The area of ​​Crimea for a year is. Guide to Crimea: all the most useful things for tourists. Urbanization. Urban and rural population

The peninsula covers 26.08 square kilometers. A quarter of the territory is mountains, 8 percent is salt lakes, rivers and dry rivers, and the rest of the land is plains. Area of ​​Crimea in sq. km compared to other states is comparable to Albania (28.75 sq. km), or Macedonia (25.33 sq. km).

The population density in Crimea is quite high. 2.7 million people live here, with 72.7 people per square kilometer. This is statistics. And speaking of hospitality, local residents are always happy to see the influx of tourists. Those who come on vacation will find comfortable hotels, boarding houses and an inexpensive private sector.

The construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait is in full swing. Construction the most important object, designed to unite the pearl of Russian Black Sea resorts with mainland Krasnodar region- an expected event. The movement of cars is planned by the end of 2018.

For avid motorists

It is known that previously the route to Crimea lay through Ukraine. The Caucasus ferry crossing is now operating, which can be reached from Moscow along the M4 Don federal highway. The road passes through the regions: Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh. There are paid sections.

Traveling by car, whatever one may say, is more profitable - the cost of air tickets leaves much to be desired. Moreover, you can independently determine your route and visit the most remote corners where flights cannot reach you. sightseeing bus. And if you travel with the whole family, then a considerable amount of luggage is expected. It turns out that a car is the only reasonable way to travel.


A ferry departs from the port of Kavkaz every hour according to schedule. Long-lasting queues are a thing of the past. Now crossing the Taman Bay is comfortable. A pre-purchased e-ticket gives you privileges. You can reserve a place in various ways:

  • Using information kiosks;
  • Via the Internet on the crossing portal;
  • Through payment terminals.

Ferry delays can occur due to storms, but this phenomenon does not happen very often.

Important! The ticket must be kept, as police officers check its presence both when leaving the ferry and when entering the peninsula or territory Russian Federation.

Building a route

Spending a vacation on the peninsula and seeing as many sights as possible in a short period of time without traveling extra kilometers is not an easy task. Helps you navigate the area mobile application"Crimea". Its functions are as follows:

  • The smart program automatically determines where in at the moment the owner of the smartphone is located;
  • The monitor clearly shows nearby attractions, determines the distance to them and offers the shortest route;
  • There are photos in the app famous places, indicating contact information and even visitor reviews.

Which coast to choose

It is very different, this peninsula. In the west there are vast steppes. They are unusually beautiful in spring, when vast emerald carpets are covered with flower meadows. Thanks to the mild warm climate summer season here it starts already in May. Shallow sea waters warm up quickly. The main resorts of the coast: Evpatoria, Balaklava, Nikolaevka, Popovka, Mirny and of course Sevastopol. Sights: Chersonesus, Cup of Love, Kara-Tobe, Armenian Church.

On the Eastern shore, the plain gradually turns into a picturesque rocky serpentine. Breathtaking steep ascents and descents with unexpected turns reveal amazing landscapes. Outside the car window, a series of changing scenes of the sea passes by. The unforgettable sensations of driving on mountain roads stay with a person forever. Popular places holidays: Kerch, Koktebel, Sudak, Feodosia, Novy Svet. Sights: Genoese fortress, Aivazovsky and Green museums, Kara-Dag nature reserve.

Since the times of the Soviet Union, the coast has received a well-deserved reputation as the most prestigious holiday destination. Southern Crimea. There is a subtropical climate here. The tourist season opens at the beginning of summer and lasts until the end of September. Due to the mountainous terrain, there can be completely different microclimates just a few kilometers apart. If it rains in one bay, then in the next bay the weather is clear and sunny. Resorts on the southern coast: Alushta, Alupka, Gurzuf, Yalta, Foros, Massandra, Livadia and many others. Sights: Aivazovsky Park, Jur-Jur waterfall, Swallow's Nest, Livadia Palace, Foros Church and park and so on.

According to scientists, there are only two places on earth where the saturation of ions and phytoncides, which can cure a person from many diseases, is very high - this Cote d'Azur France and the southern coast of Crimea.


On Crimean coast they come for the sun, healing sea air, and new experiences. Here you can relax comfortably, improve your health, enjoy the clean, gentle sea, and admire the stunning beautiful views, plunge into the abyss of unforgettable adventures.

Alluring, mysterious, warm Crimea is a place you want to return to again and again. Unlike guests of the peninsula, local residents are already accustomed to the azure sea that surrounds them every day and majestic mountains. The picturesque landscapes constantly attracted more and more new residents. This led to the population of Crimea tripling over ninety years. A variety of ethnic groups live here. The local population is represented by Crimean Tatars, Poles, Russians, Jews, Greeks, Crimeans and others.

Population of Crimea

As of January 1, 2017, the permanent population of Crimea is 2,340,778 people. Of these, 1,912,079 residents live in the Republic of Crimea and 428,699 in Sevastopol. The large population of Crimea allowed the republic to take twenty-seventh place in the ranking of subjects of the Russian Federation. According to 1926 data, only 713,823 people lived in the territory of Crimea and Sevastopol.

