Guide to Passenger Services and Baggage Handling. Oversized, heavy luggage. Payment procedure for excess baggage

These categories include baggage carried in the aircraft cabin, pets (birds) and oversized baggage. Baggage carried in the aircraft cabin includes luggage that requires special precautions during transportation or special conditions processing. These are fragile and breakable objects, film and photographic equipment, television and video equipment, household appliances, musical instruments, electronic and optical devices, etc. Such luggage is placed in specially designated compartments, and in their absence, in a separate passenger seat. In the latter case, the passenger is required to pay for a separate passenger seat for this baggage in accordance with the carrier's rules. There are restrictions on the weight and dimensions of luggage. The weight of one piece of luggage must not exceed 80 kg, and its dimensions must allow such luggage to be placed on a separate passenger seat. In this case, the baggage packaging must ensure that it is secured to the passenger seat.

All operations for the delivery of this baggage to the aircraft, lifting and placement in the cabin, removal from the aircraft and delivery to the airport are carried out by the passenger.

Pets (birds) can be carried as baggage. They may be transported in the aircraft cabin with the consent of the carrier. The passenger is obliged to provide him with documents for animals provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out. Special requirements apply to the container in which the animal is transported. He must provide the necessary conditions for transportation. Another feature concerns the weight of this luggage. The weight of a pet (bird), the weight of a container (cage) and food for an animal is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid by the passenger in accordance with the tariff established by the carrier, regardless of other things transported as baggage.

Concerning oversized luggage, then the condition for its transportation is the possibility of loading (unloading) it through loading hatches and placing it in the luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft. Payment is made based on the actual weight according to the standards established by the carrier.

Checked baggage collection

One of the carrier’s responsibilities is to timely issue the passenger’s luggage safely. The carrier must inform the passenger about any delay in baggage delivery, stating the reason for the delay and its duration. Baggage is issued at the airport to which the luggage was accepted for transportation. At the same time, at the request of the passenger, baggage can be issued at the airport of departure, transfer airport, transit airport and stopover airport, unless its release is prohibited by international treaties to which it has joined Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, provided that time and circumstances allow for its issuance.

To claim baggage, the passenger must present a baggage receipt or a tear-off coupon of a numbered baggage tag. If there is no document certifying the right to receive baggage, the carrier has the right to release the baggage provided that the passenger provides evidence of his rights to it.

Storage and search of checked baggage

Baggage is stored due to its lack of demand upon the aircraft’s arrival at the baggage claim point. The general rules of air transportation establish that baggage is stored at the airport to which it must be delivered according to the contract of carriage for two days, including the day of arrival of the aircraft, without charging additional fees. Costs for subsequent storage of luggage are reimbursed by the passenger in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the luggage is not claimed by the passenger, the carrier ensures the search for its owner. If the location of the owner of the luggage is established, he is sent a written notification about the need to receive the luggage, the procedure for its receipt and delivery.

The maximum storage period for baggage is six months from the date of notification to its owner about the need to collect the baggage, and if the owner of the baggage is not found, from the day the aircraft arrives at the airport.

If, after the specified period, the passenger does not show up to collect the luggage, the luggage may be sold or destroyed in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The specified rules for a six-month period of storage by the carrier of baggage and subsequent disposal of it in the event of the owner’s failure to appear also apply to hand luggage and things with the passenger that were forgotten by him in the cabin of the aircraft and found by the carrier after the flight.

If baggage is not delivered to a passenger at the delivery airport, the carrier, upon a written application from the passenger drawn up on the basis of the transportation document, is obliged to provide necessary measures to search for luggage. The general rules for air transportation specify the list of actions that he must perform. This is sending a request to the airport of departure about the availability of luggage, requests to airports to which it could have been delivered by mistake, a request to resend the luggage if it is found.

If luggage is detected, the carrier notifies the passenger and ensures delivery to the airport (point), and at the passenger’s request, to the address specified by him without charging additional fees.

If the baggage is not found within 21 days from the date of presentation of the statement of non-receipt of baggage, the passenger has the right to demand compensation for damage caused by the loss.

