it is impossible to rent municipal housing - to do this, you have to be on a waiting list for years; enterprises have practically no dormitories left. The only alternative is to buy or rent housing on market conditions, which is tens and hundreds of times more expensive than municipal housing. It is necessary to overcome the enslavement of the population by the underdevelopment of institutions housing market. The solution to this problem can be achieved by the following methods: promoting the widespread dissemination and development of the mortgage institution; promoting the development of a system of affordable municipal and/or corporate housing; promoting the creation of a civilized housing rental market; state support for development companies (taking into account the region’s needs for population and labor). Maximum availability of housing on market conditions for the vast majority of the population must be ensured. An average-paid worker who finds a job in a particular region should be able to use his salary to find acceptable housing and, at the same time, not go hungry, not wear rags, and not sacrifice the education of his children. It is also necessary to develop a mechanism for effectively ensuring the protection of private property, primarily housing, since today homeowners often refuse to register tenants for fear of losing their housing. The creation of an effective housing market will lead to the fact that the priority when choosing a place will be the availability of vacancies in given region and the proposed salary level. The latter will allow the formation of an effective interregional labor market in Russia. A significant barrier to internal migration is the segmentation of the Russian labor market. As the analysis shows, today intra-Russian migration flows are dominated by intra-regional migration (almost 60%). The consequence of the latter is a decrease in the influence of intra-Russian migration on equalizing disproportions in the socio-economic development of regions through the redistribution of labor between regions. As a result, in modern Russia, instead of a “single labor market,” there are relatively closed, independent and autonomously developing regional labor markets. In addition, in Russia there is no developed information base about available vacancies; a significant part of people (especially in the regions) are forced to look for work through friends, acquaintances, using other informal job search channels. Increased migration mobility of individuals will be facilitated by creation of a network of regional (interregional) informAtion-legal consultation centers and labor exchanges; formirOof a single Russian bank vacancies (national bank wakanthis) and the national bank of citizens who are ready change place of residence (taking into account their wishesAny); support for recruiting companies; Creation federal system taking into account information about labor needs in different regions; sodathimpediment to the development of lending for self-employment and small businessesAgovernment. It seems important to join forces public services and non-state information intermediaries, primarily in the electronic employment market. The main task of interregional labor centers should be to provide citizens-potential migrants with information about the possibilities of intra-Russian resettlement; about territories and settlements that are promising or not recommended for settlement; providing support to migrants from unpromising settlements, allowing migrants to consciously and purposefully make decisions about resettlement. Interregional labor centers, as well as territorial employment service departments, should have a database of available vacancies throughout the country, a list of leading enterprises and organizations of this region with characteristics of their industry structure and professional and qualification requirements for employees; promising areas for the development of private entrepreneurship and small business. If possible, the data bank should include information about the availability and possibility of obtaining housing, a list. Since today enterprises do not always provide information about open vacancies to the employment service, it may be necessary to legislate the company’s obligation to provide information about it to the employment service when a vacancy opens. As part of the implementation of the third fundamental goal, it is necessary tohprovide conditions for the preservation and further formation of the population in the regionandgeopolitically significant regions of the northern, eastern and border regionsAlocal regions of the Russian Federation. The dramatic change in the directions of intra-Russian migration flows that occurred in the 1990s compared to previous decades led to a significant reduction in the population in regions of Russia that are strategically important from the point of view of national security interests. The decline in the population of the northern and eastern regions of Russia, in turn, destroys the labor potential adapted to the natural conditions of these regions and in the future may become a threat to the implementation of large investment projects. State policy measures should be aimed at restoreAnew economic activity of enterprises located in thoseRterritories of the Far North, Siberia and the Far East, by pursuing an active economic policy in these regions, including the development and implementation of investment programs, provision of tax incentives and subsidies; for the development of social, transport and market infrastructure, housing construction in these regions. Conclusion Thus, increasing internal mobility of the population is a necessary condition for ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of Russia. In this case it is necessary systemmnew approach to regulating internal migration flows and organizing interaction between federal government bodies and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public organizations and the business community. The goals and objectives of the migration policy of the Russian Federation must be consistent with forecasts and programs for the socio-economic and demographic development of individual territories and subjects of the Federation; Migration policy should be carried out in close connection with state employment policy and regional development policy. The practice of patching up migration holes must give way to a comprehensive, balanced migration policy aimed at encouraging the internal migration mobility of citizens, taking into account the priorities of the country’s socio-economic development. In turn, increasing population mobility will make it possible to more quickly respond to challenges related to the implementation of economic modernization policies and the promotion of sustainable economic growth, including increasing the role of the processing and innovation sectors in economic development. Bibliography

Aleshkovsky I.A. Internal migration of the population in modern Russia: trends, determinants, policies. M.: Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, TEIS, 2008.

Vorobyova O.D. Migration policy. Series "Population Migration". Supplement to the magazine "Migration in Russia". Issue 6.M., 2001.

Mukomel V.I. Migration policy of Russia: post-Soviet contexts / Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: Dipol-T, 2008.

Regent T.M. Migration in Russia: problems of public administration. M.: ISPEN Publishing House, 2007.


An analysis of the main approaches to the study of migration processes was carried out, and it was concluded that most of them are based on the consideration of migration as an element of socio-demographic, socio-economic and social-labor relations. The application of a management approach to the study of migration is substantiated, considering the questions of who and how manages migration processes and how to manage them as efficiently as possible. migration flows in order to optimize the benefits of certain types of migration. The functions of migration management are identified and characterized. The author's scenario for the implementation of migration policy at the regional and state levels is proposed.

migration management

migration management

international migration

1. Zayonchkovskaya Zh.A. Migration on different time scales // Center for Problems of Forced Migration in the CIS; Independent Research Council on Migration of the CIS and Baltic Countries. Scientific reports. – M., 1999. – Issue. 1.

2. Iontsev V.A. Classification of main scientific approaches in the study of population migration // Population migration: Theory and practice of research. Issue 1. – M., 2001. – P.18-34.

3. Meskon M., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management. – M., 1995.

4. Methodology and methods for studying migration processes. Interdisciplinary textbook / Ed. Zh. Zayonchkovskaya, I. Molodikova, V. Mukomel. – Center for Migration Research. – M., 2007. – 370 p.

5. Neklyudova N.P. Scientific and methodological approaches to the study of international migration // Journal of Economic Theory. – 2010. – No. 4. – P.195-198.

The development of migration policy at the state and regional levels, the forecast of migration processes and the preparation of recommendations for regulating migration flows is impossible without studying the conditions and mechanisms of migration processes. In turn, mechanisms for regulating labor resources have a significant impact on the productivity of social labor, which leads to smoothing or, conversely, disproportions in the socio-economic development of various territories, depending on the migration policy pursued.

Despite the apparent ease of statistical study of external migration, in practice there are difficulties in quantitatively characterizing the dependence of migration processes on other socio-economic phenomena. The complexity of population migration processes, the variety of causes, motives and consequences of their implementation have contributed to the emergence of various approaches to the study of the migration process and theories of international labor migration.

The most complete classification of the main scientific approaches to the study of migration was developed by Moscow State University professor V. A. Iontsev. Its classification includes 17 scientific approaches to the study of population migration, containing 45 scientific directions, theories and concepts. Main approaches: economic, sociological, demographic, migration, historical, geographical, political, typological, environmental, systemic, ethnographic, psychological, biological, genetic, philosophical, legal, methodological. Most approaches to the study of migration are areas based on the consideration of migration as an element of socio-demographic, socio-economic and socio-labor relations.

Analysis of these approaches to the study of migration showed that most of them are areas based on the consideration of migration as an element of socio-demographic, socio-economic and socio-labor relations.

It should be noted that international labor migration is one of the characteristic features of the modern economic order. Consideration of labor migration as one of the elements ensuring this economic order raises the question of who and how manages migration processes, the role of “migration management” in the overall system of socio-economic and political decisions. Within the framework of existing approaches, such issues have not been sufficiently studied, which affects the quality of the migration policy pursued by our state. The vague theoretical and methodological principles on which it is based make it inconsistent and ineffective. In this regard, it is proposed to supplement the existing classifications of scientific approaches to the study of international migration with a managerial (or managerialist) approach.

Firstly, there are a number of social and political problems associated with migration processes that the state cannot fully cope with, as it itself admits (paragraphs 11, 12 of the Concept of State Migration Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025).

Secondly, the need to develop new approaches to regulating migration flows is also recognized in the Concept of Demographic Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2015 in the field of migration and resettlement.

Thirdly, due to the lack of an effective migration policy, migration processes have developed an attitude towards “challenges” and “threats”. This gives the policy not a preventive, but a reactive character: in such a situation, it becomes a response to what has already happened, and does not implement its own profitable scenario. Scientific research in which migration processes would be considered as an object of management would, in our opinion, contribute to resolving this contradiction.

When considering the traditional Russian research approach to regulating migration and migration policy, issues of distribution of power and resources between various agents and institutions were, as a rule, excluded: only one subject of migration policy was considered - the state. As part of the management approach, it is possible to analyze the resources available in the migration management system, study how they are distributed between the subjects of migration, who, in whose interests and through what mechanisms manages migration at the federal, regional and local levels. In our opinion, it is advisable to include in the specific issues of migration process management those that are related to a specific type of migration. Such questions may include:

  • the essence and methodological basis of managing a certain type of migration;
  • the structure of the migration process being studied;
  • communication processes and migration management functions;
  • assessment of management effectiveness and planning of a specific type of migration.

The study and management of migrations is inextricably linked with the systematization of accounting for migration processes. Migration accounting is one of the most difficult types of population data collection. Traditionally, the main sources of information on the size, structure and directions of migration flows are: current migration records, population censuses, special sample surveys of the population, various population lists and registers.

Accounting for internal and external migration can be carried out by different departments using completely different methods. This leads to little or no comparability of data. Due to objective reasons, the problems of migration statistics are currently extremely relevant. The development of migration processes, the emergence of new forms and types of territorial mobility of the population place ever new demands on methods for determining the volume and composition of migration flows.

When implementing a mechanism for recording and assessing migration, it is impossible to do without developing and improving tools, which first of all includes the development of criteria for assessing migration processes and a program for their research.

The next stage in studying the mechanisms for managing migration processes can be identified as identifying functions for managing migration flows. Since the composition of general management functions does not depend on the control object, then, accordingly, these functions can be performed in relation to the migration flow as a control object. A number of authors identify five functions of management: planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling and motivating. In relation to the process of managing the migration flow, we propose to replace the motivation function with an incentive function. Let us briefly describe the features of management functions in the migration management system.

Planning includes a continuous process of establishing and specifying the development goals of international migration and its individual categories, determining the means to achieve them, the timing and sequence of implementation, and the allocation of resources. The process of planning migration processes, regardless of the type of plans, includes three stages: 1) setting a planning problem, 2) developing a plan, 3) implementing a planning solution.

Currently, the migration policy of the Russian Federation concentrates its efforts on solving current problems, operational management and short-term planning. However, in modern conditions, if the state wants to extract maximum benefits from migration, organizing a system for strategic planning of migration processes is a vital necessity.

The external environment is changing so quickly that operational measures alone to adapt to new realities are no longer enough. In order to strengthen your competitive position in the fight for immigrants, it is necessary to engage in strategic planning at a professional level. The main principle of strategic planning is adaptability, which implies the presence of an alternative plan and strategy. This is a reaction of migration policy to changes occurring in society and the economy.

In managing migration processes, one can rely on the following strategic alternatives.

  1. Expansion strategy. Migration policy is focused on expanding (increasing the number) of migration programs and increasing the scale of migration.
  2. Stabilization strategy. Migration Policy aims to gradually increase operational improvements while continuing to work in accordance with its objectives.
  3. Reduction strategy. The activity of migration policy is aimed at reducing migration programs, categories of migrants and the scale of migration. This type of strategy can be taken into account as a temporary measure when solving a specific range of problems.
  4. Combined strategy. Migration policy simultaneously implements any two or even all three of the listed strategies. So, for example, you can choose an expansion strategy in those regions of the Russian Federation that are most acutely experiencing a shortage of labor resources, and a stabilization strategy for those regions where there is natural population growth.

In the process of tactical planning, procedures are developed - specific measures, steps, actions for the implementation of a specific migration program.

Function organizations is aimed at creating the necessary conditions to achieve the goals. The main objectives of the organization in migration management are:

  • formation of the structure of the migration flow;
  • development of migration programs for various categories of immigrants;
  • ensuring the functioning of migration programs with resources (human, financial, material, information).

The organization as a management function in the field of migration must ensure that the existing system complies with the new goals established in the planning targets. If there is no such correspondence, then with the help of the organization function, new systems (migration programs) are created or old ones are reorganized in order to give them the qualities necessary to achieve their goals. The main indicator of high organization of migration management is a quick response to changes in environmental factors.

Stimulation involves identifying and creating conditions that encourage certain groups of people to migrate within the framework of existing programs. The function of stimulation (motivation) in migration management is the definition and creation of conditions that encourage potential labor migrants to migrate in a given direction.

Control involves the process of ensuring the achievement of the goal that is achieved through migration. Control is a continuation of planning and accompanies the process of implementing plans. It involves determining and documenting actual indicators, and comparing them with planned indicators to establish the results of the functioning of migration programs. Control also includes analysis of deviations from planned indicators.

Thanks to control, migration policy has the ability to eliminate obstacles to the implementation of planned targets, therefore control in migration management can be defined as the process by which migration policy ensures the achievement of its goals. At the same time, control allows you to determine which activities towards achieving the goal were most effective.

Coordination as a management function in migration management, it means the orderly creation of a structure (system) that is designed to ensure the distribution of tasks, the regulation of powers and responsibilities of public authorities regulating the processes of labor migration, and a clear structuring of the entire process of migration management in the region. This process is aimed primarily at creating an effective system for fulfilling the migration policy objectives facing the region.

