Hotel maintenance. Sanitary and hygienic requirements for enterprises in the hotel industry using the example of the Hermitage Hotel. I. Normative references

All hotel premises must be thoroughly cleaned by a special staff of maids and cleaners. Before starting work, the head maid and housemaid must be dressed in clean and ironed uniforms or overalls.

When cleaning hotel premises, cleaning equipment, cleaning equipment and cleaning materials are used. Each maid must have a trolley for transporting clean and used linen, room cleaning products, as well as displays, the set of which depends on the category of the hotel (advertising materials, a set of writing instruments, soap, shampoo, bath gel, deodorant, swimming cap, mineral water etc.).

The trolley is equipped in a special room as follows: a display is placed on top, then clean linen, at the bottom - cleaning products, disposable plastic bags for garbage. Dirty laundry can be collected in large plastic bags or canvas bags attached to the side of the cart. Transporting clean linen to open form prohibited.

The following interrelated types of room cleaning are carried out: daily routine, intermediate (if necessary) and general.

The hotel linen department includes a central linen room for clean linen, a central linen room for dirty linen (not available if the hotel has a laundry), floor storerooms for dirty linen and a daily supply of clean linen, warehouses (for new linen). The area of ​​the central linen room must be at least 6 square meters. m for hotels with a capacity of 15-20 beds; 16 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 50-- 100 beds; 30 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 200-500 beds; 45 sq. m for hotels with a capacity of 800-1000 beds.

The number of sets of bed linen and towels should ensure the following frequency of linen changes:

  • - bed linen once every 3 days;
  • - when foreigners move in - daily;
  • - change of towels - daily.

Rooms where clean or dirty laundry is located should be painted with oil paint (in two layers) or lined with glazed tiles. In rooms for storing clean linen

cabinets or racks are installed, the shelves of which are covered with oilcloth or plastic, and in rooms for storing dirty linen - floor racks or wooden chests, painted with light-colored oil paint, sinks with cold and hot water supply. Floors in linen rooms are covered with linoleum, plastic or Metlakh tiles.

Additional bedding (mattress covers, pillows, woolen blankets, etc.) are stored in special cabinets for duty personnel.

When receiving and issuing clean and dirty linen, the same employee is required to have two gowns for work (when receiving and sorting dirty linen, personal protective equipment must be used - headscarf, robe, rubber gloves). After receiving dirty laundry, the employee must wash his hands and change his gown.

The central linen room, storage rooms where clean and dirty linen are located must be cleaned daily (wipe down racks, cabinets or chests, staff tables, wash floors); General cleaning is carried out weekly, including washing walls, doors and removing dust from the ceiling.

IN office premises There should be no foreign objects or personal belongings. Washing the laundry of residents in the absence of a laundry can be done by maids or a specially designated employee only in a specially equipped room. Washing linen in rooms and office premises is strictly prohibited. If the hotel does not have a laundry service, the administration must enter into an agreement for washing clothes with a laundry factory in the city.


Head of the Main Directorate Deputy Chief of State

enterprises of the municipal military sanitary doctor of the RSFSR

maintenance of housing and communal services of the RSFSR

G.A.Lunev _______________ R.I.Khalitov

from 6.12.82. No. 07.06.35




    1. This instruction applies to all hotels in the housing and communal services system of the RSFSR.

      Regulatory requirements for network design and hotel placement, should be adopted in accordance with the current SNiP II-60-75 “Planning and development of cities, towns and rural areas.”

      When designing the residential part of hotels, the standards of the current chapter of SNiP P-L.1-71 “Residential buildings” should be observed.

      Newly built and existing hotels after major renovations or reconstruction of premises must comply with current SNiP standards.


    1. The estimated air temperature in rooms during cold and transitional periods of the year must be at least 20°C, in service and domestic premises 18°C, in sanitary facilities (rooms) 35°C, in public sanitary facilities 16°C.

      Relative air humidity in hotel premises is 65%.

      The air exchange rate in rooms for 1 bed is 50 m3/h in buildings of the highest and 1st category, 40 in buildings of the 2nd category, 30 in buildings of the 3rd and 4th categories (meaning the construction grades of buildings?).

In shared bathrooms, ventilation is provided as necessary through windows, transoms and vents; The air exchange rate is assumed to be 50 m3/h per 1 toilet and 25 per 1 urinal.

      The composition and area of ​​the premises of the lobby group should be taken as follows:

The area for administrators is 8 sq.m. for hotels with a capacity of 16 to 400 beds and 12 sq.m. for hotels with a capacity of 400 to 1000 beds;

The area for the receptionist is 8 sq.m. with a capacity of 200 to 1000 seats;

Rooms for doormen are provided in hotels of the 1st category and above, with an area of ​​8 sq.m., with a capacity of 200 or more beds;

A document storage room with an area of ​​8 square meters is equipped with a capacity of 200 to 1000 places;

Special (service) rooms are calculated in two (8 sq.m.) with a capacity of 200 to 500 seats and three - from 500 to 1000 seats;

Lobbies should include reception, rest, and waiting areas; places for installing kiosks for selling newspapers, magazines, souvenirs, etc., as well as pay phones and other services provided for by GOST R 50645-94. “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of hotels" (“Regulations on the classification of hotels into categories and hotel rooms into categories”, approved by the USSR State Committee for Prices dated March 2, 1979 No. 154);

Public sanitary facilities (separate for men and women) with washbasins in the airlocks are equipped for 100 places: for men - 1 toilet and 1 urinal; for women - 2 toilets, with a capacity of 200 to 1000 seats; less than 200 seats, there is 1 toilet for men and 1 toilet for women.

