Oz is Belarus on purpose. Lake Naroch - “Belarusian Sea. The cheapest accommodation options in Naroch

  • Lake Naroch
  • Blue Lakes
  • Lake Svir
  • Apothecary Garden
  • Church of St. Nicholas
  • Arboretum


Naroch: Lake Naroch, Blue Lakes and 9 more objects

Ethnocultural complex "Nanosy-Novoselye"

375 29 620 52 56

Minsk region, Myadel district, Nanosy village
Ethnocultural complex "Nanosy-Novoselye"

Navigation coordinates:

54.861611, 26.711610

375 29 620 52 56

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  1. Lake Naroch, as you know, is the largest in Belarus in area: it is almost 80 km 2 . With a maximum depth of 24.08 meters and an average of about 9 meters, the volume of water in the lake is 710 million cubic meters. If you collect this water into a cube, then each of its faces will be almost 900 meters long.
  2. The water in Naroch is so clean that it has become possible to breed whitefish here. In general, here and in other lakes of the national park there is a wide variety of both common and rare or valuable fish species. In particular, there are brook trout, eel, whitefish, etc. Paid and free fishing is allowed in a number of places.
  3. Dead Lake, which is part of the Blue Lakes, got its name from hydrogen sulfide dissolved in the water. The fact is that under the bottom there is a huge reservoir of hydrogen sulfide, many times larger than the volume of the lake itself. Precisely because high concentration of this gas at depths of more than one and a half meters in Dead Lake there is no life.
  4. In the agricultural town of Budslav, Myadel district, there is the Church of the Ascension of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It can safely be called the main Catholic shrine of Belarus: the temple is one of three Belarusian small basilicas, and pilgrims come to it from all over the country.

What to see

  • Lake Naroch
  • Blue Lakes
  • Lake Svir
  • Apothecary Garden
  • Church of St. Nicholas
  • The main Catholic shrine of Belarus in Budslav
  • The village of Naroch and the neo-Gothic Church of St. Andrew the Apostle
  • Church of Our Lady of the Scapular in Myadel
  • Ethnocultural complex "Nanosy-Novoselye"
  • Arboretum

National Park“Narochansky” and its surroundings are, without exaggeration, a legendary place for Belarus. Here is Naroch, the largest lake in the country, striking with its beauty, size, clear water and fine yellow sand at the bottom. Around the lake there are a couple of dozen smaller, but equally picturesque bodies of water, surrounded by ancient forests, meadows, fields and villages. And on the shores of these lakes live open and friendly people.

There are a lot of attractions in the vicinity of Naroch. In almost every locality you can find a beautiful temple built during the time of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The dendrological garden, which was created not so long ago, already has an extensive collection of plants. The Apothecary Garden is also interesting - unique place, where medicinal plants are grown and cultivated.

For those who cherish memories of Soviet resorts, a visit to the resort village of Naroch will be a real revelation. Well, in Nanosy you can plunge into the carefully restored atmosphere of a historical village with its traditional activities and crafts.

Of course, the main treasure of the Naroch region is its nature, and first of all, Lake Naroch itself. Its clean and warm water in summer, fine sand beaches and gently sloping shores make it an excellent holiday destination. Moreover, around the lake there are ancient forests with amazingly clean air and a wide variety of plants. The water of the lake is the cleanest in Belarus; in summer it can be seen 7 meters deep, and in winter – 10 meters deep. At the same time, swans and other waterfowl can often be found on the water surface.

Around the lake there are several settlements that are in one way or another connected with tourism, as well as several sanatoriums of various profiles and levels of service. Be sure to visit Lake Naroch, which is not for nothing considered the pearl of Belarusian nature.

Blue Lakes are located a couple of tens of kilometers west of Naroch. These small lakes amaze with their picturesqueness. This is facilitated by the relief with a combination of hills and basins, the abundance of vegetation, and the water, unique in its composition and color for each lake. Despite their small area, some lakes in the group have an impressive depth, for example, in Lake Bolduc it reaches almost 40 meters. Relict plants, complex terrain and virtually untouched nature vividly remind us of the glacial past of these places.

Svir is the second largest lake in the national park. Its length is more than 14 kilometers, while its width does not exceed 2.3 kilometers. The shores of the lake are very different: on the western side it abuts the Svir ridge, which is why the shores rise 20-25 meters, while the eastern shores are much flatter and lower.

At the northwestern tip of the lake there is a village of the same name, very picturesque due to its topography and historical provincial architecture. The simple and laconic layout of the village contrasts with its extremely heterogeneous topography: the village stretches along the lake, a number of courtyards adjoin it closely, so that the residents have their own piers with boats. From the hill, rising several tens of meters above the lake, a truly fantastic view opens up.

The dominant feature of the village is the Church of St. Nicholas. The temple was originally built in 1653, but at the beginning of the 20th century it was completely rebuilt in the neo-Baroque style. Only some interior details have been preserved from the original appearance. The temple complex includes a fence made of rubble stone, as well as a courtyard lined with linden trees. The church itself is a three-nave basilica, where all the plastic is located on the main facade. A four-tiered belfry tower is attached to the side. The original altars have been preserved inside, and the interior itself is decorated with frescoes and paintings.

The main Catholic shrine of Belarus is located east of Naroch, in the agricultural town of Budslav. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary was built by the Bernardines in 1633-1643, although the first mention of representatives of the order on this site dates back to 1504. In 1783, the Bernardines completed the construction of the new church, as it can still be seen today, with the exception of some side rooms added later. The main facade of this late Baroque temple is divided into three towers, two side towers are symmetrical to each other. Above the entrance portal there is a balcony with a cast iron grate. The middle nave of the temple is very stretched, which makes the appearance unusual. Inside is the Budslav Icon of the Mother of God, one of the most revered shrines by Belarusian Catholics, donated to Minsk governor Jan Patz in 1598, and after his death given to chaplain Isak Solokai. In 1613 he donated the icon to the monastery. In addition, the church preserves a unique wooden altar created in the mid-17th century.

Notable is the village of Naroch, which until the 1960s was called Kobylniki. Its architectural dominant is the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, built at the beginning of the 20th century. The temple was built in the neo-Gothic style popular at that time, made of red brick and surrounded by a fence made of rubble stone. In this way it resembles the popular temples in Braslav of the same period. The exterior is decorated with lancet windows and buttresses, and above the portal of the main façade is an elaborate rose window.