The proposed approach to the regulation and management of migration processes allows us to implement the most profitable scenario for the development of migration policy, and not be a reaction to what has already happened. The purpose of applying the approach is to make the migration policy of the Russian Federation preventive rather than reactive (as it currently is), and our country will be able to derive more benefits from migration processes than problems.

Having analyzed various concepts of the country's development from the point of view of the expected demographic decline and, as a consequence, labor shortages, we can formulate two fundamentally different scenarios for the development of events.

The first scenario is focused on the rejection of immigrants. This scenario assumes the functioning of the economy in conditions of declining population and labor resources. Since the labor force will decline rapidly, the development of labor-saving technologies will not be able to occur as quickly as to completely or at least largely compensate for this decline. Therefore, in such conditions, an economic recession seems inevitable, which will entail a drop in the standard of living of the population - a decrease in income and wages, a freeze, and possibly a reduction in pensions, and a reduction in social programs. To compensate for the loss of the working-age population, it will be necessary to resort to such unpopular measures as a sharp increase in the retirement age, lengthening the working day, and a relative reduction in full-time education. The state will be forced to reduce both human and economic capabilities to support institutions that ensure the country's security - the army and police, the entire system of government.

Consequently, it is clear that Russia’s refusal to immigration threatens serious social destabilization, extreme aggravation political situation. In addition, the lack of immigration is fraught with a decrease in the population of the country, compression of the populated space, and a shift of the population to the center and southwest of European Russia.

The second scenario can be called the replacement immigration scenario. He intends to focus on attracting foreign labor, which can provide Russia with sustainable economic growth.

According to the replacement immigration scenario, the influx of labor will be able to ensure further economic growth, and, consequently, an increase in the standard of living, an increase in pensions, greater social security opportunities, the preservation of the education system, and the maintenance of a stable army and police force. Immigration is also essential to strengthening the integrity of the country by stabilizing the population along the Russia-China border.

But this scenario is not without risks. The increase in ethnocultural diversity associated with immigration creates the preconditions for increased tension, possibly conflicts on ethnocultural grounds, the intensification of nationalist movements, and the intensification of political struggle.

Both scenarios are rather polar, more suitable for theoretical analysis. At the same time, their opposition clearly proves that focusing only on one’s own demographic resources is a dead end. The author’s development scenario is based on these premises, which assumes that the priority of migration policy should be aimed at regulating internal migration flows in order to make the most complete use of the country’s labor reserves. At the same time, the proposed scenario includes a limited attraction of external migrants.

The peculiarity of the scenario is to use a scientifically based approach to managing the mobility of the local population, which should include government support to stimulate the relocation of internal migrants to regions where there is a need for labor. The scenario takes into account the overall decline in population and, accordingly, the working-age population in Russia, which leads to an understanding of the need to attract labor migrants from abroad. But such attraction must be strictly regulated, taking into account the characteristics of the labor market and the demographic situation in a particular region. Such regulation is possible by increasing the number of foreign labor in labor-scarce regions, if it is impossible to attract internal migrants and reducing the number of immigrants in regions where vacant jobs can be replaced by local populations by improving the training and retraining system. To preserve and develop scientific and technical potential, favorable conditions must be created to attract foreign highly qualified specialists.

Thus, the use of a management approach makes it possible to provide a scientific substantiation and develop mechanisms for implementing scenarios for the implementation of migration policy both at the regional level and at the state level. The proposed concept of development by limiting labor immigration, taking into account the fullest use of internal labor reserves, leads to a reduction in unemployment in many regions and, as a result, an increase in living standards Russian citizens, while the necessary attraction of foreign labor will help make up for the natural decline in the country's population and increase its potential.

The article was prepared with the support of a grant from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation-Ural and the Government Sverdlovsk region No. 14-12-66025 “Assessment of the socio-economic well-being of the Sverdlovsk region in the context of growing labor migration.”


Kuzmin A.I., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg;

Kulkova I.A., Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, Ural State Economic University, Yekaterinburg.

Bibliographic link

Neklyudova N.P., Melnikova A.S. DEVELOPMENT OF MECHANISMS FOR RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT OF MIGRATION PROCESSES // Modern problems of science and education. – 2014. – No. 5.;
URL: (access date: 12/20/2017). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Migration processes have always played an important role in the life of Russia and its individual regions, ensuring the development of the country's territory, redistributing the population and labor resources. In recent years, migration, under the influence of political and socio-economic changes in the country and abroad, has acquired a number of fundamentally new features that are acutely problematic.

For the 90s migration from the CIS member states and from the Baltic countries to Russia amounted to more than 8 million people. During the same period, about 4 million people left Russia. Migration to Russia from neighboring countries in the first half of the 90s. was largely of a forced nature, determined by the instability of the political situation, the formation of new independent states, the emergence of interethnic conflicts. Total for 1992-2000 More than 1.6 million people received forced migrant and refugee status in Russia.

Illegal migration. Of particular concern is illegal immigration to the Russian Federation, which, according to various estimates, today ranges from 1 to 1.5 million people. The large-scale influx of various categories of foreign citizens and stateless persons is having an increasing impact on the internal political situation in Russia, significantly affecting the social sphere, affecting the national labor market, and aggravating the crime situation.

The bulk of illegal immigrants arrive in the Russian Federation from non-CIS countries (Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, countries of Africa, the Near and Middle East, South Asia) and CIS member states (Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan).

The problem of illegal migration largely arose due to the lack of proper attention from the state, the inconsistency of the legal framework for regulating immigration and the stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons on the territory of the country with the needs of the real situation in Russia (until recently, the main document regulating the legal status of foreigners in Russia, the USSR Law “On legal status foreign citizens in the USSR", adopted in 1981); the openness of a significant part of the Russian state border with states that were formerly part of the USSR, in the absence of uniformity of national legislation to combat illegal migration.

Over the past five years, for violating the established rules of stay, he was brought to administrative responsibility about 1 million foreigners, more than 90 thousand people were expelled from the territory of the Russian Federation.

Despite the fact that most citizens of the former USSR have decided to obtain Russian or other citizenship, the issues of documenting and registering them are difficult to resolve. The main problem in the practical settlement of this issue is the lack of legally established criteria for determining permanent residence.

Many immigrants, having entered the territory of Russia several years ago for the purpose of transit and subsequent departure to Western countries, remain in the country where their economic adaptation, including on the basis of illegal employment, is quite successful. At the same time, there is a significant number of foreigners (more than 250 thousand people) who really need asylum in accordance with the international obligations assumed by the Russian Federation.

Reasons for ineffective performance Russian structures to prevent illegal migration are the unreasonably lengthy development of a strategy and tactics to combat it, the narrow departmental approach of a number of federal executive bodies in resolving these issues and their desire to replace the organizationally complex work of strengthening interaction with a simple redistribution of functions.

In addition to developing and implementing measures to prevent certain categories of foreign citizens from entering Russia and expelling persons engaged in illegal and criminal activities, it is necessary to take measures to legalize certain groups of migrants. First of all, this applies to that category of foreign citizens who, over a long period of stay in the Russian Federation, without violating the laws of the country, managed to adapt (have a legal source of income, housing). In addition, it is necessary to supplement the state system for preventing and suppressing the illegal entry and stay of foreign citizens with organizational and practical measures, including: changing the system for registering foreigners in the internal affairs bodies, as well as creating a unified system for exchanging information on illegal migration; formation of a network of temporary detention centers to verify the legality of entry and stay of foreigners; creation of a system of unified immigration control on the territory of the Russian Federation, development and improvement of the bodies carrying out this activity, vesting them with appropriate powers; the formation in the system of internal affairs bodies of specialized units to combat offenses in the field of migration, especially to suppress the activities of criminal groups.

The problem of forced migrants. There are approximately 300 thousand internally displaced persons in the country, Russian citizenship and the right to government support. Two-thirds of them are in line to receive housing, and one-third are on an interest-free repayable loan to purchase it. The unresolved problems of settling forced migrants is due to the fact that the Federal Migration Program is unsatisfactorily funded. Therefore, annually less than 40 thousand people receive assistance for settlement instead of 120 thousand.

The resulting debts for the accommodation of forced migrants are largely related to the need to almost annually divert funds from the Federal Migration Program to eliminate the consequences of emergencies and armed conflicts, the amount of which reached 60% of the allocated funding.

In the near future, with adequate funding, it is possible to liquidate the debt to the first-priority and first-priority housing recipients within three years. For this, according to calculations, it will be necessary to allocate 3.96 billion rubles. for the purchase of housing for 50 thousand people and 2.7 billion rubles. - loans for 35 thousand families (taking into account the increase in the queue for 2002-2004).

However, both compact and dispersed settlements require development, government support through the provision of long-term interest-free repayable loans, the development of other credit mechanisms, and taking into account the actual situation on the labor market in various regions. The loan size should be close to the actual cost of housing.

It is obvious that both federal authorities and the constituent entities of the Federation should participate in resolving issues of settling forced migrants. But without increasing the level of responsibility of bodies at all levels (federal, regional and local) and without creating the interest of the subjects of the Federation in the arrangement of forced migrants resettled on their territory, a fundamental solution to this problem is impossible. Russia has unique experience(pre-revolutionary period and 20s of Soviet times) encouragement of regions resettling migrants.

Resolving the protracted issues of the return of displaced persons from the Chechen Republic and some other conflict zones in the North Caucasus requires special attention. Currently, the number of displaced persons who have fled permanent residence in the Chechen Republic is 425 thousand people, of which 235 thousand are located on its territory. The rest live in Ingushetia, Dagestan, Stavropol and other regions of Russia. It is this part of the forced migrants who are in especially difficult conditions: there are no conditions for their safe return, payments for lost housing and property are unsatisfactory, people live in temporary housing devoid of amenities, do not have work, etc.

Work migration. The gradual entry of Russia into the international labor market marked the beginning of the development of processes of external (international) labor migration, which occurs in the form of attracting and using labor of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the country and the departure of Russian citizens abroad for the purpose of hired work.

In the early 90s. emigration from Russia (mainly to Germany and Israel) was formally ethnic, but essentially socio-economic in nature and was regulated by immigration quotas of the receiving countries, and did not exceed 100 thousand people annually.

Currently, emigration, as before, has a socio-economic, but already open character, its scale has increased, and the qualitative composition of emigrants has changed, which causes great concern. According to experts, as well as ongoing research, the volume of irrevocable emigration of young people - trained engineers, programmers, specialists in the field of economics and humanities - to economically developed countries is increasing. This is due to the low opportunities for self-realization of the abilities and knowledge of young specialists in the country and for receiving decent remuneration for intellectual and highly professional work.

There is a steady upward trend in labor emigration of Russian citizens through state-controlled channels. From 1994 to 2000, it increased 5 times and reaches 40 thousand people per year. To some extent, it is reciprocal in nature, reduces tension in the domestic labor market, helps smooth out the negative consequences of structural imbalances in its development, to some extent contributes to improving the skills of workers and in the future can become a source of foreign exchange earnings for the country. But often the activities of organizations hiring workers to work abroad involve violations of the rights of Russian citizens.

At the same time, another trend can be noted - the influx of foreign labor into Russia. According to official data, the average annual number of foreign workers attracted on the basis of employment agreements (contracts) in the period from 1996 to 2000 was about 240 thousand people. The vast majority of them (about 70%) are used in material production sectors. However, officially registered foreign workers make up no more than 0.4% of the total number of employees in the country's economy. In the future, with an increase in the scale of production, as well as in connection with the emerging demographic situation, the need for foreign labor may increase. But often the processes of attracting foreign workers are accompanied by their illegal employment in Russia and violation of labor and social rights. At the same time, the issue of labor activity of foreign citizens is not regulated by law. The number of them, mainly from the CIS member states, working on the basis of civil contracts (i.e. outside the framework of labor relations), according to expert estimates, is up to 2 million people. Their uncontrolled activities have a significant impact on the state of the labor market and paid services, accompanied by tax evasion.

Internal migration. Since the beginning of the 90s. Negative trends began to dominate in the processes of intra-Russian migration. The consistent settlement of poorly developed, but rich in natural resources and areas occupying an advantageous geopolitical position for many decades and hundreds of years, as a result of the removal of the state from regulating migration processes, was replaced by a reduction in the number and density of the population of these territories, and the destruction of their labor potential. If in the past the population growth of the Northern, Western Siberian, Eastern Siberian and Far Eastern economic regions was constantly higher than in the country as a whole (between the 1959 and 1979 censuses, the population growth rate in these regions exceeded the republican average by 1.4 times, and between 1979 and 1989 - 2 times), then in the 90s. Already, the rate of population decline in these four economic regions was almost 6 times higher than in Russia as a whole. Over the decade, the population of northern and eastern regions decreased by 1.1 million people (while in all other regions it increased by 0.4 million), not only from natural decline, but also as a result of a negative migration balance. During 1991-2000 The European North of our country - 334 thousand people left, and the North-East - 593 thousand people. All these years, in Murmansk, Magadan, Kamchatka and other northern regions of the Federation, the demographic and labor potential created by many generations of migrants who went through difficult medical and biological adaptation and gained experience working in the extreme conditions of the Russian North has been destroyed. The most alarming population situation is developing in the North-East of the country. Thus, over the past 10 years, the population of the Magadan region and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug as a result of migration decreased from 543 thousand people in 1989 to 305 thousand by the beginning of 2000, i.e. 1.8 times.

Migration problems in the border areas of Eastern Siberia and the Far East are even more pressing. For over 150 years, settlement and strengthening took place. Russian borders along the Argun, Amur and Ussuri rivers. With great difficulty, a permanent population was created in this area. Now it is leaving the border areas. Over the past 10 years, Chita and Amur regions. 200 thousand people left the Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories and the Jewish Autonomous Region. These areas are partially replaced by immigrants from neighboring countries. While this unregulated process is in its early stages, its eventual completion could create serious problems for the country. However, Russia does not have the demographic resources and the necessary economic opportunities for large-scale resettlement to areas of the country with extreme conditions life.

