Travel as a form of recreation. What type of vacation to choose for your future trip. The most interesting countries for cultural holidays

Today, tourism as a form of active recreation is gaining increasing popularity. Modern youth are directing their steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Teenagers who prefer to hang out with beer and cigarettes rather than ride a scooter or bike are becoming increasingly rare. It doesn’t matter whose merit this is: social propaganda of health on our television or Western films, but the fact remains that it has become fashionable to be athletic and have a hobby related to a healthy lifestyle.

Even relaxation is now no longer associated with an outing into nature with barbecue and a fair amount of alcohol, but with a sports game in the fresh air or a trip to the sea, not to lie on a sun lounger, but to see new places.

This is why tourism is attractive as a form of active recreation, which allows you to combine travel, adventure and sports. First, let's immediately talk about the disadvantages of this activity for a modern girl who prefers comfort.

There are different ways to travel. There are tourist trips to foreign countries - foreign tourism. There is something similar within the country: by motor ship from Perm to Astrakhan, or by motor ship from Krasnoyarsk to Dikson, or by train around the cities, or by plane for the weekend from Yekaterinburg to St. Petersburg, etc. These are not active trips - they are made without the expenditure of physical strength and intellectual abilities.

The possibilities for organizing tourist trips around our country are practically unlimited. Russia has a huge territory stretching across two continents (Europe and Asia).

In these vast spaces, almost all natural and climatic zones are found, from the icy Arctic deserts to the subtropics of the Western Caucasus. The country's relief forms are varied and contrasting: lowlands, hills, plateaus, mountains of various heights.

Its shores are washed by 12 seas of three oceans. The number of our streams, rivers, lakes is in the millions. So there is enough exoticism for everyone. For tens of years, tens of thousands of tourists have been hiking, but now and in the future, anyone will find a route that no one has taken before.

Serious tourist trips are known across the tundra, the desert, and other fairly monotonous landscapes. But those trips attracted adult qualified tourists for their sportiness - the difficulty of overcoming difficult terrain that stretches endlessly.

Mountain areas are more attractive for travelers. They contain different natural objects: peaks, passes, ridges, punishments, glaciers, snowfields, lakes, rivers.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​what " big river», « high mountain", "dense forest", "endless steppe". The more rivers, mountains, forests and steppes I saw, the more accurate these ideas became. Not everyone has a correct idea of ​​what a glacier, a cave, or a cave is. Explanations are of little help here. You need to see these objects yourself at least once, preferably in childhood.

Based on all of the above, the essence of active tourist travel is that travelers themselves choose their goals - natural objects that they would like to visit (see); They themselves plot a route that ensures rational overcoming of obstacles and achievement of chosen goals.

Modern active travel is a model of those research expeditions that discovered and studied the Earth. Tourists (especially children) also discover and explore new territories. It's better to see once than to hear a hundred times. A person can see the taiga and steppe, desert and tundra with his own eyes.

Only those who have traveled a lot to different lands have a correct idea of ​​the size of their country, the Earth as a whole. For couch potatoes, airplanes and television, post and telegraph have shrunk the Earth to the size of a small ball on which their house stands. Everything else is somewhere far away, but within one day's travel.

Active routes are mainly determined by the following criteria, guided by two criteria: the travel area must be accessible (existing transport network should ensure its rapid and reliable achievement); the route should be short, interesting (varied) and quite simple.

Active travel involves close interaction between humans and nature. Trees and bushes provide wood for the fire. Food is cooked over a fire; a fire can turn into a fire. You can travel along the river by boat or raft, but you have to be careful - you can drown in the river. Rain creates great inconvenience for tourists, but it feeds rivers and waters plants.

These and similar observations and impressions can form in people an understanding of the dependence of people on nature, nature on people, the interconnection of natural phenomena, and will make it possible to realize themselves as part of nature.

The activity of travel consists in the fact that the goal and the paths to it are determined and announced in advance (“the route is announced”). Failure to complete the route or its change means failure, failure of the trip, defeat of the team (tourist group). Of course, everything here is quite conventional, but such conventions are inherent in sports in general.