Ninety years of active migration of people from Ukraine, India, Israel, Uzbekistan and other countries have led to a colossal increase in the number of residents of the republic. The population of Crimea by year shows that it was most populated in 1989. Then its number was 2,458,655 people.

The population of Crimea has had very serious ups and downs over the years. Thus, in connection with the Great Patriotic War, the number of residents of the republic was halved. In 1939, 1,126,429 people lived here, and six years later, in 1945, there were only 610,000 inhabitants.

Ethnic composition

The dynamically growing population of Crimea throughout history has a continuous connection with the arrival of new ethnic groups in the republic. The ethnic history of Crimea is many times richer than the Soviet or any other. Four thousand years of existence of the peninsula made it a haven for the Cimmerians, Scythians, Greeks, Karaites, Pechenegs, Venetians and others. Initially, the main population of the Republic of Crimea consisted of Crimean Tatars.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, they were supplanted by the Russians, who took first place, and the Ukrainians, who gained a foothold in second position. During World War II, the peninsula was occupied by the Germans for some time, and as a result, this period was characterized by a decrease in the number of Jews. After the Second World War, Armenians, Greeks and Bulgarians suddenly moved to Crimea.

Population of Crimean cities by ethnic composition

  • Armenians - Sevastopol, Yalta, Simferopol, Evpatoria, Feodosia.
  • Bulgarians - Simferopol, Koktebel.
  • Eastern Slavs - Kerch, Evpatoria, Simferopol, Feodosia, Yalta, Alushta.
  • Greeks - Simferopol, Kerch, Yalta.
  • Jews - Simferopol, Sevastopol, Kerch, Yalta, Feodosia, Evpatoria.
  • Karaites - Old Crimea, Feodosia, Evpatoria.
  • Krymchaks - Karasubazar and Simferopol, Feodosia, Sevastopol, Kerch.

In Simferopol (Crimea), the population included almost all nationalities existing in the republic.

Crimean Greeks

Greek settlers settled on the Crimean peninsula twenty-seven centuries ago. The population belonging to this ethnic group was divided into Crimean Greeks and Greeks who arrived from Greece at the end of the eighteenth century.

First Greek colonies were created in the format of the Bosporus State and the Chersonese Republic. Modern Crimean Greeks are descendants of the Greek battalion, which participated in the Crimean War and remained on the orders of Potemkin to guard Crimea. This type of population settled in Balaklava and other villages nearby. Within the framework of the ethnographic history of the republic, the formed nationality is called Arnauts or Balaklava Greeks.

Approximately thirteen thousand Greeks migrated to Crimea during World War II from Turkey through the Caucasus. The reason for their flight was the genocide unleashed by fanatical Muslims. The bulk of the Greeks who came to Crimea were uneducated and had a social status no higher than that of an artisan or merchant. Having settled in the new territory, the Crimean Greeks began to engage in gardening, fishing, trade, and they also successfully grew grapes and tobacco. The Crimean Greeks are still considered one of the most numerous ethnic groups of the peninsula, as their number is seventy-seven thousand people.

Crimean Armenians

Armenians became full-fledged residents of Crimea a thousand years ago. It is repeatedly mentioned in history that the most original and, of course, very important center of Armenian culture is Crimea. The population of the Armenian ethnic group appeared here along with a certain Vardan. In seven hundred and eleven, this Armenian was declared emperor of Byzantium when he was in the territory of Crimea. The peak of settlement of the peninsula by Armenians occurred at the beginning of the fourteenth century. Crimea during this period was called “maritime Armenia”. The areas of activity of Crimean Armenians are: trade, construction, financial activities.

The sharp decline in the number of the Armenian ethnic group in Crimea dates back to 1475. The reason for the change in the population structure was the Turks who came to power. They destroyed Armenians and took them into slavery. A new wave of growth in the Armenian population occurred in the eighteenth century, when they were given official permission to return to Crimea. The population of Armenian origin greatly decreased during the Civil War. If during the October Revolution there were seventeen thousand Armenians in Crimea, then by the end of the twentieth there were only five thousand left.


The Karaites descended from the Turkic people. The only thing that distinguishes them from their progenitor is their religion - Judaism. The Karaites are mentioned for the first time in historical chronicles in 1278. But, despite this fact, there is an opinion that they settled on the peninsula several centuries earlier. Throughout its existence, the Karaite ethnic group never stood out among the local residents. The turning point in the life of this nationality was the moment of the annexation of Crimea to Russian Empire. Then the Karaites had the opportunity to buy land, not pay a number of tax duties and enlist in the army voluntarily. Until 1914, the Karaites were a very prosperous people. Eight thousand of them lived in Crimea.

Wars, repressions, and famine in the following years led to a sharp reduction in the number and standard of living of this nation. Today, about eight hundred Karaites live in Crimea.


Krymchaks are a people who follow Talmudic Judaism and speak a language close to the Crimean Tatar. They appeared on the territory of Crimea even before our era. In the eighteenth century, only eight hundred Crimeans lived on the Crimean peninsula. The population of this ethnic group reached its maximum in 1912 and amounted to seven and a half thousand people. Today this ethnic group is on the verge of extinction. These people were never rich and did not know how to express themselves in politics and trade.