The processes of population formation in geopolitically and geostrategically important regions must be ensured by government regulation. At the same time, the main attention in migration policy must be paid not only to the resettlement of migrants from other regions, but also to maintaining the number of working-age citizens already living.

It cannot be ignored that immigration from foreign countries to these regions will continue, which will affect the ethnic structure of the population.

Flows of both internal and external migrants are directed to densely populated central and southern regions Russia with favorable natural conditions, or a relatively high level of socio-economic development. And yet, in most areas, migration only compensated for the natural population decline; its growth was noted only in a few regions.

Population migration in the last decade has been characterized by ethnic selectivity; many migrants strive to the regions where their ethnic group lives. As a result, in a number of republics there is an ethnic concentration of the population, which is expressed in the absolute and relative increase in the number of representatives of indigenous nationalities. At the same time, there is an increase in the number of national diasporas from foreign countries, primarily neighboring ones, which in a number of regions of the South of Russia leads to interethnic tension and an aggravation of the crime situation.

A separate problem should be considered the departure of the Russian population from a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which leads to their ethnic and national-territorial isolation. At the same time, these processes cause a slowdown in the socio-economic development of these territories, primarily the republics North Caucasus.

Migration and demographic situation. Although the migration influx, primarily of the Russian-speaking population from neighboring countries, leveled out the unfavorable dynamics of the population of the Russian Federation, it was nevertheless unable to radically improve the demographic situation in the country. Population size due to depopulation, i.e. the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births, in these years should have decreased by 6.8 million people, but migration made its own adjustment - the actual decrease was 3.5 million. Among migrants who arrived from neighboring countries in the last 10 years, the share of people under 16 years of age accounted for over 27%. Moreover, approximately 45-50 thousand children were born to migrants during this period, now citizens of Russia.

Thanks to migration for 1991-1999. The number of Russians increased by 2.7 million people. The population of the Russian Federation has been largely replenished by immigrants from Kazakhstan, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

In the first decade of the 21st century. The pace of further decline in the country's population will largely be determined by the scale of the influx of migrants from abroad. The number of the titular peoples of Russia - Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Komi, Kabardians, etc., remaining in the near abroad, is currently approximately 22-23 million people. Only in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, where the largest outflow of the Russian-speaking population was noted, there are up to 6.5 million Russians left. The reduction in the scale of migration of Russians and other titular peoples of Russia from these and a number of other neighboring countries, as well as a decrease in the migration growth of the population of Russia as a whole, What happened in the 90s was caused by the liberalization of attitudes towards the Russian-speaking population (language and other relaxations), but no less due to the fact that in their historical homeland migrants do not meet with proper understanding and support, as well as due to the lack of a consistent migration policy regarding compatriots remaining abroad. The experience of, for example, Germany and France in the post-war years testifies to the enormous political and economic gain of these countries, which returned their compatriots from the territories they left behind.

The influx of Russian and other titular peoples of Russia migrants from neighboring countries in the current decade may, with an appropriate migration policy in Russia, amount to 3-5 million people. But in any case, it will significantly slow down the decline in Russia’s population. In subsequent years, migration potential may be completely exhausted. And an effective migration policy in this sector is an objective and urgent need.

In the foreseeable future, the migration activity of our compatriots in the former Soviet republics will depend on two main factors: the socio-political and economic situation in individual countries and Russia’s policy on the reception and integration of immigrants. According to experts, approximately 4 million people are ready to move to Russia. It is important that our country is economically and socially attractive to migrants.

Numerous population forecast calculations carried out by demographers indicate extremely unfavorable population dynamics in the future. Thus, the projected total population of Russia only in 2001-2004. will decrease by 2.9 million people. There will also be changes in its structure: the number of children 0-15 years old over these years will decrease, according to the calculations of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, by 4.7 million people, and after 2005 an absolute reduction in the working age population will begin - by 9.3 million . people until 2015

At the same time, according to preliminary calculations available to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, GDP will increase during 2002-2004. by 3-4% per year, and the total number of people employed in the country’s economy should increase over the same period by almost 1.2 million people. But the problem of Russia, like many developed countries, is not only a reduction in population, but also a change in age proportions and an increase in the proportion of older age groups.

The state migration policy of the Russian Federation should strive to maximize the positive impact of immigration on demographic dynamics. It is also necessary to develop criteria and implement a selective immigration policy, which will be based on pragmatic economic and geopolitical interests.

Analysis and forecast of the current migration, demographic and socio-economic situation and prospects for its development show that migration processes in the near future will become increasingly important for the Russian state. Consequently, migration policy should become a full-fledged component of the domestic and foreign policy of the Russian state, and its implementation should be one of the priority tasks.

Migration policy priorities. In terms of relevance and severity, the problems of forced and illegal (including labor) migration are in first place, and in the future, given its scale and significance, the regulation of population placement and internal labor migration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Government of the Russian Federation in July 2001 basically approved the Concept of State Migration Policy. It should express the state’s position on stimulating the influx of migrants from neighboring countries and supporting, primarily in the legal sphere, the compatriots who remain there; encouraging self-development of internal migrants and immigrants with broad involvement of potential public organizations and extrabudgetary funds. The concept should also contain issues of regulating immigration from foreign countries: quotas, immigration control, expulsion from the country, as well as the creation of legal and economic conditions for the integration of immigrants into the Russian population, management of labor migration, including both those who arrive for temporary work in Russia and and Russian citizens working under contracts outside the country. No less important are such problems as justifying the limits of admissibility of the formation of diasporas from neighboring countries in strategically important border areas; establishing conditions and deadlines for solving the problems of internally displaced persons, refugees and displaced persons; settlement in new places, return to places of permanent residence, forms of involving those new foreign countries from where forced migrants came to Russia, etc., in resolving these issues; establishment on certain time a special regime for regulating migration processes in the regions of the North Caucasus, including a targeted migration policy in relation to the subjects of the Federation of this region.

In accordance with the principles of the Concept of State Migration Policy, a comprehensive regulatory and legal framework in the field of migration management must be created, adequate to the situation of the transition period. A number of current laws and regulations do not meet these conditions and require significant clarification. It is necessary to introduce amendments to the Federal Laws “On Refugees” and “On Forced Migrants”. In our opinion, it is advisable to use the positive experience of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of regulating migration flows. For example, in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, since 1994, a number of relevant regulatory legal acts have been adopted, the implementation of which by state authorities and local self-government has significantly contributed to establishing control over migration processes and maintaining socio-political stability in Kabardino-Balkaria. But as a result of bringing the republican legislation into conformity with the federal one, the previously adopted regulatory legal acts were canceled. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to establish a temporary special regime for migration processes in the North Caucasus, which would include the following points: targeted migration policy for each subject of the North Caucasus region; special treatment between administrative boundaries and on state border; passport and visa regime.

The international cooperation. Important areas of international cooperation in the field of migration are maintaining relations with international organizations - partners of Russia, establishing and developing connections with migration and other authorized departments of foreign countries.

Taking into account the development of integration trends, as well as an increasingly active entry into the global labor market, Russia should pursue a policy towards citizens who have been living and working in other countries for a long time, which would provide them with a number of preferences when immigrating to the country (investing capital, etc. .).

At the same time, it is necessary to facilitate the return of highly qualified specialists to the country, as well as to develop a system of measures for the naturalization and adaptation of immigrants, their involvement in Russian society (priority - citizens of the CIS countries), for a selective migration policy (by individual countries, professions, qualification criteria) , determine the proportions of attracting migrants on a temporary and permanent basis. A situation cannot be considered normal when hundreds of thousands of people live on the territory of a country who are not taken into account by statistics and, therefore, are not taken into account when developing socio-economic programs. In addition, they do not pay taxes.

Illegal immigration must be suppressed, and for this we need effective mechanisms, first of all, unified immigration control on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The adoption of the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation” and its entry into force will make it possible to revise the current system of control over the stay of foreigners in the Russian Federation, as it provides for specific steps in this area: the creation of a central data bank to record information related to entry, stay and departure of foreign citizens; establishing a quota for the entry of foreigners into Russia for permanent residence; introduction of the institution of deprivation of the status of a foreign citizen permanently residing in the Russian Federation.

The adoption of the law does not fully solve the entire range of problems associated with the stay of foreign citizens. It is necessary to fully implement the Agreement on Cooperation between CIS Member States in the fight against illegal migration, ratified on June 12, 2000 by the Russian Federation, which requires the creation of an effective system of control and combating the illegal entry and stay of foreigners, the formation of a data bank on illegal migrants and the exchange of information with other central executive authorities of the CIS member states.

About the regulatory body. To strengthen state regulation of population migration, it is necessary, first of all, to create management structures adequate to this task. More than 20 executive authorities are involved in resolving migration issues at the federal level alone. However, there is no effective coordination of their activities due to the liquidation of the relevant government body. Therefore, at this stage, it seems important to recreate an all-Russian coordinating body (an interdepartmental government body) and determine a mechanism for coordinating the actions of law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, constituent entities of the Federation, etc., related to resolving migration issues.

The practical activities of the coordinating body, in addition to resolving current and everyday emergency issues, should be aimed at the strict implementation of the Federal Migration Program, which, after appropriate modification and approval by the government, should receive the status of a state program.

Any body responsible for regulating migration processes in the country cannot work successfully without advanced research developments. Currently, international foundations and organizations mainly finance only those studies of Russian scientists in the field of population migration whose ideological approaches meet their requirements and which they can actively influence. Basically, these studies cover painful migration problems (refugees, displaced persons) associated with human rights violations. The new system for managing the migration process should have mechanisms for controlling internal migration, in particular maintaining the population in border areas, restraining “brain drain,” regulating immigration processes, etc.

Achieving further qualitative changes and results in the implementation of state migration policy and solving migration problems is impossible without combining the efforts of federal, regional and local authorities and management, and the widespread involvement of non-state structures, public associations and citizens.

It is necessary to increase the level of responsibility of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for solving migration problems, since many practical issues of implementing migration policy can and should be resolved at this level.

It is important to note that over the past 10 years, an organized resettlement movement has emerged in the country, with the main goal of cooperation with government agencies in solving settlement problems. Resettlement organizations participate in the creation of jobs, psychological rehabilitation centers for victims of armed conflicts, communicate with compatriots - potential migrants, finding them housing and work in Russia in advance, work successfully with the media, and organize their own construction cooperatives. All this contributes to the formation of a positive public opinion towards immigrants, which is very important for their successful integration into Russian society.

The state must support and stimulate the initiative of resettlement organizations. World experience shows that the effectiveness of development increases when governmental and non-governmental organizations with relevant experience and skills become partners in solving this problem. It is necessary to properly use the potential of public organizations of migrants themselves.

State policy for managing migration processes should ensure the overall improvement of the demographic situation in the country, contribute to the solution of long-term socio-economic problems in the interests of the whole society and each individual, in the interests of a good future for the country.

As a manuscript

Dmitrieva Yulia Viktorovna


Specialty 08.00.05 – Economics and management of the national economy

(population economics and demography; management)

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Moscow - 2011

The work was carried out at the Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific consultant

Rybakovsky Leonid Leonidovich

Official opponents:

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Ivakhnyuk Irina Vladimirovna

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Ignatskaya Marina Anatolyevna

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor

Pismennaya Elena Evgenievna

Lead organization:

Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population RAS

The defense will take place on March 29, 2012 at 16-00 at a meeting of the Dissertation Council D.002.088.02 at the Institute of Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the address: 119333 Moscow, st. Fotieva, house 6, building 1, ISPI RAS.

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council

Candidate of Economic Sciences L.V. Makarova


Relevance of the research topic. The transformation of demographic processes in the Russian Federation, which is inextricably linked with the transformation of the reproduction of human capital in the context of fundamental socio-economic changes, has led to fundamentally new challenges and threats that are among the priorities that Russian society will have to respond to in the 21st century.

Population migration as a complex phenomenon today has an ambiguous impact on the socio-economic situation in Russia. On the one hand, the migration influx compensates for the country’s demographic losses and makes up for the growing labor shortage, and on the other hand, the negative results of its impact on the socio-economic situation in the country predominate (increase in illegal migration, erosion and marginalization of the socio-cultural values ​​of the population, outflow of qualified specialists and etc.). As a result, the prospects for demographic and, in general, socio-economic development of the Russian state will largely depend on the formation of migration processes, the management of which at the present stage relates to the strategic direction of public administration, the main goals and objectives of which are spelled out in the Concept for regulating migration processes of the Russian Federation , approved by the Russian government in 2003.

During the period of global socio-economic changes, all existing institutions and organizations (including the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation), in order to adapt to these conditions, need to learn to change along with the world around them, introducing Hi-tech into the management process. It is these problems that the President of the Russian Federation emphasized in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The President noted that in the current conditions it is necessary to act proactively and create the foundations of national competitiveness where we can receive future benefits and advantages. It is necessary to quickly develop niches being vacated in the global economy, create new effective enterprises, and introduce the most advanced technologies. According to the President of the Russian Federation, this approach, on the one hand, is one of the best anti-crisis “medicines” and, on the other hand, an integral part of the ideology of modern development of Russia.

The current management of migration processes in Russia is in the nature of a rapid response to problems, that is, it is not aimed at achieving a specific long-term goal that has a certain place in the hierarchy of goals of public administration as a whole. In these conditions, the improvement of the methodological basis of public administration, which forms a system of basic principles, methods, techniques, ways and means of their implementation in the organization and construction of scientific and practical activities of Russian migration services, acquires exceptional importance.

In all the diversity of problems in the study of migration processes, a set of issues related to scientific and methodological support for research in the field of managing migration processes and the use of new technologies is one of the least developed. In this regard, it becomes obvious the need to develop effective mechanisms and tools for managing migration processes based on new conceptual approaches.