      The living area of ​​rooms in existing (newly constructed) hotels must be no less than:

6 (9) sq.m in a single room;

10 (14) sq.m – in a double room;

14 (15) sq.m – in a 3-bed room;

18 (18) sq.m – in a 4-bed room;

22 (22) sq.m – in a 2-room double room;

40 (40) sq.m – in a 3-room, 2-bed apartment.

The living area of ​​the room does not include the areas of the front (the width of which must be at least 1.05 m), balconies, loggias and verandas.

2.6. When carrying out repair work, the color scheme of the interior of the premises must be chosen taking into account hygienic and technological requirements, choosing the construction of color schemes in three directions:

    on a combination of contrasting colors and their shades;

    on a combination of saturated colors with achromatic ones;

    on tone combination.

Warm colors are used in rooms and other rooms oriented to the north and northeast, and cold colors are used in rooms oriented to the south.


      Each hotel room must be equipped with hard and soft, as well as low-value equipment in accordance with the “Standards for equipping communal hotels with furniture and equipment”, approved by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated 06.23.80. No. 337; types and sets of furniture according to GOST “Household Furniture” 13025 (1, 7, 11, 13)-71, 13025 (6, 9, 10) – 76.

      The arrangement of furniture in the room should primarily depend on the person’s movement schedule, anthropometric data, functional saturation of the room and be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

*beds should be placed with minimal gaps - 0.5 m between their long sides, 0.3 m from the outer walls and heating devices to the long side of the bed, 0.2 m between the headboards;

*the width of the central passage between the beds is 1.1 m.

      All rooms must have thermometers.

      Types of bathrooms, as well as sets of plumbing equipment for hotels of different categories, are selected using the “Normals for planning elements of residential and public buildings”, issue NP 1.2-78 and the “Regulations on the classification of hotels into categories and hotel rooms into categories”, approved by the USSR State Committee for Prices dated 2.03 .79 No. 154). Equipping bathrooms in rooms, public bathrooms, public showers with equipment is carried out in accordance with the “Standards for equipping communal hotels with furniture and equipment”, approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated June 23, 1980 No. 337.

      The equipment of lobbies, halls, living rooms, household and office premises is carried out on the basis of the documents listed in paragraphs 3.1, 3.4 of these instructions.

    1. All premises must be thoroughly cleaned by a dedicated staff of maids and cleaners.

      When starting work, the maid must put on a clean and well-ironed uniform and workwear.


    cotton robe – 3 pieces – period of use – 24 months;

    apron and scarf - 3 pieces - period of use - 24 months;

    rubber gloves - 1 pair - as worn.

      The maid must have 2 carts:

    first for transporting cleaning supplies (synthetic washing powder, 0.5% bleach solution, synthetic preparations for cleaning various surfaces, soap, rags, mop, brushes and bucket);

    second– for transporting linen, 2-tier (sets of clean linen are placed on top, dirty linen in plastic bags is placed below).

      Cleaning of bathrooms(in rooms and common areas), washrooms, women's personal hygiene cabins, public showers should be carried out with the mandatory use of a 0.5% bleach solution. After finishing cleaning, hands should be washed with a 0.2% bleach solution.

Preparation of the solution: 1 kg of dry bleach is placed in an opaque container, into which 10 liters of cold water are poured and left to stand for a day under the lid. The resulting mother liquor is filtered and used for cleaning at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water. The bleach solution is stored in a dark glass container with a ground stopper. The jar or bottle must have a label indicating the production date. Shelf life 3 days.

      Types of cleaning. There are several interrelated types of cleaning, namely: routine daily cleaning, after the departure of residents and general cleaning.

      Daily cleaning residential numbers should be made in the following sequence:

1).premises must be ventilated through vents winter time and through windows in the summer 20-30 minutes after the occupant and during cleaning;

2).washing the dishes and then covering them with a clean towel until cleaning is completed;

3).making the bed with the obligatory turning over of the feather bed, shaking the sheet and duvet cover, fluffing the pillow (the feather bed and pillows must be in a cover, the wool blanket in the duvet cover);

for daytime use, the bed is covered with a blanket; making the bed is done as follows: the sheet is spread out so that one of its edges is tucked under the feather bed, and the other, outer edge, reaches the side of the bed; the pillow and blanket in the duvet cover are straightened out like an “envelope” (covering the pillow, everything is covered with a blanket on top;

4).removing dust from furniture (first wiping inside cabinets, bedside tables, tables), televisions, radios, telephones;

5).removing dust from carpets and carpets with a vacuum cleaner;

6). Removing dust using a vacuum cleaner (with a wet broom) from floors: parquet (varnished or mastic), planks, synthetic materials (carpets, flooring), wet wiping floors made of linoleum, PVC tiles and relin.

      Every other day, refrigerators and fixtures that were previously unplugged from the network (table lamp, bedside lamps, floor lamp, sconce) are wiped completely (outside and inside) with a wet method.

      After the residents leave, the bed linen is additionally replaced.

      Systematically, as necessary, but at least at established intervals, general cleaning of rooms, which is as follows:


    parquet and plank floors are wiped dry with a wrung out cloth;

    feather beds, pillows, woolen blankets, upholstered furniture (chairs, armchairs, sofas) are vacuumed;

    Window blocks with window sills are wiped wet.


    Floors made of linoleum, polyvinyl chloride tiles, relin and parquet covered with mastic are rubbed with special mastics;

    The refrigerator (outside and inside), doors, radiators are washed using ammonia;

    Prints, lithographs, paintings, ceiling lamps are wiped.

1 time every 2 months:

    using a wet method, it is necessary to wipe the surfaces of the walls and sweep the ceiling;

    remove dust from mattresses using vacuum cleaners, change curtains, bedspreads, wipe cornices.

