Russian aviation. Russian long-haul airliner is preparing for rebranding New Il 96

The history of domestic airbuses, now more often called wide-body aircraft, begins in 1967, when in October a Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued, which launched the development of the first Soviet medium-range wide-body aircraft Il-86 with a passenger capacity of 350 people.

The first domestic airbus Il-86

The design of the aircraft was entrusted to the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin. At the initial stage, a version of the Il-62-250, increased to 250 seats, with a fuselage extended by 6.8 meters, was being developed. This project did not receive further development. To accommodate 350 passengers, it was necessary to increase the number of seats in a row, and in order to maintain the level of comfort achieved on the Il-62, options for a double-deck aircraft and a single-deck aircraft with an oval fuselage and two separate passenger cabins were being studied. These studies also remained only on paper.

February 22, 1970 OKB im. Ilyushin was given technical specifications for the development of a wide-body passenger aircraft with 350 seats. On March 9, 1972, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 168-68 on the start of work on the Il-86 aircraft. A distinctive feature of the first Soviet Airbus was the ability to transport luggage according to the “baggage with you” principle. Together with TsAGI, an extensive set of studies was carried out on the choice of fuselage diameter. The result was a fuselage designed with nine seats in a row and two wide aisles. The wing was equipped with slats and three-slot flaps, which were later replaced with double-slot ones. Such mechanization provided high lifting force and made it possible to take off from relatively short runways.

The experimental Il-86 made its first flight on December 22, 1976. In June 1977, the aircraft was shown at the Le Bourget air show. Factory tests were completed at the end of September 1978, after which certification tests began. The application for a certificate of airworthiness was submitted on May 15, 1974, and the certificate itself was received on December 24, 1980. Two days later, the Il-86 performed its first regular flight on the route Moscow - Tashkent - Moscow.

For more than 30 years, this comfortable, handsome giant has carried passengers on the busiest air routes. In the 80s, the Ilyushin Design Bureau received a State Prize for its creation.

At the beginning of 2017, four Il-86 aircraft were in operation. All of them were used in the country's air force and passenger transportation did not comply. A total of 104 production aircraft and two prototypes were produced.

Il-86 RA-86140, SVO, October 4, 2009 Before the flight Moscow - Hurghada - Moscow

Wide-body long-range aircraft Il-96-300

With the growth of air traffic in the Soviet Union, the need arose to create a domestic high-capacity long-haul aircraft. In foreign airlines, a significant part of the fleet of long-haul aircraft were wide-body airliners, which, during multi-hour flights, provided passengers with a significantly higher level of comfort than long-range narrow-body aircraft.

Initially, it was assumed that the long-range airbus would be a further development of the Il-86 aircraft and would retain the greatest possible structural similarity with it. In accordance with this approach, the new aircraft, designated Il-86D (“long-range”), had the same design of the fuselage, tail, and main on-board functional systems as the Il-86. This made it possible to reduce the time required to create a new aircraft and quickly introduce it into mass production in parallel with the production of the Il-86 aircraft. The IL-86D differed from its predecessor only in its wing area (470 m2) and new NK-56 engines with a high bypass ratio and low specific fuel consumption in cruising flight.

In 1978, using the results of work on the Il-86D project, the OKB began developing the Il-96 aircraft with a T-shaped tail, a high aspect ratio wing with a supercritical profile and an area of ​​387 m 2. Development of this version of a long-haul Airbus was carried out at the Design Bureau until 1983. By this time, progress had been made in the field of aviation science and aircraft manufacturing, which made it possible to abandon the idea of ​​​​creating the Il-96 aircraft using many ready-made units and systems of the Il-86 aircraft in its design. The OKB decided to develop a fundamentally new wide-body aircraft, the Il-96-300.

Initially, it was planned to equip the new aircraft with four NK-56 engines with a take-off thrust of 18,000 kgf each. But due to numerous complex and contradictory reasons, Minister of Aviation Industry I.S. Silaev, with his forceful decision, relied on a single passenger aviation engine D-90 (PS-90), developed by the Perm Design Bureau under the leadership of P.A. Solovyova. An order was given to stop the development of NK-56, at the same time OKB im. S.V. Ilyushin was ordered to redesign the Il-96 for four D-90 engines. The thrust of the Perm engine being developed (13,500 kgf) turned out to be insufficient. At the request of "Ila", P.A. Soloviev agreed to bring it to 16,000 kgf.

The Ilyushin team had to reduce the length of the aircraft, abandon the T-shaped tail and increase the keel area by increasing its height by one and a half meters. The need to increase the area of ​​the vertical tail was determined by the requirement to ensure directional stability in the event of failure of one engine. The wing span was increased to 60 m and its sweep was reduced, while the wing area was reduced to 350 m 2. Winglets with a height of 3.1 meters and an angle of deviation from the horizontal axis of 15 o appeared on the wingtips.

Wing and airframe structure

The Il-96-300 wing is equipped with complex and effective takeoff and landing mechanization, consisting of slats along its entire span, internal double-slotted and external single-slotted flaps, as well as lateral control elements: internal ailerons and spoilers. In order to reduce wear on the power elements of the wing and make the aircraft more resistant to bumps, a wing vibration damping system was developed, which uses external ailerons operating in automatic mode; they do not participate in the lateral control of the aircraft; the roll is controlled by internal ailerons.

The design of the power wing box was developed using monolithic prefabricated panels with a higher level of design stresses than on the IL-86, while ensuring the required strength, service life and survivability. This was achieved by using new materials in the construction of panels, both with increased characteristics of fracture toughness, low-cycle fatigue, low crack growth rates, and high-strength materials with increased tensile strength and good fatigue characteristics.

To reduce the number of longitudinal and transverse joints, which are the main source of fatigue cracks, long and wide semi-finished products are used in the airframe design of the Il-96-300 aircraft. Another feature of the wing is the large amount of honeycomb structures used. They are used to make the nose and tail parts of the wing, landing gear compartment doors, and various elements of the wing mechanization: spoilers, ailerons, and part of the flaps.

In order to reduce the drag of engine nacelles, thrust losses and, ultimately, to reduce fuel consumption in cruising flight, the Il-96-300 engine nacelles have smooth, rather than stepped, external contours, characteristic of engine nacelles with a high bypass ratio, which were previously installed on domestic and foreign aircraft. And although the gain from gondolas of this shape is relatively small, it is expressed in very significant fuel savings when performing long-distance flights.

