Is it dangerous now? Is it dangerous to travel around Europe now? Tourist places and attractions

Frightening terrorist attacks: an explosion in Cairo, a shootout in Luxor - a popular tourist destination, a terrible tragedy in Sousse (Tunisia), a bomb explosion in Thailand - led to a huge number of refusals of trips to hot spots. The armed conflict on the border of the Sinai Peninsula has left many tourists baffled. This is understandable, because Sharm el-Sheikh is just a stone's throw from the places where armed groups clashed. Egyptian authorities, trying to prevent future guests from fearing the country, say that the troops are in complete control of the peninsula. They can be understood. The three billion dollars that flow into the Egyptian treasury annually are the contribution of our compatriots. Question: “Is it dangerous to go to Egypt now?” every sane tourist asks. We will try to answer it. Our story is based on genuine reviews from Russians who spent the summer of 2018 in Egypt.

Sofia Egorova (vacated in Sharm in July 2018):

“The atmosphere throughout the resort is calm. The only thing that immediately caught my eye was a large number of roadblocks. At the exit from the city, at the entrances to entertainment centers, at the main attractions there are armed men in black uniforms. I have never heard a single warning or word about a threat.”

The country is truly unsettled. For 4 years, reports about Egyptian military events have constantly appeared in news releases:

Chronology of events

Winter - 2011. Revolution in Egypt. Resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Street demonstrations, thousands of victims.

About 40 thousand Russians vacationed at Egyptian resorts in February 2011. However, Moscow companies have stopped selling tours to Egypt.

Summer 2013. The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi, anti-government demonstrations, riots. A state of emergency has been declared in the country.

Egypt has begun evacuating tourists from Finland and Norway. Tour operators in these countries have canceled the sale of Egyptian tour packages. The Russian Foreign Ministry recommended Russian citizens refrain from travel. The Federal Tourism Agency did not deal with evacuation, since, according to him, Russian tourists are in no hurry to go home, despite the state of emergency introduced in the country. Excursion programs: trips to Israel, Cairo, etc. are prohibited, but the curfew at the main resorts has been lifted.

Summer - 2015. June 10 - suicide bombing at the Karnak Temple in Luxor. July 1 - on Sinai Peninsula There were violent clashes between government troops and Islamist militants.

The huge flow of tourists on vacation in Egypt resembles mountain rivers exactly the opposite. In bad weather, rivers boil and overflow their banks, and on fine days they become shallow. During the political calm, tourists travel to Egypt in orderly ranks, or rather, by plane, and in times of troubles these ranks noticeably thin out. But they don’t run out! Some citizens are attracted by tempting discounts, others by low occupancy of hotels, etc.

Two views on one situation

The country is “storming”, but our tourists continue to relax in Sinai. What is this - the stupid Russian “maybe it’ll blow by” or something else? We are publishing two views on the situation with the sale of tours to Egypt in the summer of 2013.


REN program “News 24 Hours”:

“Russian tourists, apparently, have adopted the principle: Egypt is a godsend for extreme sports enthusiasts. Against all odds, they travel to a war-torn country. The Federal Tourism Agency provided data that no more than 2-3 people come on the flight. Those who are already vacationing on the Red Sea are not going to return ahead of schedule.”


“I bought a tour to Sharm six months before the trip. Attracted by the system early booking- I wanted to save money. A month before departure, when I learned about the unrest in Egypt, I was horrified. How to fly with a child to a troubled country? I ran to the agency to return the ticket or redirect the tour. But, alas! “Until Rostourism bans flights, we will not return money if you cancel your trip!” - this was the response of the tour operator. They reassured me that the resorts were carefully guarded, that it was safe there and there was no reason to worry, in general, they persuaded me. I flew with a heavy heart. And although everything went well, even excellent, I decided for myself to never use the early booking service, our world is too fickle.”

August - 2016. Situation at the resorts of Egypt

Heat, a sparkling sea with a dozen boats on the horizon, tanned tourists bargaining furiously with stall sellers - this is what Sharm el-Sheikh looks like today. And although the situation in Egypt today is calm, soldiers with weapons are a common sight on the streets of resorts. For Egyptians, tourism is a huge, and sometimes the only, source of income. Therefore, they care about the safety of vacationers. D. Medvedev, having attended the opening of the Suez Canal in early August, recommended that Russians definitely go to the Red Sea.

Nadezhda (Rested in Hurghada Hotel Palm Beach Resort in August 2016):

“I am so glad that, on the advice of my relatives, I chose this hotel! The animation is luxurious. We were not allowed to get bored. The hotel photographer arranged a photo shoot for us, and we were jealous of ourselves: we turned out so happy and beautiful. Rest for 5+.”