For the Jews, the peninsula was a fairly fertile territory, so they populated it very actively. In 1897 their number was more than twenty-four thousand people. At the time of the revolution in Crimea, there were already twice as many Jews. At the beginning of the nineteenth century there was even a project to create a Jewish republic on the peninsula. Its implementation began in 1924, but was not crowned with the expected success. A particular blow to Crimean Jews occurred during the Great Patriotic War. All non-evacuated Jews were killed by the Nazi occupation. At the end of the twentieth century, twenty-five thousand Jews lived on the peninsula. Many of them later emigrated to Israel.

Crimean Tatars

The first Mongol-Tatar invasion of Crimea dates back to 1223. At the end of the fourteenth century, the entire peninsula was inhabited by a people who called themselves Crimeans, while the Russians called them Tatars. The inhabitants of Crimea themselves came to this name only after becoming part of Russia.

The Tatars were a significant people of Crimea until the annexation of the peninsula to Russia. Since then, the number of the Tatar ethnic group has not decreased much, but a lot of Russians have arrived in the territory of Crimea. The Tatar people ceased to be the most numerous on the peninsula. Many Tatars emigrated to Turkey after the Crimean War.

The fate of the Crimean Tatars was especially dramatic during the Great Patriotic War. They fought bravely in the ranks of the Soviet army, many of them died in battle, and some were burned by the Nazis. Some Tatars went over to the enemy's side and turned out to be traitors. In connection with this, in 1944, almost two hundred thousand Tatars were deported from the country. They began returning to Crimea in 1989 and have since made up twelve percent of the peninsula’s population.

Other nationalities

In addition to the nationalities presented above, many representatives of other large ethnic groups live in Crimea. Since the end of the eighteenth century, Crimea began to be settled by Bulgarians, of whom there are now no more than two thousand people.

The first Poles settled on the peninsula at the end of the seventeenth century. Their mass migration to the peninsula dates back to the sixties of the nineteenth century. They were never trusted by local residents, and therefore they were not provided with benefits and the opportunity to settle separately. Now there are no more than seven thousand of them in Crimea.

This article will talk about unusual and unique corner the globe - about beautiful Taurida! How many people live on the peninsula and what is the size of the territory of Crimea? Area, nature, ethnic and religious composition will be the subjects of this information article.

Crimea: origin of the name of the peninsula

A long time ago, back in ancient times, in what is now the south of Crimea, there were ancient settlements brands Even then the peninsula bore the loud name Tavrika. The name Crimea, by which the modern world knows it, was given to ancient Taurica centuries later. This happened only at the beginning of the 14th century. Researchers suggest that this name is associated with a Mongolian city called Kyrym. And the whole point is that after the Mongols took possession of the northern part of the Black Sea region, the Khan of the Horde settled in this city and named his possessions in honor of his native land.

There is another option for the origin of the name. Perhaps there is a connection between Crimea and the Perekop Isthmus. After all, in Turkic “dig” sounds like “kyrym”, that is, “ditch”. During the Middle Ages, the peninsula was renamed Tavria. This name was slightly changed after its territory was annexed to the Russian Empire. Since the end of the 18th century, the peninsula with its closest edge was called Taurida.

Which total area Crimea? This will be discussed further.

Territory of Crimea: area and geographical location

Crimea is washed by two seas at once: the Azov and the Black. The coastline of the peninsula reaches 2.5 thousand kilometers! Half of this length refers to Prisivash.

In its shape, Crimea resembles an irregular quadrangle. Actually, why is Crimea called a peninsula and not a full-fledged island? The point is the 8 km wide Perekop Isthmus, which connects it to the mainland. The northernmost point of the peninsula is located at this point. The southern one is located on Cape Sarych.

What is the area of ​​Crimea? Regarding the length of sea and land borders, then it is 2500 kilometers. If you use your imagination, you can see a bunch of grapes, a heart, or even a flying bird in the silhouette of Crimea. The area of ​​the Crimean peninsula is about 27 thousand square kilometers.

Nature and relief

The area of ​​Crimea is small, but the peninsula has unique feature: It's amazing variety natural conditions and landscapes. The flora and fauna of the peninsula amaze with its beauty and richness. In Crimea, you can visit the wild steppe, enjoy views of green vineyards or exotic vegetation of the southern coast, admire volcanic rocks, or go down into a karst cave.

Regarding the nature of the relief, Crimea can be divided into 3 parts:

More than 7/10 is the North Crimean Plain.

The Kerch Peninsula with its ridge-hilly plains.

Mountainous part of the peninsula.

The main ridge has the greatest height. It is a chain of separate massifs consisting of limestone with flat tops. These massifs (yayls) are separated from each other by deep canyons.

Population of Crimea

Judging by data for October 2014, the Crimean peninsula has about 2 million inhabitants. Over the past year, according to information received from Ukraine, about 20.5 thousand Crimeans moved to the territory of this country. However, at the same time, 200,000 people moved from the Lugansk and Donetsk regions to Crimea. About 50,000 foreigners live and work on the peninsula.

