The famous buildings of antiquity are the Egyptian pyramids. The Pyramid of Cheops. Pyramids in Giza - the focus of secrets and mysteries

Great seven wonders of the world - hanging, Alexandrian lighthouse, a statue of Zeus, the colossus of Rhodes, etc. Everyone knows about them. But only one "miracle" of these seven has survived to this day. It's mysterious Egyptian pyramids which are over 4500 years old.

Location and structural features of the Egyptian pyramids:

The pyramids stand on the territory of the ancient cemetery in Giza, which is on the opposite bank from the (modern capital).

Scientists note that during the existence of the Ancient Egyptian kingdom, more than 80 pyramids were built, but only a small part has come down to us. There are three surviving pyramids - these are the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mykerin (they also have Egyptian names - Khufu, Khafre and Menkaur). Only the first of this list formally belongs to the legendary seven. However, they are all mysterious and majestic.

The appearance of these structures is impressive. They stand out clearly against the background. blue sky and dark yellow sand. You notice them even from afar, before you approach them. Anyone giant pyramids cause sacred awe. They seem to be something cosmic, it is hard to believe that a person had anything to do with their construction.

The main pyramid is the Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu). Each side of the base has a length of 233 m. The height of the pyramid is 147 m. The area of ​​the pyramid is more than 50 thousand square meters. Its internal premises occupy a very small volume - no more than 4% of the total area.

Until the middle of the 19th century, the Cheops pyramid was considered the largest structure on our planet. According to Napoleon, stone blocks from the three pyramids of Giza would be enough to surround the entire wall with a height of three meters and a thickness of 30 centimeters.

All sides are almost symmetrical - such accuracy is surprising. The pyramid consists of 2,500,000 huge blocks, each of which weighs at least two tons, the heaviest block weighs 15 tons. The architect of this pyramid is also known - the Egyptian Hemuin.

Many misunderstandings arise from the layout of the inner corridors and the so-called "main royal chamber" with an empty sarcophagus of the Cheops pyramid. As you know, a narrow passage leads outward from this room at an angle - a ventilation duct, and above the chamber there are several empty unloading rooms built in order to reduce the huge stone mass. One of the mysteries, for example, is the location of the main room - it is not located along the central axis, as in all tombs, but is tilted to the side.

Pyramid of Khafre(Khephren) is almost as good as the pyramid of Cheops. It is slightly smaller - 215 m long and 143 wide, but due to the fact that it is located on steeper slopes, it seems larger. Khafre is buried in it - this is the son of Cheops.

Not far from this pyramid is the legendary Great Sphinx, which is also part of the burial complex. The size of the figure is rather big: its height is 20, and its length is 57 meters. The figure carved from a single rock depicts a lying lion with a human head.

Pyramid of Khufuso has come down to our times in good condition compared to other pyramids: it is the only one that has retained lime lining on its top.

Pyramid of Menkaure(Mycerina) is the smallest of the legendary pyramids. It is almost 10 times smaller than the pyramid of Cheops. Its height is only 66.4 meters. The pyramid was intended for the grandson of Cheops.

History of the Egyptian pyramids:

Construction time Egyptian pyramids refers to the beginning of the Old Kingdom, and this is approximately 2800 - 2250 BC. e.

Almost 5 thousand years ago (28th century BC), the founder of the III dynasty, Pharaoh Djoser, having barely ascended the throne, ordered the construction of his tomb to begin. The construction was entrusted to the architect Imhoten. The innovation that the architect applied in the construction of the tomb for Djoser was that he erected it in the form of six benches placed on top of each other. And each subsequent was less than the previous one. Imhoten created the first step pyramid. Its height was 60 m, length - 120 m, width - 109 m. Unlike the previous tombs, the pyramid of Djoser was built not from wood and brick, but from large limestone blocks. This pyramid is considered the progenitor of the great Pyramids.

The first of the great pyramids is the Pyramid of Cheops. It is absolutely impossible to imagine that it was built, according to the manuscripts that have come down to us, in just 20 years. Even today, with all modern technology, it is difficult to build such a huge structure, not to mention the fact that the pyramid was erected 4,500 years ago, when no mechanisms were even suspected. Sometimes the opinion is expressed that the pyramids could not be built by the people living in bronze age, and that… aliens took part in the creation of these colossal structures. But, according to the official scientific version, the construction of the pyramid is the work of ordinary people. The main builders were almost 100,000 slaves.