That is why, in our opinion, in order to solve management problems in the field of population migration, the introduction of a quality management system based on international standards ISO 9000 series (International Organization for Standardization) into the activities of the Federal Migration Service of Russia is of significant scientific and practical interest. The introduction of this system into the activities of the Federal Migration Service of Russia is of particular relevance also because one of the consumers of the services provided by the Federal Migration Service of Russia are migrants, who currently act as virtually powerless applicants who are entirely dependent on the actions of government officials. A new approach to managing migration processes will radically change the attitude of officials towards migrants, because in this case, the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of Russian migration services will be assessed not only from the point of view of implementing migration policy, but from the point of view of meeting the requirements of consumers, who are migrants themselves.

The degree of scientific development of the problem and the theoretical basis of the study. The study of migration processes has always been given a special place by both foreign and domestic scientists. The first scientific works devoted directly to population migration are associated with the name of E. Ravenshtein (11 rules of migration). At the beginning of the 20th century, the attention of foreign theorists was attracted to questions of the influence of population migration on the processes of industrialization of society. In the 60s In the 20th century, the sociological basis of migration issues became more noticeable in foreign studies. The social methodology for studying population migration is widely reflected in the works of such authors as Weber M., Simmel G., Marx K., Parsons T. and others.

In Russia, the appearance of the first studies of population migration dates back to end of the 19th century century. Among the most striking works on migration issues (colonization) are the works of such authors as Voshchinin V.P., Grigoriev V.N., Kaufman A.A., Yadrintsev N.M. etc. In the 20-30s. In the 20th century, new topics appeared in the study of population migration related to rural-urban migration and problems of redistribution of labor resources.

Throughout the Soviet period, in the study of population migration, the main place is occupied by the problems of movement of labor resources, stimulation of the movement of labor resources, problems of territorial settlement, and methodological aspects of the study of population migration do not go unnoticed. The works of Zh.A. deserve special attention in the development of the “migration direction”. Zayonchkovskaya, V.I. Perevedentseva, L.L. Rybakovsky, where, within the framework of the demographic aspect, the issues of survival of new settlers in places of settlement, the formation of permanent personnel in the regions of Siberia and the Far East were studied. The scientific merit of L.L. Rybakovsky in studies of population migration, undoubtedly, is the theory of a three-stage migration process.

Significant scientific contributions to the development of modern migration issues were made by: Vorobyova O. D., Zayonchkovskaya Zh. A., Zaslavskaya T. I., Ivakhnyuk I. V., Iontsev V. A., Moiseenko V. M., Mukomel V. I. ., Orlova I. B., Osipov A. G., Perevedentsev V. I., Regent T. M., Rybakovsky L. L., Rybakovsky O. L., Ryazantsev S. V., Savoskul S. S., Sonin M. Ya., Topilin A. V., Ushkalov I., Khorev B. S., Yudina T. N., etc. The works of scientists, which became the theoretical basis of the dissertation research, reveal the socio-demographic and economic aspects of the development and implementation of migration policy and its legislative support. Much attention is paid to the issues of external and internal migration of the population, their trends and characteristics, and a detailed analysis of the illegal migration of foreign labor and its consequences is given.

The works of: Averin Yu. P., Druker P., Kurashvili B. P., Osadchey G. I., Slepenkova I. M., Suvorova L. N., Toshchenko Zh. T., Franchuk V. are devoted to the study of state and social management I. and others, which were also used by the author in his dissertation research.

Issues of quality management are widely reflected in the works of both domestic and foreign scientists. In theoretical terms, the scientific works of Alperin L.N., Amirdzhayants F.A., Versan V.G., Okrepilov V.V. deserve attention. Among foreign scientists, it is worth highlighting the works of the founders of total quality management: Garvin D., Deming E., Juran J., Ishikawa, Kano N. In addition, a significant number of monographs and textbooks devoted to total quality management have recently appeared. Of greatest interest, from the point of view of introducing the concept of total quality management in service enterprises, is the work published in 1996, edited by the Japanese author Noriaki Kano, “Guide to the Implementation of TQM in Service Organizations.” In turn, issues of strategic management were considered in the works of Ansoff I., Drucker D., Kaplan R., Norton D., and Porter M. The connection between strategy and quality is reflected in the works of Kaplan R., Porter M.

The conducted research made a huge scientific contribution, both to the theory of management and to the study of population migration. However, systemic and organizational issues of managing migration processes in the Russian Federation have been studied to a much lesser extent than many other aspects of migration issues. This does not allow us to reasonably reveal the prospects for the development of the migration situation and the possibilities of effectively managing migration processes.

The problem of improving the system for managing migration processes continues to remain relevant, which is dictated by rapid socio-economic and political changes in the country. The situation itself creates new methodological and practical tasks - the search for reliable tools for managing migration processes, the creation of an effective migration policy.

The purpose of the dissertation research is a scientific substantiation of the feasibility of applying the basic principles and methods of introducing a quality management system into the activities of the migration services of the Russian Federation, as well as the development of a new integrated approach to managing migration processes based on the concept of quality management.

In accordance with this goal, the following goals were set in the dissertation: tasks:

Based on the analysis of the terminology system used in management practice, justify and formulate the concept of “migration service” in order to harmonize the conceptual apparatus used in economic theory, management theory and demography;

To propose a new methodological approach to the study of population migration as a social phenomenon;

Assess population migration as a special object in the system of strategic management of socio-demographic processes, based on taking into account its growing role in solving geopolitical and economic problems of Russia;

Determine the specifics of the development of migration processes in the conditions of increasing globalization;

To study domestic experience in managing migration processes and identify the possibility of using its elements at the present time;

Identify the most problematic components of the modern system for managing migration processes in Russia, requiring the introduction of advanced technologies;

Justify the need to develop and implement a quality management system in the activities of migration services as an innovative management system;

Identify the value characteristics of the quality management system for application in the activities of migration services, based on existing concepts, methods and principles of quality management;

Based on taking into account foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of international standards of the quality management system in government organizations, develop a methodology for its implementation in the activities of migration services;

  • develop the main directions for increasing the efficiency of migration process management by introducing a strategic balanced scorecard into the quality management system.

Object of study - system for managing migration processes in modern Russia.

Subject of research is to improve the existing migration process management system based on the concept of quality management.

Methodological basis The research included the works of leading demographers, economists, and sociologists. The work uses the results of scientific and practical research by domestic and foreign scientists on the problem under study. The basis of scientific and methodological support was the following methods: scientific generalizations, systemic, economic, historical, critical, statistical and sociological analysis.

Research information base. The work uses a variety of domestic and foreign sources on various aspects of demographic, historical, geopolitical, socio-economic development. Concepts, laws and by-laws, and analytical materials on the regulation of migration processes in Russia were used. The statistical base consisted of statistical collections and yearbooks of Rosstat, statistical bulletins of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, official UN publications, materials from publications of both domestic and foreign specialized publications and journals, Internet resources, etc. In addition, materials from Rostekhregulirovanie, the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute were used certification, European Foundation for Quality Management, ISO international standards.

Hypothesis The dissertation work is based on a system of theoretical principles and the scientific position of the author, according to which one of the main conditions for solving strategic problems of socio-economic development of Russia is the effective management of migration processes. The latter requires improvement of the management system and its improvement based on the introduction of advanced technologies.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation work

As a result of the analysis of the terminology system used in management practice, a definition of the concept of “migration service” has been formulated; according to the proposed interpretation, “migration service” is characterized as a useful, expedient activity of the migration service apparatus, the results of which are expressed in a beneficial effect that satisfies the interests of citizens (the population).

A new methodological approach to the study of population migration is proposed, the basis of which is formed by theories of the social construction of scientific reality. When the legal and organizational consolidation of social relations arising between the state, represented by state bodies, public structures and citizens, regarding the implementation and coordination of migration processes, is possible only with the full interest of society in the process of forming migration relations or with “real” “knowledge” of society about the process of formation of migration relations.

An assessment is made of population migration as a special object in the system of strategic management of socio-demographic processes, which determined the need for the migration service to move to a qualitatively new level of management. Under these conditions, the process of transformation of an organization implies the activation and use of the self-organizing principle inherent in each individual, as well as the priority inclusion of intellectual potential in the management process, which will allow obtaining a synergistic effect in the management of migration processes.

The specifics of the development of migration processes in the conditions of increasing globalization are determined, when, with mutual influence, on the one hand, globalization as the dominant process leads to the formation of a fundamentally new migration situation in the world, which requires a revision of the existing system of managing migration processes on the basis of new conceptual and practical schemes. On the other hand, population migration stimulates the processes of globalization, connecting states and their populations into a single communication network.

Based on a generalization of domestic experience in managing migration processes, management mechanisms have been identified that make it possible to maintain at the desired level or stimulate certain parameters of population migration in modern Russia, such as concepts for regulating migration processes (the concept of wave phased resettlement; the concept of selecting the area of ​​exit and resettlement; the concept of selecting migrants according to qualitative characteristics) and organized forms of population migration (organizational recruitment, agricultural resettlement, distribution of university graduates, etc.).

The most problematic components of the migration process management system that require the introduction of new technologies have been identified: the hierarchy of the modern organizational structure of the management of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation; ineffective budget planning; lack of a clear methodological basis for public administration; the absence of an independent branch of law regulating migration legislation; insufficient use of domestic and foreign experience in managing migration processes.

The need to develop and implement a quality management system in the activities of Russian migration services is substantiated as a new conceptual approach to the management of migration processes, which will help improve the quality, culture and accessibility of migration services, based on the rational use of financial, material and human resources.

Based on the analysis of existing concepts, methods and principles of quality management, it was revealed that regardless of the recognition of the strategic and universal aspects of quality management, the main value characteristics of quality management are: increasing the level of satisfaction of the population, the efficiency of production processes and service provision, reducing the number of nonconformities and the costs of them elimination, improvement of the organization's image.

Mechanisms and a step-by-step scheme for introducing a quality management system into the existing system for managing migration processes have been developed and justified, taking into account Russian specifics, and the main directions for further improving the quality management process have been formulated;

A conceptual framework has been developed, forms and methods for implementing a strategy for managing migration processes have been proposed by developing a map of balanced strategic indicators and ensuring their achievement through integration into the quality management system.

Practical significance of the research results. The results obtained in the dissertation research can serve as a justification for the development of fundamental provisions that determine the evolutionary changes in the system of managing migration processes. In addition, the developed theoretical provisions of the dissertation can be used to improve methods for studying population migration as a social phenomenon. The presence of practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of the migration process management system can be useful to government institutions whose competence includes issues of regulating the socio-economic processes of the country's development, from the standpoint of the rational use of financial, material and human resources. The obtained material can be used in the educational process of secondary and higher schools on the problems of demography, management, and public administration.

Approbation of work and implementation of results. The results of the study were tested in State University management in the preparation and conduct of lectures and seminars on the academic disciplines “Resettlement and labor management” and “Migration processes in Russia”. The conclusions and provisions of the dissertation research were presented at scientific conferences and round tables, including: Scientific and practical conference “Demographic development of Russia in the 21st century: strategic choice and implementation mechanisms.” Moscow, 2006; International scientific and practical conference “The present and future of Russia through the prism of population censuses (1897, 2002 and 2010). Moscow, 2007; 12th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Management Processes – 2007”. Moscow-GUU, 2007; International scientific and practical conference "The demographic future of Russia: problems and solutions." Moscow, 2008; 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Problems of Management – ​​Modernization and Innovation in the Economy.” Moscow-GUU, 2010; All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Demographic Development of Russia: Objectives” demographic policy and strengthening social support for the population.” Moscow, 2011. The main content of the dissertation was published in 26 works with a total volume of 47.5 pp, including a monograph (23.5 pp) and 9 articles in scientific journals, which are included in the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission .

In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the research, the dissertation work includes an introduction, 5 chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography containing 200 sources and appendices. The work is presented on 355 pages, illustrated with drawings, tables and diagrams.


In administered the relevance of the dissertation topic is substantiated, its purpose and objectives are indicated, the object and subject of the research are defined, its theoretical and methodological foundations are presented, the information base is outlined, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the results obtained are shown.

IN first chapter dissertations "Population migration as a social phenomenon" the essence of population migration and its modern features are determined. An analysis of the methodological features of the study of social aspects of population migration is carried out, and the role of population migration in the theory of management of social systems is determined.

According to the classification of L.L. Rybakovsky, in the scientific literature one can find four approaches to determining population migration. Recognizing the merits of all four approaches, the most complete and accurate, in our opinion, is the following definition: population migration is “any territorial movement of the population associated with crossing both external and internal borders of administrative-territorial entities for the purpose of changing their place of residence or temporary stay on the territory for study or work, regardless of whether it occurs under the prevailing influence of what factors - pulling or pushing."

It is noted that the most important methodological characteristics of population migration include its functions. It is through functions that the essence of population migration is revealed to the greatest extent. Functions are the specific roles that population migration plays in the life of society - influencing the dynamics of demographic processes, increasing population mobility, increasing population size, changing the qualitative composition of the population.

The most common classifications of population migration factors include those that determine the possibility of regulating migration processes. Of particular importance, and this is recognized by all scientists, are economic factors, which are based on the desire of migrants to improve their living conditions. An important factor (subjective group) influencing the direct decision-making on population migration is the presence of a living standard, which determines the attitude towards assessing living conditions in the potential region of settlement.

The most relevant for determining methodological approaches to the development of migration policy seems to be developed by L. L. Rybakovsky, the three-stage theory of the migration process, which allows us to understand the essence of population migration as an object of management.

Social processes and social systems are among the most complex from the point of view of management, since they depend not only on the elements influencing them, but also on the object at which this management is directed - a person, a bearer of psychological reactions and driven in his actions in depending on these reactions. It is in relation to social objects that management can become effective only subject to preliminary justification and development of a specific development policy for a specific object (system).

