What is the difference between an apartment and an apartment? The difference between an apartment and an apartment. Apartment and apartment: what is the difference? Majestic apartments

The term “apartment” appeared relatively recently on the Russian real estate market. Most buyers, when purchasing such premises, consider it a full-fledged residential apartment. And only after making the purchase they discover that this is not residential real estate, but an object with a completely different legal status.

To avoid such problems, you should know that purchasing apartments has its own characteristics and a sufficient number of pitfalls. It is important to find out what is the difference between an apartment and an apartment and what are the pros and cons of such an acquisition for the buyer.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, apartments mean rooms of the highest category with an area of ​​at least 40 square meters with two or more living rooms, equipped with a bathroom and a kitchen. As a rule, they are located in hotels, hotels, motels, holiday homes, sanatoriums and other facilities. Thus, the apartments are not residential premises and can only be used for temporary residence.

Although the true purpose of the apartments is residential, in fact they belong to commercial real estate

Such premises are sold in buildings with hotel status or in multifunctional complexes.

The real estate market offers hotel and office apartments of premium and economy class. Hotel apartments are divided into several types:

  • apartments;
  • rooms in apart-hotels;
  • service apartments;
  • condo hotel rooms.

The first three types of apartments are rented without the right to purchase them. Housing in condo hotels can be purchased as a property. Some of the apartments in such hotels are rented out, while the other part is usually put up for sale. You can live in the purchased apartments yourself, accommodate guests in them, and also rent them out.

Business or office apartments are a separate category, which represents residential premises in multifunctional business centers. They are used by organizations or corporations that want to locate their staff as close to the office as possible. Office apartments can be bought or rented.

The main thing that distinguishes apartments from is the presence of a different legal status. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, an apartment is an isolated room that meets sanitary and technical standards and is intended for permanent residence. Apartments do not belong to the housing stock and should be used as temporary housing, even if all technical and sanitary standards are met during their construction. All the pros and cons of apartments are mainly related to the difference in legal status.

Disadvantages of living in apartments

  • Lack of permanent residence. To live in apartments, you can only register temporarily for 5 years with subsequent extension, which brings certain problems. The owner of such housing does not have the opportunity to register with the labor exchange and acquire a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). However, temporary registration can only be obtained in apartments that have the status of an apart-hotel or hotel. When purchasing a home, you should definitely check with the developer about the status of the building under construction or already erected, so as not to find yourself in a difficult situation without the ability to register.
  • Higher utility costs. will significantly weaken this factor. The cost of housing and communal services for apartments is calculated according to the tariffs in force for non-residential premises, which are significantly higher than the tariffs for an apartment. This is especially true for heating and hot water supply.
  • Higher housing taxes. The tax on apartments, as non-residential premises, is higher than on an apartment.
  • Lack of benefits and subsidies. Because apartments are not residential premises, their owner does not have the right to claim housing subsidies and property deductions.
  • Difficulties in obtaining a mortgage loan. Not all banks provide loans for the purchase of apartments. If the bank does issue such a loan, the buyer of the apartment in this case is a “fifth-priority” lender.
  • Having unsuitable neighbors. Often, various companies use non-residential premises as offices. The owner of the apartment runs the risk of getting such an inconvenient “neighbor”.

Pros of living in an apartment

  • Convenient location. Often apartments are located in the city center or in business centers. This saves time on travel to the office. The proximity of all important city facilities is also of great importance.
  • Profitable price. The cost of apartments is 15-25% lower than the cost of apartments, depending on the area and the degree of comfort of living.
  • Freedom of redevelopment. According to the law, apartments are not housing, therefore their owner has the right to any reconstruction of the premises without any coordination with government authorities.
  • Convenient infrastructure. If the apartments are located in a multifunctional complex, then on its first floors or in the surrounding area there are usually SPA centers, restaurants, fitness clubs, shops and bank branches.
  • Profitable investments. Apartments can be rented out or resold at a profit, as the cost of this category of housing is growing, despite the crisis.
  • Apartments are most often bought by people who already have a home, and the issue of registration is not relevant for them. As a rule, they purchase a second home for the purpose of a profitable investment. You can rent out the premises and make a good profit. Apartments are also often bought business people who want to live closer to their work.

In general, purchasing an apartment is considered a profitable investment, despite certain disadvantages. For military personnel, young families and other categories of citizens who have any benefits, purchasing apartments is hardly profitable if they do not have a second home. Indeed, in this case they are deprived of many privileges.

