Train trip from Russia to Belarus. Road trip to Belarus To Belarus by car

Our journey to Belarus has finally begun. We were a little late with the trip and got ready to go only at the end of June 2018. I have long wanted to visit this country, about which I have heard so much. The funny thing is that the road to Belarus, or more precisely to Minsk from Moscow, turned out to be one of the easiest road trips we’ve ever been on. Was it worth it to wait so long? However, the road will be discussed in this article. Moreover, about the road with a baby under six months old, who is not even sitting yet - this is our first experience. Looking ahead, I will say that the Moscow-Minsk route by car is ideal for beginners.

The distance from Moscow to Minsk is only 717 kilometers according to Google maps, which we decided to use this year for the sake of experiment. Before this we used navigation from Novitel. Although I made my first route using paper maps – that was also a unique experience. However, I will return to the road to Belarus.

Google offers three routes from Moscow to Belarus to choose from, see the map below:

  • Fast route on M1(marked toll roads) with a distance from Moscow to Minsk 717 km. Travel time is just over 8 hours.
  • Average mileage on the A-130 highway via Mogilev
  • Long route along the M9 highway through Velikiye Luki and Vitebsk region with a duration of 841 km

In fact, we were leaving Kaluga region, through Protvino and Obolensk, so the navigator did not offer us the most long route- He is too aloof from us. Trusting the description and common sense, we chose the M1 highway, almost straight, almost free. The “toll road” tag didn’t bother us. We didn’t come across any toll sections on the Russian side (it’s at the exit from Moscow); in Belarus, for Russian citizens, using the roads is also free.

Travel time and the quality of the road played a big role in choosing the route, since, I repeat, we went to Minsk with our entire small family, including Timofey. And for him it was the first such a long move. I think in a separate article I’ll talk about what it’s like to drive a car with a baby. The experience of the Minsk trip turned out to be very interesting

I would like to especially note that this route is ideal for beginners in road travel. There are several reasons for this:

  • A short distance from Moscow to Minsk - only 717 kilometers
  • Short travel time. Without particularly straining, the entire journey can be completed in 9-10 hours.
  • Simple road. There are four lanes everywhere, no problems with overtaking

For comparison, you can see our no less interesting, but slightly more complex road trips in the following series of articles:

Road to the border with Belarus

As I said, we still had to get onto the M1 highway. In fact, we traveled almost from the M2 itself (whose fault is it that we spent several days in that area before the road) along the A108. I suspect that when leaving Podolsk we would even save a little travel time. And from Moscow to Minsk it would have been a couple of hours faster. The reason for this is the A108 highway with periodic passage through residential areas, where cameras and radars are installed all over the place, and the permissible speed is 40 km/h

Highway M1 Moscow - Minsk, police, cameras in Russia

Having reached the M1 highway, we hurried to the gas station. And gasoline has become more expensive in Russia! We refueled to a full tank for 1800 rubles, according to my calculations this should have been enough all the way to Minsk. By the way, gasoline is a little cheaper in Belarus, taking into account the latest May price increase in Russia and the change in the ruble exchange rate.

What caught my eye on the way to Minsk from Moscow by car was the abundance of patrols and cameras on the road. In addition to the stationary cameras with which almost all the villages located along the M1 highway on the way to Belarus are equipped, we also encountered probably about 7 patrols, and about a couple of dozen tripods. Moreover according to the good old tradition, the police are in the bushes, the tripod is covered by a civilian car- in general, a classic of the genre.

I, of course, tried to comply with the speed limit as much as possible. At one time I even got behind a Belarusian truck - a very useful life hack for those who don’t want to bring home fines. However, I’m almost sure that it won’t be possible without letters of happiness, our law enforcement officers are too good at hiding and putting up unexpected signs. In general, we advanced carefully, like sappers.

Road from Moscow to Belarus, description and reviews

The toll backup of the M1 highway begins in the area of ​​the Molodogvardeyskaya transport interchange of the Moscow Ring Road and ends at the 33rd km of the Minsk highway. The road bypasses the city of Odintsovo. The length of the toll road is 18.535 km, the fare is 150 and 50 rubles during the day and at night, respectively.

All highway M1 all the way from our exit to it, all the way to Minsk it turned out to be four-lane- a definite plus for any route. Taking into account the small load, it was a pleasure to drive like this - it’s not like following trucks for kilometers on a two-lane highway, waiting for the coveted permission to overtake. Perhaps it was my imagination, but the lanes of the road were slightly narrowed, at least compared to usual highways. Two trucks fit on the road without much comfort. And it wasn’t entirely convenient for me to overtake them on turns.

Please note that on the M1 highway Moscow - Minsk, from the Russian side almost everywhere the limit is 90 km/h, of course, not counting populated areas. In addition, there were often signs with a limit of up to 70 km/h, and behind them there were portable cameras. By the way, it was these signs that made me doubt that the M1 is a motorway

I would like to note regarding high quality road surface. When driving at the permitted speed, there is no risk of losing the suspension - and this is already a good indicator for our roads. However, in recent years I have been driving on paid sections of the M4 and on the free part of Leningradka, in both cases I am also satisfied with the roads. What I mean is that in the central region the issue of roads is being resolved, at least slowly.

Where to eat on the way to Belarus, stops along the way

Since we were traveling with a small child in the car, we had to make additional stops. After all, Timofey is not used to long trips by car, and the position in the car seat is not the most comfortable, although it is safe. I will return to it in a separate article, but I’ll probably describe our stops.

The first stop was at the Gazprom Neft gas station. We had lunch there at the local canteen next door. The prices turned out to be quite friendly - our lunch cost us 380 rubles (the first two, a side dish and one chicken Kiev for two). The food turned out to be tasty and nutritious. Portions are not large - expensive

Second stop at the source of the Moscow River. More with the goal of giving my son a little rest. However, in this place we found a dozen comfortable gazebos where you can stop and have a snack. Despite the sign “making fire is prohibited,” there were several barbecues and a large fireplace on the territory for nomadic motorists. In general, if you had a bucket of barbecue with you, you could sit and have a snack.

