Important information for travelers! New rules for passenger air transportation are coming into force in Russia: we tell you what will change

In accordance with Article 102 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 N60-FZ "Air Code Russian Federation"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383; 1999, 28, Art. 3483; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607, N 45, Art. 4377; 2005, N13, Art. 1078; 2006, N 30, 3290, Art. 3291; 2007, N 1, Art. 29) and subparagraph 5.2.1 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 395 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004 , N32, art. 3342; 2006, N 52, art. 5587, N24, art. 2601, N 15, art. 1612), I order:

1. Approve the attached Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees.”

2. Do not apply the order of the Ministry on the territory of the Russian Federation civil aviation dated January 16, 1985 N 19 “On approval and enforcement of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo on air lines of the USSR” and order of the Minister of Civil Aviation dated January 3, 1986 N 1/I “On approval and enforcement Rules for the International Air Transport of Passengers, Baggage and Cargo."

Minister I. Levitin

Federal Aviation Rules "General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, and Cargo"
and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees"

I. General provisions

1. Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, Consignees” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with the Convention to unify certain rules relating to international air transportation 1 (Warsaw, October 12 1929) and Articles 102 and 106 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 N60-FZ “Air Code of the Russian Federation” 2 (hereinafter referred to as the Air Code of the Russian Federation).

Rules define conditions air transportation passengers, the passenger's belongings, including things carried by the passenger, and hand luggage transported on board the aircraft on the basis of the passenger's air carriage agreement (hereinafter referred to as baggage), property accepted for transportation on the basis of a cargo bill of lading (hereinafter referred to as cargo), rights and responsibilities of the carrier, other persons involved in the organization and provision of air transportation, as well as passengers, shippers and consignees.

2. The rules apply when carrying out domestic and international air transportation (hereinafter referred to as transportation) of passengers, baggage, cargo on scheduled flights aircraft and additional flights (hereinafter referred to as regular flights) and flights under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) (hereinafter referred to as charter flights).

3. When performing international transportation, these Rules apply to the extent that they do not contradict international agreements of the Russian Federation on air services, as well as laws, regulations, rules and regulations of government bodies of the country to, from, or through the territory of which such transportation is carried out.

4. Carriers have the right to establish their own rules for air transportation (hereinafter referred to as the carrier’s rules). These rules should not contradict the general rules of air transportation and degrade the level of service for passengers, shippers, and consignees 3.

The carrier's rules may be changed by him without notifying passengers, shippers and consignees, provided that the changes do not apply to the passenger, shipper or consignee after the conclusion of an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger or an agreement for the air carriage of cargo.

5. The passenger, consignor, consignee are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which passengers, baggage and cargo are transported, relating to the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo, compliance with security requirements flight safety, aviation security, as well as requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. The carrier organizes, provides and carries out the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo on regular flights. The carrier has the right to transfer responsibilities or part thereof under an air carriage agreement to a person who, on behalf of the carrier, carries out booking, sale and registration of transportation on transportation documents (hereinafter referred to as the authorized agent), a person carrying out airport or other activities to provide services for passengers, baggage, cargo on the basis certificate of conformity provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the service organization) or to another person, including the carrier, being responsible for their actions (inaction) to the passenger, consignor and consignee and the execution of the contract for air transportation of passengers, the contract for air transportation of cargo.

The carrier carries out the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on charter flights in accordance with the aircraft charter agreement (air charter).

7. Transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on regular flights is carried out within the time frame and in the manner prescribed by the passenger air transportation agreement or the cargo air transportation agreement.

The terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger, the contract for the air carriage of cargo are contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the carrier, the conditions for applying the tariff and the transportation document.

II. Reservation of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo

8. Securing on an aircraft passenger seat and carrying capacity for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) is a mandatory condition of transportation by air passenger, luggage, cargo.

9. When making reservations, as a rule, automated reservation systems are used.

10. The reservation must be reflected in the carrier's reservation system. Information about the reservation made must be provided by the carrier or authorized agent to the passenger or shipper.

11. Reservation of a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger involves transportation of the passenger and his baggage on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made.

Reservation of carrying capacity for cargo involves transportation of cargo on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air carriage of cargo.

12. Reservations are made within the time frame and in the manner established by the carrier.

13. To make a reservation, a passenger can contact the carrier or an authorized agent directly at transportation sales points, either by phone, email, etc., or book a passenger seat and carrying capacity independently through information systems.

14. When booking, the passenger provides the necessary information about his personal data and, if available, about special conditions transportation of passengers and luggage.

If the passenger refuses to provide the information required for booking, the booking will not be made.

When booking, the passenger can provide a telephone number or other method of contact to inform him.

15. When booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the passenger with reliable and complete information about the aircraft schedule, the availability of free passenger seats and carrying capacity, tariffs and conditions for applying tariffs, the carrier’s rules, the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, the conditions of service on board the aircraft, the type of aircraft, the carrier that will actually carry out transportation and other related information;

16. When reserving a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or an authorized agent has the right not to assign to the passenger a specific passenger seat in the cabin of an aircraft with the declared class of service. In this case, the number of the passenger seat allocated to the passenger is indicated when registering the passenger.

17. Reservation using a ticket issued with open date departure, is carried out subject to the availability of free passenger seats and free carrying capacity on the carrier’s flight within the scope of the passenger air carriage agreement.

18. If a passenger holding a ticket with an open departure date requests transportation, and the carrier is unable to provide a passenger seat and capacity during the validity period of the contract, then the carrier or an authorized agent must make a reservation for the next flight on which there is a free passenger seat and carrying capacity of the class of service that corresponds to the paid fare.

19. Reservation of cargo capacity is made by the carrier or an authorized agent.

20. When booking a carrying capacity, the shipper must provide the carrier or authorized agent with information about the data of the shipper and consignee, the name of the cargo, the expected date of shipment, the gross weight (hereinafter referred to as the weight) and volume of the cargo, the dimensions of each piece of cargo, the number of pieces of cargo, conditions of circulation with cargo, cargo properties requiring special conditions or precautions during its transportation, storage and handling.

21. Before booking cargo capacity, the carrier or an authorized agent checks the cargo to determine whether the cargo or part thereof is classified as dangerous goods. Cargo inspection determines the possibility and conditions of transportation of dangerous goods.

22. When booking cargo capacity, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the shipper with information about the aircraft schedule, tariffs and conditions for their application, the carrier’s rules, the terms of the contract for air transportation of cargo, the availability of free carrying capacity, tonnage, and other related information;

selects the optimal route and freight charge for transportation, taking into account tariffs and conditions of their application.

23. When booking by an authorized agent, the passenger or shipper is provided with information in accordance with the priority parameters of the conditions of transportation specified by the passenger, the shipper and/or the general conditions of transportation for each carrier.

24. The carrier and authorized agent do not have the right to transfer information received from a passenger or shipper to third parties, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

25. To make a reservation, you must agree with the carrier on the following transportation:

1) a passenger with a child under 2 years old;

2) a child not accompanied by an adult passenger who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;

3) a seriously ill passenger;

4) a patient on a stretcher;

5) a deaf passenger without an accompanying person;

6) a blind passenger with a guide dog;

7) an unaccompanied passenger deprived of vision and/or hearing, who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;

8) a passenger whose ability to move when using air transport is limited and/or whose condition requires special attention during service (hereinafter referred to as a passenger with limited mobility);

9) a passenger with weapons and/or ammunition;

10) baggage exceeding the free baggage allowance established by the carrier (hereinafter referred to as excess baggage);

11) luggage, the dimensions of one piece of which when packed exceed two hundred three centimeters in the sum of three dimensions (hereinafter referred to as oversized luggage);

12) luggage, the weight of one piece of which exceeds thirty-two kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy luggage);

13) baggage that must be transported only in the aircraft cabin;

14) currency in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter referred to as valuable cargo);

15) cargo with declared value;

16) items and substances subject to deterioration after a certain storage period or under adverse effects of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable cargo);

17) items or substances that can pose a threat to health, safety, property or the environment and which are indicated in the list of dangerous goods or classified as dangerous goods in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as dangerous goods);

18) cargo whose weight per package exceeds eighty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy cargo);

19) cargo, the dimensions of one cargo piece of which exceed the overall dimensions of loading hatches and/or cargo compartments of passenger aircraft (hereinafter referred to as oversized cargo);

20) cargo whose weight of one cubic meter is less than one hundred and sixty-seven kilograms (hereinafter referred to as bulk cargo);

21) dogs, cats, birds and other small indoor (tamed) animals (hereinafter referred to as pets (birds);

22) animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. (hereinafter referred to as living creatures);

23) cargo requiring special transportation conditions;

24) human and animal remains.

26. Reservations are canceled without warning the passenger or shipper in the following cases:

if the passenger does not pay for transportation within the time period established by the carrier or authorized agent and a ticket is not issued to him;

if the shipper did not present the cargo for transportation within the period established by the carrier or authorized agent;

if the shipper presented the cargo with incorrectly executed documents necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or the cargo does not meet the requirements established by regulatory legal acts Russian Federation and these Rules.

27. If the passenger does not use the reserved passenger seat on any section of the transportation route, the passenger must inform the carrier of his intention to continue transportation on subsequent sections of the transportation route. If the passenger has not informed the carrier of his intention to continue transportation, the carrier has the right to cancel the reservation on each subsequent leg of the transportation route without notifying the passenger. In this case, the carrier’s obligation to transport the passenger does not terminate.

28. When booking transportation with a transfer (transshipment) of a passenger, baggage, cargo at the airport specified in the transportation document, within twenty-four hours from one flight to another flight for further travel along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer airport), the carrier or authorized the agent is obliged to provide a reservation and receive confirmation of the reservation in all areas of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo, including in areas where transportation is carried out by other carriers, allowing the passenger to arrive at check-in at the established time to go through the established procedures for registration and baggage check-in, payment excess and (or) other payable baggage, undergoing inspection, reloading baggage, cargo on another flight and fulfilling the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as procedures for transferring cargo from one aircraft to another.

III. Payment for transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo

29. For the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on regular flights, the carrier or authorized agent is charged a carriage fee.

30. The carriage charge is determined based on the amount of money established by the carrier, charged for the transportation of one passenger and his baggage within the free baggage allowance, per unit of weight/piece of baggage, unit of weight/piece of cargo (hereinafter referred to as tariffs) or combinations of tariffs from the airport ( point) from which the transportation of a passenger, baggage, cargo begins in accordance with the contract for the air carriage of passengers, the contract for the air carriage of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the airport (point) of departure) to the airport (point) of destination.

31. The carriage charge is indicated in the transportation document.

32. Payment for the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on charter flights may not be indicated in the transportation document.

33. Payment for transportation and issuance of a ticket are made after booking, except for the cases specified in paragraph 34 of these Rules.

34. Payment for transportation and issuance of a ticket can be made before booking in the following cases:

issuing a ticket with an open departure date (without indicating a fixed date on the ticket);

issuing a ticket with the status of waiting for free capacity (ticket with the status of “reconnection”);

issuing a ticket in the presence of free carriage capacity after the completion of passenger check-in and baggage check-in.

35. The forms and procedure for payment of freight charges are established by the carrier.

36. Payment of freight charges can be made in advance. In this case, payment for transportation can be made at one point of sale of transportation, and execution of a transportation document - at another point of sale of transportation.

37. When paying for and/or registering transportation, the carrier or authorized agent provides the passenger with reliable and complete information about the conditions of transportation, including information:

specified in the issued transportation document;

on the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement, including free baggage allowance standards, items prohibited for transportation, special conditions for baggage transportation, etc.;

about the carrier's rules;

about the carrier who will actually carry out the transportation;

about the method of travel to the airport of departure;

about the place and time of the beginning and end of check-in for the flight;

on requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

on the rules and procedure for pre-flight and post-flight inspection of passengers and baggage;

on the conditions of service on board the aircraft;

about the type of aircraft.

38. When paying and/or registering transportation, the carrier or authorized agent provides the shipper with reliable and complete information about the conditions of transportation, including information:

on the terms of the air cargo transportation contract;

on the rules of cargo transportation;

on the conditions for applying the tariff;

on requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. When paying for the carriage of a passenger and his baggage, the tariffs in force on the date of commencement of carriage are applied.

When paying for the transportation of goods, the tariffs in force on the date of registration of the freight bill are applied.

40. If, before the start of transportation, tariffs are changed by the carrier, transportation of passengers on tickets issued before the tariff change is carried out without recalculation with passengers, provided that the original terms of the air transportation agreement are preserved.

41. If the passenger changes the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement due to cancellation or delay of the flight specified in the ticket; changes by the carrier to the transportation route; the flight is not scheduled; failure to send a passenger due to the impossibility of providing him with a seat on the flight and on the date indicated on the ticket; failed transportation of a passenger on an aircraft caused by the passenger’s delay at the airport due to the length of his inspection, if during the inspection of baggage or the personal search of the passenger no substances and objects prohibited for transportation were found; failure by the carrier to provide connecting flights in the case of a single carriage; sudden illness of a passenger or illness or death of a member of his family traveling with him on the aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents; failure to provide the passenger with service in the class indicated on the ticket; incorrect issuance of a ticket by the carrier or an authorized agent (hereinafter referred to as a forced change by the passenger of the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement) before the start of transportation, the carriage charge is determined on the basis of the tariffs in force on the date of transportation provided for in the original passenger air transportation agreement.

42. If a passenger changes the terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger for reasons not specified in paragraph 41 of these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the voluntary change by the passenger of the terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger) before the start of transportation, the carriage charge is determined on the basis of the tariffs in force on the date of the start of the new air transportation.

43. In the event of a voluntary or forced change by a passenger of the terms of the contract for air carriage of a passenger after the start of transportation, if the carriage fee changes, transportation is carried out at the tariffs in force on the date of commencement of transportation.

IV. Registration of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo

44. The contract for the air transportation of a passenger, the contract for the air transportation of cargo is certified respectively by a ticket, a baggage receipt, and a cargo waybill 4 (hereinafter referred to as transportation documents).

45. Transportation documents are issued by the carrier or an authorized agent.

46. ​​Registration of transportation documents is carried out by entering the necessary data into the electronic or paper form of the transportation document in manual, automated or electronic mode.

47. Registration of a transportation document after booking is carried out within the time limits established by the carrier.

48. To formalize payment of payments by the carrier or an authorized agent, a document issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and certifying payment of fees and services (order of miscellaneous fees), a document issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and certifying payment for the carriage of baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance established by the carrier is used. baggage, baggage with a declared value, other baggage subject to additional payment (receipt for payment of excess baggage), a document certifying payment of fees and services (receipt of miscellaneous fees), other documents in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

49. To prepare transportation documents and payment payment documents, the carrier’s own documents and (or) documents issued under an agreement with carriers by another organization that ensures mutual settlements between carriers and other participants in the transportation process may be used.

50. A separate ticket is issued for each passenger.

The ticket can be issued electronically or on paper.

51. The ticket is issued on the basis of the passenger’s identification document.

In the case of sale of a preferential carriage or carriage at a special fare, a ticket is issued on the basis of the data of the document specified in paragraph one of this paragraph and documents confirming the passenger’s right to a benefit or application of a special fare.

In case of payment for transportation by bank transfer or with deferred payment, the ticket is issued on the basis of the data of the document specified in paragraph one of this paragraph and documents confirming (guaranteeing) payment for transportation.

