Geography of Singapore. Territory and population of Singapore Useful information for tourists

- not the smallest state in the world, but its area is small - only about 716 square meters. km. The government, however, is very actively working towards increasing the territory, annually adding several kilometers to it, using the method of reclamation: coastal zones are drained, filled up and quickly developed.

This state is located in South-East Asia, on several dozen islands, and for several decades has been surprising the rest of the world with the phenomenon of its development and prosperity: Singapore’s rapid rise is called an “economic miracle,” and it is no coincidence that the tourism industry is now becoming one of the most significant there.

Singapore is called the "lion city of the islands": Many local legends and traditions are associated with lions. The Malay word "singa", in turn, has Sanskrit roots - "sinha", and means "lion". Many cultural and historical attractions are associated with lions. Thus, one of the legends says that in ancient times (the history of Singapore can be traced back to the 3rd century AD), the inhabitants of this area were protected from enemies and disasters by a wonderful animal with a fish body and a lion’s head.

In honor of the mythical beast, several monuments have been erected in Singapore, but the most famous is the fountain in the form of a “mermaid lion” in Merlion Park, on the river bank: it was built in the 70s of the 20th century. This park itself is an important tourist attraction. Millions of tourists come here every year, take pictures against the backdrop of local wonders, and admire them - completely free of charge! - a laser show, which is held every evening at the Marina Bay Hotel, cruises along the river that bears the same name as the city-state.

Singapore climate: with umbrella and air conditioning

The climate in Singapore is quite hot and humid - about 85% and above, and rain is a common occurrence at any time of the year. It cannot be said that there is a dry season here, so it is better to always have an umbrella with you: short rain showers, reminiscent of mini-waterfalls, begin suddenly and just as abruptly stop, and then the sun shines again.

The climate is influenced by the proximity of the equator and the island location: during the day the air warms up to 31°C, and at night it “cools” to 25°C, and this is the average. The last time temperatures dropped below 20°C was more than 80 years ago.

From November to the end of January it rains almost every day, or every other day, and there is very little sun. The locals like this weather - there is no heat, but tourists are not happy: you can’t swim, and the photos turn out dim and ineffective.

Evenings in Singapore are early - after 6 pm it gets dark, and night life begins around 20-21 hours, when it becomes easier to breathe. The heat in the open air contrasts with the noticeably cool (17-18°C) atmosphere inside the vast majority of buildings and structures: air conditioning works everywhere, so warm clothes will still be required.

Main attractions of Singapore

In the small city-state there is so much interesting and vibrant that it is possible to say, and even then very briefly, only about a few places. Singapore is called an advanced state and the only former British colony that managed to get ahead of Britain in economic development.

In the city itself, in addition to the lion statue, it is worth visiting the embankment: it is very large and especially beautiful at night; just to walk along it will take about 1.5 hours. The Marina Bay Sands Hotel is also a landmark, with 200-meter towers, a huge terrace, an even more impressive garden and a swimming pool.

The man-made gardens of Gardens by the Bay, which deserve to be described as a separate miracle, have become not only the main vacation spot for locals and tourists, but also national symbol. Artificial “supertrees” up to 50 m tall are a unique spectacle day and night, representing real vertical gardens with living green plants and flowers.

On Sentosa Island, where adults and children love to relax, there is the S.E.A Aquarium. Aquarium, the largest in the world; It was opened not so long ago, in 2012. The Oceanarium is part of the Sea Life Park; its other part is “Adventure Bay”, with amazing water attractions. For example, you can swim more than 600 m down the river on a special rubber device and see more than a dozen interesting natural and man-made compositions; swim with dolphins, etc. Even children from 1 year old are welcome to the park.

The local zoo also stands out, also considered one of the best in the world: many of the species kept here are rare and endangered. For animals, everything is arranged as naturally as possible, in a natural environment, without cages. Closed enclosures are only for the most dangerous, but they are also with a natural landscape, very large and glazed. The Singapore Zoo is the only one with a tropical climate where polar bears live and breed.

Wildlife Wonders in Singapore

Labrador is a “mixed” park: although the reserve is a natural reserve, with wild forest thickets, it also has other areas for tourists. On the shore there is a landscaped park area for recreation, and on the territory there is a park of military relics from the Second World War, with a real fort and many underground tunnels; the latter were built even earlier, in late XIX century.