Active tourism has a specific feature. The persistent pursuit of a conditional goal on a hike requires caution. Otherwise, another, no longer conditional, task may arise - how to return alive. Defeat here may not mean a conditional loss, but a tough, unconditional question: “How to get out, survive?”

Active travel is a long (days, weeks) – complex event. It requires a lot of physical (strength, endurance, technical techniques) and intellectual (tactical tasks, technical techniques) efforts. You can't foresee everything in advance. Adventures await us along the route.

One must be able to carry out what was planned in a specific real situation. Of course, this can be done if it was possible to more or less accurately guess (foresee!) what awaits along the route, and if travelers have a reserve of opportunities to overcome surprises.

TO active tourism so-called “wild” tourism is adjacent. “Wild” tourists have a more or less expressed intention to visit the area, see certain objects.

But they do not have a specific route that they must take. Formally, this is expressed in the fact that they did not “claim” the trip. Depending on the situation during the trip, “wild” tourists adjust their intentions and change the route. It is clear that there is no clear line between active and “wild” tourism.

Tourism is capable of solving health problems with strict adherence to the correct mode of movement around the area, with the implementation of preparatory hardening measures and with possession of some knowledge on the prevention of diseases. Tourism as a type of active recreation involves some kind of travel.

It could be like a trip various types transport and hiking(and often both at the same time). When engaged in tourism, you can have a good rest, while changing the environment and nature of the activity, admire beautiful natural landscapes along the way, get acquainted with various cultural and historical attractions of different regions, communicate with other travel participants and people living in the visited settlements.

When carrying out such active recreation, it is important to know the specifics of dosing physical activity, take into account the requirements for organizing nutrition and be able to choose the right clothes that are comfortable for traveling. active recreation recreational tourism

When engaged in tourism, adaptation to stress occurs much easier than when playing sports. Hiking mode is the best way to quickly adapt to new conditions.

While moving around the area on foot, and even with an additional load in the form of a backpack on your shoulders, almost all the muscles of the human body receive quite a decent physical load. Therefore, when actively moving on a hiking trip, it is necessary to periodically stop to rest and recuperate.

Despite the inevitable long-term physical activity during hiking, properly organized hiking trip promotes the formation of a cheerful mood and has a pronounced healing effect on human health.

However, with some omissions during tourism, not entirely desirable effects on the body are possible. For example, in case of insufficient physical training of tourists, overwork and exhaustion may develop. Such consequences can also be caused by the presence of any chronic diseases that do not manifest themselves in the absence of physical activity in everyday life, but immediately make themselves felt in field conditions.

Such factors, however, are not an absolute contraindication to the implementation of such an active type of recreation as tourism, however, if there are deviations in the state of health, the possible loads on the participants of the trip should be carefully taken into account in advance.

For example, when actively moving over rough terrain, you need to calculate the load on each participant in such a way as to prevent the development of fatigue and prevent a decrease in concentration.

A long absence of rest stops during a hike is fraught with the development of a state of fatigue in a person, while the tourist becomes more susceptible to injury and is much less able to act adequately in possible emergency situations.

Thus tourism is publicly accessible active look rest, but at the same time requires both physical and psychological readiness of a person to endure physical exertion during travel.

Tourism is usually divided into two types:

  • recreational tourism is a classic type of tourism, including “health” (“beach”, “vacation”) and educational (excursion);
  • sports tourism, which is based on competitions on routes that include overcoming categorized obstacles in the natural environment (passes, peaks, rapids, canyons, caves, etc.), and on distances laid in the natural environment and on artificial terrain.

Sports tourism in Russia is a national sport with long-standing traditions. It includes not only a sports component, but also a special spiritual sphere, and the lifestyle of the travel lovers themselves.

The centers for the development of sports tourism are still non-profit tourist clubs, although many tourists engage in it on their own. The sport “Sports Tourism” is included in the All-Russian Register of Sports:

  • business tourism;
  • astronomical tourism;
  • business tourism;
  • congress tourism;
  • shopping tourism;
  • extreme tourism;
  • industrial tourism;
  • archaeological tourism;
  • gastronomic tourism;
  • military tourism.

