Where is the most convenient place to relax in Gaeta? The fortified city of Gaeta, in the Italian province of Latina. Churches and holy places

Gaeta is one of the most vibrant cities on the Riviera di Ulisse. Imagine a narrow peninsula, with a high rocky cape crashing into the Tyrrhenian Sea, and along its edges, bays spread out like wings. The northern bay has wide sandy beaches adjacent to the resort area of ​​Gaeta. South Bay– port and houses of local residents.

The historic center of Gaeta occupies the southern slope of the cliff and descends towards the port. The rocky part of the Gaetan Peninsula faces the beach part of the city.

Such a remarkable peninsula, surrounded on three sides by water, was not ignored by any of the peoples who found themselves in this place. Roman emperors and nobles spent sultry summers here - ruins of Roman villas were found during excavations in Gaeta and the surrounding area. Under the Angevin and Aragonese reigns, a castle (Castello Angioino-Aragonese) appeared on the top of the cliff. In the 9th century, a free republic emerged here, the Duchy of Gaetana, with its own flag and coin. This strong maritime trading state lasted three centuries, from 839 to 1140, and competed at sea with such maritime republics as Amalfi and Pisa. It was then absorbed by the Kingdom of Naples.

The glorious maritime past continues to this day: Gaeta is now home to a NATO naval base. Be prepared that while walking around the city you will occasionally come across walls with “Zona militare” signs.

The main attractions of Gaeta

The entire historical center of Gaeta is one big attraction, with its peculiar churches, a labyrinth of steep streets, houses, in which something Moorish, Norman, or Byzantine can be seen.

The old town of Gaeta has two dominant features: Aragonese castle and gothic Cathedral of San Francesco. The castle looks very powerful from the nearby hill of Monte Orlando, and the Gothic cathedral forms a magnificent profile of the city when viewed from the embankment.

The most unusual and famous sights of Gaeta are “ Broken Mountain" (Montagna Spaccata) and " Turk's Grotto"(La Grotta delTurco) - two huge crevices in the northern part of Mount Orlando. According to legend, the mountain split at the moment of Christ's crucifixion. At that moment, mountains in different parts of the earth shook and rocks cracked. Monte Orlando is one of these places.

Herself Mount Orlando covered with forest (Parco Monte Orlando), along which there are paths and trails. Among the forest there are the remains of military fortifications, and the top of the mountain is crowned Mausoleum of Lucia Planca, an associate of Caesar.

Map of Gaeta with landmarks

Road from Terracina to Gaeta

On one of the days of my stay on the Riviera di Ulisse, I went from to Gaeta.

Buses from Terracina to Gaeta do not go often, the schedule should be checked on the bus website Kotral company- cotralspa.it. At the tobacco kiosk next to bus stop I bought a day ticket BIRG for 6 euros (since I was going to see Sperlonga that same day). With this ticket you can ride all day within the 2nd zone of the Lazio region.

The bus didn't take long to arrive. Among the few people who wanted to, I climbed onto the bus and set off along the coast in a southerly direction.

The road was not very beautiful. Mostly along the coast there were campsites and wild sandy beaches. On the left side there were often greenhouses, vineyards and cultivated fields.

We passed Sperlonga and the tunnels began. After the next tunnel we entered resort area Gaeta, passed the beaches and, rounding the mountain, went down to the embankment towards the port. There, near the city park, in Piazzale Caboto, the bus dropped off passengers traveling to Gaeta, stood for a while and went further to Formia.

To the right of the stop there is a city park with a monument to the victims of the war.

Church of Saint Francis of Assisi

I decided to go first to the Cathedral of San Francesco - suddenly it was open. Otherwise, siesta is inevitably approaching.

Since the cathedral is visible from afar, it is not difficult to find the way to it, and there are signs along the way. From the stop - up and to the right.

In 1222, Francis of Assisi traveled through southern Italy and spent some time in Gaeta, where he proposed the founding of a Franciscan monastery. A small church and monastic building were built. In 1285, the Neapolitan king Charles II of Anjou allocated funds for the construction of a large Gothic cathedral. In 1850, at the expense of King Ferdinand II, the temple was renovated and strengthened.

On both sides of the entrance there are sculptures of the main sponsors: on the left is Charles II of Anjou, on the right is Ferdinand II.

From the square in front of the cathedral, a staircase in two arms descends down the slope. Between the arms of the staircase stands a sculpture of Religion (1853, sculptor Luigi Persico).

When I approached the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, it was closed. There was a schedule hanging on the grate.

The church is open on weekends and Friday evenings.

Opening hours in summer (May-September): 10.30 – 12.30 and 17.00 – 19.00.

In winter (October-April): 10.30 – 12.30 and 15.30 – 17.30.

After that, I wondered whether to return back to the historical center or go to the “Broken Mountain”. I decided to go to the “Broken Mountain” and, as it turned out, I did the right thing: it turned out that there was a siesta there too, and I barely managed to get into the grotto.

Monte Orlando Park and Mausoleum of Lucius Munatius Planca

I turned on Maps.me, got directions from Tempio di S. Francesco d'Assisi before Santuario della Montagna Spaccata and set off.

