History of fairs in Russia. Fairs in Russia Trade and Exhibition Complex "Tishinka"

with a link to the official portal Mayor and Government of Moscow.
At the festival you can try meat, fish and cheese products, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits from different regions Russia. In addition, master classes, performances, outdoor games and concerts are held here throughout the week.

Delicious and fresh seasonal products will be presented at the fairs. In the South-Western Administrative District they are located at the following addresses:

Earlier it was reported that in the fair town on Profsoyuznaya Street, possession 41 there will be “House of Ceramics” and young chef school “Culinary Bureau”. And on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, property 11, in “Forest Shop”, will teach you how to make crafts from wood.

/ Monday, October 1, 2018 /

Topics: Culture

A gastronomic festival has started in Moscow "Gold autumn ", which will run until October 7. . . . . . In the South-Western Administrative District they are located at the following addresses:

Starokachalovskaya street, property 5a;

Nakhimovsky Avenue, property 51/21;

The intersection of Novoyasenevsky Prospekt and Profsoyuznaya Street.

. . . . .

Fairs of goods of Russian manufacturers in the South-Western Administrative District are located at the following addresses:
- Starokachalovskaya street, property 5a;
- Nakhimovsky Avenue, property 51/21;
- intersection of Novoyasenevsky Prospekt and Profsoyuznaya Street.
As reported on the official portal of the Moscow Mayor and Government, a gastronomic festival has started in the capital "Gold autumn ". It will last until October 7. In addition to the gastronomic program, the South-Western Administrative District has prepared an entertainment program. . . . . .

The festival starts in the capital on September 28 "Gold autumn " from the cycle Moscow seasons. It will last until October 7 and will delight Muscovites with delicious natural products and entertainment for every taste.

The festival site in the South-Western Administrative District will be located not far from our district, in neighboring Cheryomushki, at the address: Profsoyuznaya, vl. 41. The second site will operate in Northern Butovo at the address: Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, vl. eleven.

In the fair town on Profsoyuznaya street, vl. 41 will open “House of Ceramics” and young chef school “Culinary Bureau”, and in “Forest Shop” on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, vl. 11 will teach everyone how to make crafts from wood. Guests will also learn about computer animation in scientific space"Science & Co".

A gastronomic festival will be held in Moscow from September 28 to October 7 "Gold autumn " from the cycle Moscow seasons, where you can purchase meat, fish and cheese products, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits from different regions of Russia. . . . . .

During the festival, Muscovites and tourists will enjoy 80 free excursions, the Agency reports. Moscow ". "As part of the festival "Gold autumn ", which will take place in the capital from September 28 to October 7, Muscovites and tourists will enjoy nearly 80 free excursions dedicated to gastronomy, literature, music, history, and architecture. To attend excursions of the “Walking around Moscow” project, do not forget to register on the website. And to take part in walks starting from the platforms “Golden Autumn”, just come to Tverskaya Square or st. New Arbat 10 minutes before the start of the tour,” said the organizing committee of the cycle of city street events Moscow seasons.

It is specified that guests “Golden Autumn” There will be numerous culinary and creative master classes, as well as concerts, interactive programs and other entertainment for the whole family. Entry to all festival events is free for everyone.

. . . . .

During the festival, Muscovites will also be able to take part in an extensive entertainment program, which includes cooking classes, art performances, outdoor games, concerts and more. The program is designed for all ages.

Two holiday venues will open in the South-Western Administrative District. . . . . . 11 you can learn how to make crafts from wood. Also, fans of technical innovations will have the opportunity to learn about computer animation in the scientific space "Science & Co".

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin opened the festival "Gold autumn ". He visited the fairground in Novokosin, opened at the request of residents of the area. Two more festival sites They started working in Zyablikovo on Orekhovoy Boulevard and in Northern Butovo on Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard.
. . . . . According to the mayor's press service, this year it will cover five sites in the city center and five more in other districts. The festival will include five interregional and ten regional fairs, as well as 101 weekend fairs. 21 agricultural markets and more than a thousand chain stores will participate in the festival.
“Autumn is the time for harvesting and trading the harvest; thousands of enterprises from more than 50 regions of our country brought it to Moscow. Here you can buy everything: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish products. And besides this, of course, at festival sites, as usual , concerts and master classes are held. So this is not just trade - it’s a holiday", Sobyanin emphasized.
At the festival "Gold autumn " There will be more than 600 creative and over 250 culinary master classes, 80 concerts and more than 250 performances, as well as many sports competitions. There are over a thousand events in total.