52. The passenger can receive an issued ticket or itinerary/receipt electronic ticket directly at the point of sale of transportation by the carrier or authorized agent, or choose the delivery method agreed upon with the carrier or authorized agent, or obtain the route/receipt of the electronic ticket independently in the manner established by the carrier or authorized agent.

53. A ticket paid at a rate that does not limit the conditions of sale and use (hereinafter referred to as the normal rate) certifies the carrier’s obligation to transport the passenger and his luggage for one year, counting from the date of commencement of transportation, and if transportation has not begun, from the date of registration ticket

A ticket paid at a special fare certifies the carrier’s obligation to transport the passenger and his luggage within the time limits established by the contract.

54. The carrier or authorized agent must warn the passenger about the need for the passenger to retain the ticket (unused coupons) throughout the entire carriage.

55. The use of a ticket by a person not indicated on the ticket is not permitted. If a ticket is presented by a person not indicated on the ticket, the ticket is confiscated by the carrier and its cost is not returned to the bearer. In this case, the carrier draws up a report indicating the reasons for confiscating the ticket.

56. The cargo waybill certifies the conclusion of an agreement for the carriage of goods by air, the acceptance of goods for transportation and the conditions for the carriage of goods.

The cargo waybill contains information about the transportation of cargo during its movement from the airport (point) of departure to the airport (point) of destination, as well as information about payment for the carriage of goods, while the first copy of the cargo waybill remains with the carrier, the second copy is intended for the consignee and must follow with cargo, the third copy is returned by the carrier or authorized agent to the shipper upon acceptance of the cargo.

57. The cargo waybill is issued on the basis of an application for the carriage of goods signed by the shipper and an identity document of the shipper, or a power of attorney and an identity document of the bearer of the power of attorney.

58. The application for the carriage of goods shall indicate the information necessary for the carriage of goods, information about dangerous goods and the absence of items and substances prohibited for transportation.

59. If the cargo handed over for transportation has special properties or requires special conditions of transportation, the shipper must indicate this in the application for the carriage of goods.

60. The shipper is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient information necessary for issuing a cargo bill of lading.

The shipper is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient documents that, before transferring the cargo to the consignee, are necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The carrier is not obliged to verify the accuracy or sufficiency of these documents.

61. One or more pieces of cargo may be accepted for transportation, which follow one cargo bill of lading to the address of one consignee (hereinafter referred to as cargo shipment).

A cargo bill of lading is issued for air transportation of each cargo shipment.

62. All necessary entries in the cargo waybill must be made at the time of its registration, and all copies of the cargo waybill must be identical.

Changes to the cargo waybill are made by the carrier or an authorized agent in agreement with the shipper.

63. The cargo waybill must be signed by the carrier or authorized agent and the shipper.

64. Indication of the address of the consignee “on demand” in the cargo waybill is not allowed.

65. A note is made in the cargo waybill about the special properties of the cargo if there are or is necessary special conditions for its transportation.

If the carrier or an authorized agent has checked the condition of the cargo, a note about the check is made in the cargo waybill.

The cargo waybill makes a note about the declared value of the cargo, the sealing of the cargo and the name of the shipper's seals.

If the value of the cargo is not declared, then a note is made in the cargo waybill stating that the value of the cargo is not declared.

66. When transporting cargo that, according to the cargo bill of lading, is delivered to the transfer airport on one flight, and then transported by another flight of the same or another carrier (hereinafter referred to as transfer cargo), the carrier or an authorized agent draws up a cargo bill of lading indicating the transfer airports (points) in it. .

67. If a passenger changes the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement before it begins, a new ticket is issued to the passenger.

In the event of a change in the terms of the contract for air transportation of a passenger after it has begun, the change can be made using a special sticker (sticker), which has columns corresponding to the fields of the ticket subject to change, and is pasted into the ticket if the transportation route does not change, or by entering in a ticket of the carrier's written consent to carry out transportation by another carrier or for the exchange of an originally issued ticket or a miscellaneous charges order, a receipt for payment of excess baggage, a receipt for miscellaneous charges, or using a manifest of an interrupted flight in the event that a passenger traveling on a flight of the same carrier must be transferred for a flight of another carrier and/or flight coupons corresponding to this leg of transportation cannot be provided to another carrier due to a forced change in the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement or a new ticket is issued to the passenger.

68. Changes to the ticket are made by the carrier or an authorized agent with the consent of the carrier.

69. If the ticket was declared lost by the passenger, or incorrectly issued, or damaged, then the carrier is obliged to immediately take all measures within his power to establish the fact of concluding an agreement for air transportation of the passenger.

If it is determined that the contract for air carriage of the passenger has not been concluded, the ticket is invalidated and the passenger is not allowed to be transported. A ticket declared invalid is canceled by the carrier with the drawing up of a report indicating the reasons for declaring the ticket invalid.

If it is established that the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger has actually been concluded, then the carrier accepts the passenger for transportation in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement for the air carriage of the passenger with the appropriate issuance of the ticket.

70. The absence, incorrectness or loss of a travel ticket does not affect either the existence or validity of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger or the contract for the air carriage of cargo.

71. Transportation of a passenger, baggage, cargo carried out to the airport (point) of destination to which the passenger, baggage, cargo must be delivered in accordance with the contract for the air carriage of a passenger, the contract for the air carriage of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the airport (point) of destination) by several carriers one at a time transportation document or additional transportation documents issued along with it is considered as a single transportation, regardless of whether there was a transfer (transshipment) or a break in transportation.

V. Schedule, flight delays and cancellations, transportation route, change of transportation route

72. Regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule generated by the carrier and published in the aircraft schedule computer database.

Charter flights are operated in accordance with the charter flight plan (schedule).

departure airport;

destination airport;

airport(s) located along the transportation route, where according to the aircraft traffic schedule the aircraft is scheduled to land;

carrier code;

flight number;

days of the week of the flight;

departure time (local);

arrival time (local);

flight period;

aircraft type(s).

The aircraft schedule may contain other information.

74. In the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, the carrier must take possible measures to inform passengers and shippers with whom an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger or an agreement for the air carriage of cargo has been concluded about the change in the aircraft schedule in any available way.

75. Transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo is carried out between the airports (points) of departure, transfer (stop) and destination indicated in the transportation document in the established sequence (hereinafter referred to as the transportation route). A change in the transportation route specified in the transportation documents can be made by agreement between the carrier and the passenger, the shipper. If a passenger changes the transportation route, the carrier may recalculate the cost of transportation.

76. The carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight specified in the ticket, cargo waybill, change the type of aircraft, change the transportation route if required by flight safety and/or aviation security conditions, as well as at the request of government bodies in accordance with their competence.

VI. Passenger check-in and baggage check-in

77. To transport passengers and baggage, the carrier ensures registration of passengers and baggage clearance.

78. A passenger is allowed for transportation if he has a properly issued ticket.

79. Transportation on a ticket with an open departure date is carried out after booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity and entering the departure date and flight number into the ticket by the carrier or an authorized agent.

80. The passenger must arrive in advance, no later than the time established by the carrier, at the place of passenger check-in and baggage check-in to go through the established check-in and baggage check-in procedures, pay for excess and (or) other payable baggage, undergo security screening, etc. (hereinafter referred to as pre-flight formalities) and compliance with requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as to the place of boarding the aircraft.

81. Check-in of passengers and baggage check-in for flights at the airport ends no earlier than 40 minutes before the departure time of the aircraft according to the schedule or according to the charter flight plan (schedule). The end time of check-in at check-in points located outside the airport, as well as check-in on the carrier’s website, is set taking into account the time required for the delivery (arrival) of passengers and baggage to the airport of departure for boarding (loading) into the aircraft and completing pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

82. Registration of passengers and baggage check-in are carried out on the basis of a ticket and an identification document of the passenger, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if necessary.

83. During international transportation, the passenger must have exit, entry and other documents required in accordance with the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which the transportation will be carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

84. Upon check-in, the passenger is issued a boarding pass, which indicates the initials and surname of the passenger, flight number, departure date, boarding deadline for the flight, boarding gate number and seat number on board the aircraft. If necessary, the boarding pass may additionally contain other information.

85. When checking in passengers and checking in baggage, the passenger is required to present for weighing all baggage intended for transportation, except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules.

86. The carrier or service organization is obliged to indicate in the baggage receipt, which is part of the ticket certifying the acceptance of baggage for carriage, the number of pieces and/or gross weight (hereinafter referred to as weight) of baggage, except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules. If the passenger has a ticket in electronic form, information on the number of pieces and/or weight of baggage, except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, is entered in electronic form.

87. When checking in luggage, the passenger is given a part (tear-off coupon) of a numbered luggage tag, and the other part is attached to each piece of luggage accepted by the carrier for transportation under the carrier’s responsibility for the safety of these items from the moment they are handed over by the passenger until the moment they are issued to the passenger (hereinafter referred to as checked luggage ).

A numbered baggage tag is used to identify each piece of checked baggage.

To indicate special conditions of transportation, a special numberless baggage tag is additionally attached to checked baggage.

An unnumbered "hand luggage" tag is attached to items carried by the passenger and transported in the cabin of the aircraft (hereinafter referred to as hand luggage), except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules.

88. After the passenger has checked in and the baggage has been checked in, the responsibility for the safety of the checked baggage rests with the carrier.

89. For baggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance and other baggage subject to payment, a fee will be charged at the rate established by the carrier. Payment for the carriage of such baggage is formalized by a receipt for payment of excess baggage or an order for miscellaneous fees.

90. The passenger must arrive at the boarding gate on board the aircraft no later than the flight boarding deadline specified on the boarding pass. Passengers board the aircraft upon presentation by the passenger boarding pass on the corresponding flight.

91. A passenger who is late for the end of passenger check-in and baggage check-in or boarding the aircraft may be denied transportation on this flight. The baggage of a registered passenger who fails to board the aircraft is subject to removal from the aircraft and mandatory inspection.

VII. Passenger service

92. The carrier or service organization provides passengers at the airport with visual and/or acoustic information:

about the time of departure and arrival of aircraft;

about the place, start and end time of check-in for the flight indicated on the ticket;

about the place, start and end time of passengers boarding the aircraft;

about the delay or cancellation of the flight and the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight;

about how to get to the nearest settlement between airports and between airports;

on the rules and procedure for pre-flight and post-flight inspections of passengers and baggage;

on the general rules for passengers to comply with requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

about the location of the mother and child rooms.

93. At the airport, the carrier or service organization provides:

registration of passengers and registration of baggage for transportation;

delivering passengers to the aircraft parking area and organizing their boarding of the aircraft;

delivery of baggage to the aircraft parking area, loading, placement and securing of baggage on board the aircraft;

ensuring the exit of passengers from the aircraft, delivery of passengers to the terminal building;

unloading baggage from the aircraft, transporting and issuing baggage to passengers.

94. The carrier provides the passenger on board the aircraft with a range of services depending on the type and equipment of the aircraft, the duration of the flight, the time of day during which the flight takes place, as well as the class of service indicated on the ticket. The scope of services and the procedure for their provision are determined by the carrier’s rules.

95. The carrier must provide on board the aircraft:

informing passengers about flight conditions and general rules of conduct for passengers on board the aircraft, the locations of the main and emergency exits, the conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, as well as the locations of personal protective equipment and inflatable ladders in the aircraft cabin; provision of cooling and /or hot drinks and food; first aid.

Hot meals are provided to passengers when the aircraft's flight duration is more than three hours and then every four hours during the daytime and every six hours during the night.

96. The carrier on board the aircraft must have trained personnel in a number sufficient to serve passengers.

97. There is no additional charge for the services specified in paragraphs 92-95 of these Rules.

98. Meals and hot drinks may not be provided to aircraft passengers if the specified condition is established by the carrier’s rules and the passenger is informed about the conditions of service on board the aircraft before concluding an agreement for air transportation of the passenger.

99. In the event of a break in transportation due to the fault of the carrier, as well as in the event of a flight delay, flight cancellation due to unfavorable meteorological conditions, for technical and other reasons, or changes in the transportation route, the carrier is obliged to organize the following services for passengers at the points of departure and at intermediate points:

provision of mother and child rooms to a passenger with a child under seven years of age;

two phone calls or two emails when waiting more than two hours for a flight to depart;

provision of refreshments when waiting for flight departure for more than two hours;

provision of hot meals when waiting for a flight to depart for more than four hours and then every six hours during the day and every eight hours at night;

hotel accommodation when waiting for a flight departure for more than eight hours - during the day and more than six hours - at night;

delivery by transport from the airport to the hotel and back in cases where the hotel is provided without charging an additional fee;

organization of luggage storage.

The services specified in this paragraph are provided to passengers at no additional charge.

100. The carrier or service organization may provide additional services to the passenger increased comfort in flight and on the ground.

101. Additional luxury services, the procedure for their provision and payment are established by the carrier, if they are provided by the carrier, or by an authorized agent, service organization, if they are provided by an authorized agent, service organization, or by agreement between the parties jointly providing services.

VIII. Transportation of certain categories of passengers

102. A minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of his parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees. If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of a minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state(s) he intends to visit 6 .

103. The age of the child is determined on the date of commencement of transportation from the airport (point) of departure specified in the transportation document.

104. Children under two years of age are transported only when accompanied by an adult passenger.

Children aged two to twelve years may be transported accompanied by an adult passenger or unaccompanied by an adult passenger under the supervision of the carrier, if such transportation is provided for by the carrier's rules.

Children over the age of twelve can be transported unaccompanied by an adult passenger.

105. Unaccompanied children aged two to twelve years may be transported under the supervision of the carrier only after the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, in accordance with the carrier’s rules, have submitted a written application for the carriage of an unaccompanied child. At the request of parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, transportation under the supervision of the carrier may extend to children under the age of sixteen.

106. One child under two years of age is transported accompanied by an adult passenger when domestic transportation free of charge, for international ones - with a discount of ninety percent from the normal or special fare, if there are no special conditions for applying the special fare, and without providing the child with a separate seat. If a child under two years of age, at the request of an accompanying passenger, is provided with a separate seat, then such a child is transported with a discount of fifty percent from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare.

Other children under two years of age accompanying the passenger, as well as children aged from two to twelve years, are transported at a discount of fifty percent from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare, with the provision of separate seats for them.

107. In the event of a voluntary or forced change by a passenger accompanying a child, the terms of the contract for air transportation of a passenger after the start of transportation, the child’s ticket is reissued (exchanged) at a rate corresponding to the age of the child on the date of commencement of transportation from the airport (point) of departure.

108. The passenger is obliged to independently determine the possibility of using air transport, based on his state of health.

109. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has been declared incompetent by a court, at the request of his parents, adoptive parents or guardians, may leave the Russian Federation accompanied by an adult capable of ensuring the safety of the incompetent citizen of the Russian Federation and the safety of the people around him 7 .

110. Transportation of a passenger in a wheelchair who is unable to move independently, or a patient on a stretcher is carried out accompanied by a person caring for this passenger during the flight.

The carrier's rules may provide for the transportation of a passenger in a wheelchair who is unable to move independently, or a patient on a stretcher under the supervision of the carrier.

Transportation of a patient on a stretcher is carried out with the provision of additional seats on the aircraft with payment established by the carrier.