Each of these types of tourism can be divided into more specialized subtypes.

Disadvantages of backpacking

You want to spend that little piece of vacation that you got for your work wisely. Lie on the beach, drink cocktails, take photos in an interesting place and get a good dose of positive emotions and memories. Hiking is an interesting activity, but you will have to forget about comfort for a while.

This is the first and main disadvantage of tourism as a form of active recreation. Wherever you go with a tourist group, you will have to sleep in a tent, there will be no opportunity to wash your hair or do hair removal, you will be in unusual conditions, where you will not always have access to water.

You need to be mentally prepared for this, especially if you are so accustomed to comfort that you cannot imagine the morning without a hot shower and coffee with a croissant.

The second disadvantage is the dependence on the group, namely on the people with whom you go on a hike. It’s good if your loved one or girlfriend comes with you, with whom you can stay together. But even if you feel someone’s support, you will still have to live according to the laws of the tourist group for several days.

This means eating with everyone, moving exactly along the planned route, and even resting only at the appointed time. You will also have to carry all your belongings and food in a backpack.

In addition to the food load, you will also have another, no less heavy load on you - a responsibility due to which you will not be able to stop to rest again or be capricious due to fatigue. But in fact, any girl can cope with the development of tourist recreation no worse than a man.

Positive aspects of tourism

Finally, let's talk about the benefits of tourism. On a hike, you will not only improve your athletic training, but also lose a couple of extra pounds. You will see a lot of interesting things and visit places where nature will show you all its splendor. You will discover active recreation, sacrificing comfort for the beauty of the natural world.

Communication in a tourist group will also be beneficial - usually active and interesting people go on hikes, with whom there is always something to talk about. These are both new impressions and beautiful views, and basic survival skills wildlife– who knows whether they will be useful to you or not, but knowledge will not hurt in any case. By the way, beautiful photos you are also guaranteed - because on a hike there is always interesting places and beautiful views.

We hope you enjoy tourism as an active holiday. For variety, this is a great holiday option that will bring something new into your life and perhaps become your new hobby.

Tourism as a form of active recreation

We use words to describe feelings, emotions and memories. Some master them so skillfully that they make you experience illusion and believe in things that seemed impossible.

Travel changes us, helps us grow and develop. Travel is the best education of the modern world!

I have collected for you quotes about the travels of famous poets, writers and philosophers. Their experience and the words that emerged as a result will help you understand many everyday problems and even decide to take an important step.