. . . . . There are two festival sites in the South-Western Administrative District - at the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" and at the metro station “New Cheryomushki”.
At the festival you can not only purchase delicious and fresh seasonal goods from Russian producers, but also take part in cultural program. According to the newspaper "Moscow Beyond the Kaluga Gate", in “House of Ceramics” near the metro station “New Cheryomushki” You can not only learn the history of ceramics, but also paint ceramic products with autumn landscapes with your own hands. Also works on Profsoyuznaya Street, 41 “Culinary Bureau”.
At the festival site near the metro station "Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard" there is “Forest Shop”, which will talk about working with wood and wooden home decor items. And in the educational space “Science & Co” in Northern Butovo, where children will be taught how to create computer animation and games, as well as edit videos.

. . . . .

The festival has been joined by regional and interregional fairs, where you can buy delicious and fresh seasonal goods: mushrooms and berries, vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat products, honey and much more. In the South-West of Moscow they are located at the following addresses:

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In addition to the gastronomic program, festival guests can take part in various cultural events. For example, at the site near the Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard metro station there is “Forest Shop”. In a cozy corner, city residents will be told about working with wood and wooden home decor items.

Also in Northern Butovo, the educational space “Science & Co” has been opened, where useful and exciting life hacks await children. Here you will learn how to create computer animation and games, as well as edit videos for your own blog.

“House of Ceramics” located near the metro station “New Cheryomushki”. Here you can not only learn the history of ceramics, but also paint ceramic products with autumn landscapes with your own hands. Muscovites will also be invited to design a flower vase and create dishes in the shape of autumn leaves using decorative glaze. . . . . .


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The festival will take place from September 28 to October 7, festival sites are located in different areas of the city, including on the outskirts.
. . . . .
In addition, as part of the festival, culinary master classes, musician performances, performances and exhibitions will be held throughout the city.

Sergei Sobyanin opened a gastronomic festival "Gold autumn ", visiting the new fairground in Novokosino on Gorodetskaya Street.
The site was opened at the request of residents of the area. . . . . .
According to the mayor, the creation of modern all-season centers for family vacation the residents themselves asked.
“Residents of Novokosino asked to make such a festival site. We made such a site. And I must say that in terms of the number of people who visit them, the turnover of goods at festivals, this is the second site after Tverskaya Street. Today a new festival opened here "Gold autumn ". Autumn is the time to collect and trade crops. This harvest was brought to Moscow by thousands of enterprises from more than 50 regions of our country.", - said Sobyanin.
Sobyanin added that the venues will have their own program of events. In particular, an interregional agricultural fair will be held on Gorodetskaya Street between festivals.
. . . . . I invite all Muscovites. Festival until October 7 “Very golden” will receive guests," the mayor added.
All new all-season playgrounds are equipped with railings and ramps. Each of them has a stage, a children's carousel, special chalets for master classes and animation, gastronomic and shopping sections.
The mayor added that the first results of the three new sites show that they are really in demand. During the festival “Flower jam”, which was held from August 30 to September 9, a total of more than 209 thousand people visited the sites in Novokosin, Zyablikovo and Northern Butovo.
. . . . . This year the festival will cover five venues in the city center and five in the districts, as well as fairgrounds - five interregional, 10 regional metropolitan fairs, 101 weekend fairs, 21 specialized agricultural markets and more than a thousand chain stores.
During the festival, a large assortment of the best seasonal farm products will be presented - fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, cheese, meat and fish. More than a thousand participants from 55 regions of Russia came to the festival, who plan to sell at least four thousand tons of domestic products.
IN trading program Traditionally, the best cheese makers of Russia will take part, bringing more than 100 varieties of cheese to the festival. The venues will host tastings and exhibitions dedicated to domestic cheese making.
The festival's cultural program includes more than 600 creative and over 250 culinary master classes, 80 concerts, more than 250 theatrical programs and stage performances, and dozens of sports activities.
Also within “Golden Autumn” there will be a pumpkin festival. More than 100 tons of pumpkins will decorate the festival grounds. Designers will create unusual autumn compositions: 30 pumpkin art objects, 10 pumpkin compositions.

