Luggage size and weight. Carriage of baggage and hand luggage. Transportation of musical instruments

Air travel is the fastest, most convenient and reliable way of travel and transportation, allowing a passenger and his luggage to move from one place to another in just a few hours, despite the great distance of these places from each other. However, the specific nature of air travel allows the transportation of people only to those airlines and airports that fully comply with generally accepted international standards of safety measures.

In order for the passenger to be given boarding pass, he must strictly comply with the strictest flight rules, which also include the carriage of baggage on board the aircraft. This is done for the general safety of all passengers and the aircraft.

The presented rules are mandatory for all passengers, regardless of the purpose, nature of the trip or the prestige of the cabin class in which you are flying.

In other words, this is a complex of organizational issues aimed at ensuring comfort and speed of flight. And luggage transportation is one of the most important organizational issues, which must be treated especially responsibly in order to eliminate the occurrence of possible problems.

Airplane baggage allowance for 2019

As for the transportation of baggage, it is worth immediately noting the following: the rules providing for this process do not have a single global standard, so there are variations of them, which are influenced by a number of factors.

First- the country you are flying to, since each state has its own rules and standards. For example, when going to Dubai, under no circumstances should you carry with you (not only in your luggage, but also in your hand luggage and in your pockets) objects and literature of a religious nature that are not related to Islam.

Second— Baggage allowance is affected by the choice of airline. In addition, to the permitted permissible weight baggage is affected by the class of ticket purchased (for example, economy or business class) and the type of aircraft.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications and problems when checking in luggage, it is necessary to clarify all of the above points during the process of purchasing tickets. If you have non-standard luggage, you should find out the rules for its transportation in advance.

The first thing you need to do is find out which items and things that you want to take with you can be transported by plane, and which are prohibited.

However, despite differences in some baggage rules, all airlines have general rules for baggage transportation, used all over the world.

General baggage allowances on board the aircraft

1 - first you need to make sure that the suitcases or bags that you will check into separate places are in good condition and integrity (the absence of various kinds of cuts and cracks) in order to prevent damage to the items contained in them and adjacent luggage during their transportation.

To be safe, you can wrap your luggage yourself in cellophane film. The same procedure can be performed directly at the airport for a small fee. We recommend doing this! By doing this, you will definitely not stain or tear your suitcase or bag.

2 - each airline has its own rules that set the weight and size of checked baggage and unchecked baggage ( hand luggage). If you exceed any of the parameters, you will have to pay extra.

3 - you should remember the list of things that are strictly prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft. Neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage!

What not to pack in your luggage and hand luggage

  • Caustic and corrosive. These include: all types of alkalis, acids; mercury and devices containing it; rechargeable batteries with liquid cells;

  • All types and types of gases: flammable and non-flammable, compressed, liquefied, poisonous;

  • Objects, solids and liquids that have the ability to ignite, which include: matches, lighters and liquids for refilling them; solvents, paints and other paints and varnishes; substances capable of spontaneous combustion or which emit any gases upon contact with water, as well as other substances and objects prone to combustion;

  • Substances that tend to oxidize, such as peroxides and bleach powder;

  • Any types of explosives, items and products made from them, as well as weapons: pistols, shotguns, machine guns and other types of small arms, firearms and ammunition, including empty cartridges and detonators; fireworks, flares and similar products;

  • Radioactive substances and objects emitting radiation;

  • Toxic, poisonous and infectious substances, which include: herbicides, pesticides, insecticides; laboratory materials and samples containing live viruses; subjects of etiology;

  • Suitcases and briefcases equipped with alarm devices.
  • precious metals;
  • jewelry;
  • securities;
  • money;
  • keys;
  • glasses;
  • fragile things;
  • perishable products.

Leave them at home or take them with you in your hand luggage!

Total baggage weight and hand luggage

Things and objects permitted for transportation directly in the passenger cabin of an aircraft are called hand luggage, which is often transported in small bags.

Naturally, the purpose of these restrictive measures is to ensure an adequate level of safety for the aircraft and its passengers throughout the entire flight.

For this reason, most airlines prohibit the carriage of such items in hand luggage as:
  • Knives and long scissors (and sometimes even nail scissors);
  • Corkscrews;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Needles for injections, including hypodermic ones, excluding prescribed cases;
  • Razors, blades and other piercing and cutting instruments and objects.
In addition, there are some restrictions on carrying liquids in hand luggage, such as:
  • Shampoo;
  • Gel;
  • Perfume;
  • Spray;
  • Mascara;
  • Cream;
  • Water and soft drinks.

According to the rules, it is allowed to transport the listed liquids and substances in hand luggage only in small quantities (up to 100 ml) and exclusively in sealed packages (more accurate data is provided by the specific airline that provides you with services). Exceptions include baby food and liquid medications that will be consumed during the flight. Exemptions also include liquids and goods purchased in duty-free shops ( « Duty Free» ).

As for the weight of luggage and hand luggage, certain limits also apply here. For hand luggage, the weight range ranges from 7 to 15 kg for 1 piece. For luggage, the permissible weight is on average 20–30 kg.

