Electronic data transfer to the Federal Migration Service. to work with the program. It should be noted that if a hotel has a previously concluded agreement, but some changes occur, then as a result of these changes and the impossibility of signing a new agreement

Ekaterina, what do the rules set out in the new FMS Order mean?

The document details and consolidates some provisions that were introduced on November 25, 2013 in the form of amendments to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Rights of Citizens Russian Federation to freedom of movement, choice of place of stay and residence within the Russian Federation.” In particular, this Order clearly states that the functions of registering citizens of the Russian Federation can now only be assumed by territorial bodies of the Federal migration service(previously, the general concept of “registration authority” was used), and also a list of persons responsible for the timely receipt and transmission of documents for registration and deregistration of Russian citizens is indicated. It is worth noting that this list includes the administration of hotels, sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, tourist centers, medical organizations and other similar institutions.

Which of the provisions of the Order are the most important for hotels?

It should be noted that the new amendments establish such a point as the availability of various ways to transfer data on the registration of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Federal Migration Service. The document stipulates that the receiving party can transfer information to the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service both using traditional methods (on paper, which until recently was practiced everywhere), and in a more progressive - electronic way - by installing special programs on computers that provide automated data transfer.

It should be recognized that the electronic method of data transfer has a number of undeniable advantages - it helps to simplify document flow in hotels, provides the information protection required today, since the use of an electronic digital signature is provided, and allows you to avoid a number of errors that often appear when issuing notifications on paper.

It can be argued that the transfer of data to the Federal Migration Service using specialized systems is reliable and convenient. One of the most common such systems is the ELPOST program, and the company that represents this product has extensive positive experience in using this program. Today, more than 600 hotels in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, as well as hundreds of hotels in Moscow, Moscow region, Krasnodar region(in particular, Olympic Sochi), which daily transmit data on registration of guests to the Federal Migration Service.

Until early 2014, hotels used this program to transmit check-in and check-out information only to foreign citizens, and now ELPOST makes it possible to send the necessary information about Russian citizens as well.

What advantages of the ELPOST software could you highlight? What are its advantages, in your opinion?

The software product is extremely easy to use; any user, not necessarily an “advanced” one, can handle it. The entire process of initial paperwork, installation of the program on hotel computers, and staff training takes no more than 5 days. All hotel employees receive free training on how to use the program, and there is also a technical support service where you can receive detailed advice on additional issues during further work. Each client has his own personal manager. The cost of the installation package (12,300 rubles) includes all mandatory means of protecting communication channels, enhanced electronic signature, and technical support for one calendar year. Agree, the amount is feasible even for a student hostel. The cost of transferring data about one foreign citizen is 100 rubles, the cost of a transaction with information about a citizen of the Russian Federation is 22 rubles.

Specialists of the Federal Hotel Service closely monitor all changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the registration and deregistration of citizens of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens, on the basis of which they initiate changes to ELPOST to ensure that all actions carried out by the hotel comply with the letter of the law using the program.

How do you assess the prospects for the development of electronic document management?

Currently, more and more organizations, both private and public, are switching to electronic document management, which greatly facilitates the work of their employees. The electronic method of transmitting information about the registration of foreign and Russian citizens ensures effective interaction between the sender and recipient of information. Application latest technologies allows you not only to simplify data transfer, but also to automatically generate the necessary statistics. With the help of automated systems, it is indeed much more convenient for hoteliers to register their guests. I am sure that the future lies in modern electronic services that help optimize activities in the field of guest accounting.

We continue to cover the topic of migration registration, which was discussed at a recent meeting held by the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy.

Vice-President of the Russian State Administration Gennady Lamshin clarified that the association carried out monitoring of companies that have already created other versions of software that allows for migration registration. Now, in addition to Elpost, there are at least two more “proven” programs: “Vega”, the cost of which with annual technical support is 17,000 rubles (and the transfer of information is free), and “Skala-UFMS” with wide choice tariff plans (connection - from 4,900 to 35,000 rubles, support - from 2,900 to 35,000 rubles, the cost of connection and use of registration fees for foreign and Russian citizens is also not expected). Let us remind you that in relation to Elpost, the spears were broken, first of all, over the exorbitant cost of services, which in a large hotel can amount to several million rubles a year.

"Vega" and "Skala" have already been tested and have proven themselves in Krasnodar region, as well as in the Siberian Federal District and Astrakhan region. Of course, everywhere - with the approval and consent of the territorial Federal Migration Service.

In particular, Alexander Pashchevsky, director of the Krasnodar Scientific and Technical Center Sonar-Plus, shared his experience of hotels working with Vega software. And he clarified: the program implies mandatory confirmation from the FMS that information on so many guests has been received. However, it also has disadvantages: for example, if there are only three or four hotels in the region, then installing a separate server for such software is unprofitable.

There are other systems that are either ready and working or are being tested. So an ideal solution in a technical sense has not yet been found. However, there seems to be a choice.