Miquel or Mattis Day is celebrated on September 29, as a celebration of the completion of agricultural work, as well as a day of markets and trade.

Mikel is the Archangel Michael, fighting against all the dark forces of evil. On icons he is most often depicted as a warrior-defender, the patron of God's people in their struggle for freedom.

Anyone who has read simply the stories of oriental authors, of course, remembers the fascinating description of oriental bazaars. Multilingual speech, dazzlingly bright colors, unimaginable aromas floating in the air, simply burst into reality, coming off the pages of books.

It is also interesting that they were often the center of cultural, political and social life. The bazaar was located in the central city square. Nearby there could be not only the ruler’s palace, but also a mosque.

For example, in “History of Bukhara” by Muhammad Narshahi - 899-959 we read: “Where the Mokha Mosque is now located, there was a plain on the river bank, where there were a lot of trees, so trade took place in their shade. The king went to the market and sat on the throne in the place where the Moha Mosque is now located to encourage people to buy idols... Subsequently, there was a temple of fire worshipers at this place: on the days appointed for bargaining, people gathered here, everyone entered the temple and worshiped fire. This temple existed before the establishment of Islam here, when the Muslims, having become stronger, built their mosque on this place, and now it is one of the main mosques of Bukhara.”

But bazaars and fairs appeared long before Christianity and Islam. Even before our era, with the emergence of the first states, such as Mesopotamia... They were also in Ancient Greece and in Ancient Rome.

And already market squares were considered sacred place. Altars of various deities were installed in the markets: Zeus, Hermes, Athena, and it was believed that the markets were under the protection of these deities.

The first known fair in Western Europe The fair in Saint-Denis near Paris is believed to have taken place in 629. Fairs became the most common form of trade in Europe during the Middle Ages.

In the XIII - XIV centuries, one of the busiest places of trade was located in France in the county of Champagne, where fairs were held all year round. In the second half of the 14th century, most of the fair trade moved to Lyon and Geneva.

And in the 15th century, the city of Bruges in Flanders became the center of fair trade in Europe.

Fairs were also held in Germany in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig.

Many that originated in the mists of time continue to thrive today.

From time immemorial, Rus' has had its own fairs.

My great-grandmother told me how my father took the whole family to fairs before the revolution. Before this, the mother dressed the children in all the best, dressed herself up, and selected the most beautiful shirt, trousers, hat and boots for the father.

For children in those days, the fair seemed like a fairy tale come to life. They were taken to a puppet show, bought various sweets, Balloons, they admired the bears dressed in national Russian costumes - they beat the tambourine and danced under the supervision of the gypsies and their shouts of approval.

Judging by the admiration and excitement with which my great-grandmother indulged in memories, how her eyes lit up and grew younger and her cheeks turned pink, fairs gave her many happy hours in her childhood.

In Rus', fairs appeared in ancient times, and were first located at the intersection of trade routes. Merchants passing by with their goods could not resist the temptation, stopped and began to trade. Peasants and artisans living nearby also sold their goods at fairs. The transport of the first fairs was horses, on which goods were brought and taken away.

Since ancient times, the government in Rus' not only did not interfere with fairs, but also contributed to their emergence. For example, Princess Olga organized graveyards where people could trade their goods. And Tsar Peter I believed that fairs promoted domestic trade turnover and established trade relations with foreigners.

Once upon a time, fairs were called markets, auctions, and only much later, when they blossomed in such major cities, like Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, they were called fairs.

Perhaps it was from the fairs that the so-called Russian scale began, which so amazes foreigners in our time. The Venetian ambassador Contarini, who visited Moscow in the 70s of the 15th century, and the merchant Josafato Barbaro left admiring memories of the Moscow auction.