In the capital of the region, the town of Myadel, there is a beautiful church of the Mother of God Scapular in the late Baroque style with Rococo elements. The temple is made in the shape of an octagon on a quadrangle; the outside is richly decorated with pilasters, lunettes and arched openings. Above the octagonal upper part there is a two-part dome, which is crowned by an octagonal turret with a spherical roof. There were once rich and colorful frescoes inside the temple, but they have only partially survived to this day.

On the Nanosy Peninsula there is the ethnocultural complex “Nanosy-Novoselye”, which is an excellent example of combining Belarusian traditions and European service. Integrated directly into the village of Nanosy, it is not surrounded by a fence, so local residents can easily stroll through the territory, created in accordance with the Belarusian way of life of the 19th century.

The complex, in addition to extensive housing stock, includes an equestrian arena where performances are held, a farm yard with domestic animals, a working water mill with a wooden mechanism, museums of bakery, samovars and moonshine stills, as well as a canteen, a yacht club and other tourist facilities.

The paths of the complex are paved with cobblestones and rubble stones, and the houses are built of wood and stone, thanks to which they correspond to the houses of wealthy peasants of the 19th century. Somewhat to the side is the owner's house, where only special guests are taken. It has a trophy room that will be the envy of any hunter: here you can see stuffed rhinos, tigers, lions and other exotic animals. Be sure to visit "Nanosy-Housewarming" at least for informational purposes: at least you are guaranteed excellent photographs as a souvenir.

The dendrological garden is located on a narrow isthmus between Naroch and neighboring Lake Myastro, near the village of Nikoltsy. Despite the fact that it was created only in 2002, this moment The garden includes five botanical-geographical zones and more than 400 plant species - several times more than those naturally growing in this area. For convenience, there are paths throughout the area. The dendrological garden also includes a forest museum and observation deck with superb views of the surrounding area.

Also nearby, in the forest area between the lakes of the Naroch group Naroch, Myastro and Beloye, there is an excursion and tourist complex “Apothecary Garden” - the only facility in Belarus created on the basis of the centuries-old experience of European monasteries in growing and cultivating rare medicinal plants.

In the Apothecary Garden, more than 200 species of medicinal, spicy, ornamental, rare plants and plants listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus are presented in the form of thematic flower beds, art objects, and labyrinths.

Following the example of the gardens of the Middle Ages, the layout of the Apothecary Garden includes a “labyrinth” and four “green rooms” (“Ice Age”, “Apothecary Garden”, “Kingdom of Morpheus”, “Healing Pantry”). By visiting these themed rooms, you can get acquainted with the medicinal plants of the mountainous region, with plants that are used in folk, traditional medicine and in cooking, as well as with plants that have a calming and sedative effect.


The lakes on the territory of the current national park appeared with the retreat of the last glacier, which happened a little more (by geological standards) 10 thousand years ago. Initially, in the territory where Naroch and other lakes are now located, there was one large reservoir, which later, due to a decrease in water level, split into several.

The oldest evidence of people living here dates back to the 7th-6th millennium BC, and the discovered archaeological sites indicate that in the second half of the 1st millennium Slavs and Balts lived together in this territory. The first documentary evidence of human settlements here dates back to the 13th century, when the modern village of Svir was founded, and to the 14th century, when Myadel appeared.

In 1793, local lands became part of the Vilna province Russian Empire. Since 1801, Svir has been part of the province.

During the First World War, fierce battles of the Naroch operation took place here. To this day, in the forests around Naroch you can find the remains of fortifications from those times. In 1917, Soviet power was established in the region, and already in 1921 the territory came under Polish rule. The fishing strike of 1935-1939 is associated with this period: the Polish authorities created unfair conditions that put many local residents at risk of starvation. It must be said that the strike ultimately ended in victory for the local peasants.

During the Great Patriotic War, the territory was occupied by German troops. At this time, a Jewish ghetto operated in Myadel, where most of the local Jews were eventually exterminated.

After the war, the tourism industry began to actively develop. Sanatoriums, holiday homes and children's pioneer camps began to appear on the shores of Naroch and other lakes. Until now, “Zubrenok” is considered the best children's health camp in Belarus. The Narochansky National Park was created in 1999. Later, private initiative began to actively develop here, the most striking example of which is the Nanosy ethnocultural complex.

The beauty and main national wealth of Belarus are forests and Blue eyes lakes among them. The Narochansky region shines as the most valuable diamond among the nature-protected areas of the republic. And we are glad to welcome you, dear guests, to the land of Naroch, in the Myadel region.

Myadel district is located in the north-west of the Minsk region. It borders on the Postavy and Dokshitsy districts of the Vitebsk region, the Ostrovets and Smorgon districts of the Grodno region, and the Vileika district of the Minsk region. Founded in 1940, since 1960 it has been part of the Minsk region. The territory of the district covers an area of ​​196.7 thousand hectares, of which the majority - 53.8% - belongs to the State Environmental Institution "Narochansky National Park". 41.6% of the territory is occupied by forests, 8.4% by lakes. It’s not for nothing that the Myadel region is called the lake region: 52 most beautiful lakes are located in the area. It is they who give our native land a unique feature that invariably attracts travelers.

There are 307 settlements in the Myadel region, among them the center of the region, the city of Myadel, the urban villages of Svir and Krivichi, and the resort village of Naroch.

Mineral resources such as peat, construction sands, clay, sapropels, and mineral waters are mined in the region.

The climate of these places is formed under the influence of air masses Atlantic Ocean and bears the features of a temperate continental. The average annual temperature is +5.1 C0, the average in January is -7°, in July - +17°. 660 mm of precipitation falls per year.

The Molodechno-Polotsk railway line runs through the region, car roads Vilnius - Polotsk, Naroch - Minsk.

The centuries-old history of the Myadel land is rich and varied.

Employees of the scientific department National Park“Narochansky”, together with active representatives of the local community, has created a convenient non-profit interactive information and reference system - audio guide “Guide to the resort village of Naroch”

With the help of an audio guide, every owner of a mobile device (smartphone or tablet), coming to us, will be able to navigate within the resort village of Naroch without outside help and receive educational information along the way.

