Margherita Peak. – trekking in the lunar mountains, climbing the peak of marguerite (5109 m); — Climbing the Nyiragongo Volcano in the Congo The price of the program includes

margherita peak

top in the center mountain range Rwenzori. High 5109 m. It is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. On slopes up to 2600 m, tropical rainforests, bamboo thickets. Above 2600 m sparse forests of treelike heather, above 3800 m alpine meadows(tree-like ragworts and lobelia); at the height more than 4000 m mosses and lichens. A number of national parks. The peak was first conquered by the expedition of L. Abruzzi in 1906, named after Queen Margherita of Italy.

  • - "Regina Margherita" armadillo Type: armadillo. Displacement: 13426 tons. Dimensions: 138.6m x 23.8m x 8.8m. Power point: twin-shaft, triple expansion steam engines...

    Encyclopedia of ships

  • - Margherita peak is a peak in the central part of the Rwenzori mountain range. High 5109 m. It is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. On slopes up to 2600 m, tropical rainforests, bamboo thickets...

    Geographic Encyclopedia

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 twill ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Margherita Peak" in books

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West liberal and conservative modern Russia a new, rather cynical approach to the concept of "state interest" is being formed. It is convincingly illustrated by the book "Stalin's Lost Chance" by Mikhail Meltyukhov, a serious historian who, unlike many

Conclusion. SOS… SOS… SOS… conservative twist!

From the author's book

Conclusion. SOS… SOS… SOS… conservative twist! The words of Professor Preobrazhensky from M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" about justifying the troubles in the economy by general devastation: "devastation is in your heads" became winged. This is no coincidence. They have a universal

From the book 1937: Do not believe the lies about "Stalin's repressions"! author Eliseev Alexander Vladimirovich

Chapter 1. Conservative Bolshevism

1. Conservative selection.

From the book Essays on Organized Science [Pre-reform spelling] author


From the book Volume 4 author Engels Friedrich

2. CONSERVATIVE, OR BOURGEOIS, SOCIALISM A certain part of the bourgeoisie wants to cure social ills in order to strengthen the existence of bourgeois society. These include economists, philanthropists, champions of humanity, guardians of the welfare of the working classes,

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From the book Essays on Organizational Science author Bogdanov Alexander Alexandrovich

1. Conservative Selection Everything that comes into being has its own destiny. Its first, simplest expression boils down to a dilemma: preservation or destruction. Both things happen naturally, so that it is often possible even to foresee the fate of forms. Regular preservation or

11. Conservative coup

From book Short story USA author Rimini Robert W.

11. Conservative takeover The country was indeed becoming kinder and gentler, which was also evident in the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act on July 26, 1990, which prohibited discrimination against persons with physical or mental disabilities in employment and in access to

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conservative view

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The Conservative Perspective The work of Thomas Sowell of the Hoover Institution at Stanford University can help us understand the significance of the Platonic and Aristotelian perspectives. Sowell's work mostly touches on political science, but his conclusions concern

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Conservative forecast At the start of the Olympic Games in Sochi, the favorite of the unofficial team standings for gold medals is the Norwegian team. Russia is in fifth place section class="box-today" Sochi 2014 stories: Passion for Lipnitskaya Norwegian tragedy

conservative turn

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6468 (No. 25 2014) author Literary Newspaper

Conservative turn Alexander Shchipkov. The religious dimension of journalism. - M.: Probel-2000, 2014.– 272 p. Briefly, I would characterize this book as a manifesto of the conservative turn. The completed conservative turn. Shchipkov's previous work is the collection "Fracture"

conservative answer

From the book New Bible Commentary Part 1 (Old Testament) author Carson Donald

Conservative answer What can be said about the origin of the Pentateuch, given the current critical discord? Is everything that it says about the times of Moses and the patriarchs worthy of trust? Or were these stories and laws made up by the captives to express their

conservative style

From the book A gift book worthy of a beauty queen author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

