Best time to holiday in Thailand. The best months to holiday in Spain

To make your holiday in Thailand as comfortable as possible, you should know exactly what weather is expected at its resorts during your trip. Many travelers follow a certain stereotype - a trip to Thailand will be successful at a time when it is winter, because in the summer there is a rainy season, so in principle there will be no normal holiday. However, this is not at all true. The popularity of Thailand among travelers, especially from Europe and Australia, does not depend on the season. After all, on the territory of this country it is not as hot as in the Mediterranean resorts, and there are no prolonged rains that would pour for weeks. It’s high time to dispel all these fictions. Thus, almost none of our tourists realize that the high season on Samui covers the period from July to early September, and the height of the rainy season falls in mid-October or early November. That the maximum rainfall in Pattaya usually falls in September, and in Phuket stormy weather is observed in the summer from early June to early September. And about many other features of this climate.

So choosing the best time to vacation in this country depends on the region.

In winter, that is, from about mid-October to mid-April, it is better to travel around mountainous areas mainland Thailand, the southeast of the country and the adjacent islands - Pattaya, Koh Samet, Koh Chang and others, as well as west coast Malay Peninsula.

Traditionally, the most optimal period for a holiday in Phuket and neighboring islands Pipi (Phi Phi), Yaoyai, Siboya, Pu (Luang), Yung and others are considered to be the period from the end of October to April, at this time the sea is calm, the air temperature is relatively low (night averages + 20 ° C, and daytime - about +26°C) and it rarely rains. Weather conditions in late April and early May are associated with the southwest monsoons, bringing tropical downpours and serious sea disturbances. However, this is the time that is considered most suitable for active rest, especially for those who engage in windsurfing, the best months for which are June and August. In addition, Phuket is characterized by the same distribution of precipitation as in all maritime subtropical regions: it begins to rain in the evening, pours without interruption the entire next day, and only on the third day does dry weather set in during the day. It may rain again in the evening, or maybe not. On the fourth day the sky is already completely clear and the weather remains sunny for a couple of days until the next rain begins. So it is almost impossible to make accurate forecasts for this time. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs in May and September, and the minimum from early December to March.

In the period from mid-April to mid-October, the most favorable conditions are created on the territory of those islands that are located near east coast Malacca (Koh Tao, Samui, Koh Phangan and Nan Yuan). The best time to travel to Samui and its neighboring islands is considered to be August-September; December and March-June are also good times for travel. At this time, sunny and relatively dry weather sets in, despite the fact that due to the peculiarities of the maritime climate, weather changes even during this period can be quite noticeable. Largest quantity precipitation occurs in October-November, but short-term but heavy rains can occur throughout the year. The period October-January can bring storms, which are associated with strong winds from the southeast, but the rest of the time, for the most part, the sea remains calm. After all, the water area Gulf of Thailand quite closed, which prevents strong excitement.

Pattaya can be visited almost all year round without any problems. Even in September, when the maximum amount of precipitation is observed, showers occur mainly at night, and the day is usually sunny or partly cloudy.

On the magnificent Samed Island, due to its proximity to Pattaya, the climate is practically no different from the weather conditions of Pattaya. And in summer time, when the flow of tourists is not so busy, relaxation on this truly paradise island will bring a lot of unforgettable wonderful impressions.

Located on the border with Cambodia, Koh Chang has the maximum amount of rainfall in the summer, so in the period June-September it is better to transfer your vacation to Samed Island.

Magnificent Spain offers its guests long golden beaches, interesting culture, ancient sites, exciting shopping and vibrant nightlife.

And if you don’t yet know what month to plan a tour for, Pegas Touristik will help you choose the best month for your vacation.

Beach season

Spanish Mediterranean resorts have a classic beach season - from mid-May to early October. In the last month of spring, warm weather already reigns in the resorts of Spain, conducive to long walks and trips to interesting places.

May is the official start of the holiday season. The air temperature reaches +25°С, the water warms up to +20…+22°С. The warmest resorts in May are Malaga, Costa Blanca and Alicante. The coolest places are in the Costa Brava, Mallorca and Salou.

June is one of the most beautiful months for a holiday. Spanish resorts. Provincial towns and small resorts, where the aroma of blooming vineyards and herbs fills the air. average temperature air is +27…+30°С, water warms up to +23°С.

