Tunisia. Holidays in Tunisia, best prices for tours to Tunisia Tours to various resorts in Tunisia

One of the brightest and most colorful coastal countries Mediterranean Sea- this is Tunisia. A holiday here will be a real gift for lovers of a mild sunny climate.

Tunisia is located in the north of Africa - this mysterious continent shrouded in legends. It is not as hot here as in the heart of Africa: the humid sea air is pleasantly refreshing in summer and gently invigorating in winter. Today, an increasing number of tourists are seeking to spend their holidays in this country. This is exactly what thousands of guests flock to Tunisia every year - vacation! 2014 couldn't be better would be better suited for a trip to Africa. The tourism business has recently begun to take its place here, and holidays in Tunisia have not yet become prohibitively expensive. At the same time, the quality of service at the country's resorts is constantly improving, the comfort of hotels is growing, and more and more conditions are being created for elite pastime.

A legitimate question arises - how much does a holiday in Tunisia cost? Prices for African vacations vary depending on the duration of the trip and the cost of accommodation in a hotel of the selected class. But, in any case, the cost of the tour is very different from the sky-high prices for elite resort offers. What a person with an average income can afford is a vacation in Tunisia. Prices in 2014 will pleasantly surprise even those who have never before decided on vacation options or holidays abroad, for fear of not fitting into their budget.

For those who want to spend a vacation with their family, Tunisia has an excellent opportunity to stay in comfortable hotels with children. Tunisia, vacation, mysterious Africa - what else do kids need for complete happiness? Children will remember this kind of vacation for the rest of their lives. And how many heroic stories about encounters with African lions and crocodiles can be told to friends! If you choose a family holiday in Tunisia, these wonderful sunny days will remain in your memory for many years. And every year you will dream of returning to Africa, to Tunisia, to the sea, salty wind and delightful sunbathing on the golden beach of the Mediterranean Sea!

Holiday season in Tunisia

Tunisia is waiting for guests all year round. It all depends on what kind of weather you prefer. If you want warmth and sun, you like to splash around in salty sea water, then you should visit Tunisia during the holiday season. From June to October You can safely come here to lie on the beach and enjoy swimming in the warm waves of the Mediterranean Sea.

Holidays in Tunisia in May are a real blessing for those who love warm weather gentle sun, and not the searing summer heat. May Tunisia is a humid spring wind carrying light rains, which are increasingly replaced by bright sunny days. average temperature During the day at this time of year it is +25°C, in the evening it becomes a little cooler, up to +15°C. A May holiday in Tunisia is ideal for those who want to see the sights of the country without suffering from the heat and scorching sun.

If you like to sunbathe, you should think about a holiday in Tunisia in June. This month is considered the most suitable to get a fashionable Mediterranean tan, while the daytime air temperature does not rise above +30°C.

Midsummer in Tunisia, as well as in our country, is the height of the season. Holidays in Tunisia in July are good for those who adore the hot sand of golden beaches and dazzling, truly summer sun. In July it gets really hot here, the temperature drops below +30°C only in the evening. But even at night the sea water remains amazingly warm. If you love the romance of night swimming, go to Tunisia in July.

And if you like even hotter times and are not afraid of burning during the day from the heat of +35°C, choose a holiday in Tunisia in August. This last month of summer is the hottest in Africa. During the day, few people risk being in the open sun for a long time, but with the onset of darkness, Tunisia comes alive. After all, August here is the time of noisy and vibrant music festivals.

September ends the classic holiday season. Holidays in Tunisia in September are good because the air and water temperatures are still summer, but the sun is no longer so merciless. Perhaps September here is somewhat similar to May. The heat is no longer so tiring, and again it is possible to get a good tan without fear of sunburn.

Well, if you are not attracted by a beach holiday, but by the opportunity to travel around the country and visit the sights of Tunisia, think about coming here at the end of winter or early spring. The weather at this time is conducive to excursions and walks. In addition, this period is not considered a holiday season; there are much fewer vacationers in Tunisia than in summer.

If you prefer a calm, quiet holiday to a noisy crowd, you will like a holiday in Tunisia in February. This month is changeable and fickle in terms of weather: rains are replaced by the first warm sunny days of spring. Walking by the sea and sightseeing is the best activity for those who come to Tunisia in February. It is worth noting that a trip to Tunisia at this time will cost you much less than a seasonal summer tour.