To summarize: there are still more questions than answers. It is still unclear who is responsible for accidental data loss. Why FMS employees are not always as aware of the functions of migration registration software as we would like. The local Federal Migration Service does not issue any documents confirming the receipt of data; the option with an electronic digital signature (EDS) is also not debugged. The personal factor also interferes: on the part of the hotels - an accidental typo in the last name leads to the fact that the data in the Territory software is not accepted (the result is fines); and on the part of FMS inspectors, who sometimes harshly suppress any attempts to discuss controversial issues.

The vice-president of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers, Vadim Prasov, commented on the round table discussion especially for RATA-news: “To be honest, Elpost’s position looks very strange. When they were asked a very specific question - how to justify the costs of software and guest registration, we received an answer in the style of “You have an accounting department, so let it do the thinking.” And this comes from a company that charges money for providing a public service - which should be free.

The position of the FMS is also puzzling. At the meeting, I asked the question whether it was possible to immediately approve throughout Russia a list of companies that have created software for registering guests, and in full accordance with the expectations of the Federal Migration Service, and there are many such companies. In response, we heard that this would be corruption. That is, each hotel must individually apply for the right to work with one or another company - and, most likely, receive a negative answer. How this happened, for example, in one of our hotels. Representatives of the migration service came and said: you need to work with Elpost. Dot. The head of the hotel mentioned the meeting in the Federation Council on September 11, saying that colleagues from FRiO were present there and heard about the right to work with other products. After which representatives of the FMS hinted that in the event of further protests, they would take care of an unscheduled inspection on all fronts - firefighters, Rosportrebnadzor, and so on. Moreover, it should be clarified that data transfer on flash drives specifically in this region is impossible. That is, the information is transmitted on paper by a passport officer - who will also most likely be “strongly recommended” by the authorities.

There are many such precedents. The promises “you can work with whoever you want” are, alas, purely theoretical, and the sanctions applied to hotels are quite real. And a fine of half a million rubles for a regional hotel can often mean its closure. In fact, it turns out that we can break spears as much as we want at meetings, but hoteliers are still stubbornly forced to work with Elpost.

A number of valuable proposals were put forward by the vice-president of the Association of Small Hotels of St. Petersburg, Tamara Builova. She said that as a result of a survey held in August 2013, about 20 organizations were discovered that were creating software suitable for working with migration accounting. At least five of them are capable of transmitting information to PPO “Territory” from hotels directly, bypassing intermediaries. In this case, data loss can be reduced to zero. And hotels will already be able to make a choice from several programs (previously received a “license” from the migration services to work with accommodation facilities) taking into account their desires, needs and financial capabilities, which allows them to avoid market monopolization.

And, of course, this process requires active interaction with the technical department of the Federal Migration Service and a revision of the current official regulations for data transfer.

Let's summarize: to date, the appeal of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy to the Federal Migration Service to create an interdepartmental working group on the use of information technologies in the implementation of the migration policy of the Russian Federation has been considered and satisfied. Its powers are spelled out; the group included 59 people: representatives of government agencies, law enforcement agencies, technical companies, etc. Representatives of the Russian State Administration, the Federal Organization for Tourism and the Moscow Tourism Committee were also invited to join it.

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The reassignment of the FMS to the Ministry of Internal Affairs could not go unnoticed in the field of migration registration of Russian and foreign citizens. The director of the Siberian Research Institute of Automation and Control (program SKALA-UFMS and PTK "SKALA-HOTEL" ) Oleg Vikhman.

Andrey Ryabov / website: Hello, Oleg! We are glad to welcome you again to our studio. Since our last studio interview, the situation in the field of migration registration has changed radically. The FMS became subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. How did this reorganization affect the process of electronic document flow between hotels and migration authorities?

Oleg Vikhman / SKALA-UFMS: At the moment, the situation with electronic document management in the regions is as follows: while the FMS was being reorganized and reassigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, agreements between hotels and the Federal Migration Service were not signed, and everything came to a standstill. Now agreements in the regions are being signed again.

Before the reform of the Federal Migration Service, we connected on average 3-5 regions per month. At the time of the reform and until now, these connections have been discontinued. We are currently working to connect through the SMEV technology portal to the regions that have joined the Federation. We also have about 7 regions connected, with which preparatory work has been carried out.

The Moscow region can be taken as an example: all technical issues were discussed before the reform and until now connecting this region was impossible.

Today there was a visiting meeting of the commission on migration policy interethnic and interfaith relations at the Public Chamber of the Moscow Region, which was attended by the Minister of Culture of the Moscow Region, members of the government, the head of the tourism department of the Moscow Region, hoteliers, representatives of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers and a number of other public and government structures. There, issues that hinder the implementation of electronic document management in the Moscow region were discussed. In the end, we decided to prepare necessary documents and send them to the Government of the Moscow Region for prompt connection of this region, so that hotels in the Moscow region can also use electronic document management with the migration department.