A situation is possible when baggage arrives at the airport, the number tag of which indicates an airport other than the airport to which, according to the passenger air carriage agreement, it must be delivered. This is the so-called misdirected baggage. If there is a request for this baggage, the carrier ensures that it is sent in accordance with the request. In the absence of a request, the carrier ensures that notification is sent to the airport from which the baggage was delivered and the baggage is sent in accordance with the data specified in the number tag. If it is impossible to send baggage to the airport according to the number tag, then the carrier ensures that it is sent to the airport from which it was delivered.

If undocumented baggage arrives at the airport, the carrier ensures that a report is drawn up. Such baggage is weighed, opened, its contents described and sealed. Baggage is opened by a commission created by the carrier. The carrier must ensure that baggage is checked upon the passenger's statement about non-receipt of baggage, as well as sending requests to the airports from which this baggage could be delivered.

  • Clause 152 of the General Rules for Air Carriage.

Traveling by plane is very fast and convenient way get to the right place in a short period of time. But to make air travel safe and comfortable, air carriers have developed a number of rules that must be followed strictly.

The basic rules for carrying baggage on an airplane are common to all airlines. In addition, airlines have individual conditions for baggage transportation. They depend on the country of arrival and the class of boarding ticket. To avoid any unpleasant surprises during check-in, a person should find out in advance how much baggage can be carried on the plane.

On November 5, 2017, the order of the Russian Ministry of Transport regarding the transportation of baggage on airlines in a new edition came into force. It defines the concept (weight limit) and piece concept (quantitative limit of carried pieces of luggage). There are three types of baggage rates: non-refundable without allowance free luggage and with baggage allowance, as well as return with baggage allowance.


On a note! IN civil aviation free or paid transportation of items is determined by their dimensions (size and weight), as well as the flight range of the aircraft and cabin class. The ticket price includes baggage, which is determined by the generally accepted weight limit system. They are designated as weight.

Carriage allowance by weight

As for weight indicators, the new regulations determine the list of baggage with permissible weight in the aircraft cabin, as well as in its cargo compartment. The restrictions were introduced due to the specifics of the air movement of people. Specifications Airships, compared to trains, provide for a smaller amount of transported cargo.

The new regulation sets the maximum weight of free hand luggage per passenger at non-refundable tickets at the level of 5 kg. Some carriers may increase this figure for the sake of competitive advantage. And on some airlines, restrictions have become stricter. So, in 2018, Aeroflot adjusted the rules for baggage transportation. What weight of baggage is allowed on planes of leading Russian airlines?

You can take onboard Aeroflot for free in your hand luggage:

  • One seat, the size of which is 55x40x25 centimeters and weighs 10 kilograms in economy and comfort classes and 15 kilograms in business class.
  • A backpack weighing 5 kilograms and 80 centimeters in the sum of 3 dimensions, a handbag or briefcase.
  • A duty-free package, outerwear, a suit in a case, a folding baby stroller or wheelchair for the disabled, medical supplies, etc.

Important! According to air travel rules, if baggage weighs more than 20 kg, passengers with return tickets have the right to carry from 10 to 30 kg of baggage without additional payments.

According to this system, the following indicators are provided for adults and children at least 2 years old:

  • 1st class – permissible weight 40 kg.
  • Business class – 30 kg.
  • Economy class – 20 kg.

According to the rules of air transportation, if the weight of baggage is more than 20 kg, the passenger will be required to pay extra for it if the flight is carried out at an economy fare.

Luggage in the cabin

Note! Each child under 2 years of age without a separate seat is entitled to a free baggage allowance of 10 kg.

Many international airlines allow you to take a personal item (an oversized handbag, a laptop or a camera packed in a case) as part of your carry-on luggage. In addition, carriers may allow the carriage of an umbrella, outerwear and duty-free bags.

Local transportation norm

Most airlines have adopted a piecemeal (according to the number of seats) baggage system. The piece system is differentiated depending on the class of service and/or type of tariff applied. This can be a suitcase, backpack, bag or regular bag - it is important that hand luggage fully corresponds to the size of 55x40x25 cm.