At the end of the 18th century, the majority of the population of Crimea were Tatars. However, two centuries later, the peninsula became a multi-ethnic territory inhabited by representatives of all kinds of cultures. Today, more than 100 different ethnic groups live in Crimea, the most numerous of which are Russians (68%), Ukrainians (16%), Crimean Tatars (11%), Armenians (about 1%).

The most widespread religion in Crimea is Orthodoxy. There are slightly fewer Muslims, there are also Protestants and Catholics, Jews.

Urbanization processes on the peninsula

According to 2014 data, the number of urban residents of the peninsula was 1.3 million people, or 58% of the total population. Over the past 15 years, the number of city residents has decreased significantly. This indicator is a consequence of the fact that absolutely all republics in 2014 were legally classified as villages.

The nationality that predominates in number on the peninsula are Russians. There are more of them among city dwellers, but not among the rural population. There are still fewer of them in the villages, because Ukrainians and, of course, Crimean Tatars predominate there.

Curious facts about the peninsula

1. Crimea is a unique peninsula, the area of ​​which simultaneously contains 3 natural zones. These are subtropics, mountains and steppes.

2. The flora of Crimea includes 240 species of unique vegetation, characteristic only of its territory.

3. Crimea also distinguished itself by having the longest route public transport: the length of the trolleybus route between the cities of Simferopol and Yalta is almost 90 km!

4. “Crimea trolleybus” is included in the Guinness Book of Records for one more parameter. True, this can hardly be called an achievement. The transport fleet is almost completely worn out, and the average age of a local trolleybus is 26 years, which is a definite record in the world!

5. Surprisingly, the shortest tram line is located on the peninsula. It is not even two kilometers long, and the purpose of its creation is one - to quickly transport tourists to the seashore.

6. On the peninsula there is a power plant powered by solar panels. Yes, not simple, but the most powerful in the whole world! It was built by the Austrians on the territory of the village of Perovo in 2011.

7. Representatives of about 130 nationalities live in Crimea today!


Now you know everything about the area of ​​Crimea and the population of this wonderful peninsula. It extends deep into the Black Sea and is almost completely isolated from land. The area of ​​Crimea is 27 thousand square kilometers. Almost two million people live in this territory.

The area of ​​Crimea, as can be estimated, is quite small. However, the territory of the peninsula boasts a unique diversity of landscapes, flora and fauna.

List of the largest cities in Crimea: we briefly tell you why the cities are remarkable and what attractions you can see there.

Now on the Crimean peninsula, only 18 settlements have received city status, the largest of them in terms of area occupied are Sevastopol, Sudak, Yalta, Yevpatoria, Kerch and Simferopol.

Sevastopol is the largest city in Crimea

A large sea and commercial port, the largest city in Crimea, which has a special status and received the rights of a separate subject of the Russian Federation. According to 2015 data, the population was 398.97 thousand people - it is also the largest city in Crimea by population.

A huge number of attractions are concentrated here: the ruins of the ancient Greek settlement of Chersonesos, monuments of military eras (Russian-Turkish War, Great Patriotic War) and museums, a magnificent embankment, an Aquarium. Not far from the city is the cave monastery of Inkerman and Balaklava, the place where submarines were based. In Sevastopol large number and picturesque bays.

Photo © mr. Wood /

Once upon a time there was the capital of the Scythian state, which was later destroyed by the Goths. Simferopol is located in the central part of the peninsula and has no access to the sea. The Salgir River flows here.

Simferopol is the second largest city in Crimea by population after Sevastopol, with 332.6 thousand people living in it. Tourists to Simferopol are attracted by local attractions: the ancient site of Naples Scythian, Vorontsov Palace, Ethnographic Museum, Central Museum of Taurida, Cathedral Mosque Kebir-Jami, Weeping Rock, Chokurcha Cave, Red Cave (Kizil-Koba).

Third in the list of the largest cities in Crimea and the most eastern city peninsula, located on the shore of Kerch Bay. The local population is about 148 thousand people. The rich history of the city goes back more than 2.5 thousand years; there are a huge number of monuments of the Bosporan and Scythian kingdoms, Tmutarakan, and Byzantine villages. Kerch is a great hero city that has perpetuated the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War in numerous monuments and memorials.

Photo © Alexxx1979 /

An ancient city in the west of Crimea, population - just over 106 thousand. Evpatoria is one of the large cities of Crimea, located on the shores of the Kalamitsky Bay, there are wonderful sandy beaches and a warm, shallow sea. In Evpatoria there are many entertainment centers, water parks, attractions, the Juma-Jami mosque, the abode of dervishes, ancient aqueduct, Turkish baths, ancient temples. Nearby is the city with healing mud Saki, which has a large number of health facilities.