The carrier has the right to refuse to transport a passenger in a wheelchair or a sick person on a stretcher if certain aircraft do not have the conditions necessary for the carriage of such passengers.

111. A passenger deprived of vision and/or hearing is transported with or without an accompanying person under the supervision of the carrier, if such transportation is provided for by the carrier’s rules.

112. A deaf passenger, in agreement with the carrier, may be transported without an accompanying person.

113. A visually impaired passenger, in agreement with the carrier, may be transported accompanied by a guide dog.

Transportation of a visually impaired passenger accompanied by a guide dog can be carried out upon presentation to the carrier of a document confirming the disability of this passenger and a document confirming the special training of the guide dog.

A guide dog accompanying a visually impaired passenger is carried free of charge in excess of the established free baggage allowance. A guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a seat at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

114. An unaccompanied passenger deprived of vision and/or hearing, a passenger in a wheelchair unable to move independently, or a patient on a stretcher is accepted for transportation under the supervision of the carrier in agreement with the carrier and after a written application for transportation under supervision is completed in accordance with the carrier’s rules carrier.

115. Transportation of a passenger who, in accordance with the air transportation agreement, arrived at the transfer airport on one flight, and is then transported by another flight of the same or another carrier along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer passenger), is carried out in accordance with agreements between the carriers.

116. The carrier or authorized agent is obliged to inform the transfer passenger about pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, which he must fulfill at the transfer airport for further transportation along the route, as well as the requirements of government authorities at transfer points during international transportation.

117. When carrying out transportation under one transportation document or additional transportation documents issued along with it, the carrier is obliged to provide a minimum connecting time with the flight for which the passenger has a reserved seat, allowing the passenger to go through all the pre-flight formalities provided for at the transfer airport and fulfill the requirements related to the border , customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

IX. Passenger stop en route

118. The passenger, in agreement with the carrier, may interrupt his transportation at the airport (point) indicated on the ticket, where, according to the passenger air carriage agreement, the time between the passenger’s arrival at the airport and his departure from the airport is more than twenty-four hours (hereinafter referred to as the stopover airport) .

Stopping a passenger en route along the transportation route is permitted within the validity period of the carrier's obligation to transport the passenger, provided that it is agreed in advance with the carrier, indicated on the ticket, taken into account when calculating the cost of transportation, and in the case of international transportation is also permitted by the government authorities of that country in the territory of which is supposed to stop.

119. If a passenger makes a stop at an airport (point) along the transportation route, then his baggage is checked in only to the airport (point) of the stop and is subject to delivery to the passenger at this airport (point).

120. If, when booking transportation, the passenger did not declare a stop at the airport (point) along the transportation route, but wished to make such a stop and declared this at the transfer airport or at the airport where the aircraft lands for technical and/or commercial maintenance and continues to operate the flight by which it arrived at the airport (hereinafter referred to as the transit airport), then such a stop is regarded as the passenger’s voluntary refusal of carriage, except for the cases specified in paragraph 227 of these Rules, and further carriage can be continued after a corresponding change in the air carriage agreement passenger.

X. Baggage transportation

121. A passenger’s baggage is accepted for transportation upon check-in at the airport of departure, transfer airport, stopover airport or other check-in point.

122. An aircraft passenger has the right to carry his baggage within the established norm without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free baggage allowance).

Free baggage allowance, including items carried by the passenger, is established by the carrier depending on the type of aircraft and cannot be less than ten kilograms per passenger.

123. The carrier is obliged to accept baggage for transportation within the limits of free baggage allowance.

124. Excess baggage, oversized baggage and heavy baggage are accepted for carriage only if there is free capacity on the aircraft and subject to payment by the passenger for the carriage of such baggage, except in cases where the carriage of such baggage was agreed upon with the carrier and paid for when booking.

125. If a passenger presents luggage for transportation with a weight and/or size that is less than what was booked and pre-paid, the difference in payment for transportation between the booked and the actual weight and/or size of the luggage must be returned to the passenger.

126. The passenger has the right to declare the value of his checked baggage.

The value of checked baggage is declared for each piece of baggage separately.

For transportation of baggage with a declared value, a fee is charged, the amount of which is established by the carrier.

Payment for transportation of baggage with a declared value is certified by an order of miscellaneous fees or a receipt for payment for excess baggage, which indicates the points between which the passenger has declared transportation of baggage with a declared value.

127. If passengers travel in a group, then, at the request of the passengers, the carrier is obliged to apply to these passengers the sum of the free baggage allowance for each passenger.

The unification concerns only the free baggage allowance. Baggage is checked out individually for each passenger.

128. Each piece of checked baggage must have proper packaging that ensures its safety during transportation and handling and excludes the possibility of harm to passengers, crew members, third parties, damage to the aircraft, the baggage of other passengers or other property.

Baggage that does not meet the requirements of this paragraph is not allowed for transportation.

129. Baggage that has external damage that does not affect its safety during transportation and handling and cannot cause harm to passengers, crew members, third parties, damage the aircraft, the luggage of other passengers or other property, may be accepted for transportation as registered luggage with the consent of the carrier. In this case, the presence and type of damage is confirmed by the passenger’s signature.

130. The passenger is not recommended to put fragile and perishable items, banknotes, jewelry, precious metals, securities and other valuables, business documents, keys and other similar items into his checked baggage.

131. The weight of one piece of checked baggage should not exceed fifty kilograms.

132. The passenger's checked baggage must be transported on the same aircraft on which the passenger is traveling.

133. As hand luggage items are accepted whose weight and dimensions are established by the carrier and allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin.

134. The passenger is obliged to take care of the safety of hand luggage and things specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules transported in the aircraft cabin. Upon departure, the passenger is obliged to take with him the hand luggage and things specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules placed on board the aircraft.

135. In addition to the established free baggage allowance and without charging a fee, the passenger has the right to carry the following things if they are with the passenger and not included in the baggage:

handbag or briefcase;

folder for papers;

bouquet of flowers;


printed materials for in-flight reading;

baby food for the child during the flight;

cell phone;




suit in a suitcase;

baby cradle when transporting a child;

crutches, stretcher or wheelchair when transporting a passenger with limited mobility.

The items specified in this paragraph are not presented for weighing, are not subject to registration and are not marked with tags.

136. Transportation oversized luggage, heavy luggage, pets and birds, with the exception of guide dogs traveling with a blind passenger, are paid at the rates established by the carrier.

Transportation of the specified baggage is paid based on its actual weight at the rates established by the carrier, regardless of the passenger’s other items transported as baggage.

137. In the event of a forced downgrade of service class, the passenger has the right to transport baggage according to the free baggage allowance established for the paid class of service.

138. Baggage whose weight, number of pieces, size, packaging or contents do not comply with the requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation, these Rules, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the country is not allowed for transportation to, from, or through the territory of which it is carried out. transportation of baggage, or carrier rules.

139. From the moment checked baggage is handed over for transportation and until the moment it is issued, passenger access to checked baggage is prohibited, except in cases of its identification or additional inspection by the relevant authorized services.

140. Items that may cause harm to the aircraft, persons or property on board the aircraft, animals and birds (except for pets (birds), insects, fish seeding material, reptiles, rodents are not allowed for transportation by air as baggage. , experimental and sick animals, as well as objects and substances, the air transportation of which as baggage is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out.

XI. Features of transportation of certain categories of luggage

141. With the consent of the carrier, passenger luggage that requires special precautions during transportation or special conditions for its handling (fragile and breakable items, film and photographic equipment, television and video equipment, household office equipment, musical instruments, electronic and optical instruments, etc.).

Baggage transported in the aircraft cabin is placed in specially designated places (compartments), and in their absence, in a separate passenger seat. In the case of carriage of baggage on a separate passenger seat, the passenger is required to pay for a separate passenger seat(s) for this baggage in accordance with the carrier's rules.

The weight of one piece of baggage transported in the aircraft cabin must not exceed eighty kilograms, and its dimensions must allow it to be placed on a separate passenger seat. The packaging of baggage transported in the aircraft cabin must ensure that it is secured to the passenger seat.

Delivery of baggage carried in the aircraft cabin to the aircraft, its lifting, placement in the aircraft cabin, removal from the aircraft and delivery from the aircraft are carried out by the passenger carrying this baggage.

142. Transportation of diplomatic baggage is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the rules of the carrier.

143. Pets (birds) can be carried as baggage.

Pets (birds) may be transported in the aircraft cabin with the consent of the carrier.

When transporting pets (birds), the passenger is obliged to provide the necessary documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out.

Pets (birds) when transported by air must be placed in a strong container (cage) that provides the necessary convenience during transportation, with access to air and a reliable lock (lock). The bottom of the container (cage) must be dense, waterproof and covered with absorbent material. The container (cage) must prevent spillage of absorbent material. The bird cage should be covered with thick, light-proof fabric.

The weight of a pet (bird), the weight of a container (cage) and food intended to feed the animal (bird) is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid by the passenger in accordance with the tariff established by the carrier.

144. Guide dogs traveling with a blind passenger are transported in the manner established by paragraph 113 of these Rules.

145. Oversized baggage is accepted for transportation provided that the dimensions of the loading hatches and luggage and cargo compartments of the aircraft allow it to be loaded (unloaded) into (from) the aircraft and placed on board the aircraft.

XII. Checked baggage collection

146. The carrier is obliged to ensure that passengers are informed about the place of collection of checked baggage at the airport of destination, stopover or transfer, as well as the reason and duration of any delay in the delivery of baggage, and to ensure that baggage is issued to passengers.

147. The passenger is obliged to receive checked baggage immediately after it is presented for delivery on the basis of a baggage receipt and a tear-off coupon of a numbered baggage tag.

148. Checked baggage is issued at the airport to which the checked baggage was accepted for transportation.

At the request of the passenger, checked baggage can also be issued at the airport of departure or at the airport of transfer, transit airport, stopover airport, if baggage delivery at these points is not prohibited by international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory through which transportation is carried out, and if time and circumstances allow for extradition.

149. If a passenger cannot present a baggage receipt or a tear-off coupon of a numbered baggage tag, the carrier may issue baggage to such a passenger, subject to presentation of evidence of his rights to this baggage.

XIII. Storage and search of checked baggage

150. Checked baggage is stored at the airport, to which the baggage must be delivered according to the passenger air carriage agreement within two days, including the day of arrival of the aircraft on which the checked baggage was delivered, without charging an additional fee.

Further storage of checked baggage is provided by the carrier or service organization. Costs for storing baggage not received by the passenger within the period established by this paragraph are reimbursed in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

151. If checked baggage, with a properly issued numbered baggage tag, arrived at the airport (point) of destination, transfer or stopover and was not received or claimed by the passenger, the carrier ensures the search for the owner of the checked baggage.

If the search for the owner of the checked baggage yields positive results, then the carrier ensures that written notice is sent to the owner of the checked baggage about the need to receive the baggage and the procedure for receiving or delivering the baggage.

Checked baggage is stored for six months from the date of notification to the owner of the checked baggage about the need to claim the baggage, and if the owner of the checked baggage is not found - from the day the aircraft arrives at the airport. If the passenger does not receive checked baggage after the specified period, the baggage may be sold or destroyed in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

152. Hand luggage and items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, forgotten by the passenger on board the aircraft and found after the flight, are stored at the airport of their discovery for six months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the airport.

After six months from the date of arrival of the aircraft at the airport, hand luggage and items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules may be sold or destroyed in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

153. The storage and disposal of luggage subject to customs control is carried out in the manner established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.

154. If the carrier has not given the passenger checked baggage at the airport to which the baggage must be delivered in accordance with the passenger air carriage agreement, then, upon a written application from the passenger, drawn up on the basis of the transportation document, the carrier provides necessary measures to search for checked baggage, including:

sending a request to the airport of departure regarding the availability of baggage;

sending inquiries to airports where baggage may have been delivered erroneously;

sending a request for baggage rescheduling if it is found.

The carrier ensures the search for baggage immediately upon presentation by the passenger of a statement of non-receipt of baggage.

If checked baggage is not found within twenty-one days from the date of presentation of the statement of non-receipt of baggage, the passenger has the right to demand compensation for damage caused by the loss of checked baggage.

If checked baggage is found, the carrier ensures notification of the owner of the checked baggage and its delivery to the airport (point) specified by the passenger and, at the request of the passenger, at the address specified by him without charging an additional fee.

155. In the event of arrival at the airport of checked baggage, the numbered baggage tag of which indicates an airport (point) other than the airport(s) (point(s) to which, according to the passenger air carriage agreement, baggage (hereinafter referred to as mishandled) must be delivered baggage) or checked baggage that arrived at the airport without a numbered baggage tag and was not claimed by the passenger (hereinafter referred to as undocumented baggage), the carrier ensures the search for the owner of such baggage and its storage during the entire period of searching for the owner of the baggage.

156. If mishandled baggage arrives at the airport, the carrier must ensure that existing requests for baggage are checked.

If there are requests for baggage, the carrier ensures that the baggage is sent in accordance with the request for baggage.

If there are no requests for baggage, the carrier ensures that a notification is sent to the airport from which the baggage was delivered and the baggage is sent in accordance with the data specified in the numbered baggage tag. If it is impossible to send baggage to the airport according to the numbered baggage tag, the carrier ensures that the baggage is sent to the airport from which the baggage was delivered.

157. In the event of undocumented baggage arriving at the airport, the carrier ensures that a report is drawn up. Undocumented baggage is weighed, opened, its contents described and sealed. Baggage is opened by a commission created by the carrier or service organization.

The carrier is obliged to ensure that baggage is checked in response to passenger statements about non-receipt of baggage, and that requests are sent to airports from which the baggage could have been delivered.

If undocumented baggage is found to comply with baggage requests, the baggage will be delivered in accordance with that request.

158. If, during the search for checked baggage, the contents of which deteriorate after a certain period of storage or under the unfavorable influence of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable baggage) is in danger of deterioration, the carrier has the right to immediately destroy all or part of the perishable baggage .

XIV. Acceptance of cargo for transportation

159. Cargo is accepted for air transportation if, due to its quality, properties, volume, weight and packaging, it is approved for transportation by aircraft in accordance with the requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation, these Rules and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislation of the country on the territory from or through the territory of which the cargo is transported.

160. Cargo is accepted for transportation under the following conditions:

the dimensions of the cargo must ensure its free loading (unloading) into the aircraft, its placement in the luggage and cargo compartments and fastening, including on/in packaging means;

the weight, dimensions or volume of the cargo do not exceed the standards established for a certain type of aircraft, including when attaching them to/in packaging equipment;

the cargo must have proper packaging, ensuring the possibility of its reliable placement and fastening on board the aircraft and safety during transportation, transshipment, reloading, transportation and storage;

the packaging of each piece of cargo must have shipping and transport markings, and cargo requiring special transportation conditions must also have special markings;

cargo during transportation must not create a danger for passengers, crew members of the aircraft on which it is transported, as well as for baggage or cargo transported together with it;

the shipper must provide the necessary documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the country on the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, international treaties, as well as the rules of the carrier;

the import, export, transit or transfer of cargo must be permitted by the laws and regulations of the country into, from, or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out.

If at least one of the specified conditions is not met, the carrier or authorized agent has the right to refuse to accept the cargo for transportation.

161. The dimensions of the cargo space are limited by the dimensions of the loading hatches and luggage cargo compartments of the aircraft.