2 times a year (at least):

    wash windows (spring and autumn).

      Safety precautions during cleaning: it is strictly forbidden to stand on tables, sofas, chairs and other furniture.

      In 2-room rooms, the bedroom is cleaned first, then the living room, hallway, and then the bathroom.

In a 3-room suite, the bedrooms, living room, office, hallway and bathrooms are cleaned accordingly.

4.12. When starting to clean the bathrooms, the maid should wear rubber gloves.

4.13. Daily cleaning of bathrooms in rooms must be done in the following sequence:

1. wipe the hanging shelf with the mirror, then the heated towel rail;

2. glazed ceramic tiles around sanitary fixtures are wiped;

3. washbasin, bathtub (shower tray), bidet, toilet;

4. remove debris from the pedal bucket, after which it is washed;

5. The rubber mat and finally the floor are washed.

After finishing cleaning and hand disinfection

    Glasses are placed on the toilet shelf according to the number of people living in the room;

    sets of towels (terry and personal linen) for individual use are hung on a towel holder,

    foot towels are hung on the bathtub (pallet) according to the number of residents (waffle or terry small sizes),

    lay a rubber mat on the floor near the bathtub (tray),

    as well as a plastic bag for laundry to be washed.

    Each plumbing fixture must have a label that says “Disinfected.”

Periodically, at least 1 time per week, the tiled walls in the bathroom are completely washed, dust is removed from the lamps monthly.

4.14. To the complex daily cleaning of public bathrooms includes:

1. wiping hanging glass shelves with mirrors;

2. washing washbasins, toilets, urinals;

3. wiping tiles around plumbing fixtures;

4. wiping doors and partitions, washing the floor.

As needed, but not less often 1 time per week, tiled walls, partitions, doors, as well as monthly lamps are being wiped down.

4.15. Washbasins (men's and women's) and women's personal hygiene cabins are subject to the above-described requirements and cleaning frequency.

4.16. In public showers Rubber mats are laid out on the cabin floor.

At daily cleaning of public showers The following cleaning procedure is observed:

    mirrors in changing rooms are wiped;

    dust is removed from banquettes and clothes hangers;

    banquettes are wiped with a light disinfectant;

    wall soap dishes and rubber mats are washed;

    tiled walls are wiped;

    debris is removed from the pedal buckets and then washed;

    the floors are washed.

Monthly lamps are being wiped down.

4.17. Lobbies, halls, living rooms, self-service rooms, service rooms, galleries, staircases, etc. are being cleaned daily in the following sequence:

    ventilation of premises;

    removing dust from chairs (banquettes), sofas, coffee tables, flower stands, mirrors, etc.;

    removing dust with a vacuum cleaner from carpets and carpets;

    removing dust using a vacuum cleaner (with a damp broom) from parquet floors, tufted coverings in hallways and living rooms;

    mopping all other floors and lobby areas as needed.

In 1 day Electrical fittings, previously disconnected from the network, are wiped.

Weekly parquet floors are wiped dry with a wrung-out cloth, the upholstered part of the furniture is vacuumed, and window units with window sills are wiped wet.

At least once a month doors, radiators are washed, prints, lithographs, paintings, etc., ceiling and wall lamps are wiped.

Every 2 months it is necessary to wipe the surfaces of the walls, sweep the ceilings, change the curtains, wipe the cornices.

At least 2 times a year Windows are washed (in spring and autumn). Parquet floors are polished as needed.

4.18. In office premises intended for rest, eating, and changing clothes by service personnel prohibited keep cleaning equipment, dirty laundry.

The rooms must be equipped with individual lockers (for 2 compartments), a dining table, chairs, etc.

4.19. Cleaning equipment must be labeled and stored in a special closet It is prohibited to use cleaning equipment for toilets and other premises.

5.1. The hotel's linen facilities are mainly concentrated in the central linen room (including a clean linen department with repairs and a dirty linen department), floor storerooms for dirty linen and in the rooms of duty staff with built-in closets for clean linen, as well as in warehouses (new linen).

5.2. According to SNiP P-79-78 “Hotels”, the area of ​​the central linen room should be

    at least 6 sq.m for hotels with a capacity of 15-25 beds,

    at least 16 sq.m. for hotels with a capacity of 50-100 beds,

    at least 30 sq.m for hotels with a capacity of 200-500 beds,

    at least 45 sq.m. for hotels with a capacity of 800-1000 beds,

The area of ​​floor storage rooms for dirty linen is at least 6 sq.m.

      According to the “Standards for equipping communal hotels of the RSFSR with furniture and equipment”, approved by order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSO dated June 23, 1980 No. 337, hotels should have from 4 to 8 sets of bed linen per 1 bed, with towels from 5 to 10 sets per 1 bed.

      Change of bed linen and towels is carried out as needed, but no less than after 6 days - bed linen, and after 3 days - towels, on the basis of the "Rules of Use and Internal Regulations in Communal Hotels of the RSFSR", approved by the order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR dated 09.12.79 No. 482.

      All rooms where clean or dirty laundry is located must be painted with oil paint (2 times) or tiled with glazed tiles

      In rooms for storing clean linen, cabinets or racks should be installed, the shelves of which are covered with oilcloth or plastic, and in rooms for storing dirty linen - wooden chests painted with light-colored oil paint, and sinks should have a supply of cold and hot water.

      Floors in linen rooms are covered with linoleum, plastic or Metlakh tiles.

      Sets of additional bedding (feather sheets, pillows, woolen blankets, etc.) are stored in special cabinets for duty personnel.