Photo © Yuriy Kuzin /

Most popular resort The South Coast with a population of 78.2 thousand people is at the same time the largest big city on this coast of Crimea. The city has many hotels and holiday homes, there is a beautiful embankment, monuments, alleys, a local history museum, the Chekhov House Museum, the Yalta Zoo "Fairy Tale", "Glade of Fairy Tales", the Uchan-Su waterfall, the Massandra Palace, the famous winery "Massandra", not far from Yalta - Livadia Palace and Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Photo © B. Rad /

Feodosia is an ancient city located in the southeastern part of the peninsula, founded by Greek colonists. Now about 70 thousand people live here, which makes this locality one of the largest in terms of population in Crimea. There are few ancient buildings here, the excavations that have begun make it difficult for residential areas, so the main architectural monuments have been preserved from the Middle Ages: the remains of the citadel of the Genoese fortress, the walls of Hayots Berd, Armenian temples and the Armenian fountain, the Mufti-Jami mosque. Art connoisseurs will enjoy the Alexander Greene Literary and Memorial Museum and the National Art Gallery of the famous marine painter I.K. Aivazovsky.

Photo © naiv.super1 /


An important railway junction in the northern part of the peninsula. According to the latest data, the population was about 39 thousand people. Shallow rivers flow through Dzhankoy and there is no access to the sea. The city is not rich in attractions: the Kalinovsky landscape park, home to more than 100 species of birds, a mosque, the Holy Protection Orthodox Church and a local history museum.


A well-known resort city on the southern coast of Crimea, the population is about 30 thousand people, which is much less than in Yalta, but nevertheless Alushta is one of the large cities of Crimea. Alushta has many beaches and attractions, an aquarium, a dolphinarium, a nature museum and an arboretum, not far from the city (near the village of Luchistoye) Mount Demerdzhi and the famous Valley of Ghosts.

Photo © lazy_lizzy /


Former capital of the Crimean Khanate. The city with a population of just over 27 thousand people is located in the steppe zone of Crimea in the foothills. The main attraction is the Khan's palace Khansaray; no less interesting for tourists is the Fountain of Tears, glorified by A. S. Pushkin, mosques and cave city Chufut-Kale.


An industrial city in Crimea (specializing in chemical production), with a population of just over 26 thousand people. Located in the southern part of the Perekop Isthmus, the North Crimean Canal passes nearby.

Travelers planning to visit the magnificent Crimea for the first time should get an idea of ​​what awaits them here in advance. Useful information will allow you to choose the right place to relax and understand the specifics of the resorts. We bring to your attention a detailed guide to the Crimean Peninsula.

Where is Crimea?

The peninsula is located in Eastern Europe. It is adjacent to Ukraine from the north, and continental Russia from the east. The western, southern and southeastern shores are washed by the Black Sea, and the eastern -.

Crimea on the world map

Open map

General information

The Crimean Peninsula is part of the Russian Federation. It contains two whole regions of the country - Sevastopol and, in fact, the Republic of Crimea.

The area of ​​the region is 27 thousand square meters. m., and the population is 2 million 284.4 thousand people. In terms of ethnic composition, the majority of people here are Russians - 65.3%, Ukrainians - 15.1%, Crimean Tatars - 10.2%. Tatars and Belarusians, Armenians and Jews, Moldovans and Greeks, Poles and Gypsies, Germans and Bulgarians also live here. In terms of religious composition, the majority of Crimeans are Orthodox Christians, with significantly fewer Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. The official languages ​​in Taurida are Russian, Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian.

Geographically, Crimea is divided into 14 administrative districts, 11 cities of republican significance and 1 city of federal significance with special status.

Brief History

Due to its favorable geographical position at the intersection sea ​​routes Nature itself has prepared for Taurida the fate of an important trade and logistics center. The excellent climate has attracted people here since ancient times. According to archaeologists, they appeared on the promised land about 150 thousand years ago. Fertile soils, forests rich in game, and an abundance of fish in the coastal surface contributed to the rapid growth of the population.

At different times, Crimea was inhabited by Tauris, Greeks and Scythians, Romans and barbarian tribes. Slavs, Mongols, Khazars, Turks and Tatars lived here. It was owned by the Roman Empire, Byzantium, the Golden Horde, and part of the land was even purchased by the Genoese in the 14th century. In the middle of the 15th century, the Crimean Khanate was formed here, which was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Vacationers with children and those who want to improve their health in the magnificent mud baths of Sak and Sak should pay attention to the West Coast. Entry into the water on local sandy beaches gently sloping, the tourist infrastructure is at the proper level. Eastern Bank Suitable for a romantic getaway for couples and lovers of an active lifestyle. , Sudak, and Kerch are ready to provide a lot of entertainment.

According to ratings and reviews seasoned travelers, best place For family leisure is Evpatoria. Koktebel and Alushta are ideal for young people. For lovers maximum comfort you should go to, Gurzuf and. The villages offer a measured, romantic holiday without too much fuss for couples and older people. Finally, the most economical option for spending a vacation is provided to tourists in, Olenevka, and.

How to get to Crimea?


Travelers coming to Crimea will not have any problems with accommodation. In the largest resort clusters of Yalta, Evpatoria, Feodosia, Kerch,
Sevastopol created a magnificent hotel infrastructure. In hotels of categories from 3* to, new guests are always welcome.