The Il-96-300 fuselage has the same diameter as the Il-86 - 6.08 m. However, the fuselage design has been significantly changed to increase its reliability, ensure safety in case of damage, reduce the rate of crack growth, ensure a given resource, reduce weight and improve quality of the outer surface.

Reducing the length of the fuselage led to a reduction in passenger capacity. The various layouts of the passenger compartment provide a capacity from 235 to 300 people. The standard layout of economy class allows you to place 300 seats in two salons: in the first - 66 and in the second - 234 seats with a pitch of 870 mm, nine in a row with two aisles 550 mm wide. The layout for 235 seats provides a three-class cabin: in first class - 22 seats with a pitch of 1020 mm, in business class - 40 seats and in economy class - 173.

Cockpit, avionics and equipment

The IL-96 uses a glass cockpit control system, which includes a modern Russian digital avionics complex with six color multifunction displays, an electric remote control system with a backup mechanical control system, an inertial navigation system and satellite navigation facilities. The aircraft is equipped with a comprehensive system for distributing information to the crew on monitors about the operation of the aircraft systems. The on-board flight navigation system provides almost complete automation of aircraft navigation in difficult meteorological conditions over any region of the globe and automatic landing in conditions corresponding to ICAO category IIIA. The aircraft is controlled by a crew of three: the aircraft commander, co-pilot and flight engineer.

When developing the flight deck, the engineers of the Ilyushin Design Bureau were tasked with reducing pilot fatigue during long-term work on long-distance flights of many hours, and increasing the reliability, safety and regularity of flights. As on the Il-86, the principle of a forward-looking crew located in a single group, which has proven itself in operation, is used here, which ensures mutual control and mutual assistance between its members. All information display devices and controls are located in accessible and visible places. This approach required the integration of individual signaling devices, indicators and controls into a single multifunctional information and control system, providing the issuance of signals (light, sound, speech), display of parameters of the flight navigation complex, power plant and aircraft systems, as well as control of the operation of systems and on-board equipment.

The use of multi-channel redundant systems on the IL-96-300 with automatic shutdown or switching of faulty channels basically frees the crew from any actions in the event of failures. The information display system notifies the crew about the failure that has occurred, and only in some cases does the crew need to manually duplicate the operation of the automation. Only in individual cases, when untimely switching on or off of the most critical systems, such as engines or the second and third fire extinguishing stages, can significantly affect flight safety, automation is not used and decision-making is entrusted to the crew.

All information about the operation of on-board systems, as well as the display of data necessary for piloting and navigation, are combined into a single information display system, the basis of which is two subsystems - screen display and integrated information signaling.

Cockpit of the Il-96-300

The screen display system is part of the flight navigation complex and its main means of presenting information to the crew are four color screen indicators at the edges of the instrument panel, two of which are intended for the ship’s commander and two for the co-pilot. Each pair of these indicators consists of an integrated flight indicator and an integrated navigation situation indicator, which provide the crew with the information necessary for piloting the aircraft and navigation.

The integrated alarm information system indicators are located in the middle of the instrument panel. The right screen is intended mainly to display engine operating parameters, and the left one is for signal information.

In addition, it is possible to manually call up any information that the system has on each of these screens. It has storage devices that allow, after the flight, to display information on the screens about failures and malfunctions of on-board systems that occurred during the flight. To quickly document failures and malfunctions, there is a printing device on board the aircraft, which, if necessary, issues a form with a list of systems and assemblies that failed during the flight for ground maintenance personnel and crew.

The fuel system of the Il-96-300 was developed on the basis of the fuel system of its predecessor, the Il-86. The fuel system operates automatically, without requiring crew participation, and manual control is provided only when necessary. The fuel is located in nine caisson wing tanks, of which eight are located in the wing consoles and one in the center section.

The fuel system is made separate for each of the four engines, in turn, each engine is fed with fuel from the supply compartment of its tank. The consumable compartments are filled with fuel throughout the entire flight, which ensures its reliable supply to the engines in all flight modes. Fuel production from the console tanks is delayed to unload the wing and increase the critical flutter speed.

The Il-96-300 landing gear consists of three main supports located behind the aircraft's center of mass, and a front support located in the forward part of the fuselage. Each of the three main legs is equipped with a four-wheel trolley with brake wheels, and the front leg has two non-braking wheels. All fourteen wheels are the same size 1300x480 mm and the pressure in the tires is 11.5 kg/cm 2.

Current state of the IL-96 program

As of January 1, 2017, 15 Il-96 aircraft were in operation. Of these, 4 airliners in the Il-96-300 version are operated by the Cuban national airline Cubana de Aviacion (one of them is in storage), two Il-96-400 aircraft and 9 Il-96-300 aircraft are in special flight squad"Russia". Aircraft are used to transport first persons (RA-96019, RA-96102). The Il-96-300PU aircraft, tail number RA-96019, is Air Force One, Control Point, on which the president of the country flies; board RA-96102 is intended for the Minister of Defense.

The Il-96-400T aircraft is a cargo modification of the Il-96-300. The fuselage length of the Il-96-400T aircraft has been increased by 9.35 m compared to the base Il-96-300 aircraft.

The main difference between the Il-96-400T cargo aircraft and its passenger version is that the passenger cabin has been converted into a cargo cabin with reinforcement of the cabin floor and the installation of additional rails for attaching floor mechanization intended for loading and unloading international aircraft pallets and containers. The layout of the cargo deck of the IL-96-400T allows the use of various loading schemes and packaging means when stowing cargo. The maximum payload is 92 tons.

Regular passenger transportation in our country is not carried out on this type of aircraft. At the end of 2013, Aeroflot management proposed to the company’s board of directors to abandon the operation of the Il-96, citing economic considerations as the reason for their proposal.

On March 30, 2014, the Il-96-300 airliner of Aeroflot airlines with tail number RA-96008, flying from Tashkent, made its last landing at Sheremetyevo airport. These planes no longer carried passengers on regular flights.

As of January 1, 2017, five Il-96s were being built in the assembly shops of the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company (VASO) - three Il-96-400T and two Il-96-300, the UAC plans to produce two or three aircraft per year at period until 2023-2025.