The weight of cargo transported on an aircraft is limited by the maximum commercial load of the aircraft.

The weight of the cargo must not exceed the permissible load pressure on the aircraft deck for a particular type of aircraft.

162. Acceptance of cargo for transportation is certified by the issuance of a cargo bill of lading.

163. Acceptance of cargo for transportation is carried out by the carrier or an authorized agent and includes the following types of work:

weighing and measuring cargo;

checking the compliance of the actual condition of the cargo with the information specified in the shipper’s application, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, also in the documents for dangerous goods;

preparation of documentation for the acceptance and transfer of cargo and ensuring financial settlements with the shipper for the carriage of cargo;

registration of a cargo waybill.

164. When accepting cargo for transportation, the carrier or authorized agent must weigh the cargo in the presence of the shipper and indicate its actual weight in the cargo bill of lading. If, when weighing the cargo, a difference is established with the weight of the cargo declared by the shipper, the final weight is taken to be the weight established when weighed by the carrier or authorized agent.

165. When accepting oversized cargo for transportation, it is allowed to be guided by the weight characteristics of the cargo specified in the documentation provided by the shipper, as indicated in the cargo waybill. The shipper is obliged to provide reliable information about the weight of oversized cargo.

166. The totality of packaging and its contents prepared for transportation (hereinafter referred to as the cargo package) is marked in accordance with paragraph 177 of these Rules.

167. A cargo shipment consisting of several packages can be weighed in whole or in parts. Determining the total weight of a cargo shipment based on selective weighing of individual packages is not permitted.

168. The shipper has the right to declare the value of the cargo being shipped.

A fee set by the carrier is charged for declaring value.

The procedure for transporting goods with declared value is established by the carrier.

169. The shipper is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient information about the cargo provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, these Rules, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which the cargo is transported.

170. The carrier or authorized agent, after accepting the cargo for transportation, carries out the documentary formation of the commercial cargo load for a specific flight.

171. The cargo must be delivered to the airport of departure, taking into account the time required for its processing, as well as for completing pre-flight formalities and fulfilling requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.

Acceptance of cargo from the shipper is carried out taking into account the specified deadlines.

172. Cargo is processed by the carrier or service organization on the basis of an agreement.

XV. Container, packaging and marking of cargo

173. Cargo must be packaged in containers, containers and other components and materials that ensure protection of the cargo from damage, deterioration and loss, integrity of the cargo, protection of the environment from pollution, as well as cargo processing (hereinafter referred to as packaging) taking into account the specific properties of the cargo and features in such a way that their safety is ensured during transportation, transhipment, reloading, transport and storage, and also excludes access to the contents and the possibility of causing harm to passengers, crew members, third parties, the aircraft, other cargo, luggage or property of the carrier.

174. The packaging of the cargo must ensure the possibility of its reliable fastening on board the aircraft.

175. Cargo packaging must have a clean surface and not have sharp corners or protrusions that could lead to damage or contamination of the aircraft and its equipment, as well as other cargo and luggage transported with it.

176. Heavy and/or oversized cargo may be transported without packaging, in agreement with the carrier or authorized agent, if this is permitted by the technical conditions of its transportation.

177. Each package must have shipping and transport markings, and a package containing cargo requiring special transportation conditions must also have special markings.

The carrier indicates in the transport markings information about the airport (point) of departure, airport (point) of destination, the number of packages in the cargo shipment, the serial number of the package, the weight of the package, and the number of the cargo waybill.

The shipper indicates reliable and sufficient information about the address and surname, first name, patronymic or name of the shipper and consignee, the weight of the cargo item, the number of cargo items of the cargo shipment, the serial number of the cargo item in the consignor's marking, as well as information about the nature of the cargo that requires special conditions of transportation in special marking.

The shipping label must contain signs indicating how the cargo will be handled.

178. The packaging of packages handed over for transportation with a declared value must be sealed by the shipper. Seals must be standard and have clear imprints of digital or alphabetic characters.

179. The carrier or service organization has the right to open the packaging of the cargo in the presence, as well as in the absence of the consignor or consignee, in order to ensure the safety of the cargo or verify a detected malfunction in the following cases:

violation of packaging or shipper seals;

the need to establish the nature and condition of undocumented cargo;

requirements of aviation security services if there are grounds;

requirements of authorized government bodies.

The cargo packaging is opened by a commission created by the carrier or service organization. After opening the package, the cargo must be repacked and sealed by the carrier or service organization.

Upon opening of the cargo package, a report is drawn up, which indicates the actual weight of the damaged cargo package, the number of cargo packages in the cargo shipment, and describes the internal contents and condition of the cargo and damaged cargo packages. The act is signed by the carrier.

180. If transfer cargo arrives at the airport in packaging that does not ensure its safety for further transportation, then the carrier transferring the cargo must ensure repacking of the cargo. Further transportation of transfer cargo is carried out after elimination of packaging deficiencies and execution of a report attached to the cargo waybill.

181. If unclear transport markings are detected on the cargo, absence of transport markings on the cargo, packaging is broken, seals are broken, cargo without documents, documents without cargo, absence of cargo manifest cargo and/or cargo bill of lading, shortage, damage (spoilage) of cargo (hereinafter referred to as transportation malfunctions) by the carrier or service organization draws up a report.

XVI. Disposal of cargo

182. The shipper has the right, in the manner provided for by these Rules or the rules of the carrier:

receive back the cargo handed over for transportation before its departure;

change the consignee's waybill before releasing the cargo to the person authorized to receive it;

dispose of the cargo if it is not accepted by the consignee or it is impossible to deliver it to the consignee.

183. In the event of a change in the conditions of transportation provided for by the contract for air transportation of cargo, the carrier is obliged to notify the shipper or consignee about this and seek their instructions regarding this cargo.

184. The orders of the shipper related to the transportation of goods are binding, except in cases where such an order may cause damage to the carrier or other persons.

185. If it is impossible to execute the shipper’s order, the carrier has the right to refuse to execute this order and is obliged to immediately send a notice to the shipper about the impossibility of executing his order.

186. Disposal of cargo is carried out subject to presentation of the original cargo bill of lading to the carrier. All instructions of the shipper regarding the disposal of the cargo are made in writing.

187. Costs associated with the disposal of cargo are reimbursed by the shipper, except for the case when the disposal of cargo is caused by a violation of the contract for air transportation of cargo by the carrier.

188. The consignor has the right to dispose of the cargo until the consignee receives the cargo or the consignee performs actions indicating that he has claimed the cargo. If the consignee does not accept the cargo or it is impossible to deliver it to the consignee, the consignor is obliged to dispose of the cargo.

XVII. Cargo requiring special transportation conditions

189. Transportation of valuable cargo, perishable cargo, heavy cargo, oversized cargo, bulk cargo, livestock, dangerous cargo, human remains, animal remains requires special conditions for transportation by air.

190. Cargoes requiring special conditions of transportation are accepted for transportation if they are approved for transportation by international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legislation of the country on the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which such cargo is transported.

191. The shipper must present for transportation good-quality perishable cargo and documents confirming that the perishable cargo, when transported within the time period stipulated by the air transportation agreement, will not lose its quality.

Acceptance for transportation of perishable cargo without documents confirming the quality of the cargo is not allowed.

Documents confirming the quality of perishable cargo, issued by an authorized government body, must be presented by the shipper separately for each cargo shipment.

192. If the carrier cannot ensure delivery of perishable cargo within a time frame during which the cargo will not lose its quality, he has the right not to accept the cargo for transportation.

193. If perishable cargo accepted for transportation cannot be transported within the time period specified in the cargo bill of lading, the carrier is obliged to immediately notify the shipper about this and return the cargo and freight charge to him, unless other orders are given by the shipper.

194. If perishable cargo is in danger of being damaged, the carrier takes measures, agreed upon with the shipper, necessary to ensure its interests and the interests of the shipper, consignee and other persons.

195. Livestock is accepted for transportation upon presentation by the shipper of documents provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which transportation is intended.

Livestock are accepted for transportation in durable containers (containers, transport cages, etc.), providing the necessary convenience during transportation, safety and compliance sanitary requirements, as well as fastenings on board the aircraft.

196. Air transportation of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives, poisonous, flammable and other dangerous substances and items prohibited for transportation in accordance with the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284 AN/905 ICAO) is carried out in in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Only properly classified, identified, packaged, marked, documented dangerous goods are accepted for transportation in accordance with the requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

197. Coffins with human remains, urns with ashes, as well as animal remains in boxes that meet safety and sanitary standards are accepted for transportation by air.

198. Human remains and animal remains are accepted for transportation subject to the presentation by the shipper of documents provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out.

199. Conducting send-offs, meetings, ceremonies, and other ritual actions when receiving coffins with human remains and urns with ashes for transportation, loading (unloading) into (from) an aircraft is not permitted.

200. Transportation of coffins with human remains, as well as boxes with animal remains in the presence of luggage compartments in the same cabin together with passengers is not allowed.

201. It is not permitted to include in cargo shipments containing dissimilar objects and goods: valuable cargo, animals, coffins with human remains and urns with ashes, dangerous cargo.

XVIII. Delivery of cargo

202. Cargo transportation is considered completed after the cargo is delivered to the consignee in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract for air carriage of cargo.

203. The carrier is obliged to ensure proper storage of cargo arriving at the airport of destination before releasing it to the consignee within the period established by these Rules, the carrier’s rules or the contract for air carriage of cargo.

204. The carrier is obliged to ensure that the consignee is notified of the arrival of cargo at his address no later than twelve hours from the arrival of the aircraft on which the cargo was delivered at the destination airport, and cargo requiring special conditions of transportation, with the exception of oversized, heavy and bulky cargo - no later than three hours from the moment of arrival of the aircraft on which the cargo was delivered at the destination airport, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air transportation of cargo.

205. The cargo is released to the consignee indicated in the cargo bill of lading at the destination airport.

206. Delivery of cargo to the consignee is carried out only after payment of all payments and fulfillment of requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

207. To fulfill requirements related to border, customs, immigration, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary. phytosanitary and other types of control in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and payment of payments, the cargo waybill (original for the carrier and original for the consignee), as well as other documents related to the cargo are issued by the carrier or service organization to the consignee against signature.

208. When releasing cargo, the carrier or service organization is obliged to check the number of packages and the weight of the arrived cargo.

209. If damage is detected to the packaging or the shipper's seals, which may affect the condition of the cargo, the carrier is obliged, with the participation of the consignee, to weigh the damaged package, open it and calculate the investments.

210. The cargo is issued to the consignee on the basis and in accordance with the data specified in the cargo waybill. In this case, the original freight bill for the carrier with the mark “confirmation of receipt of cargo” and the signature of the consignee is returned to the carrier or service organization. In case of discrepancy between the actual name of the cargo, its weight, the number of packages and the data specified in the cargo waybill, damage, damage to the cargo, or detection of cargo without shipping documents or shipping documents without cargo, a commercial report is drawn up.

211. The consignee is obliged to accept and remove the cargo. The consignee has the right to refuse to receive damaged or spoiled cargo if it is determined that the quality of the cargo has changed so much that the possibility of its full and (or) partial use in accordance with its original purpose is excluded.

XIX. Cargo storage

212. If the consignee has not received the arrived cargo within three days from the day following the day of sending notification of the arrival of the cargo to his address, or within the period established by the rules of the carrier or the contract for air carriage of cargo, or refused to accept it, the carrier is obliged to notify this shipper, leave the cargo for storage at the expense of the shipper and at his risk.

213. If the consignee has not claimed the arrived cargo after ten days from the date of sending notification of the arrival of the cargo to his address, the carrier sends a notification to the consignee about the need to receive the cargo.

If, after ten days from the date of sending the notification of the need to receive the cargo, the cargo is not claimed or the consignee refuses to accept it, the carrier notifies the shipper of non-delivery of the cargo. The said notification must contain a warning about the possible sale or destruction of the cargo in the absence of orders from the shipper within the period specified in the notification.

In the absence of orders from the shipper within thirty days from the date of sending the notice of non-delivery of the cargo or if the execution of received orders is impossible, the cargo is considered unclaimed and can be sold or destroyed in the manner established by Chapter XXI of these Rules.

214. In the event of cargo arriving at the airport without a cargo waybill and other necessary documents, cargo with unclear markings or in its absence (hereinafter referred to as undocumented cargo), the carrier takes measures to store this cargo during the entire period of searching for documents and the consignor and/or consignee , but not more than sixty days from the date of arrival at the airport of the aircraft on which the undocumented cargo was delivered. If, after the specified period, the consignee or consignor has not been identified, the cargo is considered unclaimed and can be sold or destroyed in the manner established by Chapter XXI of these Rules.

215. Storage of cargo subject to customs control and its disposal are carried out in the manner established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation 11.

XX. Cargo search

216. If, upon arrival of the aircraft at the destination airport or transfer airport, it is discovered that there is no cargo included in the cargo manifest and/or a cargo waybill, cargo without a cargo waybill and/or other necessary documents, a cargo waybill and/or other necessary documents without cargo, or cargo cannot be identified due to unclear transport markings on the cargo or lack of markings, the carrier is obliged to search for the cargo and/or cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents and ensure delivery of the cargo and/or cargo bill of lading and other necessary documents to the destination airport or transfer airport.

217. Measures to search for cargo/cargo waybill and other necessary documents are taken immediately from the moment of drawing up the act provided for in paragraph 181 of these Rules, and include the following steps:

sending a notification to the airport of departure about malfunctions that occurred during the transportation of cargo on the flight on which the cargo/cargo waybill and other necessary documents were delivered (not delivered);

formation of a search case;

sending requests to airports from which the cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents could be delivered or to which the cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents could be sent;

sending instructions for the disposal of cargo/consignment note, other necessary documents in case of detection of misdirected cargo/waybill and other necessary documents.

XXI. The procedure for the sale and destruction of unclaimed cargo

218. Cargo is subject to sale or destruction if it is recognized as unclaimed, as well as in the case specified in paragraph 194 of these Rules.

219. The decision to sell or destroy cargo is made by a commission formed by the carrier.

The commission includes representatives of the service organization, an expert organization, and in the case of cargo sales, also an appraiser.

In accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, representatives of government bodies may be included in the commission.

220. The commission must check the availability of documents and materials confirming the timeliness and completeness of the measures taken to identify the ownership of the cargo, and establish that the available materials are sufficient to make a decision on the sale or destruction of the cargo.

221. When deciding on the sale or destruction of cargo, the commission must consider the following documents:

the act provided for in paragraph 181 of these Rules;

cargo waybill (if available);

search case (except for the case specified in paragraph 194 of these Rules);

acts of the expert organization for cargo examination;

orders of the shipper, documents confirming the consignee’s refusal to receive the cargo (if any);

other documents provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

222. The decision of the commission on the sale or destruction of cargo is formalized by an act of sale or an act of destruction.

223. Cargo is sold according to the valuation established by the commission. Sales are carried out through trade organizations.

224. For destruction, the cargo is transferred to specialized organizations.

225. When selling cargo, the carrier has the right to withhold from the amounts received all amounts due to him and other persons to reimburse expenses associated with non-receipt of the cargo, and transfer the remaining amount to the shipper or passenger.

The sale of cargo does not relieve the shipper from reimbursement to the carrier and other persons for expenses not covered by funds received from the sale of cargo.