Conservative style A woman who adheres to a conservative style in clothing and make-up is restrained, prudent, and wary of all kinds of innovations. She is diligent, principled, you can rely on her. A person dressed in a conservative style


From the book The Big Book of Women's Wisdom author Kriksunova Inna Abramovna

Conservative If you have the most “A” answers, then your style is Conservative. You will suit things in restrained colors - gray, beige, brown, blue, blue, gray-green, protective, etc. Wear classic styles, time-tested. Buy

peak in the central part of the Rwenzori mountain range. High 5109 m. It is composed of ancient crystalline rocks. On slopes up to 2600 m, tropical rainforests, bamboo thickets. Above 2600 m sparse forests of tree-like heather, above 3800 m alpine meadows (tree-like crossworts and lobelia); at the height more than 4000 m mosses and lichens. A number of national parks. The peak was first conquered by the expedition of L. Abruzzi in 1906, named after Queen Margherita of Italy.

Watch value Marguerite Peak in other dictionaries

Peak- etc. see pika and pika. | White resin; a brewery where they cook it.
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Pick M.- 1. A pointed peak of a mountain with steep slopes. 2. trans. High point in the development of smth.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Peak- peak, m. (French pic) (geographic). Pointed peak of a mountain with very steep slopes. Stalin in the Soviet Pamirs.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Peak time- time on radio and television, when the largest number of people watch or listen to television and radio programs. V.p. - the most expensive time for advertising.
Economic dictionary

Peak- -A; m.
1. Pointed mountain peak or highest point mountain top at all. P. Lenin. P. Victory. Conical peak. Snowy peak. Reach the peak of the mountain. Hoist the flag at the peak of the mountain ........
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Zero Minus Peak- designation of the last exchange transaction at a price equal to the price of the previous transaction, which was lower.
Economic dictionary

Zero Plus Peak— designation of the latest exchange
transactions at a price equal to the price of the previous transaction, which was higher.
Economic dictionary

Peak— PIKPreferred shares paying dividends in sharesSee FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: LATEST INNOVATIONS.
Economic dictionary

Peak (culmination) Sales— A sudden drop in the price of a security that occurs when the holders of stocks or bonds panic and decide to simultaneously get rid of them. Technical........
Economic dictionary

Peak Borrowings— BORROWING PEAK The period in which a company's borrowings from a bank typically reach their highest level of the year. Entrepreneurship is mainly...
Economic dictionary

Peak, Maximum— Transition from the end of economic expansion to the beginning of a period of contraction in economic activity.
Economic dictionary

Peak- This word in the meaning of "mountain top" is borrowed from French, where pic (with the same meaning) is formed from the verb piquer - "to prick", going back to the same stem as the Latin picus - "woodpecker".
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Bragg Peak- (W. H. Bragg, 1862-1942, English physicist) a sharp increase in the ionization density at the end of the path of charged particles; used in proton therapy for local irradiation of deep tissues.
Big Medical Dictionary

Wilhelm Pieck Stadt Guben- the name of the city of Guben in Germany in 1960-90.

Garmo Peak- a peak in the Pamirs, at the junction of the Darvazsky and Academy of Sciences ranges. Altitude 6595 m. Glaciers: Garmo and the Geographical Society.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Dankova Peak- peak in the ridge. Kakshaal-Too in the Tien Shan, on the border of Kyrgyzstan and China. Height 5982 m. Glaciers.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Ovulatory Peak- immediately preceding ovulation, an increase in blood levels of estrogens, as well as luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones.
Big Medical Dictionary