      When receiving and distributing clean and dirty linen, the same employee is required to have two different gowns for work. After receiving dirty laundry, the employee must wash his hands and change his gown.

      Central linen room, storage rooms, where clean and dirty laundry is located must be cleaned daily: racks, cabinets or chests, staff tables are wiped, floors are washed; It is advisable to carry out general cleaning by washing walls, doors and removing dust from the ceiling.

      There should be no foreign objects or objects in the office premises.

6.1. The location of the garbage chute loading hatch should be tiled. The hatch valves must be closed hermetically and washed at least once a week. The waste chute shaft is subjected to mechanical cleaning (brushing) quarterly.

6.2. The garbage chute chamber is tiled and must have a drain connected to the sewer, a sink and a watering tap with a hose supplying cold and hot water.

6.3. Garbage is removed daily. Empty tanks must be mechanically cleaned and washed. After the garbage is removed, the chamber is cleaned and washed out with a hose.

6.4. Collecting recyclable materials and waste paper in the waste bin is prohibited.

6.5. The garbage chamber premises are periodically subjected to disinfestation and deratization.

7.1. The territory should be landscaped and landscaped.

7.2. The courtyard area of ​​the hotel must be constantly cleaned.

7.3. To collect household waste, waste bins are installed in the courtyard area in an amount corresponding to the capacity of the hotel.


8.1. All hotel workers, before entering work and subsequently, undergo a medical examination in accordance with the instructions of the USSR Ministry of Health dated May 6, 1961 No. 352-61. Persons undergo a medical examination at least once a year in clinics. Those who do not pass the medical examination are removed from their functions at the hotel.

8.2. All hotel employees are trained in the sanitary minimum before entering work and thereafter, every 2 years, they must have an entry in their personal medical record about re-passing the sanitary minimum.

8.3. Hotel workers must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, have a neat appearance, and wear clean overalls.


9.1. In each hotel, the administration establishes internal rules, ensures peace, rest of residents and staff and proper sanitary order.

9.2. Each floor of the hotel must be equipped with a first aid kit in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated April 23, 1980 No. 429 (see Appendix 1).

9.3. Disinfection, disinfestation and deratization in hotels. In order to avoid the appearance of insects and rodents in hotels, the administration enters into an agreement with the local disinfection service to carry out preventive treatments of hotel premises, as well as treatment of premises on special calls. When insects or rodents appear, treatment must be carried out comprehensively in all premises, including rooms, catering, etc.

9.4. Hotels must comply with noise regulations. Floors in corridors, halls and living rooms should be covered with sound-absorbing carpets or their replacement coverings. Radios and televisions are installed only in rooms, public telephones are located away from living rooms or in special booths.

9.5. Washing individual linen of residents can be done by maids or laundresses in specially equipped rooms. It is strictly prohibited to wash linen in rooms and service areas.

9.6. In all cases of illness of residents, the hotel administration is obliged to call a doctor.

9.7. Each hotel must have a sanitary register, bound and registered in the center of SENadzor, with attached extracts of sanitary rules.

9.8. Responsibility for the implementation of these instructions rests with the hotel administration.


List of first aid kit equipment in hotels

Tincture of iodine (3 -5%) 50 g.

Simple bandages (5 – 10 – 16 mm) 20 pcs.

Individual dressing bags 10 pcs.

Absorbent cotton wool 100 g.

Rubber or fabric tourniquet 2 pcs.

Ammonia 20 g.

Vaseline 50 g.

Heart drops 30 g.

Glue BF-6 1 tube.

Cup for taking medicine 1 pc.

Set of plywood splints for upper and lower limbs


First aid reminder.

    Upon completion of disinfection room ventilate for 15 minutes. 3.3. Sanitary ... content quaternary ammonium compounds (total). 7.5.1. Equipment, reagents and solutions: laboratory scales general ...
  1. Instructions for use of the insectoacaricidal agent "Akarotsid"


    O. A. Instructions is intended for use by employees of organizations that have the right to engage in disinfection activities. 1. General ... often penetrate into premises, process paths of movement (“paths”) or places of accumulation. Use 0.0625% ( By ...

  2. Report: on pre-graduation practice. Subject


    Requirements to sanitary content premises. - fire protection system... instructions By ... By Celsius and sanitary nodes general use - 16 degrees By Celsius. Relative humidity in premises hotels 65%. IN hotels ...

Hotels are distinguished according to the following criteria:

Room capacity

  • Small (up to 150 rooms),
  • medium (from 150 to 299 rooms),
  • large (from 300 to 600 rooms),
  • mega hotels (more than 600 rooms).

The minimum occupancy of hotels depends on national, regional conditions and applicable standards and is usually 7-10 rooms. (Russia – 10 issues, Italy – 7 issues.)

Functional purpose

1) target hotels which include:

  • business hotels – hotels for tourists whose main purpose of travel is professional activity (business, commerce, meetings, conferences, exchange of experience, training, professional exhibitions, product presentations). This category includes business hotels, congress hotels, congress centers, and departmental hotels.
  • holiday hotels – hotels for tourists whose main purpose of travel is relaxation and treatment. This category includes: resort hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes, tourist and sports hotels, casino hotels.

casino hotels

Such hotels are most often located in the same building as the casino. The main source of profit is the casino, and the hotel is an additional service to attract regular players. Hotels offer their guests a restaurant with a buffet: a buffet, a small cocktail bar and game rooms.

boutique hotels

Boutique hotels are often located in historical buildings and have a small number of rooms. The main clientele of such hotels are wealthy people who need an intimate atmosphere. A minimum of public areas, high-class rooms, exclusive interiors, small elite restaurants and personalized service are what distinguish boutique hotels from other hotels.


