How you can spend your winter holidays. Winter holidays benefit your child! Country boarding house or sanatorium. Why not

Very soon the long-awaited favorite holiday of all the children will come. All schoolchildren are looking forward to it, because it is also the winter holidays. Of course, students need psychological relief after everyday school life. I want every child to spend their holidays in a combination of pleasant and useful things.



Make good use of winter holidays.

Very soon the long-awaited favorite holiday of all the children will come. All schoolchildren are looking forward to it, because it is also the winter holidays.Of course, students need psychological relief after everyday school life. I want every child to spend their holidays in a combination of pleasant and useful things. Vacations are a wonderful opportunity to relax, get plenty of sleep, spend time with family, meet relatives, invite friends, watch your favorite films, go to the cinema, go downhill and ice skating, and play on the computer. But, most importantly, you need to remember that the holidays are an opportunity to regain strength after intense study and prepare the body for the next academic quarter. How a child rests during the holidays depends on his performance and academic success. Parents dream that the holidays will be beneficial for their child. First of all, it is necessaryremember the daily routine. It is individual for each child, but must correspond to the age and needs of the student.

The best holiday – it's a walk in the fresh air. You can enjoy the beauty of the ice sculptures. Frosty fresh air good way improve health.

We must not forget about the safety of the child.. Need to be reminded of the rules traffic, about icy conditions. Use caution when riding ice slides to avoid injury.

Pay attention to balanced nutrition. After all, in new year holidays We often spoil our children with sweets, cakes, pastries and other sweets.

During the winter holidays, provide children withopportunity for creativity. Let a child of primary school age draw more, make crafts, applications or collages on a given topic, collect puzzles, play board games.

You need to take time to read. Together with your child, you can choose a book that will interest him. I want the child to spendless time on the computer, tablet, because sitting in front of a screen carries the risk of losing vision and developing poor posture.

It is important that during the winter holidays schoolchildren experience as many positive emotions as possible, relax, enjoy fun, and regain the strength they need for further studies.

Happy New Year 2017 and happy holidays!

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The problem of health and an active lifestyle worries more and more people every year. Of course, there is no greater happiness than being healthy, when family and friends are full of energy and strength, joy and optimism. Unfortunately, in our time, not every person can boast of excellent health.

In the coming year New Year holidays will again continue for many days, so many people have a question: how to spend the winter holidays with health benefits? Of course, you can try to buy inexpensive trip and go on New Year's holidays to warm countries, or, on the contrary, to a place where you can engage in winter sports and enjoy pure winter nature. It's nice to go to Thailand United Arab Emirates, on Maldives or to Israel - there you can swim and sunbathe when we have winter, cold and snow.

Active holidays in the Alps or Northern Finland are more to the liking of many of our compatriots, even beginner skiers: after all, this is the peak of the ski season.

By the way, you can go on vacation to Finland not only with your family, but also with a group of best friends. It’s very convenient – ​​you can rent a cottage there inexpensively, and everyone can stay in it comfortably. Comfort and low prices exist in other places: for example, in the Czech Republic, the Baltic states, Turkey or Egypt.

Well, if, after all, New Year’s holidays abroad, even not very expensive ones, do not fit into your family budget – what then? How to organize your vacation? And what do we imagine when we talk about rest?

So today, in the midst of the winter New Year holidays, we will talk to you about how to better spend time with health benefits.

Unfortunately, during the New Year's holidays, most of us relax by lying on the couch, eating all sorts of goodies, and watching holiday TV shows. Does our body, our nervous system, exhausted by vanity and a long series of working days, rest? Hardly. Such a “rest” will only worsen your health and mood, and after the holidays depression will immediately appear.

Useful holidays

What to do and how to spend the New Year's winter holidays to benefit the health of yourself and your family? First of all, you need to stop lying on the couch, gluttony and stupor in front of the TV. Start moving more, don't overeat, and try to spend most of the day outdoors - at least when the weather permits.