There is also a list of items and things that a passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge in the aircraft cabin, even if they exceed the permissible weight limits (20 kg) for unpaid baggage allowance:

  • Briefcase or handbag;
  • Umbrella;
  • Paper folder;
  • Cane;
  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Crutches and wheelchair for transporting a passenger with limited mobility;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Outerwear and suit in a suitcase;
  • Printed publications for in-flight reading;
  • Video camera and photo camera;
  • Laptop;
  • Baby cradle for transporting a child.

Items from the list are not marked, weighed or presented for registration.
Regarding the transportation of non-standard and oversized items, such as musical instruments, sports equipment and others not included in any of the lists, you must contact airline representatives in advance.

As can be seen from everything written, carrying luggage is a rather complicated process, and in order to avoid problems, it is better to take care in advance to comply with all measures and requirements.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Please check the details about your flight and luggage: flight direction, amount of luggage, etc. We, in turn, will try to answer everyone as soon as possible.

Dear passengers, the rules of transportation were written not to limit your rights, but to ensure that your flight is safe. Don't ignore them!

And finally. It should be remembered that it is better to arrive at check-in 2 hours before departure in order to ensure a good mood and prevent possible difficulties.

If you are going on a trip, study in advance the nuances that determine the carriage of baggage on an airplane. They determine the standards on all Russian airlines, except Pobeda. For foreign companies, the rules determined by the legislation of the relevant country continue to apply. What do you need to know so that you can save yourself from unpleasant surprises?

Generally accepted standards and rules: what baggage can be transported as cargo

First, understand the terminology to avoid confusion:

  • Carry-on luggage It is customary to name the things you take on a plane. They can be placed on a special shelf or under the seat in front (if the items do not differ in size). During check-in, carriers have the right to require hand luggage to be weighed. If you go through the procedure online, then marking is not required. In this case, weighing is done before the boarding gate.
  • Personal items- items that are allowed to be taken on the plane without preliminary weighing and marking (folder, cane, book).
  • Baggage- these are bags, suitcases, backpacks and other things checked into the cargo compartment. It is issued for each passenger separately. When checking in, you place your bags on a conveyor where they are weighed. If the norm is not exceeded, the baggage is marked with a barcode sticker and sent to the cargo compartment. You are given a delivery coupon, and if you lose your suitcase or bag, the document will help you defend your rights.

According to the new baggage rules on planes , The weight norm for 1 place is reduced from 32 kg to 30. It can be lower, but not higher. But this does not mean that the indicator is the same for everyone: it is influenced by the tariff at which the ticket was purchased.

New rules: how to transport luggage and hand luggage

If you have not traveled since the introduction of the new rules, you may be surprised: after all, baggage-free tickets It's not the first day they've been on sale. But even the budget Pobeda provided the opportunity to transport up to 10 kg in the cargo compartment. In 2018, the norm specified in the Air Code was canceled. What needs to be taken into account now?

Baggage requirements 10-30 kg

To avoid troubles, check the new rules on the carrier’s website. He has the right to set the weight depending on the ticket fare. If the upper limit is 23 kg, then if you are overweight you will need to pay extra or take out some of your items.

Don't forget to check the baggage rules on the plane.

According to the rules, baggage weight of 30 kg is allowed for business class passengers: it has advantages over economy class. In the latter, the upper limit of normal is 23 kg.

Baggage requirements over 30 kg

If the norm is exceeded 30 kg The cargo falls under the heavy weight criterion. The calculation is made according to the company's tariffs. You have to pay extra for every kilogram.

There are also restrictions on dimensions, and these include:

  • skis and other sports items that take up a lot of space;
  • musical instruments (double bass, cello);
  • Large home appliances.

To transport such cargo, contact airline representatives in advance and find out the new rules. The support service will select an option for transporting oversized luggage, but if there is not enough space in the cargo compartment, they have the right to refuse you. You should arrive at the airport early: check-in will take longer.

In winter, some airlines allow you to carry skis and other equipment without additional charges.

Baggage-free tickets

Important changes to the rules regarding the carriage of baggage on an airplane affected baggage-free tickets. After all, airlines have received the right not to include the cost in the price of the travel document, which will allow the passenger to save money. For example, previously on a Pobeda flight you could check a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg into the cargo hold. But now the airline has the ability to charge for everything except a handbag or briefcase. The advantage for travelers is the low cost: those who want to save money will find great deals by leaving extra things at home.

46% of passengers agree to do without even carry-on luggage in order to save on flights.

Similar rules apply to the category non-refundable tickets. When purchasing them, check whether you have chosen the “luggage-free” option or whether the price includes freight transportation. If the ticket is refundable, the price automatically includes transportation of 10 kg of luggage.

Is it possible to combine luggage on a plane: read the rules

After a protest from the Moscow Interregional Transport Prosecutor's Office, Aeroflot changed the rules for transporting baggage.

If passengers travel together for the same purpose of travel, to the same airport of destination or stopover, then, at the request of the passengers, it is allowed to apply to the baggage of these passengers the sum of the standards (including weight and size standards) for the free carriage of checked baggage for each of the passengers.
One piece of baggage should not exceed 32 kg in weight and/or the sum of three dimensions 203 cm, the total number of pieces of combined baggage should not exceed the sum of the free baggage allowance.