PJSC "Il", on instructions from the Ministry of Defense, developed the Il-96-400TZ fuel tanker based on the Il-96-400T cargo modification. It was planned that it would be a “clean” tanker with an overhead tank, capable of transferring over 65 tons of fuel at a distance of up to 3.5 thousand km from its home airfield. However, in May 2018, it became known that the military department abandoned the development of this vehicle in favor of the Il-78M-90A 2 tanker.

Airplane Il-96-400M
wingspan (m) 60,105
aircraft length (m) 63,939
aircraft height (m) 15,717
wing area (m2) 350
wing sweep angle along the 1/4 chord line (deg) 30
fuselage diameter (m) 6,08
Main engine characteristics
engine quantity and model 4 x PS-90A3M 1
maximum take-off thrust, not less (kgf) 4 x 17400
compliance with ICAO standards Appendix 16, Chapter 4
Mass characteristics
maximum take-off weight (t) 265
maximum fuel tank capacity (l) 152620
Flight performance
cruising speed (km/h) 870
flight range with maximum number of passengers (km) 10000
flight altitude (m) 9000-12000
take-off distance (m) 2700
landing distance (m) 1650
Number of places
flight crew 3 (2)
passenger single-class layout - 436
two-class layout - 386
three-class layout - 315


There are only three manufacturers in the world that are capable of producing wide-body airliners - the American Boeing, the European Airbus and the Russian Ilyushin. And the Euro-Atlantic duopoly does not need a competitor in the form of our country.

In the years after the collapse of the USSR, Russia lost a lot in the region civil aviation. Often the industry surrendered its position voluntarily, but for the most part the anti-industrial lobby put a lot of effort into destroying the Russian aviation industry. We now have the results of this “fruitful” work - the overwhelming number of aircraft in Russian airlines are foreign-made.

In 2010, the most experienced Aeroflot pilot, with over 20 thousand flight hours, Il-96 crew commander Vladimir Salnikov, said that Airbus directly states in the contract for the sale of aircraft: the intermediary receives 10 percent of the transaction amount. The Boeing Corporation, without any hesitation, reports that in 2009 it spent $72 million on bribing officials in the CIS. And if, for example, Aeroflot, instead of IL-96, purchases several Boeings or Airbuses worth a billion dollars, 100 million of them will immediately go into the pockets of interested people.

In addition to direct bribery of officials, efforts are being made to restrict flights for domestic aircraft to Europe and the USA, and such restrictions did not begin yesterday. Suffice it to recall the end of the 50s, when in Europe, in order to increase security, a ban on jet planes with two engines. This measure was a response to the appearance in the USSR of the breakthrough jet passenger airliner Tu-104. To overcome this limitation, the Tupolev Design Bureau had to develop the Tu-110 aircraft with four engines.

The sanctions introduced in 2014 and constantly extended by Washington and Brussels are aimed, among other things, at limiting the import into Russia of new technologies that our country does not possess. In such conditions, Russia has no choice but to take care of strengthening its defense and the means of maintaining air traffic between the European part of the country and its eastern borders. We need an updated version of a wide-body long-haul airliner.

Reports about the resumption of production of the Il-96 in the Il-96-400M version and the development of the ShFDMS project - a wide-body long-range aircraft - appeared almost simultaneously in 2014-2015. Initially, it was not entirely clear why it was necessary to develop two similar aircraft. Complete clarity was made in September 2016 by Dmitry Rogozin, who, during a visit to Voronezh, said that in the period until the creation of a strategically new passenger aircraft (Russian-Chinese CR929), which is approximately 2027, the Il-96-400M will cover the basic needs of Russia as on long-haul flights to the Far East from the European part, as well as charter flights during the holiday season to those countries where spacious aircraft are needed.

The Il-96-400M is developed on the basis of the transport version "-400T", so its fuselage will be 9.35 m longer compared to the base Il-96-300 aircraft and will be 63.939 meters.

The main differences between the "-400M" version and previous modifications are two pilots in the cockpit and the replacement of the PS-90A1 engines with the next generation PD-14M engines, which develop a take-off thrust of 16-17 tons. As is known, the basic PD-14 with a thrust of 14 tons is designed for installation on the MS-21 airliner, and the version with the “M” index is being developed for the Il-214 military transport aircraft (in June 2017, the Il-214 aircraft (MTA/SVTS) received official name IL-276 1). Replacing PS-90A1 with PD-14M promises a significant reduction in fuel consumption and costs Maintenance power plant.

Note from Russian Aviation: information about the future replacement of the engine was taken from the UAC magazine "Horizons" No. 4 2016 (#12) p. 31, where this data is provided by the deputy head of the preliminary design bureau of the Il company, Olga Kruglyakova. In our opinion, the power of the PD-14M is not enough for the new Il-96, and we can talk about the promising PD-18R with a take-off thrust of 18-20 tf. Probably, until a new engine with a thrust of at least 18 tf is created, tested and certified, the same time-tested PS-90A1 will be installed on the aircraft.

At the beginning of March 2017, the general director of Perm Aviadvigatel, Alexander Inozemtsev, announced that the PS-90A1 engine will be upgraded to the PS-90A3M version, which will ultimately be installed on the Il-96-400M 1.

The rearrangement of the passenger cabin will further improve the aircraft's fuel efficiency. If business class is available, the capacity will be 370 seats, and in economy class - 436.

These improvements will bring the Il-96-400M closer in operating economics to the popular Western models Airbus A330-300 and Boeing 777-200.

OKB im. Ilyushin compared the Il-96-400M, in the version with 332 passenger seats, and the serial Airbus A330. Calculations showed that, taking into account the entire complex of planned improvements, the PER indicator (direct operational costs, in the Western style - direct operational costs, DOC) was almost equal. “The planes turned out to be close in terms of operating economics. And taking into account the price difference due to changes in the exchange rate, the Russian car reaches a competitive level,” says Ila General Designer Nikolai Talikov.

It is not intended to make any other major changes to the time-tested airframe and systems. Also no additional testing is required. The aircraft has a high confirmed design life of 70 thousand hours. The maximum take-off weight of the aircraft consistently increased from 235 to 250 and then to 270 tons. It will not increase further either.

In 2019, the first prototype of the Il-96-400M passenger aircraft will be assembled at VASO facilities, at the same time the aircraft will receive a new designation - Il-496, according to reports from PJSC "IL", a fundamental decision on this has already been made 3, for the implementation of the project It is planned to allocate about 50 billion rubles for the production of Il-96-400M for the period until 2021. From 2020 to 2023, five new aircraft should be accepted by the State Transport Leasing Company (STLC). It is expected that they will be operated on lines between Moscow and Vladivostok with Khabarovsk.