In July, the gentle warmth turns into scorching heat, the sun burns with its rays and forces vacationers to seek refuge on the coast. The air temperature sometimes exceeds +35°C during the day and +25°C at night. The sea is warm, calm and clean with temperatures up to +25°C.

July is not the best time for sightseeing, so educational holiday It's better to save it for another time.

August is the hottest month in Spain, when even the nights do not bring blessed coolness. It is better to choose a hotel for your holiday with air conditioning, and you should not go to the beach during peak hours. The air temperature in August is +35…+37°С, the sea is warmed up to +28°С.

The Velvet season

Soft the Velvet season begins in September, approximately from the second ten days of the month. The sun reduces its activity and no longer burns the skin vacationers. The nights are getting cooler, the sea is gradually cooling, and the sky is covered with snow-white clouds.

If you want to combine a blissful beach holiday with an excursion, we recommend choosing a tour to Spain in September. At this time of year the air temperature is +25…+28°С, the sea temperature is +24…+27°С.

October ends the beach season, the resorts gradually empty, and in some regions the rains last for several days. When choosing a tour for October, you need to carefully read the forecasts of meteorologists, and put an umbrella and warm clothes in your suitcase. The air temperature during the day is +23…+25°С, at night it gets cold to +14°С, the sea is about +22…+23°С.

Almost every tourist who decides to go on vacation to Egypt for the first time asks himself the following question: “When is the best time to do this?” When choosing a period of the year for a holiday in the Arab state, you need to take into account 2 main criteria: weather conditions and the cost of the tour. Tourists traveling to the land of two seas with children should be especially careful. All this will be discussed further.

We choose the time for the trip taking into account the weather

In Egypt the weather is almost always clear. But in some months the sun pleases with pleasant warmth, while in others it literally incinerates. You are encouraged to study the weather patterns throughout the year.

Let's start in December. The Egyptian winter is not at all similar to the Russian or European winter. Even in December, the air temperature at the resorts does not drop below +25-27°C. At night it is cooler – up to +12-14°C. The seas are quite comfortable - +21-24°C. At the same time, until about the twentieth of the month, there is a decline in tourist activity in Egypt. After the indicated dates, hotels begin to rapidly fill with vacationers: first with Europeans coming here for Catholic Christmas, and then with Russians who decided to celebrate New Year in warm regions.

During your January holiday in the Arab state, you won’t freeze either: during the day the air warms up to +24-25°C, in the seas the same +21-24°C remain, at night it gets cold to +11-13°C. You can’t count on serious heat at this time of year, but the weather will allow you to sunbathe and go swimming. At the same time, starting from the tenth to fifteenth, a trip to Egypt can be purchased at a reduced cost.

February is the coldest month of the year. On the streets +21-23°C during the day and +8-12°C at night. The Red Sea rarely warms up above +21°C. But if such conditions don’t scare you, you can safely pack your bags and go to the airport.

Helpful advice! For winter holiday in the Arab state, the resorts of the Red Sea are best suited - it is warmer here than on the western Mediterranean coast. Don't forget to pack a couple of light sweaters and jackets in your suitcase for evening and night walks.

In March, the dry desert wind “hasmine” begins to “walk” across Egypt. Clouds of sand and dust fly in with him. Literally every day the streets and seas are getting warmer, and travel packages are becoming more expensive. The average daytime temperature is +23-25°C, night temperature is +12-15°C, the seas are still relatively cool - +22-24°C.

In April it is almost summer at the resorts. It’s hot on the streets - up to +29-31°C during the day and about +15-17°C at night. The water warms up to +25°C and above.

The May weather pleases with its pleasant warmth and lack of sweltering heat. The average daytime temperature is +30-32°C, night temperature is +20-22°C, at sea it is +25-26°C and higher.

Important! Planning to go to Egypt for May holidays, book your tour in advance and be prepared to part with an additional $200-400 when purchasing a tour.

It starts to get hot in Egypt in June. If you are planning a vacation for this month, try to reschedule it for the first few days. The most comfortable conditions during this period of the year are observed in Alexandria - about + 26-29 ° C during the daytime. In other resorts the air warms up to +34-36°C during the day, and at night it cools down to only +24-25°C. The sea is warm - +26-27°C.