From each turn of the serpentine, another delightful view of the Aragonese castle and the city lying at its foot opened up, and I mentally licked my lips at this delicious town, looking forward to getting to know its contents.

By the way, pay attention to the muted colors of the houses in Gaeta. Seaside cities in northern Italy they often have bright colors (the cheerful facades of houses come to mind). In the south, the predominant color is white (Amalfitana). And here, apparently, there is some kind of transitional type from the bright north to the white south.

Soon I entered the forest.

The trail took me to the top of the mountain, to the Mausoleum of Lucius Plancus Munazio.

This squat cylindrical structure - 29 m in diameter and 13 m in height - is one of the few Roman mausoleums that have survived to this day, which were awarded to people who worked gloriously for the benefit of the Roman Republic.

From the tablet I learned that Lucius Munatius Plancus was a Roman military leader and politician. Born in Tivoli in 90 BC. and died in Gaeta in 22 BC. He lived a very active life: he crossed the Rubicon with Caesar, fought in different parts of the Roman Empire from Gaul to Armenia and Parthia, founded Roman colonies, one of which later became Lyon, and the second - Basel (there is a statue of Planck on the town hall in Basel). He was proconsul of Asia. Under Emperor Augustus he became a censor. In his declining years he built himself a villa in Gaeta and spent the last years of his life there.

The Mausoleum, apparently, was magnificent, its walls were decorated with friezes and bas-reliefs, and from the entrance to the Mausoleum there was a staircase leading down to the sea. Inside it, a corridor in a circle led to rooms from which the descent into the burial chamber began.

Little has remained of its former splendor. We can only appreciate the size of the mausoleum - indeed, the structure is impressive.

From the top of Mount Orlando I began to descend to the north.

Church of Santissima Trinita. Turk's Grotto

Soon the path led me to the Church of Santissima Trinita.

I walked out behind her. And this is what its façade looks like.

The church was built in 930 by the Benedictines and rebuilt by the Franciscans in the 19th century. In the main altar there is a painting depicting the Holy Trinity, the Virgin Mary and Saint Erasmus (the patron saint of Gaeta). In the first chapel on the right is a statue of St. Benedict. In the second chapel on the right is the Pietà by sculptor G. Dupre.

Both outside and inside the church is very simple (as befits an order of mendicants).

The famous Turk's Grotto and the Broken Mountain are located on both sides of the church: on the left is the Turk's Grotto, on the right is the Broken Mountain. And if the entrance to Turk’s Grotto is in plain sight, then the second entrance is very easy to miss, especially if you don’t know that there are two crevices in this place.

So, after church, I headed to the entrance to the Turk’s Grotto and noticed the schedule there:

Grotto opening hours: 9-11.45 and 15-17.45 (perhaps the grotto is open a little longer during the high season; I was there at the end of May). There were 20 minutes left before closing.

Grandpa was on duty at the entrance. I asked: “Quanto costa?” “He replied that the offer was, as much as anyone can.” I had 50 cents of change, so I put it in the box and went down the steps.

The grotto is truly impressive. Unfortunately, it was impossible to go down to the bottom; the passage to the lower staircase was closed.

This grotto was used as a secret harbor by Saracen pirates.

After admiring the natural formation and the unusual color of the water in the cave, I asked the small group who were also contemplating the grotto: “Where is the Turk’s hand?”, because I had read before that there was a palm print on the rock. The name “Grotto del Turco” suggested that the trace of the Turk’s hand should be here. (As it happened: the pirates were going down the crevice, and the Turk was told the story that during the crucifixion of Jesus this rock split. The Turk laughed at such an absurdity, but at that very moment the stone on which he was leaning at that moment became soft and took the form palms of this man. So delicately nature showed the man that he was wrong).

“No,” answered my comrades while admiring the grotto, “Turka’s palm was imprinted in the neighboring grotto, on the Broken Rock.”

Hearing this, I hurried upstairs, afraid that the Broken Mountain would also be closed for siesta.

Broken Mountain (Montagna Spaccata)

To the right of the Santissima Trinita church is an inconspicuous passage, beyond which the “corridor of the Way of the Cross” begins.

On both sides of the corridor there are 14 small chapels with images of individual episodes of the Stations of the Cross, made on ceramic tiles (year of creation - 1849).

The corridor smoothly descends and leads to the beginning of a deep crevice.

Between the walls of the chasm there are steps that lead down to the Chapel of the Crucifixion (La Cappella Crocifisso).

While descending, look at the right wall of the rock - there will be a handprint there. It is customary to place your palm in the print and make a wish.

The staircase leads to the entrance to the Chapel of the Crucifixion. This tiny chapel was built on a boulder that fell from above at the beginning of the 15th century and got stuck in a crevice 30 m above the sea surface.

The chapel, built in such unique place, was very revered by believers. In 1848, Pope Pius IX visited here, who was so impressed by what he saw that on the following Easter he organized a solemn service here, to which the royal court headed by King Ferdinand II arrived from Naples (in fact, after this visit, the king gave money for restoration of the Franciscan Church).