On January 18, 2019, General Director of PJSC Il Alexey Rogozin outlined priorities for the year, one of which was the launch into serial production of the wide-body long-haul passenger aircraft Il-96-400M 4 .

In the spring of 2018, VASO began manufacturing parts for the first prototype of the Il-96-400M. At the same time, the slipway was cleared for assembling the fuselage of the aircraft, which had previously been occupied by the fuselage of the unfinished fifth Il-96-400T. The production of the prototype Il-96-400M should be completed by the end of 2019; in the first half of 2020, preliminary and certification tests of the airliner will take place, which by June 2020 should end with the issuance of an addition to the type certificate - approval of the main design change 3.

IL-96- a wide-body passenger aircraft for medium and long-haul airlines, designed at the Ilyushin Design Bureau in the late 1980s. It made its first flight in 1988 and has been in serial production since 1993 at the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company plant. Il-96 became the first and last Soviet long-range wide-body aircraft.

By the mid-1970s, virtually all long-haul air travel in the USSR and socialist countries were carried out on Il-62 aircraft. However, the capabilities of these aircraft could not fully meet the rapid growth in volume long-distance transport: due to the relatively low passenger capacity, the number of flights increased, and accordingly, the load on airports increased.

In addition, the cabin of the narrow-body aircraft was far from the degree of comfort that was achieved on the Boeing 747, which entered service in 1969, which became the world's first wide-body aircraft.

In 1978, using the results of work on the Il-86D project, the OKB began developing the Il-96 aircraft with a T-shaped tail, a higher aspect ratio wing with supercritical nose profiles and an area of ​​up to 387 sq.m. Research on this option was carried out until 1983, when the progress achieved in the field of aviation science and technology made it possible to abandon the idea of ​​​​creating Il-96 aircraft using in its design many ready-made units and systems of the Il-86 aircraft and move on to the creation of a fundamentally new Il-96-300 aircraft.

The Il-96-300 aircraft differs from its predecessor Il-86 by having a fuselage shortened by 5.5 meters, a larger wing span and a reduced sweep angle, increased dimensions of the vertical tail, and an improved interior of the passenger cabin.

New alloys are used in its design and the proportion of composite materials is increased. The aircraft uses an automatic fuel consumption control system, which allows it to maintain the alignment of the aircraft in flight. Particular attention was paid to the reliability and safety of aircraft operation.

The Il-96 uses a Russian digital avionics system with six color multifunction displays, an electronic thrust control system, an inertial navigation system and satellite navigation aids. Also on Il–96–300 it was decided to install new Solovyov PS-90A engines. The PS-90A smooth nacelle, uncharacteristic of the dual-circuit engines previously produced in the USSR, increased the fuel efficiency of the aircraft.

The set of requirements presented to the Ilyushin Design Bureau by the Ministry of Civil Aviation - transportation of commercial loads of 30 and 15 tons over a practical range of 9,000 and 11,000 km with a cruising speed of 850 to 900 km/h at an altitude of 9,000 to 12,000 m - made the optimal aerodynamic design traditional: four-engine cantilever low-wing aircraft with vertical tail. The T-shaped tail was abandoned. The IL-96-300 was initially created as an aircraft with development potential: its design allows for the relatively fast and inexpensive development of various modifications of the aircraft.

Further development of the aircraft Il–96–300 was the creation of the Il-96M variant, in which many US aviation companies took part. The fuselage of the aircraft was extended to 64 meters, that is, even more than on the Il-86. But the main distinguishing feature of the Il-96M was the Pratt & Whitney PW2337 engines.

The prototype was created on the basis of the first prototype Il-96-300. The plane took off on April 6, 1993, but was not put into serial production. On the basis of the Il-96M, the cargo Il-96T was created, which was also assembled in a single copy. A double-deck version of the Il-96-550, equipped with an NK-92 turbofan engine (4 x 20,000 kgf) and designed to carry 550 passengers, was also studied.

In 1999–2000, work was carried out on the project of the Il-96-400T cargo aircraft, which has the capabilities of the Il-96T cargo aircraft, but has Russian PS-90A-2 turbofan engines and on-board equipment. It made its first flight on May 16, 1997. In operation since 2009.

The first prototype was assembled directly at the design bureau workshop on Leningradsky Prospekt in Moscow. At the beginning of September 1988, the plane was solemnly rolled out of the assembly shop. The first flight of the experimental Il-96-300 aircraft was carried out on September 28 from the Frunze Central Airfield on Khodynskoye Field. The plane was piloted by a crew under the command of Stanislav Bliznyuk, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR, Hero of the Soviet Union. Flying right over central regions Moscow lasted 40 minutes.

During testing IL-96 performed several notable long-range flights, including Moscow–Petropavlovsk–Kamchatsky–Moscow without landing in Petropavlovsk. The plane covered 14,800 km in 18 hours and 9 minutes. On June 9, 1992, Il-96 flew from Moscow to Portland via the North Pole, spending 15 hours in the air.

The aircraft was tested in Yakutsk at –50 °C and in Tashkent at +40 °C. Based on the test results, on December 29, 1992, the aircraft was awarded an airworthiness certificate. For six months, the new cars were tested on Aeroflot routes, and due to lack of funding, operational tests had to be combined with commercial cargo transportation.

Commercial operation of the aircraft began on July 14, 1993 on the Moscow–New York route. At first, the aircraft was used mainly on foreign flights: to Singapore, Las Palmas, New York, Tel Aviv, Palma de Mallorca, Tokyo, Bangkok, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Havana, Hanoi, Santiago, Lima.

Everyone flying on this moment at Aeroflot Il-96 aircraft were collected in the first half of the 1990s. In exchange for reducing duties on the import of foreign equipment, Aeroflot undertook to purchase an additional batch of Il-96, but the deal never took place, although duties were reduced.

In 2005–2006, three Il-96-300s were delivered to Cuba, including one to serve the President of Cuba. In 2009, the Venezuelan government signed a contract for the supply of two Il-96-300 - one for passenger, the other for VIP transportation. In the fall of 2008, the IFC leasing corporation seized two Il-96-300s from Krasnoyarsk Airlines due to the company's insolvency.