XXII. Termination of an agreement for air transportation of passengers, an agreement for air transportation of cargo

226. The passenger has the right to refuse transportation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

227. A passenger’s forced refusal to carry a carriage is recognized as a refusal in the following cases:

cancellation or delay of the flight indicated on the ticket;

changes by the carrier to the transportation route;

the flight is not scheduled;

failure to send a passenger due to the impossibility of providing him with a seat on the flight and the date indicated on the ticket;

failed transportation of a passenger on an aircraft caused by the passenger’s delay at the airport due to the length of his inspection, if during the inspection of baggage or the personal search of the passenger no substances and objects prohibited for transportation were found;

failure by the carrier to provide connecting flights in the case of a single carriage;

sudden illness of a passenger or illness or death of a member of his family traveling with him on the aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents;

failure to provide the passenger with service in the class indicated on the ticket;

incorrect ticket issuance by the carrier or authorized agent.

The carrier may recognize the passenger’s refusal to carry the carriage as involuntary in other cases.

228. In the event of a passenger’s forced refusal to transport, the carrier makes a note in the transportation document or issues the passenger a document confirming the circumstances specified in paragraph 227 of these Rules.

229. A passenger’s refusal to carry passengers in cases not provided for in paragraph 227 of these Rules is recognized as a voluntary refusal to carry them.

230. The carrier may unilaterally terminate the contract for the air carriage of a passenger or the contract for the air carriage of cargo in the following cases:

1) violation by the passenger, cargo owner, shipper of passport, customs, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in terms of air transportation, during international air transportation, as well as the rules determined by the relevant authorities of the state of departure, destination or transit;

2) refusal of the passenger, cargo owner, shipper to comply with the requirements imposed on them by federal aviation regulations;

3) if the health condition of an aircraft passenger requires special conditions for air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger himself or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, and also creates disorder and irreparable inconvenience for other persons;

4) refusal of an aircraft passenger to pay for the carriage of their baggage, the weight of which exceeds the established free baggage allowance;

5) refusal of an aircraft passenger to pay for the transportation of the child accompanying him, except for the cases provided for in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 2 of Article 106 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;

6) violation by an aircraft passenger of the rules of conduct on board an aircraft, creating a threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft or a threat to the life or health of other persons, as well as failure by the aircraft passenger to comply with the orders of the aircraft commander, presented in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation;

7) the presence in things carried by the passenger, as well as in luggage and cargo, of items or substances prohibited for air transportation 12.

XXIII. Refund of money paid for transportation

231. Refunds of amounts paid for transportation (hereinafter referred to as amounts) are made by the carrier or, on his behalf, by an authorized agent at the place of payment for transportation, as well as at the points provided for by the carrier’s rules.

232. Refunds are made on the basis of an unused (partially used) transportation document, an order for miscellaneous fees, a receipt for payment of excess baggage, a receipt for miscellaneous fees to the person specified in the transportation document, an order for miscellaneous fees, a receipt for payment for excess baggage, a receipt for miscellaneous fees upon presentation document proving his identity, or to an authorized person - upon presentation of an identity document and a document confirming the right to receive funds.

233. In case of advance payment for transportation in accordance with paragraph 36 of these Rules, the amount is refunded to the person who paid for the transportation upon presentation of an identification document and on the basis of a miscellaneous fees order.

234. The requirement for the return of amounts is made in the manner established by the rules of the carrier, and the contract for air transportation of passengers, the contract for air transportation of cargo.

235. In the event of a passenger’s forced refusal to carry a carriage or part of a carriage due to a violation of the terms of carriage, the passenger is refunded the entire amount paid for the carriage, except for the case where the passenger’s carriage was partially completed and the passenger accepted the completed part of the carriage. If the passenger accepted the completed part of the transportation, the passenger is refunded the amount for the unfulfilled part of the transportation.

In the event of a passenger’s forced refusal of transportation for reasons not related to violation of the transportation terms, the passenger is refunded the entire amount paid for the transportation, if the transportation was not performed on any part, or the amount for the unfulfilled part of the transportation, if the transportation was partially performed.

236. In the event of a passenger’s voluntary refusal of transportation with notification of this to the carrier no later than twenty-four hours before the start of transportation from the airport of departure, transfer airport, stopover airport, the passenger will be refunded the entire amount paid for transportation if transportation is not carried out at any point has been completed, or the difference between the amount paid for the entire transportation and the amount charged for the completed part of the transportation, if the transportation was partially performed, is returned.

In the event of a passenger’s voluntary refusal to be transported by notifying the carrier less than twenty-four hours before the start of carriage from the airport of departure, airport of transfer, airport of stopover, an amount of no more than twenty-five percent of the amount paid for the entire carriage is withheld from the passenger, if the transportation was not performed on any section, or from the amount paid for the unfulfilled part of the transportation, if the transportation was partially performed.

237. In the event of termination, at the initiative of the carrier, of the contract for the air transportation of a passenger, the contract for the air transportation of cargo, the passenger or consignor is returned the amount paid for transportation, except for the case provided for in paragraph 238 of these Rules.

238. In the event of termination, at the initiative of the carrier, of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger in connection with the passenger’s violation of the rules of conduct on board the aircraft, creating a threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft or a threat to the life or health of other persons, as well as the passenger’s failure to comply with the orders of the aircraft commander, presented in in accordance with Article 58 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the amount paid for air transportation is not returned to the passenger.

239. In cases of a forced downgrade of a passenger’s service class due to the fault of the carrier, the difference between the paid fare and the applied fare is paid.

240. Refunds to passengers for transportation performed on a charter flight are made in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1 Collection of Laws and Orders of the Workers' and Peasants' Government of the USSR, 1934, dep. P, N 20, art. 176.

2 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 12, Art. 1383; 1999, N 28, art. 3483; 2004, N 35, art. 3607, N 45, art. 4377; 2005, N 13, art. 1078; 2006, N 30, art. 3290, art. 3291; 2007, N 1, art. 29.

3 Article 102 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

4 Article 105 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

5 Article 3 of the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air.

6 Article 20 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 34, Art. 4029).

7 Article 23 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.”

8 Clause 1 of Article 110 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

9 Clause 2 of Article 110 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

10 Clause 2 of Article 111 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

11 Clause 3 of Article 112 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

12 Clause 1 of Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 N 82
"On approval of the Federal Aviation Rules "General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees"

With changes and additions from:

October 8, 2008, October 25, 2010, April 2, 2012, April 30, July 16, 2014, February 15, November 24, 2016, October 5, 2017

The carrier's rules may be changed by him without notifying passengers, shippers and consignees, provided that the changes do not apply to the passenger, shipper or consignee after the conclusion of an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger or an agreement for the air carriage of cargo.

5. The passenger, consignor, consignee are obliged to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which passengers, baggage and cargo are transported, relating to the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo, compliance with security requirements flight safety, aviation security and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control.

6. The carrier organizes, provides and carries out the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo on regular flights. The carrier has the right to transfer responsibilities or part thereof under the air transportation agreement to a person who, on behalf of the carrier, carries out booking, sale and registration of transportation on transportation documents (hereinafter referred to as the authorized agent), a person who provides servicing services in the area and buildings of the airport terminal complex for departing and arriving passengers ( hereinafter referred to as the service organization) or to another person, including another carrier, being responsible for their actions (inaction) to the passenger, consignor and consignee and the implementation of the contract for the air carriage of passengers, the contract for the air carriage of cargo.

The carrier carries out the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on charter flights in accordance with the aircraft charter agreement (air charter).

7. Transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on regular flights is carried out within the time frame and in the manner prescribed by the passenger air transportation agreement or the cargo air transportation agreement.

The terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger, the contract for the air carriage of cargo are contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the rules of the carrier, the conditions for applying the tariff and the transportation document.

II. Reservation of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo

8. Securing a passenger seat and carrying capacity on an aircraft for the transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo for a specific flight and date (hereinafter referred to as booking) is a mandatory condition for transporting passengers, baggage, and cargo by air.

9. When making reservations, as a rule, automated reservation systems are used.

10. The booking must be reflected in the carrier's booking system. Information about the reservation made must be provided by the carrier or authorized agent to the passenger or shipper.

11. Reservation of a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger involves transportation of the passenger and his baggage on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made.

Reservation of carrying capacity for cargo involves transportation of cargo on the date, flight and route for which the reservation was made, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air carriage of cargo.

12. Reservations are made within the time frame and in the manner established by the carrier.

13. To make a reservation, a passenger can contact the carrier or an authorized agent directly at transportation sales points, either by phone, email, etc., or book a passenger seat and carrying capacity independently through information systems.

14. When booking, the passenger provides the necessary information about his personal data and, if available, about the special conditions for the carriage of passengers and baggage.

If the passenger refuses to provide the information required for booking, the booking will not be made.

When booking, the passenger can provide a telephone number or other method of contact to inform him.

15. When booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity for a passenger, the carrier or authorized agent:

provides the passenger with reliable and complete information about the schedule of aircraft of a given carrier, the availability of free passenger seats and carrying capacity on flights of a given carrier along the transportation route, tariffs and conditions for the application of tariffs, including information on the conditions for the return (non-refund) of freight paid for transportation, rules of this carrier, about the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, the conditions of service on board the aircraft, the type of aircraft, the carrier that will actually carry out the transportation.

Information about changes:

2) a child not accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen, who will be transported under the supervision of the carrier;

3) a seriously ill passenger;

4) a patient on a stretcher;

8) a passenger whose ability to move when using air transport is limited and/or whose condition requires special attention during service (hereinafter referred to as a passenger with limited mobility);

9) a passenger with weapons and/or ammunition;

10) the luggage of a passenger when he enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for a free baggage allowance in excess of the free baggage allowance established by the carrier, or the luggage of a passenger when he enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which does not provide for a free baggage allowance (hereinafter referred to as excess baggage);

11) luggage, the dimensions of one piece of which when packed exceed two hundred three centimeters in the sum of three dimensions (hereinafter referred to as oversized luggage);

12) passenger baggage, the weight of one piece of which exceeds thirty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy baggage);

13) baggage that must be transported only in the aircraft cabin;

14) currency in banknotes or coins, shares, bonds and other securities, credit and bank cards, jewelry, precious metals, precious or semi-precious stones, including industrial diamonds (hereinafter referred to as valuable cargo);

15) cargo with declared value;

16) items and substances subject to deterioration after a certain storage period or under adverse effects of temperature, humidity or other environmental conditions (hereinafter referred to as perishable cargo);

17) items or substances that can pose a threat to health, safety, property or the environment and which are indicated in the list of dangerous goods or classified as dangerous goods in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as dangerous goods);

18) cargo whose weight per package exceeds eighty kilograms (hereinafter referred to as heavy cargo);

19) cargo, the dimensions of one cargo piece of which exceed the overall dimensions of loading hatches and/or cargo compartments of passenger aircraft (hereinafter referred to as oversized cargo);

20) cargo whose weight of one cubic meter is less than one hundred and sixty-seven kilograms (hereinafter referred to as bulk cargo);

Information about changes:

21) dogs, cats, birds and other small pet (tamed) animals (hereinafter - pets (birds), service dogs of the canine service of federal executive authorities (hereinafter - service dogs);

22) animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. (hereinafter referred to as living creatures);

23) cargo requiring special transportation conditions;

24) human and animal remains.

26. Reservations are canceled without warning the passenger or shipper in the following cases:

if the passenger does not pay for transportation within the period established by the carrier and a ticket is not issued to him;

if the shipper did not present the cargo for transportation within the period established by the carrier or authorized agent;

if the shipper presented the cargo with incorrectly executed documents necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, or the cargo does not meet the requirements established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

27. If the passenger does not use the reserved passenger seat on any section of the transportation route, the passenger must inform the carrier of his intention to continue transportation on subsequent sections of the transportation route. If the passenger has not informed the carrier of his intention to continue transportation, the carrier has the right to cancel the reservation on each subsequent leg of the transportation route without notifying the passenger. A passenger’s refusal to be transported on any part of the carriage route is recognized as a change in the carriage route and is carried out in the manner prescribed for the passenger to change the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement.

28. When booking transportation with a transfer (transshipment) of a passenger, baggage, cargo at the airport specified in the transportation document, within twenty-four hours from one flight to another flight for further travel along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer airport), the carrier or authorized the agent is obliged to provide a reservation and receive confirmation of the reservation in all areas of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo, including in areas where transportation is carried out by other carriers, allowing the passenger to arrive at check-in at the established time to go through the established procedures for registration and baggage check-in, payment excess and (or) other payable baggage, undergoing inspection, reloading baggage, cargo onto another flight and fulfilling the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country , to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out, as well as procedures for transferring cargo from one aircraft to another.

III. Payment for transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo

29. For the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo on regular flights, the carrier or authorized agent is charged a carriage fee.

30. The carriage charge is determined on the basis of the amount of money established by the carrier for the transportation of a passenger and/or baggage, cargo between two points of the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as tariffs) or combinations of tariffs from the airport (point) from which the transportation of the passenger, baggage, cargo begins according to the contract air transportation of a passenger, an agreement for the air transportation of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the airport (point) of departure) to the airport (point) of destination, fees provided for by the Rules for the formation and application of tariffs for regular air transportation of passengers and baggage, collection of fees in the field of civil aviation, approved by order of the Ministry transport of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2008 N 155 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 4, 2008, registration N 12793) and in the case of a passenger order additional services enhanced comfort - the cost of additional luxury services established by the carrier.

Tariffs and fees provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation must be registered and published by the carrier in the prescribed manner.

For the provision by an authorized agent to the passenger, shipper of services for selecting the optimal transportation route, the carrier(s) carrying out transportation along the route, freight charges for transportation in accordance with the priority parameters of the conditions of transportation specified by the passenger, the shipper and/or general parameters for each carrier conditions of transportation and advisory services by an authorized agent will charge an additional fee.

31. The carriage charge is indicated in the transportation document.

32. Payment for the transportation of passengers, baggage, and cargo performed under an aircraft charter agreement (air charter) is not indicated in the transportation document.

33. Payment for transportation and issuance of a ticket are made after booking, except for the cases specified in paragraph 34 of these Rules.

34. Payment for transportation and issuance of a ticket can be made before booking in the following cases:

issuing a ticket with an open departure date (without indicating a fixed date on the ticket);

issuing a ticket with the status of waiting for free capacity (ticket with the status of “reconnection”);

issuing a ticket in the presence of free carriage capacity after the completion of passenger check-in and baggage check-in.

35. The forms and procedure for payment of freight charges are established by the carrier.

36. Payment of freight charges can be made in advance. In this case, payment for transportation can be made at one point of sale of transportation, and execution of a transportation document - at another point of sale of transportation.

37. When paying for and/or registering transportation, the carrier or authorized agent is obliged to provide the passenger with reliable and complete information about the conditions of transportation, including information:

specified in the issued transportation document;

on the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, including the free baggage allowance if the passenger enters into a passenger air transportation agreement that provides for the free baggage allowance, carry-on luggage allowances, including the carriage of items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, items and belongings, prohibited for transportation, conditions for the transportation of baggage, conditions for the transportation of goods purchased in the sterile area of ​​the airport;

on the conditions for applying the tariff, including information on the conditions for the return (non-refund) of freight charges paid for transportation;

about the carrier's rules;

about the carrier who will actually carry out the transportation;

about the method of travel to the airport of departure;

about the place and time of the beginning and end of check-in for the flight;

on general requirements related to border, customs, sanitary and quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

on the rules and procedure for pre-flight and post-flight inspection of passengers and baggage;

on the conditions of service on board the aircraft;

about the type of aircraft.