We made another stop in the village of Istomino. Just like that, without any particular reason. The village turned out to be exemplary. Just 300 meters from the Moscow-Belarus highway, the asphalt ends and the Russian outback begins. Besides, it’s not the most colorful. It should be noted that around this village the number of cameras on the road began to decline sharply.

Belarus is one of the lastterra incognita in Europe and a curious place for travelers tired of gingerbread European cities. Visa restrictions are becoming softer, and Belarus is becoming more and more interesting for foreigners. We studied a dozen official websites, translated the most important things into human language, collected all the necessary links, and now we tell you point by point how to come to Belarus - from visas and registrations to useful applications.

Who needs a visa?

There are three types of visas in Belarus: transit (for 2 days), short-term (valid for 90 days) and long-term (valid for a year, period of stay - 90 days). Short-term is suitable for tourists; it can be single, double or multiple entry. If you come for a short time and comply with certain conditions, you will not need a visa. We understand the intricacies of visa issues.

Without a visa

For some countries, a visa is not required for short periods of travel:

Citizens Azerbaijan(90 days)

Citizens Argentina(90 days)

Citizens Armenia(90 days)

Citizens Brazil(twice a year up to 90 days)

Citizens Venezuela(90 days)

Citizens Georgia(90 days

Citizens Israel(90 days in each period of 180 days)

Citizens Qatar(30 days)

Citizens cubes(30 days)

Citizens Kyrgyzstan(90 days)

Citizens Macau, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (30 days)

Citizens Macedonia(if you have an invitation or travel voucher)

Citizens Moldova(90 days)

Citizens Mongolia(90 days)

Citizens Russia(90 days)

Citizens Serbia(30 days)

Citizens Tajikistan(90 days)

Citizens Turkey(30 days, total duration - up to 90 days within a year from the date of first entry)

Citizens Uzbekistan(90 days)

Citizens Ukraine(90 days during each period of 180 days)

Citizens Montenegro(30 days if you have an invitation or travel voucher)

Citizens Ecuador(30 days)

Citizens of 80 countries can come to Belarus without a visa for(including days of arrival and departure). The conditions are as follows: you must arrive and depart through Minsk National Airport. The number of countries for which entry into Belarus has been simplified includes all EU countries, the USA, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia and other countries.

Required documents:


Money calculated 2 basic units per day, i.e. about €22;

Medical insurance policy for an amount of at least € 10,000, valid in Belarus (read how to get insurance below).

Additional requirement for citizens Vietnam, Haiti, Gambia, Honduras, India, China, Lebanon, Namibia, Samoa- presence of a multiple-entry visa of the EU countries or the Schengen zone with a stamp of entry into their territory and air tickets with confirmation of departure from the Minsk National Airport within 5 days from the date of entry.

Full list of countries that can benefit from visa-free entry:

1. Australia.
2. Austria.
3. Albania.
4. Andorra.
5. Antigua and Barbuda.
6. Argentina.
7. Barbados.
8. Bahrain.
9. Belgium.
10. Bulgaria.
11. Bosnia and Herzegovina.
12. Brazil.
13. Vanuatu.
14. Vatican.
15. Great Britain.
16. Hungary.
17. Vietnam.
18. Haiti.
19. Gambia.
20. Germany.

21. Honduras.
22. Hong Kong.
23. Greece.
24. Denmark.
25. Dominica.
26. India.
27. Indonesia.
28. Ireland.
29. Iceland.
30. Spain.
31. Italy.
32. Canada.
33. Cyprus.
34. China.
35. South Korea.
36. Kuwait.
37. Latvia.
38. Lebanon.
39. Lithuania.
40. Liechtenstein.

41. Luxembourg.
42. Macau.
43. Macedonia.
44. Malaysia.
45. Malta.
46. ​​Order of Malta.
47. Mexico.
48. Micronesia.
49. Monaco.
50. Namibia.
51. Netherlands.
52. Nicaragua.
53. New Zealand.
54. Norway.
55. Oman.
56. Panama.
57. Peru.
58. Poland.
59. Portugal.
60. Romania.

61. Samoa.
62. San Marino.
63. Saudi Arabia.
64. Seychelles.
65. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
66. Singapore.
67. Slovakia.
68. Slovenia.
69. USA.
70. Uruguay.
71. Finland.
72. France.
73. Croatia.
74. Czech Republic.
75. Chile.
76. Switzerland.
77. Sweden.
78. El Salvador.
79. Estonia.
80. Japan.

There are two more ways to come to Belarus without a visa for three days - guilt .

Read more about visa-free entry to Belarus .


Everyone else needs a visa. To obtain a visa, you need to contact the Belarusian consulate in your country. Check there what documents you will need - in different countries There may be minor differences, but usually the list is like this:

Completed visa application form,

Photo 35 by 45 mm, taken within the last 6 months,


Medical insurance,

Confirmation of payment of the consular fee,

Other visa support documents.

Visa support documents must confirm your purposes for staying in Belarus - this could be an invitation from your friends or an agreement tourism services from a travel agency. Good news: by decision of the consul at a particular consulate, such documents are not needed for many countries (lucky citizens of Australia, Austria, Andorra, Argentina, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Hong Kong SAR of China, Greece, Denmark, Ireland , Iceland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Cyprus, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macau SAR, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United United Arab Emirates, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Uruguay, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia and Japan) - call your consulate in advance and clarify the situation.

Your visa will be ready within 5 working days from the date of submission of your application (for urgent purposes - within 2 working days, but you will have to pay extra for this).