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Useful information about Tunisia

One of the popular tourist destinations currently is Tunisia, located in the north of the African continent on the Mediterranean coast. Holidays in Tunisia attracts travelers with the opportunity to sunbathe on a snow-white beach, swim in the turquoise sea, enjoy the rays of the warm sun and get acquainted with the rich culture and history of the country for a very reasonable price. An additional bonus for tourists is visa-free regime and a short flight, just four hours.

The beach season lasts in Tunisia from May to the end of October. The highlight of a holiday in the country is thalassotherapy, a set of spa treatments based on the use of sea ​​water, algae and mud of the Mediterranean Sea. There are spa complexes in many hotels on the country's coast. This legacy of the long French conquest allows tourism to be developed in the country and quite successfully.

Hotels in Tunisia are in no way inferior to hotels in Turkey and Egypt. For the most part they are ideal for family vacation. The staff speaks Russian, so tourists vacationing in Tunisia do not experience language barrier problems. Almost all hotels operate on an All Inclusive system. A special feature of Tunisia is its public beaches, where local residents can relax along with tourists. Tourists who want to limit their contact with Tunisians choose hotels located away from the city limits.

The advantages of a holiday in Tunisia can rightfully be called:

  • availability;
  • fast flight;
  • visa-free regime;
  • availability of various excursion programs;
  • beautiful beaches with a gentle slope into the sea;
  • the delights of thalassotherapy.

Thanks to these benefits of relaxation, trips to Tunisia so popular and the flow of tourists does not stop. The country is visited annually by thousands of vacationers from all over the world.

There are several large resorts in the country that have gained fame. If desired, you can choose wonderful hotels in the city limits, which will appeal to young people, as well as in quiet corners where families with children and those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life will feel comfortable. Wherein snow-white beaches and a pleasant turquoise sea will be guaranteed no matter where you stay.


The first tourist resort of Tunisia, coastline The resort area stretches for 14 km. The most popular thalassotherapy complexes are also located here. In the south of Hammamet there is a relatively new tourist area Yasmine with a wide promenade, luxury hotels, parks, restaurants, golf courses and casinos. Here you can find a lot of entertainment both during the day and at night.


The brightest and most youthful resort in Tunisia. Hotels of various levels open their doors to everyone. Sousse hotels are located both within the city limits and in resort area Port El Kantaoui. Finding a residential complex with thalasso treatments is not difficult. The north of the city is considered the tourist area, while the brightest attractions are concentrated in the south. The abundance of discos and night clubs attracts young people to the coast of Sousse like a magnet.


IN ancient city There are a lot of monuments worthy of attention. The resort is more conservative than Sousse, located next to it. Therefore, if tourists want to go to a disco and taste all the delights nightlife- they can safely go to Sousse.


A small resort located in the south of the country. Perfect for a relaxing and family holiday. The resort infrastructure is actively developing. There is a water park for the youngest tourists. On the coast there is one of the best centers thalassotherapy. Mahdia is connected by train to Monastir and Sousse, where tourists can go if they want a little change of scenery.

Djerba Island

The former haven of pirates has long been turned into a wonderful resort, where tourists are treated to dates, olives and fresh fish dishes. Djerba is considered one of the pearls of Tunisia. This is where hotels included in well-known world chains are concentrated. Holidays in Djerba can be called calm and measured. Due to its gentle approach to the sea and shallow depth, Djerba is recommended for tourists with small children. In addition to large resorts, the country also has smaller ones, such as Bizerte, Nabeul or the mountainous Ain Draham, based on thermal springs.

Tours to Tunisia Of course, you are not limited only to the beaches; in order to penetrate deeper into the unique culture of the country, you need to explore the most striking sights. Among the attractions of Tunisia there are monuments of the ancient era, the most striking of which are the ruins of Carthage, as well as the ancient amphitheater in El Jem. The village of Sidi Bou Said is a picturesque corner of nature with a Mediterranean flavor, where snow-white houses with blue doors stand on a high hill shutters. People go to Kairouan to explore the palace and admire the carpets produced in small workshops. In Dugga, tourists are greeted by ancient temples and the Three Gods Monument. The city of Douz is considered the gateway to the desert. Its calm and majesty are associated with the severity of the Sahara, which stretches for many kilometers ahead. The Sahara Desert is Tunisia's most impressive landmark. Tourists come here to get acquainted with the life of the Berbers, see the incomparable sunset and then watch the sunrise. During an excursion to the Sahara, tourists visit a troglodyte village, which became a natural backdrop for filming episodes of the film " star Wars" For olives and impressions, you need to go to El Kef. There are many interesting places to explore in the immediate vicinity of the city.