Now, when traveling with family or friends, you will receive possibility to combine cargo, rather than distributing things among several bags or paying extra for overweight. In this case they should take 1st place. Airplane baggage rules require that you place your items in one shared bag. But the total weight should not exceed 30 kg, or you will have to pay extra.

Rules for transporting fragile items

Do you have to take fragile items on a trip? Glass products, electronic devices and equipment, and decorative items should not be delivered as regular cargo. To prevent boxes or bags from being thrown around when loading onto an airplane, check your luggage as “fragile.” He will not be placed on a conveyor, but will be taken to the department. Alas, you will not receive guarantees for the integrity of the items.

If the dimensions of the items do not exceed the permissible dimensions, take them to the salon. In this case, it is important that you do not transport liquids in glass jars: the jam will have to be checked into the cargo area.

Excess weight of luggage and what to do with it

When you buy a travel document, its category determines the permissible limits for the weight of goods. If the indicator exceeds the established norm, the mass is considered above the norm. For example, an economy class passenger can take luggage up to 23 kg. The amount of the surcharge should be clarified in advance, and some companies allow a slight excess.

Hand luggage and new rules for its transportation

When packing your luggage on the plane, ask how many kilograms per person are allowed. Since the fall of 2017, the following restrictions have come into force for airlines:

The maximum weight of hand luggage that can be carried free of charge must be no more than 5 kg.

In this case, the carrier has the right to change the indicator, increasing the norm to 6, 7 or 10 kg: this will attract the client. There are also restrictions on dimensions, because the height of the item should not exceed 0.56 m, width - 0.45 m, and thickness - 0.25 m. Please check the acceptable parameters on the website of the selected carrier.

What can you not check in as carry-on luggage?

Under the new rules, hand luggage may be weighed and tagged at check-in or before boarding. But you are allowed to take extra things.

Previously, the list was wider, but the Ministry of Transport decided that some things can be put in a bag. These include a laptop, umbrella, books and mobile phone.

Placed your laptop in a bag or backpack? You won't have to pay. Didn't complete the task? Pay extra.

What luggage to take into the cabin: what can you keep in your hand luggage with you

When determining what to take into the cabin, remember: the main cargo may be lost. In time they will find him, but It’s safer to keep the necessary things with you. Bring documents, fragile items, expensive gadgets, medicines, and hygiene products to the salon.

What else can you take? According to the rules, the following is allowed:

What you are not allowed to take into the cabin: transportation rules

  • You cannot take weapons or children's toys or dummies that imitate them.
  • Sharp, piercing, cutting objects are prohibited. The idea of ​​grabbing knitting needles or a corkscrew will have to be abandoned. Even manicure scissors and a nail file are included in the list of items not allowed in the cabin.
  • You will have to do without household chemicals, especially flammable aerosols.
  • When it comes to shaving accessories, choose disposable products with closed cutting surfaces or safety razors.

The question is often asked whether it is possible to bring a thermometer into the salon. The answer depends on the type of device: you put the electronic one in your hand luggage or in a suitcase that you check in the cargo hold. A thermometer with mercury is carried in a protective case in the amount of 1 piece (check the Rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on the carrier’s website). But you will have to check it in as luggage.

Items prohibited in hand luggage

Airline rules: what you need to know about carrying luggage on an airplane

According to the new rules, airlines have the right to weigh luggage before boarding passengers. How are changes implemented in practice?

Aeroflot: unpleasant surprises

Aeroflot passengers have to think not only about what they can carry on the plane in their luggage. Since February 2018, complaints began to appear that the company was measuring baggage dimensions near boarding gates. Representatives of the carrier provided an explanation: according to them, the measure was taken due to the fact that customers are unhappy with the lack of space in the cabins.

Now the “sum of 3 dimensions” rule does not work: if previously the total value of the indicators should not exceed 115, then according to the new regulations the dimensions are limited to 55x40x20 cm. Even if the height of the suitcase is 35 cm, this does not mean that the width can exceed 20 cm. Under Even small bags do not fit the criteria.

New rules for Aeroflot

The new rules are stricter than most low-cost airlines with their strict standards. But Aeroflot has also changed the list of things that can be taken into the cabin without registration. Baby food, a cane, and a camera disappeared from the standard list. The number of duty-free packages is also specified: it must be the only one.

Is a guitar a permitted item? The company announced that musical instruments must have a maximum height of 135 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. If the guitar does not meet the criteria of the rules, contact the company representatives 36 hours before departure and agree on the issue.

Ural Airlines: what you need to know

The company explains the current regulations:

Free carriage rules

For some flights (“Moscow - Baikonur - Moscow”) additional restrictions are introduced: for economy class the weight of hand luggage is 5 kg, and baggage up to 15 kg can be carried free of charge. If you bought a business class ticket, the figures increase to 10 and 30 kg, respectively.

Utair and S7: consider the changes

Abbreviated lists of things that are allowed to be imported and exported as an addition to hand luggage have also appeared on the websites of Utair airlines.