You can get a visa at the airport (at the consular point of the Minsk National Airport ) , if you are arriving on a direct flight. Please note that in this case the visa will cost approximately twice as much, and the documents must be sent to Visa Center at the airport - they should be there at least four days before your arrival - check with friends or a visa agency. Mailing address: 220054, Minsk, territory of the Minsk National Airport, Directorate for the Entry of Foreigners of the Main Consular Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, telephone +375172792058 . Accepted documents must be stamped with a special stamp - ask them to send you a copy by fax or e-mail; they will need to be shown to airline employees when checking in for the flight. The consular fee at the airport can only be paid in cash in euros.

How to get insurance?

Insurance is required for all foreigners coming to Belarus. This could be insurance from Belgosstrakh or BelEximgarant, which you can buy at the border (at the airport or border checkpoints, look for the window with the words Obligatory medical insurance), or insurance purchased elsewhere. You can pay for insurance in Belarusian or Russian rubles, dollars or euros (insurance for 30 days will cost € 31, for 90 days - € 89) .

If you are going to Belarus for a period of less than 30 days, you should have money with you in the equivalent of two basic units per day of stay (as of November 2017 this is approximately 46 BYN or € 23 per day), and if you are going for longer, then not less than 50 basic for the entire time (1150 BYN or € 575).

Important: make sure that you don’t accidentally have a couple of banknotes lying around in your documents (this may be regarded as a bribe). At the border you cannot take photos or shoot videos, or talk on your mobile phone.

You can take with you no more than three liters of alcohol, 200 cigarettes (if you prefer cigars or tobacco - 50 pieces or 250 g, respectively). In total, you can carry 50 kg of luggage with you, but if you suddenly have more, you will have to pay at least € 4 for each extra kilogram. If you are carrying more than $10,000 in cash, you will have to declare it. You cannot bring weapons, drugs or explosives - there are no surprises here. If it is another animal, you will have to prepare a veterinary certificate.

Read all the details about what you can carry across the border of Belarus .

How to get to Minsk from the airport?

You can change money at banks or currency exchange offices (available in hotels, at the airport, at the train station, in hypermarkets). There is no exchange fee; dollars, euros and Russian rubles are most often exchanged. You can withdraw euros or dollars from ATMs or pay by card, especially since they are accepted almost everywhere.

How to use public transport?

All types of transport operate in the cities of Belarus - buses, trolleybuses, trams and minibuses (minibuses). There are two lines in Minsk metro. Buy tickets at Belsayuzdruk or Minsktrans newsstands at bus stops or directly from the driver (they will be 0.05 BYN more expensive).

In Minsk, a voucher for one trip to ground transport will cost you 0.6 BYN (€ 0.2), the metro costs 0.65 BYN (€ 0.25).

If you come to Minsk for a few days and plan to actively use transport, you can buy a travel pass - a card for a certain number of trips (from 10 to 100 trips, it will cost from 5.70 BYN/2.5 € to 62.25 BYN/27 € ).

There are passes for a number of days (for 1, 2, 3, 10, 15, 30, 90 days) - they can be bought for a separate type of transport or in a combination (the price in this case varies from 2.97 BYN/1 € per day up to 109.59 BYN/50 € for 90 days, the number of trips is not limited). Choose the option that suits you.

Every time you enter a vehicle, place your card on a special machine at the door or punch a ticket - the machine will beep approvingly, and your soul will be calm in case of inspection, which happens quite often. The fine for hares is 11.5 BYN (€ 5), which must be paid on the spot.

Transport runs on schedule - check the times and routes on the website. There is also an experimental version of the city route planner. Many stops have electronic boards where you can see how many minutes are left until the next bus.

There are no night buses in Minsk; the metro operates until 00.40. After this time, the main mode of transport becomes your own feet and taxis - you can call them by numbers 7788, 135, 157, 152, 107 . A trip of 8-10 km will cost € 3-4. Works also Uber, you can get from one end of the city to the other for € 10.

How to make a temporary registration?

If you have a passport from Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia or Ukraine, you can relax about this point, you can be in Belarus for up to 30 days without registration. If you live in a hotel, sanatorium or agricultural estate, you don’t have to worry either, the staff will do everything for you.

Everyone else must, within five working days (Sundays and official holidays do not count), make a temporary registration with the Department of Citizenship and Migration at the place of actual residence (there is a list of district offices with addresses and opening hours).

If you are going to stay in Minsk, depending on your budget, you can choose a luxury five-star hotel ( Renaissance Minsk Hotel Marriott networks (Dzerzhinsky Ave., 1e)), a retro-style hotel that conveys the architectural spirit of the USSR (for example, Orbit (Pushkin Ave., 39)) or hostel (for example, Trinity (Starovilenskaya st., 12/14). More options are in ours.

How to apply for Tax Free?

If you shop in one store for 80 BYN or more in one day, you can apply for Tax Free. This is only valid in stores participating in the return program - see the list.

The store must issue you a special “VAT refund check” (show the employee a regular cash receipt and your passport). The return receipt will be issued in two copies - one for you, one remains in the store. Make sure that your details are entered correctly, that the seller’s signature and the store’s seal are present, and that the original cash receipt is attached.

When you leave Belarus, show the customs officers your purchases (must be unused and in undamaged packaging), your VAT refund receipt and your passport. You will be given a mark to leave (remember that this must be done within three months from the date of purchase).

When you arrive home, indicate information about your bank card on the back of the VAT refund check and send it by mail (you should be given a ready-made envelope addressed to RUE Beltamozhservice along with the check). Don't delay - in six months it will no longer be relevant. Within 30 days after Beltamozhservice receives your letter, they will transfer the money to your card.

To get from Moscow to Belarus, you need to board a plane and spend a little less than an hour and a half of your time. Many people prefer to travel by car - you will have to travel longer, but you will see a lot of interesting things along the way. This article is intended for all categories of tourists.