In 2009, Polet Airlines began operating Il-96-400T cargo aircraft, which Aeroflot initially planned to buy, but later abandoned them. As of September 2009, Polet airline has three Il-96-400T aircraft with a plan to receive three more aircraft in 2010.

Also, during the MAKS-2009 aerospace salon, an agreement was signed with a Peruvian airline for the supply of two Il-96-400T freighters with an option for another such aircraft, and negotiations are underway on its delivery to China and the countries of the Middle East. The current version of the aircraft is equipped with new engines and the most modern Russian-made flight and navigation system, which allows the aircraft to be operated without any restrictions around the world.

Such aircraft have not yet been produced in Russia. Il-96-400T can transport up to 92 tons of cargo on medium and long-distance routes. The aircraft is certified in accordance with Russian airworthiness standards, harmonized with the standards of the European Union and the USA. IN different time Negotiations were held on the sale of Il-96 to China (three aircraft), Syria (three aircraft) and even Zimbabwe. KrasAir airline planned to transfer two of its Il-96s to Iran Air on a one-year wet lease in 2007.

The first two prototypes (nos. 96000 and 96001), stored for a long time at the Gromov Flight Research Institute in Ramenskoye, were destroyed in May 2009. Another 5 aircraft (2 KrasAir and 3 Domodedovo Airlines) are temporarily taken out of service and are in storage.

Creators Il–96–300 were guided by the economic indicators of the Boeing 767, however, since the first flight of the Il-96-300, long-haul airliners of the new generation Boeing 777, Airbus A330, Airbus A340, Airbus A380 have been put into operation, and the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 are expected to enter the market soon. By 2012, two more Il-96-300 will be produced for SLO Russia (including the presidential Il-96-300PU). The cargo version of the Il-96-400T aircraft remains in production.

Flight characteristics of Il-96

The future Russian wide-body long-haul passenger airliner Il-96-400M is awaiting rebranding. It will receive a new designation - Il-496. According to Izvestia, a fundamental decision has already been made, but this name will begin to appear in official documents starting next year. The first prototype will be built before the end of 2019. According to experts, the market for such aircraft in Russia is small. But the Il-96-400 project is important from the point of view of developing competencies in the aircraft industry.

As three sources told Izvestia aviation industry, familiar with the situation, the wide-body long-haul airliner being created at Il PJSC will receive a new designation - Il-496. This decision has already been approved in principle at the government level.

- The need for rebranding is due to the fact that the aircraft being created is not just a modification of the Il-96, but its deep modernization. In fact, we are talking about a new aircraft,” one of the interlocutors explained.

Il PJSC, the company that developed the aircraft, did not comment on rebranding plans to Izvestia. At the same time, they noted that they expect to prepare all technical documentation for the construction of the first prototype of the Il-96-400M by the end of this year.

“The features of the designed aircraft will be the installation of modern domestic flight and navigation equipment, as well as a modern passenger cabin, which will provide comfortable conditions for passengers,” noted the Ilyushin press service. - The presentation of the Il-96-400M is scheduled for the end of 2019.

To domestic navigation equipment in this case, they include the inertial system (responsible for determining the position of the aircraft in space), transponders (automatically transmit data to ground-based radar stations), navigation and landing systems. At the first stage in 2018–2019, it is planned to equip all Il-96-300 aircraft with such systems.

The Il-96-400M development program involves the production of one prototype and six production aircraft. Construction of the first prototype at the aircraft plant in Voronezh is scheduled for the end of 2019, the first production aircraft - for 2020. In the same year, it is planned to complete certification tests of the airliner.

The press service of the Ministry of Industry and Trade told Izvestia that the implementation of the Il-96-400M project is proceeding in accordance with the approved schedule. The work receives funding within the limits of federal budget funds.

According to Alexei Sinitsky, editor-in-chief of Aviation Transport Review, the niche of wide-body long-haul aircraft in Russia is small - a little more than 80 aircraft of this class are in operation. More than 60% of them are in the Aeroflot group of companies, Utair has several cars, and the rest are in tourist carriers. These airliners can find use in the Far East of the Russian Federation or on international tourist routes. Special versions of the aircraft may be of interest to specialized government customers.

The IL-96-400 in its current form remains at the level of previous generation aircraft in terms of economic characteristics and equipment. But it is not much cheaper than new modern foreign-made airliners. In terms of cost of ownership over the life cycle, the loss is very large,” noted Alexey Sinitsky.

Nevertheless, the Il-96-400M project should help the domestic aviation industry maintain competencies and load production capacity. In the long term, the civilian line of aircraft should be replenished with a new generation wide-body airliner, the creation of which Russia has begun together with its Chinese partners - the COMAC corporation.

The Il-96-400M is being created as an extended modification of the passenger Il-96-300. The take-off weight of the new airliner will be 270 tons. The aircraft will be able to carry up to 400 passengers. This vehicle will use Russian-made avionics, materials and components. According to Izvestia, the total planned budget for the airliner creation program is 53.4 billion rubles.

Il-96 is a wide-body passenger aircraft, the creation of which began at the Ilyushin Design Bureau back in the late 70s of the last century. This aircraft became the first aircraft of this class developed in the Soviet Union. The Il-96 made its first flight in 1993.

Serial production of the Il-96 aircraft was launched at the Voronezh Aviation Plant; a total of 30 airbuses have been manufactured since its start.

Currently, the Il-96 is operated by the Special Flight Detachment "Russia", which includes the presidential flight. Since 1996, Russian leaders have been flying on the Il-96-300PU, a modification of the airliner created specifically for the head of state. In 2003, a new aircraft of this modification was built for Putin.

IL-96 is rightfully considered one of the most reliable passenger aircraft in your class. Since the start of operation, not a single accident has occurred with these machines that would have resulted in casualties. True, the total flight time of these aircraft is much lower than that of their foreign counterparts.

The Il-96 is also operated by the Cuban company Cubana. In 2014, Aeroflot wrote off the last six Il-96s, citing the high cost of operating them.

We can say that this aircraft was very unlucky, because the moment of its birth occurred during the period of the collapse of the country and the economic crisis, when the domestic aviation industry was literally surviving, and there was no time for updating the aircraft fleet. At the end of the 90s, an attempt was made to modernize the aircraft, which resulted in the appearance of the Il-96-400 modification. However, it did not interest domestic air carriers too much; there were no orders for it from airlines.