  1. "Speak in foreign language- means to conquer his world and culture" - Frantz Fanon.
  2. “Nothing develops the mind like travel” - Emile Zola.
  3. “Travel is necessary for those who study” - Mark Twain.
  4. “Look at the world. He is much more amazing than dreams” - Ray Bradberry.
  5. “An investment in travel is an investment in yourself” - Matthew Karsten.
  6. “Life is either a desperate adventure or nothing” - Hellen Keller.
  7. “A journey is best measured not in miles, but in friends” - Tim Cahill.
  8. “Travel leaves you speechless and then turns you into a better storyteller.” - Ibn Battuta.
  9. “I love the feeling of being faceless in a city I’ve never been to before.” - Bill Bryson.
  10. “Never be afraid to go away from seas, borders, countries and thoughts” - Amin Maalouf.
  11. “There’s something magical about it: you leave one person and come back completely different.” - Kate Douglas Wiggen.
  12. “To travel is to develop” - Pierre Bernando.
  13. “Once you catch traveler's fever, you can't recover from it and will be infected with it for the rest of your life” - Michael Palin.
  14. “Oh, all the places you’ll visit!” —Dr. Seuss
  15. “A true traveler has no definite plan or intention to come anywhere” - Lao Tzu.
  16. "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list" - Susan Sontag.
  17. “The traveler sees what he sees; tourists see what they came to see” - G. K. Chesterton.
  18. “The goal is not a place, but the ability to look at the world differently” - Henry Miller.
  19. “Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the adventure” - Fitzhugh Mullan.
  20. “Take only memories, leave only traces” - Chief Seattle
  21. “Once a year, visit a place where you have never been” - Dalai Lama.
  22. “Traveling is not something you're good at. It's what you do." - Gayle Foreman.
  23. “To travel is to live” - Hans Christian Andersen
  24. “To travel is to realize that everyone is wrong about other countries” - Aldous Huxley
  25. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel have time to read only the first page” - Art. Augustine.
  26. “Do you want to travel far and fast? Travel light. Cast off envy, intolerance, selfishness and fears” - Cesar Pavese.
  27. “I met a lot of people in Europe. I even got to know myself.” - James Baldwin.
  28. “Not all who wander go astray” - J. R. Tolkien.
  29. “Travel helps us to be more humble. Each of us is just a tiny grain of sand in this desert of people” - Gustave Flaubert.
  30. “People are able to find and know themselves only through adventure” - Andre Hyde.
  31. “We travel not to escape from life, but so that life does not escape from us” - Anonymous.
  32. “Tourists don’t know where they’ve already been, and travelers don’t know where they’ll go again.” - Paul Theroux.
  33. “People don’t make travel, travel makes people.” - John Steinbeck.
  34. “Prejudice, intolerance and narrow-mindedness are the bane of travel” - Mark Twain.
  35. “Travel is the only thing in the world that when you buy it, you become richer” - Anonymous.
  36. “If you do not honor other people's traditions, religion and avoid people, it is better to stay home” - James Michener.
  37. “I was changed when I saw the moon shining from the other side” - Mary Ann Redmacher.
  38. “If you don't know where you're going, any road will do” - Lewis Carroll.
  39. “It’s hard to realize how wonderful a journey is until you lay your head on an old, familiar pillow.” - Lin Yutang.
  40. “A traveler without the ability to observe is comparable to a bird without wings” - Mosley Eddin Saatan.
  41. “Only he who travels discovers new paths” - Norwegian proverb.
  42. “We travel the world to find beauty; we must keep it within ourselves, otherwise it will not be revealed to us." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  43. “The further I go, the closer I get to myself” - Andrew McCarthy.
  44. “Every dreamer knows that it is absolutely possible to miss a place you’ve never been to even more than you miss the one you’ve been to.” - Judith Thurman.
  45. “Live, travel, have no regrets and thank your fate” - Jack Kerouac.
  46. “It’s not where you end up that matters, but what adventures you have along the way.” - Penelope Riley.
  47. “He who lives sees a lot. He who travels sees more" - Arabic proverb.
  48. “If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine. She is lethal" - Paolo Coelho.
  49. “Travel teaches tolerance” - Benjamin Disraeli
  50. “The adventure is worth it” - Aristotle.

If these travel quotes have inspired you, read also

Just imagine the picture: in a blue lagoon, under the sun’s rays, a man is stretched out on a raft. On the shore there is white sand like sugar, tall palm trees, and colorful parrots flying. The man has his hands behind his head, he is cheerfully whistling something and dangling his legs in the crystal water, stirring it up with pearl bubbles. Apparently, this individual is blissful... Well, guess what it is? Yes, of course, who would doubt it, this is a magical, unsurpassed, delightful vacation! Or rather, this is one of its possible options. As a rule, vacation also means travel!

You can say with almost 100 percent certainty that you go to work. And with almost the same probability it can be said that you are waiting for the day when this daily routine circle will be broken and when you will go somewhere to relax. Anyone will say that vacation is a holiday.

And like any holiday, for it to be a success, it must be thoroughly prepared. And this time of preparation for vacation is a responsible and important stage associated with his choice (will it be independent travel or a tour purchased through a travel agency), with an important choice of place and type of vacation.

Problems of choice

Everyone who is considering the issue of vacation and travel is faced with problems of choice. So many different options! How to choose what to give preference to, what guidelines to rely on?