Millions of blocks were literally gouged out of the rocks using primitive red copper drills that dulled very quickly from such hard work. Fitting wooden boards under the future stove, they were constantly poured with water. The tree swelled and tore off the stone from the rock. Then the resulting block was carefully polished, giving it the required shape. One has only to marvel at the impeccable result, because, in fact, the work was carried out with completely primitive tools. Without any measuring instruments, as a result, they received a block that was ideal in its proportions and shape. In the vicinity of Aswan, even now there are ruins of ancient quarries, on the territory of which many ready-made blocks were found. As it turned out, this is a marriage that was not used when laying the pyramids.

The processed blocks were transported on boats to the other side of the Nile. Then they were taken along a specially laid road, the construction of which took 10 years and which, according to Herodotus, is only slightly simpler than the construction of the pyramids. The pyramid was erected on a bedrock limestone massif cleared of sand and gravel. Workers dragged them into place using ramps, pulleys and levers, and then pushed them together without any mortar. The stones of the pyramid are so tightly “fitted” that even a knife blade cannot be inserted between them. To raise the blocks, the Egyptians built a sloping mound of brick and stone with an elevation angle of about 15. When the main structure was completed, it resembled a series of steps. As the pyramid was built, the mound was lengthened. Perhaps they also used wooden sleds, on which blocks were dragged up by hundreds of slaves. In some places, traces of these wagons were found.

When the construction was basically completed, the sloping embankment was leveled, and the surface of the pyramid was covered with facing blocks.

Construction ended in 2580 BC. e. Initially, the height of the pyramid was 150 meters, but over time, due to destruction and advancing sands, it has become smaller - by 10 meters today.

There is no doubt that this pyramid was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Cheops. In ancient Egypt, it was customary to build structures for burial long before the death of the one to whom it was intended. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife and carefully prepared for it. They believed that in the event of a person's death, his body should be preserved so that the spirit could continue to live after death. They removed the internal organs, filled the body with salts and wrapped it in linen sheets. So the body turned into a mummy. Together with the pharaohs, they buried jewels that, according to the ancients, could be useful to him in another world. In addition, along with the ruler, a large number of servants were often buried, who would serve the owner even after death. The pyramids served the pharaohs, according to their religious beliefs, as a ladder by which souls ascended to heaven.

After the construction of the pyramid of Cheops, the cocking of the pyramid of Khafre began. Enormous money was invested in these constructions. The third pyramid was supposed to be no less majestic in design. But Menkaur could not afford the construction of a large pyramid. The country was devastated by the construction of the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre. Hunger has begun. The population, exhausted by overwork, grumbled. But, despite its smaller size, the pyramid of Menkaur still looks unusually beautiful.

Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids:

There are absolutely fantastic assumptions about the pyramids. For example, that these are not tombs at all, but something like observatories. Astronomer Richard Proctor claims that the descending corridor could be used to observe the movement of some stars, and the Grand Gallery, open at the top, was used to map the sky. But still, the official version is that the pyramids were built primarily as tombs.

Since the pharaohs were buried along with various valuable things, it is certain that jewelry can be found in them. The search for treasures in the tomb of Cheops does not stop today. There is still a lot of unknown. That is why the ancient pyramids are a favorite place for treasure seekers. For a long time, the plundering of the pyramids was considered the main problem. It seems that this problem existed even in the Old Kingdom, so the tombs were designed according to the principle of labyrinths, with secret rooms and doors, decoys and traps.

By official version, first entered the pyramid in 820 AD: the Arab Caliph Abdullah Al Manum decided to find the treasures of Khufu. Immediately treasure seekers were faced with the fact that it was completely impossible to find the entrance to the tomb. After a long search, we decided to dig under the pyramid. They soon found themselves in a passage that led down. These digs continued for several months. People were simply in despair - as soon as they entered a corridor, it immediately ended in a blank wall.