Belarus is a country of lakes, dense forests and beautiful medieval castles. Most of the attractions are located outside of Minsk - these places will be discussed. We will compile a list of the most popular corners of “Blue-eyed Belarus”, visit its natural and cultural monuments, let's drive around this country by car in autumn and winter.

Where to go and what to see in Belarus

Belarus is a compact country, so there is a lot of time to explore interesting places you won't spend it. In a situation of time pressure, you can limit yourself to the Minsk region. Go to Logoisk, ride on the slopes there. Visit ancient estates near Minsk. Go to Dudutki - there are a lot of interesting things there.

Here is the situation in other regions of the country:

  • Vitebsk region. The Lake District, where you can have a good rest by renting a campsite or staying in a sanatorium. The region is dotted with small towns and has a very favorable environment.
  • Brest region. There, two obligatory points of the cultural program await you - the Brest Fortress and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Gomel region. The most interesting places are concentrated in Gomel and Mozyr. It also doesn’t hurt to visit Vetka – the original local history museum is located there.
  • The Grodno region. This is the western region of Belarus, and therefore the most significant historical monuments- churches, medieval castles, ancient estates and pre-revolutionary houses. Be sure to visit Lida during the knightly tournament.
  • Mogilev region. There's practically nothing to see here. Mogilev has several ancient buildings, temples and monasteries. Be sure to visit Bobruisk - the legendary city of “padonkaff”, to which all individuals who did not speak the “Albanian language” were “exiled”.

In a situation of time pressure, limit yourself to the Minsk region.

Top 5 most interesting places in Belarus

From a superficial overview of the areas, let's move on to specific examples. We went through the most popular Belarusian attractions, removed some of the “mainstream” and left corners that are truly worthy of your attention. Don’t be surprised if little-known sights of Belarus appear here:

To Belarus by car – where to go

If you are going to Belarus in the summer, you may well go to own car. The roads in the Republic of Belarus are good, and there are problems with roadside hotels No.

Nothing stops you from visiting Belarusian lakes and relax at the campsite, and then go to the legendary Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Three-day trip to Belarus – minimum program

If you are inspired by the idea of ​​summer travel, but do not have extra time, it is worth planning an express trip to key places in the country. A detailed acquaintance with the sights of the Republic of Belarus will force you to limit yourself to the Minsk and Vitebsk regions. However, you can accomplish a lot in three days. So, what to see in Belarus in three days or a weekend by car in the summer:

From Grodno, go to Lida (the brewery and Lida Castle are worth checking out), then to Smorgon and, finally, to Polotsk. You probably won’t have time to see anything else, since it’s better to set aside a whole day for Polotsk.

The arrival of cold weather and Belarusian attractions

With the onset of autumn, a lot changes. Lakes, biosphere reserves and ethnocultural villages are excluded from the list. In autumn in Belarus you can see this:

  • Chagall House Museum. To see this memorable place, you need to go to Vitebsk, to Pokrovskaya Street, 11. It was here that the famous artist lived, of whom all Belarusians are proud. By visiting the art center, you can admire the graphic works of the master. The ticket price ranges from 20-90 thousand “squirrels”.
  • Borisov stone. This unique artifact is located in Polotsk. In autumn, the stone looks especially harsh, reminding tourists of the frailty of existence. A mysterious text and an image of a cross are carved on the boulder. You can find this “Belarusian Stonehenge” on Zamkovaya Street, building 1.
  • Golshansky Castle. The majestic ruins of the castle are located in the Grodno region (not far from the town of Golshany). Coming out of this settlement, move in the direction of Yuratik. To the right of the road you will see ruins.

It’s better to set aside a whole day for Polotsk.

In anticipation New Year's holidays It’s worth thinking about visiting some specific corners of Belarus. For the New Year, we recommend watching this:

It’s an amazing fact that the sights of Belarus a month ago were not even considered in my rhythm of life, and I didn’t even think about traveling independently by car around Belarus to its monuments and interesting places.

But the circumstances were such that at the beginning of April I decided to go to Minsk, the capital of Belarus, for the weekend. And already in the process of preparing for this trip, the thought came to both the sights of Belarus and the possibility of traveling by car around this country.

Unexpectedly, school memories of beauties surfaced in my memory. Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the legendary Brest Fortress. After analyzing the Minsk-Brest route, I discovered many more interesting places that could easily be seen along the route by car.

This is how my life gradually developed excursion route, in which in just one week I was able to visit many amazing historical and modern places, stroll through ancient parks and climb narrow stone stairs in the ancient towers of knightly castles, see many unusual representatives animal world and even meet a fairy tale in the person of such an unusual character as Santa Claus! 🙂

Well, now, first things first... To find out more about any excursion or tourist attraction, you can follow the link.

It was spring. Nature gradually came to its senses after its winter sleep. It was drizzling in the early April gloomy morning in the Moscow region. The airfield of Vnukovo airport and the planes getting wet on it also looked sad.

Flight UT835 on the Moscow-Minsk route from UTair departed as scheduled. At 10 o'clock in the morning we boarded a small plane. Outside the windows the Moscow morning was still gloomy, but in my soul, oddly enough, it was sunny and a little exciting about the unknown.

This always happens at the very beginning of a trip. And this is the feeling that probably attracts you on every journey.

The flight lasted only 1 hour 20 minutes, and I began to study in more detail the details of the preliminary route of my independent travel. I carried out the initial steps, such as transfer from the airport, renting an apartment in Minsk, and booking a car at home. But the entire excursion program was not yet thought out at all.

What can you see in Belarus by car? In front of me were interesting sights of Belarus and the general direction where I would like to go. And where I would stay, how long it would take to inspect each object, on what day I would end up in what place - it was still very vague.