Prices for purchasing and renting apartments

At the moment, on the market of new buildings in Moscow, apartments account for a third of the housing sold. Buyers are attracted first their total price is on average 20% lower than the cost of apartments. The price per square meter in business class apartments is 15% cheaper, comfort class apartments are 10% cheaper. The cost of renting apartments and apartments differs slightly.

The lower cost of apartments is due to the fact that during construction the developer is not obliged to provide them with infrastructure: schools, clinics, kindergartens and other social facilities. Apartment complexes are often built in densely populated centers where child care facilities are overcrowded. In addition, during the construction of apartments, technical and sanitary standards for sound insulation, lighting, etc. are not as stringent as when constructing apartments, which also affects the price.

How much will apartments cost in Moscow and by the sea?

In Moscow a large number of apartments are concentrated in the Moscow City International Business Center. Their cost is from $8,500 per 1 sq. m. The rental rate depends on the location of the housing, its area, design and finishing materials. Renting a studio apartment with a signature expensive design and an area of ​​115 sq m in Moscow City is about $18,000 per month, and renting a studio apartment with a standard “European-quality renovation” with an area of ​​about 107 sq m is from $8,500 to $11,000 per month. The cost of utilities is from $800 to $2000 per month.

Apartments located by the sea are very popular. Most often they are rented out. During the tourist season in Montenegro and Bulgaria, you can rent an apartment for a family of 4 or 6 people for 50-100 € per day. In Spain and Italy, the cost of renting the same apartments will be from 100 to 150 € per day.

Renting an apartment for two, located on the Black Sea coast in Crimea, will cost from 12,500 rubles or more

Buying an apartment by the sea, for example, in Bulgaria will cost 2,500 € per 1 sq. m. In Crimea, the cost of a square meter of apartments starts from $ 3,000.

Tax on major repairs – to pay or not? Follow the link to find an analysis of this tax and recommendations that should help you.

How to build a business renting out apartments

Purchasing apartments for the purpose of renting them out is a fairly profitable business. According to experts, this can bring up to 10% per annum of capital investments. Moreover, the profitability of such a business depends on the location of the apartments, their class, transport accessibility and availability of infrastructure. All this is important to consider when buying real estate.

You can find a tenant using simple marketing tactics: an advertising campaign or by contacting a special agency that helps you find clients. Next, all that remains is to conclude a lease agreement with the tenant and receive money. Your activities must be registered in tax office, because any income is taxed, and concealing it leads to penalties.

According to experts, when renting one-room apartments with a monthly payment of 35 to 40 thousand rubles, the purchase of housing will pay off in 10-12 years. However, this does not include costs for utilities, repairs and other payments.

Therefore, when starting a business in renting out apartments, you should take into account that a stable income will not appear immediately, but only after a certain time


    Good afternoon what is the average cost for 1 sq.m (meaning apartments) on the Crimean coast in close proximity to the sea? if we take location as the main criterion (west/east coast)

Today Moscow landlords offer 16 apartments in 6 buildings. There are 16 properties available in the center of the capital. The cost of renting luxury housing is from 240,000 rubles. On average, this is 10-15% cheaper than renting an apartment of similar size and status.

The main differences between apartments and apartments

  • High level of service comparable to a five-star hotel;
  • shopping center services - hypermarkets, cinemas, fitness clubs, beauty salons are located directly under the housing;
  • open plan - large areas and high ceilings are optimal for the implementation of creative ideas;
  • saving money - renting luxury apartments is cheaper than renting a view apartment in a club house.

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Who are luxury apartments suitable for?

This is a great option for long periods business trips. Thanks to the location of living spaces in the same business complex as the company's office, guests or business partners will save time on daily trips to the company's headquarters. The head of a company can do the opposite: rent a view of housing with panoramic windows on the upper floors of the building, and then rent a comfortable office with a conference room and a lobby area below.

The share of apartments in the primary market of Moscow is still growing: if in 2012 it accounted for only 14% of the total supply, then in the third quarter of 2016 it reached 24.5%. At the same time, the minimum budget for purchasing apartments within old Moscow during the same period decreased from 4.6 million rubles to an unprecedented 2.3 million rubles for the capital, which spurred the interest of clients in the mass segment and radically changed the buyer’s image. However, there is still a lot of speculation surrounding the apartments, exaggerating their disadvantages. Experts from the Metrium Group company conducted a detailed analysis of all the differences between apartments and apartments and refuted most of the stereotypes regarding this type of housing from the buyer’s point of view.

During a recession, most home buyers prioritize their purchasing budget. The reduction in supply prices in all market segments has increased the attractiveness primarily of apartments, which have always been cheaper than apartments. The price benefit of purchasing apartments is due to a number of their differences from apartments.