Below are the baggage allowances for several leading airlines in economy class:

Aeroflot55 x 40 x 25 cm.10 kg.
S7 Airlines (“Siberia”)55 x 40 x 20 cm.10 kg.
"UTair"55 x 40 x 20 cm.Economy class - 10 kg, economy comfort - 2 pieces of 10 kg each
"Ural Airlines"55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
"Victory"36 x 30 x 27 cm.No limits
Nordwind55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
Red Wings55 x 40 x 20 cm.Base and Light tariffs - 10 kg, Standard tariff - 5 kg
Turkish Airlines55 x 40 x 23 cm.8 kg.
Lufthansa55 x 40 x 23 cm.8 kg.
NordStar Airlines55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
"Yamal"55 x 40 x 20 cm.5 kg.
Aegean Airlines56 x 45 x 25 cm.8 kg.

Summarizing the above, we can say that the permissible size of hand luggage for economy class is 158 cm, and for 1st and business class – 203 cm.

Oversized luggage. Kinds. Transport rules and regulations

Oversized baggage can be carried by agreement with the air carrier. The conditions will be announced to the passenger at the stage of booking the ticket. If oversized cargo is transported in the aircraft cabin, then the person will need to purchase a separate boarding pass in place.

Limitation: weight per seat cannot exceed 75 kg. If the weight nevertheless exceeds this limit, then so many tickets are purchased so that their number is a multiple of the ratio of its weight and the norm of permissible transportation; loading and unloading of luggage for a flight of any distance and complexity is carried out at the expense of the airline.

Carriage of fragile luggage

To be able to transport fragile luggage safely, it makes sense to take it with you into the cabin. But this issue also has its limitations:

  • The dimensions of the box, bag or suitcase must be no more than 55x40x20 centimeters (115 centimeters in the sum of the length, width and height measurements).
  • Many airlines do not accept items longer than 60 centimeters (except the tube) in hand luggage.
  • According to the standards of most air carriers, the weight of cargo should not exceed 5-10 kg.

If the luggage is fragile but large (for example, musical instruments), then a separate seat is purchased for it.

Important! Discounts and bonuses from airlines do not apply to the transportation of fragile luggage.

Fragile cargo can also be checked into the baggage compartment of the aircraft. In agreement with airline representatives, it will be marked with a special tag.

List of baggage restrictions and prohibitions

In order to ensure the safety of the flight, baggage rules prohibit the carriage of a number of items and substances in passenger planes. These include all types of weapons and their imitation. Stabbing and cutting objects (knives, knitting needles, scissors, etc.). Explosive substances (gasoline, gunpowder, aerosols). Alcohol with an alcohol content of more than 24%.

Also, small personal vehicles are prohibited unless their lithium battery is removed. The transportation of many medications, etc. is restricted.

To avoid trouble when pre-flight inspection, you need to familiarize yourself with full list restrictions and prohibitions when carrying luggage. This data can be viewed on the websites of any air carrier.


New rules for baggage transportation. Actual information

New rules for carrying baggage on an airplane, which came into force on November 5, 2017, combined the requirements of all Russian air carriers, except for the low-cost carrier Pobeda. This is the first airline to provide services at low prices.

For example, on some airlines it used to be possible to take long-haul flight up to 32 kg of luggage, but after the decree, only 30 kg per piece. 1 piece of luggage is one suitcase, or one bag or one backpack. There has been an increase in the carry-on baggage allowance to 10 kg.

There have been no changes to cargo size standards. They are determined individually by the carrier.

All changes can be viewed in detail on the website of the airline of interest.

Your air luggage will arrive safely at your arrival point if you follow some tips from experienced travelers:

  • To avoid damage to your cargo during transportation and not create problems with the transportation of neighboring luggage, you need to make sure that your bags and suitcases are in good condition. They must close tightly and have no cracks or cracks. You can additionally pack things in cellophane. This inexpensive service exists at almost every airport.
  • If the weight of baggage or hand luggage exceeds the individually established standards for a particular carrier, then you will have to pay extra for the extra kilos.
  • You can put things in the bag on either side, but if the wheels or handle stick out, you will have to check it in as checked luggage (if you exceed the limit, you will need to pay extra). The check is carried out at the check-in counter, before passport control and before the boarding gate.
  • You can add a laptop or other large gadgets to your basic free carry-on luggage if you put them in a backpack (up to 80 cm in size), briefcase or handbag.
  • For transporting liquids (gels, aerosols, shampoos), a container with a volume of no more than 100 ml is suitable. No other container will be allowed on board. All containers up to 100 ml must be packed in a transparent resealable bag measuring 20x20 cm. The norm is one bag per passenger. You shouldn’t hide it too deeply, as you will have to present it during security at the airport.
  • It is important to know which countries do not allow certain items to be carried on board an aircraft. For example, in some Islamic countries the transportation of attributes of a religious nature is strictly prohibited.