In determining the methodological features of studying the social aspects of population migration, we proceeded from the understanding of population migration as a social process in the broad sense of the word. Important understanding the essence of a social phenomenon for our research is that this understanding is (explicit or implicit) the methodological basis of sociological knowledge, the study of any social phenomenon, including population migration. The main argument of the study of population migration as a social phenomenon is based on the fact that reality is socially constructed, and the sociology of knowledge analyzes the processes through which this happens. For our study, “reality” was defined as the quality inherent in phenomena, having an existence independent of our will and desire, and “knowledge” was defined as the confidence that phenomena are real and have specific characteristics. Thus, the study of population migration as a social phenomenon is explained, first of all, by the fact of its social relativity. Thus, the “knowledge” of the average person about population migration differs from the “knowledge” of a demographer. What is “real” in relation to population migration for the migrant himself cannot be “real” for the indigenous population. Hence the need to study population migration as a subject of the sociology of knowledge, because Only the sociology of knowledge will be able to assess what is considered “knowledge” in society about population migration, regardless of the validity or otherwise of such “knowledge,” and then construct this “knowledge” into social reality. The idea of ​​the social construction of reality leads to the fact that the criterion of objectivity of “knowledge” is identified with the intersubjectivity of meanings, with the consensus achieved in the research group, and with the objectification of intersubjective meaning on “reality” itself. In other words, the “knowledge” of society and the state about population migration must be constructed so that this “knowledge” about the object reflects one “reality”, both for individual categories of the population and for the state.

Based on the conducted research, a new methodological approach to the study of population migration is proposed, the basis of which is formed by theories of the social construction of scientific reality. The social construction of reality can be defined as interconnected processes: the institutionalization of subjective meanings and their inclusion in social structures, namely the legal and organizational consolidation of social relations arising between the state, represented by government bodies, public structures and citizens, regarding the implementation and coordination of migration processes, followed by the separation of population migration into a separate industry. What is possible only when social structures themselves are included in the system of subjective meanings, i.e. with the full interest of society in the process of formation of migration relations or with “real” “knowledge” of society about the process of formation of migration relations. It is substantiated that the introduction of population migration into society is necessary in order to ensure legislative registration of conscious, true, well-founded relations (“knowledge”) in the field of population migration, and not separately dictated by the state socially unadapted concepts of population migration and, accordingly, a clear definition and formulation of development principles migration relations in the rule-making activities of the state.

In the dissertation, population migration is considered as a specific social phenomenon in the system of social management, which is determined by the social system itself as an integral structure, the main element of which is people, their interactions, relationships and connections. From the perspective of the theory of management of social systems, population migration is highlighted as a special object in the system of strategic management of social processes. The most important goal of effective management of any process, including population migration, is to ensure the economic efficiency of the process. In other words, the very existence of management and its mechanisms are justified only if such activities provide the required economic results. Of course, this activity can bring outstanding results of a non-economic nature.

The work notes that today, regarding the system of modern management of migration processes, there is an imbalance between the object and subject of management, which in the future can lead to a deep management crisis. This situation becomes possible in the presence of constantly operating factors:

The internal and external environment of the control object today is very mobile, dynamic, complex, which makes it less and less recognizable;

Changes in the internal and external environment depend on many interrelated factors, which are becoming increasingly difficult to take into account and predict.

The work shows that the use of a synergetic approach as a new technology in managing migration processes will lead to a synergistic effect. When, on the one hand, there is a qualitative internal reorganization of the migration service, in which the internal potential of employees is activated and used (in this case, the employee is endowed with independence and freedom, which at the same time are inseparable from responsibility). On the other hand, there is an inclusion in the management process of intellectual potential, which consists of creative individuals motivated for management activities. As a result, we get an increase in efficiency in the activities of migration services, because the system's response will be determined largely by its structure and internal connections and characteristics, rather than by external influences.

In second chapter dissertations “Features of managing migration processes and their place in modern development” an assessment of population migration is given in the context of increasing globalization and the consequences of the economic crisis. The migration policy of Russia in pre-revolutionary Russia and the migration policy of the Soviet state are analyzed. The migration problems of Russia in the post-Soviet period and the formation of state migration policy are considered, as well as the characteristics of the modern structure of the Federal Migration Service of Russia and the legal framework for managing population migration are given.

According to the UN, since the beginning of the 21st century, migration has covered 218 countries; the number of people living outside the countries of their birth or citizenship is estimated at 175 million people, which is about 3% of the total world population. The number of migrants in the world exceeds the population of, for example, Brazil (192 million people in 2008) or Russia and Ukraine combined (188 million people). Labor today plays a decisive role in the global economy - in 2007, through banks alone, labor migrants transferred $240 billion to their relatives in developing countries. According to experts, this figure can easily be increased by 1.5-1.7 times through informal channels transfer of money. As a result, international population migration can be confidently attributed to global processes.

The development of migration processes in the context of increasing globalization is manifested in the formation of a fundamentally new migration situation in the world, which is characterized by: a change in the scale and structure of migration processes; the emergence of new requirements for the qualitative characteristics of migrants; uneven demographic development of countries and regions of the world; increasing unevenness in the socio-economic development of developed and developing countries (the main feature of globalization); the growth and exacerbation of such problems as migrant phobia, interethnic conflicts and so on.; the transformation of population migration into a globally organized international business, including criminal business; growing problems in the formation of mechanisms for influencing illegal migration of the population.

However, at the same time, population migration stimulates the processes of globalization, connecting states and their populations into a single communication network and becomes the cause of many important social, economic, political, and cultural events.

As a result of the study of population migration, in the context of the development of the economic crisis, the negative consequences of its influence on migration processes were identified. Thus, there was a decrease in migration flows from developing countries and an increase in the level of return migration; mass rural-urban return migrations appeared; rising unemployment rates and worsening working conditions for migrants who choose to stay; reduction in international remittances (registered); reduction in economic growth and poverty reduction; increase in the scale of illegal migration.

The thesis was substantiated that modern migration processes will undoubtedly remain the main topic of both national and international agendas in the foreseeable future, acquiring new meaning, new motivation and new guidelines, where migrants acquire the status of an important and effective socio-economic resource in the modern world. So today, we can talk about the formation in Russia of a new type of labor migration of the population, which is characterized by such a transformation of the labor market, when there is a clear separation of the spheres of activity of migrants and the indigenous population: migrants occupy low-skilled niches, and the majority of the indigenous population becomes that part of society who has real power and influence.

Analyzing the Russian experience in managing migration processes, it was concluded that even in pre-revolutionary Russia, enormous practical experience in managing both internal and external migrations had been accumulated. An example is a number of legal acts adopted in pre-revolutionary Russia: - identity document; - about freedom of movement and choice of place of residence; - on population registration; - about leaving the Russian Empire and entering its territory; - on the legal status of foreign citizens in Russia; - about Russian citizenship. In addition, in pre-revolutionary Russia there were conceptual foundations for regulating migration processes, which included the concept of wave phased resettlement; concept for selecting exit and move-in areas; concept of selecting migrants based on qualitative characteristics. The main achievement of the management of migration processes of the pre-revolutionary period is the theoretical justification of a methodologically new for that time, comprehensive approach to the regulation of resettlement, where the qualitative side of the resettlement process was placed at the forefront - the arrangement of new settlers and the improvement of the general cultural environment of settlement. New methods of colonization technology were also developed, plans for the sequential settlement of individual areas, with careful preparation of certain areas to receive new residents.

The management of migration processes in Soviet Russia was focused on internal migration of the population, while the management of external migration of the population was virtually absent - entry for the foreign population was closed, with the exception of some CMEA member countries within the framework of relevant intergovernmental agreements (attracting foreign labor) . Management of migration processes through economic levers was carried out within the framework of centralized planning for the distribution of capital investments. Migration policy was based on the principle of redistribution of labor resources, which was carried out depending on the development of the productive forces of the state, the construction of large industrial complexes or national economic facilities. In the Soviet Union, the experience of managing the migration of the population of pre-revolutionary Russia was widely used - organized forms of resettlement, settlement of border areas, etc. In addition to economic migrations of the population, the Soviet period was characterized by forced migrations of the population. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the entire system for managing internal migration processes was destroyed (there was no system for managing external migration flows at all), which created a completely new situation when it was necessary to re-create mechanisms for managing migration processes and develop a new migration policy for the state.

A feature of the migration situation in the 1990s. There were flows of refugees and internally displaced persons to Russia, which became a new phenomenon for the state. If in 1992 the number of arrivals in the Russian Federation was 925.8 thousand people, then the share of forced migrants in this migration flow was 14.9%, while in 1994 their share in the arriving flow to the Russian Federation increased and amounted to 28.2 % (total arrivals 1146.3 thousand people. Subsequently, there was a decrease in the share of forced migrants in the total migration flow, however, in 1999 their share in the total migration flow was significant and amounted to 21.6%, only in 2000 it decreased significantly and amounted to 14.1% of the total migration flow to the Russian Federation. The cessation of financing of organized forms of population migration led to the fact that the volume of internal movements of the population decreased significantly, in addition, the vector of migration movements changed - the center of Russia began to attract population, and Siberia and the Far East - give away.

The order of the President of the RSFSR dated December 14, 1990 “On the organization of work to provide assistance to refugees and forced migrants” determined the foundations of state migration policy in that period. In the republican long-term program “Migration” approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on May 18, 1992, the main directions of migration policy were formulated for the first time. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 14, 1992, the Federal Migration Service of Russia was created, which was entrusted with the functions of the head and coordinating body on migration policy. For 1993-1994 in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a system of regional bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia was created, and in 32 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - centers for temporary accommodation of forced migrants, three centers for temporary accommodation of foreigners, 114 immigration control posts, a base of material and technical resources, and a little later - representative offices of the Federal Migration Service of Russia abroad . A number of federal regulations were adopted that facilitated the implementation of migration policy and the movement of the population. Such as, Federal laws “On the right of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation”, “On citizenship”, “On the procedure for leaving and entering the Russian Federation”, “On forced migrants” , “About Refugees”, etc. In addition, it was during this period (since 1991) that the cooperation of the Russian Federation and the Federal Migration Service of Russia with international organizations began - UNHCR, IOM, ILO, UNESCO, etc.

As a result of the study, it was determined that during the 1990s. the management of migration processes was mainly focused on the flows of forced migrants; migration policy did not have a common ideology, which led to the adoption of legislative acts at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that contradicted general federal legislation. In addition, the created system for managing migration processes (repeated reorganization of the migration service, etc.) during the period of transformation processes in Russia did not correspond to the new socio-economic and migration situation, which became both a limiting factor in the effective management of migration processes and a factor in reducing the attractiveness of Russia by the end of the 20th century for migrants. Thus, if in 1992 the number of migrants arriving in the Russian Federation was 925.8 thousand people, then by the mid-1990s. (1996) this figure decreased by almost half and amounted to 631.2 thousand people, and in 1999 – 366.7 thousand people.

It is substantiated that since the mid-1990s. New migration problems emerged and existing ones worsened, which required making decisions that would influence the migration situation and bring it into line with the long-term interests of the socio-economic development of Russia. However, over a period of more than five years, only adjustments to existing legislation took place, and only for two categories of migrants - forced migrants and refugees, and then began a period of reorganization in the migration service, which led not only to instability in the work of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, but also to downgrading her status. In addition, the management of migration processes was focused on the problems of accounting and control, and the fight against illegal migration became one of the priority areas of activity. Currently, there is a bias towards the regulation of labor migration, which is due to the adoption at the end of 2006 of significant amendments to Federal Law No. 115-FZ on the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation and special Federal Law No. 109-FZ on migration registration of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship in the Russian Federation, as well as a number of special decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation (2006-2010) on the attraction and use of foreign labor.

The work makes a reasonable conclusion that all existing experience of state regulation of migration processes (domestic and foreign) turned out to be of little use in the modern management of migration processes, because practical efforts of government regulation do not produce the expected results. There is no serious state control over migration processes, elementary forms of social protection of migrants, mechanisms for regulation and control over migration flows and the process of coordinating actions at the intradepartmental level are not established, and the weakness of the regulatory and legislative framework stimulates the growth of corruption in the state apparatus. Despite the extensive legal part of state management of population migration, migration legislation is not an independent branch of law; there is no clear methodological basis for state management of population migration, which causes the overall ineffectiveness of state management of population migration.

In addition, the dissertation identified problems associated with budget planning in the migration service, in particular with the opacity of financial flows and the increasing share of non-core expenses for maintaining the state apparatus and financing activities that have a distant and very conditional relationship to migration policy. Thus, the work shows that, according to information as of November 1, 2011, the Federal Migration Service of Russia, its territorial bodies and representative offices abroad spent 16,795,116.70 thousand rubles. At the same time, 11,511,547.10 thousand rubles were spent only on the maintenance of the central office, territorial bodies and representative offices abroad, as well as on benefits, payments and compensation, i.e. almost 70% of budget funds. While 2.6% of funds were spent on resettlement of compatriots from abroad to the Russian Federation, 0.4% of funds were spent on immigration control, 0.02% were spent on state orders for professional retraining and advanced training of civil servants, etc.

As a result of the analysis of the organizational structure of the management of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, it was concluded that the modern organizational structure of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation is built in accordance with the principles of management formulated at the beginning of the twentieth century. The most complete formulation of these principles was given by the German sociologist Max Weber (the concept of rational bureaucracy). The organizational management structure built in accordance with these principles is called hierarchical, and the most common type of this organizational structure is the linear-functional type, which corresponds to the management structure of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the linear-functional organizational structure of the management of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation are identified, where the disadvantages significantly outweigh the advantages. In this regard, it is proposed to apply a process or matrix management model, which relate to organic organizational structure management, which will allow the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation to switch to a new, more efficient and high-quality model for organizing its activities.

The dissertation made a critical analysis of the main documents on which the management of migration processes in Russia is based. The analysis showed that both the Concept for regulating migration processes in the Russian Federation and the draft Concept of Migration Policy do not clearly define the strategic course of Russia’s policy in the field of migration, there is no “tree of goals” built and there is no systematic vision of existing problems. The same methodological oversight can be seen in the “Regulations on the Federal Migration Service of Russia”, where the beginning of the management process is determined by the tasks of the Federal Migration Service of Russia. In addition, it was noted that the system of goals, which is built in the Concept of Russia’s demographic policy until 2025 and in the Concept of regulating migration processes, has no connection whatsoever, and the Concepts themselves are in conflict with each other.