Il-96 can be called one of the most famous and discussed domestic passenger aircraft. With enviable frequency, interviews with high-ranking Russian officials appear in the press with promises of an early resumption of production of the Il-96 aircraft. But things are still there.

If we talk about the latest news related to this aircraft, then at the beginning of this year, Deputy Prime Minister Rogozin visited the Voronezh aircraft plant and promised government support to aircraft manufacturers. According to the official, the Il-96-400 is quite capable of meeting the needs of domestic airlines for long-haul wide-body aircraft until the new Russian-Chinese airbus is ready.

Earlier, Industry Minister Manturov promised to allocate 50 billion rubles to resuscitate the production of Il-96. True, according to him, it is first necessary to solve the problem of excessive fuel “gluttony” of the machine, because according to this characteristic, the Il-96 cannot compete with the Boeing-767 and 777 or the Airbus 330 - its main competitors.

Despite all the difficulties of the early 90s, the new Il-96 had good prospects. At that time, foreign companies were seriously interested in the car. A modification of the Il-96M with Pratt&Whitney engines and advanced Western avionics was developed specifically for promotion abroad. In 1993, a prototype of this aircraft already flew, and soon it received Russian and American certificates. Why was this project never brought to fruition? And does he have a chance to take his rightful place in the sky?

History of creation

Work on the creation of a Soviet wide-body passenger plane began in the first half of the 70s. At that time, most long-haul transportation in the Soviet Union and socialist countries was carried out on the Il-62 airliner. However, this aircraft, built in the early 60s, at that moment could no longer cope with the significantly increased passenger traffic. Due to its low capacity, the number of flights had to be increased, which created excessive pressure on airports. In addition, this aircraft was significantly inferior in terms of comfort to its Western counterparts.

A wide-body passenger aircraft is a machine with a fuselage diameter of 5-6 meters. These sizes allow you to place from 6 to 10 chairs in one row. It should be noted that the emergence of long-range wide-body passenger airliners almost immediately made narrow-body aircraft unprofitable. They had to be transferred to routes with low passenger traffic. An analysis carried out in the USSR in the mid-70s showed that within ten years Aeroflot would not be able to provide transportation on long-distance routes without a spacious wide-body aircraft.

At this time, in the OKB im. Ilyushin were developing a new large-capacity passenger aircraft, the Il-86. It was on the basis of this machine that it was decided to build a new long-range passenger aircraft. It received the name Il-86D. It differed little from the basic modification: only the wing area increased and power point, which consisted of more fuel-efficient engines with a higher bypass ratio. The idea of ​​​​creating two aircraft with a high degree of unification seriously reduced the development time of new aircraft, reduced their cost, and in the future should have significantly simplified maintenance.

However, the IL-86D was never realized in metal. At the end of the 70s, on its basis it was decided to create a new long-range passenger aircraft - the Il-96 aircraft. Changes were made to the design of this machine, which significantly increased its technical excellence.

At the turn of the 70s and 80s, aviation technology developed so rapidly that after completing work on the Il-96, the designers had to take up the work again and create a fundamentally new project, because the aircraft they created was already seriously at the start of its career. lagged behind Western counterparts. The new promising airliner received the name Il-96-300, and during its development the components and assemblies of the Il-86 airliner were no longer used.

The first takeoff of the Il-96-300 took place in September 1988, testing continued until the end of 1992, after which the airliner was certified. In 1989, the aircraft was demonstrated at the Le Bourget air show. If we talk about the flight performance characteristics of the new aircraft, it can be noted that the designers managed to reach a new level in comparison with the aircraft created at the Design Bureau named after. Ilyushin earlier. For example, the fuel consumption of the Il-96-300 per passenger kilometer was two times lower than that of the long-haul Il-62.

For their work on the creation of a new aircraft, the OKB team named after. Ilyushin was awarded the State Prize.

The first Il-96-30s were transferred to the Domodedovo air squad, and commercial operation of the airbus began in 1993. Initially, the airliners were mainly used for flights on international routes.

A serious blow to further development the IL-96 project was the solution Russian government on the removal of duties on the import of foreign high-capacity aircraft into the country. Aeroflot openly lobbied for him, promising to purchase a large batch of Il-96 if duties were reduced. The decision was made, but the purchase of domestic aircraft never took place.

In 2000, a new modification of the airliner was developed - Il-96-400, which had a larger passenger capacity and an increased flight range. However, domestic air carriers were not interested in this aircraft; only a few Il-96-400Ts, the transport version of this aircraft, were purchased.

In the mid-2000s, three Il-96-300s were sold to Cuba, and one of them was made in the “presidential” version. Now not only Putin flies on the Il-96, but also the top management of Freedom Island.

IN different years Negotiations for the supply of the aircraft were conducted with China, Syria, Iran, Peru and even Zimbabwe. They were not particularly successful.

In 2009, the government announced the need to phase out the Il-96-300, allegedly due to the fact that it cannot compete on equal terms with the latest European and American analogues.

In 2014, Aeroflot decommissioned all company-owned IL-96.

However, already next year, the Ilyushin Aviation Complex OJSC announced plans for the next modernization of the Il-96 and the resumption of its serial production. Next year, representatives of the enterprise reported that they were improving the fuel efficiency of the airliner and planned to bring it to the level of modern Western analogues. CEO The Voronezh Aviation Plant reported that the Il-96-400M will be ready by 2019. And the government has already promised to allocate funds for this project.

In February of this year, a message appeared in the media that a firm contract had been signed between the manufacturer and UAC to carry out design work on the Il-96-400M. The aircraft prototype is scheduled for production in 2019.

Description of design

Il-96-300 is a cantilever wide-body low-wing aircraft with four engines, vertical tail and swept wings.

The fuselage of the aircraft has a diameter of 6.08 meters; depending on the layout of the passenger cabin, it can accommodate from 235 to 300 passengers. With a standard layout (300 seats), the passenger cabin is divided into two salons, with 66 seats in the front cabin and 234 seats in the rear cabin. They are arranged in a row of nine seats with a pitch of 870 mm and two aisles of 550 mm. Aircraft with a passenger capacity of 235 people have a passenger cabin divided into three cabins: first class (22 seats with a distance between rows of 1020 mm), business class (40 seats) and economy class (173 seats). The IL-96 cabin is in no way inferior to the best foreign analogues in terms of comfort for passengers.

The lower deck of the Il-96-300 is occupied by cargo compartments. There are three of them, the first two can accept nine standard ABK-1.5 aviation containers, and the third is intended for the transportation of piece cargo.