Day 1-4. Hello, Minsk city

First impressions

And now I’m already there, in international airport Belarusian capital, Minsk. It is also cloudy here, but dry and warmer.

The first thing I decide to do is acquire local currency. Money in Belarus is a completely different matter. Receiving full millions for your Russian rubles... it's cool! You immediately feel like, if not Rockefeller, then at least his relative. 😀

Having given 10 thousand Russian rubles, I received almost 3 million Belarusian rubles in return.

It turned out that this is a very pleasant activity - “rustling” with millions. 😆

It's good to have friends! Especially in those places where you plan to visit. My old friend met me at the airport and very quickly took me to the capital, telling me as well as any guide about the main intricacies and secrets of Belarusian life. 🙂

The first feeling from the view outside the windows is amazing cleanliness! And this despite the fact that it is also still the off-season here, that is, fresh grass does not cover winter debris. There's simply nothing to cover here. In contrast to the Russian highways, it looks amazing!

We arrived in Minsk very comfortably, and I went to meet the owner of my rented apartment. I will tell you a little more about renting housing and a car, as well as about traveling by public transport and taxis at the end of this article.

I spent the first 4 days in Minsk: 2 of them were mainly devoted to studying, and the rest of the time I just walked around the city. I came to the apartment in the evening, just to spend the night. There was so much I wanted to see that I said to myself: “I’ll rest at home.”

Now let's move on to the sights. Additionally, all of them are indicated on the map at the bottom of this article; it will be easier to navigate what is where and how to easily get to each attraction.

And I’ll start my review of the trip with a trip to.

Walking around the city

Independence of Belarus

Perhaps it would be more logical to start from the main square of the city - Independence Square (or, as it is funny called in Belarusian, Independence Square). What beauty all around!

Over the course of its long history, the square has changed its name 14 times. Until 1991, it was, like all central city squares, Lenin Square. Now, decorated with fountains, it attracts the attention of tourists with its unique beauty. And locals love to stroll here in the evening, when the lights turn on and the square is illuminated with delightful light.

A huge shopping mall with parking. Independence Square gives rise to Independence Avenue, which runs almost through the entire city. Here is the main building of the country - the Government House.

The first Belarusian skyscraper is how Minsk residents proudly and respectfully call this building. A seven-meter monument to V.I. Lenin still stands in front of the entrance. During the war, the monument was destroyed, but after the Germans surrendered it was quickly restored. And the building itself, like the nearby Catholic Church of Saints Simon and Helen, became one of the few buildings that survived the war years without much destruction.

Catholic church with a sad history

Nearby stands the Church of Saints Simeon and Helen, built entirely of red brick.

In memory of two children who died early from illness, it was built with their own money by inconsolable parents - Edward and Olympia Voinilovich. Once Elena saw this beautiful building in a dream, and in the morning she drew it. And now it is rightfully considered one of the decorations of the Belarusian capital.

If you're nearby, be sure to go inside. It is very beautiful and a little mysterious here. Beautiful sculptures, bronze details of the temple, superbly painted walls and vaults, amazing stained glass windows - all this creates a solemn atmosphere. And in combination with the music of the organ, one of the oldest in Europe, it’s simply an amazing experience.

The temple contains one of the seven copies of the Shroud of Turin. An extensive library of ancient books has been collected. The ashes of the founder of the church, Edward Voinilovich, also rest here. Right at the entrance there is a statue where Archangel Michael - the patron saint of Belarus - pierces the winged serpent of darkness with his sword.

Right there, very close by, is another monument, “The Bell of Nagasaki”, it was erected in memory of those killed in nuclear disasters. Very dramatic!

Belarusian Bastille

Now it carries out the death penalty for criminals - execution. Quite unusual: an execution in the center of a metropolis... although! “Crosses” in St. Petersburg, Lubyanka with its cellars in the center of Moscow...

Blessed place

Next, your attention will undoubtedly be attracted by the white stone.

This majestic building was originally built as a Catholic church. But over time, after some repairs, it became Orthodox. In addition to other Orthodox shrines, the cathedral houses the icon of the Mother of God, now called the Minsk icon.

It was once written by the holy Apostle Luke. Many events happened in the life of the icon; she visited many churches. According to legend, the Svisloch River sailed to Minsk and was placed, not immediately of course, in the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. And now this miraculous Image helps everyone who turns to it for help in difficult life situations.

And so I went to the prygazhuni embankment (that’s how the word “beauty” will sound in Belarusian) of Svisloch! How beautiful it is here!

The birds are singing, the sun is shining, making the water surface shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. Seagulls fly and scream, ducks swim near the shore. If you have a desire and a bun in your purse, you can feed them, then they will swim closer.

Beautiful weather and, what is immediately noticeable, the surroundings are perfectly clean and tidy! And not only here! It’s immediately clear that the wipers do their job conscientiously, and Minsk residents, of course, care about the cleanliness of their hometown. Well done!

Happy memory to the heroes!

A small shaped bridge leads to an artificial island located not far from the shore. A monument to soldiers who died on the battlefields has recently been unveiled here. At first, this monument was conceived as a tribute to those killed in Afghanistan.

But, unfortunately, there were many more terrible events in the world where Belarusian soldiers took part. This monument is dedicated to all of them.

The figurine of the little Weeping Angel is very touchingly made, crying inconsolably for those who died, who could not return to their beloved and loving wife, mother or bride.

Trinity Suburb - history and legends

Directly opposite there is a very beautiful place, which still retains the spirit of old Minsk. This Trinity Suburbhistorical Center cities.

There are a lot of benches to sit and breathe fresh air and a large number of all kinds of cafes and restaurants. And yet such beauty is hidden in the greenery of the trees.