Sungei Buloh is a wetland reserve, a paradise for reptiles, insects, crustaceans and birds, including migratory birds, resting here on their way to southern countries. Here three rivers merge, forming a vast wetland: there is plenty of feeding, and conditions for reproduction are ideal.

The island of Pulau Ubin is “granite”, famous for its dense vegetation and rich wildlife: lovers of untouched nature will like these places, and the most convenient way to get around is by bicycle. They did not build up the island, although the problem of free space is very pressing for Singapore. It was decided to preserve this natural area, so only about 100 people live on the island; one might say, this is the only village where there is no centralized water supply and electrical network. The islanders are engaged in agriculture - they grow jasmine, coconuts, fruits, coffee, and also fish. For visitors there is a hotel on the island - you can spend the night if you wish; You can eat in a restaurant on the shore. However, tourists often come here for a few hours, taking food with them for a “snack in nature.”

Among the developed natural attractions, it is worth mentioning the Night Safari Park, also the first of its kind in the world. It operates at night, and visitors can observe the active life of nocturnal animals. You can move around the territory on a special tram, but there are also walking routes; Thus, the fishing of many cats living in the park - large and not so large - is observed from the walking trail.

Singapore is not very famous for beach holidays, but you can sunbathe and swim comfortably on Sentosa Island, in the city center: the sand there is imported, fine and snow-white. The beaches in Singapore are well-maintained, well-groomed and free. There are very few people in the eastern part of the islands; there are very cozy places surrounded by coconut trees and beautiful coral reefs.

Economic-geographical location

Singapore is a city-state, a republic in Southeast Asia, including several islands located off the southern part of the Malacca Peninsula and along the coast of Singapore. The largest islands: Pulau Ujong, Tekong Besar, Pulau Ubin, Brani, Semakau, Sentosa, Sudong. Islands of both natural volcanic origin and artificial ones. Singapore is washed on all sides by the waters of the South China Sea.

Singapore is connected to Malaysia by two artificial dams (in the west and north). Railroads and highways pass through them.

Singapore is separated from Malaysia to the north by the Strait of Johor, and from Indonesia to the south by the Singapore Strait.

total area The territory is 718.3 sq. km. Thanks to the government's reclamation program, the area of ​​Singapore is constantly increasing. Additional soils are purchased from neighboring states. Expanding large islands or several small ones are combined. Singapore is one of the twenty smallest countries in the world.

Most of the territory has a flat topography and rises no more than 15 m. In the north-west, valleys and hills of sedimentary rocks predominate. The highest point in the country is Bukit Timah (163.3 m).

The largest bays in the country: Marina Bay and Cruise Bay. The largest natural harbors are Sherangoon Harbor and Cappel Harbour. Large natural lagoons: East Coast Lagoon, Eastern Lagoon, Dolphin Lagoon.

The Port of Singapore is a bunkering center for ships and the largest port in the world.

Pass through the state airways from Europe to Japan and Australia. Singapore is an important link in air and sea communications connecting the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada with the Middle East, South Asia, east coast Africa. The country has convenient transport links with the countries of Southeast Asia.

Singapore is a major market for coconut products, natural rubber, fruits, spices, coffee, timber, petroleum and tin.

Note 1

Singapore occupies a favorable economic and geographical position, which served as a powerful impetus for the development of the country and its transformation into international center communications, trade, tourism.

Natural conditions

The climate is equatorial, without distinct seasons. Differences in seasons are determined by the direction of the winds (monsoons), which determine the annual pattern and amount of precipitation.

In Singapore, the temperature regime is relatively constant throughout the year - +26º C - +28º C. The average temperature in January is lower average temperature June by 1 ºС. Temperature maximum - +37.8º C, minimum - +18.4º C.

The country has constant high humidity (about 65-70%), due to its proximity to the sea. The average annual precipitation is up to 2400 mm - 170-250 mm monthly. Rain is a frequent occurrence. The most precipitation falls in November-February in the western regions of the country. Cloudiness significantly reduces air temperature.