Tourists who prefer more relaxing holiday, will be able to stay in mini-hotels and hotels in small resort villages. Here you can easily find options based on your financial capabilities. Economy class services are provided guest houses, and hostels provide very budget accommodation.

The private sector will delight you with a variety of offers: from luxurious villas and cottages to modest and inexpensive apartments, houses or cottages. The prices are quite affordable due to the absence of intermediaries. Do you want to spend your holiday in unity with? Pay attention to campsites and tourist centers.

Where and what beaches are in Crimea?

Crimea, washed by two seas at once, has unique nature and microclimate, and in terms of quantity sunny days not inferior to the French Riviera, it can be considered a promised land for lovers of relaxation. its different parts have characteristic features.

If you prefer to sunbathe on fine golden sand, you should go to ZBK. The best edges with this coating are in the area. No less attractive are the recreation areas of the villages of Chernomorskoye, Lazurnoe and Olenevka.
In cozy shallow bays and estuaries, the water warms up by mid-May.

The South Coast is famous for its cozy coves, stretching in a row between capes Ai-Todor and. Local beach areas, like their counterparts in Yalta, Alushta and, are covered with pebbles. Breezes reign here, bringing freshness. Hot air from the central part of Taurida is not allowed to pass through the mountain ranges.

In the area between Sudak and Alushta there are wonderful places with mixed coverage, where mountain streams flow into the Black Sea. Recreation in the surrounding area and Sudak are popular among vacationers. The cozy coves of Koktebel have long been a favorite. Complete relaxation is guaranteed on a 15 km stretch starting directly from Feodosia. The depth of the water here increases gradually, so it is comfortable to relax with children.

The East is washed by two seas. The best place for swimming and sunbathing in the Black Sea part of the water area, limited, is considered to be recreation at the foot. The Azov coast, stretching for almost 100 km, attracts with its sandy surface and gentle entrance to the sea. The most famous of them is. The bays of Rifov and Bulganak (near which there is) are in demand. Quite a lot of holidaymakers are attracted by recreation in the Shchelkino area and.

Most coastal zones have a fairly developed infrastructure. Vacationers are offered a variety of entertainment: from traditional bananas to. In specialized points it is easy to rent a jet ski, a catamaran, rent diving equipment, and everything you need for water sports.

Iconic landmarks

Travelers looking to combine beach and educational holiday, numerous man-made attractions of Crimea await. Among them it is worth highlighting a number iconic places, which are the calling cards of the Crimean Peninsula:

  1. . The elegant castle in the Gothic style, erected in 1912 on the top of a steep cliff, is the most recognizable architectural monument of Taurida. Be sure to check out the miniature stone miracle in the village of Gaspra.
  2. . The citadel in Sudak, the construction of which, completed in the mid-15th century, took Genoese architects about 70 years, is perfectly preserved. The fortress's crenellated towers, barbican and walls have more than once become the backdrop for the filming of historical films.
  3. . A unique complex of five large museum objects is dedicated to one of the most heroic pages military glory Russia - protecting the city from the armies of the Anglo-French-Turkish coalition during. Here you will see the famous brushes of Franz Roubaud.
  4. . The ancient city, founded by Greek colonists in the 5th century BC, was part of the Bosporus Kingdom, the Roman Empire and Byzantium, existed until 1399, until it was destroyed by nomads from the Golden Horde. Today here you can see fragments of colonnades, ruins, baths, Zeno's towers and other artifacts.
  5. . The complex of buildings that served as the residence of the khans was erected in the 16th-17th centuries. in a characteristic Ottoman architectural style. The splendor of the palaces, the facades of which are decorated with arcades with columns, elegant stone carvings and inscriptions in Arabic script, can be admired endlessly. By the way, this is where the famous fountain glorified by Pushkin is located.

Excursions around the Crimean Peninsula

All Crimean resorts have excursion bureaus offering vacationers exciting and varied routes. They can be one-day or lasting several days, by bus, horseback or on foot. Excursions around are extremely interesting. They start from Alushta and last one day. The route includes visits to Livadia and palaces, Swallow's Nest. There are tours that also include an inspection of where Stalin loved to relax.

It is of no less interest to tourists. Here you will visit Alupka, Miskhor and. Vacationers will be able to stroll around and,
see other iconic monuments of architectural and park art.

Participants will have a great opportunity to admire the stunning surroundings and feel unity with pristine nature walking tour to the Karabi mountain range. For four days of walking, starting in the village. Generalskoe, passing through protected areas and the Tirke-Yayly plateau, you will see with your own eyes the magnificent landscape, enjoy the unique lunar landscapes from Mount Kara-Tau, and explore the Terpi-Koba cave.

Fans of extreme recreation are offered exciting journey through the wild grottoes on . Accompanied by speleological instructors, you will be able to descend into the Buzluk cave cavity, where at a depth of 20 m you will discover permafrost, frozen waterfalls and rock petroglyphs left by ancient people. Following the route further, tourists will have to visit Terpi-Koba and climb the mountain, which has a height of 1220 m.