Not all tourists think about where Tunisia got its name. Presumably, the name is based on the word tuna. This fish can be found in any dish in the country and in a wide variety of combinations. Local residents take food religiously, and the abundance of restaurants will not let anyone go hungry. The country's culinary traditions combine Italian, Turkish and French dishes, making them unique.

Tunisians are very fond of using seasonings and hot peppers, so when trying a new name from the menu, you need to be careful. Tourists should definitely try:

  • harissa, a spicy pepper condiment;
  • canned tuna with olives;
  • tshish, shorba and hsu are local soups rich in tomato;
  • grilled seafood;
  • brik or chebureki with egg;
  • tagine is an omelet with meat and potatoes;
  • couscous is traditionally served in all establishments;
  • fish in all types and only fresh;
  • lamb meat on the grill or in the oven.

You can try sweet pastries, from baklava to various kinds of nut cakes, in any restaurant. There are special establishments where these culinary delights are prepared and sold immediately. In the country you can find very tasty wines that help you feel more intensely Arabian tale. Locals prefer to drink coffee with cardamom in the morning, and cold green tea with lemon throughout the day. All drinks are quite sweet.

The country is famous for its carpet products, but such a purchase often looks very cumbersome. Tunisia is where olive oil is produced in huge quantities. Visitors love to buy it. Ceramic products self made from Tunisia can decorate any palace. Tunisia is famous for its leather goods High Quality, which are quite inexpensive. And clothes made from natural, locally produced fabrics will last a very long time and will not lose their appearance.

For more than affordable price You can buy souvenirs depicting attractions. Painted plates, slippers and key rings are inexpensive. More significant prices are asked for chased copper utensils, blown glass and carved caskets.

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up to 90 days

Moscow - Tunisia
4 hours

Tunisian Dinar (TND)

2 hours to Moscow

Tunisia is a country that amazingly combines Eastern and European features. Trips across the Sahara, camel rides, thalassotherapy, visits to noisy markets and beautiful mosques - all this gives Tunisia an amazing oriental flavor. The developed infrastructure of first-class hotels, beautiful beaches and clear seas, clean cities and politeness of the population add European features to the country. Variety of recreational activities, relatively low prices makes Tunisia one of popular resorts peace.


The territory of Tunisia occupies 163610.00 km².


Tunisia has a population of 10,383,577 people.


Official language- Arabic. The population also speaks French. English is spoken in tourist areas.

Political system

Tunisia is a presidential republic. The head of state is the president, who exercises executive power. Legislative power belongs to a unicameral parliament (House of Representatives).


The climate in Tunisia is temperate Mediterranean. Winters are mild and summers are dry and hot. The average temperature in December is +16C, in July - +26C. The hottest month is August. The air temperature reaches +45-50C. Best time for holidays in Tunisia - the period from September to November and from March to June.

Average water and air temperatures in Tunisia by month

Jan. Feb. March Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. But I. Dec.
Air temperature (day) °C +15 +18 +20 +23 +25 +27 +31 +35 +31 +29 +26 +23
Air temperature (night) °C +9 +9 +10 +12 +16 +21 +25 +26 +23 +20 +15 +11
Water (sea) temperature °C +15 +15 +16 +16 +17 +20 +23 +28 +26 +26 +24 +18


Tunisia is known for its famous Carthage, one of the greatest cities of antiquity. Tourists from all over the world come to the city of Dougga, which has preserved its ancient appearance since the reign of the Romans. Among the attractions are the Capitol dedicated to Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, the Sanctuary of Juno Celeste, and the Punic Mausoleum. The city of El Jem is home to the world's third largest Roman Colosseum. The city of Kairouan is famous for its carpet factories. Carpets are embroidered in the old way eastern tradition. That is why they are so beautiful and in great demand among tourists. In Monastir there is the Palace of Congresses, as well as the mausoleum of Bourguiba. In the city of Mahdia, it is worth taking a walk through the old Medina quarter, surrounded by ancient fortress walls. The main attraction of the city is the Borj er-Ras fortress, which was used as a prison in ancient times. Pilgrims have been gathering on the island of Djerba for centuries to visit the ancient synagogue of Grib.

In the graph below we have shown prices early booking for one of the 5-star hotels, an all-inclusive tour for two people for 8 days and 7 nights. Of course, prices will still “jump” up and down, following the relationship between supply and demand. But you can already draw some important conclusions from this graph.