Andrey (traveled to Egypt in 2016):

“Everything was good. I didn’t like two things: ants in the room and lack of sunbeds on the beach.”

As you can see, Russians go to Egypt to relax and political situation They are less worried than the lack of sun loungers on the beach, and ants seem to be the main problem of an Egyptian holiday. Therefore, to the question: “Is it possible to go to the country of camels now?” we answer: “Yes!”. The situation in 2015 is difficult, but does not pose a danger to tourists. We will talk further about what is really dangerous in Egypt.

Forewarned is forearmed

Warning 1. Beware of sunlight!

There is a lot of talk about the Egyptian heat. In August 2016, the earth's star broke all records - it warmed the Arabian air to + 55 C°. Protective creams, Panama hats, and umbrellas should be packed in the suitcase first.

Warning 2: Avoid renting a car!

It’s convenient to leave the hotel, get behind the wheel and drive along your route. You can be free and not depend on tour operators and taxi drivers in any country in the world, with the exception of Egypt. Rules traffic for the Egyptians either does not exist at all, or they are compiled according to laws unknown to the whole world. We do not recommend understanding them. Get into a minibus and they will drive you in any direction for pennies. You will not see buses that overturn on the highways and you will not become passengers. The country's authorities have banned long trips until the situation for tourists in the country becomes more favorable.

Warning 3. Be picky about what you eat!

Horror stories about food in Egyptian hotels are shaking the Internet. These are fairy tales in which the truth reaches no more than 2%. The restaurant chef is responsible for the quality of the buffet. Not everyone can be called a master of their craft. That's why reviews about nutrition are so contradictory. Sometimes tourists confuse poisoning with overeating, because the symptoms: nausea, bloating, diarrhea are the same for these conditions. Remember! The volume of a single meal should fit into a regular glass, no more. Use only bottled water to brush your teeth and drink. You can read more about food in Egyptian hotels.

Warning 4. Beware of poisonous aquatic life!

This is really dangerous! Stinging cells that corals release at night, stone fish, electric stingrays, poisonous fish and urchins - acquaintance with these representatives of the Red Sea should be avoided. “Don’t touch anything in the water!” - this is how Arab guides begin excursions in Egypt.

Warning 5: Sharks!

The Red Sea is among the outsiders in the list of zones where attacks by toothy predators on people are not uncommon. The first place in this list is occupied by the coasts of Australia, America and South Africa.

Alexander Kasumyan (Doctor of Biological Sciences ):

When going on vacation with your beloved child, you need to be prepared for any surprises, and when going on vacation to another continent, you need to be fully prepared, not 100%, but 200%! What medications to take with you, what to feed the child, what clothes to pack, what to do if the child suddenly gets sick - these and many other questions torment parents. To avoid troubles, before departure we recommend reading the tips for those traveling to Egypt with a child.

And finally

The purpose of our story is not to scare, but to warn about troubles that could disrupt relaxing holiday. Foreign travel from Russia due to economic reasons decreased by 30%. Egypt, according to statistics from the Federal Tourism Agency, lost only 14% of potential tourists. Our compatriots, trusting the advice of friends and relatives, boldly fly to Egypt. The Red Sea is amazing and everyone should see it!

Jun 6, 2018 Kate

Good afternoon,

I have been traveling around Europe (and not only) for many years, so now I will dispel the main fears regarding the dangers in Europe.

The European continent has come to its high level life and safety through trial and error, which is why there are the most boring traffic rules, prohibitions and ubiquitous police supervision of public order.


All European countries have roads of good or excellent quality. Holland is especially different here: their autobahns have a dividing strip, noise barriers, cameras at all junctions, as well as traffic police who patrol the main routes. The mortality and accident rate here is tens of times lower than in the CIS.

Tourist places and attractions

Of course, pickpockets are present in any crowd of people: both in the Moscow metro and in the center of Berlin, but basic security measures will protect your things with 100% probability.

Outskirts of cities

In all big cities, there are disadvantaged areas where the level of danger is significantly higher. But if you don’t walk around the dark alleys of the outskirts with an expensive camera at 2 am, then the chances of getting into trouble are significantly lower than in your homeland.


This topic is not presented entirely objectively in the Russian-language segment of the media. Migrants are fleeing war, are aware of their status and therefore do not want to attract unnecessary attention from law enforcement officers. They are compactly settled on the outskirts of cities, and given the ratio of the number of migrants to the population of Europe, your chances of encountering them at all tend to zero.