“The differences between apartments and apartments can be divided into three groups,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group. - The first of them is the legal differences that are associated with the non-residential legal status of the apartments. The second is economic, namely the difference in the market and cadastral value of such objects, as well as the features of paying for utilities and taxes. Finally, the third group - technical - combines the differences in requirements for the design and construction of apartments. A superficial comparison may seem to suggest that most of the differences are not in favor of the apartments, but a detailed analysis shows the opposite.”

1. Legal differences

1.1 Legal status

From the point of view of the Housing Code, an apartment is a residential, isolated premises, which is real estate and is suitable for permanent residence of citizens (meets established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, and other legal requirements). In addition to apartments, the legislation also includes a residential building (part of a residential building) and a room as residential premises.

Apartments are classified as non-residential premises, that is, they are premises for temporary accommodation of citizens, not intended for permanent residence. The concept of “apartment” is mentioned only in the classification hotel rooms, which is given by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. According to this typology, an apartment is a room with an area of ​​at least 40 square meters. m., consisting of two or more rooms (living room, dining room, bedroom) with a kitchenette. However, in practice, developers are not guided by this definition, even if the apartment complex under construction has a hotel purpose.

1.2 Registration

Permanent registration can only be obtained in residential premises - apartment, room, house. Permanent registration in Moscow gives the following rights:

1. Increase in pension. In Moscow, pensioners are entitled to a regional social benefit, but it is given only to those who have lived in Moscow for at least 10 years.

2. Travel benefits for pensioners and minors in public transport, as well as using a landline telephone.

3. Placement of a child in kindergarten, school and others educational establishments at the place of registration.

4. Subsidizing utility bills.

Since the apartments are classified as non-residential premises, permanent registration at the place of residence cannot be obtained in them. However, if the apartment complex has hotel status, then the owner of the apartment can obtain temporary registration for 5 years. Temporary registration gives practically the same rights as the owner of an apartment with permanent registration. However, when enrolling a child in a school not assigned to a place of residence, his application is considered after applications from residents of houses assigned to the school and having permanent registration. Otherwise, there are no fundamental differences between temporary and permanent registrations.

If registration is impossible, the apartment owner loses little. These are increases and benefits that still apply only to vulnerable segments of the population, as well as the right to vote in elections.

1.3 Rights of owners to common property

Owners of apartments in a residential building own common property on the basis of shared ownership along with other residents. That is, all common areas, the roof and the yard are the property of the apartment owners. Accordingly, residents can jointly decide how to manage common spaces. For example, they can prevent unwanted use of basements, roofs, attics and other spaces.

Apartment owners do not have the right of shared ownership of common property in the apartment complex (staircases, stairs, halls, elevators, elevator and other shafts, corridors, technical floors, attics, basements in which there are utilities, other services serving more than one premises in a given building equipment (technical basements), roofs, enclosing load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures of this building, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other equipment). For example, if the owners of the apartments decide to make a joint fenced vestibule on the landing, they will have to buy or rent this area from the owner, who is usually the seller of the apartment or the management company. However, you need to understand that the management company lives off payments from apartment owners and it is not beneficial for it to spoil relations with them.

1.4 Foreclosure against owners

When a homeowner becomes a debtor and the court orders the confiscation of his property in favor of creditors, the bailiffs cannot evict him from the apartment if it is his only place of residence. The exception is housing purchased with a mortgage.

Since the apartments are non-residential premises, their owner may be evicted in the event of foreclosure. However, it is worth noting that the buyer of an apartment with a mortgage may also lose their home.

2. Economic differences

2.1 Prices

Condos are more expensive than apartments because the residential developer apartment building initially incurs higher costs associated with obtaining all necessary permits.



Minimum purchase budget, million rubles.

Average cost per sq. m.

The difference in the cost of apartments and apartments reaches 30% on average, depending on the project. This is due to the fact that the developer incurs lower construction costs and can afford to offer the property at reduced prices without sacrificing profits.

2.2 Taxes

Property tax

Property tax for apartment owners is calculated based on the cadastral value. The area of ​​the apartment is multiplied by the cadastral value per square meter, and then by the tax rate. The property tax rate for residential premises is set in each region by decision of local authorities. In Moscow it is 0.1%.

Apartment owners must also pay property tax, which, as in the case of apartments, is calculated based on the cadastral value of the property. However, there are two fundamental differences in the taxation of apartments. Firstly, the cadastral value of such projects is approximately 1.5 times lower, and secondly, the property tax rate for them is higher. The rate ranges from 0.5% to 2%. In October 2016, the Moscow City Duma adopted changes to the Law on the property tax of individuals in Moscow. Now the minimum rate for all types of this type of real estate is set at 0.5%, but only for apartments up to 300 square meters. m. and with a cadastral value not exceeding 300 million rubles. For properties that exceed the established size and price limits, the property tax rate remains at 2%.