Hotels offering their guests a huge selection of various wellness programs and activities. Diets, nutrition, medical supervision and treatment, specially designed exercise programs, massage and therapy, as well as educational educational programs. Many resort hotels offer SPA programs, but not all of them can be called SPA hotels. The SPA hotel maintains strict supervision over guests and the implementation of prescribed programs. A SPA hotel guarantees its guests this or that result after staying there.

2) transit hotels, providing services to tourists during short-term stops. Such hotel enterprises are located on air routes (airport hotels), on highways (motels), on railway routes (station stations), on water routes (hotels near ports).


Simple modular one- or two-story structures located in suburban areas near highways. These are small or medium-sized enterprises (up to 400 places). From additional services– TV and vending machines with soft drinks. Characterized by average quality of service with a small number of staff. Compared to hotels, they offer a limited range of services at lower prices. The clients are different categories of tourists with an emphasis on educational autotourism.

3) hotels for permanent residence

Comfort level

  • Luxury hotels

Luxurious hotels are located in largest capitals world in the city center, most often in historically significant buildings, which are architectural monuments. In this case, the number of rooms in the hotel is dictated by the available space. There are from 75 to 500 of them. In fact, it is an independent and autonomous city within a city, providing a full range of services. This segment is distinguished by expensive interiors created using natural and expensive materials, with the participation of famous designers. The hotels offer a wide range of room categories - from a standard business room with a bedroom and a work area equipped with last word equipment, to the presidential suite with huge expanses of rooms, terraces, jacuzzi, sauna, library, meeting rooms and personal staff. The level of service and prices in such hotels is the highest among accommodation facilities.

  • Full service hotels 5*****

Hotels with a pronounced commercial focus are aimed at individual business tourists. Located in the center major cities in close proximity to the largest business centers. The infrastructure of such hotels includes restaurants, bars, conference rooms, meeting rooms, a fitness center and a swimming pool, and a store with basic necessities and souvenirs. Services are varied and traditionally include: 24-hour in-room dining, business center, concierge and valet services, shoe shine and daily newspapers, airport shuttle, coffee maker and trouser press in every room, express dry cleaning and laundry, and services taxi and car rental. Wireless Internet is available in all public areas and Internet access in every room. Congress hotels also fall into this category. Congress hotels are characterized by a large total area of ​​​​rooms for holding conferences and seminars. Unlike other hotels of this type, the coefficient of conference space is calculated from an indicator of 2.87 to 3 sq. m for one guest room. There are also large dance halls and a set of small meeting rooms. Some hotels provide auditoriums and cinema halls. In hotels of this category, the predominant room is a room with two double beds. Congress hotels have a developed infrastructure, offer a variety of bars and restaurants, and strive to maintain an individual and personalized level of service.

  • Full service 4**** hotels

Unlike the five-star segment, this segment is characterized by a reduced range of services. 4**** hotels are in demand by business tourists who do not require the full range of services provided in full-service five-star hotels. This segment is also popular among travelers and tourists who are looking for more comfortable hotels than just four-star ones.

  • Full-service hotels of a reduced type. Four-star hotels with catering establishments.

Four-star hotels with food services are the most common type of accommodation in the world. They offer guests small lounges and rather limited restaurant options. Business services, namely fax and photocopying at the Front Desk. As a result of this savings on hotel maintenance, the administration can reduce prices for room stays.

  • Short service hotels.

Short service hotels can be divided into three subgroups: four-star short service hotels, economical three-star hotels with breakfast (they may not have restaurants at all) and budget hotels. Budget hotels differ from economical three-star hotels by having smaller rooms and a reduced range of additional services that are common for economical ones. The attention of the owners of such hotels is focused on overnight accommodation for tourists, and not on their food. This approach allows you to reduce the cost of a room by 30% compared to full-service hotels.


  • city ​​center

Hotels located in the city center are aimed mainly at business tourists and corporate events. Depending on the number of restaurants near the hotel, it may offer a very limited selection of food options. The level of service and variety of additional services in such hotels are dictated by the environment - office, exhibition and business centers and their level. The main requirement for a hotel located in the city center is to have its own parking or underground garage. In case of their absence, places are rented in underground garages located in the immediate vicinity.

  • suburb

Suburban hotels are often located near those located far from the city center office centers, industrial and industrial areas. The entire infrastructure that exists in the city center becomes accessible thanks to the appearance of such a hotel. The architecture of such hotels always wins over hotels in the city center due to lower construction costs and greater opportunities for efficient planning.

  • highway, highways

The main clientele of hotels located near a highway or major thoroughfare are business tourists or leisure travelers. Accessibility, convenient access, visibility from the highway - all this is necessary for the normal functioning of such hotels. The infrastructure in such hotels is poor. Usually there is a restaurant in the hotel or next to it, there are practically no meeting rooms, there is a small swimming pool and an area for active games. Some hotels include hot drinks in the room rate, route maps and atlases. The occupancy rate of such a hotel can be influenced by several factors - the cost of fuel, new technologies in the automotive industry, the introduction of a new high-speed route in this direction.

  • airport

Located in close proximity to or on airport grounds, these hotels are aimed at business travelers, small conferences or business meetings. They also accept airline related guests. For example, crews and passengers from delayed flights. Agreements with airlines are a kind of guarantee of hotel occupancy. But the rates at which rooms are sold for visitors in this category are low (for pre-reserved “blocks”). The higher the percentage of hotel occupancy with such guests, the lower the average price per room per night. As a rule, such hotels offer free regular transfer to and from the airport.

  • business and exhibition centers

Hotels located near business centers calculate their occupancy based on events held in the centers. They offer a selection of bars and restaurants, additional meeting and conference rooms, and leisure facilities.