38. When paying and/or registering transportation, the carrier or authorized agent provides the shipper with reliable and complete information about the conditions of transportation, including information:

on the terms of the air cargo transportation contract;

on the rules of cargo transportation;

on the conditions for applying the tariff;

on general requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

39. When paying for the carriage of a passenger and his baggage, the tariffs in force on the date of commencement of carriage are applied.

When paying for the transportation of goods, the tariffs in force on the date of registration of the freight bill are applied.

40. If, before the start of transportation, tariffs are changed by the carrier, transportation of passengers on tickets issued before the tariff change is carried out without recalculation with passengers, provided that the original terms of the air transportation agreement are preserved.

41. If the passenger changes the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement due to cancellation or delay of the flight specified in the ticket; changes by the carrier to the transportation route; the flight is not scheduled; failure to send a passenger due to the impossibility of providing him with a seat on the flight and on the date indicated on the ticket; failed transportation of a passenger on an aircraft caused by the passenger’s delay at the airport due to the length of his inspection, if during the inspection of baggage or the personal search of the passenger no substances and objects prohibited for transportation were found; failure by the carrier to provide connecting flights in the case of a single carriage; sudden illness of a passenger or illness or death of a member of his family traveling with him on the aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents; failure to provide the passenger with service in the class indicated on the ticket; If a ticket is issued incorrectly by the carrier or an authorized agent (hereinafter referred to as a forced change by the passenger of the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement) before the start of transportation or after the start of transportation, no additional payment will be charged from the passenger.

42. If a passenger changes the terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger for reasons not specified in paragraph 41 of these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the voluntary change by the passenger of the terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger) before the start of transportation, the carriage charge is determined on the basis of the tariffs in force on the date of the start of the new air transportation.

43. In the event of a voluntary change by a passenger to the terms of the contract for air carriage of a passenger after the start of transportation, if the carriage fee changes, transportation is carried out at the tariffs in force on the date of commencement of transportation.

IV. Registration of transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo

44. Transportation documents include: ticket, baggage receipt, cargo waybill, miscellaneous charges order, receipt for payment of excess baggage, miscellaneous charges receipt, electronic multi-purpose document.

A contract for the carriage of passengers by air, a contract for the carriage of goods by air is certified, respectively, by a ticket and a baggage receipt, and in the case of carriage of luggage by a passenger - by a cargo waybill.

The contract for air carriage of a passenger is issued with one ticket or additional ticket(s) issued together with it, which indicates the number of the ticket for which it(es) is issued.

45. Transportation documents are issued by the carrier or an authorized agent.

46. ​​Registration of transportation documents is carried out by entering the necessary data into the electronic or paper form of the transportation document in manual, automated or electronic mode.

47. The issuance of a ticket and freight bill after booking is carried out within the time limits established by the carrier.

48. To process payment of payments by the carrier or an authorized agent, a document issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and certifying payment of fees and services (order of miscellaneous fees, electronic multi-purpose document), a document issued by the carrier or its authorized agent and certifying payment for the carriage of baggage in excess of the established amount is used the carrier's free baggage allowance, baggage with a declared value, other baggage subject to additional payment (receipt for payment for excess baggage), a document certifying payment of fees and services (receipt for miscellaneous fees).

49. To prepare transportation documents and payment payment documents, the carrier’s own documents and (or) documents issued under an agreement with carriers by another organization that ensures mutual settlements between carriers and other participants in the transportation process may be used.

50. A separate ticket is issued for each passenger.

The ticket can be issued electronically or on paper.

51. The ticket is issued on the basis of the data of the passenger’s identity document, required in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or an international treaty of the Russian Federation for the carriage of a passenger along the route provided for by the passenger air carriage agreement.

In the case of sale of a preferential carriage or carriage at a special fare, a ticket is issued on the basis of the data of the document specified in paragraph one of this paragraph and documents confirming the passenger’s right to a benefit or application of a special fare.

In case of payment for transportation by bank transfer or with deferred payment, the ticket is issued on the basis of the data of the document specified in paragraph one of this paragraph and documents confirming (guaranteeing) payment for transportation.

If a passenger intends to present an identification document other than the one on which the ticket was issued upon check-in for a flight, the passenger must contact the carrier or an authorized agent in advance of check-in for the flight to be included in the ticket and in the automated booking system for changes relating to an identity document, and the carrier or authorized agent is obliged to take actions to make these changes.

52. A passenger can receive an issued ticket or an electronic ticket itinerary/receipt directly at the point of sale of transportation by the carrier or an authorized agent, or choose a delivery method agreed upon with the carrier or authorized agent, or receive an electronic ticket itinerary/receipt in electronic form via an information and telecommunications network.

53. A ticket paid at a rate that does not limit the conditions of sale and use (hereinafter referred to as the normal rate) certifies the carrier’s obligation to transport the passenger and his luggage for one year, counting from the date of commencement of transportation, and if transportation has not begun, from the date of registration ticket

A ticket paid at a special fare certifies the carrier’s obligation to transport the passenger and his luggage within the time limits established by the contract.

54. The carrier or authorized agent must warn the passenger about the need for the passenger to retain the ticket (unused coupons) throughout the entire carriage.

55. The use of a ticket by a person not indicated on the ticket is not permitted.

If a ticket is presented by a person not indicated on the ticket, the ticket is confiscated by the carrier and its cost is not returned to the bearer. In this case, the carrier draws up a report indicating the reasons for confiscating the ticket.

56. The cargo waybill certifies the conclusion of an agreement for the carriage of goods by air, the acceptance of goods for transportation and the conditions for the carriage of goods.

The cargo waybill contains information about the transportation of cargo during its movement from the airport (point) of departure to the airport (point) of destination, as well as information about payment for the carriage of goods, while the first copy of the cargo waybill remains with the carrier, the second copy is intended for the consignee and must follow with cargo, the third copy is returned by the carrier or authorized agent to the shipper upon acceptance of the cargo.

57. The cargo waybill is issued on the basis of an application for the carriage of goods signed by the shipper and an identity document of the shipper, or a power of attorney and an identity document of the bearer of the power of attorney.

58. The application for the carriage of goods shall indicate the information necessary for the carriage of goods, information about dangerous goods and the absence of items and substances prohibited for transportation.

59. If the cargo handed over for transportation has special properties or requires special conditions of transportation, the shipper must indicate this in the application for the carriage of goods.

60. The shipper is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient information necessary for issuing a cargo bill of lading.

The shipper is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient documents that, before transferring the cargo to the consignee, are necessary to fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country, to the territory, from the territory or through the territory through which transportation is carried out. The carrier is not obliged to verify the accuracy or sufficiency of these documents.

61. One or more pieces of cargo may be accepted for transportation, which follow one cargo bill of lading to the address of one consignee (hereinafter referred to as cargo shipment).

A cargo bill of lading is issued for air transportation of each cargo shipment.

62. All necessary entries in the cargo waybill must be made at the time of its registration, and all copies of the cargo waybill must be identical.

Changes to the cargo waybill are made by the carrier or an authorized agent in agreement with the shipper.

63. The cargo waybill must be signed by the carrier or authorized agent and the shipper.

64. Indication of the address of the consignee “on demand” in the cargo waybill is not allowed.

65. A note is made in the cargo waybill about the special properties of the cargo if there are or is necessary special conditions for its transportation.

If the carrier or an authorized agent has checked the condition of the cargo, a note about the check is made in the cargo waybill.

The cargo waybill makes a note about the declared value of the cargo, the sealing of the cargo and the name of the shipper's seals.

If the value of the cargo is not declared, then a note is made in the cargo waybill stating that the value of the cargo is not declared.

66. When transporting cargo that, according to the cargo bill of lading, is delivered to the transfer airport on one flight, and then transported by another flight of the same or another carrier (hereinafter referred to as transfer cargo), the carrier or an authorized agent draws up a cargo bill of lading indicating the transfer airports (points) in it. .

67. If a passenger changes the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement before it begins, a new ticket is issued to the passenger.

In the event of a change in the terms of the contract for air transportation of a passenger after it has begun, the change can be made using a special sticker (sticker), which has columns corresponding to the fields of the ticket subject to change, and is pasted into the ticket if the transportation route does not change, or by entering in a ticket of the carrier's written consent to carry out transportation by another carrier or for the exchange of an originally issued ticket or a miscellaneous charges order, a receipt for payment of excess baggage, a receipt for miscellaneous charges, or using a manifest of an interrupted flight in the event that a passenger traveling on a flight of the same carrier must be transferred for a flight of another carrier and/or flight coupons corresponding to this leg of transportation cannot be provided to another carrier due to a forced change in the terms of the passenger air carriage agreement or a new ticket is issued to the passenger.

68. Changes to the ticket are made by the carrier or an authorized agent with the consent of the carrier.

69. If the ticket was declared lost by the passenger, or incorrectly issued, or damaged, then the carrier is obliged to immediately take all measures within his power to establish the fact of concluding an agreement for air transportation of the passenger.

If it is determined that the contract for air carriage of the passenger has not been concluded, the ticket is invalidated and the passenger is not allowed to be transported. A ticket declared invalid is canceled by the carrier with the drawing up of a report indicating the reasons for declaring the ticket invalid.

If it is established that the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger has actually been concluded, then the carrier accepts the passenger for transportation in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement for the air carriage of the passenger with the appropriate issuance of the ticket.

70. The absence, incorrectness or loss of a travel ticket does not affect either the existence or the validity of the passenger air transportation agreement*(5), or the cargo air transportation agreement.

71. Transportation of a passenger, baggage, cargo carried out to the airport (point) of destination to which the passenger, baggage, cargo must be delivered in accordance with the contract for the air carriage of a passenger, the contract for the air carriage of cargo (hereinafter referred to as the airport (point) of destination) by several carriers one at a time ticket, baggage receipt, cargo waybill or additional ticket(s) issued together with it, baggage receipt(s), cargo waybill(s), in which the ticket number is indicated , baggage receipt, cargo waybill, to which it(ies) are issued, is considered as a single transportation, regardless of whether there was a transfer (transshipment) or a break in transportation.

V. Schedule, flight delays and cancellations, transportation route, change of transportation route

72. Regular flights are operated in accordance with the aircraft schedule generated by the carrier and published in the aircraft schedule computer database.

Charter flights are operated in accordance with the charter flight plan (schedule).

departure airport;

destination airport;

airport(s) located along the transportation route, at which the aircraft schedule provides for landing of the aircraft;

carrier code;

flight number;

days of the week of the flight;

departure time (local);

arrival time (local);

flight period;

aircraft type(s).

The aircraft schedule may contain other information.

74. In the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, the carrier must take possible measures to inform passengers and shippers with whom an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger or an agreement for the air carriage of cargo has been concluded about the change in the aircraft schedule in any available way.

75. Transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo is carried out between the airports (points) of departure, transfer (stop) and destination indicated in the transportation document in the established sequence (hereinafter referred to as the transportation route). A change in the transportation route specified in the transportation documents can be made by agreement between the carrier and the passenger, the shipper. If a passenger changes the transportation route, the carrier may recalculate the cost of transportation.

76. The carrier has the right to cancel or delay the flight specified in the ticket, cargo waybill, change the type of aircraft, change the transportation route if required by flight safety and/or aviation security conditions, as well as at the request of government bodies in accordance with their competence.

VI. Passenger check-in and baggage check-in

77. To transport passengers and baggage, the carrier ensures registration of passengers and baggage clearance.

78. A passenger is allowed for transportation if he has a properly issued ticket.

79. Transportation on a ticket with an open departure date is carried out after booking a passenger seat and carrying capacity and entering the departure date and flight number into the ticket by the carrier or an authorized agent.

80. The passenger must arrive in advance, no later than the time established by the carrier, at the place of passenger check-in and baggage check-in to go through the established check-in and baggage check-in procedures, pay for excess and (or) other payable baggage, undergo security screening, etc. (hereinafter referred to as pre-flight formalities) and compliance with the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country from whose territory transportation is carried out, as well as to the place of boarding the aircraft .

81. Check-in of passengers and baggage check-in for flights at the airport ends no earlier than 40 minutes before the departure time of the aircraft according to the schedule or according to the charter flight plan (schedule). The end time of check-in at check-in points located outside the airport, as well as check-in on the carrier’s website, is set by the carrier taking into account the time required for the delivery (arrival) of passengers and baggage to the airport of departure for boarding (loading) into the aircraft and completing pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country from whose territory the transportation is carried out.

82. Registration of passengers and baggage check-in is carried out on the basis of a ticket and an identification document of the passenger, on which the ticket was issued in accordance with paragraph 51 of these Rules, as well as other documents provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, if necessary.

83. During international transportation, the passenger must have exit, entry and other documents required in accordance with the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which the transportation will be carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

84. Upon check-in, the passenger is issued a boarding pass, which indicates the initials and surname of the passenger, flight number, departure date, boarding deadline for the flight, boarding gate number and seat number on board the aircraft. If necessary, the boarding pass may additionally contain other information.

The carrier takes all possible measures to co-accommodate on board the aircraft an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity until he reaches the age of eighteen and the next child(ren) with him under the age of 12 years old.

85. When checking in and/or checking in baggage, the passenger is required to present for weighing all baggage intended for transportation as checked baggage.

When checking in and/or boarding, the passenger, at the request of the carrier, is required to present for weighing the hand luggage specified in paragraph 133 of these Rules, as well as a backpack, cradle, baby stroller when transporting a child, specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules

86. The carrier or service organization is obliged to indicate in the baggage receipt, which is part of the ticket certifying acceptance of baggage for carriage, the number of pieces and gross weight (hereinafter referred to as weight) of baggage, except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, and/or place information on acceptance of baggage for transportation, the number of pieces and weight of baggage, except for the items specified in paragraph 135 of these Rules, in electronic form in the automated passenger check-in and baggage check-in system.

87. When checking in luggage, the passenger is given a part (tear-off coupon) of a numbered luggage tag, and the other part is attached to each piece of luggage accepted by the carrier for transportation in the luggage compartment of the aircraft under the responsibility of the carrier for the safety of such items from the moment they are handed over by the passenger until the moment they are issued to the passenger (hereinafter referred to as checked baggage)

The numbered baggage tag serves to identify each piece of checked baggage and contains information about the passenger’s name and surname, flight number, departure date, airport (point) of departure and airport (point) of destination to which the checked baggage is accepted for transportation, weight of the piece of baggage. The numbered luggage tag may contain other additional information.

To indicate special conditions of transportation, a special numberless baggage tag is additionally attached to checked baggage.

Lost force on November 5, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated October 5, 2017 N 409

88. After the passenger has checked in and the baggage has been checked in, the responsibility for the safety of the checked baggage rests with the carrier.

89. For baggage in excess of the established free baggage allowance and other baggage subject to payment, a fee will be charged at the rate established by the carrier. Payment for the carriage of such baggage is formalized by a receipt for payment of excess baggage or an order for miscellaneous fees.

90. The passenger must arrive at the boarding gate on board the aircraft no later than the flight boarding deadline specified on the boarding pass. A passenger boards an aircraft upon presentation of a boarding pass for the corresponding flight.