For a detailed description of the audio guide and instructions, follow the link: http://www.naroch.com/tourism/audiogid/

Myadel, the center of the region, located between lakes Myastro and Batorino. The name Myadel comes from the Lithuanian “medinis” forest, wooden. Ancient Myadel arose on the island of Lake Myadel at the beginning of the 11th century as a border fortification of the Principality of Polotsk, but in the middle of the 15th century, after several epidemics of plague and cholera, people moved to the northern shore of Lake Myastro, and the name of the settlement remained the same. For the first time, Myadel as a powerful princely castle was mentioned in written sources in 1324 in the message of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas to the Riga Rada, which states that “... the crusaders of the Teutonic Order violated the peace... they would also have captured our Myadel castle if it had not been so good fortified, but they killed many people and took others with them..."

Residents of the town enjoyed the rights of burghers. Since 1736 Myadel is a place where fairs were allowed. On October 6, 1762, Myadel received Magdeburg Law and permission for 4 fairs per year. Until the twentieth century. The town of Myadel was divided into Old and New Myadel. The difference was that if the first was the property of many large magnates and landowners (In the 18th century, Myadel was owned by the Radziwills, Frontskieviches, Raiskis, Grabkovskys, Koszczys), then the second was considered a royal possession. After the death in 1542 of the last representative of the powerful family of the Vilna voivode Stanislav Gashtold, New Myadzel became the property of the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund 1 the Old, who gave the city to his son Sigismund II Augustus.

So here, in the Myadel region, the property interests of the Radziwills and Sigismund P August came into contact very closely. Very little time will pass and the sister of Nicholas Radziwill the Red, widowed Barbara, married to Gashtold, will become the wife of Sigismund P Augustus, and therefore the Queen of Poland and the Grand Duchess of Lithuania, daughter-in-law of Bona Sforza. This marriage will not last long (Bona will poison his daughter-in-law), but will elevate the Radziwills to the top of the pyramid of power in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Among the Myadel elders since 1590 was the Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Lev Sapega. In the Myadel region he had extensive possessions and a large number of subjects. This is how Old and New Myadel lived, under the tutelage of influential and wise statesmen, living separately and at the same time together. In 1793, after the second partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, both Old and New Myadel became part of the Russian Empire and at the beginning of the twentieth century. merged into one city.

In 1843, a two-class public school was opened in the town.

Now it is a modern, well-maintained city (city status since 1998) with developed infrastructure. Population - about 7,500 people. There are two secondary schools and one gymnasium, a children's art school, 3 kindergartens, a children's creativity center, several construction organizations, a cooperative industrial complex, a network of public and private stores, a clinic, a hospital, a number of government institutions, a communications center, banks, libraries, a city House of Culture, Museum of People's Glory, the regional newspaper “Narochanskaya Zarya” is published.

There are a number of attractions to explore in the city.

Mass grave of warriors and partisans. 169 soldiers and partisans who died during the occupation and in 1944 during the liberation of Myadel and the region from the Nazi invaders are buried here. The monument was erected in 1966. Sculptor M. Belsky.

Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. built quite recently. The temple has been operating since January 2005. On August 20, 2006, the church was consecrated by Bishop Philaret. Old Orthodox church was closed and destroyed in the 60s.

The main wealth of the Naroch region is its lakes. There are more than 50 of them in the area. All of them are of glacial origin. One of them - Lake Myastro, the second largest after Lake Naroch. Included in the Naroch group of lakes. Its area is 13.1 square kilometers, maximum depth is 11 meters, average depth is 5 meters. Flows out of the lake from the Skema channel. The following legend is associated with the origin of the name of the lake. Once upon a time there lived a blacksmith, a jack of all trades, on the shore of a lake. One of the travelers cut out the word “stirrup” on a board and attached it to the blacksmith’s workshop. One day, a young and rich girl saw a young blacksmith and fell in love. She invited him to move to her castle. But immediately after her departure, the blacksmith packed his things into a cart and left. The angry rich woman ordered the destruction of the forge and the house of the naughty man, and one of the servants broke the “stirrup” sign and threw it into the water. The planks from the sign floated to the shores of the village of Girina. The villagers put the pieces together, mixing them up. It turned out to be “Myastre”. That's what they called the lake. This is a legend, but in fact, many of the names of settlements and lakes in the area have Baltic roots, so it is possible that Myastro is “myasto” - a settlement, a city.

In the 15th century, a lock. It was owned by a queen, around whose name there are many legends and traditions, but they all boil down to one thing - this queen was a sorceress. With the help of a one-pound golden idol with diamond eyes, she healed people from incurable diseases, raised the dead, and even spoke the area of ​​snakes. The castle consisted of stone tower and the palace. The donjon tower, round in plan, had an external diameter of about 17 m, an internal diameter of 10 m, and the thickness of the wall reached 3.5 m. The foundation of the tower was built using the technique of striped masonry from rows of boulders and large bricks with lime mortar. It is believed that the height of the tower was up to 30 m. Most likely, there were three such towers. The citadel was fortified with earthen ramparts with bastions and a moat, which was filled with water from the lake.

The castle was destroyed in 1709 during the Northern War with the Swedes. Unfortunately, this most interesting structure has reached us at the archaeological level. Hidden underground, it requires a lot of imagination to reconstruct its appearance. But the past reminds of itself with an impressive architectural monument - the Church of the Mother of God Scapular, built in 1754 in Baroque style. This is the monastery complex of the Discalced Carmelite Order. The temple is located on the top of a steep hill. It is surrounded by mighty trees. The dome of the building “shimmers” from different angles through a heavy, thick veil. The church belongs to churches with a centric volumetric-spatial composition, which is rare for Baroque architecture. All facades of the temple (with the exception of the altar) have the same architectural composition; the central risalit is flanked by 2 paired columns of the Corinthian order standing on high bases.

The interior has a rich decorative design in the Rococo style.

On the central altar there is a 17th century sculptural composition “Crucifixion”

The 17th century icon “The Mother of God of the Scapular” is kept in the temple. Next to the church there are plebania and a bell tower. The temple was built by elder Anthony Koshchits, who owned Stary Myadel in the mid-18th century. From Rome he brought the relics of St. Justinian (later transferred to the Mosar Church) and numerous pilgrims flocked here. There is such a legend associated with the name Antoni Koščica. For a long time there was no heir in his family. Dreaming of the birth of a son, he prayed to God, went to the Kyiv Lavra, and went to Jerusalem. While in Rome, the tycoon made a vow that if his wife gave birth to an heir, he would build a church in Stary Myadel. And then a miracle happened - the long-awaited son was born. Anthony Koschits kept his word and the temple was built.