Weather conditions in eastern regions hotter and drier.

Monsoons – rainy seasons – occur twice a year:

  • from October to March (northeast),
  • from June to September (southwest).

October, April, May are transitional seasons, characterized by weak, variable winds.

In the area between Malacca and Singapore in the Strait of Malacca during the southwest monsoon there are powerful short storms (Sumatra) in the form of squalls carrying heavy precipitation.

The water temperature in the South China Sea remains at 27º C – 29º C all year round.

Natural resources

There are no natural reservoirs, rivers, or lakes in the country. Artificial canals and reservoirs have been created. The main sources of water replenishment are the use of precipitation, desalination sea ​​water and wastewater filtration. The largest canals: Kallang (10 km), Serangoon (8 km), Singapore (3 km), as well as Alexandra, Pelton, Gilang, Siglap, Rohor. The largest freshwater reservoirs are Jurong Lake, Eco Lake, Swan Lake and Symphony Lake. Within the parks and recreation areas, many reservoirs have been converted into tank farms: Upper Pier, Lower Pier, Bedok, Upper Seletar, Lower Seletar.

Water bodies in Singapore also include:

  • thermal springs Sembawang Hot Spring;
  • natural swamps of the Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve - the confluence of three rivers, a natural park located on the coast in the north-eastern region of Singapore; natural habitat for many reptiles and birds.
  • 30-meter artificial waterfall in Jurong Bird Park - bird sanctuary, habitat the most beautiful birds– representatives from all over the planet.

Singapore has only construction mineral resources. There are small deposits of graphite. The country imports all other mineral raw materials.

Fish resources and seafood are significant.

Flora and fauna

Natural tropical forest remains in a small part of the territory (northern and northwestern regions) 5% of the land is nature reserves. Separate groups of evergreen mangrove thickets have been preserved on the coast. Pockets of forests are present on individual islands.

High degree economic activity and high population densities led to the extinction of many plant species.

Nature protection zones:

  • Bukit Timan Nature Reserve is the largest area of ​​untouched forest. There are more than 800 species of plants (ferns, flowering plants). The reserve is home to lemurs, reticulated pythons, long-tailed macaques, drongos, and white-bellied sea eagle.
  • Sungei Buloh Park is a wintering place for migratory birds from the Asian continent (its eastern part).
  • Buki Timah is a Singapore Zoo, an area of ​​untouched tropical forest. Here animals are kept in natural conditions, in open enclosures. Animals are separated from visitors by glass barriers and ditches.

In Singapore, ornamental fish are bred for export. Particularly in demand are: guppies, angelfish, mollies, swordtails, platies, barbs, gourami, and representatives of the characin family.

The state is located in the heart of Southeast Asia, near the island of Malacca, from which it is separated by the Strait of Johor. It is washed on all sides by the waters of the Singapore Strait and Indian Ocean. The territory of the state consists of the island of Singapore and 58 small islands in its territorial waters.

The name of the country comes from the Sanskrit “sinha” - “lion” and “puram” - “city”.

Official name: Republic of Singapore


The area of ​​the land: 692.7 sq. km

Total Population: 5 million people

Administrative division: No.

Form of government: Parliamentary republic.

Head of State: The president.

Population composition: 77% are Chinese, 15% are Malay, 7% are Indian.

Official language: English, Chinese (Mandarin), Malay, Tamil

Religion: 30% are Buddhists, 20% are Christians, 18% profess Islam, 15% are Confucian, 5% are Taoism.

Internet domain: .sg

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +65

Country barcode: 888


Singapore has a tropical monsoon climate. The annual temperature variation is smooth, without clearly defined maximums and minimums. The average monthly air temperature ranges from +25.7 in December to +27.5 in May. At the same time, during the daytime the air warms up to +30:32, and at night it cools down to +20:23.

There is no dry season in Singapore. The amount of precipitation in any month exceeds 140 mm, and the most intense rainfall occurs from November to January. About 2500 mm of precipitation falls annually. Their maximum number (about 300 mm) occurs in December, the minimum (140 mm) in June. Showers come unexpectedly, but also end quickly. Thunderstorms are frequent, with the largest number occurring in May and averaging 19 days per month.