Yes, this is only a small part of the many amazing excursions that you can easily take part in while vacationing in Crimea. Experienced guides will organize for you tours to ancient Chersonesos, the famous hero city, romantic, hikes to extinct volcanoes And . Among this variety, it is not difficult to choose a route to suit your taste.

Picturesque nature

It amazes with the variety and splendor of its landscapes. The peninsula has everything: endless Little Russian steppes, beautiful mountain ranges with Alpine valleys, a picturesque coast washed by the warm sea. Here you can consider various types vegetation - up to tropical palm trees. The forests are home to many animals, and the seaside is favored by birds. When visiting Crimea, do not miss the following natural attractions:

  • . The mountain, part of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains, considered the main symbol of the South Coast, rises above Alupka. It has three peaks, with the main peak rising 1,246 km above the sea surface. The highlight of the summit, which is made of limestone rocks, is the stunning rock teeth formed due to the weathering of the stone. They are stretched today.
  • Jur-Jur . This waterfall is formed by the Ulu-Uzen River, flowing through a picturesque gorge, the waters of which create a series of cascades, falling from a limestone ledge located at a height of 15 m. The height of the main waterfall is 5 m. At its foot, which does not dry out in summer and rarely freezes in winter, There are natural rock baths.
  • . The most picturesque place, bounded by capes and Aya, is located between Sevastopol and Yalta. Due to the fact that the ridges protect the bay from northern winds, a unique microclimate is created here, favorable for exotic vegetation, in particular, tree ferns. The water here is clean and the scenery is simply magnificent.
  • . It is located in the lower plateau of the Chatyr-Dag massif and is considered one of the most beautiful in Europe. You can get into it through the entrance located at an altitude of 920 m. Inside there are several halls and galleries, the natural decoration of which are stunning stalactites and stalagmites.
  • . Beautiful and mysterious, located at the foot of the mountain, it is familiar to many from the famous footage filmed here. The memo is also interesting due to the “stone chaos” - blocks of rock that have taken on the most bizarre shapes over the centuries under the influence of wind and rain. The scenery here is simply stunning.

Wellness and treatment

Crimea is rightfully considered a magnificent health resort. There are many excellent ones here that successfully treat a range of diseases. They can be divided into three main groups:

  • Balneological, which is based on the healing effects of mineral waters - for their external and internal use
  • Mud baths specializing in procedures using sulfide and peat mud, lake brine.
  • Climatic, where the therapeutic effect is achieved through a combination of unique natural factors.

The sanatoriums are equipped with modern medical equipment. Various procedures are used for treatment: traditional physiotherapy, therapeutic showers and baths, speleotherapy in salt caves, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy, aromatherapy, herbal medicine and even dolphin therapy. The cities of the South Coast specialize in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, respiratory organs, and tuberculosis. The best sanatorium institutions are located in Foros and Alushta.

Resort recreation in the coastal steppe zone is concentrated in Evpatoria, Feodosia and Saki. Here, with the help of healing mud and mineral waters, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and intestines are effectively treated, problems in the field of gynecology, urology, and dermatology are solved. In addition to specialized sanatoriums, there are many multidisciplinary health centers in Crimea. You can undergo a course of treatment in them either on a voucher or by purchasing only a course.

Active recreation in summer

Crimea opens up magnificent prospects for lovers of active pastime. Tourists who love the water will have the opportunity to go water skiing, take an exciting trip along the coast in a kayak, or take part in a small yacht cruise. For those interested, sea, river and lake fishing are organized.

Vacationers who prefer to feel solid ground under their feet will be offered walking or tours along the most beautiful places. Avid motorists will certainly want to take part in a safari in off-road vehicles available for rent through the hard-to-reach corners of the peninsula.

Recently they have become popular. During this festive period, life at the resorts comes to life. Colorful entertainment events are organized for tourists in hotels. The administration of resort towns is preparing a lot of interesting surprises. Their streets host festivities, theatrical performances, and in the evenings the sky is painted in bright colors by fireworks.

Significant events

People in Crimea love and know how to organize holidays and festivals. Victory Day, February 23, is celebrated here on a special scale, when mass celebrations and stunning fireworks are held in the largest cities, and in Sevastopol, the celebration of Navy Day is accompanied by a grandiose naval parade.

Crimean Tatars celebrate many colorful events. At the beginning of May, Khydyrlez comes, when a loaf is rolled down the hill, determining, according to a long-standing tradition, whether the coming year will be fruitful or not. A particularly colorful holiday is Derviza in September, when festivities, fairs, and national wrestling competitions are held. And, of course, Muslims treat Eid al-Adha and Kurban Bayram with special reverence.

From the series of festivals held on the peninsula throughout the year, it is worth highlighting several particularly popular events:

  • At the beginning of August, the picturesque Balaklava Valley hosts a show in which the best Russian pop artists participate.
  • At the end of the month, jazz lovers and the best performers from many countries of the world come to Koktebel for the Koktebel Jazz Party.
  • In the same August, a colorful historical reconstruction festival is held in Sudak. A large knightly tournament and many colorful events are held in the ancient Genoese fortress.
  • The last week of July is marked by the grandiose international forum “EXTREME Crimea”. In Olenevka, masters compete with each other and share their experiences extreme species sports, battles are held between parkourists and dance groups.