Carrying baggage on an airplane is subject to new rules, which are prescribed to ensure greater safety, first of all, for the passengers themselves. Therefore, it is worth understanding some restrictions. Air carrier information services will provide comprehensive information about what you can and cannot take with you on a flight.

Features of service for category passengers VIP(consist in the fact that maximum conditions of comfort and convenience are created for them during the flight, assistance is provided in carrying out administrative formalities.

Registration of VIP passengers, reception and processing of their luggage, as well as administrative formalities take place separately from all other passengers in specially designated premises, which have their own checkpoints for customs inspection and passport and visa control - ZOLD, VIP halls.

ZOLD mainly provides services to high-ranking officials, both Russian and foreign. These services are paid for by the Government or the State Duma at minimum prices. Passenger service in these Halls is carried out on the basis of requests in the form of a fax or letter.

VIP rooms accept businessmen and other VIPs not related to public service and are ready to pay for increased comfort at the airport on their own.

Passengers of the privileged group are invited to board last after all other passengers on the same flight have boarded. Delivery of VIP passengers to the aircraft is carried out using separate transport.

Features of passenger service business class is what is provided to them additional service, increasing the comfort of air transportation.

Check-in of business class passengers is carried out either at a separate counter, or has priority at a common counter. Checked baggage of business class passengers is loaded onto a separate baggage trolley or into a separate container. This baggage is delivered on board the aircraft after the baggage of economy class passengers is delivered and is one of the first to be unloaded.

After registration, persons of this category are invited to special premises - business lounges - to wait to board the flight. A pass to the business lounge is either a special invitation issued by the operator at the check-in counter or a business class air ticket.

The time a passenger spends in the business lounge is determined by the start time of boarding the flight. Information about the start of landing is announced on a special display and through the radio broadcast network.

Business class passengers are transported to the aircraft by a separate bus after economy class passengers are delivered. They are provided with special treatment on board the aircraft. At the destination airport, persons in this category are invited to exit first or immediately after passengers flying in first class.

TO transfer Passengers are passengers who, according to their air ticket, arrived at the transfer airport on one flight and continue their flight on another flight of the same or another carrier.

When checking in luggage, a special tag marked “Transfer” is placed on it, indicating the route and flight numbers. Baggage is loaded on board the aircraft separately, last, and unloaded first.

After the aircraft takes off from the departure airport to the transfer airport, a message is transmitted through the dispatch service about the presence of a transfer passenger on the flight - BTM, PTM.

The connecting time is at least 1.5 hours for connecting flights carried out on the routes “Russia - Russia” and “International - International”, and at least 2 hours on the routes “Russia - International” and “International - Russia”.

If a passenger loses a connection to a flight due to the fault of the carrier, the carrier is obliged to transport this passenger on its nearest flight, the nearest flight of another carrier, and in case of a long break in air transportation, provide the client with food and accommodation at the expense of the airline.

Children Children under 12 years of age are carried at a 33-50% discount on the normal fare, with each individual being provided with a separate seat. When registering children for Pace, in a special column of the registration forms, indicate CHD (Child) - a child from 2 to 12 years old, or INF (Infant) - an infant child up to 2 years old. An infant must always travel on a special ticket and be accompanied by an adult. In this case, the number of infants transported by one adult is limited - no more than two (and one separate seat)

When a child travels abroad with one of the parents, it is required to provide permission (power of attorney) from the other parent to take the child out, officially certified by a notary office.

It should be borne in mind that unaccompanied children under the age of 12 years are transported on international flights only in agreement with the carrier on the basis of the conclusion of the “Agreement for the carriage of an unaccompanied child” ( UNMR). Transportation of an unaccompanied child from 2 to 12 years old. is paid at 100% of the corresponding normal tariff. In this case, the airline is responsible for safe delivery young passenger, ensuring his supervision from the moment he is accepted from the accompanying parents or guardians until he is handed over to the person meeting him at the destination.