  • resorts

Resort hotels attract tourists who come to relax, corporate retreats and parties. They offer several restaurants and bars, recreational facilities and shops. These hotels traditionally provide a service such as booking excursions on resort or historical themes.

  • hotels as part of multifunctional complexes

Placing hotels as part of multifunctional complexes (offices, shopping, exhibition and entertainment centers) is beneficial for the entire project and allows you to diversify the risks associated with the construction and operation of the facility. The type of hotel, its configuration and set of additional services depend not only on the external environment, but also on the unified concept of the complex.

Duration of work

  • working all year round;
  • working two seasons;
  • single-season.

duration of stay

  • for long-stay clients;
  • for short stay clients.

Price level

  • budget,
  • economical,
  • average,
  • first class,
  • fashionable.

Type of property

  • state,
  • municipal,
  • joint stock,
  • departmental,
  • public associations,
  • private enterprises,
  • joint ventures, etc.

Providing food

  • hotels providing full board(accommodation + three meals a day).
  • hotels offering accommodation and only breakfast.

There are two main groups of hotels in the global hotel stock: for permanent residence and for temporary residence. In turn, they are divided into: 1) transit hotels, serving any contingent during a short-term stop; 2) business hotels, service persons located in business trips and business trips; 3) hotels for recreation (tourist, resort, etc.). For all these hotels, common mandatory requirements for the period of temporary residence of clients, the availability of conditions for accommodation, food, personal services, as well as specific requirements due to the need to satisfy clients taking into account their requests.

Depending on the purpose of the hotels, the characteristics of the categories of tourists served and some other factors, there are such types of hotels as motel, camping, rotel, flotel, boat, tourist base, tourist shelter.

Let's take a closer look at the following types of hotels:

Aquatel is a stationary ship, withdrawn from service as vehicle and is used as a hotel.

Apart-hotel is a hotel consisting of apartments, the price of which does not depend on the number of guests living in it. Designed for self-service, including guests preparing their own food, therefore the rooms must have kitchens with the necessary equipment. In Europe, a type of apart-hotel has developed - an “anonymous boarding house” - a form that allows apartment owners to enter into an agreement with an agency for the rental of their living space - one of the apartments of an ordinary residential building. A small one can also be offered as an “anonymous boarding house”. a private house; sometimes the owner of the house rents out several rooms, and his family lives in the rest.

Tourist base - a tourist complex located on a route with active modes of transportation, which includes premises for active rest tourists. Usually it accepts tourists making hikes with active modes of transportation: mountain, water, skiing, walking. As a rule, tourist centers are located in picturesque places, in gorges, at the edge of the forest, etc.

Business hotel is a specialized hotel serving businessmen. The first business hotel was opened in 1908 in Buffalo (USA) by Ellsworth M. Statler under the name "BUFFALO STATLER" and provided businessmen with the maximum amenities for that time: the presence of individual door locks, running water, toilet rooms, switches at the doors, bathrooms in each issue, free morning newspaper. Business hotels began to develop at the fastest pace in the 20s. It was during this time that the world's largest hotel, the STEPHEN'S Hotel, was built (1927), later renamed the CONROD HILTON and marking the beginning of the Conrod Hilton hotel empire.

A boat is a small hotel on the water, which can be used as an appropriately equipped vessel.

Bungalow is a small building made of light materials used to accommodate tourists. Widely distributed in international youth tourist centers.

The most primitive means of accommodation in the world are the so-called guest houses, where the only service provided is accommodation.

Congress hotel is a hotel specializing in receiving and serving guests of congresses and exhibitions.

Resort hotel - a hotel specializing in the reception and service of tourists arriving in this place for recreational purposes. Its concept includes the provision of premises and additional amenities to serve individual visitors, families and group tourists arriving on Sundays and holidays. In recent years, many resort hotels, in order to level out occupancy in the off-season, have begun to pay attention to congress and business tourism, which are the second and third most important market segments.

City resort hotel is a city hotel that has a special material base for the recreation of guests: recreational centers with sports equipment, swimming pools, as well as direct connections with tennis and swimming sports clubs.

A resort congress hotel is a hospitality enterprise whose main clients are companies whose participants combine participation in congresses with relaxation. In addition to meeting rooms and specialized equipment, it may have its own golf courses, ski slopes, etc., as well as a special leisure service.

A dacha is a second recreational dwelling owned by a private individual and used by him for recreation. The first dachas in Russia appeared in late XIX c., they were concentrated along railways- the main transport artery used by summer residents on pendulum trips from the city to the country and back. The dacha is used mainly in the summer and is aimed at family vacations.

The inn is the oldest enterprise in the hospitality industry. Known since the 1st century. BC e. (The Roman Empire). They were located along the main roads to serve traveling officials and merchants, and later pilgrims. Main services: accommodation and meals.

An ecological village is a socially organized territory that provides recreation in a natural environment using traditional Russian accommodation facilities (hut) and food. In Russia, it is planned to create an ecological village under the auspices of the WTO in the Galichsky district of the Kostroma region.

The ecological village provides natural behavior for tourists, observation of domestic animals, and other elements of the agro-recreational complex.

Camping is a camp for car, motorcycle, and bicycle tourists, usually located in the countryside, sometimes not far from a motel. Camping tourists are provided with places to stay overnight, often in tents or summer houses, equipped with kitchens for individual cooking and some basic amenities.

Motel - hotel located near highway. A roadside hotel, in which, in addition to comfortable rooms, motor tourists are provided with parking spaces with appropriate services. A motel is a means of accommodating motor tourists, adapted for family accommodation and family services, without the need to pay for the full range of services, as hotels offer. Thus, motels offer a limited range of services at lower prices than hotels.