The list of items allowed to be placed in the cargo hold includes the following:

  • crossbows, knives, swords, etc.;
  • knives or scissors, when the length of the cutting part does not exceed 60 mm;
  • alcoholic drinks or liquids if the alcohol content does not exceed 24%;
  • drinks and liquids with an alcohol content of 24-70%, provided that the quantity per person is no more than 5 liters (the capacity of the container should also not be higher than this value);
  • aerosols in cylinders, the nozzles of which are closed with caps, and the maximum volume is 500 ml (there is a limit for 1 passenger - 2 kg or l).

Official rules apply on all flights; the administration introduced similar conditions “ Ural Airlines"and other companies.

The rules prohibit the carriage of the following items in checked baggage:

  • military, civilian and service weapons;
  • pyrotechnics;
  • explosives and parts of explosive devices;
  • flammable liquids and solids;
  • radioactive and corrosive substances;
  • items containing radioactive elements;
  • products similar to weapons that can be used in the commission of acts of unlawful interference, including all types of brass knuckles and projectile weapons;
  • compressed and liquefied gases.

Some items are allowed to be transported only if the “Dangerous Goods” are registered. These include personal mobility devices powered by lithium batteries. The same rule applies if you want to transport a moped or mobile device powered by a 160 Wh or higher lithium-ion battery.

Exceptions are made when it comes to devices used by passengers with reduced mobility. In this case, you must obtain the company's permission in advance. If the battery power is less, it is removed and transported in hand luggage (with a characteristic of 100-160 Wh you need to obtain permission).

Find out in advance what the cost of your luggage on the plane will be if you are overweight. The conditions can be clarified on the company’s website.


Some restrictions come as a surprise to passengers. To avoid such situations, please read the answers to frequently asked questions.

Is it possible to carry liquids on an airplane?

Since 2006 the company prohibited the transportation of bulk containers with liquids. The restriction is due to the fact that terrorists have repeatedly tried to smuggle parts of explosive devices disguised as harmless bottles on board international planes.

The following are considered liquids:

  • cosmetic and perfumery products (perfumes, gels, etc.);
  • products (jam, drinks, syrups, etc.).

How much liquid can you carry on an airplane?

How much liquid can be carried in airplane luggage?

The maximum volume of the container containing liquid is 100 ml. If you try to take a 200 ml bottle, arguing that there is only 50 ml of water in it, you will not be able to bring it on board.

If the volume does not exceed the permissible limit, the passenger should put all containers in a 20x20 cm bag. It is advisable to buy it in advance, since the cost at the airport will be higher. The total volume of liquids should be no more than 1 liter. There is 1 package per 1 passenger; what doesn't fit will have to be thrown away. There is no need to put baby or diet food in it, but be prepared to open the containers to check the contents.

Liquids purchased at duty-free can be taken into the cabin, provided that they are in a sealed bag.

Is it possible to take groceries on a plane?

Taking food into the salon is not prohibited, but international flights Additional control is carried out: veterinary and phytosanitary. To avoid unpleasant surprises, take sandwiches in foil, candy or fruit with you. Avoid products that leave crumbs or may disturb the smell of your neighbors. Also note that some treats are classified as liquids (yogurt). The volume of the container in this case should not exceed 100 ml.

If you still have questions about whether you can take groceries on a plane, watch the video:

Hand luggage when flying with a child

When flying with a child, the question arises: Is it possible to take a baby stroller into the salon?. The rules are that you will give the stroller to the airport staff before boarding the plane. It will be classified as checked baggage. Its weight will not be included in the weight norm, but it should not exceed 20 kg.

Some strollers are allowed on planes

Child seats are transported free of charge, and you can take him into the cabin provided that you have purchased a ticket for your child with a separate seat. The product must be marked to indicate that it is suitable for use on aircraft.

Separate luggage can be checked in for a child under 2 years old; weight should not exceed 10 kg. Check with the carrier for the upper limit of hand luggage: many companies do not allow it, since an infant flies without a seat.

What to do if your baggage is lost by an airline

If your luggage is lost or sent on another flight, don’t despair. The main thing is that you have the receipt in your hands. Write a statement by contacting the missing items department and wait for the result. The airline is obliged to find the loss within 3 weeks. Was the bag returned damaged or not found at all? Demand compensation; if they refuse, take documentary evidence and go to court.

The amount paid for lost or damaged luggage varies by company:

  • foreign ones provide $20 per kg;
  • domestic - $10 per kg.

According to the Montreal Convention, the maximum compensation for the loss of a suitcase is $1,500. To increase your chances, add receipts to the description of the missing items and receive a full or partial refund.

It is advisable to insure valuable items in advance by paying additional fees.


New airline rules provide an opportunity to save money. Go on a trip with a minimum of things, and you won’t have to pay extra for luggage transportation. The main thing is that you clarify the tariffs and norms in advance!

Any traveler takes luggage with him. A passenger going on a business trip takes with him some change of clothes and documents. Those flying on a long-awaited vacation will need a large suitcase with personal belongings. And if a family goes on vacation, then there will be several suitcases and travel bags. In addition to large luggage, almost every airplane passenger takes with him a small carry-on luggage in the form of a handbag or men's purse.

Travelers traveling by bus or train have a much easier time stowing luggage than those traveling by airline.

An airliner is considered vehicle increased danger. Therefore, many items are strictly prohibited for transportation on board an aircraft. This is necessary to ensure the safety of passengers and airline employees.