Pregnant women may be accepted for carriage if their expected delivery date is at least 4 weeks from the intended departure date. The carrier does not bear any responsibility for its consequences. This condition must be confirmed by a letter of guarantee from the passenger.

Go to category sick and disabled These include passengers whose physical condition requires special attention when preparing for and during the flight. The carrier has the right to demand from such a passenger a medical report containing permission for air transportation and special requirements for its conditions. In addition, a passenger of this particular category, at the request of the airline, must provide a written guarantee that relieves the carrier of liability for possible adverse consequences of the flight.

In the event that the patient is transported on a stretcher, his transportation is carried out only with accompanying persons and is paid for in multiples. This is due to the fact that stretchers are installed instead of other chairs and are fenced off with a special screen. Such passengers are transported only in economy class.

The airline may refuse to transport a bedridden patient if there are no conditions on the plane to accommodate a stretcher. The carrier also has the right to refuse transportation to passengers of this category if their physical condition threatens flight safety or creates discomfort for other travelers.

Sick, disabled people and their accompanying persons board the plane first, and disembark last. In this case, they should be given help.

Conditions of transportation blind or deaf passenger is to provide the carrier with the relevant document. Can be accompanied, unaccompanied, or with a guide dog (free of charge - back rows of the cabin).

Oversized and heavy baggage is baggage, one piece of which exceeds permissible dimensions or permissible weight, according to AK requirements.

The passenger's luggage in the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 158 cm (203 cm, some AK) and weigh no more than 32 kg. In some cases, luggage weighing up to 50 kg is allowed. Such baggage is accepted for transportation with the prior consent of the airline.

Oversized and heavy luggage may include:

Sport equipment;

Musical instruments;

Audio and video equipment;


Non-folding strollers;


Payment for transportation of oversized and heavy luggage

Transportation of oversized and heavy baggage (packed in boxes, boxes, bales) is paid according to the actual weight at the excess baggage rate.

Payment for oversized baggage, such as sports equipment, non-folding bicycles, is made for weight exceeding the free baggage allowance, at the excess baggage rate.

Excess baggage

Excess baggage is part of the weight of baggage that exceeds the free baggage allowance established by the AK or requires mandatory payment regardless of the specified norm.

Excess baggage is issued with a paid baggage receipt. Prepayment for excess baggage can be processed under MCO

Excess baggage is accepted for carriage upon prior confirmed reservation. A passenger who wishes to transport excess baggage must declare in advance (when booking transportation) the weight and number of pieces of excess baggage. Failure to comply with this rule gives the airline the right to refuse to transport such baggage.

Payment procedure for excess baggage

The passenger is given the opportunity to pay for luggage in advance when booking transportation. Payment for excess baggage is charged at the airport of departure along the passenger’s entire route or to any transfer point indicated on his ticket. If the weight of baggage decreases along the route, no refund or recalculation is made.

The corresponding tariffs and fees for the carriage of excess baggage are collected from the passenger before the start of transportation at the point of departure. The airline has the right to refuse to transport baggage and passengers if the passenger fails to pay for excess baggage or items that are transported at the excess baggage rate.

Excess baggage charges are per kilogram. Rounding is carried out according to the following rules:

- up to 500 g - up to a whole kilogram downwards;

 500 g and over - up to a whole kilogram in the larger direction.

Special luggage

Special baggage may include:

Musical instruments;

Live animals;

Weapons, ammunition;

Works of art;

Electronic equipment;

Service, porcelain, ceramics and other fragile items;

Valuable products;

Wheelchair, powered assistive devices;

Sport equipment;

Crew luggage.

Special baggage, such as large musical instruments, live animals, weapons and ammunition, large electronic equipment, wheelchairs, oversized sports equipment, is accepted for transportation with prior approval from the airline.

A passenger who wishes to transport special luggage must inform the airline about this when booking transportation. Failure to comply with this rule gives the airline the right to refuse to transport such baggage. The airline may refuse to transport special baggage if:

Carrying it may endanger passengers or their property;

Transporting it may damage aircraft equipment;

Baggage may be damaged if air transportation;

Its packaging does not meet AK requirements;

Transportation is prohibited in accordance with the legal norms, instructions, orders of the states of departure, transfer, transit, destination;

Weight, dimensions, contents do not meet the requirements of these rules;

Special baggage can be carried both in the aircraft cabin and in the baggage and cargo compartment of the aircraft, and the baggage must be packed in such a way as to prevent damage to the aircraft equipment, passenger baggage, cargo and mail.

