Obtaining a Russian passport on the basis of a foreign passport. Who has the right to receive a general passport using a foreign passport?

The usual procedure for obtaining a passport for travel implies that a person has the main, that is, a general civil document. However, what should you do if it happens that you need a slightly different procedure, how to get internal passport Russian Federation on a Russian passport? In reality, such cases occur quite often, and therefore there is a procedure that has a large number of features.

In law

The opportunity to obtain a Russian identity card is available to those people who received the ID through the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the consulate. Often it also has the same name, that is, “consular” or “diplomatic”.

This right is given to a person who permanently lives or has lived outside the territory of Russia, and has now come here in order to receive a Russian-type certificate, which is prescribed in legislation number 391.

It is also worth noting that the legislation does not consider the main reason for carrying out such a procedure. This applies rather to those cases that involve the acquisition of such a document for the first time.


Obtaining a passport of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport of the Russian Federation is only possible for people who did not have this paper before, but due to some circumstances came to the territory of the country and want to receive it. The situation could be like this:

  1. The citizen received Russian citizenship in a foreign country, where he was provided with a Russian foreign passport for entry and execution of this document.
  2. The person is not a foreigner, but lived abroad for a long time, during which time he was granted a Russian foreign passport as a result of becoming a Russian citizen.
  3. The man lived in Russia until 1991, and therefore left the country with a USSR ID.
  4. The man was a citizen of the Russian Federation, but left with his parents at the age of fourteen, and therefore, in addition to a foreign document, he had no other papers.

It is impossible to obtain a Russian passport using a foreign passport if the applicant has an expired Russian Federation ID or if it was lost.

What to do

This procedure is allowed only in Russia through the migration service.

The application must be submitted to the branch that is located in the area where the applicant is registered. If he does not have registration, then it is possible to arrange everything at his immediate location.


In order to resolve the issue of how to obtain a Russian passport using a Russian foreign passport, you need to prepare the following documentation:

  1. International passport. If it was lost, then you need to submit an application on the basis of other papers that can confirm the necessary data (for example, any national papers, birth certificate, military ID, work book, paper from the colony, pension certificate, driver's license).
  2. Registration of a Russian passport using a Russian international passport requires a birth certificate. If this is not the case, then you need to go to the registry office to restore it. If a person was born abroad, then other documents must be provided.
  3. Statement.
  4. Two photos.
  5. Duty payment receipt.


Registration of an internal passport using a foreign passport will not take more than thirty days.

In accordance with the law, registration of a person on the basis of a foreign passport is not permitted. That is, a person with only a foreign document will not be able to register.


Obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation using a foreign passport may encounter obstacles. This may happen due to a poor basis for resolving the issue presented or a contradiction in certain legislative standards.

It must be remembered that if the applicant has a foreign ID, then this is already enough to establish identity and provide confirmation of citizenship.


Lawyers' answers (5)

    Sirchin Sergey

    Lawyer, Zheleznodorozhny

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      Sorry, did I understand you correctly? Is Russian registration not required? Can I also be registered to be temporarily in Kazakhstan?

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    • Sirchin Sergey

      Lawyer, Zheleznodorozhny

      • 413 replies

        120 reviews

      The law sets out a detailed and detailed list of documents.

      Documents required to obtain a passport using a foreign passport
      To obtain a passport using a foreign passport, you must submit the following documents:
      international passport of a Russian citizen;
      If it is impossible to present this document (for example, in case of its loss or theft), a passport can also be issued on the basis of other documents confirming the information necessary for this, for example, national documents, birth certificate, marriage or divorce, military, trade union , hunting license, certificate of release from prison, work book, pension, driver’s and other licenses, etc.
      In this case, officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, based on the data provided by the applicant, are obliged to send a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia or the diplomatic mission or consular office of Russia that issued the lost or stolen international passport to obtain information about the fact of issuance of this document. I would like to emphasize the fact that in this case, the loss or theft of a Russian citizen’s international passport, in accordance with Russian passport rules, cannot affect the established deadlines (increasingly) for the registration and receipt of a passport by a person using a foreign passport.
      In exceptional cases, when receiving a passport using a foreign passport, the identity of a Russian citizen (if he does not have a foreign passport) can also be confirmed by duly executed testimony by employees of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, as well as by conducting forensic and other identification studies in the prescribed manner. Please note that all this is possible in exceptional cases if you do not have a foreign passport and it is impossible to establish your identity based on the documents submitted;

      birth certificate;
      If for any reason the applicant does not have a birth certificate, he must contact the civil registry office at the place of registration of birth or place of residence to obtain a repeat birth certificate.
      But if the applicant does not have the opportunity to present a birth certificate due to registration of birth abroad, then a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued on the basis of other documents (marriage certificate, divorce certificate, work book, etc.)

      application for the issuance of a passport using a foreign passport (Form No. 1-P), filled out manually or typewritten;
      Download for free and without registration Form No. 1P (Application for the issuance of a passport using a foreign passport)

      two personal photographs that meet the established requirements;

      receipt for payment of state duty in the amount of 300 rubles.