Tax deductions and benefits

When calculating property tax on an apartment, a tax-free deduction is provided for the value of one residential property: 10 sq. m - for rooms, 20 sq. m - for an apartment and 50 sq. m - for home. That is, the tax base will be equal to the area of ​​the apartment minus 20 square meters. m. In addition, the law provides benefits for 15 categories of citizens who are exempt from taxation.

Also, when buying and selling an apartment, the owner has the right to receive a tax deduction for previously paid income tax individuals(NDFL). In the case of purchasing a home, the maximum return amount reaches 2-3 million rubles, and when selling - 1 million rubles.

Tax deductions and benefits do not apply to apartments as to non-residential premises. That is, the apartment owner not only cannot reduce the tax base (by 20 sq. m.), but also return part of the personal income tax paid when purchasing apartments.

Land tax

Until 2015, apartment owners were required to pay a tax on land owned jointly by residents of an apartment building. However, this payment was included in the property tax. Since 2015, these fees have been divided into two separate taxes: apartment and land.

Apartment owners, like owners of other premises in any building, also have the right to a share land plot on which this building is located. In this regard, they are required to pay land tax. Land tax is paid based on the cadastral value of the plot corresponding to the area of ​​the apartment. In Moscow, this rate is 1.5%.

2.3 Utilities

The amount of payment for utility services is calculated according to the tariffs for consumers established by the supplier of water, electricity and heat. The level of these tariffs is determined by the authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on price regulation.

As a rule, utility bills for apartments have a higher coefficient compared to apartment rates. Tariffs for water supply are higher by 12%, for sewerage - 8%, for heat - 25%, for electricity - 36% (based on the average tariff of 2.5 rubles/kWh). The exact cost of utilities depends on the tariffs established for non-residential premises in accordance with contracts concluded management company and utility supplier.

3. Technical differences

3.1 Building codes

The construction of residential buildings is carried out in strict accordance with construction and sanitary standards and regulations (lighting, sound insulation, insolation, etc.).

The technical requirements for the construction of apartments are lower than the requirements for the construction of residential buildings. In particular, apartments are not subject to insolation requirements, and the standards for ventilation, sound insulation, and fire protection are lower than those required for residential premises.

3.2 Social infrastructure

The developer is obliged to build social infrastructure facilities (kindergartens, schools, clinics, etc.) in the residential development zone in proportion to the number of new residents of the area. The construction of an apartment complex does not oblige the developer to build social infrastructure facilities for its residents.

3.3 Access roads

The responsibility of the developer of residential areas includes the improvement of adjacent territories, as well as the construction of access roads to residential complex. The apartment developer is not required to build access roads.


“Thus, the most important economic differences between apartments that really directly affect the buyer’s “wallet” are the differences in tax and utility payments,” sums up Maria Litinetskaya. - However, basic calculations prove that the difference in the cost of apartments and apartments covers the increased costs of utilities and taxes for decades to come. You also need to take into account transportation costs, because today the most budgetary housing offers within the Moscow Ring Road relate only to apartments. Apartments at a similar price will be located outside the Moscow Ring Road, in the near Moscow region.

Legal differences are also not that important to the average client. Buyers of apartments and apartments are equally protected by 214-FZ from double sales and missed delivery deadlines. In the event of a rupture of the DDU, they have the same rights to receive compensation and penalties, and in the event of bankruptcy of the developer, they are included in the third line of creditors for the return of invested funds.

As for the technical differences, the formal absence of an obligation on the part of the apartment developer to comply with building codes, build social facilities, and lay access roads is, in practice, unprofitable for the developers themselves. In conditions of fierce competition for buyers, most apartments are not inferior to ordinary apartment buildings either in the quality of construction or in the availability of infrastructure.

As a result, if a person manages to find the optimal combination of three characteristics - price, location, interesting concept - in any apartment complex, then in essence it will not be so important for him that this is formally non-residential premises. The main thing for the buyer is to improve specific living conditions, namely, to move to new house or a more convenient location."

Apartment and apartment: what is the difference? If you don’t already know about this, then this article will clarify the situation and allow you to better navigate real estate issues. I decided to publish it in the “Investments” section, because the purchase of apartments is most often carried out exactly like this. As a purchase for personal use, in my opinion, this is not a very good option. What is the difference between an apartment and an apartment? You will learn about this by reading this publication.