The first room they managed to find was what is now known as the "king's room". From it they were able to find a way out into the space at the junction of two corridors and come to the "large gallery", which, in turn, led to the "king's room" - about 11 meters long and 5 wide. Only an empty sarcophagus without a lid was found here. There was nothing else in the room.

Several years of work yielded nothing - no treasure was found. It is most likely that the tomb was plundered long before the arrival of Abdullah Al Manum, but the workers said that this was simply impossible, since all the slabs inside the pyramid were intact, and it was impossible to pass through them. True, in 1638, John Greves discovered a narrow passage in the Grand Gallery, which was littered with debris. It is possible that through this move all the treasures were taken out. But many scientists doubt this, since the passage is very small and a thin person can hardly fit into it.

What happened to Khufu's mummy and his treasure2 No one knows. Diverse investigations have not found any other rooms or passages. However, many people still believe that the main rooms and the treasures hidden there have not yet been found.

Most people just know that the Egyptian pyramids are large, impressive structures built a very long time ago in ancient Egypt. It is also widely known that the pyramids served as monumental tombs in which the pharaohs, the rulers of ancient Egypt, were buried. However, there are actually many more interesting things and little known facts, which many do not know about these spectacular structures. To expand your knowledge of the Egyptian pyramids, check out the twenty-five facts below that you may not know.

25. The three most famous Egyptian pyramids are those in the Giza Necropolis, but in fact, approximately 140 pyramids have been discovered in the area of ​​ancient Egypt.

24. The most ancient Egyptian pyramid is the Pyramid of Djoser, which was built in the Saqqara Necropolis in the 27th century BC.

23. While the Pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest, the Pyramid of Khufu (also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza) is the largest. The original height of the pyramid was 146.5 meters, and the current height is 138.8 meters.

22. Until Lincoln Cathedral was built in England in 1311, the Great Pyramid of Giza held the title of the tallest man-made structure in the world. She held the record for at least 3871 years!

21. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders. Ancient World(Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) and the last one in existence at the moment.

20. Estimates of the number of workers involved in the construction of the pyramids vary greatly, however, it is likely that they were erected by at least 100,000 people.

19. The Pyramids of Giza are guarded by the Great Sphinx, the largest monolithic sculpture in the world. It is believed that the face of the sphinx was given a resemblance to the face of the pharaoh Khafre (Khafra).

18. All Egyptian pyramids were built on the western bank of the Nile River, which is the place of sunset and was associated with the realm of the dead in Egyptian mythology.

17. The ancient Egyptians buried their noble citizens in pyramids with funeral gifts that ranged from household items to the most expensive items such as jewelry. They believed that the dead would use them in the afterlife.

16. The earliest known architect of the pyramids was Imhotep, an ancient Egyptian polymath, engineer and physician. He is considered the author of the first major pyramid - the Pyramid of Djoser.

15. While experts generally agree on the hypothesis that the pyramids were built from huge stones cut with copper chisels in quarries, the methods used to move and fold them are still the subject of heated debate and speculation.

14. Another relatively obvious fact is that the methods used to build the pyramids evolved over time. The pyramids of the later period were built differently from the earliest pyramids.

13. After the end of the pyramid building period in Ancient Egypt, began an outbreak of pyramid construction in what is now Sudan.

12. In the 12th century, an attempt was made to destroy the pyramids of Giza. Al-Aziz, the Kurdish ruler and second sultan of the Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt, tried to demolish them, but he had to give up because the task was too large. However, he managed to damage Menkaure's Pyramid, where, due to his attempts, a vertical gaping pit remained in its northern slope.

11. The three pyramids of Giza are precisely aligned with the constellation of Orion (Constellation of Orion), which could well be the idea of ​​the builders, since the stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of rebirth and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology.

10. According to estimates, the Great Pyramid of Giza consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 30 tons, and some of them even reach a weight of more than 50 tons.

9. Initially, the pyramids were covered with facing stones made of well-polished white limestone. These stones reflected the light of the sun and made the pyramids shine like precious stones.

8. When facing stones covered the pyramids, they could be seen from the mountains in Israel and maybe even from the moon.

7. Despite the wild heat around the pyramids, the temperature in the pyramids themselves actually remains relatively constant and stays around 20 degrees Celsius.