The following are prohibited:

  • any weapons and ammunition;
  • fireworks and other explosive items;
  • any type of gases;
  • flammable and flammable substances;
  • poisonous, radioactive and toxic materials.

The above and some other items, in the event of unfavorable situations, can harm the health of passengers and airline employees, as well as negatively affect the flight. Transportation of such substances and objects can be carried out by air, but only on specially equipped air boards.

The rules of some air carriers prohibit the carriage of certain items as hand luggage that could cause harm to people if flight conditions are disrupted.

These things include sharp and piercing objects:

  • any knives;
  • crochet hooks and knitting needles;
  • sewing needles;
  • medical syringes;
  • corkscrews;
  • scissors;
  • metal nail files.

Some liquids are prohibited from being carried in the passenger cabin of an airliner:

  • shampoo;
  • shower gel;
  • liquid soap;
  • cream;
  • various sprays;
  • eau de toilette and perfume.

Some airlines allow liquids into the cabin, but in small quantities and in sealed bottles and tubes. But if you purchased liquids from stores located at the airport, they may be allowed as carry-on luggage.

Baggage can be taken on board an airliner if the special requirements necessary to ensure safe air travel are met. There are two types of standards. In the first case, there are requirements that are followed all over the world, regardless of country or airline. In the second case, some safety standards may only be met in some countries.

The transportation of weapons and ammunition, explosives, narcotic and other dangerous substances is prohibited in any country. Specific prohibitions include taking religious literature with you on board the plane, which is prohibited in the country of arrival.

In addition to basic and specific prohibitions, there are restrictions that apply to certain airlines or airliners. For example, depending on the limited payload weight of each aircraft, weight-restricted baggage may be carried on board. There is a certain weight of baggage per passenger, and this cannot be exceeded. But any passenger airliner has its own payload weight.

Baggage is the items that a passenger takes with him on board an airliner. Baggage is divided into two types: hand luggage and checked luggage, which is checked into a special storage compartment.

When passengers are checked in and air tickets are checked, airport terminal staff check in passenger baggage. Before items are sent for storage in the luggage compartment, they are weighed. Certain airlines have strict baggage weight limits, although many carriers allow you to pay extra for excess weight.

The passenger takes his hand luggage into the cabin with him. There is a special shelf above each passenger seat for storing hand luggage. You can keep personal items in your arms or next to the seat, but without disturbing other passengers. There may be a special pocket in the backs of the chairs for storing things. For example, a stand for tablets.

How many items a passenger can take on board an aircraft will depend on certain factors. This is usually determined by the class of service. On the same aircraft, Economy Class and Business Class passengers may take different amounts of personal items.

Any baggage can be paid or free. But the concept of “free baggage allowance” is rather arbitrary. If you look at it, any baggage is paid for, and its cost is initially included in the price of the air ticket. If a passenger exceeds the free baggage allowance, they must pay the difference at check-in before boarding the plane. It is impossible to know in advance about the weight of passenger luggage.

Tourists are interested in how much stuff they can carry on board an airplane without additional payment? It is difficult to name the exact norm, since each airline has its own rules for the transportation of passenger baggage. The size and type of airliner flying also matters.

The baggage allowances carried on board the aircraft free of charge may be by weight or size. In addition to the certain weight of passenger items, their dimensions matter. After all, the size of the cargo compartments on each plane varies, as do the sizes of the luggage racks. Therefore, if you are going to transport light, but long or tall luggage by plane, familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting items of the selected airline in advance.

It is impossible to give an exact figure for the weight of free luggage. But usually air carriers allow passengers to take from 7 to 15 kg of hand luggage into the aircraft cabin, and from 20 to 30 kg as baggage.

For example, the famous air carrier Aeroflot has established the following rules for the transportation of free baggage:

  • Economy, comfort or premium class passengers are allowed to take luggage of no more than 23 kg.
  • For those seated in the business class cabin, baggage up to 32 kg is allowed.
  • Checked baggage must not exceed 158 cm in height, width and length.
  • Regardless of the cabin class of the airliner, a passenger can take hand luggage that does not exceed 15 kg in weight and does not exceed 115 cm in size in all respects.
  • If hand luggage will be placed on a shelf above the chair or under the passenger seat, then it must be no more than 55 cm in length, no more than 40 cm in width, and no more than 20 cm in height.

But the traveler will be able to take certain items on board the plane for free, even if they exceed the permissible weight limit. Such items include crutches, devices for the disabled, baby carriers and other vital items.

For every tourist, carrying luggage on an airplane is always a difficult task. The passenger must collect in advance the personal belongings that he will take on the trip. Before you start packing your things, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the baggage transportation rules of the air carrier that will be operating the flight. Find out in advance about the type of aircraft, as well as the permitted weight and dimensions of free baggage. If the freight exceeds the free freight allowance, but you need it, inquire about the additional cost.

Do not forget that depending on the cabin class on the plane, the weight allowance for free baggage will vary. Ask about permitted prohibited items as carry-on luggage, their quantity and packaging. You will find out all these answers by calling the help desk of the selected airline. Read detailed information You can learn more about the rules for carrying baggage on board an aircraft on the air carrier’s official website.