“Girl with an Owl” is considered a symbol of the Trinity Suburb. The girl is holding an owl, and she herself is standing on a branch of a flowering fern, with a lizard sitting near her feet. The entire sculpture is located on a large stone, and two more lie nearby. There are only three - the town of Troitskoye.

According to the existing legend, it is at this place that every poet or artist must make a choice for himself what is more important to him:

  • a girl personifying the muse;
  • owl is a symbol of wisdom;
  • a flowering branch is a symbol of glory;
  • lizard is a symbol of monetary wealth.

What choice would you make?

And here’s another thing... Not far away is the city’s first public toilet. Yes, yes, sorry. I will now tell you why it attracts special attention. According to existing legend, in 1912 a very famous architect Sienkiewicz built a palace for a noble count. But he refused to pay, and did not pay a penny for the work.

Then the angry architect decided to take revenge on the greedy count and built a public toilet in Alexander Square with his own money. An exact scaled-down copy of that same castle. Now this small house sells tickets to the Yanka Kupala Theater. But from 1912 to 2012 - exactly one hundred years - it was used for its original purpose.

The pride of our contemporaries is the Belarusian “Diamond of Knowledge”

Of course, I really wanted to take a close look at the famous National Library of Belarus. This unusual structure really interested me.

Indeed, the shape of the library building resembles a cut diamond. “The Diamond of Knowledge,” as Belarusians also call it, contains 9 million book volumes. This unique building is equipped with the latest technology.

There is a playroom for children, and a special recreation room for adults; there are gyms, a cafe and a restaurant.

At an altitude of 73 meters there is an observation deck from where you can admire the beautiful views of Minsk.

In the evening, the lights turn on and the façade of the building turns into a huge multi-colored screen. The spectacle is amazing!

Day 5. On the way to Brest

My training is completed, and the main attractions of Minsk have been explored. Now you can safely go on new adventures! The issue with renting a car was resolved very successfully the day before, and it is waiting for me under the windows of my rented apartment.

Details about renting housing, cars and others necessary things, I will tell you at the end of the article.

In the morning, having collected my things, casting a farewell glance at the awakening Minsk

and having said goodbye to the hostess, I leave Minsk in a rented car towards Brest. The main goal of today is Belovezhskaya Pushcha, about which so much has been heard over the years of life back in the Soviet Union.

And just now mine old dream taking a walk through the protected forest and looking at live bison begins to come true. I described my route in more detail in.

In total, I have traveled 447 kilometers today. And here are the sights that we managed to see along the way.

Nesvizh - the patrimony of the Radziwills

Nesvizh Castle

Moving along an excellent highway, I turn towards Nesvizh, about which I have read many reviews.

And now, having covered 120 km from Minsk, I am there. In the city I am greeted by beautiful swans and the striking of the clock on the city tower in the city center. Every 15 minutes they remind you of the past time.

The small town of Nesvizh has been known for a very long time. But it began to develop especially quickly when it began to belong in 1533 to Jan Radziwill, a representative of the majestic, influential and very rich family of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

For centuries, the Radziwills owned vast lands, towns and cities belonged to them. Kings without a crown - that's what their compatriots called them.

Indeed, the Radziwills occupied the highest government and military positions. The opinion of representatives of this clan influenced the fate of the entire state. And the king himself could envy their untold wealth.

4 parks surround the Nesvizh Radziwill Castle. And each has its own history, its own specially decorated territory, its own monuments, original sculptures, its own legends.

So I took a walk in these parks.

It’s very beautiful, young leaves are blooming on the trees, the birds are singing.

But cold…

Brest Fortress - a citadel of courage

On June 22, 1941, the soldiers of the Brest Fortress were the first to come under fire from the Nazis and for more than a month, completely surrounded, without food or water, without medicine or ammunition, they held the defense, not allowing the Nazis to go further.

After the war, the fortress was not completely restored. To eternally remind descendants of the feat of the defenders of the Motherland, an entire memorial complex has been created here, and the Eternal Flame burns without going out.

On November 3-4, 2016, the memorial complex celebrated memorable dates. The Defense Museum is 60 years old! A GU Memorial complex“Brest Hero Fortress! - 45!

Brest – a city of unusual museums

There are also about 900 species of plants growing in the reserve, including rare and endangered species. Some trees are over 500 years old. 227 species of birds delight visitors with their beauty and iridescent singing.

But the greatest pride of Belovezhskaya is the bison living here.

Today, here is the largest population of these forest giants in Europe. And, among other things, I was surprised by the fantastically clean air in Pushcha. I have never seen such an amount of oxygen anywhere else! Just a fairy tale!

Belarusian Santa Claus lives here

By the way, there is a fairy tale here too! Believe it if you want, or better yet, check it, but here, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Father Frost and his assistants live in his wonderful residence and happily receive numerous guests.

The good wizard's estate includes the owner's house with workshops where gifts are made; the house where the Snow Maiden lives; a magic well that makes wishes come true; a windmill that grinds everything bad, sculptural figures of heroes from your favorite fairy tales and much, much more.

At any time of the year, guests are absolutely always welcome here. Previously, an incomparable spruce grew here for more than 120 years. Its height was 40 meters. Unfortunately, she died several years ago. But in her place a new young beauty has been installed. Children and adults enjoy dancing around it.

At the residence of Father Frost, you can take part in fun games and competitions, taste delicious potato pancakes and other national dishes.

You definitely won't be bored! So if you're in the area, be sure to stop by! Santa Claus lives about 10 km from the main entrance to the protected forest!

The way of life of a Belarusian family in the museum of the village of Pererov

The Museum of Folk Life and Ancient Technologies is another interesting place that I was able to visit here. It is located in the village of Pererov. This museum complex was created on the basis of an old 19th-century manor, which was restored in the spirit of that time and filled with things that no rural family could do without.