A good month to travel to Tunisia is considered to be the beginning and middle of June, as prices are still quite reasonable. The water in June already warms up to 22-23 degrees, and the air temperature during the day rises to 26-29 degrees. You can now swim with pleasure and go on excursions comfortably; the heat will not tire you too much.

At the beginning of July, the season of heat and high prices begins, which lasts until September. At this moment, the cost of a holiday in Tunisia is the highest. And if in July you don’t risk anything when you empty your wallet, then buying a tour in August carries some risks of ruining your vacation.

Jellyfish are cold-blooded creatures; their metabolism and ability to reproduce quickly is highly dependent on the temperature of the water around them. Moreover, it is useless to find out the water temperature off the coast of Tunisia; it does not affect the chance of the appearance of jellyfish, because they are brought here by Mediterranean currents.

August is the riskiest and at the same time the most expensive month for a holiday in Tunisia. From our point of view, it is not the most successful also because the air temperature during this month reaches peak values ​​of 31-32 degrees (average daily maximum).

The question of whether it’s worth buying tours to Tunisia in August at all remains open, it’s up to you to decide. For our part, we warned about all the risks and talked about prices.

In September and October, prices begin to fall, while the weather does not get worse, but even better. The heat is gradually subsiding, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea still remains warm, pleasant and refreshing. In terms of price-quality ratio, buying a tour to Tunisia in the fall is the most profitable.

The real rush comes when travel operators need to quickly sell tours to fill pre-purchased blocks of hotel rooms or airline seats. Accordingly, such Tours are formed several days before departure, and sometimes even one day.

We predict a high probability of a fever in Tunisia, linking our forecast with a decrease in demand from Russian tourists, comparing with the previous year. The dollar exchange rate against the ruble increased by 10%, and holidays abroad in Russia became less affordable for Russians. Demand for tickets for charter flights will decrease. Even last year, 2013, some flights were difficult to fill, and in 2014 the situation for carriers will be even more difficult.

Waiting until the last day for a last minute trip to Tunisia in 2014 doesn't seem like such a bad strategy. Especially if the specific departure date is not important to you, and in case of absence good offers, you can wait a little.

Now let's talk about prices in Tunisia in general. We do not predict their changes. In general, it’s difficult to talk about this, since among vacationers in Tunisia there are many tourists from different countries.

Russians, Germans, many French, Dutch, and Italians come here. Residents of other Arab countries also like to relax in Tunisia.

The demand and prices for tours do not depend on the economic situation of a particular country, but on the health of the entire European economy. In general, she feels fine; problematic countries are slowly but surely emerging from their deplorable state. We should not expect any rapid growth in the incomes of Europeans, nor a sharp drop in demand for vouchers.

We predict that demand for Tunisian hotels from Europeans will fall, but not much. We expect a drop in average prices for tours, but within 3%. For Russians who receive their income in Russian rubles, holidays in this Mediterranean country are becoming less affordable as the ruble exchange rate has fallen.

We wish you to buy an excellent vacation package to Tunisia at an inexpensive price, and our specialists can help you with this. Call us and read other articles about the country (links below).

Holidays in Tunisia mean exotic landscapes, bright architecture, excellent hotels! The best prices for tours to Tunisia from all tour operators are here!

Tunisia has magnificent beaches and the gentle Mediterranean Sea, modern hotel complexes surrounded by gardens and the opportunity to experience the miraculous power of thalassotherapy. Unique is an amazing mixture of different cultures, African, Eastern and European.

When is the best time to vacation in Tunisia?

Tunisia has a typical Mediterranean temperate climate, with a tropical desert climate in the south. It is even, warm all year round and there is no sweltering heat. The average temperature in December is 11 °C, in July - 29 °C. Winter is mild, summer is dry and hot; in August it is better not to be in the south of Tunisia: the temperature is 45-50 °C. Best time for: September-November and May-July.

The water temperature becomes comfortable for swimming in mid-May and remains warm until October.

How to get to Tunisia

During the high season, airlines send direct charters from Moscow and St. Petersburg. From the capital to the Tunisian airport Enfidha-Hammamet, located between Hammamet and Sousse, the flight takes only 3 hours 30 minutes. The flight to Monastir takes 4 hours and 15 minutes.

Russian and European airlines fly to the capital of the country - the city of Tunisia. With a transfer in Prague and Istanbul, the journey takes 6-8 hours.