The headman was famous for his cruelty. He spared neither his wife nor his servants. His wife Barbara, unable to withstand the abuse, left for Europe, leaving even her infant son behind. The child was sick and weak. One day the nanny, a young peasant woman Bronislava, after one of the sleepless nights, accidentally dropped the child and he died. By order of Koshchits, a 16-year-old girl was walled up alive in a large stone pillar, which stood before the First World War in a cemetery near the road to Naroch. Old-timers claim that human remains were actually found in this pillar. Based on this legend, our fellow countryman, poet Vladimir Dubovka, wrote the poem “Bronislava”. In 1832, the tsarist authorities liquidated the monastery, and in 1866 it was given to the Orthodox. In 1920 it was returned to the Catholics; 25 years later the shrine was closed and only in 1989 was the church given to believers and raised from the ruins.

In 1821, Old and New Myadel numbered 170 households, 825 inhabitants, there were 2 churches, a church, a mosque, and a synagogue. Such quantity and variety places of worship testifies to the multinationality and tolerance of the Myadel residents. For centuries, Belarusians, Poles, Jews, Tatars and representatives of other nationalities lived peacefully here.

Naroch region during the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Patriotic War left a deep mark on these places.

The Myadel region was occupied already in July 1941. Soon he was included in the Vileika Commissariat. From the first months of occupation, the rampant German terror began. Pre-war state-party assets were caught and destroyed, prisoners of war died from disease and hunger.

The Jewish population found itself in a terrible situation. All Jews were herded into special ghetto quarters surrounded by barbed wire. Hundreds of residents of towns and cities were brutally killed by the Nazis, most of them women, old people and children. Monuments on mass graves remind us of these Nazi atrocities on our land.

The acquisition power was based on military force. Throughout the region, fascist garrisons were created in large settlements, which consisted of Nazis and police.

The local population reacted differently to the occupation regime; in the less than two years that passed after the unification of the western and eastern parts of the republic, the Savet government destroyed the usual way of life of many people.

Some residents of the region suffered from “dekulakization” and collectivization, many simply took a wait-and-see attitude and hoped that the war would not affect their families.

At the beginning of the war, the resistance movement was carried out only at the expense of party activists remaining behind enemy lines and special groups sent to carry out sabotage work from behind the front line. The first partisan detachments began operating in the region at the beginning of 1942. And gradually, with the growing hostility of the population towards the fascist invaders, the development of the partisan movement began, which by 1943 had become a real front in Hitler’s rear.

Here, off the coast of Naroch, in the forest near the village of Cheremshitsy, from the autumn of 1942 until the liberation of the area (summer 1944), the Voroshilov partisan brigade was based. The commander was Hero of the Soviet Union Fedor Markov.

The brigade united 12 partisan detachments, with a total number of about 2 thousand people. Since the summer of 1943, the Vileyka underground regional committees of the Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Leninist Young Communist League were in the brigade. The first secretary of the regional party committee was Ivan Frolovich Klimov, the regional Komsomol committee was Pyotr Mironovich Masherov. An underground printing house of the Syalyanskaya Gazeta operated in the Cheremshitsky forest.

Now this is a well-trodden track. And during the German occupation, an inconspicuous path ran through the forest and swamps off-road. It was in this forest area that a partisan unit was located that controlled a significant part of the area. All possible precautions were taken so that enemy spies and German pilots would not notice where the partisans were based, how many there were in the forest and what weapons they had. Hidden in the thickets, partisan guards monitored the surrounding area and detained every suspicious person who tried to pass through the forest.

The choice of location for the partisan base was not accidental; it was located in the remote Cheremshetsky forest, far from large populated areas.

Since the spring of 1942, the struggle against the Nazis has become acute. The Suvorov detachment attacked large garrisons in the Myadel region and Postavy. By the winter of 1942, the detachment merged with the Budyonny and “Fighter” detachment, and the Voroshilov brigade was formed.

In January 1943, fascist aviation scouted the location of the partisans and began bombing the forest and neighboring villages. The command decided to go deeper into the forest. The movement was carried out secretly with the strictest adherence to the rules of camouflage.

A small oblong hill among the wetlands was chosen for the new location. The headquarters dugouts were located in the center. At some distance there are dugouts of partisan detachments. In case of an enemy air raid, groups of dugouts were located at some distance from each other. 150-200 meters from the real camp, mock dugouts were built to deceive German pilots.

Food was cooked in large cauldrons. To avoid noticeable smoke, use only dry firewood. Residents of surrounding villages and hamlets provided the partisans with all possible assistance. In the village of Uzla, after the defeat of the enemy garrison, it was taken under control water Mill. In the village of Cheremshitsy, bread was baked and delivered to the detachments every 2-3 days. Under the control of the partisans, a workshop operated on the Izidara farm where tailors sewed clothes and shoes.

A field hospital was set up in the camp. The table, made of planks, stood under a large spreading spruce tree so that it could not be seen from the air. Many fighters owe their salvation to partisan doctors and nurses.

Not far from the camp, on the site of the burned village of Luzhi, an airfield was equipped. Cargoes from “ big land" In the depths of the forest, away from the dugouts, partisan craftsmen smelted metal from unexploded shells and aerial bombs, and prepared explosives from it. At the risk of their lives, these dangerous items were collected from bombed villages and brought to the partisan camp.

At the beginning of 1943, the Germans tried three times to get to the headquarters and partisan dugouts. The most difficult battles had to be fought on March 6-10. 4000 German soldiers and officers advanced on the brigade's location. On the 5th day, the punitive forces approached almost the dugouts, but the people's avengers managed to gather their strength and break through the enemy's defense. On March 16, 1943, a report arrived at the Belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement: “The brigade of Comrade. Markova, operating in the Vileika region, fought 14 battles with German garrisons, was subjected to twice air bombardment, and was temporarily relocated to the Begomlsky region. The ammunition is completely spent. The situation of the brigade is very difficult...” But Markov’s partisans still survived these battles.