Every corner of the house used to have its own purpose. There were always icons in the house - the image of the Savior and the image of the Mother of God. Each family member had their own rights and responsibilities. Men and women have their own crafts. For example, in a museum, your attention will be drawn to an ancient loom for double weaving. This art is currently listed as intangible cultural heritage Belarus.

And here you will be treated to real moonshine. This is one of the few places in Belarus where moonshine brewing is officially permitted, and there is a license for the moonshine still installed here.

You will learn about all this, about the traditions and customs of our ancestors.

Day 8. Belovezhskaya Pushcha-Kossovo-Ruzhany-Synkovichi-Zhirovichi-Baranovichi

The time has come for my departure from the amazing nature reserve. Belovezhskaya Pushcha did not disappoint, but, on the contrary, enchanted me even more. And now I want to return there with even greater desire.

Well, my path now lies towards Minsk. But along the way, Belarus has prepared many more attractions for me. These are amazing and Orthodox shrines. It’s difficult to do everything in one day, so I’m planning to stretch my trip to the capital over 2 days.

During this day, I traveled 389 km from Belovezhskaya Pushcha to my overnight stay in the city of Baranovichi.

Kossovo Palace "Knight's Dreams"

And in Kossovo there is a castle that once belonged to the magnates Puslovsky. For its luxurious interior decoration and external grandeur it was called the “Knight's Dream”.

The palace had some features that made it unique and unique. For example, in the Main Hall the floor was glass. And you could see fish swimming under it. Under the floor there was a huge aquarium.

There was a lion living in the castle. At night, the owners let him out, and he moved freely throughout the palace.

Over the entire history of its existence, the castle was destroyed and rebuilt several times. It suffered severe damage in a multi-day fire during the Great Patriotic War. It is currently undergoing reconstruction, which is scheduled to be completed in 2018. But now!

Directly opposite, on the shore of the lake, stands the estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, a national hero of the four countries he visited: Belarus, Poland, Lithuania and the USA, and also an honorary citizen of France. Now he would be called a professional revolutionary. The house in which he was born and lived for some time has been turned into a hero's museum.

This is a two-story house with 8 rooms. Near the house there is a huge stone with a memorial plaque in honor of Tadeusz Kosciuszko. The museum houses items found during excavations at this site that once belonged to the Kosciuszko family.

A collection of stamps dedicated to Tadeusz, a copy of his saber and other valuables. Here you can buy souvenirs, take part in various events and... get married. Yes, now you can officially register your marriage here.

By the way, this place is simply wonderful! Welcome to visit.

Ruzhany and its castle-fortress

But the town of Ruzhany, known since the 15th century. In 1598, it was bought by the famous politician, creator of the Statute - a set of laws of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Lev Sapieha. He built a grandiose palace here, which combined elements of a fortress and a luxurious castle.

The entire treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the weapons arsenal, documents of state importance, food supplies and barrels of wine were stored in the huge basements of the palace.

The castle was rebuilt many times and changed owners. At one time, the pride of the palace was the presence of a theater within its walls. The theater troupe consisted of 60 actors and 40 musicians. The theater's productions were famous throughout Europe. The palace often hosted noble guests: kings, ambassadors of distant countries and other celebrities. According to legend, there was an underground passage that connected Ruzhany Castle and Kossovsky Castle.

Zhirovichi Monastery

For more than 500 years, the Holy Dormition Monastery has existed in Zhirovichi. And its story began with a small icon on a stone, which is currently one of the most revered in the world of Orthodoxy.

According to legend, once upon a time, shepherds saw an unusual glow in the crown of trees. It was a small Image of the Mother of God, which the shepherds took to the owner of the land. A little later, a temple was built on this site. This is how the history of the monastery began.

Today it's a whole architectural complex, famous not only in Belarus, but also far beyond its borders. Never in its entire long history has the temple closed its doors to pilgrims.

Now the complex combines 2 churches, a bell tower, the Theological Academy and Seminary and other adjacent buildings. A Pilgrim's House was also built, where people who come to pray to the miraculous icon will be able to rest and spend the night if necessary.

Well, my overnight stay today is planned in the city of Borovichi, where I booked an apartment. Tomorrow I will continue my route with renewed vigor.

Day 9. Mir Castle – history and modernity

In the Grodno region of Belarus, the Mir Castle, built in the 16th century, stands tall.

Construction was started by wealthy landowner Yuri Ilyinich. But after his death, his 4 sons also did not live long. One was poisoned, the other died of illness - this is how the Ilyinich family died out. And the Radziwills began to own the castle. But they, after some time, sold it. The last owner of the castle died in 1938, and since then it has been in a state of neglect.

A whole train of fantastic legends and scary stories it literally envelops the beautiful castle. This is the legend about a stone similar to the head of a ram, which, according to some laws of magic, is called upon to protect the castle and its owners; a story about a cut down garden and cruel reprisals for it; stories about ghosts, yes, there are more than one; and of course about the countless treasures hidden somewhere here. Here it is mysterious place exists in Belarus.

Do dudutki come from the word “dutki”?

In the afternoon I part with the car that I rented and which has been my faithful assistant for a whole week. Therefore, I am going on the next excursion as part of a tourist group.

While our bus travels to the museum complex, the guide talks about Minsk and other attractions of Belarus. How interesting it is to listen to him now, when I have just visited many objects in person, and the impressions are still so fresh! I enjoy plunging into my memories of my independent trip.

40 km from Minsk, in the Pukhovichi district, there is the Dudutki Museum Complex. Here you can get acquainted with the crafts of our ancestors, try dishes according to ancient recipes, ride horses and even fly on an airplane.

There is so much on display here that it is impossible to do everything in the 2 hours allotted to us by the guide! Read on for details on how you can have fun at.

Now the time that I could devote to traveling around Belarus is over. It's time to go home. It’s a bit of a pity, I would like to stay here for a few more days - there are so many more interesting things to see! But nothing prevents me from coming here again, and maybe more than once.