The first motels appeared in the USA in the 50s. XX century, when Kem-mono Wilson built one of the first hotels for motorists - the HOLIDAY INN. In the early 90s. The share of vacancies in US motels was 38%.

Hotel is a traditional type of hotel enterprise, located, as a rule, in a large city or significant recreational area, having a large staff of service personnel, providing a wide range of additional services and high level comfort. Most large hotel in the world - “Ambassador City Jomtien” is located in Pattaya, Thailand. It has 5,100 rooms.

A boarding house is an accommodation enterprise that has become widespread in world practice. Accommodation in a boarding house is much cheaper than in regular hotels. It does not fall under the category of stardom, since it is not obliged to meet standards; it is a free company. A traditional boarding house has a small number of rooms and usually accommodates up to 10-20 people. Most often it belongs to one family, which serves guests. Only homemade breakfast is included in the room rate. The boarding house is characterized by an atmosphere of cordiality and warmth, which, along with low prices attracts customers.

Rotel is a mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single or double rooms - sleeping compartments, which also have changing rooms, a shared kitchen and a shared toilet.

Fotel is a floating hotel, a large hotel on the water, a specially equipped vessel. It is sometimes called a “resort on the water.” In addition to comfortable rooms, tourists are provided with a large range of active recreation services: swimming pools, a gym, video libraries, water skiing, diving equipment, etc. Such hotels are also equipped with halls for congresses and concerts, libraries, premises for temporary offices and facilities operational communication. Hotels on the water - chartered comfortable ships - have recently been often used to organize specialized travel and cruises, such as business tours, congress tours, training tours, etc.

A hotel is an enterprise that provides people outside the home with a range of services, the most important of which (complex-forming) are equally accommodation and catering services. This definition indicates the mandatory presence of two main services in a hotel: accommodation and food. Moreover, their relationship with each other can vary greatly, as is clearly shown in Figure 1.1. On one side of the scale there is an enterprise offering accommodation services and only breakfast in the room or in a special room, on the other side there is an enterprise offering accommodation services and a whole range of food services (meals in European and national cuisines, bars, pizzerias, organization of food service on the floors).

Rice. 1.1. The ratio of accommodation services and food services in different hotels

The content of the accommodation service is that, firstly, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use, and secondly, services are provided directly by the hotel staff: receptionist for receiving and registering guests, maids for cleaning hotel rooms, etc. d. Hotels have different categories of rooms, differing in size, furniture, equipment, equipment, etc. (see "Classification of hotel rooms", p. 49). However, regardless of category, each hotel room must have the following furniture and equipment:

  • bed;
  • chair or armchair per seat;
  • night table or nightstand for one bed;
  • wardrobe;
  • general lighting;
  • trash can.

In addition, each room must contain information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire. Services for providing food to guests consist of a combination of various processes: production (preparing dishes in the kitchen), trading (sale of ready-to-eat products, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), service (serving guests by waiters in a restaurant, bar, cafe, hotel rooms). Additional or other services include the offer of a swimming pool, sports, conference rooms, meeting rooms, car rental, dry cleaning services, laundry, hairdresser, massage room and a number of others. On hotel company accommodation, food and other services complement each other, in most cases are interdependent and are perceived by the guest as a single whole. Taking into account how they are designed and combined into a single complex, a certain type of enterprise is formed. The typology of hotel enterprises, which has become widespread in the global practice of the hotel industry, is shown in Table 1.3.

Due to the constant emergence of new services and forms of service on the hotel market, the above typology is very conditional. However, such a division is important for understanding the management features of each type. Within the given types, as a rule, there are many varieties.

Table 1.3 Typology of hotels

Hotel type Characteristic
Luxury hotel In terms of capacity, this type of hotel belongs to small or medium-sized enterprises. Usually located in the city center. Well-trained staff provides a high level of service to the most demanding clients, who are participants in conferences, business meetings, businessmen, and highly paid professionals. Characterized by a high room price, which includes all possible types of services
Hotel (middle class) The capacity is larger than that of a luxury hotel (4,002,000 beds). Located in the city center or city limits. It offers a fairly wide range of services, and their prices are equal to the level of the region of location or slightly higher. Designed to receive businessmen, individual tourists, participants in congresses, conferences, etc.
Hotel-apartment (apart-hotel) In terms of capacity, this is a small or medium-sized enterprise (up to 400 places). Typical for a large city with a non-permanent population. Represents an apartment type of rooms used as temporary housing, most often on a self-service basis. The price in this type of hotel usually varies depending on the length of stay. Serves family tourists and businessmen, merchants staying at long term
Economy class hotel Enterprise of small or medium capacity (up to 150 or more seats). Located near highways. Characterized by simple and fast service, a limited range of services. Consumers, businessmen and individual tourists who do not need full board and seek actual payment for the services they consume, providing for a low percentage of service surcharge
Hotel resort A business with significant variations in capacity, offering a full range of hospitality services. In addition, it includes a complex of special medical care and dietary nutrition. Located in a resort area
Motel Simple one-story or two-story structures located outside urban areas, in the suburbs, near highways. These are small or medium-sized enterprises (up to 400 places). Characterized by an average level of service with a small number of staff. The clients are different categories of tourists, but with an emphasis on educational autotourism
Private Hotel bed and breakfast This type of hotel is widespread in the USA. This is a hotel of small, sometimes medium capacity. Located in a suburb or rural area. The service typically includes breakfast and an early light dinner in a homely setting. Our clients are businessmen and route tourists seeking the comfort of home
Hotel garni A business that provides limited services to clients: accommodation and continental breakfast
Pension An enterprise with a simple standard and a limited range of services. Unlike garni hotels, breakfast, lunch and dinner are provided here (full board). However, only residential clients can receive food services
Gostiny Dvor An enterprise that differs from hotels in a simplified standard of service, smaller capacity, and the absence of a number of public spaces for meeting and staying guests (halls, lobbies, living rooms, etc.). The structure of the Gostiny Dvor must include a restaurant or bar
Rotel A mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single or double compartments in which sleeping chairs are located. There is a changing compartment, toilet, kitchen, refrigerator
Botel A small hotel on the water, which is used as an appropriately equipped vessel
Flotel A large hotel, often called a "resort on the water." Tourists are offered comfortable rooms with a wide range of services: swimming pools, water skis, fishing gear, equipment for scuba diving and spearfishing, gyms, congress and conference rooms, libraries, a variety of information support (telephone, fax, teletype, TV and etc). Recently, it has often been used for organizing business tours, congress tours, congress cruises, educational tours
Flytel Aerohotel or "flying hotel". An extremely expensive and sparse type of hotel. Equipped with a landing pad and communication with weather services