The inside of the chapel is very modest. A wooden crucifix from the 15th century hangs in the altar. The governor of Gaeta, Enrico Pietro Pamperio (1721), is buried in front of the altar.

The dome of the chapel is crowned with a lantern.

You can climb to the dome via a side staircase along the rock wall.

At the edge of the dome there is a fenced observation deck, from where a crack in the rock can be clearly seen.

In front of the entrance to the chapel, in the rock wall there is a small cavity called “Philip Neri’s Bed” (Letto di S. Filippo Neri).

Philip Neri, a famous church leader of the 16th century, nicknamed “the Apostle of Rome” for his sermons, loved this place very much. In the Chapel of the Crucifixion, he spent long hours in prayer, so that he often stayed overnight to sleep on these stone “floors” at the entrance to the santuary.

At some point, I was left alone in the crevice; the few visitors had dispersed. When you are left alone with such a place, a special feeling of deep dialogue and response arises. I didn't want to leave there.

Finally I went upstairs. Both the church and the Turk's Grotto were already locked.

Church of the Annunziata

Co observation deck there was a view of the resort part of Gaeta, its wide sandy Serapo beach. There was not a soul on the beach, only three people were swimming, despite the fact that at that time resort life in Terracina was already in full swing (the twentieth of May). Water temperature is 21-22 degrees.

A friend told me that after visiting Montagna Spaccata they looked at these beaches and went swimming without looking at the historical center. I suspect that many people do this in the summer - first of all they go to the Broken Mountain - the most powerful attraction of Gaeta, and then go to the beach, neglecting the Old Town.

Fortunately, it was not hot when I was there, the beaches were empty, but the prospect of returning over the mountain to the city again made me despondent. Faithful Maps.me consoled me by plotting a path around the mountain and promising me a 15-minute walk.

Indeed, on a good road, without climbing, I quickly walked around the mountain. A wooded slope rose on the right hand, and the stone wall of the Zona militare stretched on the left.

The road (via della Breccia, then via Angioina) led me to the skeleton of the former small church of San Guida Taddeo.

The upper contour of the church is decorated with battlements.

There was a staircase leading off from the church, along which I went down to Via Annunziata and along it I reached the Church of Annunziata (Santuario della Santissima Annunziata).

There is a square in front of the church that allows you to fully appreciate its discreet but harmonious façade.

The church was founded in 1320 and consecrated in 1354. It preserves carved wooden choirs, beautiful organs and an altar. Under the church there is the so-called Golden Chapel(the second name is the Golden Grotto) is a small chapel, the vault of which is decorated with gilded caissons, and the walls are decorated with paintings.

Unfortunately, the church was closed. There was a schedule of services on the wall:

in winter - on weekdays at 17.30, on holidays and weekends - at 11.30 and 18.00.

in summer - on weekdays at 18.30, on holidays and weekends at 19.00.

It was not indicated whether it opens in addition to services.

Via Annunziata leads to the embankment, where there is a small square with intricately trimmed trees and flower beds.

Here's what you can make from ordinary willow

This is how the olive tree was pruned

Vases made from natural materials

Here the Gothic Cathedral of San Francesco dominates the area.

The square turns into a fenced park, from which I began my walk around Gaeta in the morning.

Walk through the historical center of Gaeta

Behind the park and the bus stop there is a building that unconsciously reminded me of shopping arcades in ancient Russian cities. This was probably the main one trade area Gaeta – better place you can’t imagine: near the port, on a flat area at the foot of the hill.

Behind the “shopping arcades” one could see high building Diocesan Museum (Diocesano). The museum is open on Fridays and weekends 9.30 – 12.30 and 17.00 – 20.00. And I had no chance of getting into the museum.

Above the museum a rock wall began, and the next level of houses stood on this rock.

The street passing under the rock wall was called via Duomo, and it actually led me to the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and Saints Erasmus and Marciano (Basilica Cattedrale di Maria Santissima Assunta in Cielo e dei Santi Erasmo e Marciano).

Saint Erasmus (Elmo) is considered the patron saint of sailors (the phenomenon “St. Elmo’s fire” is named after him), and he was also chosen as the patron saint of Gaeta.

He lived near Gaeta, in Formia. There, in 303, he suffered martyrdom from the Saracens: his entrails were wound on a winch and pulled out of his body. Subsequently, the Saracens ravaged Formia, and the Christians transferred the relics of Saint Erasmus to Gaeta.

The church was built in the 11th century, but was rebuilt in the 17th and 18th centuries. The facade looks rather modest. I didn’t get inside - it was a siesta. According to reviews, inside the church there are beautiful mosaic floors, a pulpit decorated with mosaics, a high, marble with “Easter candle” bas-reliefs, the chapels are decorated with polychrome marble inlays. Under the cathedral there is a large crypt painted with frescoes.

On the other side of the Duomo stands a 12th century bell tower. Its pommel with small turrets at the corners is magnificent.

Another notable church is located on the waterfront - the Church of St. John the Baptist on the Sea (San Giovanni Evangelista a Mare). It was built at the end of the 11th – beginning of the 12th centuries. Its walls were covered with frescoes. In the Baroque era it was “embellished” according to fashion, but at the beginning of the last century it was decided to return it to its original design. The Baroque “layers” were removed, and now the church appears before us in a form close to the original.