Singapore's climate is characterized by high humidity. In the morning, its value is about 90%, and by the middle of the day it decreases to 70-75%.


The city-state of Singapore is located on island of the same name and the surrounding small islands. There are more than 50 islands in total, the largest among them is Sentosa Island. Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Strait of Johor, through which a dam was built, and from Indonesia by the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.

The area of ​​Singapore is 581 square meters. km. Its length from west to east is 42 km, and from north to south - 23 km. About 40% of the territory is occupied by park areas, nature reserves, plantations and forests. Almost half of the land has residential, commercial and industrial status. The island's topography is flat; there are no places exceeding 180 m in height. The coastal areas are low-lying, often swampy. There are coral reefs off the southwestern coast.

The Kalang and Singapore rivers flow through the island.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Singapore's natural vegetation is tropical rainforest, but much of it has been cleared and given over to agriculture, water reservoirs and urban development. The northern and northwestern regions remain the last untouched islands of equatorial vegetation, but most of them have been cultivated and are used as garden and park areas.

Pockets of forests also remain on the islands. The largest area of ​​untouched forest is the Bukit Timan Nature Reserve, which is home to more than 800 species of native plants, including giant trees, ferns and flowering plants.

Animal world

It is also home to a large population of long-tailed macaques, lemurs, reticulated pythons, drongos and white-bellied sea eagle. Natural Park Sungei Buloh, lying on wetlands, is the wintering ground for migratory birds from across the eastern part of the Asian continent.


Singapore is one of the most unusual cities in Asia. The largest trading center in the region and one of the main ports in Asia, it has attracted the attention of millions of guests from all over the world since its founding. Old colonial quarters and ultra-modern skyscrapers, temples and green parks, busy shopping streets and one of the largest seaports in the world - all this is concentrated here in a relatively small area, forming a unique aura of this city-state.

Banks and currency

Singapore dollar ( international designation- SGD, domestically - S$), equal to 100 cents. Banknotes in circulation are in denominations of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 and 10,000 Singapore dollars, as well as coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and 1 dollar. Also, the Brunei dollar, equal to the Singapore dollar, has free circulation in the country.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9.30-10.00 to 15.00, on Saturday - from 9.30-11.00 to 13.00. Many major bank branches on Orched Road are open on Sundays from 9.30am to 3pm. Exchange offices are located in most shopping centers, but they work from 10.00-11.00 to 17.00, some until 20.00-21.00. Therefore, you should worry about currency exchange in advance.

Foreign currency and traveler's checks can be exchanged at most banks and specialized exchange offices. The exchange rate is stable and almost the same everywhere. To avoid additional costs due to exchange rate fluctuations, it is recommended that you take traveler's checks in GBP.

Credit cards are widely used and are the main means of payment. Singapore even plans to switch to non-cash means of payment when paying for goods and services in the near future. All locations accept American Express, Diners Club, MasterCard and Visa, as well as local bank cards. ATMs can be found in all establishments, even in tiny cafes or private shops.

Useful information for tourists

Singapore - perfect place for relaxation, with a well-developed entertainment industry, excellent climate and attractions. Life in Singapore is strictly regulated by strictly enforced laws that guarantee the safety and prosperity of tourism. Local residents have no right to neglect such an item of state income, because it provides the lion's share of the profit. Singapore is one of the few countries where the annual number of tourists exceeds the population.

To maintain the image of a model state, the largest fines and severe punishments for violating laws are provided here. The use and importation of drugs, for example, is punishable death penalty. Smoking in public places, throwing garbage on the ground, and chewing gum attract astronomically large fines. All these strictures more than pay off: Singapore is an absolutely clean and completely safe city.

A small country called Singapore is located in Southeast Asia, separated from Indonesia by the Singapore Strait, and from Malaysia by the Johor Strait. The total area of ​​the state is 719.1 km², and every year it is gradually increasing due to the state program for reclamation of the territory, which has been in effect since the 1960s. This small country is expanding its territory by reclaiming it from the sea, using material made from recycled household waste.