91. A passenger who is late for the end of passenger check-in and baggage check-in or boarding the aircraft may be denied transportation on this flight. The baggage of a registered passenger who fails to board the aircraft is subject to removal from the aircraft and mandatory inspection.

VII. Passenger service

92. The carrier or service organization provides passengers at the airport with visual and acoustic information:

about the time of departure and arrival of aircraft;

about the place, start and end time of check-in for the flight indicated on the ticket;

about the place, start and end time of passengers boarding the aircraft;

about the delay or cancellation of the flight and the reasons for the delay or cancellation of the flight;

about the method of travel to the nearest populated area, between airport terminals, between airports;

on the rules and procedure for pre-flight and post-flight inspections of passengers and baggage;

on the general rules for passengers to comply with requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

about the location of the mother and child rooms.

93. At the airport, the carrier or service organization provides:

registration of passengers and registration of baggage for transportation;

delivering passengers to the aircraft parking area and organizing their boarding of the aircraft;

delivery of baggage to the aircraft parking area, loading, placement and securing of baggage on board the aircraft;

ensuring the exit of passengers from the aircraft, delivery of passengers to the terminal building;

unloading baggage from the aircraft, transporting and issuing baggage to passengers.

94. The carrier provides the passenger on board the aircraft with a range of services depending on the type and equipment of the aircraft, the duration of the flight, the time of day during which the flight takes place, as well as the class of service indicated on the ticket. The scope of services and the procedure for their provision are determined by the carrier’s rules.

95. The carrier must provide on board the aircraft:

informing passengers about flight conditions and general rules of conduct for passengers on board the aircraft, the locations of the main and emergency exits, the conditions for leaving the aircraft in emergency situations, as well as the locations of personal protective equipment and inflatable slides in the aircraft cabin;

provision of soft and/or hot drinks and food;

first aid.

Hot meals are provided to passengers when the aircraft's flight duration is more than three hours and then every four hours during the day and every six hours at night.

96. The carrier on board the aircraft must have trained personnel in a number sufficient to serve passengers.

98. Meals and hot drinks may not be provided to aircraft passengers on board the aircraft if the specified condition is established by the rules of the carrier and the passenger is informed about the conditions of service on board the aircraft before concluding an agreement for air transportation of the passenger.

103. The age of the child is determined on the date of commencement of transportation from the airport (point) of departure specified in the transportation document.

104. A child under two years of age, as well as a disabled child under twelve years of age, shall be transported only when accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with civil law,

Children aged two to twelve years may be transported accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen, or unaccompanied by the said passenger under the supervision of the carrier, if such transportation is provided for by the rules carrier.

Children over the age of twelve may be transported unaccompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, acquired full legal capacity before reaching the age of eighteen.

105. Unaccompanied children aged two to twelve years may be transported under the supervision of the carrier only after the parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, in accordance with the carrier’s rules, have submitted a written application for the carriage of an unaccompanied child. At the request of parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees, transportation under the supervision of the carrier may extend to children under the age of sixteen.

106. One child under two years of age is transported accompanied by an adult passenger or a passenger who, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, has acquired full legal capacity until he reaches the age of eighteen for domestic transportation free of charge, for international transportation - with a discount of ninety percent of a normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for applying the special fare, and without providing the child with a separate seat. If a child under two years of age, at the request of an accompanying passenger, is provided with a separate seat, then such a child is transported with a discount of fifty percent from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare.

Other children under two years of age accompanying the passenger, as well as children aged from two to twelve years, are transported at a discount of fifty percent from the normal or special fare, unless there are special conditions for the application of a special fare, with the provision of separate seats for them.

107. In the event of a voluntary or forced change by a passenger accompanying a child, the terms of the contract for air transportation of a passenger after the start of transportation, the child’s ticket is reissued (exchanged) at a rate corresponding to the age of the child on the date of commencement of transportation from the airport (point) of departure.

108. The passenger is obliged to independently determine the possibility of using air transport, based on his state of health.

109. Transportation of a passenger recognized by the court as incompetent is carried out at the request of parents, adoptive parents or guardians and accompanied by an adult passenger capable of ensuring the safety of the incapacitated passenger and the safety of surrounding people.

110. Transportation of a patient on a stretcher is carried out with the provision of additional seats on the aircraft with payment established by the carrier.

111. A passenger with hearing and vision disabilities is simultaneously transported accompanied by a passenger providing assistance during the flight.

112. A disabled passenger, deaf or blind, or a passenger in a wheelchair may be transported without an accompanying passenger.

113. A blind passenger may be transported accompanied by a guide dog.

Transportation of a visually impaired passenger accompanied by a guide dog can be carried out upon presentation to the carrier of a document confirming the disability of this passenger and a document confirming the special training of the guide dog.

A guide dog accompanying a visually impaired passenger is carried free of charge in excess of the established free carry-on baggage allowance. The guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a chair at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.

The number of guide dogs transported on an aircraft is determined depending on the number of disabled people and other persons with disabilities on board the aircraft in accordance with the carrier’s rules.

115. Transportation of a passenger who, in accordance with the air transportation agreement, arrived at the transfer airport on one flight, and is then transported by another flight of the same or another carrier along the transportation route (hereinafter referred to as the transfer passenger), is carried out in accordance with agreements between the carriers.

The transfer passenger's baggage, subject to customs control, is accepted for transportation in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the customs legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out.

116. The carrier or authorized agent is obliged to inform the transfer passenger about pre-flight formalities and requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, which he must fulfill at the transfer airport for further transportation along the route , as well as the requirements of government authorities at transfer points during international transportation.

117. When carrying out transportation using one ticket, baggage receipt(s), freight bill(s), or additional ticket(s), baggage receipt(s), freight bill(s) issued together with it, in which indicates the number of the ticket, the cargo waybill for which it is issued, the carrier is obliged to ensure a minimum connecting time with the flight for which the passenger has a reserved seat, allowing the passenger to go through all the pre-flight formalities provided for at the transfer airport and fulfill the requirements , related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which transportation is carried out.

IX. Passenger stop en route

118. The passenger, in agreement with the carrier, may interrupt his transportation at the airport (point) indicated on the ticket, where, according to the passenger air carriage agreement, the time between the passenger’s arrival at the airport and his departure from the airport is more than twenty-four hours (hereinafter referred to as the stopover airport) .

Stopping a passenger en route along the transportation route is permitted within the validity period of the carrier's obligation to transport the passenger, provided that it is agreed in advance with the carrier, indicated on the ticket, taken into account when calculating the cost of transportation, and in the case of international transportation is also permitted by the government authorities of that country in the territory of which is supposed to stop.

119. If a passenger makes a stop at an airport (point) along the transportation route, then his baggage is checked in only to the airport (point) of the stop and is subject to delivery to the passenger at this airport (point).

120. If, when booking transportation, the passenger did not declare a stop at the airport (point) along the transportation route, but wished to make such a stop and declared this at the transfer airport or at the airport where the aircraft lands for technical and/or commercial maintenance and continues to operate the flight by which it arrived at the airport (hereinafter referred to as the transit airport), then such a stop is regarded as the passenger’s voluntary refusal of transportation, except for the cases specified in paragraph 227 of these Rules, and further transportation may be continued, unless otherwise provided by international agreement of the Russian Federation, after a corresponding change in the agreement for the carriage of passengers by air.

X. Carriage of baggage and hand luggage

121. A passenger’s baggage is accepted for transportation upon check-in at the airport of departure, transfer airport, stopover airport or other check-in point.

122. When concluding an agreement for air transportation of a passenger that provides for a free baggage allowance, the passenger of the aircraft has the right to transport his luggage within the limits established by the carrier without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free baggage allowance).

183. In the event of a change in the conditions of transportation provided for by the contract for air transportation of cargo, the carrier is obliged to notify the shipper or consignee about this and ask for their instructions regarding this cargo *(9).

184. The orders of the shipper related to the transportation of goods are binding, except in cases where such an order may cause damage to the carrier or other persons.

185. If it is impossible to execute the shipper’s order, the carrier has the right to refuse to execute this order and is obliged to immediately send a notice to the shipper about the impossibility of executing his order.

186. Disposal of cargo is carried out subject to presentation of the original cargo bill of lading to the carrier. All instructions of the shipper regarding the disposal of the cargo are made in writing.

187. Costs associated with the disposal of cargo are reimbursed by the shipper, except for the case when the disposal of cargo is caused by a violation of the contract for air transportation of cargo by the carrier.

188. The consignor has the right to dispose of the cargo until the consignee receives the cargo or the consignee performs actions indicating that he has claimed the cargo. If the consignee does not accept the cargo or it is impossible to deliver it to the consignee, the consignor is obliged to dispose of the cargo.

XVII. Cargo requiring special transportation conditions

189. Transportation of valuable cargo, perishable cargo, heavy cargo, oversized cargo, bulk cargo, livestock, dangerous cargo, human remains, animal remains requires special conditions for transportation by air.

190. Cargoes requiring special conditions of transportation are accepted for transportation if they are approved for transportation by international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legislation of the country on the territory, from the territory or through the territory of which such cargo is transported.

191. The shipper must present for transportation good-quality perishable cargo and documents confirming that the perishable cargo, when transported within the time period stipulated by the air transportation agreement, will not lose its quality.

Acceptance for transportation of perishable cargo without documents confirming the quality of the cargo is not allowed.

Documents confirming the quality of perishable cargo, issued by an authorized government body, must be presented by the shipper separately for each cargo shipment.

192. If the carrier cannot ensure delivery of perishable cargo within a time frame during which the cargo will not lose its quality, he has the right not to accept the cargo for transportation.

193. If perishable cargo accepted for transportation cannot be transported within the time period specified in the cargo bill of lading, the carrier is obliged to immediately notify the shipper about this and return the cargo and freight charge to him, unless other orders are given by the shipper.

194. If perishable cargo is in danger of being damaged, the carrier takes measures, agreed upon with the shipper, necessary to ensure its interests and the interests of the shipper, consignee and other persons.

195. Livestock is accepted for transportation upon presentation by the shipper of documents provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the country to, from or through the territory of which transportation is intended.

Livestock is accepted for transportation in durable containers (containers, transport cages, etc.) that provide the necessary convenience during transportation, safety and compliance with sanitary requirements, as well as fastening on board the aircraft.

196. Air transportation of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosives, poisonous, flammable and other dangerous substances and items prohibited for transportation in accordance with the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (Doc 9284 AN/905 ICAO) is carried out in in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Only properly classified, identified, packaged, marked, documented dangerous goods are accepted for transportation in accordance with the requirements of international treaties of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

197. Coffins with human remains, urns with ashes, as well as animal remains in boxes that meet safety and sanitary standards are accepted for transportation by air.

198. Human remains and animal remains are accepted for transportation subject to the presentation by the shipper of documents provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and/or the legislation of the country to, from, or through the territory of which the transportation is carried out.

199. Conducting send-offs, meetings, ceremonies, and other ritual actions when receiving coffins with human remains and urns with ashes for transportation, loading (unloading) into (from) an aircraft is not permitted.

200. Transportation of coffins with human remains, as well as boxes with animal remains in the presence of luggage compartments in the same cabin together with passengers is not allowed.

201. It is not permitted to include in cargo shipments containing dissimilar objects and goods: valuable cargo, animals, coffins with human remains and urns with ashes.

XVIII. Delivery of cargo

202. Cargo transportation is considered completed after the cargo is delivered to the consignee in accordance with the conditions specified in the contract for air carriage of cargo.

203. The carrier is obliged to ensure proper storage of cargo arriving at the airport of destination before releasing it to the consignee within the period established by these Rules, the carrier’s rules or the contract for air carriage of cargo.

204. The carrier is obliged to ensure that the consignee is notified of the arrival of cargo at his address no later than twelve hours from the arrival of the aircraft on which the cargo was delivered at the destination airport, and cargo requiring special conditions of transportation, with the exception of oversized, heavy and bulky cargo - no later than three hours from the moment of arrival of the aircraft on which the cargo was delivered at the destination airport, unless otherwise provided by the contract for air transportation of cargo.

205. The cargo is released to the consignee indicated in the cargo bill of lading at the destination airport.

206. The delivery of cargo to the consignee is carried out only after payment of all payments and compliance with the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine and phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country into whose territory the cargo was transported.

207. To fulfill the requirements related to border, customs, sanitary-quarantine, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary types of control provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the country into whose territory the cargo was transported and payment of payments, a cargo bill of lading (original for the carrier and original for the shipper ), as well as other documents related to the cargo, are issued by the carrier or service organization to the consignee against signature.

208. When releasing cargo, the carrier or service organization is obliged to check the number of packages and the weight of the arrived cargo.

209. If damage is detected to the packaging or the shipper's seals, which may affect the condition of the cargo, the carrier is obliged, with the participation of the consignee, to weigh the damaged package, open it and calculate the investments.

210. The cargo is issued to the consignee on the basis and in accordance with the data specified in the cargo waybill. In this case, the original cargo bill of lading for the carrier, marked “confirmation of receipt of cargo,” including the date and time of delivery of the cargo to the consignee, and signed by the consignee, is returned to the carrier or service organization. In case of discrepancy between the actual name of the cargo, its weight, the number of packages and the data specified in the cargo waybill, damage, damage to the cargo, or detection of cargo without shipping documents or shipping documents without cargo, a commercial report is drawn up.

211. The consignee is obliged to accept and remove the cargo. The consignee has the right to refuse to receive damaged or spoiled cargo if it is determined that the quality of the cargo has changed so much that the possibility of its full and (or) partial use in accordance with its original purpose is excluded * (10).

When issuing the cargo, the carrier or service organization places a mark on the copy of the consignee’s waybill indicating the date and time of delivery of the cargo to the consignee.

XIX. Cargo storage

212. If the consignee has not received the arrived cargo within three days from the day following the day of sending notification of the arrival of the cargo to his address, or within the period established by the rules of the carrier or the contract for air carriage of cargo, or refused to accept it, the carrier is obliged to notify this shipper, leave the cargo for storage at the expense of the shipper and at his risk.

213. If the consignee has not claimed the arrived cargo after ten days from the date of sending notification of the arrival of the cargo to his address, the carrier sends a notification to the consignee about the need to receive the cargo.

If, after ten days from the date of sending the notification of the need to receive the cargo, the cargo is not claimed or the consignee refuses to accept it, the carrier notifies the shipper of non-delivery of the cargo. The said notification must contain a warning about the possible sale or destruction of the cargo in the absence of orders from the shipper within the period specified in the notification.

In the absence of orders from the shipper within thirty days from the date of sending the notice of non-delivery of the cargo or if the execution of received orders is impossible, the cargo is considered unclaimed and can be sold or destroyed in the manner established by Chapter XXI of these Rules.

214. In the event of cargo arriving at the airport without a cargo waybill and other necessary documents, cargo with unclear markings or in its absence (hereinafter referred to as undocumented cargo), the carrier takes measures to store this cargo during the entire period of searching for documents and the consignor and/or consignee , but not more than sixty days from the date of arrival at the airport of the aircraft on which the undocumented cargo was delivered. If, after the specified period, the consignee or consignor has not been identified, the cargo is considered unclaimed and can be sold or destroyed in the manner established by Chapter XXI of these Rules.