The main façade of the church is very simple.

It must be said that the view of the city from the sea is wonderful - mainly thanks to the Franciscan temple hovering above the city, with which the Church of the Annunziata, located below, perfectly rhymes.

The houses along the promenade show Neapolitan influence. Such a house would look quite natural on the streets of Naples.

I went to one of the coastal fish cafes to have a snack. A mixed seafood and small fried fish and a glass of wine cost 9 euros. Everything is very tasty and fresh.

Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon my bus arrived and I went to the next city - Sperlonga.

The bus route ran through the center of the resort of Gaeta, through the 19 May Square, where the Gaeta City Hall is located - a modern brick building with a high tower.

Then we went to the sea and drove along the beaches. Besides the long sandy beach Serapo, in Gaeta there are also beaches in narrow rocky coves and a fairly long and well-maintained Ariana beach, two capes north of Serano beach. Between the beaches of Serapo and Ariana - about 2.5 km.

How to get to Gaeta

Closest to Gaeta railroad station- Formia-Gaeta. The train takes an hour and a half from Rome, the ticket costs 8.20 euros. From Naples train it's an hour fifteen, the ticket costs 5.20 euros.

At the station you need to take free bus, which will take you to the port. Buses run frequently, the ride takes 5 minutes. Then you need to wait for the bus to Gaeta. Drive 20 minutes. A bus ticket for 1.1 euros must be purchased in advance at the railway station in a bar.

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Gaeta or (Gaeta, Italy) is considered a magnificent southern town located on the coast Tyrrhenian Sea. Here you can find everything you need to relax in comfort - beaches, hotels, shopping, attractions. For tourists, this direction is convenient, since Gaeta can be reached from major cities, which have their own airports.

How to get to Gaeta

You can see where Gaeta is located in Italy on the map. But the most convenient way to get there is from large nearby cities, where there are airports such as Rome and Naples.

Rome is located 142 km from Gaeta and is connected by highway No. SR148. You can get to your destination in a couple of hours by your own car. Along the route you will meet the following cities: Latina, Aprilia, Sperlonga, Terracina.

Important! Gaeta (Italy) is famous for car rentals. To register a car for rental, it will be enough to present an identification document, a driver's license (licence) and a bank card.

View of Gaeta

Visiting Gaeta and seeing the sights is the dream of many tourists. Even if not own car, you can get to your destination by public transport, but with transfers. From morning until evening, trains travel from Rome to Gaeta. On the railway portal you can view the schedule for specific dates.

Some people prefer to get to Gaeta from Naples. The distance between the cities is slightly less - 95 km. This is almost 2 times less, so the journey will take about 1 hour 20 minutes. Having been in Naples, even if just passing through, tourists do not miss the opportunity to visit the Amalfi Coast, visit National Park"Vesuvius" and ancient city Pompeii.

Most popular hotels

Gaeta Italy

Many tourists come to Gaeta every year from different countries, so there are a lot of hotels here to suit every taste. That is, you can choose more cheap option- apartments (bed + food), guest houses or holiday homes or a more expensive option - hotels with a star rating.

For reference! Not all hotels and inns are located in the coastal area. But this should not worry tourists, since the town is small and getting to the beach on foot will not be difficult. Usually you can walk from any place to the sea coast in a maximum of 10 minutes.

List of the most popular hotels:

  • B&B Il Giglio Marino (considered the first beach line, there are parking spaces, a garden, free internet);
  • Grand Hotel le Rocce 4* (considered a private beach, there is a swimming pool with a panorama, a fitness room, free parking spaces);
  • Hotel Gaeta 3* (considered the first beach line, there are parking spaces, a garden, free Internet, breakfast included in the price);
  • Summit Hotel 4* (private beach, SPA area, restaurant, free parking spaces);
  • Villa Maria Gaeta (free parking spaces, swimming pool, free internet);
  • Un angolo di Paradiso (one bedroom house, free parking spaces and internet);
  • La Colonna Spezzata (terrace, free parking spaces and internet).

Angevin-Aragonese castle

Detailed information about hotels in the city


The hotel is located in a historical building, just 55 meters from the port. From the windows you can admire the famous monument Torre d'Orlando.

Description of the apartments:

Standard Double (17 sq.m.)

The apartment windows overlook the sea. The room has air conditioning, a minibar, LED TV, a sleeping area with a large double bed and a bath.

Junior suite (24 sq.m.)

Junior suites have a guest area with TV, a bedroom and a bathroom. A small kitchen can be used, but at an additional cost. The bedroom has a single bed and 1 large double bed.

Suite (30 sq.m.)

The apartment has a bedroom, a living room with a seating area and a TV, and a bathroom. You can use the kitchen for an additional fee.

List of services:

  • free Internet;
  • guest room;
  • 24-hour front desk;
  • luggage storage;
  • laundry;
  • cash register;
  • solarium;
  • room cleaning;
  • non-smoking/disabled rooms;
  • discounts for accommodation with children.