If baggage is transported in a passenger seat, the rules for the carriage of baggage carried in a passenger seat apply. It is PROHIBITED to transport weapons and ammunition in the cabin of an aircraft (except for weapons of security personnel in the performance of their official duties and guard personnel when transporting especially dangerous criminals).

Placing special baggage on board the aircraft

Special baggage must be safely placed in the aircraft cabin. Baggage must be placed under the passenger seat or on an additional passenger seat. Special baggage remains with the passenger throughout the flight and is under his responsibility.

Fragile luggage

Baggage in respect of which the airline declares a limitation of its liability. At check-in, in agreement with the AK representative, dinnerware, porcelain, ceramics, TV and other fragile items can be accepted for transportation, provided that the AK is not responsible for the integrity of the contents. Such baggage is marked with the LIMITED RELEASE tag. This tag allows you to make the necessary notes about the features of the luggage and provides confirmation of the passenger’s responsibility with his signature.

graduate work

2.1.4 Baggage handling

The procedure for unloading baggage after the arrival of an aircraft and the procedure for loading baggage into an aircraft at Pulkovo Airport are regulated by the instruction “Standard Operating Procedure: Unloading/Loading Baggage.” These instructions have been developed to ensure high-quality baggage handling at the airport.

According to this instruction, “The technological process of baggage handling includes the following operations: loading/unloading; luggage transportation; separate formation; if necessary, sorting of transfer baggage under the aircraft; transportation of transfer baggage to the terminal for its further processing in the BHS system; loading/unloading and transportation of oversized luggage; removal of luggage of passengers who do not show up for boarding; loading/unloading DAA."

The BHS (Baggage handling system) system is a control system that provides automation of baggage movement at Pulkovo Airport. This system determines which flight the checked baggage belongs to, delivers it for loading/unloading on a specific flight, and also in this system there are X-ray television introscopes with the help of which items prohibited for transportation are identified in checked baggage. air transport objects and substances.

The “Delivery at aircraft” (DAA) procedure is a procedure for processing unchecked and checked baggage, in which the passenger independently delivers the baggage to the aircraft (at the boarding gate) for loading last. At the destination, baggage is returned to the passenger when disembarking at the ramp (at the exit of the aircraft on the jet bridge).

In accordance with the airline's rules, the following baggage is checked in under the DAA procedure:

· unchecked baggage, the dimensions of which do not allow it to be freely placed under the aircraft seat and in hand luggage areas;

· baby strollers for transporting passengers with children, which passengers wish to use in the terminal before boarding the plane;

· a personal wheelchair when carrying a passenger with limited mobility, which the passenger wishes to use to move around the terminal before boarding the aircraft (except for wheelchairs and other power assistive devices).

Actions of the OPP agent when checking in DAA category checked baggage:

· entering baggage data into the DCS system;

· attaches a special DAA tag;

· removes the baggage tag sticker and hands it to the OPP agent (dispatcher) OPP responsible for flight registration, for inclusion in the DAA Baggage Report on the flight (Appendix 3), explains to the passenger the procedure for transferring baggage for loading onto the aircraft.

OPP agent (dispatcher) OPP responsible for boarding when boarding a passenger. holding baggage, DAA checked baggage:

· checks the presence of a luggage tag on the luggage;

· when boarding the jet bridge, asks the passenger to leave luggage on the platform at the entrance to the aircraft;

· when boarding the bus, asks passengers to leave their luggage at the ramp, informs the baggage dispatcher of the control center about the presence of DAA baggage on the flight.

Before loading baggage into the aircraft, the baggage handling department handler removes the baggage tag sticker of each piece of baggage and pastes it on the copy. luggage manifest.

Let's consider the technological process of the baggage unloading procedure after the arrival of the aircraft at Pulkovo Airport.