Conclusion: danger level in European cities significantly lower than in Russia, which is confirmed by many statistical data. In city centers, in hotels and on the roads it is completely safe. You can safely travel to any country and do not be afraid of rumors: they are very exaggerated.

Among the many, one might say, paradises of our planet, most Russian travel lovers prefer to spend their legal vacation period or weekends in an amazing, surrounded by greenery Dominican Republic. Which is not at all surprising, because these are the places that can deservedly boast of a luxurious exotic beach area, covering hundreds of kilometers, where all the conditions for excellent rest and relaxation are created.

Of course, the most convenient way for Russian tourists to cover a considerable distance is by aerial view transport. However, many are wondering: is it possible to fly to the Dominican Republic now?

Tourists arriving in the country will be able to:

  • bask in the gentle rays of the sun for as long as you like, sitting comfortably on the snow-white coast;
  • admire the unsurpassed natural beauties, especially coral reefs;
  • get acquainted with a very original, but very interesting local culture.

And, of course, there is the opportunity to make unforgettable excursions to numerous attractions of the ancient country, the discoverer of which is considered to be H. Columbus. No matter where the traveler goes, he will definitely be greeted with a warm welcome by the locals, who warmly welcome all guests.

In particular, our compatriots were very alarmed by the hurricane in the Dominican Republic on the night of September 19, 2017, or rather, by its strength and power. Let's try to analyze the topic of interest more carefully and consider what other dangers are fraught with a vacation on an island surrounded by greenery.

Is it dangerous to vacation on a very popular resort island?

If you carefully analyze the main question, is it dangerous to fly to the Dominican Republic now, then it is not so easy to find a clear answer. After all, everything that is currently happening on the island is, of course, the restoration of the Republic after the serious damage caused by a natural disaster.

However, some areas that were not heavily damaged by the hurricane have been almost completely restored and are able to receive guests, offering a very reasonable price for a vacation. Of course, it will not be possible to fully appreciate the former beauty of the dilapidated Republic, but every guest will be able to explore the natural attractions.

Whether it is worth going to the Dominican Republic now, of course, everyone must decide for themselves. And if the answer is positive, you should definitely find out what dangers a resort island remote from Russia is fraught with, regardless of the time of year, and tourist operators are trying with all their might to hide quite significant shortcomings.

If we take this issue seriously, the situation in the Dominican Republic is such that danger can await a tourist almost anywhere and at any time of the day. However, it is quite simple to protect your vacation and make it truly memorable if you familiarize yourself in advance with the main points that you must, as they say, “bypass” and in no case become a participant in them.

TOP 10 dangers that can await tourists in the Dominican Republic

Here are some potential hazards to avoid:

  1. First of all, do not come into contact with French-speaking black citizens, of whom there are quite a few in the southern part of the island or near the capital. The fact is that they are Haitian migrants who arrived on the island in search of work. Not everyone can find a job in the Dominican Republic, and since money is constantly needed for food, naive tourists can become victims of organized criminal groups.
  2. Given the confirmed presence of numerous infectious diseases on the island, including syphilis, yellow fever, malaria and even rabies, it is advisable to be vaccinated before traveling. While on vacation, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, preferably 2-3 times, with soap and running water. Men should try not to “contact” with local beauties.
  3. The water quality on the island is, to put it mildly, not the best. Therefore, it is recommended to use bottled water for drinking and cooking. After washing vegetables and fruits under running water, they should be thoroughly rinsed with boiling water. This has been the situation in the Dominican Republic for a long time.
  4. Typhoons are another danger that awaits guests and residents of the Republic. That is why comfortable hotels are built not on the coast itself, but at a certain distance. And answering the question whether it’s worth going to the Dominican Republic now, given the possibility of typhoons, you can answer this way: the safest time for a holiday on the island is considered to be the period starting from the end of November and ending in March.
  5. In these wonderful places, unfortunately, a turbulent seismic situation can be seen. There is a high probability of earthquakes, since the island is located in an incompletely formed alpine zone. Tourists should not be too afraid about this, because special services announce a possible earthquake in advance, but remembering exactly where things and documents are left should always be remembered by everyone without exception. Studies have proven that the areas of Punta Cana and La Romana have the lowest intensity of seismic waves, therefore, if possible, it is best to choose hotels located in these quietest areas of the island.
  6. First-time tourists should definitely know that the ancient religion is still used on the island, especially in the provincial areas. There are many Voodoo sorcerers here. Whether it is necessary to seek meetings with its representatives, or, on the contrary, to try to protect oneself from such communication - of course, everyone needs to decide for themselves.
  7. An exciting form of recreation - diving - is available to everyone. After all, many ships sank near the waters washing the island, and what adventure lover would refuse to try his luck in searching for countless sunken treasures. However, before you give your consent to participate in underwater research, you should carefully consider whether you are ready to entrust your own life to an unknown team, going with them to conquer the depths of the sea.
  8. An excellent holiday on a magnificent yacht, which can be rented for the entire duration of your holiday, will undoubtedly appeal to everyone without exception. But from swimming and diving from a yacht into open sea ​​waters Those who value their own health should refuse. The fact is that it is in these places that you can often find large-sized sharks that attack water vessels without fear, mistaking the vehicle for ordinary bait. The habit of predators can be explained quite simply - relatively recently, the so-called golden generation of vacationers, as entertainment, fed ferocious sharks with the favorite delicacy of predators, directly from their hands.
  9. Taking into account the statistics, the activities of local thieves' organizations are developed in the Dominican Republic. To avoid becoming a victim of criminals, regardless of the area that the traveler has chosen for vacation, ordinary vigilance and caution in dealing with very suspicious individuals will help.
  10. You should also not use the services of exchange offices operating in private street pavilions if local currency remains available after the end of the holiday period. This operation should be performed only in special institutions, despite the fact that street offers will be more profitable. As previously noted, in this Republic the level of fraud is quite high, so the currency of gullible tourists can be easily exchanged for perfectly counterfeit dollars.