The hotel is located on the sea coast between the two towns of Gaeta and Sperlonga. The hotel has a total of 40 rooms, each of which has a bathroom, toilet, air conditioning system, TV, small bar, telephone, safe, hairdryer.

List of services:

  • free parking space;
  • free Internet;
  • daily room cleaning;
  • ordering excursions.


The hotel is located in the southern part of the Lazio region, between Rome and Naples. Each room has a bathroom, toilet, air conditioning, TV, small bar, telephone, safe, hairdryer.

Standard room garden floor

Basic room with views of the coast and garden. There is a bathroom.

Standard room

Each apartment has its own balcony and bathroom.

Superior Classic room

Superior rooms with balcony and bathroom.

Superior room

Each room has a double bed and a bathroom (hairdryer, slippers, toiletries - free of charge).

Deluxe room “The towers” ​​(1st and 2nd floor)

The rooms are designed in a romantic style, furnished with Spanish antique furniture. There is no balcony, but there is a window overlooking the sea. There is a spacious bathroom.

Junior Suite (35 sq.m.)

There is a sofa bed, a bedroom and a bathroom. There are 2 wide balconies overlooking the sea, with an umbrella and chairs. The Junior Suite can accommodate from 2 to 4 people.

Gaeta (Italy) – attractions and beaches of the city

Gaeta wins the hearts of tourists not only with its charming beaches, but also with its architectural monuments.

  • Back in 1320, the castle of Saint Santissima Annunziata was founded. Poor city residents, the sick, and orphans could come to this house. Everyone in the sanctuary was helped. The architecture of the building has a Gothic style, but also has hints of Baroque. You can see exquisite wooden choirs and handwritten notes of ancient church music. Descending into the Golden Grotto, you can see 19 paintings representing life scenes of Jesus Christ and the Madonna.
  • The Church of St. Francis was built in the neo-Gothic style. There is a high entrance staircase and a rose-shaped stained glass window.
  • Having visited Gaeta, it is impossible not to visit the Cathedral of Marciano and Erasmus. Next door, a bell tower was erected in the Moorish style. The shrine contains sarcophagi and bas-reliefs.
  • Broken Mountain. There is a legend about this temple: at the moment when Christ was crucified, an earthquake occurred, which caused the split of 2 rocks, in one of which a sanctuary was built. From here you can go to the grotto.

It's amazing how such a small town can have something like this. a large number of holy places. But Gaeta is famous not only for its architectural architecture, but also for its luxurious white sand beaches. The most popular include:

  • Serapo. There is white sand on the coast. Pedal boats and canoes can be rented here. There are showers on the beach. Serapo - perfect place For family vacation. If you wish, you can go to a bar or restaurant, which is two steps away.
  • Fontagna. This is a small coastline where the ruins of an ancient Roman villa are located. There are no showers on the beach, much less bars and restaurants. Spaces are limited, so it is better to reserve a section of the beach in advance.
  • Ariana's beach area is located between two rocks. One shows a watchtower. People often come here to relax with children.
  • Chissures. To get to it, you need to overcome 300 steps. On the descent there are cozy restaurants and cafes where you can relax and have a snack.

Shissyuri Beach


Before setting off on a trip, many tourists prefer to study the weather conditions in a certain area. It is precisely the climate of Gaeta that attracts more and more tourists. The quickly warming sea is what attracts visitors so much. The swimming season in the Italian town of Gaeta begins in May and ends in October. It's a pleasant summer day outside, it's not too hot. The comfortable climate allows tourists to spend more time on the beach, go on excursions and have fun in every possible way.

Cuisine and shopping

IN local restaurants tourists are offered to try various dishes: “White Bird”, “Chicory” salad, “Olive di Gaeta”. The chefs will also surprise city guests with anchovies and tomatoes, and offer to try salsiccia - an Italian sausage cooked in white wine with the addition of coriander.

During the day you can go shopping. Gaetians sell jewelry and costume jewelry, high-quality clothing and shoes, and cosmetics. You can buy souvenirs to take home in memory of this wonderful town.

Gaeta is considered enough popular resort on Tyrrhenian coast. The tour here offers vacationers interesting excursion walks, great holiday in the beach area, which even the most fastidious travelers will appreciate.

The beaches are separated from each other by rocky capes with watchtowers; here and there there are secluded coves and creeks. For many years local beaches are awarded the highest category " Blue flag"from the Italian League for Environmental Protection.

Historically, the city was formed from the houses of fishermen and farmers. on his main street, Via Indipendenza, is full of old craft shops. The new houses are located between the Sant'Erasmo quarter and the old town.

The layout of Gaeta is typical medieval city, built around an Angevin-Aragonese castle (“Castello Angioino-Aragonese”), consisting of two buildings surrounded by cylindrical and conical towers. The San Erasmo quarter is an alternation of narrow streets, tunnels, a Norman bell tower and fortified walls.

Churches and holy places

The city has many churches of great cultural and historical value: the Cathedral of San Erasmo, which houses a collection of paintings from the 17th century; the Norman bell tower, the churches of Santissima Annunziata with the adjacent “golden cave”, San Giovanni a mare, Sorresca, San Francesco, San Domenico.