You can't call them cheap, they rarely get listed on sales. Ticket prices in summer start from $500 (round trip), so last-minute tours to Tunisia are very profitable in the off-season and in winter, when the best hotels reduce prices and flights are cheaper.

Beach resorts in Tunisia

Seaside with famous Tunisian beaches, comfortable hotels, numerous restaurants and spa centers, provide excellent opportunities for beach holiday.

Sandy, wide, well-maintained. The best white sand beaches are in Hammamet and Mahdia. For those looking for privacy, the beaches of Djerba are suitable, where there are very few tourists.

The beaches in Tunisia are free, and you often don’t have to pay for umbrellas and sunbeds. Local residents are not allowed on hotel beaches. Topless sunbathing is prohibited on all Tunisian beaches, and for safety reasons, swimming at night is not allowed.

Holidays in Tunisia with children

In most Tunisian resorts you can find a suitable hotel for a family holiday. The central part of Sousse is quite noisy at night; there are many bars and clubs. Very calm and quiet in the resort of Djerba.

The beach holiday season in Tunisia for families with children begins in June and continues in September. It is better not to plan a holiday in May in a hotel without a heated pool - the sea is still cold and the weather is capricious. In July-August, jellyfish and algae wash ashore, and not everywhere is comfortable for swimming.

The sea off the coast of Tunisia is shallow, especially long shallow water, which warms up well, in Monastir. In all-inclusive hotels, there is rarely a special children's menu, but there are always pancakes, yoghurts or omelets, potatoes, and chicken. But it is better to take baby food for children under 1.5 years of age with you.

A lot of entertainment for older children in Hammamet and Sousse - there are amusement parks, water parks, and zoos.

Sights of Tunisia

Beach tours to Tunisia can be conveniently combined with excursions. There are many offers from tour operators and local companies - from trips of a few hours to neighboring cities to 2-3 day tours to the desert.

The main attraction of Tunisia is undoubtedly the great desert Sahara. Sahara will surprise you sand dunes and picturesque oases, lakes and tropical plants.

History buffs will find in Tunisia the ruins of ancient cities, aqueducts, temples, ancient sculptures, fortresses and forts, medieval Arab bazaars and mosques, ethnographic and historical museums and much more. Here is the famous Carthage, built by the Phoenicians and later destroyed by the Romans.

Carthage - ancient capital Tunisia, the richest and most influential city, a powerful power of antiquity. For two centuries now, excavations of the ruins of this ancient city. You will be able to visit the most interesting of them.

Utica- the first known Phoenician settlement in Tunisia (1101 BC), complements the history of Carthage. The remains of Roman houses, an amphitheater, and thermal baths have been preserved here.

Sidi Bou Said- a town not far from the ruins of Carthage, which occupies the most picturesque and elevated place on the high bank. The walls of all the houses in the town are white; doors, window frames and balconies are blue. Orange and lemon trees grow on the streets. This is a delightful place to stroll among narrow cobbled streets lined with old stone slabs. Sidi Bou Said is a favorite destination for artists, writers and Tunisian and European bohemians.

Dugga- the most interesting, best preserved ancient center of Tunisia. Here you can explore the ruins of the forum with the Capitol, temples, and baths.

El Jem(Fisdrus) is located halfway between Sousse and Sfax. The main attraction of El Jem is the perfectly preserved huge Coliseum. It is the third largest in the world and the first in preservation.

And, of course, it is impossible to visit a country without visiting its capital. City Tunisia- the capital and one of the most beautiful cities in North Africa. Located in the center of Tunisia MedinaOld city, surrounded by walls with narrow streets, mosques and souvenir shops. The most exotic quarter of the Medina - Souq el Attarin- a perfume market from the 13th century, where you can still buy various incense today.

The center of the Medina occupies a large indoor market, which is adjacent to Great Mosque- the spiritual center of Medina. This is the largest and oldest mosque (8th century) in the capital.

In Tunisia it is worth visiting the national Bardo Museum- the largest museum in the Maghreb countries. The pride of the museum is its collection of Roman mosaics, the largest in the world.


In Tunisia, they are equally willing to exchange both dollars and euros for the local currency - dinars. The exchange rate is the same throughout the country, which is very convenient. Mostly Europeans vacation in the country, therefore, without dinars, in most cases you can pay in the markets in euros, but the exchange rate will not be favorable.

Cards are accepted in shops, hotels, and restaurants.

Hotel Features

Even often it does not correspond to the declared category, but the service in hotels is at the same level. However, they come here for something else -