Use bank cards It is also not necessary to pay for various goods. It is best to withdraw your own savings from ATMs operating inside the hotel complex.

Have a healthy holiday in the Dominican Republic, but be aware of the risks

It should be kept in mind: if a traveler does become a victim of scammers, then contacting the local police is unlikely to correct the current situation, because for local authorities, a tourist is primarily an additional source of income. In such circumstances, it is best to contact a police agency that works directly with tour operators to increase the chance of returning stolen goods. Money or personal items.

To summarize, we can come to the following conclusion: the situation in the Dominican Republic, taking into account the risks, is practically no different from others resort places. After all, the above fears can await tourists in any, even the most modern country.

Therefore, answering the question whether it’s worth going to the Dominican Republic now, you can answer this way: of course, it’s worth it if you familiarize yourself in advance with the risks of staying on a magnificent island surrounded by greenery. paradise island. Additional knowledge will help create a vacation that will remain in the memory of every tourist, and a lot of entertainment and viewing the incredible beauty of natural attractions will turn spending time in a mysterious country into the most memorable and wonderful adventure. We hope that our article helped you understand what the current situation is like for tourists in the Dominican Republic.

In contact with

Many tourists are now wondering whether holidays in Egypt are dangerous, and if so, how dangerous. In fact, at present the political situation in this state is calmer than, say, some time ago, but there are still areas in which the situation remains quite tense. However, the resorts themselves, located on the Mediterranean and Red Sea coasts, are not affected by riots and demonstrations, so they are quite safe here. The main danger for tourists does not lie in the unstable political situation.

Safety on excursions

Those who like to explore foreign countries on their own should remember to travel around Egypt alone (not with excursion group) dangerous. It is also highly undesirable to go on excursions organized by local residents - there is a high probability of running into serious trouble. Book tours and excursions through Russian tour operators.

Before booking a tour to Egypt, contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find out whether the area you plan to travel to is currently safe. If you become aware that the political situation in the country is currently unstable, postpone your trip for a while. Even if the tour has already been purchased, tour operators in most cases meet halfway and reschedule the departure date and change the program of excursions around the country, trying to make your vacation as relaxing as possible.

Sanitary condition

Another danger that awaits tourists who are planning to travel to Egypt is unsanitary conditions. Doctors warn that you should not drink tap water here! Drink only bottled water and eat only in restaurants that cater to tourists. In terms of nutrition, it is generally better to follow the guide’s recommendations.

Stay away from river water. Moreover, the Nile is very polluted, and if you know about it, you are unlikely to want to swim in it. For swimming, choose either the waters of the Mediterranean or Red Sea, or specially equipped pools. It is also worth saying that the quality of medical care in Egypt leaves much to be desired, so you will have to take care of your safety in advance. Before booking a tour and going to Egypt, fill out health insurance and carefully read each of its points.

Be sure to visit your doctor ahead of time and get vaccinated if necessary. This is always necessary before traveling to tropical and subtropical countries.

The treacherous sun

If you are going to the desert, beware of dehydration - it is extremely dangerous for the body. Therefore, stock up on enough drinking water. In addition, in Egypt's hot climate it is very easy to get sunburn, which can completely ruin your holiday. Treat your skin frequently, thoroughly, and liberally with a strong sunscreen that you should always have on hand.