Church of Santissima Annunziata and Cathedral of San Francesco

In the immediate vicinity of the quarter is the sanctuary (church) of Santissima Trinita, erected on the top of Monte Orlando, part of the Riviera Ulissa regional park. Once you get here, be sure to check out the “Turkish Cave” and the “Broken Mountain,” which attract numerous Christian pilgrims.

The Gulf of Gaeta is surrounded from above by the slopes of the Monti Aurunci mountains, gradually turning into hills. The coast is interspersed with rocky peninsulas, and near Gaeta itself it is literally dotted with bays, coves and picturesque cliffs.

Gaeta – perfect place for yachting. For mooring and parking, you can use the Baze Nautica Flavio Joya marina.

Broken Mountain

“The Broken Mountain” in Gaeta is one of the most spectacular natural phenomena west coast Italy. Legend has it that it split when Jesus Christ died. Inside the long crack is a staircase of 270 steps leading to the Crucifixion Chapel, built in the 16th century.


Olives from Gaeta

© duepuntozeronews.it/

Local olives are known far beyond the borders of the province and are considered its gastronomic heritage. They are grown in small communities: Formia, Itri, Minturno, Fondi and Spigno Saturnia. The local subspecies “itrana” is excellent for both table olives and the production of olive oil. This variety of olive is distributed throughout Lazio and Latina, where it is grown mainly in the highlands. They ripen late and are harvested no earlier than March-April, when they acquire a red-black color. The shape of the fruit is slightly oblong, the taste is wine-like.


© ilforno.typepad.com

Tiella is a dish from the cuisine of fishermen; it probably owes its name to the vessel in which it was prepared. This pie was perfect for taking with you to sea, as it does not spoil for several days.
This is a closed pizza stuffed with olives, fish (anchovies, sardines, octopus, squid), and vegetables. Another filling option is cheese (ricotta or marzolina) and vegetables, as well as tomatoes and onions.

How to get there

By plane
Gaeta is located approximately 120 kilometers from Rome. The closest airports are Fiumicino and Ciampino airports.

By train
Trains from Rome and Naples, as well as some express trains from Milan, Bologna, Florence or Trieste and Venice stop at Gaeta Station. The schedule can be checked on the Italian website railways www.trenitalia.it

By car
From Rome you need to take the large ring road (Gran Raccordo Anulare) towards the south (Naples) and then take the SS 148 Pontina highway.

Gaeta, Gaeta - the sound of this word is like a song motif, affectionate and melodic. Both the name and the city ( where is?) is enchanting, and I want to get to know him better at all costs. It is saturated with the colors of the Mediterranean, the smells of the sea surf and Neapolitan cuisine. Its narrow streets and colorful buildings breathe history, the greenery of the parks is reflected in the blue of the sea, and in the evening, the embankment is filled with the sounds of arriving fishing boats and the cries of fresh fish traders. There is an amazing atmosphere of simple communication and friendliness here. In addition to the clear sea and golden beaches, this city has entertainment for every taste. From scuba diving to windsurfing on a transparent wave, from interesting excursion around the city - until you can go to any of the islands of the Pontic archipelago. It's your choice!


The first settlements in Gaeta date back to the 8th century BC. With the expansion of the territories of Rome to the south of the peninsula, the lands near Gaeta began to be called Latium vetus (land of Latin origin), from here the nationalities gradually disappeared Wolski, Ernichi And Ausoni who previously inhabited them. During the time of Augustus, after his administrative reform, Gaeta became part of the Latium region, its borders corresponding to the modern borders with the Campania region - along the Liri-Garigliano river.

Reference. During the Roman period, Gaeta was a summer vacation spot for emperors, wealthy Roman patricians, consuls and famous senators that time. Currently, along the entire coast of Gaeta, you can find the ruins of Roman villas, for example on Fontagna beach, in the ancient Roman port of Caposele, as well as near the new port of Formia (the cities of Gaeta and Formia merged along the coast).

The most striking monument of the Roman period is the Mausoleum, which is located on the top of Monte Orlando. This is the Mausoleum of Lucio Munazio Planco, the Roman consul, the beloved general of Julius Caesar (they crossed the Rubicon together and were side by side during the Gallic Wars).

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Gaeta began a difficult period of attacks and robberies from the barbarians, and then the Saracens. Thanks to the natural landscape, the city gradually turned into a Castrum - a fortified place: fortress walls and a castle were built to protect the population of Gaeta and nearby settlements.

First information about Aragonese castle date back to the 6th century: it is mentioned in documents about the war against the Goths. In the 10th century, it was mentioned in the description of maps in the “Codex diplomaticus cajetanus”, but specific information dates back only to the 12th century, during the reign of King Federico II di Svevius.

Already in 839, Gaeta emerged from subordination to the Kingdom and became free. But only a century later, in 917, when Giovanni I Gaetano was given the title of Duke of Gaeta, the city acquired autonomy, established its own legislation, military and civil rights, and began to mint its own coins. il follaro and turns into a rich maritime trading duchy.