XX. Cargo search

216. If, upon arrival of the aircraft at the destination airport or transfer airport, it is discovered that there is no cargo included in the cargo manifest and/or a cargo waybill, cargo without a cargo waybill and/or other necessary documents, a cargo waybill and/or other necessary documents without cargo, or cargo cannot be identified due to unclear transport markings on the cargo or lack of markings, the carrier is obliged to search for the cargo and/or cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents and ensure delivery of the cargo and/or cargo bill of lading and other necessary documents to the destination airport or transfer airport.

217. Measures to search for cargo/cargo waybill and other necessary documents are taken immediately from the moment of drawing up the act provided for in paragraph 181 of these Rules, and include the following steps:

sending a notification to the airport of departure about malfunctions that occurred during the transportation of cargo on the flight on which the cargo/cargo waybill and other necessary documents were delivered (not delivered);

formation of a search case;

sending requests to airports from which the cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents could be delivered or to which the cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents could be sent;

sending instructions for the disposal of cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents in case of detection of misdirected cargo/cargo bill of lading, other necessary documents.

XXI. The procedure for the sale and destruction of unclaimed cargo

218. Cargo is subject to sale or destruction if it is recognized as unclaimed, as well as in the case specified in paragraph 194 of these Rules.

219. The decision to sell or destroy cargo is made by a commission formed by the carrier.

The commission includes representatives of the service organization, an expert organization, and in the case of cargo sales, also an appraiser.

In accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, representatives of government bodies may be included in the commission.

220. The commission must check the availability of documents and materials confirming the timeliness and completeness of the measures taken to identify the ownership of the cargo, and establish that the available materials are sufficient to make a decision on the sale or destruction of the cargo.

221. When deciding on the sale or destruction of cargo, the commission must consider the following documents:

XXII. Termination of an agreement for the air carriage of passengers, an agreement for the air carriage of cargo. Amendment of the contract for the air carriage of passengers, the contract for the air carriage of cargo

226. The passenger has the right to refuse transportation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

227. A passenger’s forced refusal to carry a carriage is recognized as a refusal in the following cases:

cancellation or delay of the flight indicated on the ticket;

changes by the carrier to the transportation route;

the flight is not scheduled;

failure to send a passenger due to the impossibility of providing him with a seat on the flight and the date indicated on the ticket;

failed transportation of a passenger on an aircraft caused by the passenger’s delay at the airport due to the length of his inspection, if during the inspection of baggage or the personal search of the passenger no substances and objects prohibited for transportation were found;

failure by the carrier to provide connecting flights in the case of a single carriage;

illness of a passenger or a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on the aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents, or the death of a member of his family or a close relative, which is confirmed by documents, subject to notification of this to the carrier before the deadline established in accordance with paragraph 81 of these Rules for the check-in time of passengers for the flight indicated on the ticket.

The illness of a passenger or a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on an aircraft is the basis for the passenger’s forced refusal to travel if there are contraindications to flight confirmed by medical documents on the date of departure of the aircraft indicated on the ticket.

The requirements for such medical documents to be provided in connection with the illness of a passenger, a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on the aircraft are determined by the rules of the carrier;

failure to provide the passenger with service in the class indicated on the ticket;

incorrect ticket issuance by the carrier or authorized agent.

The carrier may recognize the passenger’s refusal to carry the carriage as involuntary in other cases.

Family members mean spouses, parents and children (adoptive parents and adopted children), close relatives - grandparents and grandchildren, full and half brothers and sisters.


* Clause 3 of Article 108 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 N 60-FZ “Air Code of the Russian Federation” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, N 12, Art. 1383; 1999, N 28, Art. 3483; 2004, N 35, Article 3607, No. 45, Article 4377; 2005, No. 13, Article 1078; 2006, No. 30, Article 3290, 3291; 2007, No. 1 (Part I), Article 29, No. 27, Article 3213, No. 46, Article 5554, No. 49, Article 6075, No. 50, Article 6239, 6244, 6245; 2008, No. 29 (Part 1), Article 3418, No. 30 (Part II) , Article 3616; 2009, No. 1, Article 17, No. 29, Article 3616; 2010, No. 30, Article 4014; 2011, No. 7, Article 901, No. 15, Article 2019, 2023, 2024, N 30 (part 1), Article 4590, N 48, Article 6733, N 50, Article 7351, 2012, N 25, Article 3268, N 31, Article 4318, N 53 (Part 1), Article 7585; 2013, No. 23, Article 2882, No. 27, Article 3477; 2014, No. 16, Article 1830, Article 1836, No. 30 (Part I), Article 4254).

Requirements regarding air transportation, for international air transportation, also by the rules determined by the relevant authorities of the state of departure, destination or transit;

2) refusal of the passenger, cargo owner, shipper to comply with the requirements imposed on them by federal aviation regulations;

3) if the health condition of an aircraft passenger requires special conditions for air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger himself or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, and also creates disorder and irreparable inconvenience for other persons;

4) refusal of an aircraft passenger to pay for the carriage of their baggage in the amount and on the terms provided for in the passenger air carriage agreement;

5) refusal of an aircraft passenger to pay for the transportation of the child accompanying him, except for the cases provided for

230.1. Voluntary change by the passenger of the terms of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger or the contract for the air carriage of cargo is carried out by agreement between the carrier and the passenger, the shipper in accordance with the terms of the applied tariff.

Change by a passenger of the transportation route (change of points between which transportation is carried out, change of the sequence of points between which transportation is carried out established in the transportation document, refusal to fly on one or more sections of the transportation route), change of date or time of departure, change of class of service, applied fare and other changes to the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement are made within the validity period of the passenger carriage obligation, except in cases where the passenger is forced to change the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement.

231. Refund of freight charges is made by the carrier or, on his behalf, by an authorized agent at the place of payment for transportation, as well as at the points provided for by the carrier’s rules.

Refund of freight charges in connection with the termination of the carrier's operating activities, suspension of the operator's certificate, cancellation of the operator's certificate, suspension of licenses, cancellation of a license, termination of a license is carried out by the carrier in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

232. Refund of the carriage fee is made on the basis of an unused (partially used) transportation document to the person indicated in the transportation document upon presentation of an identification document, or to an authorized person - upon presentation of an identification document and a document confirming the right to receive sums of money .

By order ______________________________

*(8) Clause 1 of Article 110

*(9) Clause 2 of Article 110 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

*(10) Clause 2 of Article 111 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

*(11) Clause 3 of Article 112 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

*(12) Clause 1 of Article 107 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, new rules will come into force in the fall passenger air transportation. The changes mainly concern the conditions for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. , what should passengers now prepare for when planning to fly around Russia and the world on domestic airlines?

Baggage-free fares

Low-cost carriers, primarily Pobeda, will have so-called baggage-free fares for those traveling light. It is expected that compared to the current base fares of low-cost airlines, they will be 10-20% cheaper.

At the same time, it is possible to buy tickets, the price of which includes luggage. When registering, no additional payment will be required for it (except in cases of excess).

If you rushed to purchase a baggage-free ticket and then decided to take a suitcase with you, you can pay extra for it later. According to the current prices of Pobeda, one place in the luggage compartment costs 1.5-2 thousand rubles, if you pay extra through the website or call center (where the call, by the way, is paid). If you realize it already at the airport, then you will pay at least three thousand. And it is possible that the amount of additional payments may increase in the near future.

For those who paid extra for luggage in advance and then decided to fly without it, there is also a solution. According to a senior official at the Ministry of Transport, Svetlana Petrova, you will be able to get your money back without any problems.

“Show the receipt, say that you paid, but there will be no luggage. Accordingly, your money will be returned. Of course, you only pay for the service you use. Besides, it’s additional,” Petrova said.

Experts also recommend being careful when purchasing tickets online in order to choose the right ones: with or without luggage. Click on the name of the tariff so that a window with explanations appears, and look for an icon symbolizing baggage.

Hand luggage

Hand luggage rules are changing for all passengers. They are expected to come into force in November. On this moment they are being finalized by the Ministry of Transport, but have already caused a lot of misunderstandings and have greatly frightened the public.

According to the department's plan, the updated rules will oblige all low-cost airlines, including Pobeda, regardless of the tariff, to allow bags, backpacks and suitcases on board. The Ministry of Transport wants the weight standard to be no lower than 5 kg per passenger, and each company will decide for itself whether to increase it or not.

At the same time, Pobeda stated that it would focus not on weight, but on the dimensions of hand luggage.

“We will take the total volume of luggage compartments, divide it by 189 (this is the number of seats on each plane) and we will be able to tell the passenger: you have so much space, you can, within this norm, carry any number of items, bags, backpacks - whatever you want. Even if it all weighs more than 5 kg, the main thing is that all hand luggage fits in size,” explained the company’s general director Andrei Kalmykov.

The news about changing the rules for hand luggage has given rise to many rumors. Thus, information has appeared that you will now have to pay to take a laptop, gadgets, umbrella and even outerwear into the salon. But this is not true - all of the listed items can be carried on board for free. The difference is that for now these items are allowed to be carried in addition to hand luggage, but after the rules are updated they will need to be included directly in hand luggage and presented for weighing. Stay within the minimum 5 kg - and the low-cost airline will not require additional payment. And most traditional airlines have double the carry-on baggage allowance, so no need to worry.

So, here’s what will remain on the list of things allowed in excess of carry-on baggage:

  • handbag or briefcase;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • crutches, folding wheelchair.

And here is what will be transferred to hand luggage and will be subject to weighing:

  • laptop;
  • cell phone;
  • camera;
  • camcorder;
  • umbrella;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • folder for papers;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • cane;
  • outerwear.

Please note that these lists are still under development, and some of the second may, at the request of passengers, be returned to the first. For example, a mobile phone in your pocket, or outerwear, considering that a fur coat alone can weigh 2.5 kilos.

As for whether low-cost airlines will count duty-free goods into the weight of hand luggage, officials from the Ministry of Transport hint that low-cost companies will in every possible way find fault with purchases in the clear zone in order to force you to pay for the excess. Therefore, it is better to read their terms and conditions on the website in advance. Now, for example, Pobeda charges 2 thousand rubles for transporting duty-free purchases at Russian airports and 35 euros at foreign airports.

For passengers who buy refundable tickets (which can be returned for a refund), the new rules will not change anything.

On amendments to the Federal Aviation Regulations " General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82, regarding the carriage of baggage

In accordance with Article 102 of the Federal Law of March 19, 1997 No. 60-FZ “Air Code of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997, No. 12, Art. 1383; 1999, No. 28, Art. 3483; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607, No. 45, Article 4377; 2005, No. 13, Article 1078; 2006, No. 30, Article 3290, 3291; 2007, No. 1, Article 29, No. 27, Article 3213, No. 46, Article 5554, No. 49, Article 6075, No. 50, Article 6239, 6244, 6245; 2008, No. 29, Article 3418, No. 30, Article 3616; 2009, No. 1, Article 17, No. 29, Article 3616; 2010, No. 30, Article 4014; 2011, No. 7,
Art. 901, No. 15, Art. 2019, 2023, 2024, No. 30, Art. 4590, No. 48, art. 6733, No. 50, Art. 7351; 2012, No. 25, art. 3268, No. 31, Art. 4318, No. 53, Art. 7585; 2013, No. 23, art. 2882, No. 27, Art. 3477; 2014, No. 16, art. 1830, art. 1836, No. 30, art. 4254, No. 42, Art. 5615; 2015, No. 27, art. 3957, No. 29, Art. 4342, 4356, 4379, 4380; 2016, No. 1, art. 82, No. 18, Art. 2487, No. 111) order:

Introduce changes to the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, Consignees”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007 , registration No. 10186), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2008 No. 165 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 24, 2008, registration No. 12964), dated October 25, 2010.
No. 231 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 14, 2010, registration No. 19174), dated April 2, 2012 No. 88 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 5, 2012, registration No. 24083), dated April 30, 2014 No. 114 (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 23, 2014, registration No. 32421), dated July 16, 2014 No. 187 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 25, 2014, registration No. 33780), dated February 15, 2016 No. 25 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on March 21 2016, registration No. 41479), dated November 24, 2016 No. 363 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 22, 2016, registration No. 44878) changes in accordance with the appendix to this order.

Minister M.Yu. Sokolov

to the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia
from _______________ No. ___

amendments to the Federal Aviation Regulations
“General rules for air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2007, registration No. 10186)

1. Paragraph 3 of clause 37 should be stated as follows:

“on the terms of the agreement for the carriage of passengers by air, including the norms for free baggage carriage in the event that the passenger enters into an agreement for the carriage of passengers by air, which provides for the norm for free baggage carriage, items and things prohibited for transportation, special conditions for the carriage of baggage, etc.”;

2. Paragraph 3 of paragraph 113 should be amended as follows:

“A guide dog accompanying a visually impaired passenger is transported free of charge. The guide dog must have a collar and muzzle and be tied to a chair at the feet of the passenger it is accompanying.”;

3. Paragraph 122 should be stated as follows:

“When a passenger enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for the return of the carriage charge upon termination of the air carriage agreement, the passenger of the aircraft has the right to transport his baggage within the established norm without additional payment (hereinafter referred to as the free baggage allowance).

The free baggage allowance is established by the carrier and stipulates the number of pieces of baggage and the weight of baggage per aircraft passenger. At the same time, the free baggage allowance cannot provide for less than ten kilograms per aircraft passenger.”;

4. Paragraph 123 should be stated as follows:

"123. When a passenger enters into an agreement for the air carriage of a passenger, which provides for the return of the carriage charge upon termination of the air carriage agreement, the carrier is obliged to accept baggage for carriage within the limits of free baggage allowance.”;

5. Paragraph 127 should be stated as follows:

"127. At the request of passengers traveling together for the same purpose of travel to the same airport (point) of destination or airport (point) of stop on the same flight (family members, persons traveling together or going on a business trip) and when these passengers conclude contracts air transportation of a passenger, providing for the condition of the return of the carriage charge upon termination of the air transportation agreement, the carrier is obliged to apply to these passengers the amount of free baggage allowance for each passenger.

The unification concerns only the free baggage allowance. Baggage is checked out individually for each passenger.”;

6. Paragraph 133 should be stated as follows:

"133. Items whose weight and dimensions are established by the carrier and allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin are accepted as hand luggage. The weight of hand luggage cannot be less than five kilograms per passenger”;

7. Paragraph 135 should be stated as follows:

"135. The passenger has the right to carry the following things with him without charging a fee:

Handbag or briefcase;
baby food for the child during the flight;
suit in a suitcase;
baby cradle when transporting a child;
crutches, folding wheelchair, having dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat.

The items specified in this paragraph are not presented for weighing, are not subject to registration and are not marked with tags.”;

8. Paragraph 136 should be stated as follows:

"136. Transportation of oversized baggage, heavy baggage, service dogs, pets and birds, as well as the passenger’s baggage when he concludes an agreement that does not provide for free baggage allowance, is paid based on their actual weight at the baggage rates established by the carrier, regardless of the passenger’s other belongings transported in as baggage, with the exception of guide dogs traveling with a blind passenger, as well as wheelchairs used by a disabled passenger and other persons with disabilities.

Subject to the passenger concluding an agreement providing for a free baggage allowance, when transporting excess baggage, the difference between the established free baggage allowance and the weight of the pieces of baggage presented for transportation is paid according to the baggage tariffs established by the carrier.”