Having received information from the dispatcher of the dispatch center, loaders of the baggage handling department of the ramp service couple the required number of baggage or container carts to the tractor. As a rule, no more than 5 carts per tractor and at the rate of 40 pieces of luggage per luggage cart or 1 container per cart, having previously checked the technical serviceability of coupling devices, turning mechanisms, and locks.

Before unloading baggage from the aircraft, one of the baggage handling department handlers of the ramp service assigned to unloading receives a baggage manifest (Appendix 4) (on domestic flights) from an air transportation specialist responsible for servicing a given flight, or an airline representative with a reflection information on loaded baggage according to aircraft compartments.

For container transportation:

· on domestic flights - the loader of the baggage handling department of the ramp service monitors the condition and integrity of containers and sealing after they are unloaded from the baggage compartments on board the aircraft;

· on international flights- an employee of the Pulkovo - Airport checkpoint monitors the integrity of containers and sealing after they are unloaded from the luggage compartments on board the aircraft.

Before loading baggage onto the aircraft, baggage handling department handlers of the apron service service inspect the aircraft's baggage compartments and check for the presence of mooring nets. If deficiencies are detected that may cause damage to the luggage, as well as incompleteness of the mooring equipment in the compartment, the loader responsible for loading the luggage reports this to the radio station to the dispatcher of the control center, the shift foreman of the baggage handling department of the ramp service system and the air transportation organization specialist responsible for servicing this flight, which controls the loading, in order to make a decision on loading baggage into the aircraft.

It is worth noting that baggage is loaded into the aircraft in accordance with the aircraft alignment data and under the supervision of an air transportation specialist responsible for servicing a given flight, or an airline representative (if provided for by the airline’s rules). When servicing international flights, baggage is loaded after receiving permission and under the supervision of an employee at the Pulkovo Airport checkpoint.

As a rule, luggage is loaded into the luggage compartment of an aircraft by at least two loaders, one of whom is located in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, the second moves luggage from carts manually or by means of a conveyor belt. When loading containers with luggage, loaders use a container reloader.

If damage to baggage is detected during loading, the handlers involved in the acceptance and transfer of baggage make a record of the damage in the baggage list in the column “Notes on malfunctions during the transportation of baggage” and certify with personal signatures indicating the full name, report this information to the specialist in the organization of air transportation, responsible for servicing this flight.

The baggage handler of the baggage handling department of the ramp service transfers the baggage after the flight attendant (airline representative) has counted the baggage, unless otherwise provided by the airline's requirements. After loading baggage into the aircraft and counting the baggage, the flight attendant (airline representative) puts his signature on all copies of the baggage manifest, indicates the number of pieces of accepted baggage and puts a personal stamp, and gives one copy of the baggage manifest to the loader of the OOB SPO.

During container transportation, the flight attendant (airline representative) accepts containers from the OOB SPO loader responsible for loading baggage; and separately - according to the number of pieces - baggage not included in the container is signed in the baggage manifest, indicating the full name and personal stamp.

If a discrepancy in the number of pieces of luggage is detected when loading luggage, the OOB SPO loader loading the luggage reports this to the dispatcher of the dispatch center, an air transportation organization specialist. The shift master of the OOB SPO conducts a prompt investigation of the reasons for the discrepancy,, if necessary, organizes a baggage count, draws up a report on the discrepancy in the number of pieces of baggage when loaded into the aircraft and attaches this report to the report on the work of the shift with a report to the shift manager of the ground handling directorate.

After loading is completed, the OOB SPO loaders assigned to loading luggage close the luggage with mooring nets and close all the locks of the mooring nets of the luggage compartment into which the luggage was loaded. The OOB SPO loaders inform the representative (technician) of the airline and the air transportation specialist responsible for servicing the flight about all malfunctions of the locks.

· the operator of the baggage handling service in the terminal (SBTS) draws up a baggage manifest for the specified baggage with the obligatory indication of: flight number, board, parking location, and information on the number of pieces of baggage; performs preliminary alignment of this batch.