Of course, this is far from full list festivities passed through the peninsula. Many are attracted by the traditional “Tulip Parade” in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. “Pir Fest” is also worthy of attention, where you can taste the most interesting dishes. And what are the celebrations on the occasion of City Days worth?!

Crimean cuisine

It represents a unique mixture of Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar gastronomic traditions. The cuisine here is extremely multifaceted and varied, containing many vegetable and meat dishes, and seafood dishes.

Gourmets are recommended to try imam-bayaldy stuffed eggplants, sarma (Crimean analogue of dolma) and authentic chir-chir chebureks. Russian cuisine will delight you with magnificent pies with fish, meat or mushrooms prepared according to ancient recipes.

Fans of Ukrainian gastronomy will be offered to treat themselves to excellent borscht or cabbage soup, wonderful donuts and amazingly tasty pancakes. Be sure to try uzvar - a cold berry drink with honey.

What colorful souvenirs should you buy?

From any trip you want to bring something other than traditional magnets and T-shirts with authentic logos. An excellent idea of ​​a holiday in Crimea and a present for someone familiar would be:

  • Plates, spatulas, bowls, boxes, caskets made of juniper wood, exuding a subtle pine aroma.
  • Crafts made from onyx - from various amulets and candlesticks to elegant chess and sets of glasses.
  • Handmade soap and natural cosmetics produced locally, based on medicinal plants.
  • Aged collection cognacs and champagnes from famous wineries and factories.
  • Excellent herbal teas that have a tonic and healing effect and are collected in ecologically clean areas.


While in Tavrida, it is easy to use the mobile services of the main Russian operators. However, there is one caveat. Fearing sanctions, operators use the network of the local provider K-Telecom, so they will have to pay a little more for telephony and Internet access.

Megafon offers a special tariff “Crimea” with a subscription fee of 15 rubles. per day. At the same time, for a minute of communication with a subscriber in the Russian Federation you will have to pay 5 rubles with free incoming calls, and for SMS - 3 rubles. A megabyte of mobile Internet will cost 9.9.

Tariffs from VimpelCom are much steeper and more attractive. Incoming and outgoing calls will cost 9.95 rubles. per minute, and SMS – 4.5. For 1 MB of traffic, Beeline requires the same 9.95. There are no preferential tariffs for the peninsula.

MTS took much better care of its subscribers. By subscribing to the “Everywhere at home” tariff, you will be able to make outgoing calls to Russia, paying 3 rubles per minute of conversation. Incoming calls are free, and the subscription fee will be 7 rubles. per day. They also offer the most profitable mobile Internet.

Tele-2 subscribers do not need to worry about too high costs for mobile communications. By choosing the option “Like home in Crimea”, communicate with Russia by paying 5 rubles. per minute, with free incoming calls. The subscription fee will be 6 rubles per day. Internet traffic is provided at a price of 5 rubles. per MB, which is only slightly more expensive than the offer from MTS.


Russian citizens vacationing in Crimea, if necessary, will receive a full package of free medical services provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. To do this, you only need to have a valid insurance policy with you. Medical assistance is provided regardless of the region in which it was issued.

Hospitals and clinics on the peninsula are equipped with modern equipment and staffed with specialists from various medical specialties. An ambulance is called by phone 03. If you are vacationing at a resort, emergency assistance will be provided by doctors at first aid stations. It is easy to purchase all kinds of medicines in numerous pharmacies.


Since the main source of replenishment of the Crimean budget is income from tourism, the authorities are trying to do everything to maintain law and order in the region. high level. Crimeans treat visitors favorably, and vacationers who have had too much alcohol often act as troublemakers. However, the police act very quickly, nipping outbursts of aggressiveness in the bud.

Much more often you can encounter various types of fraud: from attempts by intrusive taxi drivers to charge you an astronomical amount for a trip that can be made on a regular bus, to exotic offers to exchange rubles for a separate currency that allegedly circulates here.

Often they try to deceive gullible travelers when renting out housing. Before you pay money, make sure that you are going to give it to the owner of the apartment or house, ask your neighbors.

Petty thieves also ply their trade in resort towns. To avoid falling victim to them, do not take valuables with you to the beach that may not be there when you get out of the water. It is better to keep cameras and video cameras in your hands during excursions. Excessive, at first glance, caution never hurts.

Among the natural hazards, the greatest is possible heat stroke. When sunbathing, be careful not to overheat. Assess your strength soberly and do not swim too far into the sea.

Of all the representatives of the fauna living in Taurida, only the steppe viper, karakurts, and tarantulas pose a danger to humans. While in the water, you should be wary of stingrays, sea ruffes and sea dragons, contact with which can result in injections that cause severe pain, and some can cause burns. Having received an injection or bite, you should get to the nearest medical facility as quickly as possible, where you will promptly receive the necessary assistance.

As you can see, Crimea may well compete for tourists with Turkey or Egypt. The peninsula has everything you need for a memorable vacation, full of vivid emotions!

05.08.2017 Crimea-Mania