The IL-96 has a wing with a span of more than 60 m and an area of ​​391 m2 with large vertical tips at the edges. In area it significantly (by 70 m2) exceeds the wing of the Il-86 and is equipped with complex mechanization. It consists of slats that occupy the entire length of the leading edge and double-slotted flaps.

The vertical tail of the aircraft is also significant; it is one and a half meters higher than that of the Il-86. This feature of the airliner allows it to maintain stability in flight even if one of the engines fails.

The IL-96 has four landing gear: three main ones, located under the center section, and a nose gear. Each of the main struts has a four-wheel trolley with brake wheels, and the front strut has two non-brake wheels. The size of all aircraft landing gear wheels is the same.

The power plant of the airliner consists of four PS-90A turbofan engines with a high bypass ratio, which can create a thrust of 16 thousand kgf. They are installed in pylons that are attached to the wing consoles. PS-90A is made according to a two-shaft design, there is a reverse. The engine is equipped with a four-stage low-pressure turbine and a two-stage high-pressure turbine. PS-90A is distinguished by a modular design, which facilitates its maintenance: if necessary, one or another module - out of eleven available - can be quickly replaced.

For the first time in the history of Soviet aircraft construction, the aircraft's power plant was equipped with an electronic control and monitoring system "Diagnoz-90", which had two channels. This system automatically monitors fuel consumption and protects engines from surge. They plan to equip the promising Il-96-400M with a new PD-35 engine, which is currently being developed.

The Il-96-300 was equipped with the latest (for its time, of course) flight and navigation system, which made it possible to abandon the navigator and make do with a crew of three people. The IL-96-300 is the first Soviet aircraft to be equipped with the VSUP-85-4 electronic flight control system - in addition to traditional analog instruments, electronic indicators also appeared in the IL-96-300 cockpit. This aircraft is equipped with an EMDS system.

The Airbus fuel system is in many ways reminiscent of a similar system in the Il-86. The fuel is located in nine caisson tanks, from where it is pumped into the pre-consumption tank and, further, into the supply compartment, which each engine has. Four tanks are located in the wing consoles, another is located in the center section.

Il-96-300 is equipped with an automatic air conditioning system. Air is supplied to the cabin from the engines.

The aircraft is equipped with an electric pulse anti-icing system. The air intakes are heated by air supplied from the compressor chamber.


Since the start of mass production of the Il-96 aircraft, several modifications of the aircraft have been developed. Below are the main ones:

  • IL-96-300. Basic modification, equipped with four PS-90A engines. The airliner first took to the skies in September 1988 and entered service with Aeroflot in 1993. A total of twenty aircraft of this modification were produced; in 2009, it was decided to withdraw it from production. This machine has a maximum flight range of 13.5 thousand km, it can carry up to 300 passengers;
  • Il-96-300PU/PU(M1). “Presidential” modification of the airliner, which was specially developed on the basis of the Il-96-300 for transporting the country's top officials. A total of five aircraft of this modification were built. The letters “PU” in the designation of the machine mean “control point”. In terms of its characteristics, it practically does not differ from the basic version of the aircraft; the flight range of the aircraft is slightly increased. In essence, the Il-96-300PU is an air command post that allows you to control the country and the armed forces during a nuclear conflict. Externally, this airliner is practically no different from a regular production aircraft. This machine was manufactured in 1995 for the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin. The second Il-96-300PU was created for Vladimir Putin; it first flew in 2003. The last aircraft of this modification was manufactured at the end of 2019;
  • IL-96-400. A modification of the aircraft that was developed in 2000. The vehicle has a longer fuselage compared to the Il-96-300, it is equipped with PS-90A-1 engines (17.4 thousand kgf thrust) and more advanced avionics. This liner can accommodate 435 passengers;
  • IL-96-400T. Transport version of the Il-96-400 airliner. The first aircraft was assembled in 2007; a total of four aircraft were produced. In 2014, it was decided to convert one of the Il-96-400Ts into an air control center for the needs of the FSB of the Russian Federation. In 2019 Russian Ministry Defense announced the purchase of two aircraft in the tanker modification. If the operation of these aircraft goes well, then the military department is ready to order 30 more vehicles;
  • IL-96-400TZ. This is a tanker aircraft based on the Il-96-400T. It will be capable of transmitting 65 tons of fuel over a distance of 3.5 thousand km;
  • IL-96VKP. This modification The airliner is a strategic air command center. Currently, Ilyushenites are working on its creation; in the future, this aircraft will replace the Il-86VKP;
  • Il-96M. Modification of the base model Il-96-300 with an extended fuselage, Pratt&Whitney engines and Western avionics. The prototype of this aircraft first took off in April 1993 and was later repeatedly demonstrated at various air shows. In 2009, cut into scrap;
  • IL-96MD. Modification of the aircraft equipped with Pratt & Whitney PW4082 engines;
  • IL-96MK. Modification with four NK-92 engines.

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Il-96 is the first Soviet passenger airliner for long-haul flights with a wide fuselage. The Il-96 aircraft was developed by the Ilyushin design bureau in the late eighties of the last century on the basis of the previous aircraft, the Il-86. The new plane was distinguished by wings that had large area and installation of new PS-90A turbofan engines. The aircraft is equipped with four such engines, each with a thrust of 16,000 kgf.

The reason for the creation of new passenger aircraft is the constant development of our society and the increase in those wishing to use the services of airlines. That is why the new long-range passenger aircraft Il-96 was created. The main feature of this model is that it has a wide fuselage, which allows it to accommodate even more passengers and provide them with comfortable flight conditions. By using large aircraft the airline can carry more passengers at one time, and this allows the price of this service to be reduced. All these factors forced the leadership of the USSR to think about creating a new machine, which was the Il-96. It was designed on the basis of the already existing Il-86 aircraft.

Where is the Il-96 passenger aircraft used?

Il-96 is a long-range aircraft that carries passengers. This aircraft model is capable of long-distance flights without landing. The main task of this model was to replace narrow-body aircraft that were used on flights both within the country and abroad. Before the creation of the new Il-96, all passenger transportation was carried out by the old Il-86. The need for a new wide-body aircraft grew every year, as the number of passengers who wanted to use airline services began to actively grow. Also, aircraft that had a wide fuselage could provide more comfortable flying conditions for customers.