Singapore's territory consists of 63 islands, most of which are uninhabited. The main part of the country is the island of Pulau Ujong, which is shaped like a diamond. Largest islands- Jurong Island, Pulau Tekong Island, Pulau Ubin and Sentosa. Highest point Singapore is the Bukit Timah hill, its height is 165 meters, and it consists of igneous rocks and granite.

About reservoirs

Singapore is not rich in natural lakes, there are none here at all, but there are artificial reservoirs. They were specially built to accumulate and store fresh water. However, artificial reservoirs are still not enough for the normal functioning and life of the city, which is why most fresh water have to import from neighboring countries- Malaysia and Indonesia.

The largest reservoirs are man-made reservoirs, which Singaporeans nicknamed their “lakes”:

  • Eco-Lake –
  • Jurong Lake – located near the Chinese Garden –
  • Swan Lake - located in the Botanic Gardens -
  • Symphony Lake - located in the Botanical Gardens, where the amphitheater stage is located -

The nearby islands of the country also have their own “lakes”. Singapore has a predominantly swamp environment, but it has been harmoniously transformed into the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve. In the beginning. XX century Sembawang Hot Spring was opened in the state - these are thermal springs, mineral water received from them have medicinal properties. When they were discovered, this place became a favorite place for city residents. The Jurong Waterfall, which is located in the bird park of the same name, also became an attraction. This waterfall is recognized as the highest artificial waterfall in the world, its height reaches 30 meters.

Population of the country

The Republic of Singapore is the 2nd most populous country in the world. According to the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Population Division as of 2016, the population of Singapore is more than 5.72 million people. The size of the male and female population is almost the same (the male half is only 0.8% larger than the female half). The indigenous inhabitants of the island are the Malays. During the founding of the British colony, trade developed rapidly, and quite a lot of immigrants from China, India, Europe and other countries settled on the island. Today, the bulk of Singapore's population is Chinese (76.7%), only 14% are Malays, 7.9% are Indians and 1.4% are Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and others.

In the 1960s, the state had a very high birth rate, so the government began to implement strict birth control policies, which led to population figures almost halving. However, in order to prevent future labor shortages and deterioration of the country’s age structure, since the late 1980s such demographic policy has changed. Since that time, the government has been setting the goal of stimulating the birth rate, using measures to selectively increase it.

The birth rate in 2015 was 8.95 per 1000 people (women give birth mainly at the age of 30-34 years, with a small gap between the ages of 25-29 years). The mortality rate in 2015 was 4.75 (people died mainly at the age of 40-60 years). It can be seen that the birth rate in the country is still twice as high as the death rate. According to the World Health Organization, life expectancy in the country in 2016 is 83 years: 80 years for men, 85 years for women.

What language do they speak?

However, Singapore is a multiracial, multireligious and multicultural country, so there are 4 official languages: English (now the main one), Chinese, Malay and Tamil. When the country gained independence, the government of Singapore began to use English everywhere. Thus, almost all newspapers, magazines, and advertisements are published only in English and Chinese. Wherever you are - in a cafe, store, theater, taxi or metro, hotel or just on the street - English is spoken everywhere in Singapore (though everyone has their own accent, especially the Chinese). English here is the language of instruction in schools and universities, the language of business and government. On restaurant menus, in shopping complexes, in the subway you will find inscriptions in both English and Malay, and also in Chinese (hieroglyphs). On TV, news, films and various programs are all either in English or Chinese. However, Singaporean English is very different from British in English. Here it is called Singlish.

The Republic of Singapore is an autonomous state, which is a developed metropolis. It occupies islands concentrated in the Malacca Peninsula. The country's closest neighbors are Malaysia and Indonesia. The lands of the state are spread across the archipelago. It includes fifty tiny land areas.

general information

Sentosa is the largest island. The area of ​​Singapore exceeds 580 square kilometers. Its maximum length is 42 km. Approximately half of the land belongs to parks, squares and forests. The landscape of Sentosa is flat, elevation changes are minimal. There are coral reefs at the southwestern tip of the island.

List of major islands of Singapore:

  • Ubin.
  • Scold.
  • Semakau.
  • Tekong Besar.
  • Sudong.
  • Sentosa.
  • Singapore.

The official languages ​​are Indian, Chinese and Malay. The latter was given state status. Almost all residents of the archipelago speak English.