At this meeting, issues related to errors in registration and migration records of citizens that were not taken into account in the protocol of interaction and in new agreements that were discussed and will be approved within the Ministry of Internal Affairs were also discussed. This situation must somehow be taken into account, because if there is a certain number of people who cannot register for migration or registration in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, this leads to the fact that data on them is now submitted on paper, like This is now done by hotels, for example, in Moscow. It should be noted that this situation leads to a negative impact on the image of hotels if the police tries to punish this person for violating migration legislation Russia, which in fact does not exist.

This situation has arisen due to the fact that there are shortcomings in software PPO "Territory", because as a result of the reform the contracting organization has changed and now this system is served by another organization that will need certain time in order to understand the situation and somehow solve it. The previous organization did not solve this problem due to a number of procedural and financial reasons.

Andrey Ryabov / website: How is the situation developing with connection to the Federal Migration Service of hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg - the main ones tourist centers countries?

Oleg Vikhman / SKALA-UFMS: Unfortunately, at present, hotels in St. Petersburg cannot use electronic document management from our company. The city maintains a monopoly of one software product, and no other suppliers can enter this market. In addition, for some reason, new agreements for new hotels are also not signed. But even when signing was possible, we submitted several packages of documents together with hotels in St. Petersburg, but they were not signed.

Andrey Ryabov / website: How are things in the capital? Why do Moscow hoteliers have to submit data on paper?

Oleg Vikhman / SKALA-UFMS: In Moscow, the situation with the signing of new agreements on electronic interaction has not been resolved. Today it is very large number hotels cannot sign these agreements, which creates some tension.

It should be noted that if a hotel has a previously concluded agreement, but some changes occur, then as a result of these changes and the impossibility of signing a new agreement, it loses the ability to carry out electronic document management with migration authorities.

At a recent meeting at the Russian Hotel Association, where representatives of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow were present, it turned out that there are no reasons for not signing these agreements.

Hotels were given recommendations: to complain about violations of regulations and refusals to sign agreements. Currently, we have collected such information, we are transmitting it to the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers and are preparing a collective letter that will be sent to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Many hotels in Moscow express their opinion that the agreement is not being signed in Moscow due to the fact that it is expected to introduce a service for registering citizens through a single portal of government services. It is worth recalling here that this implementation has been going on since the time of the Olympics and has not yet been done. I myself personally took part in two meetings at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, where the developers of the Territory PPO system, hotels, and representatives of the Federal Migration Service were present, and I can say that even if such an implementation takes place, it will be quite problematic for the industry.

Andrey Ryabov / website: Indeed, they have been talking about transferring migration registration to the public services platform for a long time, what could be the disadvantages of such a decision?

Oleg Vikhman / SKALA-UFMS: For example, the problem with errors has not been resolved, and here it will become very acute.

The unified government services portal does not have a 24-hour technical support service that provides consulting services in the field of registration and migration records of citizens. And this is a very specific topic that is simply necessary for hotels, because the registration period for one foreign or Russian citizen– only 1 working day, and the fine for violating deadlines or inaccurate data is from 250 to 750 thousand rubles.

Correctly filling out documents is, in essence, a question of whether to register a person or not. This, of course, also applies to whether everything will be okay at the hotel or whether it will have to pay a fine.

A public service service designed to remove paperwork and reduce the time it takes to receive government documents. services, at the time of the last meeting was not working on the issue of concluding agreements on electronic interaction and issuing the required identifiers through the government services portal. Representatives of the industry and we as developers believe that this is the first and most necessary thing that needed to be done. When it takes months just to sign an agreement, this is simply unacceptable, but this is the prevailing reality.

In addition, it should be noted that the issue of packet data transmission and coverage through the public services portal has not been resolved in any way. To direct questions from me personally, the employees of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications and the contractors who are involved in this cannot yet answer about the timing of the implementation of such a solution - and this suggests that it will simply be impossible to use this solution in even mid-level hotels. We believe that the role of the public services portal is precisely to provide a secure channel for data providers in any region of Russia, so that they can transmit data in batch mode and receive responses within 5-15 minutes, i.e. no worse than what is implemented now.

It should also be noted that connecting to government services is not a free procedure. Currently. According to the analysis of our specialists, connecting to government services for legal entities or individual entrepreneurs costs from 1,900 rubles, while in our country it now costs from 1,500 rubles.

The unresolved nature of these issues is of particular concern due to the fact that we have upcoming matches of the Confederations Cup and the World Cup, which are associated with the arrival of a large number of foreign citizens, which will certainly create great difficulties for hotels during their registration.

Andrey Ryabov / website: What tasks are you setting for yourself now? What software products do you develop and implement?

Oleg Vikhman / SKALA-UFMS: Now our company has switched to connecting electronic document management with the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in unconnected regions, however, I would like to note that the EDI service with the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is part of the “Success Consulting” project. As part of our “Success Consulting” project, 14 services are provided to increase the number of clients, increase the average bill, and provide better quality services. The electronic document management service, depending on the solution that is purchased now, is given either with a 50% discount or is provided completely free of charge to our clients.

We are also developing the “Environment without Borders” project, which is aimed at providing paid and free services to ordinary people who speak different languages ​​and people with hearing or vision impairments, whose clients also receive electronic document management from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at a discount or free of charge.

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