History of the creation of IL-96 and its modifications

The designers began developing a new aircraft model in 1978. The new development was based on the existing domestic long-range aircraft Il-86D. The designers used the Il-86 as a basis right up until 1983, when they began to appear Hi-tech, which forced the creators to reconsider the project and use more advanced materials and technologies. The designers were faced with the fact that the units and parts they had developed were no longer relevant, and the global aircraft industry had stepped far forward.

For these reasons, the designers had to retreat from their plans and develop a fundamentally new machine, which was the basis for all subsequent modifications of the new Il-96 machine. The new Il-96 first took off from the ground in October 1988, and already in 1989 it was presented in Paris at the world air show. During the testing process, Il carried out many tests, the main one being long-range flight. Based on the new car, many new modifications were created that were more specialized.

The Il-96-400 modification was improved compared to the base model, as it increased engine power and the number of seats for passengers. A cargo model of Ila was also created, which is actively used in our time. Even more progressive was the Il-96M model, which was developed jointly with US airlines. But this model currently exists in one copy and is used only for presentation at air exhibitions around the world. As for the standard IL-96 model, it entered mass production only in 1993.

Description of the Il-96 passenger aircraft

This aircraft is built according to a monoplane design, which has low wings, as well as a classic fuselage tail. The main purpose of this unit is to transport 300 passengers, their luggage and additional cargo, which amounts to 40 tons. The passenger transportation range ranges from 4 to 9 thousand kilometers, depending on the modification of the aircraft. The designers provided for a maximum flight range of 11 thousand kilometers, so it is possible to change the number of seats for passengers in the cabin.

The fuselage of the Il-96 aircraft has the same diameter as the previous model, but the length of the new Il-96 is 5 meters less than that of the old Il-86. The designers, together with aerodynamics experts, carried out fruitful work to create an efficient wing for the new aircraft. The area of ​​the tail feather was also increased in case of failure of one of the engines, this innovation would help keep the aircraft in flight.

The landing gear of this aircraft includes three main legs, which are located behind and take into account the centers of mass. A front support is also included in the chassis system. Each rear support consists of four wheels, which are equipped with effective braking systems. The front support has two wheels and does not have a braking system. All wheels that are part of the IL-96 chassis system have the same dimensions and pressure.

Lift off the ground is provided by four PS-90A engines. This model of turbofan engines is quite efficient and economical. Speaking about the fuel system, it should be noted that it works automatically, but if necessary, you can control it manually. Fuel enters the system from 9 tanks. Eight tanks are located in the wings, and one is located in the center of the aircraft.

Due to the fact that the Il-96 is a double-deck vessel, it can be used in two main versions: mixed and tourist. The first and main option is the tourist one. Its peculiarity is that passenger seats are arranged in 3 rows of 9 seats. When using this method of seating, the front cabin of the aircraft can accommodate 66 people, and the rear cabin - 234. With a mixed version, the aircraft is divided into three classes and can accommodate 235 passengers.

Il-96 in commercial operation

This aircraft entered commercial operation only in the summer of 1993; the first flight was from Russia to the USA. At the first stages of use, this unit carried out international flights around the globe, and then began servicing flights within our country. In domestic transportation it connected Russian cities both over long and short distances. In 2005-2006, the Ilys began to be exported abroad, namely, three cars were sold to Cuba, one of them was of the presidential class. Nowadays, domestic airlines widely use the Il-96 to transport their passengers. Also, some companies have cargo models of vehicles in their hangars.

The two most widely used airlines in our country are Aeroflot and Cubana. The IL-96 has a big advantage over long distances because it is more spacious and comfortable for passengers than its narrow-body counterparts. Passengers themselves talk about the advantages of this model over all others.

Unfortunately, this airliner was not able to achieve very great popularity due to its high price and fairly high fuel consumption, which was also influenced by other economic factors. At the beginning of 2009, aircraft designers raised the issue of removing the Il-96 aircraft from mass production. This problem arose mainly due to high competition from foreign passenger aircraft models.

Interesting data about the Il-96 passenger aircraft

    This passenger aircraft became the first aircraft with a wide fuselage, which was manufactured in the territory of the former USSR.

    It is one of the safest passenger aircraft on the entire globe, since there has not been a single accident in which a person was injured.

    Two modifications of this aircraft were built under the name Il-96-300PU. It is a command and control point in case of a nuclear attack. This model also has an increased flight range.

    Many Eelas are given names. As a rule, they are named after famous pilots or astronauts.

    This aircraft is distinguished by its reliability, since in all the years of use of these aircraft, only one of them, namely the presidential aircraft, received a flight ban, and that was due to problems with the landing gear.

    The IL-96 is the first aircraft from the entire huge Ilov family that can be operated by only three people. This became possible due to the installation of the latest on-board equipment in the aircraft.

Despite the fact that today the creation of Il-96 passenger aircraft has been practically suspended, this airliner still faithfully serves the people in our country and abroad.

Il 96-Photo

The first test prototype of the Il-96 took off on September 28, 1988. After passing 1,200 hours of flight testing, the IL-96 received a certificate of airworthiness in December 1992. The aircraft was tested in different meteorological conditions, with a temperature range from -50 to +40, and in different climatic zones. The aircraft uses a fly-by-wire control system (EDCS). There is also a backup mechanical control system. Information about the states of the aircraft systems and flight indications is displayed on six color displays. The Il-96-300 aircraft has been in serial production since 1993. Production of the serial Il-96-300 is carried out by the Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company (VASO).

IL-96 Interior photo

In 1993, the Il-96 was modified and designated Il-96M. This modification has an elongated body, and the aircraft is equipped with American PW-2337 engines from Partt & Whitney. This aircraft is capable of flying over twelve thousand kilometers and accommodating up to 435 passenger seats.

The best seats on the IL 96-300 - Aeroflot

IL 96-300 interior diagram

In 2000, the IL-96 was improved again. The fuselage from the Il96-M was used in the new modernization. This model was designated Il96-400. This modification is equipped with PS-90A-1 turbojet engines. Each has a thrust of more than 17,000 kgf. The aircraft's avionics also underwent changes. The flight range of the Il96-400 is thirteen thousand kilometers. And on the basis of this model, a cargo version of the aircraft was developed - Il96-400T. Today, the Il96-300 models and the cargo version of the Il96-400T are in operation. The passenger version of the Il96-400 is not in service, since there were no orders for this version from air carriers.