After receiving the information, you can begin collecting personal belongings needed for the trip. Think carefully about the necessity of all things, especially this rule applies to clothing. At hot resorts, you are unlikely to need warm sweaters that weigh more than a few T-shirts and dresses. Items prohibited from being carried as hand luggage must be well packed in a suitcase or travel bag.

If your baggage is packed correctly and in accordance with the airline's rules, you can avoid problems and difficulties when checking in for your upcoming flight.

Baggage and hand luggage on the plane

  • Backpack/handbag/men's briefcase with items included. However, please note that the weight of the backpack should not exceed 5 kg, the dimensions of the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 80 cm.
  • One (!) sealed package with purchases from Duty stores Free with dimensions not exceeding 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions
  • Outerwear
  • Suit in a suitcase
  • Bouquet of flowers
  • Device for carrying a child. These include: a cradle, restraint systems (devices) for children under two years of age, a folding baby stroller with dimensions of no more than 50x42x20cm when transporting a child, which can be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat, or under the seat in front of the passenger armchairs. As a restraint device and if there is a separate paid seat for a child, a vehicle installed on a passenger seat certified for use on air transport a portable child seat equipped with seat belts.
  • Baby food for feeding your baby during the flight
  • Crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchair, removable prosthetic limbs (arms, legs), by prior agreement a portable oxygen concentrator, medical equipment for life support of a passenger in flight. These items must have dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin. A folding wheelchair is carried in the aircraft cabin if there is space for its safe placement, otherwise it is checked in as baggage without charging an additional fee.
  • Medicines, special dietary needs required during the flight.

Attention: scooters, skateboards and roller skates are not allowed for transportation in the aircraft cabin and are checked in only as checked baggage.

2. Baggage transportation

On Russia Airlines flights there are different rules and standards for baggage and hand luggage depending on the flight numbering.

Baggage allowance for flights numbered SU 6001-6999:

Attention: The norm and weight of free checked baggage must not exceed 158 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions. The norm and weight of free transportation of unchecked baggage in the aircraft cabin (carry-on baggage) should not exceed dimensions of 55 cm in length, 40 cm in width, 25 cm in height.

If you are traveling with a heavy or oversized luggage, the weight of one piece exceeds 32 kg, but not more than 50 kg, and/or the dimensions of one piece in the sum of three dimensions exceed 203 cm, then you must first coordinate its transportation with the airline no later than 36 hours before the flight departure by phone: 8 800 444-55-55 (the call is free).

Baggage allowance for flights numbered FV5501-5949:

On flights numbered FV5501-5949, the free baggage allowance must be checked with the tour operator. The overall free allowance for 1 piece of baggage is no more than 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions. For children under 2 years of age (without a separate seat), the checked baggage allowance is 10 kg.

Free carry-on luggage:

Economy— 1 piece up to 5 kg, no more than 55x40x20 cm

Business— 1 piece up to 10 kg, no more than 55x40x20 cm

Excess baggage allowance on flights FV5501-5949

Excess baggage – baggage whose weight exceeds the free baggage allowance, with the weight of each piece not exceeding 32 kg / size not exceeding 203 cm in the sum of 3 dimensions

  • Only for flights within the Russian Federation - 750 rubles/kg
  • Only for international flights from the Russian Federation and flights from foreign points in the Eurozone - 10 EUR/kg
  • For international flights from other foreign destinations - 12 USD/kg

Heavy luggage/sports equipment – ​​weight of one piece over 32 kg and no more than 50 kg. Baggage whose weight per piece exceeds 50 kg is not allowed for transportation.

  • Only for flights within the Russian Federation - 400 rubles/kg
  • Only for international flights from the Russian Federation and flights from foreign points in the Eurozone - 6 EUR/kg
  • For international flights from other foreign destinations - 8 USD/kg

3. Carrying hand luggage

Free carry-on luggage on flights SU 6001-6999 — 10 kg(Economy class), 15 kg(Business Class)

Free carry-on luggage on flights FV5501-5949 — 5 kg(Economy class), 10 kg(Business Class)

4. Transportation of sports equipment

Subject to the established size and weight restrictions, one of the following items may be carried as one piece of hand luggage:

  • one tennis/squash racket, packed in a case;
  • badminton set consisting of two simple rackets and 3 feather shuttlecocks, packed in one case.

In case of transportation of the specified equipment as hand luggage, transportation of other hand luggage (in addition to items carried in excess of the established allowance without charging an additional fee) is not permitted.

The following equipment is regarded as 1 item and is included in the free baggage allowance:

  • Ski equipment - Case with 1 pair of skis and 1 pair of poles + 1 piece of luggage with 1 pair of boots. Or 1 case with 1 pair of water skis.
  • Snowboard equipment - 1 case with 1 snowboard + 1 piece of luggage with 1 pair of boots
  • Hockey equipment – ​​Case with equipment + case with 2 sticks
  • Bicycle - Bicycle prepared for transportation
  • Golf equipment - packed in one case
  • Fishing equipment (packed in 1 container or case) - 2 fishing rods + set of tackle
  • Sports equipment not included in the above list is regarded as 1 piece of baggage and is included in the free baggage allowance.