6. It is quite difficult to calculate exactly, but the weight of the Pyramid of Cheops may well be approximately 6 million tons.

5. The Pyramid of Cheops was built facing north. In fact, it is the most carefully north-aligned structure in the world. Despite the fact that it was built millennia ago, it still faces north, with only a slight error. However, the error occurred because the N Pole is gradually shifting, which means that at one time the pyramid was pointing exactly north.

4. On average, it took 200 years to build each pyramid. This means that often several pyramids were built at once, and not one pyramid.

3. One of the reasons why the pyramids are so well preserved is the unique cement mortar used in them. It is stronger than real stone, but we still don't know how they prepared it.

Pyramids of Ancient Egypt for more than one millennium they have been admiring, surprising, exciting the imagination. Heated disputes do not subside about when his ancient pyramids were built in Egypt, who built them, and why they were built. Each arguing party has its own weighty arguments. This article provides a largely undisputed official point of view on these issues.

The history of the construction of the tombs of the pharaohs

History of the Pyramids of Egypt
Meidum Pyramid

Great Pyramids at Giza
The Pyramid of Cheops
Pyramid of Khafre
Pyramid of Menkaure
Pyramids of the 5th and 6th dynasties
Pyramids of the Middle Kingdom
Later life of the pyramids

History of the Pyramids of Egypt

The history of the pyramids of Egypt from the construction of the first pyramid of Ancient Egypt - the step pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser. It was built in Saqqara around 2600 BC. This was the pharaoh of the third dynasty.

Before him, the tombs of the pharaohs were built from dried bricks. Subsequently, they received the name - mastaba. This mastaba was also built for Djoser.

But the pharaoh did not use this tomb, and together with his most talented architect Imhotep undertook a grandiose construction of a mastaba in Saqqara, which is now called the pyramid of Djoser or the "step pyramid". Above this lower mastaba, five more mastabas were built, each smaller and smaller. Construction took place in six stages, according to the number of steps. The base of the pyramid as a result of the add-ons reached the size of 125x115 meters, and the height - 61 meters (the height of a modern twenty-story building).

Here, for the first time, not burnt brick, but stone was used as a building material. The Pyramid of Djoser is considered the world's first stone architectural structure.

Undoubtedly, these small pyramids that adorned the upper part of the tomb were associated with the cult of the sun god. On the eastern slope of the pyramid, a small niche was arranged, in which there was a cult statue of the inhabitant of the tomb. She looks towards the rising sun. Above the burial chamber, carved into the rock, there was a small courtyard. It was surrounded by a stone wall. In its western part, a small chapel was built in the form of a terrace with columns. Above all this towered a small pyramid with a base of 3X3 m, a height of 4 m. The angle of inclination to the horizon plane was much more vertical than huge pyramids Ancient and Middle Kingdom, it reached 68 °.

The pyramids were revived in the VIII-VII centuries BC. e., but not in Egypt, but on the territory of the Nubian kingdom of Napata and in the 4th century BC. e. in Meroe. None of these pyramids had a base length of more than 12-13 m and a height of more than 15-16 m. They were built mainly of stone, only the latest ones were built of bricks.

The Egyptian pyramids are one of the biggest attractions in the world. They, according to archaeologists, are the tombs of the pharaohs, members of their families and court nobles. This version is generally accepted and its confirmation is the presence of mummies inside. But is it? What secrets do these structures hold? Who built them and how? For what? What is inside? You will find answers to questions in this article.

Pyramids in Egypt: why were they built?

During the period of the Old Kingdom (c. 2707 - 2150 BC, III-VI dynasties), structures began to be created for burials, symbolizing sacred mountain- the desire of mankind to reach heaven.

The Pink Pyramid at Dahshur. CC BY-SA 3.0 , Link

Scientists suggest that the belief of the Egyptians in the ascension of the spirit to the gods is fundamental the purpose of their construction. In their opinion, even today, these structures personify the dream of man to achieve the Higher Consciousness. There are other opinions on this subject, which are given below.