Each state develops its own types of enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities geographical location, climatic conditions, a number of other factors and, most importantly, the characteristics of the current demand. In management practice, the term “hotel product” (or “hotel product”) is widely used to emphasize the complex nature of the hotel offer, clearly shown in Figure 1.2.

The performance of almost all businesses, not just hotels, is highly dependent on location, as it affects the cost of land and construction work, labor costs, and sales opportunities. These are the so-called primary factors taken into account when deciding on a location. Secondary factors include such as the availability of raw materials, labor, appropriate infrastructure, etc., the importance of which is not the same for all enterprises. Depending on which factors are preferred, enterprises are distinguished that focus on raw materials, labor resources, communication routes or sales, which determines the characteristics of the product.

Rice. 1.2. Hotel product

Hotel companies primarily focus on sales. Unlike industry, where products are delivered to the consumer, in the hotel industry the opposite is true: the guest must arrive at the hotel to use its services, and therefore the choice of location has requirements such as accessibility and proximity. For example, when choosing a hotel for business tourists, the factor of its convenient location (the city center is most preferable) is decisive.

When considering hotel services as a product, three levels of services are distinguished:

  1. individual services and groups of services;
  2. product "hotel" as a set of services;
  3. advanced product.

The relationship between the levels is presented in Figure 1.3.

Rice. 1.3. Three levels of the hotel product

The hotel as a complex, as a single product, is the second (middle) level. It consists of many individual services: maid services, kitchen services, receptionists, head waiters, etc., which make up the first (internal) level. The product “hotel” in combination with the components of the local offer, complementing the services created in the hotel, constitute the extended product “hotel” of the third (external) level.

The hotel product can be schematically represented as another core model surrounded by three rings (four levels of the hotel product) (Figure 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Four levels of the hotel product

The core is a generic product that includes the basic skills and resources necessary to participate in the market process. In the case of a hotel product, individual services act as the core. The name of the ring immediately surrounding the core is the term "expected product", used to designate services that satisfy the minimum expectations of customers. It includes what necessarily accompanies the generic product: time and conditions of service, the interior of rooms, halls and other premises, the appearance of the staff, prices, etc.

The next circle is labeled "advanced product". It consists of those additional advantages associated with its acquisition and consumption that distinguish this product from market analogues. For a hotel product, additional benefits are often location components that, over time, are no longer considered additional and become part of the expected product. The final outer circle is called the “potential product.” Unlike an advanced product, which captures only what has already been done, it contains everything that is potentially achievable and implementable in the future to attract and retain guests. Successful hotel companies are constantly looking for new service concepts.

Features of hotel services include:

  1. Non-simultaneous processes of production and consumption.
  2. Limited storage capacity.
  3. Urgent nature.
  4. Wide participation of personnel in the production process.
  5. Seasonal nature of demand.
  6. The interdependence of hotel services and the purpose of travel (trip).

Non-simultaneous processes of production and consumption of hotel services. In relation to the range of services provided in the hotel, such a common characteristic for services as the simultaneity and inseparable nature of the processes of production and consumption does not fully apply. Individual hotel services are not related to the presence of the client. For example, cleaning and preparing a room for sale does not coincide in place and time with the moment of selling the room at the reception service and the immediate check-in of the client. Non-simultaneity also characterizes food services: in most cases, the preparation of dishes takes place in a different place and at a different time, different from the processes of serving and serving, which are carried out partially in the presence of the client. For a hotel company, such separation of processes is a necessity. Direct service here must be preceded by preparatory services designed to satisfy the emerging demand at a certain moment.

Limited storage capacity. The complex of hotel services as a whole cannot be preserved for further sale. Wide participation of personnel in the production process. Important feature hotel services, which distinguishes them primarily from industrial services, where machines and automatic machines are used to a greater extent, is the wide participation of people in the production process. The standard defines the criteria by which the level of customer service and the activities of the personnel of any service of the hotel enterprise are assessed. These criteria in most cases include the following:

  • call response time for information or reservation (15, 20, 30 seconds);
  • time of registration at the accommodation service. Regardless of the mass arrival, clients should not stand in line for more than the time established at a particular hotel enterprise (5, 10, 15 minutes);
  • time spent on providing a specific service. For example, luggage is delivered to the room no later than 3 minutes after the client checks in; washing and cleaning of personal belongings of residents is within 24 hours, etc.;
  • appearance and availability of uniform;
  • knowledge of foreign languages ​​by service personnel, etc.

Season nary nature of demand for hotel services.