The word “fair” itself most likely came to us from the West. So, for example, the German diplomat Sigmund von Herberstein, who traveled around Russia at the beginning of the 16th century and visited one of the auctions on the Mologa River near the town of Kholopiem, later wrote in his “Notes on Moscow Affairs”, calling Russian bargaining with the word “jahrmarkt” that was familiar to him. " - "fair".

V.I. Dal explained that “a fair is a large trade congress and the delivery of goods at the most urgent time in the year, an annual trade that lasts for weeks.”

Any fair, as a rule, was a huge, diverse and noisy crowd of people trading, buying and simply curious. Then the merchant Fourier proposed introducing trading “rows”, placing traders in a line. Now buyers and sellers did not mix with each other, and relative order emerged.

The first major fair in Nizhny Novgorod took place in the second half of the 14th century.

The largest fair in Russia was Nizhny Novgorod, which was first called Makaryevskaya, since it was located near the walls of the Makaryevsky Monastery, which stood 90 km from Nizhny Novgorod down the Volga River in 1641.

In 1817, after a fire, the fair was moved to Nizhny Novgorod, however, for a long time it continued to be called by the name of its predecessor Makaryevskaya.

Bread from Samara and Saratov, fish from Astrakhan, leather and furs from Siberia, and iron from the Urals were brought to the fair in Nizhny Novgorod. Foreigners also went to the fair, calling the Nizhny Novgorod fair a Russian caravanserai. Trade was carried out on it, both wholesale and retail.
By the middle of the 19th century, the total number of traders exceeded 15,000 thousand.

There was also a fair near Kursk; the first mention of it dates back to 1708. Since 1824, it began to be called Korenskaya, and merchants from all over Russia began to come to it.

The Russian poet Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet called the Kursk fair an “exhibition of brides.” And he wrote: “All the passages were covered with fresh grass, along which, arriving in numerous carriages, dressed up ladies walked. Every now and then cavalry officers flashed by in full uniform with sabers trailing.”

At the Kursk fair, according to the writer Gilyarovsky, nightingales were sold. At that time they were not cheap - 100 rubles for one singer in a cage.

Later the Ural Fair appeared.

It is interesting that at the fairs, various medicines of various healers, condoms made from bull bladders, and popular prints with bright pictures, which replaced books for the poor, were in great demand at the fairs. But it was the fairs that contributed to the development of folk crafts.

Almost everything was sold at the fairs! Horses and other livestock, grain, flour, honey, sugar, printed and unprinted gingerbread, haberdashery, all kinds of fabrics, hats, embroidered jackets, shawls, fur coats, felt boots and much more.

In the old days, at fairs, it was not only a sin to weigh and shortchange the buyer, but it also tarnished the honest name of the seller.

The indispensable participants of the fairs were buffoons, merchants, gypsies with bears, and fortune tellers.

In 1894, more than 18,000 fairs were held in Russia with a turnover of 1,100 million rubles. There were fairs, both one-day and lasting a week and even more than one month.

I really love it when fairs start in our city. Fair on central square The city operates three times a week - on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. It starts in mid-August and lasts until November 1st. Sellers come to it from different places, usually from the cities of the Volga region. But most of all, of course, local farmers selling organic agricultural products.

Village products are eagerly purchased by city residents, and tourists are happy to buy souvenirs and crafts created by the hands of local craftsmen.

The shelters at our fair place kittens, dogs and even parrots and monkeys in good hands. All animals look well-groomed, those who wish receive business cards and can visit the shelter, a win-win lottery is played in favor of animals that cannot find owners and remain in the shelter. This is a bit of a sad note... In all other respects, the fair is only encouraging.

For example, we buy honey only at this fair. We also buy Astrakhan fish, Vologda oil and other goods there.

And another one of my personal joys is that at this fair you can buy inexpensive books in good condition.

And, probably, there will be nothing wrong if you thank their patron Saint Michael or Mikel for the fairs, because the fair is actually the very holiday that brings together people of different nationalities and views.

In 2018, everyone will be able to visit New Year's fairs in the main city of the country. The bazaars, combining European beauty and primordial fair culture, will be located in parks and squares, under open air and in shopping pavilions. To prevent the fun from passing by, every Muscovite or guest of the capital is advised to familiarize themselves with the schedule of winter events.