Karl Marx Peak- the highest (6726 m) peak of the Shakhdara ridge. southwest Pamir (Tajikistan).
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Communism Peak- (before 1962, Stalin's peak) - the highest point of the Pamirs (7495 m) in the ridge of the Academy of Sciences, at the place where the ridge branches off from it. Peter the Great in Tajikistan. On the slopes - powerful firn fields and glaciers ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Korzhenevskoy Peak- in hr. Academy of Sciences in the Pamirs. 7105 m. Named in honor of the wife of N. L. Korzhenevsky - Evg. Korzhenevskaya.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

lassen peak- (Lassen Peak) - active volcano in the USA, in the Cascade Mountains. Altitude 3187 m. Lava fields, geysers; coniferous forests. Lassen Volcanic National Park.
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Peak- (French pic) - 1) the highest point. 2) A sharp short-term increase in the volume of work, the load of the enterprise, means of transport at certain hours of the day ("peak hours").
Big encyclopedic dictionary

peak transformer- an electrical transformer that converts a sinusoidal alternating voltage into a pulsed voltage of variable polarity of the same frequency. Used as....
Big encyclopedic dictionary


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake


    Nyiragongo Volcano Lava Lake

Day 10 We return from Rwenzori (approximately in the middle of the day) to the city of Cassese. Overnight at the hotel.

Moving to Rwanda to Lake Kivu - another huge lake lying in the rift basin. The surface area of ​​the lake is approximately 2700 km², the water's edge is at around 1460 meters above sea level.
On the way from Uganda to Rwanda, we will see the giant volcanoes of the Virunga region, which are located in the western branch of the East African Rift - Bisoke (3711 m), Karisimbi (4507 m), Mikeno (4519 m). Overnight at the hotel on the lake shore.

Day 14 Early in the morning we drive to the Congo. 6 hour climb to the Nyiragongo volcano with a lake of boiling lava in the crater, night on the edge of the crater. We carry personal belongings ourselves, and porters carry water and food. You will need to wear trekking boots, take warm clothes (jacket, hat, gloves and a sleeping bag).
Our video from the edge of the crater -

Since 1941, the mountainous territory has been protected as a forest reserve, in 1991 it was formed national park. In 1994, the park was included in the list world heritage UNESCO. The Rwenzori Mountains were occupied by rebels from 1997 to 2001. Due to lack of resources and general instability, the national park was on the list of World Heritage Sites under threat of destruction from 1999 to 2004.


Rwenzori Mountains National Park is located in southwestern Uganda near the border with Democratic Republic Congo. On the territory of the DRC there is a border national park, which also has the status of a World Heritage Site. Rwenzori Mountains is located in the districts of Bundibugyo, Cabarole and Kasese, 25 km from the small town of Kasese. The size of the park is 120 by 48 km; 70% of its territory (996 km²) is located above 2500 m.

The park includes the center and the eastern half of the glaciated Rwenzori Mountains, which are higher than the Alps. The snow-capped peaks of Rwenzori rise above the dry equatorial valleys. Along with the third highest peak in Africa, Peak Margherita (5109 m), the fourth and fifth highest peaks of the African continent - Mount Speke and Mount Baker - are located in the park. Snowfields and glaciers with waterfalls make the national park one of the most beautiful places in Africa.

Flora and fauna

The park is home to many endemics and several endangered species, and has a high biodiversity of plants and trees, including giant tree heather. There are 5 high-altitude zones in the park, which are inhabited by 89 species of birds, 15 species of butterflies and 4 species of primates. The various zones of the park are inhabited by: forest elephant, chimpanzee, hyraxes, black and white colobus, bearded monkey, duikers and ruwensor turaco.


The park is managed by the state agency "National Parks of Uganda", the entrance to the park is the city of Kasese, located 437 km west of the country's capital city. There are hotels in Kasese, camping is allowed in the park. Among the interesting hiking and climbing routes with unusual views, some of which are also equipped with overnight huts, the most popular is the seven-day hike around the park.

In dense and impenetrable jungle In Africa, there are mysterious and inaccessible mountains in which the mistress of the night, the Moon, lives. Here she is born and dies. Mountains cannot be seen, there is no sun. Only a few times a year, on a full moon, people can admire their majestic snow-white peaks, which is why they are called the Lunar Mountains ...