The presence of problems in managing migration processes is confirmed by the results of the “Survey on the quality of public services” conducted from November 10 to December 9, 2011, using an online service. As a result of the analysis, it was found that almost half of the applicants (49%) rated the quality of work of the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in providing public services to the population as unsatisfactory. The main complaints that were expressed during the survey include the following:

Dissatisfaction with the contents and equipment of places allocated for waiting and filling necessary documents (66-70%);

The presence of queues and the length of wait to receive officials from the Federal Migration Service of Russia (64-76%);

Absence of the “Electronic queue” system in the structural divisions of the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service of Russia (79%);

Complaints about unreasonable actions on the part of employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia in the process of providing public services (56%);

Violation of deadlines for the provision of public services (62%).

Chapter Three dissertations “Quality management system – theoretical justification of the process” is devoted to the theoretical justification of the quality management process, characterization of the basic concepts and principles of quality management and their practical implementation. The chapter analyzes the regulatory framework for quality, both domestic and international, and the requirements for quality management systems during its certification. The reasons for choosing the ISO 9000 series international standards as the regulatory framework for the development of quality management systems are explained.

It has been established that quality, based on the interpretation of standards developed by the international organization ISO, is the degree of compliance of the characteristics of an object with expressed and intended requirements. Accordingly, a requirement is a need or expectation that is stated, generally assumed, or required. Adapting the concept of quality management to migration sphere, it has been determined that in the field of migration services, expressed requirements may include timely receipt of information and consultations; convenience of obtaining the necessary documentation (registration, work permit, replacement of passports, etc.); time spent on obtaining documentation; attitude of migration authorities, etc. An example of a proposed requirement is the safety of population migration.

The evolution of quality management is the subject of various studies, starting with quality gurus E. Deming, J. Juran, A. Feigenbaum and D. Garvin to recent studies that summarize the main characteristics of the stages of development of quality management and, on their basis, determine the main directions of its further development.

The evolution of quality management is characterized by distinguishing its various stages, starting with quality inspection and ending with total quality management and models of national quality awards. R. Cole, in his study on the evolution of quality management, put forward the theory of two quality management paradigms, which most clearly defines the nature of the changes that have occurred in the science of quality management over the past 100 years. Each of these paradigms can be correlated with a certain stage of quality management development. The old paradigm is characterized by an internal orientation of quality management, which is one of the management functions carried out in the organization by a number of separate experts responsible for achieving the organization's quality goals. Quality objectives are usually the objectives of product conformance to established specifications. Quality improvement in this case is limited to identifying and eliminating inconsistencies. The new quality management paradigm is historically associated with the transition to the concept of quality assurance. The main features of this paradigm are: focus on external consumers and efforts to anticipate their requirements; strategic and competitive aspect of quality management; involvement in the quality management process of all functions of the organization and all personnel; organization of continuous training in the field of quality; emphasis on preventing nonconformities rather than eliminating them; Constantly reviewing progress towards achieving goals and the implementation of associated plans, as well as their compliance with the organization's strategy. In general, a quality management system is defined as a management system for the development of policies and objectives for its implementation.

The work presents a general quality management process, which includes 4 main subprocesses. At the first stage, the requirements of all interested parties are determined, which are the input data for the quality planning process. Quality planning is the activity of defining quality goals and requirements and planning the activities and necessary resources to achieve those quality goals. In fact, this function carries out planning of all activities implemented within the framework of the other three functions of the quality system. Quality assurance is all planned and systematically implemented activities within the quality system necessary to create reasonable confidence that quality requirements will be met. These include internal audits, management of nonconforming products, corrective actions, analysis and measurement. Quality control is an operational activity aimed at meeting quality requirements. As a rule, control measures are carried out at the stage of production of goods/services. Quality improvement, on the other hand, is an activity undertaken throughout an organization to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of activities and processes to generate benefits for both the organization and its customers. It should be remembered that effectiveness refers to the degree of implementation of planned activities and achievement of planned results, and efficiency refers to the relationship between the achieved result and the resources used. Quality improvement is based on data obtained in the process of control, measurement and analysis and is carried out through the functioning of corrective and preventive action procedures, management analysis. Improvement goals and activities for their implementation are developed as part of the quality planning process, thereby closing the cycle of continuous improvement based on the Deming wheel of “Plan-Act-Adjust-Implement”.

The concept of quality management is based on the principles of quality management, the implementation of which in an organization makes it possible to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management process: - focus on the consumer; - leadership of the manager; - employee involvement; - process approach; - systematic approach to management; - continuous improvement; - fact-based decision making; - mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers.

The dissertation research presents characteristics of the implementation of quality management principles in an organization depending on the stage of implementation. An analysis of the quality management strategies of 22 Malcolm Baldrige Award winners and research data conducted by Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P. (“C&L”), together with the American Quality Association and the National Quality Institute of Canada, on a sample of 300 leading enterprises in 15 different industries, made it possible to identify a number of characteristics demonstrating the implementation of the principles of quality management by these enterprises, as well as the forms and methods of implementing these principles. Thus, one of the basic principles of quality management "Customer Focus" is based on an understanding of the organization’s dependence on the consumer, which requires the organization to make efforts aimed at understanding the current and future needs of the client, meeting and, in some cases, exceeding these needs. Unfortunately, in some organizations the following principle applies: “Non-customer orientation”, or rather, “non-orientation” of management at all levels towards fulfilling the requirements and expectations of consumers, and, as a result, the orientation of employees towards management. The consumer in such an organization simply interferes with the organization's work. Claims are received with great bewilderment, and the reaction to them is extremely aggressive. In our opinion, this state of affairs is typical for some organizations that provide migration services.

Baldrige Award recipients strive to achieve the best possible satisfaction of their customers' needs and continually measure progress made in this area. Thus, AT&T Universal Card Services surveys 4,000 consumers every month about the level of satisfaction of their requirements across eight key performance indicators. Eastman Chemical Company refunds consumers' money when they return goods, without requiring an explanation. Wainwright Industries collects weekly and monthly reports from its customers to determine customer satisfaction and the quality of its operations. Motorola's quality improvement program, launched in 1982, pursued, along with the goals of achieving zero defects in its products, the goal of achieving total customer satisfaction, which is why the program was called: “Total Customer Satisfaction.”

Another principle is “P leadership principle" calls for the management of the enterprise to ensure an understanding of the goals and directions of development of the enterprise at all levels, and to direct the efforts of staff to achieve them. The result of the implementation of this principle will be a formed mission and strategy for the development of the enterprise, a new value system created and supported at all levels, an optimized internal communication system, as well as provision of personnel with the necessary resources. In an organization where the second principle of the quality management system, “Management Leadership,” is not observed, management at all levels does not have a clear vision of the future, which entails ineffective management decision-making. In addition, in such an organization, it must be assumed that there will be no strategy, because The actions of the organization's management are often inconsistent, mutually contradictory decisions are made, and they are constantly revised or canceled. The situation is complicated by the lack of a clear structure and vagueness of responsibilities and rights. Of course, such an organization can sometimes demonstrate good results, but only due to the enthusiasm of individual employees.

Most Baldrige Award winning companies have strong, charismatic senior management who are committed to quality management. Thus, the management of AT&T Consumer Communication Services regularly communicates with employees at all levels at their workplaces, participates in discussions and meetings. The top management of the GTE Directories company teaches training courses on methods and forms of quality improvement. In many companies, the barriers that existed between senior management and ordinary employees have been destroyed - separate parking lots, canteens, etc.

All over the world, for a long time now, organizations or companies have been trying to implement the principle, which is based on the statement that work is enjoyable. It is noted that in Russia the situation is different - work is not enjoyable, the activities of employees have to be constantly monitored, and only money is possible as a reward, in other words, a principle that was successfully applied until the beginning of the twentieth century is being implemented. The following characteristics of management style have been identified, which are common to representatives of the management of enterprises that have won the Baldrige Award: - focusing on consumer requirements; - respect for your employees; - vertical and horizontal deployment of the quality improvement process at all levels of the organization; - constant analysis of quality management and its results in the organization and dissemination of this information throughout the organization; - development of long-term, constantly analyzed quality plans.

The dissertation research analyzes other principles of quality management, and also presents examples of the implementation and consequences of not implementing these principles in the organization.

It should be noted that today the principles of quality management of ISO 9000 standards and the principles on which the total quality models are built, the most authoritative and recognized of which are the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award and the European Quality Award, are almost identical. The differences between an enterprise that is on the path to implementing a QMS in accordance with ISO 9001 and an organization that has won a quality award lies in the degree of implementation of these principles (the stage of maturity of the organization). Thus, the implementation of a quality management system (ISO 9001) is only the first step of an organization towards the implementation of the quality management concept, and management principles determine its further direction of development and improvement. Separately, it should be noted that the latest edition of the ISO 9004 standard, which contains recommendations for further development A quality management system implemented in accordance with ISO 9001 is based on the same logic and concepts as the above-mentioned total quality models.

The need to develop a common international framework defining the requirements for quality systems and their implementation became obvious in the 80s. XX century. Taking into account the successful experience of creating a number of international standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), national standardization organizations of ISO member countries unanimously decided to entrust it with the development of a system of quality standards for their international application. In 1987 this work was completed. Over the following years, the ISO 9000 series of international quality standards underwent a number of changes: in 1994 the next edition of the standards appeared, in 2000 a new edition was published containing significant changes, which also affected the coding of the standards, and in 2008 the latest version of the standards was adopted, which consists of 4 standards:

ISO 9000:2005 is a standard containing the quality management concept and terminology;

ISO 9001:2008 is a standard establishing requirements for quality systems, used for certification and auditing purposes;

ISO 9004:2009 is a standard that contains guidelines on continuous improvement of quality management systems, with a focus on high efficiency of the enterprise;

ISO 19011:2002 is a standard that defines the basic rules and procedures for assessing a quality system.

Currently, a series of national quality standards have been approved and put into effect in Russia:

GOST R ISO 9000-2008 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and Vocabulary

GOST R ISO 9001-2008 Quality management systems. Requirements

GOST R ISO 9004-2001 Quality management systems. Recommendations for improving activities (the GOST R ISO 9004-2001 standard is under revision and the official publication of a new version)

Russian state standards came into force on November 13, 2009. The text of the standards is authentic to international standards.

The interest of Russian enterprises and organizations in the implementation of a quality management system is confirmed by the holding of an annual competition for awards from the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of quality, the evaluation criteria of which are harmonized with the model of the prestigious European Quality Award.

It is noted that in Russia, since 1965, research, methodological and consulting activities have been carried out in the field of standardization, certification, accreditation, and quality management. The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Certification (VNIIS) carries out such activities. The scientific developments of the institute have been successfully used in the practice of the national economy of the country, its achievements have been repeatedly noted by the Government. The Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. VNIIS develops scientific, methodological and organizational foundations for confirming the conformity of products and services, is engaged in the development and certification of quality management systems, and accreditation. The Institute made a great contribution to the development of laws of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Certification of Products and Services”, the Federal Law “On Technical Regulation”, the GOST R Certification System, in solving the problems of harmonizing domestic rules and practices of confirming compliance with accepted ones in the global community. The main regulatory documents for quality assurance in the Russian Federation include the Federal Laws “On Technical Regulation”, “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, “On Certification of Products and Services”, “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, “On Standardization” .

It should be noted that, despite the extensive regulatory framework for ensuring the management system in Russia, for a number of reasons the huge potential of quality management has not been tapped. In most cases, the implementation of a quality management system in organizations and enterprises is carried out with only one single purpose - certification. According to some experts in the field of quality management, the certification business is thriving today, and it seems that quality management is not capable of bringing any other result than confirming compliance with certain models.

In the fourth chapter dissertation “Implementation of international standards of a quality management system in the activities of migration services of the Russian Federation as an important factor in improving the quality, culture and accessibility of migration services” substantiates the need to introduce international standards of a quality management system in the management of migration processes; Based on an analysis of the terminology system used in management practice, the concept of “migration service” was formulated, and a methodology for introducing a quality management system into the activities of migration services was developed.

Based on the analysis and generalization of modern problems in the system of managing migration processes, a new conceptual approach to managing migration processes is proposed, based on the introduction of a quality management system in the activities of Russian migration services, which will help improve the quality, culture and accessibility of migration services based on the rational use of financial, material and human resources.

The growing success of the ISO 9000 series of international standards can be illustrated by the following figures. From 1993 to 2001 alone, at least 510,616 certificates were issued in 161 countries around the world confirming compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9000 series. From 2000 to 2001, the number of certificates issued increased by 24.96%, and the number of countries by 4 countries. During the period from December 2003 to December 2007, the number of certificates issued almost doubled, and the number of countries increased by 26. In addition, until December 2009, more than 1 million certificates were issued in the world. The number of countries where certified enterprises are located was increased from 96 in 1995 to 178 in 2009.

At the end of 2009, the top ten countries by the number of certificates issued included China, Italy, Japan, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, the USA and the Republic of Korea. As for industries, the leading industries are those producing electrical and optical equipment, metallurgy, construction, mechanical engineering, trade and transport. Summarizing statistical data on the certification of enterprises in various regions of the world, it has been determined that the popularity of international ISO 9000 series standards in various regions of the world is growing, which is associated with the introduction of a quality management system as a potentially powerful management tool, and not as an end in itself.

Despite this, the vast majority of Russian enterprises do not yet take the quality management system seriously and, as a rule, Russian companies are ready to undergo certification of quality management systems only for the sake of entering the foreign market and, to a lesser extent, when fulfilling government orders. It has been established that for the management of many government organizations the need to expand work in the field of quality management is often not obvious. Among the problems hindering the implementation of a quality management system in government organizations, the following should be highlighted:

Lack of methodology for its creation, adapted to the Russian standard;

Shortage of specialist developers;

Limited financial resources;

Lack of knowledge in the field of quality management, first of all, among the top management of universities;

Underestimation of the practical benefits of implementing quality management systems in government organizations.