Having received ammunition in Begoml, Markov came up with a new tactical move. He decided to “attack” one fascist garrison and constantly keep it in “front-line mode”. The garrison of the village of Myadel was chosen. It has been stepped on dozens of times. And from December 1943, the brigade blocked Myadel and did not lift the blockade loop until the Red Army troops arrived on July 4, 1944.

On March 27, 1944, on the shore of Lake Naroch near the village of Pasynki, a fierce battle took place between the partisans of the Voroshilov brigade and the Nazis, who were breaking through from the side of Postavy to help the encircled Myadel garrison. A column of 16 German vehicles and 2 tanks was moving along the road. The battle lasted for several hours. The enemy was defeated, but the partisans suffered heavy losses. In 1952, a monument was erected at the site of the battle and a decision was made to celebrate the Liberation Day of Belarus here every year on the first Sunday of July.

In 1968, a new obelisk was erected; its height is 24.5 meters (architect Markov-Pechkin, sculptor Schmid). A cascade of stairs of 96 steps leads to the monument. On the right are 18 pedestals with the names of partisan brigades and detachments that fought in the territory of the former Vileika region. Every year, on the Day of the Liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the “Singing Field” holiday is held here.

The Great Patriotic War left an indelible mark on the history of our region. About 4 thousand residents of the region were killed, over 3 thousand were taken to hard labor in Germany, 68 settlements were destroyed, including 58 villages burned to the ground. About 180 people died in the fire.

The First World War in the Myadel region.

The Naroch land witnessed the events First World War which began in 1914. In the fall of 1915, the war came to the region. And I stayed here for more than two years. The front line between the German and Russian sides stretches from north to south for almost 400 km, through the current Vitebsk, Grodno, Minsk, and Brest regions.

During the years of trench warfare, hundreds of kilometers of military fortifications and other structures were built along the front line, many of which have survived to this day. We can safely say: no war has left as much material evidence on the territory of Belarus as the First World War. Most of these objects are not yet included in any lists of historical values. However, in my opinion, in its complex there are all these countless concrete pillboxes, kilometers of trenches that have floated over time, dozens of soldiers’ cemeteries, the ruins of churches that were destroyed in those years and have not yet been restored, as well as other evidence of that first global catastrophe of the 20th century - are unique historical monument on the territory of Belarus.

Myadel land is no exception. The front line passed through the entire territory of the region; barbed wire is still found at the bottom of Lake Naroch, and along the road around the village of Naroch, near the villages of Zanaroch, Pasynki, and others, there are defensive structures.

First World War 1914 - 18 was the result of the confrontation between two military blocs: the Triple Alliance (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy) and the countries of the Entente, which consisted of England, France and Russia. On June 15, 1914, the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was killed by Serbian terrorists in Sarajevo. In the Austro-Serbian conflict, Russia supported Serbia, and Germany supported its ally Austria. On August 1, citing the general mobilization in Russia, Germany declared war on it. Then France entered the war, followed by England a day later. In total, 38 states were involved in the world war, and Belarus was among the countries whose lands became the scene of hostilities.

Entering 1916, England, France, and Russia agreed in advance that in the summer Russia would go on the offensive, and the French would strike the Germans on the Somme River. However, on February 21, 1916, Germany launched an attack on Paris. The main blow was delivered to the area of ​​​​the city of Verdun.

This is how V. Pikul described those events in the novel “Moonzund”: “Forty miles around Verdun everything was suddenly empty, but France was alive! The French quickly built the Paris-Verdun highway. Having collected all the taxis and requisitioned all the private cars, Paris put soldiers in them and urgently threw them into the meat grinder of Verdun. Standing opposite each other, the two armies destroyed each other. Verdun ended its feast with a figure of a million fallen soldiers.”

On March 3, at a critical moment in the battle, France turned to Russia with a request to immediately, ahead of schedule, launch a large-scale offensive.

On March 16, 1916, the troops of the Western Front were given an offensive directive. Troops of the 1st, 2nd, 5th and 10th armies were to participate in the operation. The main blow was delivered by the 2nd Army. Russian troops outnumbered the Germans in manpower by almost five times, and were twice as superior in cavalry and heavy artillery. But the logistics... The main thing was missing: shells, cartridges, entrenching tools. So on March 17, the day before the offensive, of the 7 corps that were part of the 2nd Army, only the 34th Army Corps had a set of rifles. The remaining six, 23,807 people, were unarmed. There were difficulties with the delivery of ammunition, food, and uniforms.

Things were no better in the German 10th Army. On the front of the 2nd Army there were cases of German soldiers voluntarily going over to the Russian side and surrendering. The food supply for the troops was poor. Famine began in Germany. However! A well-thought-out and thoroughly prepared, layered defense, electrified reinforced concrete pillboxes with the latest machine guns at commanding heights made the front line difficult to overcome.

On March 11, the commander of the 2nd Army V. Smirnov fell ill. In his place, General Rogoza was sent from another front, who was not familiar with the theater of military operations of the 2nd Army.

At dawn on March 18, 1916, artillery thunder announced the beginning of the battle... for Paris near Naroch. Russian artillery concentrated the highest density of artillery fire in the area where the enemy defenses were broken through during the First World War. In the melting snow on the approaches to the Naroch lakes, 20 divisions of the 2nd Army lined up in their original positions, preparing to deliver a crushing blow to the 10th German Army.

At 12.30, along the many-kilometer line of trenches near Naroch, drowning out the cannonade and the sounds of the orchestra playing “Farewell of the Slavic Woman,” an unheard-of powerful “ur-ra” was heard, and a dense gray avalanche of Russian soldiers rushed towards the wire fences and enemy trenches. They went together to world history and separately into the darkness of the unknown and human oblivion...

The first day of the offensive did not bring the expected success on any sector of the front. The losses of the 2nd Army are great - 183 officers and 15,139 soldiers were killed alone. March 19 also did not bring success; it rained at night and there was fog during the day, which did not allow lethal artillery fire. And the Germans launched a massive attack with shells containing asphyxiating gas on the sector of the 25th Infantry Division. The losses are huge! In ten days of heavy, stubborn fighting in conditions of spring thaw, the Southern Group recaptured 10 square meters in the area of ​​Lake Naroch. versts The price of every mile is 7800 human lives. More precisely, the 2nd Army lost 1,080 officers and 77,427 soldiers, which amounted to a third of the army’s personnel.