Some occult researchers of the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids spent the night in the inner chambers. They wrote books about their mystical experiences.
"Secrets of the Pyramids (The Secret of Orion)" by R. Bauval, E. Gilbert offers a version about the stellar orientation of buildings.
The American prophet and medium Edgar Cayce spoke about the significance of the pyramids for the lost civilization of Atlantis. Information is available on the Internet.

Egyptian pyramids: about the secret of construction

Several theories try to explain the technology of their construction, but no one knows exactly how and why these famous buildings were built. architectural monuments. There are only versions and assumptions.

One of the greatest mysteries: how did people move such massive stone blocks using primitive tools? The Egyptians left behind thousands of illustrations depicting everyday life in the Old Kingdom. It is curious that none shows their construction.

Drawing from a fresco by Jehutihotep II depicting the method of movement of the colossus. Perhaps they also moved massive blocks for construction. Link Link Link

But maybe these images are just not on the eyes modern man? Maybe looking at the drawings, we are not able to see their method of creating grandiose structures, because he cardinally different from modern ideas? Here is some information about it you can find on the Internet.

  • The usual explanation is the use of the physical labor of thousands of slaves who cut out pieces of rock, dragged and installed them.
  • It is believed that some of the monuments consist of cast sections, similar to modern concrete buildings.
  • There is a version of using certain sound vibrations to move multi-ton blocks. The version is even confirmed by experiments and some photo images of frescoes.

But there is an architect who created a project according to which it is possible to build the pyramid of Cheops today. Read about it in the article Construction of the pyramid of Cheops on the architecture channel.

In the film directed by Florence Tran "Unraveling the Mystery of the Cheops Pyramid" this interesting version Jean-Pierre Houdin (Houdin, Jean-Pierre). His father, a former civil engineer, came up with the idea of ​​building with an internal ramp.

The evidence presented is quite convincing. See a detailed study by a Frenchman. Maybe he solved the mystery of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids?

Who was the architect of the first pyramid?

The earliest known pyramidal structures are found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. The oldest of these is the Pyramid of Djoser, built around 2630-2611. BC. during the third dynasty, the first adviser to the king, architect and builder, high priest of Ra in Heliopolis, poet and thinker Imhotep. He is considered the founder of this architectural form, having proposed to build three more smaller ones on top of the main one. His tomb has not yet been identified. Therefore, there is no mummy of Imhotep.

The oldest pyramid of Djoser, arch. Imhotep. Berthold Werner- own work, CC BY 3.0 , Link

Where are the most famous Egyptian pyramids located?

What do you think, did you manage to unravel the mystery of the pyramid of Cheops? Write your thoughts in the comments.
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The ancient Egyptian pyramids at all times attracted people with their gigantic size and unique appearance, but especially with the secrets hidden in them.

Built as tombs for the rulers - the pharaohs of the ancient kingdoms, in the period from 2800 to 2250. BC, they are one of the most voluminous and technically advanced structures at that time built by man. Nowadays, the pyramids are the most popular sightseeing objects in Egypt.

The pyramids are pyramidal stone structures that have survived to this day almost in their original form, despite the considerable age of these giants, the destructive power of nature and the vandalism of some local residents. The largest pyramid is considered to be the tomb of the ruler of Cheops, built in Giza and included in the Seven Wonders of the World.

All questions relating to the technology of building pyramids, their internal content and decoration, the origin and skill of the builders all the time haunt scientific researchers around the world. Studying the interior of the pyramids, the preserved things of the rulers and their entourage, scientists are constantly making amazing discoveries and findings that shed light on the life of ancient people, their way of thinking, religion and science.

Countless expeditions were organized to the area of ​​Cairo and Giza, where the most a large number of necropolises, but the final answers to all these questions have not been received.

How could ancient people, not having special equipment, extract huge blocks for construction from rocks, process them, deliver them to the construction site and raise them to the required height? Who were the ancient builders and where did they get the skills and experience to perform such work in such a short and short time? Why or why are the faces of the pyramids strictly oriented to the cardinal points? Are buildings of this magnitude the work of human hands, or did some third-party forces participate in this process? On the basis of what ideas and conjectures during the construction was this particular shape of the polyhedron chosen? For what purposes and rituals were the interiors and some items of the pyramids intended?