If possible, you should avoid traveling to Egypt in July and August - it is very hot. You can be on the beach until 11 and after 16-17 hours. You won’t be able to travel much on an excursion either – the sun heats open areas of the area to +50°C. On average, daytime temperatures are +37-40°C, night temperatures are +25-27°C. At sea +27°C and above.

Egyptian beaches are a paradise for tourists

The “velvet” season starts in September in the Arab state. The streets are hot, but not as exhausting as in the summer - +33-35°C. At night it is relatively cool - +23-25°C. In the seas it is about +25°С.

October and November are a great time to spend a vacation in the country of two seas. On the streets +28-31°C during the day and +20-22°C at night, at sea +23-25°C. You can devote your vacation to beach holiday, and excursion travel.

Important! In most areas of Egypt, windy weather persists almost all year round. The gusts are especially noticeable on the seashore. The wind will make the heat less noticeable, but despite this, there is still no need to refuse to use sunscreen.

We choose the time for the trip, taking into account the cost

When choosing a time for a holiday in Egypt, many travelers focus not only on climatic conditions in the country, but also on the cost of tours. So, the cheapest vouchers are from the beginning of December until about the 20th of the same month.

For residents of Russia, in whose hometowns winter is already raging, Egyptian temperatures seem quite comfortable. Add to this half-empty hotels and the absence of queues, and the holiday will become truly fabulous. But the nights in December are still cool. Don't forget to bring light sweaters and jackets for night walks.

Inexpensive tours can be purchased from the tenth to the twentieth of January. The resorts are already noticeably cooler, but you can still swim and sunbathe. Sometimes the sun is covered with a slight haze, but precipitation is extremely rare. Also, this period of the year is best suited for long excursion trips– you definitely won’t get sunstroke.

In February, tours are a little more expensive compared to January tours, but their price is not nearly as high as in the warm season.

In April-May and September-November, tours are the most expensive. Cheap in the summer - few people want to spend their holidays in incredible heat, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health.

There are some nuances to choosing the time of year to spend a holiday in Egypt with children. Here opinions differ, because... Much depends on the condition of the individual child. If your baby can handle the heat well, you can plan a vacation even for August. You just need to remember to use sunscreen and try to stay in direct sunlight as little as possible.

It is better to refrain from traveling in June-July. You may be able to handle 40-degree heat just fine, but it will be a difficult ordeal for your child. For a summer vacation, it is better to choose countries with a more temperate climate.

You won’t be able to have a good vacation in summer Egypt even with teenage children. It’s hot on the beaches, even hotter on excursions, and flying to another country just to swim in the pool is a dubious idea.

According to numerous reviews from tourists, best time For family vacation in the Arab state the periods are from April to May and from September to early November. At this time, the local resorts are not very hot, but still warm, the sea is also good, and it’s comfortable on excursions, i.e. There are all the conditions for a full-fledged family vacation, including both beach activities and sightseeing trips.

Helpful advice! If you are going on vacation with a child, if possible, plan your vacation for at least 1.5-2 weeks. With a shorter duration, you risk simply spending most of your vacation caring for your child during acclimatization, which children endure much more difficultly than adults.

Important: Egyptian holidays

The duration of the vast majority of local holidays does not exceed 2 days, so Egyptian celebrations are unlikely to significantly influence the plans of vacationers. However, there are several special events in this country with a longer duration that every tourist should know about.

  1. Firstly, this is Ramadan - the holy Muslim fast. During the month, most cafes and restaurants are closed during daylight hours. Market workers even go on vacation. The timing of the fast varies. You need to clarify this point individually shortly before the trip.
  2. Secondly, these are the holidays of Sham en-Nessim, Eid al-Fitra, and also Eid al-Adha. Their timing also changes. Check in advance.

Let's sum it up

So, from the second half of June until the last days of August, it is better to refrain from traveling to Egypt - it is too hot. But even if you decide to go on such a vacation, make sure to book your accommodation in advance. In the summer, Egyptians and residents of the Persian Gulf countries, whose territories are even hotter, often stay in these hotels.

The most comfortable conditions for holidays in Egypt are created in March-April and September-November. December-February is also normal, but these are the coldest months, and prices constantly fluctuate during this period.

Remember the following tips and tricks:

  • To save extra money on your vacation, buy a tour from the twenties. Most people take vacations from the very beginning, which is why trips for this period are more expensive;
  • the highest prices for holidays in Egypt are set during the Christmas and New Year holidays, as well as on May holidays;
  • the warmest and calmest weather in winter time installed in Naama Bay.