New Year's fairs in Moscow simply cannot be imagined without the traditional Christmas market on Red Square. Most likely, in 2017-2018, the unique market will begin its work in November and end on February 28. Each citizen will have enough time to fully study the program offered by the city authorities. It really amazes with its diversity, because here everyone can:

  1. Try the fried potatoes different kinds baked goods (pies, waffles, donuts, etc.), pancakes with a variety of fillings and warming spicy drinks.
  2. View and purchase amazing painted shawls and felt boots.
  3. Admire and acquire objects made of Gzhel porcelain, with Zhostovo painting or Khokhloma.
  4. Buy for yourself or your loved ones nesting dolls, which have become a symbol of the entire country.

There will also be stages on Red Square where dancers, singers and animators will perform with competitions. Little Russians will definitely enjoy the bazaar. For them, special complexes with attractions, ice slides and children's performances will be set up on the territory of the Kremlin. The huge size of the GUM skating rink will not let the kids or their parents get bored. Entrance to the territory of Red Square will be absolutely free for everyone.


From December 12 to January 11, the area in front of the Central exhibition pavilion will be transformed and turn into amazing place, completely strewn with fairy-tale towers with bright, elegant, festive display cases. The Russians will have a month to embark on an amusing trip along the streets of the park, decorated with garlands, toys and pine needles. By the way, in the colorful houses you can find everything your heart desires, namely:

  1. Traditional achievements of the national economy (for example, knitted hats and gloves made of natural sheep wool, which will warm you even in the coldest weather, and mittens made of down).
  2. Masterpieces of culinary art, some of which are prepared using delicious fish - sterlet, sockeye salmon, omul. In addition to these dishes, they offer rich pastries, meat delicacies, healthy herbal teas, honey, gingerbread and chocolate.
  3. Shawls made in Pavloposad.
  4. Wooden toys.

The entrance is free.


Among other Christmas markets in 2018, the Sokolniki bazaar, which will be held in the capital from December 18 to January 11, especially stands out for its charitable mission. Part of the funds collected by the organizers of the event during this period will be distributed between orphanages, i.e. aimed at helping orphans.

Entertaining New Year's program The park will allow visitors to taste delicious food, ride on carousels, take pictures with snow and ice sculptures, become part of a huge round dance, applaud talented groups of performers, take part in master classes and compare the achievements of Europeans and Russians with interesting presentations.

In park pavilion No. 4, from December 23 to 29, the Orthodox charity fair “Christmas Gift” will be held, which is organized by large churches, monasteries and Orthodox workshops. Here you can not only buy items related to religion, but also watch theatrical performances telling about the life of Orthodox Rus' and the life of their ancestors, as well as recreating biblical stories in a playful manner.

Trade and exhibition complex "Tishinka"

The short fair, timed to coincide with December 24-27, is recommended for all those who are especially looking forward to the arrival of Christmas. The TVK, located in the old center of the capital at the address: Mayakovskaya/Belorusskaya metro station, Tishinskaya square, 1, building 1, will become a market where you can purchase exclusive works of art from domestic and foreign artists, natural cosmetics for body care, original decorations and, of course, sweets for the holidays.


The famous interior gallery, located in the very heart of Moscow in 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, 4 (metro station Serpukhovskaya/Paveletskaya/Dobryninskaya), from November 20 to 30, 2017 invites to its indoor pavilion those who want to meet New Year in a renovated, beautiful and comfortable home. It is no coincidence that this fair is also called the “New Year’s Interior Bazaar”.

This is interesting! Here you can find truly extraordinary things that will turn your apartment or house into almost a magical place.

Other places

In addition to the above-mentioned fairs, grandiose festivities will take place:

  1. In the Hermitage Garden, metro station Chekhovskaya/Pushkinskaya/Tverskaya, st. Karetny Ryad, no. 3.
  2. In the Central House of Artist (CHA), metro Oktyabrskaya/Park Kultury, st. Krymsky Val, 10. Gifts, paintings, interior elements and books will be sold here.
  3. At the Center for Contemporary Art "Winzavod", metro station Chkalovskaya/Kurskaya, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8, building 6. Visitors will be able to purchase soft toys, antique items and watches.
  4. In Stoleshnikov Lane, Teatralnaya/Chekhovskaya/Tverskaya metro station. Those who value handmade goods and also want to get gifts and souvenirs for themselves and their loved ones should come here.