When choosing options for recreation and travel, you should proceed from:

  • First of all, from your financial capabilities. Alas, not everything is available to us from what the eye can reach... The cost of the road, the price level in the chosen country - weigh it all.
  • Pay attention to the month of your vacation. After all, vacations and travel presuppose good weather, right? Although here there are options for everyone. Check how it will be there in the country of your choice during your vacation? Heat? Cold?
  • Realistically assess your health status for the chosen vacation and trip.
  • Which country is most attractive to you?
  • Entry into the selected country with visas?
  • What type of transport do you prefer to use to get to your holiday destination? Depending on the duration of the trip, see what is the maximum time you can spend directly on the road? Can you not fly, but travel, say, by rail?
  • What type of holiday do you need?
  • You also need to remember that vaccinations are required to visit some countries.

Where to go on vacation and travel

Since as long as humanity can remember, people have been traveling to various places on the globe for different purposes - it could be treatment, relaxation, receiving a quality education, pilgrimage to holy places, or simply exploring the world.

It’s one thing if your vacation and travel is limited to a neighboring city or village. Then, get ready and hit the road! If your choice takes you to another country, then everything will be more complicated here.

  • Choosing a country is an important matter, because firstly, you take a vacation once a year, and secondly, you need this trip to be interesting to you. Look on the Internet in advance, read on forums about this chosen country, about its characteristics, about its attractions, about the rules of behavior in it, etc.
  • If you need a visa to visit this country, visit the website of its embassy and find out what documents are needed to travel there.
  • Knowing the language of the country you are visiting is important. If you don’t know him at all, then get some phrase books.
  • If you are planning to travel to another country by car, then be sure to make sure that your transport is in good working order. This important advice: breakdowns on the road are fraught with you-know-what, this, at a minimum, can cause a delay on the way, or even completely disrupt your trip, and even with repairs in a foreign country there are unexpected problems, as, for example, we had, a story about read this here.
  • Money. How many do you need for the trip? You can find out the cost from a travel agency, or you can calculate it yourself, knowing what the costs are made up of. This is discussed in the article on travel planning. Read it!

What types of holidays and travel are there?

To choose, you need to know what the main and most common types are:

  • Recreation and entertainment – beach holiday. Sea, sun, entertainment, exciting excursions... Until recently, this was the dominant type of vacation. Now there is very wide choice places for this type of recreation.
  • Wellness holiday. The popularity of this type of recreation is growing; it is in demand among people in the older age group. There are therapeutic muds, and baths, and massages, and mineral springs. This is also a very popular type, and there are also many offers.
  • One of the most interesting types of travel during vacation is studying the traditions and customs of other countries, getting to know their national culture, cuisine, entertainment, music, monuments, architecture, etc. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the world, an opportunity to significantly expand your horizons.
  • Nowadays, visiting virgin corners of nature is at the peak of popularity; people travel to see rare plants and rare wild animals.
  • It is impossible not to mention the sea and river cruises, car trips.
  • Active recreation. Nowadays, many people prefer active recreation for relaxation and travel. This is very interesting topic, which should be devoted to a separate article.

How to save money while on vacation and travel

Most main advice- this is advice to prepare for vacation and travel in advance, thinking through all the moments, if this is an independent trip, then plan it carefully, if it is buying a tour, then think about a tour operator in advance. When buying a tour with savings it is more difficult, but there are also opportunities.

Many people love to travel, and for some it is even a hobby. Traveling is a great way to learn new things and get a lot of interesting experiences.

Today travel companies offer different types relaxation, so everyone can find something for themselves interesting direction. For example, a tour to Kamchatka from Moscow will show you this region in all its glory. It’s one thing to know that there are real bears roaming free there, but on the other hand, to see it with your own eyes. This corner of the earth is distinguished by its majestic nature, which has not been interfered with by man.

What can you see in Kamchatka

The largest valley of geysers is located here. This place is the main attraction Kamchatka region. People get here using helicopters, so this service is available, and you can take a walk through the air, and at the same time admire the views from above.