If the baggage in terms of the number of pieces, weight or the sum of three dimensions exceeds the free baggage allowance, then an additional payment for excess baggage will be charged according to the baggage rate for excess checked baggage charges.

5. Transportation of musical instruments

On Russia Airlines flights, musical instruments are transported both in the luggage compartment and in the passenger cabin.

In the passenger compartment:

  • as hand luggage. A musical instrument checked into the cabin of an aircraft must comply with the weight restrictions established for hand luggage and have dimensions not exceeding 135 cm in the sum of three dimensions. It is allowed to transport one guitar whose dimensions in the sum of three dimensions exceed 135 cm, subject to prior agreement with the airline no later than 36 hours before the scheduled flight departure time*. The number of guitars accepted for transportation in the aircraft cabin is limited. In case of transportation of a musical instrument as hand luggage, transportation of other hand luggage (in addition to items carried in excess of the established allowance without charging an additional fee) is not permitted.
  • as luggage. Carriage of baggage in the passenger seat is allowed, while the tariff and taxes charged for the carriage of baggage are the same as when registering for the carriage of an adult passenger. The weight of the instrument carried in the passenger seat should not exceed 80 kg, dimensions should not exceed 135x50x30 cm.*

In the luggage compartment:

Transportation of musical instruments in the luggage compartment is carried out according to the general rules for the transportation of checked free and excess baggage.

When transported in the luggage compartment, the weight of the instrument should not exceed 50 kg and the dimensions should not exceed 203 cm in the sum of three dimensions.

6. Transportation of animals

If you decide to take your pet on a trip, be sure to notify the airline (to the dispatcher when booking or purchasing a ticket, or by phone)*

Transportation of animals is carried out only with the consent of the airline. Please note that there are restrictions on the number and types of animals transported.

Payment for transportation of animals

Transportation of animals/birds is not included in the free baggage allowance and is paid for as non-standard baggage. Payment for animals/birds transported in one container is made for each animal/bird separately.

Only guide dogs accompanying their owners on the flight are transported free of charge.

The following are not accepted for transportation as baggage (in the cabin and in the luggage compartment):

  • dogs belonging to brachycephalic breeds (with a shortened facial part of the skull - flattened muzzle), such as bulldog (English, French, American), pug, Pekingese, Shih Tzu, boxer, griffin (Belgian, Brussels), Boston terrier, Dogue de Bordeaux, Japanese Chin;
  • rodents (guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, chipmunks, squirrels, gerbils, dormice, marmots, gophers, jerboas, etc.);
  • reptiles (turtles, iguanas, geckos, chameleons, snakes, lizards, frogs, etc.);
  • arthropods;
  • fish and fish seeding material, as well as other sea and river animals that require transportation in water;
  • animals and birds that are not domesticated;
  • sick and experimental animals;
  • animals whose weight together with the container exceeds 50 kg.

7. Transporting passengers in a stroller

Passengers in a wheelchair are accepted for transportation free of charge. A large wheelchair, powered by batteries and weighing over 32 kg, is transported by agreement with the airline no later than 36 hours before the scheduled departure time of the flight. Prior approval with the airline is required no later than 36 hours before the flight departure time.

In addition to a wheelchair, a special-purpose wheelchair is transported free of charge.

8. Transportation of small-sized personal mobility equipment powered by lithium batteries

Such means include:

  • unicycles,
  • Segways (mini Segways),
  • hoverboards,
  • hoverboards

Transportation of such equipment is possible only as checked baggage, provided that the small vehicle does not contain a lithium battery. A lithium battery removed from a vehicle is allowed to be carried in hand luggage, provided that the battery power does not exceed the established standard - 160 Wh (Wh, W/h)*.

A small-sized device with a built-in lithium battery can be transported when registered as “dangerous cargo” through the airport cargo terminal.

9. Rules for the transportation of portable electronic smoking devices

Devices of this type are carried by passengers in hand luggage or on their person, subject to the following conditions:

1) spare batteries must be individually protected to prevent short circuits (by being placed in the original sales packaging or by another method of insulating the terminals);

2) Each battery must not exceed the following parameters:

a) lithium metal batteries contain 2 g of lithium;

b) specific power of lithium ion batteries 100 Wh*;

3) charging devices and/or batteries on board the aircraft is prohibited

4) the use of devices on board the aircraft is prohibited

*1 Wh = 1 V x 1 Ah
1 Ah (Ah) = 1000 mAh (mAh)

10. Baggage search

Rossiya Airlines strives to avoid situations with late baggage delivery and does everything possible to return your items as quickly as possible. To do this, the airline uses the international automated baggage tracing system World Tracer, which allows you to track the movement of baggage left behind by passengers all over the world.

If your baggage has not arrived, you must immediately contact a baggage tracing officer before leaving the arrivals area to fill necessary documents. Upon arrival of your luggage at your destination airport, we will contact you and arrange its delivery.

The search for lost luggage is carried out within 21 days from the date of receipt of the application from the passenger. If the baggage is not found after 21 days, the passenger may submit a written claim to the carrier. The decision on monetary compensation and its amount is made based on the provisions contained in the Air Code of the Russian Federation, the Warsaw Convention and the airline's regulatory documents.