Residents should not forget about local district fairs, which will be organized in all 12 administrative units of the city. As a result, all Russians, without exception, will be able to experience the holiday, both those living in the capital on a permanent basis and those visiting it only during the New Year holidays!

Video about the New Year's fair in Moscow


Come in, honest people,
There's an extravaganza here
Come quickly
And don’t be sorry for the money!


Hey people, get moving and fuss.
Come, don't crowd, have fun.
Hit the goods, move,
Don’t think that it’s a gift,
Fork out some cash!

The fair opens
The public gathers
Welcome everyone here,
Dear gentlemen!


Oh, the people have gathered!

Some together, some apart,

Some are on business, some are walking,

Someone is singing songs

Buy, sell

Everyone is invited to tea at the table.

Buffoons, barkers -

They call the fair the beginning!

Peddler (pie seller)
And here are the pies
Not expensive at all!
Piping hot,
For a thousand - a couple!
Hare pies
And with all sorts of things,
With eggs, with potatoes,
Taste a little!

Peddler 1


Peddler 3



The fair is already underway!

People are having fun

Having fun and walking

Yes, he notices the purchases

Buffoon 2:

We only have a fair

Not easy this time

Buffoon 3:

And the product here is not simple

Don't walk past, wait!

Look, it's all around

Intelligent home!

Buffoon 4:

We have goods for the mind -

We have gathered here for a reason!

Buffoon 5:

We'll be there all day again

Storm each other's brains!

Collect puzzles

And prompt quietly

For those who are just for the first time

Trains with us!

Buffoon 1:

Brain games are waiting for you

Very interesting!

We open the doors for you

And let the fun begin!

Episode 1

Young lady (to the Mayor):

Mayor! Do not rush,

Tell me this:

I want to buy sables

I pay generously with gold!

Commoner (to the Mayor):

Hello dear, oh handsome!

A blush shines on the cheeks

How staten! And growth! And the hands!

And in the eyes - enthusiasm, not boredom!

You, my dear, apparently are not greedy

And the man is very nice

I'm missing a chervonets...

Oh, and there are prices here!

If you add me a coin,

I'll leave behind - no doubt!

High school student (to Gorodnichi):

What are you doing, man, don’t stand there!

Help me young.

I need to get some tea.

I will not leave you without a reward!

Young lady:

Come on! Me first!


It's my turn now!


I asked everyone before!


I can no longer listen to you!

Come on, be quiet! Everyone keep quiet!

I’ll have time to tell everyone!

Here, young lady, I’ll tell you:

I will take you to the merchant.

There is sable and fur,

And the skin is not bad

(To the commoner)

This is the answer for you:

I don't have a chervonets

You go to the merchant and ask

Look, he'll treat you.

(To the high school student)

And you for our tea

I'll send it there

The merchant will give his answer to everyone

There is a product - the product will sell.

Our merchant is a noble trader

Invites everyone to tea

The tea is good and aromatic

Whoever drank it, honor!

Episode 2


When guests are in our house

We'll order everyone to sit down at the table.

Tea, and honey, and milk -

So that you can breathe easily!

Come in, don't be shy!

What's covered - help yourself!

Everyone is welcome - who is old, who is young

Who is without a beard and who is mustachioed!


If you're not joking, then meet me!

We, Merchant, are coming to you for tea.

What will you respect, what will you tell?

What product will you show?

Merchant's wife:

Here come our dear guests!

Yes, what daring ones!

You, Cossack, don’t stand in the aisle,

You're not one of the timid ones, are you?

Cossack woman:

Is this him? Yes where there!

Maybe he was like this once...

And now - a dashing Cossack!

Oh, I know no peace!

Merchant's daughter:

Eh, I like dashing ones...

Everyone is just busy, right!


Who else is coming to visit me?

Is the sable bringing me bunches?

Buryat merchant:

I’m coming to you, merchant, with goods -

I'm giving it away for almost nothing!