The tragedy of the gas attacks of 1916 is remembered today mass graves Russian soldiers. Memorial signs were installed on mass graves near the villages of Uzla (700 people were buried) and Brusy (600 people), in the Gushchar tract (400 people). At the cemetery in the village of Knyagigin, on a mass grave, a monument was erected to 2,500 Russian soldiers who died in a military hospital. March 28, 1916 is considered to be the day the operation ended. But the fighting on the front of the Southern Group continued until the end of April. The offensive operation near Naroch forced Germany to transfer significant forces from near Verdun to the Russian front. German troops near Verdun went on the defensive. Russia provided assistance to France by fulfilling the obligations to the allies accepted at Chantally.

During the battles near Naroch, the Russian army lost over one hundred thousand people. This is more than the size of the entire army of the Republic of Belarus today. More losses of the Russian and French armies combined at Borodino. The Germans lost 30 - 40 thousand killed and 1200 prisoners. The Naroch offensive operation is the largest battle of the 1st World War on the territory of Belarus.

...Time passes. Callous, inexorable. Some mass graves were overgrown with thorns and forests, others were wiped off the face of the earth, given over to plowing, others... In Myadel, the local history museum houses a modest exhibit - a plaque from the former mass cemetery of soldiers who died in a gas attack near Lake Naroch. There is an inscription on it: “Don’t make noise, pine trees, Russian soldiers are sleeping here.”

Don’t make noise, pine trees... But they make noise, noise... It’s as if the souls of the victims of the bloodiest battle of the First World War on Belarusian soil are calling out to our memory.

90 years ago Belarus did not exist as an independent state. However, it would not be an exaggeration to say that our country took a very direct part in the First World War, at least territorially and in terms of statistics of losses. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides died in only the most famous battles, but the total number of casualties on this vast and important section of the front has never been counted or announced. One thing is clear: almost all of these victims remained here, in the land of Belarus.

Naroch is a resort of republican significance.

There are a huge number of lakes on our planet. It is impossible to answer the question of how many there are on earth, since even at the current level of knowledge they have not been counted in some mountainous countries, in far north and in the tundra. Their approximate number is hundreds of thousands. The largest concentrations of lakes are in northern Europe and America, northeast Asia; huge lakes cross the African continent from north to south. The deepest of the lakes is Baikal and the largest Caspian.

There are about 11 thousand lakes in Belarus. There are so many of them in the north-west that this part of the republic is called the Belarusian Lake District. Lakes vary in size, depth, and shape of the basin: sometimes they are long like rivers, sometimes they are round like bowls. Wooded slopes, clear water, the smell of algae, the cries of seagulls, an unexpected splash of fish in the reeds - create a unique combination of beauty that attracts tourists, fishermen, and nature lovers to the lake region.

Lakes are the most important and integral part of our republic. In combination with a varied hilly topography, surrounded by forests, meadows, and plowed fields, they create uniquely beautiful landscapes of our region.

A special asset of the Naroch region is the concentration on its territory of large and small aquatic ecosystems, represented by rivers and streams total length about 80 km, 43 different types of lakes, as well as fish ponds.

Narochan Lakes are the natural core of the National Park and, first of all, this applies to the lake Naroch- the largest and most picturesque body of water in Belarus. Naroch amazes with its expanses of water. Even in clear weather, the opposite shore is lost in a foggy haze. A round basin with an area of ​​about 80 km2 is divided by a small spit into two reaches - Small and Large. On the gray-blue surface of the lake, a single oblong island stands out as a bright green drop. The average depth of the lake is approximately 9 m, the maximum is 24.8 m, the length coastline- about 41 km. Naroch is 12.8 km long and 9.8 km wide.

There are many legends about Lake Naroch. One of them tells that a long time ago there were no lakes here, but a dense dense forest. A forester lived in a hut in the forest with his beautiful daughter. Many came to her to woo her, but she loved a brave and strong young man, who was also a jack of all trades. One day a young man gave his beloved a mirror and said: “Take care of it, it is magical and cast from spring grains of sand, in it you will see your destiny.” When the girl looked into the mirror, she saw a lake the color of the sky and a seagull soaring alone above the waves, but she did not understand anything from this vision. One day, a rich landowner was hunting in those places, saw the beautiful Galina and ordered his servants to take her to his castle. The beloved hastened to help. Having killed the hated master, the young men were about to flee, but the guards woke up, and the young man, ordering Galina to hide, led the chase. The girl waited for a long time for her groom, but she never got it. Remembering the mirror, she looked into it and saw a young man lying on the ground. In despair, the girl dropped her mirror and where the silver fragments fell, lakes sparkled: Lake Naroch was formed from the largest, and the girl herself turned into a seagull, which is still circling over the water and calling for her beloved

I raptam for months, where the forest rises,

Dze srebnya fell askolki, -

I know everything, hell only praise the Azeri

Zazziali lusterkam-vyasyolkay.

Dzyauchyna I have been winging a seagull since then

І ў complete wounds і ў story

Above the chandeliers of the lake, the primordial waters,

Shukayuchy milaga, circle.

I close

Above the praises, under the praises,

To the brightest, to the dark blue of the people,

Glybokim, bytstsam kahanna...

Maxim Tank

Another legend says that a very ugly girl lived in these parts, but her soul was brighter than daylight. A wonderful guy, a handsome man, fell in love with the girl. Evil people wanted to separate them, they insisted that she was not a match for him. The young man made a mirror and gave it to his beloved. After looking at it, the girl became a beauty.

Their happiness was short-lived. A magnate from the palace found out about this miracle and disturbed the lovers. The girl became a captive of a rich man. Cursing her beauty, the Polonyanka cried bitterly and broke the mirror, which splashed out with many splintered fragments. Water covered the tycoon's palace. When the foamy streams calmed down, a miracle was revealed to the eyes of the people - a huge lake lay in front of them. And Naroch means the guy’s betrothed. That's what people say. And if the name of the lake is associated with Baltic origin, then it is translated as “mermaid”. Who knows if this is the heart of a mermaid, because if you look closely, it resembles a heart in shape.