In the desert, sand can be a problem, especially if you are going on vacation in the spring when desert winds blow here. Scarves and special glasses will help protect you from sand.

Dangerous fauna

Dangerous animals in Egypt can also pose a problem on holiday. First of all, these are mosquitoes and other insects that can be carriers of dangerous diseases (for example, malaria). Be sure to take repellent with you on vacation.

No less dangerous than insects is the underwater fauna. Despite their external beauty, many of the inhabitants of the Red Sea can harbor a deadly threat. We are talking here not only about sharks, of which there are not so many off the coast of Egypt. Much more dangerous sea ​​urchins, moray eels, stingrays, jellyfish, cones, sea snakes and some types of fish. Many of them can cause harm not only during diving, but also when walking along the water's edge or while swimming. Special rubber shoes and extreme caution will help avoid these problems.

Of course, diving in the waters of the Red Sea is one of the favorite entertainments for tourists. But divers should be very careful when diving near coral reefs - this is where most of the dangerous creatures live.

Petty hooliganism

Petty theft is not common in Egypt. If your tour includes many excursions, then you will spend most of your vacation near huge deserted buildings, where, in principle, there are few people. But even in places large cluster people are relatively safe. Avoid only political demonstrations, which at any moment can develop into riots.

In Egypt, of course, it is dangerous, but no more than, for example, in Turkey. And all the listed dangers certainly cannot be a reason not to go on vacation to the Red Sea coast. Follow the tips given above, and no troubles will happen to you, and the trip will bring only positive emotions.

According to the Association of Tour Operators (ATOR), employees of the Russian Embassy in Myanmar sent tour operators South-East Asia an official appeal to warn about possible terrorist attacks and ensure the safety of tourists who are going on a trip to Burma (Myanmar). This is due to the terrorist attacks that have been committed in recent days in Yangon and other regions of the republic.

« Over the past few days, improvised explosive devices have been detonated in some areas of the country, several of them have been found and neutralized. These explosive devices were found in the Taungngu, Rangoon, Sikaing and Mandalay areas. This did not affect tourist places - none of them Russian tourists not injured", - the message says.

According to the embassy, ​​two local residents were killed and some were injured. One explosive device went off at the Traders Hotel, a popular hotel in Rangoon, around midnight on October 15. As a result of the terrorist attack American tourist got injured. According to preliminary data, there are currently several dozen Russian tourists in Myanmar; nothing threatens their stay in the republic. According to media reports, unrest in Myanmar began several days ago and, according to Russian and local media, affected several tourist regions countries.

Meanwhile, the operators we surveyed offering tours to Myanmar do not yet see any reason to cancel tours there. " Of course, after these unpleasant incidents, security measures have been increased in the country. But to regard these incidents as serious Act of terrorism would not be entirely correct. The most unpleasant incident occurred at the Traders Hotel. An improvised explosive device went off here, resulting in an American tourist receiving minor injuries. Neither the American woman's husband nor her child were injured.

There is no real danger for Russian tourists in Myanmar. We are in constant communication with our partners in Myanmar, who assure us of safety. IN this moment our tourists enjoy this amazing country, we have not received any complaints from them.

Myanmar is a friendly, clean (compared to other Asian countries) country, closed and therefore quite puritanical, with real masterpieces of architectural architecture. Every year, more and more Russian tourists try to unravel the mysteries of magnificent palace and temple complexes, golden pagodas, incomparable beaches, and cuisine.

Of course, their number is still too small (5% of tourists are Russian), but we hope to close this gap in the very near future. Already, the demand for sightseeing tours. More and more tourists are abandoning combined tours (Vietnam - Myanmar - Laos - Cambodia), choosing to visit only Myanmar. Although the leadership is for combined tours with Vietnam (convenient flight)",- Elena Malysheva, head of the Southeast Asia department of the China Travel company, told us.

« Myanmar is a very positive country and if not for these unfortunate incidents, it could be called the safest country in the world. I think these isolated cases will not affect the flow of tourists to this country. Similar situations can happen in any country and cannot be an indicator of safety.

The historical and cultural components, impeccable beaches and the sea attract numerous Russian tourists here, who feel excellent here and are completely safe. The flow of tourists to Myanmar is stable, without obvious surges in activity. Our groups are now in the country, well booked New Year. I think that the flow of tourists to this country will only increase. There is everything you need for a good rest,”- the deputy noted in turn in a conversation with us. director of tourism at Vand International Tour, Evgeniy Khokhlov.