Of course, this may cause rejection in many: after all, they were waiting for the holiday so that they could finally sleep off, relax and calmly watch their favorite TV programs! And now, spend this rare opportunity on some walks, go somewhere - why? After all, you don’t need to go to work...

What do experts think about this? Most of them are sure that best way spending the winter New Year holidays is active recreation in nature. If you ski through the forest for at least one hour, your body will rest and relax much better than a whole day of “rest” on the couch. This will be true even if you are very tired and want only one thing - to lie down and not move. Both psychologists and doctors are confident that just one hour of walking in a coniferous forest will bring great benefits to your body.

At the same time, the option of relaxing on the sofa in front of the TV will load our already overloaded psyche even more. You can relax emotionally, psychologically and physically only in the fresh air, in nature. So don't kill precious time– let's spend the New Year holidays with maximum benefit!

Active leisure

Of course, immediately after the New Year, on January 1, most of us were unlikely to go for a walk in the forest, but in the following days it is quite possible to organize an active holiday. The simplest thing is to go to the skating rink, but this is more suitable for those who have their own skates.

Renting skates during the New Year holidays is almost unrealistic, so it’s worth considering other ways to have fun and relax.

Another simple option is to get together with family or friends and go to the nearest forest. If you don’t have a car, you can take the train: in most regions of our country there are enough forests. Of course, not everywhere there are recreation centers, but an independent hike has its advantages: you can relax calmly, with your own company, and choose any place you want.

Be sure to take with you to the forest everything you need for fun winter activities: sleds, skis, and of course, a video camera. Believe me, for many months to come your spirits will lift every time you watch these truly unique shots with your whole family!

By the way, for sports entertainment In the forest, wide skis - forest skis - are more suitable. Of course, you can’t rush with the wind on them, but it’s very convenient to move around in deep and untouched snow.

For those who like to ride with the breeze, there are other, more developed options - where a lot of people ride. Both experienced athletes and beginners can ride on the rolled slopes of slides, hills and hills. You can also go sledding and other simple sports equipment there.

Those who still decide to get to the recreation center are advised to take enough money with them to easily pay for equipment rental or use of the ski lift.

It is unlikely that you should take animals with you to the recreation center. In the forest the dog will feel free, but in ski resort she can get injured, and even become the cause of injury herself, if she gets in the way of a skier quickly sliding down the hillside.

If you plan and carry out several such forays into the winter forest during the winter New Year holidays, then the feeling of complete relaxation and celebration will remain with you for a long time. After all, you can ride, play snowballs, have fun winter games, and just wallow in the snow, and then drink hot tea and eat potatoes baked in the ashes of the fire.

In order for moments of relaxation to leave even more positive impressions, especially for children, and to look good in photographs, you can take with you rain, tinsel, balloons, and decorate the trees near your parking lot.

Just don’t forget to take everything with you, as well as the garbage, and dispose of the remains of the fire so as not to spoil the beautiful kingdom of a winter fairy tale. After all, many people want to relax in the forest - so let them, too, be able to fully experience this fabulous winter splendor.

In a village or camp

There are other options for how to make good use of the winter New Year holidays. If you have relatives, for example, grandparents, living in a village or village, then going to them is an excellent choice. You can combine business with pleasure: help your family with the housework, get plenty of fresh air, go for a walk, and generally get a long charge of vigor and good mood.

If there is a nursery nearby health camp or a sanatorium, you can take a ski trip there by renting skis. Many children’s camps offer this service today: it’s profitable for them, and city residents can go for a ride and improve their health.

But even this option sometimes causes difficulties, so you can simply go sledding down the hills located near your home, and you can even do this together with the guests who came to celebrate the continuation of the holiday.


In general, the basic rules for spending the New Year holidays profitably are a positive attitude and activity, movement and fresh air. Our children are a great incentive to spend more time in nature, play and have fun: after all, we are always busy with work and put off communicating with them “for later.”

Most often, children spend time playing computer games or watching TV, and adults hardly try to tear them away from this activity - because this way they are less distracted from their work. However, then problems arise: with health, learning, behavior and in many other areas.