In the period from 839 to 1140, Gaeta was considered a Maritime Republic, it ruled on the basis of its own laws, its ships sailed the Mediterranean under its own flag. The end of the Republic came with the Norman invasion, when Ruggiero II of the Altavilla dynasty came to power.

Hotels, apartments and villas in Gaeta

Where to stay in the city

Hotel Mirasole International
Villa Ireland Grand Hotel
Grand Hotel Le Rocce
Summit Hotel
Hotel Gajeta
Grand Hotel Il Ninfeo
Hotel Viola
Il Bottone D"Argento
Il Quartuccio B&B Gaeta
B&B Il Vecchio E Il Mare
B&B Il Viaggiatore
La Bouganville
Raggio di sole
"Villa Di Papa"
Rock Garden
Un Letto A Gaeta - Spiaggia di Serapo

Gulf of Gaeta - video.

From 1266 to 1435, the city of Gaeta was ruled alternately by the kings of Naples and the heirs to the throne of Ladislav Durazzo. During the Spanish rule, which began in 1504, Gaeta continued to be an important fortified area of ​​the Kingdom of Naples, and the construction of bastions was begun on the slopes of Monte Orlando, capable of resisting the new weapon of cannon.

Gaeta was subject to fourteen sieges, ranging from the battle of the Duchy of Gaeta with the Kingdom of Sicily to the siege of 1861 by the troops of General Enrico Cialdini (he would later be proclaimed Duke of Gaeta).

The rich history of Gaeta, of course, has left the city a legacy of beautiful architectural monuments and monuments of world cultural significance.

Architectural monuments of Gaeta

Sanctuary of Santissima Annunziata was founded in 1320 and was intended to help the poor, sick and orphans. The Gothic style structure remained, but restoration work in 1624 transformed the sanctuary into a Baroque style. Here you can see paintings by Sebastian Conque, an exquisite wooden choir and the most valuable handwritten notes of ancient church music. From the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception you can enter the Golden Grotto (Grotta d'Oro), so named because it is decorated with gilded carved wooden blocks with 19 paintings representing scenes from the life of Jesus and the Madonna.

Church of St. Francis. The original structure was built in 1222 and was used by Saint Francesco of Assisi to baptize the inhabitants of Gaeta. The temple was built later by the great architect Giacomo Guarinelli in the neo-Gothic style, thanks to the donations of two great monarchs - King Charles II and King Ferdinand II of the Bourbon dynasty. The structure of the temple is unique with a high entrance staircase and a beautiful stained glass window in the form of a rose above the entrance, which make it unique.

Cathedral Saints Erasmus and Marciano, built in the X-XI centuries. Next to it, in the 12th century, a Gothic pearl was erected - a bell tower in an elegant Moorish style. It has retained its original appearance to this day. The complex is a brilliant example of medieval architecture in Italy. Unique bas-reliefs, sarcophagi from the Roman era and other masterpieces have been preserved here.

Church of the Holy Trinity, or Broken Mountain. According to legend, at the time of the crucifixion of Christ, a strong earthquake occurred on earth, during which the rocks split and one of them formed a fissure in which a sanctuary was built. From here there is a staircase leading to the grotto (Grotta del Turco). When entering through a narrow passage, the imprint of a human palm and five fingers is visible on the right side. Legend has it that a Turkish sailor once entered this grotto; he did not believe the story told to him about the mountain breaking and accidentally leaned his hand on the rock. At that moment, the rock began to melt under his hand. There was an imprint left on this spot.

Gaeta Castle, or Aragonese castle- one of the ancient architectural monuments, its origin dates back to the 6th century during the war with the Goths, when the coasts of Lazio and Campania were subject to attacks by the Longobards. The entire history of the castle is closely connected with the history of the city. It was a military fort and the residence of kings, a prison and barracks, and now within its walls is located the famous School of Navigation of the Tax Police (Nautica della Guardia di Finanza).

The city has many interesting tourist sites, including the Vio Palace, the Mausoleum of Lucio Munazio Planco, the churches of St. Domenic, St. Paul the Apostle, St. Charles and many others.

Transfer to Gaeta

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Beaches of Gaeta

The most important of them is the beach Serapo, laid with fine white sand. The beach is an ideal place to relax with children. There are rental shops for pedal boats and canoes, the beach is equipped with showers, and, of course, is dotted with bars and restaurants.

Beach Fontagna– small, very intimate beach; On its territory there are the ruins of an ancient Roman villa. The number of beach visitors is limited, so we recommend arriving early. There are no bars and cafes on the beach, as well as showers.

Beach Ariana- Not big beach of white sand, located between two steep cliffs 50-70 meters high. One of them shows the ancient watchtower Viola. The beach is characterized by a beautiful natural landscape, very good for families with children.

Reference.The watchtowers were part of the defensive and warning system built to protect Gaeta during the landing of the Saracen pirates. A fire was lit in the tower and its light was visible on the next cape; a fire was also lit in the other tower, which served as an alarm signal. It was a kind of telegraph.

Beach Shissurs- a beautiful large white sand beach, located on the Flakka road. In order to get to it, you need to go down 300 steps. But your work will be rewarded: on the descent you will find cozy cafes, restaurants and shady recreation areas.