Administrative division

The state of Singapore is divided into five equal districts. Each region is headed by an elected mayor. Its activities are supervised by the Community Development Council. Scroll administrative districts countries:

  • Southwestern.
  • Southeastern.
  • Northwestern.
  • Northeastern.
  • Central.

The area of ​​the South-Western District exceeds 210 square kilometers. The population of Singapore in this part of the state is 1,270,200 people. The density exceeds 6,000 inhabitants per km². The territory of the South-Eastern District is 103 km². The number of permanent residents is 952,280, population density is 9,237 per km².

The lands of the Northwestern District extend over 107 km². Singapore's population in the north of the country exceeds 764,920 people. Density - 7,128 per km². The Northeast District is home to 1,007,216 islanders. Its territory exceeds 151 km², the population density is 6,665 people per km². The Central District occupies an area of ​​142 km². It has a registered population of 1,189,000 and a density of 8,332 per km².

All of the listed districts are also divided into electoral communities, which are local municipalities. They are made up of districts.


In addition to districts, Singapore is divided into regions. Their boundaries are conditional. Descriptions of regions are used in the preparation of tourist and geographical directories, economic reports and statistical forecasts. The population of Singapore also uses this land grading system. List of regions of the country:

  • Central.
  • Oriental.
  • Northern.
  • Northeastern.
  • West.

The total number of districts is 55. A similar system of dividing the country's territory was put into operation in 2000. Today it is used everywhere. It was compiled during the national census of Singapore. IN Central region there are 22 municipalities. The largest is Bukit Merah. Its area exceeds 131 km². Population - 929,082 people.

There are 12 communities concentrated in the Western District, the largest of which is Jurong West. The area of ​​the province is 255 km². Singapore's population in the west exceeds 893,000 inhabitants. There are seven municipalities in Northeast. The leading district is Hougang. Its territory covers 138 km², the number of islanders is 747,000. The eastern region is divided into six quarters. The main region is Bedok. Its area is 110 km². The population of Singapore in the east has almost reached 700,000 people.

The northern region of the country is divided into eight communities, the main one being Woodlands. The area of ​​the province exceeds 135 km², the population is 504,000. The largest is the Western region. It includes a massive landmass and many small islands.

Ethnic composition

On the territory of the countries of Southeast Asia, the republic is the smallest state. At the same time, Singapore's population density is considered one of the highest. The first census of the inhabitants of the islands was carried out in 1824. According to the information received, about ten thousand people lived in the country at that time. In 2003, this figure exceeded 4,600,000. In 2012, 5,310,000 residents were registered in the state.

Migration flows play a leading role throughout the history of the islands. Since ancient times, the city has attracted traders and sailors. The majority of Singapore's population comes from Asia. They are all city dwellers; there are no peasants or farmers in Singapore. Europeans and representatives of other continental ethnic groups are in the minority on the archipelago.

Almost 80% are Chinese, 12% Malay, 7% Indian, 1% European and African. The demographic burden on the working-age population is minimal. The number of people of retirement age in the country is 7%. The group of people aged 15 to 64 years exceeds 75%. The share of Singapore's youth population has reached 17%.

Chinese diaspora

The first guests from the Celestial Empire to arrive on the islands of the republic were its residents eastern province. They spoke a special dialect. It was used in Fujian. Today, 42% of all immigrants from China are represented by residents of this eastern province. The remaining ethnic groups speak various dialects of Chaozhou. Their number does not exceed 23%. Visitors from Guangdong account for 9%, descendants of residents of Hainan Island make up no more than 6%.

Malay diaspora

The current inhabitants of Singapore of Malay origin are considered to be the heirs of fugitives who arrived from the Malacca Sultanate and Johor. They also migrated from the colonies of East India. A large number of The population of the city of Singapore sailed from Riau, from the islands of Sulawesi, Java, and Sumatra. Some ethnographers consider the descendants of merchants from Arab countries.

Indian diaspora

In the state, Indians are understood as a whole community of people who belong to different nationalities. These are Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans. The majority of Indians in Singapore are Tamils, descendants of migrants who left Sri Lanka. Malayalees, Punjabis, Telugus and Bengalis are in the minority.