And my wife is with me

He wants to taste your tea.

Buryat merchant's wife:

Say hello to you, Merchant

You, I see, are great!

I've heard about your teas,

But I haven’t seen it yet.

Buryat merchant:

See how word spreads.

Tea brings guests to you.

Merchant's Daughter:

Where is the man?

Really handsome!

Buryat merchant:

It's true!

Merchant's Daughter:

There's just one problem:

Busy again

Buryat merchant's wife:

It's true!


Well, I invite guests to the table.

I'll treat you to tea.


Tea is really what you need!

Every cup is a reward!

I love this one - hot,

Sweet, strong and invigorating!

Buryat merchant:

We love tea with milk!

Buryat merchant's wife:

In a cauldron, and with some smoke!

Merchant's Daughter:

I like green tea!

So that berries and herbs...

Merchant's wife:

What can I say, we have tea -

A whole gold reserve!

Ceylon tea! Indian tea!

Chinese tea! Sri Lankan!


Green tea, flower tea!

Herbal! Far Eastern!

In general, there is somewhere to roam.

Cossack woman:

Yes, and we are all here, I admit,

We love it on a quiet evening

Pamper yourself with tea.

Merchant's wife: Better tea suits my tastes, the one in the morning!

Mayor: Tea for a bite, tea for tiredness.

Cossack: Tea with mother-in-law, so it’s sweet!

Young lady: Tea with chamomile and cognac! In a cauldron, and with some smoke!

Commoner: Yes with raspberries and sugar!

Schoolgirl: Tea with lemon!

Young lady: Tea with honey, I don’t like tea, I’m responsible for my recipe!

Merchant's wife: I speak as a housewife - the main thing in tea is the brew! Spill it out! Drink! Don't skimp on the tea leaves!


In general, gentlemen!


You're tired - no problem!

Are you cold? We're bored!

Are you overcome by sadness?

We know the answer to everything:

There is no better remedy than tea!

Have fun, relax,

Don't forget about the Merchant!

Fair which year

Honest people make fun!

Folklore ensemble "Verkhneudinskaya Sloboda"

Ensemble "Rainbow"


Yes! This is a feast!

The holiday turned out golden!


Honest people are having fun!


Eh, I almost started dancing!


But don't relax!


The holiday must go on!


We've already looked at everything here,

And we managed to try it!


And now I ask you to follow me,

Let's not pass by!

We'll go where we are again

Someone will be surprised!

After all, go there

It won't be difficult for us!

Guests enter the hall

The RIAMO columnist has chosen the best New Year and Christmas markets of this winter, which will be held in the capital from December 2017 to February 2018, for tourists, hipsters, designers, lovers of retro, European Christmas and Russian traditions.

GUM fair

Where: Red Square

The ideal fair for tourists runs on Red Square from November 29 to February 28. In scope it is not inferior to the best fairs in Europe. Right next to the Kremlin walls there are 28 elegant wooden houses where you can taste pancakes with caviar, mead, sbiten, pies, baked potatoes, as well as mulled wine, Viennese waffles and roasted chestnuts. In addition, at the fair you can buy traditional souvenirs in the Russian style: Zhostovo trays, handmade felt boots, knitted mittens, nesting dolls, boxes, Orenburg and Pavlovo Posad shawls. There are five children's carousels at the fair, including a two-story one with carved horses.

Christmas market at the Central House of Artists

Where: Central House of Artists

The traditional Christmas gift fair, dedicated to Catholic Christmas, runs from December 8 to December 24 at the Central House of Artists. The fair brought together artists, designers and handmade craftsmen. Here you can find exclusive interior and decor items, designer dolls, glass, dishes, organic cosmetics, traditional New Year's decorations and sweet gifts. In addition, until December 24, more than 80 creative workshops, galleries, art salons, etc. will operate in the central hall of the Central House of Artists.

Art fair Happy Market

Where: Cultural Center ZIL

New Year's Fair of Designer Gifts

Where: VDNH, 47th pavilion

New Year's fair ArtWeekend

Where: Artplay Design Center

New Year's Lambada Market

Where: Trekhgornaya manufactory, st. Rochdelskaya, 15, building 24