So make the most of the winter holidays to take part in games, run around, laugh, and roll around in the snow with your children. You can even organize a competition to quickly sculpt snowmen, and involve not only your children, but also their friends, preferably together with their parents.

Such New Year holidays will not only help you get closer, but will also give you a wonderful boost of vivacity and energy for several months ahead.

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Still not sure how to spend your winter holidays? Where to go with a child warm countries, which ski resort or country boarding house is better to choose and what to do in hometown with the whole family if no trips are planned? We have prepared 5 best ideas for winter family vacation, which will definitely be useful to you.

Overseas countries - basking in the summer sun in winter

What could be better than flying away from the cold winter into summer? For lovers of hot sun and warm sea most best view winter holiday- hot countries.

When choosing a country for a holiday with children in such countries, pay attention to the flight time, since it is often very difficult for little fidgets to sit for more than 10 hours on a plane. Basically, winter family holidays are spent in the following countries: Egypt, UAE, Thailand, Türkiye, Dominican Republic.

A significant disadvantage of such a holiday is acclimatization, because the difference in climatic conditions, water, food can adversely affect children's health. Winter holidays last about 10 days, and according to doctors, it takes more than 14 days for a child to successfully acclimatize and improve his health.

Therefore, such holidays will not bring great health benefits, and the resulting stress for the body can be enormous. It should also be noted that such winter holidays are far from budget option rest, and only families with above-average income can afford it.

Snow, frost and fresh air - we're going to a ski resort

Of course, leaving the slushy winter for beautiful snow-capped mountains would be fabulous. Ski resorts in Austria, Finland, Poland, Bulgaria and the Carpathians are in demand among our tourists. In Austria, spending the winter holidays with your family will be very expensive, with insufficient high level service.

Bulgaria is ideal for families ski holiday: the slopes of its mountains are wide and smooth, prices for food and accommodation are realistic for middle and high incomes, there is no obvious language barrier, a good level of service.

In addition, almost all ski resorts have children's rooms with animators who, for a small fee, can sit with small children while you conquer the mountain peaks.

Winter holidays spent in the mountains will certainly have a positive effect on the child’s health. Fresh air, active sports, good food, and a beloved family nearby are the main components of an excellent winter holiday.

The disadvantages of such a vacation include the financial component, since rental of ski equipment, payment for instructor services, rental housing, food and tickets will significantly empty your wallet.

Country boarding house or sanatorium. Why not?

If you don’t have the time or financial opportunity to travel to distant countries, but you really want to take your child out of the city, then why not go to a sanatorium or boarding house? Good food, plenty of affordable entertainment, fresh air and sea interesting acquaintances- this is all inherent in winter holidays in a boarding house outside the city.

There are many advantages to such a vacation: from accessibility to health benefits. Just imagine how you and your family are walking through a fabulously beautiful winter forest, how the frost decorates the cheeks of your children with blush.

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New Year holidays- a long-awaited time for both children and adults. There are so many amazing plans and expectations for holiday miracles these days. It’s especially nice that during the winter holidays you can relax with the whole family.
And that is why this time is one of the most difficult tests for both children and (especially!) for parents. How to spend the holidays without stress, not only not to get tired from vacation, but also to accumulate energy and gain strength for the long, difficult months that await us after?
Here are some tips on how to make the most of the New Year holidays.

Vacations while traveling

Your idea of ​​the perfect vacation may be different for you and your child. And he doesn’t care that you put a lot of effort and spent a lot of money to organize a trip, for example, to Paris. The child most of all wanted to go skiing or go to visit his grandmother for pies. This happens quite often. To ensure that traveling with children does not turn into torture for everyone, you need to plan everything from the very beginning so that everyone can find something to their liking.
Well, it’s boring for a child to watch masterpieces of world painting, but he loves crafts - introduce him to the relevant professions, find a pottery workshop or show him a blacksmith. It’s not interesting for children to listen to a tour about seven hours wooden architecture Rostov? Take them to watch how Rostov enamel is made, or to ring the bell, or to ride down the slides, as a last resort. In every corner of the world there will probably be something that will captivate your child specifically: a music store, a water park, a technical museum, an exhibition of comics or dolls, a trip to the places of Harry Potter’s military glory, a designer shop. After all, there are playgrounds everywhere. Was it worth crossing half the world to ride a swing? For him, yes.
When planning a trip, it is important to take into account the interests of all family members, even if they seem a little strange to you and you would dream of not leaving the Louvre for a week. Well, if you try and prepare interesting stories, then everyone will walk around any city and museum with pleasure.