Traveling by plane is fast and safe, largely due to the presence of clear rules and regulations for baggage transportation. Each passenger has the right to take on board a strictly defined number of things, the dimensions of which are carefully checked before boarding.

Since the conditions of carrier companies vary and change regularly, before flying in 2020 it is worth checking how many kg you can carry on the plane for free. We have collected the current requirements of popular airlines.

Free carriage by law - 2020 changes

The legislation of the Russian Federation determines the standards for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage on board airliners of domestic companies. The standards are given in the text of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation of 2007. Normative act underwent changes on January 14, 2020, we will consider them below.

Do not confuse luggage and hand luggage. The first is carried in the cargo compartment, the second - in the cabin. The law stipulates that the minimum space is set by the carrier.

However, there is a clarification: When one piece of luggage is included in the ticket price, its minimum weight must be 10 kg per person. The maximum weight of the place is 50 kg. If the suitcase or bag weighs more, you must pay extra for the difference according to company rates.

When buying a plane ticket, check whether it is included in the price free luggage. The law allows the sale of tickets without enabling this option. All you can count on in this case is free carry-on luggage weighing up to 5 kg.

Hand luggage means any items not included in the list of items prohibited for transportation in the cabin. Their dimensions and maximum weight are determined by the carrier.

List of exceptions

If your suitcase, bag or other item exceeds the dimensions or weight allowed by the airline, it will have to be transported in the luggage compartment for an additional fee. In addition to those that make up the list of exceptions:

  • A small bag, briefcase or backpack, the characteristics of which fit into the standards established by the air carrier;
  • Flowers in packaging;
  • Baby food, the quantity of which is limited by the flight time;
  • Suit in case;
  • A baby stroller, car seat or baby carrier, the parameters of which are no more than acceptable by standards transportation of hand luggage of the carrier company;
  • Medicines and diet for the duration of the flight;
  • Special devices for physically disabled passengers;
  • Products purchased at duty-free.

Electronic gadgets are excluded from this list, so their transportation in the cabin will be charged separately. But most passengers prefer to transport them in a suitcase in the cargo compartment.

Free baggage on Russian planes in 2020

So, a passenger is allowed to take 5 kg of hand luggage on board any air carrier. If the ticket includes luggage space, then you can still carry a suitcase or bag that weighs up to 10 kg in a special compartment. These are the minimum numbers.

The maximum weight is determined by the carrier. The amount of free kilograms may also depend on the class in which you fly. Let's ask how many kg of luggage can be carried in the cabin of an airplane in 2020, depending on the company.


The popular Russian low-cost airline not only offers us inexpensive tickets, but also an increased hand luggage allowance. You can take items weighing up to 10 kg free of charge into the cabin of airliners. Their dimensions should not exceed 36x30x4 cm.


The dimensions of a suitcase carried on board airliners without payment should not exceed 158 cm in total. The dimensions of hand luggage are clearly indicated: length up to 55 cm, width up to 40 cm, height up to 25 cm.

The number of pieces and kilograms of luggage is determined by the ticket class. Business class passengers can occupy two seats, each of which can weigh up to 32 kg. Holders of comfort class tickets and Economy Maximum tariffs also claim two seats, but their maximum weight is less - only 23 kg. Standard Economy Class only entitles you to one piece of luggage weighing up to 23 kg. Economy Lite does not include free baggage allowance

In business class you can carry hand luggage weighing up to 15 kg; in other fares its weight should not exceed 10 kg.


How many kilograms can be transported on liners of a cheerful bright green color? The company also divides the rules for free transportation depending on the class of passenger seat:

  • Economy Basic does not include free luggage, and items on hand must weigh up to 23 kg;
  • Economy Flexible allows you to take things on board up to 10 kg, and in the luggage compartment you can carry one piece weighing up to 23 kg with a maximum sum of parameters up to 203 cm for free;
  • Business Basic allows you to carry hand luggage weighing up to 15 kg and baggage up to 32 kg with the same amount of parameters as Economy Flexible;
  • Business Flexible repeats the conditions of the Basic “brother”, but at the same time the number of luggage spaces is doubled.


Carried free of charge, it also depends on the class of service. The direction of the flight is also taken into account. On flights marked FV, a weight system is used; on routes marked SU, a weight system is used.

  • Business class passengers are offered two pieces of 32 kg each and luggage up to 15 kg;
  • On Economy Maximum you can count on a couple of pieces of 23 kg and luggage up to 10 kg;
  • Economy gives 1 piece up to 23 kg and personal items up to 10 kg;
  • Economy Light provides free transportation only for hand luggage, and you will have to pay for luggage.

For flights numbered starting with FV, the promotion is valid until March 28, 2020. Using it you can bring diving or surfing equipment to Goa, Phuket or Bangkok for free.


The strictest restriction is that at standard rates you can transport items up to 5 kg free of charge in the cabin. “Large” baggage weighing up to 10 kg is allowed only to Business and Premium class passengers.

Free baggage is available on Business (2 pieces of 30 kg), Premium and Optimum (1 piece of up to 20 kg) flights.

Ural Airlines

A complex system of tariffs and norms, which can be more clearly studied in the table. All figures are in kilograms.