As of January 2018, Singapore's population was 5,892,211. The number of men is 2,970,256, which is more than 50%. There are slightly fewer females. There are 2,921,956 of them. In the first weeks of 2018, 1,463 children were born on the islands. Approximately 115 babies are born per day. 715 residents of the country died. 56 people die per day. 2,347 foreigners received migration cards. Every day the state receives 180 displaced people.

Over the past year, the population of the republic increased by 113,491 people. The annual increase was almost two percent. Natural profit is considered positive. The mortality rate is lower than the birth rate. According to experts, in 2018 the population growth rate will exceed 300 people per day. Singapore's age pyramid belongs to the regressive type. High level population life in Singapore explains the gradual aging of the inhabitants of the archipelago.

The country's dependency ratio exceeds 29%. This figure is considered low. The potential replacement rate tends to 18%. The pension burden is estimated at 12%. Demographers expect that the average life expectancy in the republic in 2018 will exceed 82 years. At the same time, employment in Singapore has almost reached one hundred percent.

Able-bodied youth do not work. Persons over fifteen but under twenty-five years of age are enrolled in colleges and universities. After completing their student years, almost all young specialists take on work obligations. Currently, the average life expectancy for women is 85 years. Men die at 80. Literacy has almost reached 97%. Every person over fifteen years of age speaks one language in which he can write and read.

National characteristics

The desire for order is a distinctive feature of the people of Singapore. Smoking tobacco in public places is strictly prohibited. The amount of the fine, converted into our usual currency, is 60,000 rubles. There are special places for smokers, which are located next to shopping and business centers. You will also have to fork out for crossing the roadway in the wrong place and for garbage left on the street. City guests are encouraged to use trash cans.

Chewing gum is banned in Singapore. For its use on the territory of the state there is a fine of 18,000 rubles. The main national holiday is Independence Day. It is celebrated in the first half of August. Singapore is recognized as a multi-religious state. Representatives of different concessions coexist on its territory. Freedom of religion is enshrined at the constitutional level.


Buddhists make up 42%, Muslims - 15%, Christians - 10%. The share of adherents of Taoism is above 8%. The number of Catholics is approaching 5%. There are 4% of people who identify themselves as Hindus. However, in Singapore the church is not separated from state life. Each citizen of the republic pays a small tax, which goes towards the development of religious institutions.

Almost all Chinese living in Singapore practice Buddhism. Indians and Malays associate themselves with Islam. Most often they adhere to the Sunni direction. The largest Muslim house of worship on the islands is the Sultan Hussein Mosque.

Its mosaic minarets stand at the intersection of North Bridge Road and Arab Street. Jews attend the synagogues of Maghain Abot or Hesed El. Christians in Singapore are Europeans or descendants of mixed marriages. There is even an Armenian church in the country. It was erected in early XIX centuries. Its building is under state protection.

Welfare of the population

Today, Singapore's GDP per capita exceeds that of most countries in Southeast Asia. This is one of the most dynamically developing states. The average annual income of an ordinary citizen in 2000 before the transfer of funds to pension and social funds was 42,000 US dollars (≈2,500,000 rubles). If analysts’ forecasts come true, the residents of the republic will become the wealthiest in the world in 2020. Their income will be 155,000 dollars (≈8,700,000 rubles).

Today there are more than 380 millionaires in the country. Plus about 1,500 people are very close to this level. Five Singaporeans have been named billionaires. The average pension in the country exceeds 15,000 rubles. The minimum age for going on vacation for men is 65 years, and for women - 60. As such, there is no minimum wage in the state. There are no maximum payout limits. The President of Singapore earns five times more per year than the head of the United States of America.

The average islander is five times richer than the average citizen Russian Federation. The difference between the wages of a surgeon and a waiter on the archipelago is ten times. The cost of living in the republic is one of the highest in the world.

The country has an extremely high level of medical care. Every year, about 400 thousand tourists visit Singapore (including 9.8 thousand from Russia), who indicated medical care as the main reason for visiting the country. Undoubtedly, factors such as convenience, safety, cleanliness of the environment, combined with global health standards and high quality services are helping to position Singapore as a leading medical tourism destination.