Holidays at home

Sometimes, after months of daily stress, the most desired relaxation is to just be at home, not rush anywhere, not plan anything, not spend three hours on the road. This is a great solution, but there is a danger that you will spend two weeks with your whole family in a fog, moving between the dining table, the sofa and the TV, and you will get tired of resting in the first week. Doctors say the only way to cope with hibernation is through physical activity. If you stay at home, you will have to go ice skating, walk in the park, jump on a trampoline, climb a climbing wall - anything but sit motionless.
Lying down for two weeks with a book is an adult's dream, but a child must have an adventure during the holidays, something he will remember and talk about. And this is not a second-rate Christmas tree with harmful candies as a gift. It should be something important and desirable for him: a movie, a concert, a hockey match, a master class on making a snowman or robotics - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it should be what he wants, and not what you think is useful or where you managed to get tickets.
Most of all our children everyday life Strangely enough, there is not enough communication with loved ones: gather friends and relatives, go to visit with the whole family, simple gatherings with tea and board games in a warm company can become the most memorable event of the New Year.

Studying during the holidays

Many parents are worried that during the holidays their children will forget what they have learned, and they perceive free time from school as an opportunity to brush up on subjects that are difficult for them. The most harmful thing you can do on New Year's days is to force your child to solve examples or cram rules. This will give nothing but horror and hatred. But the holidays are really a great time to teach a student to enjoy intellectual work, to make studying seem to him not a heavy burden, but an endless source of joy from learning.
To do this, it is necessary that there is a cult of this knowledge in the family. When we scold children for not wanting to learn, it’s worth thinking about what we ourselves are learning? The option “I graduated from my universities a long time ago” is not accepted. New Year's holiday is an ideal time for self-development: go together to a master class on Ebru painting or a lecture on game theory, sign up for an excursion to the planetarium, or simply search for popular science films on the Internet. You can also attend developmental trainings or even.

There are many games that, while entertaining, perfectly reinforce school knowledge: mathematical ones, such as “Okay” or “Rummikub”, language ones, for example, “Scrabble”. There is a very fun game called “Hat”, where you need to guess a character using questions, and you agree to guess only real historical figures. Or another very funny thing: take a book, open it to any page and read the first two paragraphs; let everyone else continue this story to the best of their imagination - a great way to learn how to write essays.

Vacations - a break from control

At school, every day our children are in a very regulated world, full of rules, laws, prohibitions, where they give grades for everything. In fact, psychologically it is very difficult. Give them a break during the holidays, just be themselves. Holidays are a great time when you don’t have to ask your child what he got, whether he did his homework, or filled out his diary. It is also important for parents to take a break from constant control. Appreciate this and enjoy mutual freedom.

Go skiing and snowboarding, celebrate New Year with guys from different parts of the world or forget about the cold and go to sunny Californiaall this along with learning and practicing the language!

StudyLab experts told, what foreign schools and camps are offering this winterfor those who want to plan their vacation in advance and have time to book a place. In the selectionEnglish, German and French language programs for children from 7 to 17 years old.

Intensive English in England

Short-term language programs in Newbury and Sherbourne

When:January 6 - 26, 2019 (7-13 years old); December 16January 26 (ages 13-17).
Where:Newbury, England; Sherborne, England
Student age: 7-13 (Sherborne), 13-17 (Newbury)

Winter to holidays in England are ideal for those who want to improve their English level in just 1-2 weeks. Sherbourne School offers t intensive language practice for children 7-13 years old, and Newbury- For teenagers 13-17 years old.