The Avachinsky volcano rises above the city and is visible from almost anywhere. It attracts tourists, and there are always many people who want to climb it. There are beautiful views from the top, so from this observation deck no one refuses.

There is also the Klyuchevskaya Sopka volcano, famous throughout Russia and beyond its borders, its height is 4750 m. This is one of the active and productive basalt volcanoes in the whole world.

The majestic nature of the Kamchatka region amazes with its beauty and certain severity, revealing amazing waterfalls, lakes, volcanoes, geysers and other phenomena to the eyes of tourists. An experienced guide will be able to show you the best and lead you on a reliable, safe road. It is not worth walking in these places on your own, as endless spaces can take you too far and you won't find your way back.


A country of snow-capped peaks, majestic waterfalls, numerous rivers, geysers and other amazing phenomena that fascinate with their beauty. This is all Iceland.

The cost of traveling to Iceland depends on various factors. And if you saved on a hotel and chose more cheap option, then it is not worth reducing the number of attractions for the same purpose. Try to cover as many interesting things as possible, and especially don't miss the most popular attractions, such as the Blue Lagoon.

Tourists from all over the world come here to take a dip in the hot springs. The waters of the lagoon are blue, and there is a simple explanation for this - they contain large number calcareous rocks. This is an amazing sight against the backdrop of snow-capped white peaks.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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It’s no secret that in our society it is customary, albeit unspoken, to brand solo travelers with descriptions like “lonely,” “sociopathic,” and “unsociable.” Even shawarma is sometimes embarrassing to eat alone. In Paris. In a Michelin star restaurant.

But, despite the stereotypes, traveling alone has become increasingly fashionable lately. We are in website, relying on the Quora and Reddit forums, found out what is so special about them and why everyone should experience such an experience.

1. You will see yourself in a new light.

As the classic said, if you want to test a friend, take him to the mountains. This rule can also work in the opposite direction: if you want to know yourself, go on a trip alone.

It sounds unromantic, but the logic here is simple: leaving the comfort zone introduces a person into an environment of self-knowledge. If you are lost in an unfamiliar city with a group, friends will create a safe atmosphere in which responsibility and panic can be transferred to others.

Loneliness leaves no choice: you have to gather your courage and figure everything out on your own. This is the key moment in which the “other” qualities of a person are revealed: courage, generosity, sudden extroversion, cowardice, and so on. Such acquaintance usually cannot disappear without a trace - this is a fact.

2. Single player always gets more

The more people in the company, the longer the debate about where to go lasts. And a solo traveler is always selfish. And this is the case when the concept of selfishness does not have a negative connotation. So why not sometimes use this side of vice?

If you want, you can eat kebab, or if you want, you can sleep in the park. Long live freedom!

3. Homo orientus will awaken in you - a person who orients himself

Building a trip route, transfer connections, choosing accommodation - all this will somehow make you feel like a travel logistician. Even if you bought a trip from a tour operator, you still need to not get lost at the airport, you know. And terrain orientation, even with GPS maps, will make you a real a traveler, not a simple tourist, which follows an active friend or local guide.

P.S. You can acquire other unexpected talents, for example, becoming a camera self-timer master.

4. This is a great opportunity to get involved in an adventure

You can get into a good mess even in company, you say. True, but it’s more fun alone - there’s more adrenaline! Turn onto the wrong street, miss the train, check into the wrong hotel - and the premise of a good adventure film is guaranteed. Further development The plot is already in your hands: if you perceive failures as heavenly punishment, you can get an absurd tragicomedy, and if you consider everything as a fun intercultural quest, you can get a good road movie.

5. There is a risk of infection with a foreign culture

When traveling alone, you can wear an invisibility cloak. In this case, for example, a criminal court officer might jump from Mickey to Snow White at Disneyland. No one will condemn him, because, firstly, not a single soul will know about it, and secondly, everyone will understand that this is simply a recharge necessary for a person, an attempt to escape into a reality in which he does not need to adjust his image to the local environment.

Have you ever traveled alone? Would you like to try it?