On this moment number Russian companies, having a certificate for a quality management system, is less than 3% of their total number, while in Europe and the USA this share exceeds 70%. However, if in the Russian Federation from 1999 to 2001 1,517 certificates were issued, then from December 2003 to December 2007, 10,565 certificates were issued, which indicates an increasing recognition of ISO 9000 series standards by Russian enterprises.

As a domestic example of the successful implementation of a quality management system in a non-profit organization, the study examines the process of implementing the system in industry bodies of the administration of the city of Shakhty. This implementation took place as part of the implementation of administrative reform on the territory of the city of Shakhty and with the aim of improving the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the activities of the Administration of the city of Shakhty and the sectoral (functional) bodies of the Administration of the city of Shakhty in solving the socio-economic problems of the municipality. Mines are the first in Russia municipality, where a quality management system has been implemented and certified in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2000. As a result of the introduction of a quality management system, a one-of-a-kind “Green Corridor” project was created, which became a solid basis for the creation of one of the first multifunctional centers for the provision of municipal services in the city of Shakhty.

It was noted that the city administration does not stop at the achieved results - standards for the improvement of the city, for the repair and maintenance of roads and road structures are being improved. One of the promising areas of development is creating the foundation for the transition to work on the “Electronic Administration” project, which involves the widest possible use of the capabilities of the Internet for the provision of municipal services, including within the framework of the “Electronic Russia” program.

It is substantiated that, regardless of the recognition of the strategic and universal aspects of quality management, most scientists recognize the positive impact of the implementation of quality management processes on the results of the organization's activities. Thus, operational efficiency and increased customer satisfaction are achieved through the following benefits associated with the implementation of a quality management system:

Efficiency of the development and research process;

Efficiency of production processes and service provision;

Reducing costs associated with eliminating nonconformities and correcting their consequences;

Increasing the level of product/service compliance with established requirements;

Customer focus;

Improving the image of the organization.

These benefits are important for both commercial and non-profit organizations. For example, operational efficiency for a non-profit organization is expressed in reducing the costs of its activities and the ability to direct released resources to the development of the organization. Increasing the level of consumer satisfaction affects not only the consumers themselves, but also the satisfaction of the organization’s employees with the results of their work, as well as the formation of the image of both the organization itself and state system.

It is noted that the introduction of a quality management system will in no way be a destruction of the existing management system in the Russian Migration Service, but will represent its modernization through the use of modern management methods in accordance with the requirements of international standards. Due to the absence of any new technologies in the field of managing migration processes, it is all the more significant that it is possible to use a quality management system in relation to management processes, where the quality of services will be the main indicator of both the level of management of the organization and, in general, the level of scientific- technical development.

The orientation of the migration service towards the implementation of a quality management system involves the introduction into scientific circulation of the concept of “migration service”, in order to harmonize the system of terms used in economic theory, management theory and demography.

The introduction of the new concept of “migration service” into scientific circulation allows:

1) Clarify the content of the concept as an important specialized concept based on the goals and terminology of various fields of knowledge, such as economics and sociology, law, etc.;

2) Comprehensively study the system of providing migration services to the population at the federal and regional levels, considering their interaction;

3) The division of migration services proposed in the dissertation research expands the possibilities of using the concept as a method of scientific knowledge for a more detailed study of activities in the migration sphere.

“Migration service” in a broad sense is an action or a set of actions performed by migration authorities for the population or in its interests. As a scientific concept, “migration service” is characterized as a useful, expedient activity of the migration service apparatus, the results of which are expressed in a beneficial effect that satisfies the interests of citizens (the population).

Through the “migration service”, the purchase and sale of state protection of citizens (population) is carried out, which is mediated by the provision of passport and visa services, registration of work permits and patents, registration and migration registration, registration of temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship, etc. In an economic sense, a “migration service” is an element of consumption. One of the criteria for evaluating a “migration service” is its fee. Based on the method of consumption, one can distinguish between “migration services” consumed individually and collectively. According to consumer criteria, “migration services” can be divided into those intended to provide individuals(population) and legal entities (enterprises, institutions, organizations). The processes of providing and consuming “migration services” are interconnected (as a rule, they occur in the same place) and reflect the needs of the population.

The work notes that when introducing a quality management system into the activities of migration services, the result of providing “migration services” to the population will be an increase in the level of consumer (population) satisfaction by improving operational efficiency, while for commercial organizations the result of providing “migration services” is receiving benefits for the organization itself, based on the profit from its sale. This situation will help increase the social prestige of not only the Federal Migration Service of Russia, but also the state system as a whole.

The implementation of an effective quality management system includes the mandatory development and implementation of specific management and quality assurance methods aimed at achieving the goals and implementation of the organization's quality policy, as well as a structure that ensures their effective implementation. The proposed methodology was developed with maximum reliance on one’s own strengths. Implementing a project to implement a quality management system by using the organization’s internal reserves will allow: significantly reducing the costs of implementing the project; create a documentation system and a quality management system structure that fully takes into account the specifics of the organization; speed up the implementation of new procedures by creating them by specialists from departments in which the activities described in a particular procedure are carried out; use the experience and acquired knowledge of project participants in the quality management process in the organization, during training and preparation.

The implementation of a quality management system is proposed to be carried out in the form of three main stages, each of which is divided into a number of specific tasks performed sequentially or in parallel. In addition, at all stages, depending on the needs identified during the stage, education and training of personnel, as well as monitoring and analysis activities, are carried out.

The first stage consists of three main sets of activities: management decision; quality management system concept; quality program. The second stage includes three main stages: diagnostic audit, development of corrective actions and implementation of corrective actions. The final stage consists of several phases: the beginning of the functioning of the quality management system; introduction of new methods of quality improvement; pre-certification audit; corrective actions; certification. After the implementation of the quality management system is completed, the process of its functioning and improvement begins, which also involves specific procedures. Wherein:

  1. the goals and policy of the organization in the field of quality are adjusted;
  2. all activities to control, ensure and improve quality are planned;
  3. compliance of activities with certain procedures, goals and quality policies is monitored;
  4. inconsistencies and their causes are determined;
  5. the causes and consequences of nonconformities are eliminated;
  6. potential causes of nonconformities are identified;
  7. potential causes of nonconformities are eliminated;
  8. actions are initiated to improve processes.

The effectiveness of this management tool will depend on the extent to which the management of the migration service can create an atmosphere that promotes the involvement of all members of the organization in the process of management and quality improvement and the promotion of values, attitudes and behavior that support quality improvement. This will largely depend on the definition of clear and understandable quality improvement goals, methods for achieving them, and the presence of an effective communication and feedback system. A necessary condition for ensuring continuous improvement is the creation of a system of material and moral motivation of personnel and systematic training of personnel.

The introduction of a quality management system into the activities of the migration service allows:

  1. begin the process of forming a corporate culture based on the principles of quality management;
  2. bring the organization’s activities into compliance with current Russian legislation, standards and recommendations of international organizations;
  3. differentiate the services provided based on quality, that is, compliance with consumer requirements;
  4. increase operational efficiency by reducing costs for carrying out its activities and using freed-up resources for the development of the organization;
  5. increase the level of satisfaction of the organization’s employees with the results of their work;

To create an image of the organization as an organization that fully complies with international quality standards and strives to constantly improve the level of customer satisfaction.

IN fifth chapter dissertation research “Main directions for the development of a quality management system in the migration sector” the main methods for determining and analyzing the requirements and expectations of consumers and their integration into the characteristics of the services offered by the migration service have been identified; a methodology has been developed to ensure the declared characteristics of the provided migration services to consumers; In addition, forms and methods for implementing a strategy for managing migration processes are proposed by developing a map of balanced strategic indicators and ensuring their achievement through a quality management system.

In addition to the requirements for a quality management system, modern science offers organizations a number of so-called quality tools that can significantly increase the efficiency of the organization’s management processes in general and quality management in particular. The dissertation presents the most applicable models in the activities of migration authorities that allow solving various management problems.

Noriaki Kano's model has become widely used as a tool for analyzing consumer requirements and expectations when designing goods and services and improving the processes of their production and delivery. The Kano model will allow you to determine consumer requirements and pre-classify them by value.

Using the “level of satisfaction and value” matrix in the analysis will allow us to determine the criteria for consumers to choose services and obtain their share. If all this is displayed graphically, the most important areas of improvement for the organization become clear. In this case, it is necessary to segment consumers according to qualitative characteristics: gender, age, education, etc. As practice shows, all these segmentation parameters affect the final result of the study.

The study schematically presents the process of providing a service from the point of view of the consumer himself, i.e. service cycle, which consists of a number of “moments of truth” experienced by the consumer when contacting the organization. The “moment of truth” here is the moment in time when the consumer comes into contact with the service, system, personnel or procedure of the organization, and as a result of this contact forms his opinion about the quality of the services of this organization. The value of the service cycle diagram is that it combines all the sequential events in the process of providing and consuming a service from the customer's point of view. After developing a service cycle diagram, information collection begins for each “moment of truth” in accordance with the principles and methods of information collection. Moreover, each “moment of truth” can subsequently be divided into a number of smaller processes.

The migration service needs to select a set of optimal methods and ensure their use for collecting information about consumers for the purpose of its further analysis and use to improve processes, characteristics of services provided and increase the level of consumer satisfaction.

As a tool for quantitative assessment of collected information about consumers, it is proposed to use the index of potential increase in customer value (PGCV - Potential Gain in Customer Value), which is the difference between the maximum value of customer value (MCV) and the achieved value of customer value (ACV).


Where the maximum value of consumer value is defined as the product of B - a numerical indicator of the degree of importance of a characteristic for the consumer and M - the maximum value of the characteristic evaluation:

MZPS = V * M

In turn, the achieved value of consumer value is determined as the product of B and P - a numerical indicator of the assessment of the characteristic given by the consumer:

Thus, the higher the index value, the greater the gap between the needs and expectations of consumers and the characteristics of the service offered. This method can be used not only to analyze data on the level of customer satisfaction, but also to develop quality goals. It allows you to express quality goals in measurable terms and regularly monitor progress.

The next method, two-dimensional matrix analysis, is used to identify the relationship between consumer requirements and service characteristics, which makes it possible to identify those service characteristics that satisfy the most significant requirements for the consumer and concentrate on their improvement. The two-dimensional analysis matrix is ​​built taking into account two factors - consumer requirements and product/service characteristics. The paper provides a simplified analysis of factors influencing the level of consumer satisfaction at the stage of organizing services. It was concluded that when organizing the implementation of migration services, special attention should be paid to monitoring the provision of services, as well as the qualifications and selection of personnel.

Figure 1 presents the most general method for analyzing the compliance of a service with consumer requirements, which helps to determine the gap between consumer expectations and the actual characteristics of the service and its reasons for eliminating them. This gap is a combination of four other gaps shown in Figure 1. The implementation of this analysis allows us to identify the reasons for the discrepancy between the characteristics and processes of development, production and service provision with the requirements and expectations of consumers, develop and implement the necessary corrective actions and increase the level of consumer satisfaction.
When organizing the process of collecting and analyzing data, an Ishikawa diagram can be used, which is usually used to identify cause-and-effect relationships. In this methodology, the diagram serves to identify the main groups of consumers, methods and responsibilities for collecting and analyzing information about their requirements and the degree of their satisfaction with cooperation with the organization. In the future, the data obtained during the analysis can be detailed in procedures, process maps, etc.

After determining consumer requirements, when developing a new product/service or analyzing the compliance of an existing service with certain consumer requirements, a combination of a diagram (tree) and a matrix is ​​used, which is called the “Quality Table” (Japan), “House of Quality” (Asia), “Planning Table quality" (Juran), and the entire process developed in Japan, and built on the use of this diagram, is called quality analysis or quality function deployment. Using this method will allow you to transform consumers’ perceptions of the quality of a product/service into characteristics of the product/service. In turn, the characteristics of the product/service are converted into requirements for components, requirements for components into requirements for production processes or the process of providing services, etc. Thus, the characteristics of the provided service meet the requirements and expectations of consumers. The dissertation research presents the process of applying the “house of quality” using the example of design/analysis of the conformity of a product/service.

The next stage includes ensuring the declared characteristics of the migration services provided to consumers. Developing promises to the consumer should be based on meeting his requirements and expectations. The techniques described above will help determine the needs and expectations of consumers and the characteristics of the service corresponding to these needs. In addition, promises to the consumer may include legislative requirements that the migration service must comply with, for example, actions in the event of an appeal against actions (inactions) and decisions, seizure and destruction of documents. The work also presents a table showing the basic expectations of consumers and actions aimed at meeting these expectations. Having determined the general expectations of consumers and the actions of migration authorities aimed at meeting them, the migration service must also determine the legal requirements applicable to its activities that directly govern its relationship with the consumer, and use them in developing promises to the consumer. When developing promises, it is also necessary to determine what the customer's expectations are at each stage of the service delivery (service cycle). As an example, the dissertation research presents a drawing that demonstrates the consumer’s expectations at the stages from arrival (registration) at the migration authorities and receiving information (consultation) to the consumer’s reception by a migration official.

Further, consumer expectations and the actions of migration authorities to satisfy them are structured and transformed into consumer promises, the fulfillment of which is guaranteed by the migration service. As an example, the dissertation research provides the structure of promises to consumers by migration authorities. All promises of the migration service to the consumer are developed on the basis of existing and existing documentation in the organization, for example, procedures and standards. The study also presents the approximate content of an internal document on the characteristic of “caring and professional attitude towards consumers.”

The next possible step, which enhances the positive image of the migration service and confirms its commitment to the fullest satisfaction of consumer requirements, is confirmation by a third party of its ability to fulfill its promises to the consumer. The third party may be consumer associations or a certification body that has the authority to certify services. The process of certifying an organization's services largely coincides with the process of certifying the organization itself for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001-2008 standard.