The program for children includes 21 hours of English per week, workshops and a project new works . Every week students join groups and prepare projects on a variety of topics: from the life of insects to the theater of Shakespeare's time, and on Wednesdays they go on excursions (to London, Oxford, Reading) to consolidate the learned vocabulary and get acquainted with the life, architecture, history and traditions of Great Britain.

For teenagers, the program is built around skills that will be useful at university. Debates, research, public speaking, preparation for IELTS - all this will help high school students communicate more confidently in English and adapt to the British education system. At the same time, there will be time for relaxation: studies are supplemented by clubs of interests (photography, cooking, gardening, singing, fashion) and sports sections (football, basketball, badminton, table tennis, swimming, gym, kickboxing and aerobics).

Themed holidays at Bell St. Albans

When: January 6 – February 16, 2019
Where:St Albans, England
Duration: 1-6 weeks
Student age: 11-17 years old

Combine language learning, rest and getting to know England The winter program at Bell St will help. Albans, a classical school with a beautiful Victorian building. Every week students are waiting new topic, project and study tour.

You can choose a week with a theme you like and come to its start, or you can stay for the entire course period. English lessons are held every day for 3 hours, and sports classes (archery, football, fitness or traditional British games) are held 4 times a week.

European holidays: active holidays and languages

Snowboarding and skiing in Switzerland

When: December 16, 2018 – February 16, 2019
Where:Verbier, Switzerland
Student age: 7-18 years
Duration: 1-2 weeks

Do you want to get into a real snow fairy tale? Welcome to Camp Les Elfes! Here children and teenagers will be able not only to effectively improve their English, but also learn alpine skiing from scratch and whether snowboard.

The program is scheduled minute by minute: in the morning - breakfast and skiing lessons with a professional English-speaking instructor, then lunch with a view of the Alps and back to snowboarding. And in the evening - games, discos or get-togethers with the guys from different countries, hot chocolate and marshmallows.

French and skiing with Ceran school

When: December 29, 2018 – January 5, 2019
Where:Sivieuse, Switzerland
Student age: 9-17 years old

This time, the Ceran school awaits students in a cozy town two hours from Geneva, next to the famous ski resort"Four Valleys" Celebrate the New Year in a new way, ride a alpine skiing and improve your knowledge of the French language - all this can be done here in one vacation.

The school week lasts from Monday to Friday - every day students attend 6 French lessons and 3 hours skiing. Training will improve pronunciation and listening comprehension, learn read and write, and use language in real life life situations. Classes pass in mini groups of 3-4 people.

And on December 31, the school is preparing a magical New Year’s party for students with a DJ and treats.

German with Humboldt-Institut

Course start dates: December 23, 30, 2018, January 6, 2019
Duration: from 2 weeks
Where:Lindenberg, Germany
Student age: 13-17 years old

One of the best language centers in Germany, Humboldt-Institut, is located in picturesque place at the foot of the Alps. From here students can go on excursions to the romantic resort town on the island of Lindau, Meersburg, Lake Constance, Munich, Stuttgart, as well to the Austrian city of Bregenz.

The school's winter program provides an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in learning German language and play your favorite sport.

Every week - 30 hours of German in the classroom, ski and snowboard lessons and amazing excursions. From entertainment - indoor pool, sauna, mini golf and discos. Children who are passionate about creativity will also find something to their liking - the school has Arts & Crafts rooms.

Return to summer on the US Sunshine Coast

Winter Camp in San Diego CISL, California

Start dates:January 6, 13, 20, 2019
Where:San Diego, California
Student age: 13-17 years old
Duration: 2-4 weeks

Just imagine: in Moscow everyone is making snowmen and wrapping themselves in down jackets, and you are windsurfing, rollerblading and traveling around America, studying its language and culture.

Program winter camp in San Diego includes 20 hours of English per week, accommodation with an American family, exciting trips and daily entertainment. If desired, students can visit Los Angeles, Hollywood, Disneyland, Las Vegas and see the Grand Canyon. But the main goal of such an adventure is to improve your speaking skills and immerse yourself in the language environment.

Eckerd College ELS, Florida