      In addition, when receiving a passport using a foreign passport, in order to put mandatory marks on this document, you also need to:
      birth certificates of children under 14 years of age who are citizens of Russia;
      Registration of Russian citizenship for a child

      marriage registration certificate (if available);

      If, when receiving a passport using a foreign passport, the applicant presents documents for foreign language, then they must be translated into Russian, and the correctness of the translation must be notarized.

      Deadlines for obtaining a passport using a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

      The maximum period during which an international passport must be issued and issued to the applicant is no more than 30 days from the date of acceptance by officials of the Federal Migration Service of Russia of all necessary documents. This period for obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation applies to cases where a citizen of Russia has registration at the place of residence (temporary registration) in this locality, and in cases where you do not have any registration in it.
      I would also like to note that after the entry into force of the Administrative Regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of the state service for registration of citizens Russian Federation at the place of stay and place of residence within the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Federal migration service Russia dated September 11, 2012 N 288 registration at place of residence (permanent registration) according to foreign passport citizen of the Russian Federation is impossible. This provision is enshrined, for example, in paragraph 2 of paragraph 18, in paragraph 5 of paragraph 28 of the above Regulations.
      Thus, a Russian citizen who has a foreign passport currently cannot register at his place of residence using this document, and therefore does not have the right to receive an internal passport of a Russian citizen at his place of residence, i.e. within 10 days.
      For the entire period of issuing a passport, if the applicant so desires, he is issued a free-form certificate confirming the acceptance of documents for obtaining a passport using a foreign passport or a temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation in Form No. 2P (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations). But to obtain the specified ID, you must provide another photograph that meets the established requirements.
      This identification card of a citizen of the Russian Federation will need to be returned to employees upon receipt of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

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    • Sirchin Sergey

      Lawyer, Zheleznodorozhny

      • 413 replies

        120 reviews

      I would like to note that the current Russian passport rules (for example, clause 2 of the Regulations) do not directly stipulate this basis as a separate reason for obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. But based on the content of the current Russian passport rules, obtaining an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the basis of a foreign passport (hereinafter referred to as obtaining a passport using a foreign passport) is a special case of receiving this document “for the first time,” except if the applicant is 14 on the day of the application for this issue years (in this case the basis is “reaching 14 years of age”).

      In what cases can a foreign passport be the basis for obtaining a passport?
      A foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation can be the basis for obtaining a passport only if a Russian citizen has never had this document (i.e., an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) before, but for one reason or another arrived on the territory of Russia and intends to obtain a passport using a foreign passport .
      This situation may arise, for example, in the following cases:
      you were foreign citizen or a stateless person and accepted Russian citizenship at a diplomatic mission or consular office of Russia abroad, after which they were documented with a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

      You were not a foreign citizen, but you lived abroad for a long time and were documented by the authorized body of Russia with a foreign passport as a result of being recognized as a citizen of Russia.

      You were a citizen of Russia, for example, on the basis that on the date of entry into force of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated November 28, 1991 (i.e., as of February 6, 1992) you were permanently residing in the territory of Russia, and then loss by permanent place residence outside the country with a passport of a citizen of the USSR (including a foreign passport). That is, you have never received an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, but were documented with a foreign passport at a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation abroad.

      As a citizen of Russia, you left the country with legal representatives (for example, parents) to live abroad, being a child under 14 years of age. For this reason, you have never had an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, and as an identification document of a citizen of Russia, you currently have a foreign passport of a citizen of Russia, issued by a diplomatic mission or consular office of Russia.

      Other situations are also possible, but, as noted earlier, the main thing is that you have (perhaps had, but lost) a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, issued by an authorized body of Russia outside the Russian Federation, and have never received an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation before.
      We also draw your attention to the fact that if you have an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (even if it is not valid, i.e. not replaced upon reaching a certain age, it is unsuitable for further use due to wear, damage or other reasons, etc.) d.) or you previously had an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, but lost it, then a foreign passport cannot be the basis for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
      In this case, you need to replace the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation due to the occurrence of circumstances as a result of which it became invalid, or obtain a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation due to the loss of a previously issued one. In this case, the basis for issuing a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be the internal passport you have or previously had, but the international passport you do not currently have.

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      Sirchin Sergey

      Lawyer, Zheleznodorozhny

      • 413 replies

        120 reviews