Until now, scientists and engineers, treasure hunters and just adventure lovers pay close attention to this original and unique historical heritage of the ancient Egyptians. And it is not yet known how many secrets and discoveries are still hidden behind the thickness of the walls of the pyramids.

Message 2

The pyramids built in ancient Egypt are the greatest monument of architecture around the world. They are recognized as part of the seven wonders of the world recognized as the Pyramids of Cheops and Giza. They are magnificent structures, erected entirely of stone, while in the form of pyramids. In the past, they were used as burial places for pharaohs.

"Pyramid" was translated from the original language and meant "polyhedron". Some of the historians say that the prototype of the pyramids was wheat stacked in stacks. Others say that funeral cakes of a similar shape were baked in Egypt and the name came from the name of this funeral cake. For all the time, about 118 majestic structures of various sizes were built.

  1. Many believe that the tombs of the pharaohs were located right inside the pyramids, but in fact they were left in a special place called the Valley of the Kings.
  2. One of the historical theories says that each of the majestic pyramids was built using the principle of leverage, which they discovered, and then successfully used it in practice. At the same time, the Egyptians managed to build the pyramid of Cheops in two decades, although according to calculations, the construction time should have taken about a century and a half.
  3. All stones are arranged in such a way that even a human hair cannot pass between them. This fact amazes historians and architects who cannot restore this accuracy even with the help of modern technology.
  4. Each of the sides of the pyramids is located clearly according to the location of the cardinal points. Each face of the pyramid is curved exactly one meter, this allows the sun to focus on each face.
  5. The pyramid walls depict how the Egyptians built the pyramids, all points step by step.
  6. The height of the largest pyramid is 146.6 meters and the calculated weight is 6 million tons. And covers an area of ​​about 5 hectares of land.

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids is still a mystery, modern architects and scientists cannot understand how ancient people, without the use of advanced technologies, were able to build such masterpieces of architecture that can survive millennia and retain their original appearance.

Report on the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

In our world, there are many secrets and mysteries associated with nature. One of these great mysteries is the pyramids. Namely, the pyramids of ancient Egypt.

About 100 pyramids have survived to our time. One of the pyramids is included in the wonders of the world - the pyramid of Cheops.

Tourists love to visit these great structures. As we all know, the pharaohs built the pyramids in order to bury various rulers there, along with their belongings and jewelry.

Pyramids were built from stone blocks, which people, in our time, drag off to build their houses. These blocks were made from pieces of rock. Even a blade could not fit between them, so they tried to make them perfect.

Inside, all the pyramids were similar, since they had one goal. There was definitely a hall where the sarcophagus stood, the entrance was high from the ground, the corridors leading to the burial could be very cramped and narrow.

There are many questions about why there was such a shape, why the corners look at the cardinal points, how people could raise these blocks so high and in general, how they were built, these pyramids. And most importantly, what kind of people built such huge heavy structures?

Someone thinks about the work of slaves, someone about the military forces. Some attribute the help of the Gods or aliens. In any case, many believe that the time and effort that was spent on their construction is not worth the fact that the pyramids are inherently meaningless, or there is a sense, but we do not understand it. And yet - this is the only wonder of the world, which still survived to our time.

Many talk about the mysticism of these places. In many pyramids, all kinds of excavations took place, and after that these people died. A few years later, those people who opened the pyramid died, unfortunately, this is a fact. Many researchers say that those who were buried there are not there at all. Many mummies of the pharaohs were simply not found. If we talk about marauders, then why did all the jewelry remain. This is a riddle difficult for our humanity.

Scientists say that usually it should take at least 100 years to make a pyramid, but in some mysterious way the pyramid was built in about 25 years.

The most interesting thing is that burials were usually built long before the death of these same pharaohs. That is how it was accepted. Of course, until now, the tombs are often robbed by the so-called treasure lovers, so even then it was provided for by making various traps.

Not far from these pyramids is a statue of a sphinx, as if guarding the entrance to the pyramids. There used to be a legend that as soon as this sphinx is covered with sand, the one who digs it out becomes the pharaoh. Of course, the scientists did not find this confirmation.

This is a very interesting and mysterious topic that can be revealed even after many years.

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