This is what is said about these mountains in an African legend that my guide told me. The mention of them is still in Ptolemy, who wrote about the existence in the center of Africa of the mysterious Moon Mountains, giving rise to the great Nile. But it took two thousand years to confirm this assumption. Indeed, the river flowing from the Lunar Mountains Semliki is one of the main sources of the White Nile.

Adventurers were looking for them to take possession of the famous mines of King Solomon, lurking here in the caves. Several well-organized expeditions failed. And this is not surprising: the Lunar Mountains are always covered with clouds, because their other name is Ruwenzori, which in the language of the Bakonjo tribe living here means “rainmaker”.

Until 1888, not a single European had seen these mountains. Henry Morton Stanley passed quite close twice, but only on the third attempt did he see them. In his honor high mountain Rwenzori was named Mount Stanley. Only in the 20th century did an Italian expedition led by the Duke of Abruzzi manage to draw up the first map of these places. Himself high peak the duke gave the name Margherita (Margherita), in honor of the Queen of Savoy. Our UN helicopter pilots flying from Uganda to the Congo affectionately call the mountain "Daisy".

The Lunar Mountains are indeed located on the equator, between the lakes of Edward and Albert, on the border between Uganda and Congo (Zaire). Here is the largest glaciation in Africa, and the Daisy (5109 m) on the entire continent is second in height only to the lonely mountains of Kilimanjaro and Kenya of volcanic origin.

According to some reports, the first Russians appeared on Rwenzori only in 2005.

Travel program

Day date Full program - rafting, mountain, safari, fishing
1 06.01.2014 Arrival in Entebbe, transfer to Jinja 2.5 hours, bungalows or tents with beds Camp Adrift
2 07.01.2014 Rafting on the Big Nile, after lunch transfer to Fort Portal 6-8h Tourist inn
3 08.01.2014 Semliki National Park, Pygmies, Geysers – night in Fort Portal Tourist inn
4 09.01.2014 Transfer to Nyakalengija 2.5h start of the trek to Nyabitaba 2650m 4-5h ascent
5 10.01.2014 Trek to John Matte 3500 6-8h ascent
6 11.01.2014 Trek to Bujuku 4000 5-7h ascent
7 12.01.2014 Trek to Elena 4545 3-4.5 hours ascent
8 13.01.2014 Assault on Margarita, descent to Kitandara 4050 6-7+4 hours ascent
9 14.01.2014 Freshfield Pass 4300 and descent to Guy Yeoman 3500 6-8h ascent
10 15.01.2014 Descent to Nebitaba 4 hours and then to the park gate 3 hours transfer to Fort Portal 2.5 hours Tourist inn
11 16.01.2014 Transfer to NP Cabarega to Red Chile Camping, Nile Safari Red Chile
12 17.01.2014 Jeepsafari in the morning, fishing or other activities in the afternoon Red Chile
13 18.01.2014 Fishing on the White Nile Red Chile
14 19.01.2014 Morning fishing, transfer to Entebbe 7h, flight home or flight to Nairobi and on to Zanzibar

Equipment and training requirements

For participation in this tour Requires good physical fitness and stamina! There is a program of physical training recommended by the head of the Ascent. The leader retains the right to prevent a participant from climbing due to unpreparedness or health reasons.

Route features: Trekking. highest point on walking route: Peak Margarita - 5109 meters above sea level.

Number of participants in 1 group: 6-8 people

Support team– guides (per group): 1-3, porters, cooks, etc. :about 25-28

Transport on safari: Specially equipped LandRover or ToyotaLandCruiser jeeps with a lifting roof for video and photo shooting.

Price: 3800 $ + a / tickets (approximately 700 $). Registration fee - $ 1000 until September 01 (included in the price, if the trip is canceled or not allowed by the leader - they are not returned). The program is adjusted according to the wishes of the participants. After the ascent, it is possible for those who wish to organize a trip to the island of Zanzibar.