· the OOB SPO loader, responsible for baggage transportation, accepts the luggage from the OOB SPO operator assigned to complete the flight, in accordance with the issued baggage list. The fact of baggage acceptance and transfer is confirmed by personal signatures with the decoding of the employees’ full names in the baggage acceptance and transfer sheet (Appendix 5) and the luggage list;

· registration of the baggage manifest occurs after the complete completion of the flight configuration;

· an aviation transportation organization specialist responsible for servicing a given flight or a dispatcher of the dispatch center, depending on the requirements of the airline, by contacting the alignment dispatcher of the ground handling service (SONO), informs the loader of the OOB SPO about the procedure for loading the first batch of baggage into the aircraft.

When the final batch of baggage is removed, the baggage handling operator at the terminal prints out the final baggage manifest and hands it to the OOB SPO baggage handler assigned to the flight. Next, the OOB SPO loader, responsible for loading baggage into the aircraft, hands over the baggage to the flight attendant (airline representative) against signature on the final baggage manifest. The flight attendant (airline representative) gives one signed copy of the final baggage manifest to the shift master of the OOB SPO for storage.

It is worth noting that if a passenger does not show up for boarding, the passenger’s baggage is unloaded from the aircraft. The check-in duty officer passes the check-in sheet to the meeting and boarding duty officer, and the number of passengers is checked. All copies of the baggage manifest indicate “Luggage tag No. 234678 removed due to passenger no-show.”

Let's look at the features of unloading/unloading luggage. Depending on the type of aircraft, the following methods of baggage transportation are distinguished:

· transportation of luggage in containers or on pallets;

· transportation of baggage in bulk;

· mixed (one part of the luggage is transported in bulk, and the other in containers).

Containers are loaded into the luggage compartment of an aircraft as follows:

· one of the OOB SPO loaders, working on a container reloader, controls the reloader platform and pulls containers from carts onto the platform. Raises the platform to the level of the luggage compartment, and, controlling the floor mechanization of moving containers in the luggage compartment of the aircraft, moves the container from the loader platform to the compartment;

· the second OOB SPO loader unfolds containers on carts and directs the maneuvering of the OOB SPO loader on a baggage tractor with engaged container trolleys, or independently on a tractor drives carts with containers to the reloader in order, according to the loading scheme, in such a way as to ensure that when the container is pushed off the cart its landing on the loader platform.

Baggage is loaded into the aircraft manually as follows:

· one of the OOB SPO loaders along the conveyor belt, using the raised belt handrail, enters the luggage compartment of the aircraft to receive luggage and place it in the aircraft compartment;

· the second OOB SPO loader turns on the belt and delivers luggage from luggage trolleys onto the belt, placing a separate piece of luggage on its side to prevent it from moving off the belt; after unloading the baggage cart, he gives a command to the loader OOB SPO, or he himself extends the hitch with the baggage tractor further to place the next baggage cart in front of the belt for unloading it.

Let us turn to the technology of transporting animals and birds. When loading cages with animals/birds, the OOB SPO loader must comply with the following requirements:

· a cage with an animal or bird is loaded into a heated luggage compartment with access to oxygen separately from the rest of the luggage and secured by the OOB SPO loader with special ropes (nets) provided by the airline representative;

· the cage with the animal or bird must be installed on a flat, horizontal surface;

· live animals and birds should not be loaded inside a closed packaging device (container);

· cages with animals and birds must be secured and moored in such a way as to prevent movements, impacts or falls of the cages during takeoff, landing, and during the flight of the aircraft;

· cages must be stacked in such a way that there is sufficient space between the cages and other cargo and sufficient air circulation is ensured;

· animals and birds should not be placed near cryogenic liquids, dry ice, food, toxic, infectious substances and other cargo that may have a negative impact on their health and condition;

· Cages should not be loaded directly in front of or below ventilation openings or in contact with interior lighting.

Before loading luggage onto pallets, the OOB SPO loader must check the serviceability of the fastenings and make sure that the pallets are locked. After this, baggage is loaded manually: the OOB SPO loader places the baggage in the luggage compartment of the aircraft on pallets. After loading is completed, the OOB SPO loader secures the luggage with special nets.

Air transportation

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Liability for violation of the rules for transporting goods and passengers by road, claims, lawsuits

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Rules of transportation by air transport: carriage standards, weight and quantitative concepts

Rules of transportation by air transport: carriage standards, weight and quantitative concepts

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Rules of transportation by air transport: carriage standards, weight and quantitative concepts

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Rules of transportation by air transport: carriage standards, weight and quantitative concepts

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