The dissertation research also examines the process of implementing the migration service strategy by incorporating a strategic balanced scorecard into the quality management system. The introduction of a balanced strategic scorecard into the quality management system makes it possible to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the quality management process. First, the strategy map identifies exactly those processes whose improvement is most critical to the implementation of the strategy. In addition, the development of strategic balanced scorecards directs the organization's efforts to improve production processes precisely on those characteristics that are particularly influential in increasing the level of customer satisfaction. Secondly, the introduction of balanced scorecards into the quality management system allows the organization's management to demonstrate how improving quality will affect budget execution, cost reduction and increased productivity. Thirdly, an organization that has implemented a quality management system has all the tools to implement and control the process of achieving goals, and the newly emerging culture of the organization supports improvement processes.

Motivated and competent staff

Figure 2. Strategy implementation process

The dissertation research developed the mission, core values, vision of the future and strategy of the migration service. The process begins with defining/describing the organization's mission - why the organization exists and what they ultimately want to achieve. For the migration service, the mission can be defined as “Ensuring respect for human rights and national security, as well as the economic feasibility and spatial development of migration processes in the interests of individual citizens, society and the state,” which provides motivational force for taking actions within the migration service.

An organization's core values ​​are the timeless principles that will guide the organization. They reflect deep beliefs in the organization and are manifested in the behavior of its employees. Thus, the declared value guidelines of the migration service may be: “Strive for excellence and do not tolerate bureaucracy”; “Improving public safety comes first”; “People are valuable in themselves and deserve special attention”; “Responsibility in solving social problems is the key to success”; “Our activities are unique and valuable due to innovation and creativity”; “See change as an opportunity, not a threat.”

Vision of the future is a verbal picture of what the organization wants to become in the future - in 5, 10 or 15 years - it should more specifically describe the picture of the desired state of the organization, and also be the basis for formulating strategies and goals. The organization's vision statement is formulated through the interview method, which is described in detail in the dissertation research. For the migration service, the vision of the future is formulated as follows: “An organization implementing a new conceptual approach to the implementation of state policy in the field of population migration, based on maintaining a balance between the interests of the state and the rights of citizens by increasing the efficiency of providing migration services and the level of satisfaction of their consumers.”

Development of an organization's strategy involves a set of actions aimed at achieving “favorable opportunities” for the organization in an uncontrolled environment, because only “strategy allows an organization to consciously seek and use for its benefit any favorable combination of circumstances.” The basis for constructing a strategy for the migration service, in our opinion, must be taken from the structural school of strategic thought, which justifies the PNDU method (advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats). The dissertation research presents the key principles of strategy development. The strategy of the migration service is to “effectively implement state policy in the field of population migration and ensure a balance of interests of the population and the state through continuous improvement of key business processes and activities to provide services to the population.” The main strategic areas of activity of the migration service may be: public safety; balance of interests of society and state; social protection of the population; efficiency of migration processes; economic feasibility of activity; employee development.

Next, the process of developing organizational goals and indicators begins. The balanced scorecard differs from other methods in its concept of cause and effect. The developed map of balanced strategic indicators, which is presented in the dissertation research, translates the organization's strategy into goals, indicators, norms and initiatives in four balanced areas: consumers, finance, internal processes, training and personnel development. In other words, a combination of financial and non-financial indicators is used. A map of balanced strategic indicators will allow the migration service to solve, in our opinion, two serious problems in its activities - the problem of effectively assessing the organization’s performance and the most important problem of successful implementation of the strategy. The Balanced Scorecard is not a measurement product, but a program for change. As a result of the implementation, not only the evaluation system of the migration service will change, but the fundamental management processes that guide the organization will be completely updated.

In custody The main conclusions and results of the dissertation research are given.

The main provisions of the dissertation research were published in the following works:

Monographs, textbooks and teaching aids:

1. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Improving the system for managing migration processes in modern Russia based on the concept of quality management. – M.: Ekon-inform, 2011. - 354 p.

2. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Social aspects of population migration in transforming Russia. - M.: RIC TsSP, 2004. - 151 p.

3. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Population migration in the context of social sciences// Collection of training course programs on migration (programs of academic disciplines)/ Ed. I.N. Molodikova. – Smolensk: Magenta, 2005. - 0.3 p.l.

4. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Program of the academic discipline “Migration processes in Russia” - M.: State University of Education, 2007. - 2.0 p.p.

5. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Program of the academic discipline “Ethnocultural and social integration of migrants”. - M.: State University of Education, 2008. - 1.5 p.l.

1. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Migration processes: a new management concept // Population. – 2010, No. 2 (48). - 0.5 p.l.

2. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Innovative technologies in managing population migration // Population. – 2010, No. 2 (48). - 0.5 p.l.

3. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Population migration on a global scale // Today and tomorrow of the Russian economy. – 2010, No. 40-41. - 0.5 p.l.

4. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Introduction of a quality management system into the activities of migration services as an important factor in improving the quality, culture and accessibility of migration services // Russian Entrepreneurship. - November 2010. - Issue 1. - 0.5 p.l.

5. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Principles of the quality management system as the basis for effective management of migration processes // Russian Entrepreneurship. - August 2011. - Issue 1. - 0.5 p.l.

6. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Methodology for introducing a quality management system into the activities of migration services // Russian Entrepreneurship. - September 2011. - Issue 1. - 0.5 p.l.

7. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Introduction of a quality management system as a way to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the migration service // Economics and Law. Series 1. – 2011, No. 5. - 0.5 p.l.

8. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Implementation of quality management principles as the basis for effective management of migration processes // Humanities. Series 2 – 2011, No. 4. - 0.5 p.l.

9. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Implementation of the migration service strategy by including a map of balanced strategic indicators in the quality management system // Russian Entrepreneurship. - December, 2011. – Issue 1. - 0.2 p.l.

Articles, brochures and conference materials:

1. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Socio-economic problems of migration: Materials of the all-Russian scientific conference “Modern problems of migration in Russia”. – M., 2003. - 0.1 p.l.

2. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Demographic challenges of the 21st century // Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Migration, social and intercultural aspects of sustainable development”. – M., 2004. - 0.1 p.l.

3. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Forced migration through the prism of ideologies // Reports and abstracts of the international scientific and practical conference “Demographic development of Russia through the prism of population censuses” - M., 2004. - 0.1 pp.

4. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Methodological features of the introduction of migration into society // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - M.: IMEI, 2005. - 0.4 p.l.

5. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Population policy and national security of the state // Collection of reports “Population Policy: present and future”: Fourth Valenteev Readings. - M: MAX Press, 2005. - 0.2 p.l.

6. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Social aspects of population migration in a transforming society. - M.: Center for Social Forecasting, 2005. - 0.5 pp.

7. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Studying the demographic development of territories as the basis for effective management decisions // Materials of the scientific and practical conference - M.: ISPI RAS, RGSU, 2006. - Part 2. - 0.1 pp.

8. Dmitrieva Yu.V., Lakhareva N.V. Migration processes in Smolensk region// Social and demographic policy - M.: Panorama. – 2006, No. 4. - 0.5 p.l.

9. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Population of Russian territories as an indicator of their demographic development // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - M.: IMEI, 2007. - 0.1 p.l.

10. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Methodological features of the study of demographic development of territories as the basis for effective management decisions // Materials of the 12th international scientific and practical conference. - M.: State University of Education, 2007. - Issue 2. - 0.3 p.l.

11. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Migration processes: a new management concept // Materials of the scientific and practical conference “Demographic prospects for Russia and the tasks of demographic policy” - M., 2010. – Issue 1. - 0.1 p.l.

12. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Demographic and migration problems of Russia / Ed. L.L. Rybakovsky. – M.: Ekon-inform, 2010. - 0.3 p.l.

13. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Introduction of international standards of the quality management system into the activities of the migration services of the Russian Federation as an important factor in improving the quality, culture and accessibility of migration services // Materials of the 15th international scientific and practical conference “Current problems of management - modernization and innovation in the economy” - M.: State University of Management, 2010. – Issue 3. - 0.3 p.l.

14. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Migration of the population in the context of the global crisis // Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Demographic development of Russia: tasks of demographic policy and strengthening social support of the population” - M.: Econ-inform, 2011. - 0.2 pp.

15. Dmitrieva Yu.V. Methodological features of the introduction of population migration into society // Current problems of the humanities and natural sciences. - November 2011. - No. 11 (34). - 0.3 p.l.

dissertations for an academic degree

Doctor of Economic Sciences

Dmitrieva Yulia Viktorovna

Improving the management system of migration processes in modern Russia based on the concept of quality management

Scientific consultant –

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Rybakovsky L.L.

The ISO Survey of ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 Certificates – Eleventh cycle//ISO, 2002-07/1500, ISBN 92-67-10322-9. pp.11-14

Porter M. Competition. - M.; St. Petersburg; Kyiv: Williams, 2003; Kaplan R.S., Norton D.P. Balanced Scorecard. From strategy to action // Olympus Business. M., 2003; Santos-Vijande and Alvarez-Gonzalez. TQM and firm performance: An EFQM excellence model

research based survey//Int. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2007; Jochem R., Geers D., Heinze P. Maturity measurement of knowledge-intensive business processes // The TQM Journal, Vol. 23 Issue: 4. 2011.

Became a member of ISO as the legal successor of the USSR. On September 23, 2005, Russia joined the ISO Council. When creating the organization and choosing its name, the need was taken into account for the abbreviation of the name to sound the same in all languages. For this it was decided to use the Greek word ???? - equal, which is why in all languages ​​of the world the International Organization for Standardization has the short name “ISO”.

Grigoriev V.N. Resettlement of peasants in the Ryazan province. – St. Petersburg, 1885; Kaufman A.A. Resettlement and colonization. - St. Petersburg, 1905; Yamzin I.L., Voschinin V.P. The doctrine of colonization and migration. – M., 1926.

Strumilin S.G. Towards the long-term five-year plan of the State Planning Committee for 1925/27-1930/31.//Planned economy. 1927. No. 3.

Kokosov N.I. Improving the use of labor resources in Siberia and the Far East // Socialist Labor. 1961.No.2; Perevedentsev V.I. Population migration and labor problems in Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1966; It's him. Modern migration population in Western Siberia. – Novosibirsk, 1965; Rybakovsky L.L. Regional analysis of migrations. – M., 1973; It's him. Population of the Far East over 100 years. – M., 1969; It's him. Problems of population formation in the Far East. – Khabarovsk, 1969; It's him. Population migration: forecasts, factors, policies. – M., 1978.


In the process of economic and political transformations in the late 1980s and early 1990s, a new institutional environment emerged in Russia, the migration situation changed dramatically, new forms of migration emerged, and funding for a number of state migration programs ceased. As a result, many methods of regulating internal migration processes, which were actively used within the framework of a planned economy and an administrative-command management system, largely lost their effectiveness with the beginning of market reforms. In the context of a transitional economic system, the achievements of the Soviet period in the field of formation of a permanent population in the regions of the Far North, regions of Siberia and the Far East in connection with the curtailment of industrial and housing construction, as well as the growth of unemployment in these regions, have become an acute socio-economic problem, for the solution of which it was necessary to develop new approaches and tools. Thus, there is a need for a new migration policy that is adequate to the realities of Russia’s transitional economic system.

One of the negative aspects of the 1990s should be recognized as the chaotic development of migration legislation, which was largely due to the lack of a clear conceptual basis for state migration policy.

1. Migration management at the federal level

At the federal level, migration management has long focused on the reception and accommodation of forced migrants (refugees and internally displaced persons). In recent years, the emphasis has shifted to the fight against illegal immigration, which is clearly reflected in the laws on citizenship and foreign citizens. At the same time, the problems of settling refugees and internally displaced persons faded into the background, despite the fact that the state never fulfilled its obligations to a significant part of them in the 1990s. For the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is currently in charge of migration management, migration problems are obviously of secondary importance. most importantly, they seem to be solvable using traditional prohibitive and control methods for this ministry. The real contribution of the state to the regulation of migration lies in the increasingly complex system of control and registration, which is mandatory for both internal and external migrants. This system is extremely bureaucratic and at the same time ineffective, because it is very easy to “bypass”, given its corruption . Today, in Russian legislation, the number of regulatory legal acts affecting certain aspects of managing migration processes includes more than a dozen federal laws, over fifty current decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations of various ministries and departments, and as well as several dozen interstate and intergovernmental agreements. However, despite such a variety of federal legal experience, as well as a huge array of laws and other regulatory legal acts adopted in the constituent entities of Russia, issues of managing internal Russian migration processes are practically not reflected in the modern migration legislation of the Russian Federation. Currently, the Federal Migration Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in the figurative expression of the deputy. the director of this service, General M. Tyurkin, “basically only monitors internal migration processes, but does not regulate them.”

Thus, internal migrations (so significant for the socio-economic development of the country and representing the usual object of management in pre-revolutionary Russia during the Soviet period) are practically ignored without any logical explanation for this approach of the state. This is all the more unjustified, given that the scale of internal population movements significantly exceeds external migration. We have to admit the fact that in Russia there is still no officially approved state strategy in the field of managing migration processes, which would take into account the objective factors of the present and future development of the country and link together all types and types of migration movements, the interests of the federal state and its individual, and also various population groups, including migrants. The concept of regulating migration processes in the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2003 (No. 256-r), does not eliminate this gap, since it addresses issues of improving legislation in the field of migration in a generalized form and does not contain clear guidelines regarding the country’s migration policy . However, the most The big failure of the current state migration policy is the absence of any policy regarding internal migration.

To achieve optimal results, in our opinion, it seems advisable to quickly develop and adopt Concepts of state migration policy, which is designed to determine the main directions for the implementation of state policy. The concept should act as a general approach, a general idea that unites all migration policy measures into a consistent system. The fundamental idea of ​​the concept should be the understanding that migration - this is not an evil that needs to be fought,