What passport do you need?

Do you need a foreign passport to travel to Belarus? This is the first question that is probably asked by everyone who plans to visit Belarus for the first time.

The very good news is that for Russians international passport not required to enter Belarus. Enough Russian. You also don’t need a visa when crossing the border; you don’t even need to put a stamp in your passport.

The only important point. If you are purchasing tickets, for example, for a plane, and specifying the details of a foreign document, then in this case you will need to present it when boarding. If the data is provided from Russian passport, then other identification documents will not be required for Russian citizens.

And for citizens of other countries, a visa can be obtained directly at the Minsk National Airport, having previously sent their documents here. But, of course, it is better to clarify all these questions in advance.

Where and how to rent housing in Belarus

It turned out that renting an apartment in Minsk is very simple. Through this you can book a room in numerous hotels, and on the service you can choose accommodation in any area of ​​the city. By the way, it turns out to be much cheaper than a hotel room. And if you travel not alone, but in a company, then the benefits are very significant.

I rented a very cozy apartment in Minsk near the metro.

From here you could get to any point in the city by any means of transport, and in 20 minutes you could walk to the center. Hotels in this area were significantly more expensive.

But, having returned back to Minsk from my car trip, I booked the hotel ““. It was located far from the center, but its location and cost suited me quite well, since I could get around in a rented car without any problems.

In other cities of Belarus you can also rent housing, but here the choice will be smaller. Here is my apartment in the city of Baranovichi.

I liked its location: close to the highway. It was very convenient to spend the night and hit the road again in the morning.

Details about the amazing hotel on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, I wrote in detail in.

Transport in Minsk

Transport links in the capital of Belarus are excellent. There are buses, trolleybuses and numerous minibuses running around the city. There is also intercity communication. But I had no “communication” with this type of transport.

I enjoyed using the metro, which was the easiest way to get to any desired point in the city.

For a tourist entering the Belarusian subway for the first time, it is very easy to navigate: there are only 2 lines: red and blue. All stations are named quite clearly, although they are written in the local language.

It is also very convenient to use a taxi. They work on a meter, and if you travel short distances, you get 1 trip around the city within 200-300 Russian rubles.

I also ordered a return transfer to the airport. In this case, the taxi cost me 390,000 Belarusian rubles. (this is 1320 Russian rubles or 20 $)

You can get to Minsk National Airport and back more inexpensively by train (for only 25,000 Belarusian rubles). The advertising poster reports this.

In this case, you arrive from the airport at Train Station Minsk, from where you can get to your desired location in the city by public transport. The big disadvantage is that these trains do not run often.

Car rental in Minsk

Of course, the most convenient way to travel is by car, and in Minsk you can easily rent a car for any convenient period. After studying prices at different rental companies, I settled on a company with an optimistic name: “Maya the Bee.”

Why car rental has such an unusual name became clear later when I signed the rental agreement. It turned out that this office was registered under the name of the individual entrepreneur Pchelka Denis Viktorovich. These are the positive surnames in Belarus. 🙂

To get a car, you just need to have a driver’s license, make a copy of your Russian passport, and sign an agreement! Yes, and don’t forget to pay, of course! But not only the amount specified in the contract. There is also an additional deposit, which in my case amounted to 10,000 Russian rubles (it was returned at the end of the rental).

And now the keys to the silver Peugeot 206 are in my hands.

When renting a car, there were some surprises: the condition was to drive no more than 350 km per day. This is the first time I've heard this! Well, okay, in general, this suited me. I can't travel that far in a week. After all, the longest distances are from Minsk to Brest and back; all other sights can be seen along the way, only deviating briefly from the main route.

If, as a result, it would not be possible to meet these limits, then you would have to pay an additional $10 for every extra 350 km per day.

The cost of 95 gasoline in the country, on average, was 40 Russian rubles per liter ($0.6).

There was also unexpected news about rental conditions that I had not encountered before when booking a car abroad.

It turns out that the car must be returned perfectly clean or you will have to pay an additional $25 to the rental price. Fortunately, there was a car wash near the hotel where I lived the last few days. And for $5 they washed the car perfectly. 🙂

How much does a vacation cost (results and prices)

This time, according to my subjective feelings, the final cost of the trip was quite high. No, prices in Belarus are quite acceptable, and in some places even lower than European and even more so Russian ones. It’s just that this time I traveled alone, so all costs were solely at my expense.

After all, for example, accommodation and car rental cost almost the same: for one or for two people. And the costs in the 2nd case are easily divided in half.

Here's what I got during my 10 days in Belarus (I give prices in Russian rubles):


  1. Apartment in Minsk for 4 nights 6,560 rubles (1,640 rubles for 1 night);
  2. for 3 nights 3,770 rub. (1260 RUR for 1 night);
  3. Apartment in Baranovichi for 1 night 1,300 rubles;
  4. for 2 nights 3,100 rubles (1,550 rubles for 1 night).

In Belarus, in any city, there is a huge number of different housing options. It’s very easy to rent an apartment or room on the service, or book a hotel through the service.


  1. Air tickets Moscow-Minsk-Moscow - 8,980 rubles;
  2. Car rental for 6 days 12,900 rubles (2,150 rubles for 1 day);
  3. Gasoline 3,700 rub.

The length of my route by car was (total mileage) 1400 km, 90 liters of gasoline were spent.

Excursion program:

  1. Entrance tickets to all attractions cost me 1,620 rubles.
  2. Ordered excursions, including audio guides - 4,320 rubles.

And here are the results:

The money came and went, and now we no longer remember it. But the impressions of a great time were left! And this is the most important thing why people strive to travel! 🙂

The map below shows all the sights of Belarus that I was able to visit. You can see more details about each of them.