Lake Naroch amazes with its expanses of water. Even in clear weather, the opposite shore is lost in a foggy haze. As a reference model reservoir, Lake Naroch is included in International program study and environmental control “Man and the Biosphere” under the auspices of UNESCO.

The most famous fish in our lakes is the eel. It looks like a snake and reaches a length of up to 1.5 meters. Eels are found in many lakes in Europe, but spawn only in the great depths of the Atlantic Ocean (Sargasso Sea). When the time comes for spawning, the irresistible force of procreation forces eels to emerge from lakes and along rivers and streams, even through low-lying swamps, to rush into the expanses of the ocean. After spawning, all adults die. Their larvae again strive through rivers and channels into the lakes of Europe, where eels live until adulthood. Recently, such travel has become difficult, sometimes simply impossible, due to hydraulic construction. Therefore, juvenile eels - the glassy eel - are specially imported and released into the lakes.

The picturesque shores of Naroch have long attracted people who prefer relaxing holiday in the usual climatic conditions. Back in the days of bourgeois Poland, nobility from Warsaw and Vilnius came here and built mansions, restaurants, and yacht clubs. A narrow-gauge railway was specially laid from Lyntup to Naroch, along which trains ran. During the Second World War, all buildings were destroyed. Soon after the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the first tent cities began to appear on the shores of the Naroch Lakes. The first survey to determine the suitability of the region for the construction of a balneological resort was carried out in 1946. At the end of the 50s, a relatively orderly construction of institutions for recreation and treatment began. These were summer houses for the recreation of workers of the Zvyazda publishing house, summer cottages for writers, tourist base in a tent version.

Naroch Lakes is the largest Belarusian resort and recreational area on natural reservoirs. The Naroch resort, whose area is more than 20 thousand hectares, occupies the coastal territory of lakes Naroch, Myastro, Batorino and lake. Pale. In addition, the resort area also includes lakes Myadel and Shvakshty.

The comfortable period for climate therapy and relaxation here lasts 240 days a year. The swimming season at the resort lasts about 100 days. Another healing factor, which is widely and effectively used by vacationers - the microclimate of the resort. A light pine forest is a natural laboratory of clean air, sandy shores and shallows, a huge mirror of water - all this together creates life-giving conditions for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders, and diseases of the nervous system.

In 1964, the Naroch holiday home opened its doors, and in 1969, the Zubrenok Republican Children's Health Camp. Then the sanatorium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Belaya Rus”, the tourist hotel “Naroch”, the motor camp “Narochanka”, the boarding houses “Stroitel”, “Sputnik”, “Zhuravushka”, “Priozerny”, “Borovoye” and others began to receive vacationers.

By the end of the 80s, the only one in the Republic of Belarus was formed on the territory of the Naroch region resort area with complex infrastructure.

In ecologically safe and cozy corners of the park’s nature, tourist sites, walking routes, ecological trails and recreation areas are created. Excellent relaxation and wellness is facilitated by the presence of mineral springs, mud therapy, clean pine healing air. The capacity of health resorts reaches up to 4 thousand people in winter, and about 6 thousand in summer. Every year the Narochansky resort welcomes more than 100 thousand people.

In order to protect the environment, improve the economic and social development of the Naroch region, on the basis of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 28, 1999 No. 447, National Park "Narochansky". total area The State Public Institution “Narochansky National Park” covers 97.3 thousand hectares. A security zone has been created around the national park on an area of ​​more than 40 thousand hectares.

The administrative center of the resort is Toresort village Naroch, former village of Kupa. Population 3358 people. Formed 10/27/1964 by decision of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee. The resort village covered the villages of Kupa, Urliki, Stepenevo. Surrounded by greenery and flowers, it concentrates sanatoriums and hotels. Every year, the Naroch resort is becoming increasingly popular and the Belarusian government is taking measures for the integrated use and protection of water and land resources of the lake basin in order to protect the unique nature of the Naroch region, improve the recreation area, and improve the architectural and planning solutions of the recreational facilities being built here. structures. Now the state of the lake is monitored by biological and meteorological stations, and the forest park area is managed by the Naroch forestry.

In the territory resort village The ancient park, founded in the 19th century, has been partially preserved. on an area of ​​3 hectares. Local hydromineral springs of sulfate-chloride-sodium composition, therapeutic mud enhance the therapeutic effect for various diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract.

In the Naroch River basin in the Myadel region of Belarus there is a lake of the same name, which is part of the Naroch lakes group.

It is a tourist area and also a resort with good beaches.

It is also worth noting that Lake Naroch is the center of the Naroch National Park. There are about 40 lakes in total, Naroch is the largest. It is also popularly known as "Belarusian Sea".

No wonder, because the lake’s water surface area is about 80 square meters. km., which in rainy or foggy weather simply makes it impossible to see the opposite shore of the lake.

At the same time, the depth of the reservoir cannot boast of large values ​​- on average about 9 meters. Except that in the area of ​​the Gatov pits the depth of the lake is as much as 25 meters - this is the maximum depth.

In total, the lake has water reserves equal to approximately 710 million cubic meters. The Naroch catchment area is 279 sq. km. A quarter of this area is covered by forests, and lakes occupy only 35%. 17 streams flow into the lake at once. These are Pronki, Kupa, Simony, Antonizberg and so on.

Lake Naroch is connected to Lake Myastro through the short Skema channel. The Naroch River also begins here, in the lake of the same name.

Are you interested? It corresponds to 55 kilometers straight and 63 kilometers along the road route, driving along which you will spend 50 minutes of personal time.

Lake Naroch is one of the cleanest and most transparent fresh water bodies located on the territory of Belarus. The sandy bottom is clearly visible even at a depth of ten meters.

The lake is home to a very large number of fish and other species. The most popular of them are pike, roach, bream, bleak, and selyava. Freshwater eels are often found. In total there are more than twenty species.

Located on the shore of the lake, the fish processing plant is engaged in canning, smoking and salting of products. To some extent, this helps the region develop economically.

The southern part of the reservoir has sandy beaches of sufficient width with a fairly gentle slope. In other words, it's very a good place for swimming.

In view of this, a sanatorium for children called “Zubrenok” was built here. Every year it hosts a large number of young visitors who swim in the lake, play outdoor games and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature.

But not throughout the entire area Naroch has gentle slopes and sandy beaches.