The cost of the program includes:

  • All internal transfers.
  • Accommodation in the city: 2-bed in hotels ***.
  • Providing 2-person tents, mats, a dining tent, tables and folding benches, kitchen and tableware.
  • Meals: Climbing and safari - full board, safari - lunch
  • Required National Park Permits.
  • Services of professional licensed guides - conductors, assistants, porters, cook.
  • First aid kit.

Additionally paid:

  • Flight Moscow - Entebbe, Entebbe - Moscow.
  • Tourist visa (50 usd Kenya transit, in case of flight through Nairobi + 50 usd Uganda).
  • Alcoholic, hot, soft drinks.
  • Meals during the days in the city.
  • Excursions
  • Tips for staff (depends on the number of people in the team, about $180-200 per team member)
  • Personal equipment.
  • Personal expenses not specified in the program
  • Special insurance for extreme species sports (coverage 50000 usd) I RECOMMEND!

Special conditions: The absence of acute cardiac, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, circulatory system, can exacerbate kidney stones. Please check with your doctor before deciding to participate. Your health is solely your responsibility.

Vaccination: It is necessary to get a Yellow Fever vaccination with a certificate, at least 10 days before the trip. The certificate will be required when leaving Russia. The certificate and vaccination are valid for 10 years. Moscow. Polyclinic No. - 13. St. Neglinnaya, 14. Tel: 621-94-65 / 628-65-04. From Malaria, it is desirable to take prophylactic drugs (Meflohim or Lariam tablets), start taking one tablet per week. A week before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip two to three weeks

Required equipment for the trip:

For climbing: Clothes for temperature - 10, on the top of the mountain - Thermal underwear (underwear made of special polar-stretch fabric or similar). It is advisable to have 2 sets - lighter and warmer - Thermal socks, moisture-repellent - 2 pairs - Thin woolen socks - 2 pairs - Windbreaker jacket, made of Gore-tex fabric or similar, with fleece lining, with a hood. Or a puff. - Sturm - pants, made of Gore-tex fabric or similar, with a fleece lining. You can have a regular ski suit on a synthetic winterizer. - Fleeces. - Woolen hat or fleece cap with ears (with the ability to cover the ears). — Balaclava made of Polar fabric (polar) to protect the face (balaclava). - Climbing gloves, or regular ski gloves. Warm!!! -Mountain boots (should be with rigid soles, high, under crampons). — Cats. - Safety system. - Shoe covers - to protect pants and legs from stones - Cape from the rain covering the whole body, including a backpack. – An assault backpack for 25-40 liters for essentials (thermos, warm clothes, capes, lunch, photos, etc.) when climbing. Everything else is carried by porters. - Sunglasses should fit snugly to the face and sufficiently impervious to ultraviolet radiation (protection factor - 4) (ordinary ski glasses will do). - Thermos (0.5-1 liter). - Headlamp with LED bulbs (+ spare batteries). - Sleeping bag, should be designed for a comfortable temperature of -10 -15 C. - Trekking poles (ski or special telescopic).

For safari:- Ordinary cotton pants. (safari) or jeans. — Cotton shirt. or a long-sleeved T-shirt. - Sneakers. - Wide-brimmed hat. - Sun cream. - Sunglasses. - Camera, video camera. — Binoculars

Special equipment:

  • Tablets for the prevention of malaria Lariam. Take according to the scheme before climbing
  • Tablets Diakarb (Diamox), which alleviate the symptoms of altitude sickness.
  • Panangin
  • Vitamin C with glucose
  • Aspirin effervescent
  • Cream SPF 50-100 - a must!
  • Hygienic lipstick with UV protection - a must!
  • Mosquito repellent (spray for body and clothes, fumigator for the hotel).
  • We also recommend - glycine, multivitamins (start taking 2 weeks in advance)
  • Wet wipes

Take an adapter for an English outlet with you, as a rule, they are not available in hotels

Be sure to take a personal medication kit for your specific cases.

Flight from Nairobi and back - $400

Zanzibar 6 days, 5 nights accommodation transfers