What are apartments?

The concept of “apartment” appeared not so long ago, but it is already on everyone’s lips. However, observations show that most people have a completely distorted idea of ​​what an apartment is. For example, many people think that this is a “luxury apartment.” Once upon a time this term actually had such a meaning, but this is no longer necessarily the case.

It is also interesting that in French and Italian, from where the concept of “apartment” was borrowed, this word ( apartment,apartment) really means apartment. But now it already has a different meaning. Let's be clear.

Apartments are non-residential premises in which the necessary conditions for living have been created.

Accordingly, an apartment is a separate room equipped for living. It includes one or more living rooms, as well as, as a rule, a kitchen and a bathroom.

This type of real estate belongs to the non-residential stock, but at the same time is intended for residential use (such a paradox). Most often, apartments can be found in real estate properties related to hotel buildings, administrative buildings, etc. Now they are quite popular as real estate for investment with subsequent rental (I will explain why later).

It is noteworthy that in Russian and Ukrainian legislation there is no clear definition of the concept of “apartment”, therefore this term is used by realtors, developers, investors and any other people very conditionally.

Today, development companies often build and sell entire apartment complexes, the so-called apart-hotels. Such real estate is in demand, and therefore is built and sold out.

Apartment and apartment: what are the differences and similarities?

There is only one key similarity between an apartment and an apartment: they are real estate in which you can live. Also, apartments and apartments, like any other real estate, in principle, can be rented out. Everything else is different and quite significant. Let's look at them.

Difference 1. Residential and non-residential stock. The main difference between apartments and apartments is that apartments are registered as non-residential real estate (just like shops, offices, warehouses, etc.), and apartments are registered as residential real estate. All other differences follow from this.

Difference 2. Impossibility of registration. In an apartment a person cannot register or obtain a residence permit, but in an apartment he can. Hence there are many different difficulties, we will consider them further.

Difference 3. Tariffs for housing and communal services. Tariffs for housing and communal services for apartments are calculated as for non-residential real estate, and there they are always significantly higher than for residential real estate. The difference in price is sometimes several times. Therefore, if you live in apartments, the costs will be much higher.

Difference 4. Difficulties due to lack of registration. If a person does not have any other real estate other than apartments, and he is not registered anywhere, then he will have many problems: he will not be able to get a TIN, open a bank account, get a job, get a compulsory medical insurance policy, etc.

Even if he has registration in an apartment or house at a different address, and in fact he lives in the apartment, there will also be many difficulties: the inability to take advantage of free medical care at the place of residence, enroll the child in kindergarten, etc.

Difference 5. The difference is in infrastructure. When a residential real estate block is being built, the developer, as a rule, undertakes to build the necessary social facilities there (school, kindergarten, etc.). There is no such requirement for apartments, so apartment blocks may not be provided with all the necessary infrastructure, incl. even high-quality access roads. Also, apartments are subject to lower building density standards.

Difference 6. Protection of shareholders. When purchasing real estate on the primary market, legislation to one degree or another protects buyers of residential real estate (for example, from the risk of bankruptcy of the developer, freezing of construction, etc.), but buyers of non-residential real estate, which includes apartments, are protected much less, or are not protected at all, they take all these risks upon themselves.

Difference 7. Taxation. The purchase and sale of residential and non-residential real estate are subject to taxes and fees at different rates. In addition, the property tax rates that owners pay throughout their ownership also vary. For apartments, these rates are higher, so the current costs for their owners will be higher according to this criterion of difference.

Difference 8. Price. And finally, at least one pleasant difference between apartments and apartments is their price. Since the requirements for the construction of non-residential premises are simpler, the developer’s costs are lower, and such real estate costs significantly less than apartments. For example, in the same area, apartments and apartments of the same area may have prices that differ by 2 times: the apartment will be more expensive, the apartments will be cheaper.

Now you have a clearer idea of ​​what the difference is between an apartment and an apartment. Based on the above differences, I want to conclude:

Apartments are a good option for investing in real estate for the purpose of subsequent rental: you can buy them significantly cheaper, and rent them out at about the same price as an apartment. But buying apartments in order to live in them is, in my opinion, not the best solution, because... the current costs of maintaining such housing will be significantly higher, plus you will experience a lot of inconveniences that I described above.

However, this is only my subjective opinion, and you can draw your own conclusions. The main thing is to understand well the difference between an apartment and an apartment, which I clearly explained to you in this article.

In subsequent publications I will take a closer look at the purchase of apartments as an investment asset. Stay with us and stay tuned for updates. See you again at !