Local kitchen

Gaeta is famous for its cuisine. A typical Gaeta dish is called Tiella. This is something between pizza and a savory cake, filled with seafood. Let's mention white Pizza bianca: ee is prepared without using tomatoes. And of course, Olives di Gaeta- marinated olives of oblong shape with a special unique taste, known and loved throughout Italy.

How to get to Gaeta

From Rome by train

At Roma Termini railway station, buy tickets (or purchase) to Formia. From there, having bought a ticket at a bar or newsstand, we take the Formia - Gaeta bus. Buses depart every 20 minutes. The bus stops near Serapo Beach.

From Naples

By train to Formia, then see above.

Tip: Try to arrive before 19.00 and find out if your hotel can send a car to the bus stop. The most reliable, although not the most economical, option is.

Rivitalia rating:

You can’t count all the charms. Come for yourself and see everything with your own eyes. Fall in love with Gaeta, she's worth it!

Gaeta, Gaeta... I have seen many in my life, but ETA is the most beautiful!

Grade: 5 points

Gaeta is an ancient town, which is located in the harbor of the same name on the Tyrrhenian Sea, and is the most popular on the Riviera de Ulisses. It is unapproachable, but at the same time very beautiful place was inhabited as early as the 8th century BC.

The legendary hero of the Trojan battles Aeneas found refuge here, and it was on these lands that his beloved nurse Caeta was buried, after whom the city was named. Gaeta later witnessed many historical events. This city saw the rise and decline of the Roman Empire, suffered numerous barbarian raids and Saracen oppression, was subject to Byzantine rulers and was itself a royal residence.

Cuisine and restaurants

It is worth trying typical Gaeta products such as Olive di Gaeta, White Pizza (Pizza bianca), Spagnoletta tomatoes, Puntarella chicory salad, Alici salate anchovies and Salsiccia al vino bianco e coriandolo - salsiccia cooked in white wine with coriander.

Morning in Gaeta

Popular hotels in Gaeta


Gaeta attracts numerous tourists not only with its legendary sights. After all, these are, first of all, kilometers of magnificent beaches, the coastal waters of which are so clean and rich in flora and fauna that they have long been a protected area, and the World Organization of Ecologists has taken control over their welfare. Beach holiday Gaeta has one of the best in all of Italy, and in the neighboring town of Cassino there is one of the largest water parks on the Tyrrhenian coast - Haway Park.

Maps of Gaeta

Entertainment and attractions in Gaeta

Such a rich history could not but leave its mark on the architecture of Gaeta; there are ruins of fortifications and water supply systems built during the Roman Empire. Another fortress reminds of the Middle Ages, which at one time was a barracks and even a prison, but now protects Old city from the influence of new times. From the sea side, the harbor was reliably protected by an ancient fort.

There's another one in town old castle, presumably built back in the 6th century. It consists of two parts - the older Anjou, built by the French, and the Argonne - built in the 16th century, created as the residence of Charles V. Today, this building houses the buildings of the Nautical School.

IN historical center Gaeta is home to the ancient Cathedral, built in the 12th century and is an excellent example of Gothic architecture of that time. A unique holiday candle with illustrations from the earthly life of Jesus Christ is still preserved here. No less attractive is the Cathedral of St. Francis, at the entrance to which there is a statue of a monk looking over the entire city and protecting it from troubles.

The Cathedral of Annuciata is even more elegant and majestic, and not far from it there is an ancient and very unusual chapel, nicknamed by locals as the “Golden Grotto”. It was erected on a huge stone that broke off from Mount Orlando - iconic place for all Christians.

According to legend, at the moment when Jesus Christ was crucified, in some places powerful mountains split in two, and Orlando suffered precisely this fate. The edges of the fault completely coincide, and at the foot of the mountain there is a handprint preserved on the stone.

Now pilgrims from all over the world flock here, especially since the monk Francesco Neri, canonized as a Saint, spent a significant part of his life in a small depression of the mountain, a kind of bed. Later, it was on Mount Orlando that the tomb of the legendary consul of the Roman Empire Lucius Plancus was erected.

In addition, from the foot of the mountain originates Cape Monte Orlando, on which the most picturesque natural Park, one of the favorite vacation spots of both tourists and local residents. In fact, this cape is an island connected to the coast by a thin isthmus.

Gaeta has an advantageous location in one of the richest regions of Italy, the capital is just over a hundred kilometers from here, and even less from Naples. History buffs will not be left indifferent by the ancient Pompeii, a city-museum that experienced the menacing power of Vesuvius. You can also go from Gaeta to sea ​​excursion, and visit the Pontine Islands.

Weather in Gaeta

The natural conditions of these places are unique. The sea is always calm and clear and warms up quickly; the swimming season here begins in May and lasts until October. The days are sunny, but there is no sweltering heat, which is very conducive to both sunbathing and active recreation and numerous excursions.

  • Where to stay: in the main city of the Riviera di Ulisse - Terracina, in Formia, where Emperor Tiberius loved to relax, in ancient Gaeta, famous for the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, or in