The final decision, of course, is yours. Egypt happily welcomes tourists at any time of the year, and only you can determine which period will be the most comfortable.

Have a nice holiday!

JanuaryPrices for tours in January are low. Water temperature +22°C. There are cloudy days, but you can still indulge in the pleasure of swimming and sunbathing. There are still few tourists. Can choose good hotel at a reasonable price.
FebruaryThis month the temperature drops to +15°C. Housing costs are already starting to rise slightly. The sea water is cold. In February, many Muslims come here for pilgrimage. Then they stay to relax at resorts.
MarchThe cost of housing is growing every day, the air is warming up. In the second half of the month, winds and storms blow. The water in the sea is not warm enough yet.
AprilThe weather is getting better; during the day the air temperature is approaching +32°C. You can already swim in the sea. Hotels are already filled with tourists.
MayMany tourists come here for the May holidays. Wonderful weather, sea ​​water clean and warm. Hotel reservations must be made in advance due to high demand.
JuneThe heat is reaching its peak. Demand for tours drops significantly this month. Prices at the end of June are very attractive.
JulyTraditionally it is a holiday period. The heat is very intense. It is prohibited to stay in the sun from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. However, all hotels are filled with vacationers.
AugustMost vacationers come here for a long time during the holidays. It is still hot, it is recommended to avoid tourist trips.
September OctoberThe most successful months when it is better to go to Egypt on vacation are September and October; during this period the water is perfectly warm and the air temperature is comfortable. At the beginning of autumn, demand among tourists drops slightly and a tour can be purchased at a favorable price. These are the best months to holiday in Egypt. During this period there are practically no winds. Housing prices are reasonable.
NovemberThe weather is beautiful. This month there are a large number of tourists with children. In the evenings, as a rule, a cool wind begins to be felt.
DecemberThere are very few tourists. The hotels are practically empty, prices are low. The water in the sea has not cooled down yet. Ambient air temperature is about 25°C. On New Year's, prices rise again and you need to book a tour in advance.

Video – When is the best time to go to Egypt?

From Ekaterina

May 19 20150 Comments

Unlike Russia, Thailand has only three seasons, and they are called “dry”, “wet” and “rainy season”. We are often asked: is it possible to go to Thailand during the rainy season? These seasons concern rather the central and northern Thailand, the resorts are located in the south, and therefore it is believed that this country is suitable for year-round visiting, with minor nuances.

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January - mid-May- the ideal time to visit any resort in Thailand. As a rule, there is no rain at all; it begins little by little in April - on this occasion, the Thais celebrate the Songkran holiday, their New Year. If your trip to Thailand is planned during the Russian May holidays, then keep in mind that in Northern Thailand - Chiang Mai - it is already quite humid, the comfort is not the same. For those who want to avoid crowds of tourists during the high season in Thailand, we recommend the Hua Hin resort located not far from Bangkok: there are no Russians there at all:

June August— a smart period for visiting Thailand. It is believed that the wet season has arrived. The number of tourists is noticeably decreasing, but at the same time prices for hotels and resorts in Thailand are falling. At the same time, the rains are short-lived, fall mainly at night, and bring not so much discomfort as freshness and coolness. Combined with sale airfare to Bangkok, which on these dates costs barely more expensive than tickets to European destinations, a holiday in Thailand in the summer can be an excellent alternative to Europe, where the beaches are pretty big. Of the resorts in Thailand during this period, Phuket is quite comfortable:

September - mid November- a great time to visit Koh Samui and the small islands nearby. On Koh Tao, September is the best time for snorkeling or diving.

November December— Phuket is quite humid, but at the same time this is the period of the lowest prices. A great chance to stay in some secluded boutique hotel, which will cost several times cheaper than in high season. On Koh Samui, the holiday can be overshadowed by the sky, periodically covered with a white haze - but it all depends on the wind; the weather can clear up within a few minutes. Advice for this period - go to the Koh Chang Islands:

January- traditional peak season for Russians in Thailand, our New Year holidays. It coincides with the best time to visit any resort in Thailand. If for some reason you choose this period, we advise you to buy tickets and book hotels several months in advance. In December, direct (or with a convenient connection) tickets to Bangkok are much more expensive, you have to come up with a complex route, and the hotels are not the best options.