In the place where the reservoir flows into the Narochanka River, the coastal area is different high level humidity. The banks here are quite low, but swampy, which leads to the formation of small areas of swamps. This habitat is ideal for herons, which can be found in abundance here.

IN locality, which is adjacent to Lake Naroch, everyone can rent water skis, a boat, a catamaran or even a speedboat. Bicycles are also available for rent here, so you can use them to explore on your own. sightseeing tour at a leisurely pace.

In addition, there is also a group excursion accompanied by a guide, the cost of which is about one and a half thousand rubles. Taxis operate throughout the city, and there are also a large number of parking lots (paid and free).

It is believed that the lake was formed during the retreat of the glacier several thousand years ago. It collided with the Sventsyanskaya moraine ridge, as a result of which it melted, creating a large body of water, which over time was divided into several smaller bodies of water.

There is a legend about the origin of the lake, associated with tragic love. It tells about ancient times, when on the site of today's Narochan lakes there were dense forests, on the edge of which there was a small house in which a forester lived with his beautiful daughter Galina. She had a fiancé whose name was Vasilek - a brave young man, a jack of all trades.

One day, Cornflower collected grains of spring sand and made a mirror from them, which he gave to his beloved. The mirror was not simple: by looking deeply into it, you could find out your fate.

One day a rich gentleman wooed Galina, but he was old and unpleasant to the girl - she refused him. In response to this, the rich man stole the girl. Cornflower rushed after him, saved his beloved, but at the same time killed the master.

His servants rushed after the fugitives. Vasilek sent Galina home, and he decided to continue fleeing, diverting the attention of his pursuers. But instead of her home, Galina saw the aftermath of a terrible fire. The girl's only hope was the return of her lover. Galina dared to look in the mirror, but instead of her reflection, she saw the body of the murdered Vasilko lying on a hill and a black raven circling above him. In horror, she dropped the mirror - it broke, and its fragments turned into the Naroch lakes. The girl herself became a seagull, and to this day she circles over the surface of the water, calling her Cornflower.

Today, a water protection zone has been created around the lake to preserve its natural wealth.

Within this special zone there are strict restrictions on the use of any natural resources.

However, when relaxing on Lake Naroch on your own, you should be very careful. One of the main problems that emerged here more than twenty years ago is the possibility of contracting circariasis after swimming in undesignated areas.

The fact is that birds and fish of a reservoir can be affected circaria, which can subsequently infect humans. Typical symptoms of infection are itching, redness of the skin, general weakness, skin rash, blisters, heat . Circariae penetrate the outer skin and lay larvae there. They subsequently die, but symptoms of irritation remain for some period of time. It may take up to ten days for complete recovery.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the problem is relevant not only for Lake Naroch; it manifests itself in more than five hundred reservoirs throughout Belarus.

To minimize the likelihood of infection, it is strongly recommended to swim only in places that are specially equipped for this. As a last resort, you can resort to regular consultation with local residents.

It is also important to take a shower after each visit to the pond. Compliance with these measures can be regarded as a vital necessity that will ensure you a comfortable pastime and protect you from possible problems.

Map of Lake Naroch and surrounding areas

How to get to Lake Naroch

Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Myadel district.

The lake is located at a distance of one hundred and sixty kilometers from regional center. You can get here from the city by regular bus, which runs regularly, or by taxi.

Lake Naroch– this is not just another large body of water in Belarus. This is the “calling card” of the country, the fame of which has long crossed the borders of Belarus. And in recent years, a trend has been observed on the shores of this lake: unequipped beaches are “occupied” by local residents and Belarusian tourists, but the equipped part of the lake is occupied Foreign tourists, mostly, of course, Russians.

Naroch - the largest lake in Belarus, its area is 79.6 km2. It is part of the group of Narochan lakes and is the most popular lake in the Myadel region. The depth of the lake is not very outstanding - on average 8.9 meters, but in the area of ​​​​the Gatov pits the maximum depth reaches 25 meters.

Lake Naroch occupies one of the first places among the lakes of Belarus in terms of transparency and purity of water. In summer, the transparency of the water allows you to see up to 5-7 meters deep into the water, and in winter – up to 10 meters. The water in Naroch is rich in oxygen and saturated with minerals (at least 200 mg/l). However, the purity of the lake and its transparency (usually transparent lakes have low feeding value) are not an obstacle to fishing. There are 25 species of fish in the waters of the lake. So fishing on Naroch will also leave a lot of pleasant emotions.

17 streams carry their waters into Lake Naroch, as well as the short channel Skema, connecting Naroch with Lake Myastro. The river of the same name flows out of Naroch. Lake Naroch is divided into two reaches (Small and Large) by the Nanosy Peninsula. Not far from the north-eastern part of the coast there is an island with an area of ​​6.2 hectares, declared a natural monument. A fifth of Lake Naroch has been overgrown, about 3% of the area is covered with thickets, but this does not interfere with recreation at all.

On the lake you can find a huge number waterfowl. On the one hand, this is an opportunity for tourists to see rare and endangered birds, and on the other hand, it is an alarm signal for those who like to swim. The fact is that birds infect the waters of the lake with cercariasis. Therefore, you can only swim in Naroch from the pier, but getting your feet wet near the shore where birds swim is strictly prohibited.

Lake Naroch is historical place. As part of the First World War, in 1916, the famous Naroch offensive operation took place on the shores of the lake - the first successful attempt to liberate Belarus from the occupiers. And in 1935-1939, Lake Naroch was the subject of a fishing strike against the agricultural and tax policies of the Polish authorities.

As a place to relax in Belarus, Naroch is an excellent place. After all, Naroch - the most popular balneological and climatic resort Belarus, located within the Narochansky National Park. On its banks there are sanatoriums and health resorts (for example, the sanatorium “Naroch”, “Priozerny”, etc.) and estates (“Antonisberg Guest House and Camping”, “Narochansky Kutok”, “Narochansky Corner”, etc.). Everyone will find something to their liking on the shores of the beautiful Lake Naroch! In the hottest weather, a cool and pleasant breeze from the lake cools the air. The clear water of the lake and the greenery on its shores are pleasing to the eye and evoke the idea that a vacation in Belarus cannot be considered complete without visiting Lake Naroch.

Update date: December 16, 2013