The period for which the passport is valid. Validity period of the passport

Citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to travel outside the country can receive two types of passports: the first is the old type valid for 5 years; the second is a new sample (biometric), the validity period of which is 10 years. Obtaining passports involves varying formalities. The requirements for them are radically different.

How long before the expiration date can I travel abroad using this passport?

When planning a trip outside of Russia, you need to think about a visa. To obtain a visa, validity period foreign passport should be fine. Since the issue with the validity period may decide the issue not in your favor, check the column with information about the validity period of the document in advance. In the documentation consular departments There is a clear clause stating that the passport must not be expired after completion of the trip. That is, there must be a reserve period of time to take into account possible unforeseen circumstances. It must be borne in mind that consular services various countries They put forward different requirements for the validity of foreign passports. Some states begin the countdown from the moment the applicant submits the visa; others – trip end dates, etc. There are frequent cases of refusal of a visa to an applicant due to the impending expiration of a foreign passport.

Among Russian tourists gained enormous popularity, the so-called visa-free countries. Entering the country does not involve long bureaucratic delays. But here, too, the validity period of an identity document outside the Russian Federation is taken into account.

What if the validity period is coming to an end and there are only a few months left?

It is necessary to find out the validity periods of foreign passports for entry of citizens of the Russian Federation into different countries and select a suitable destination. For your convenience, below are the requirements of the country's consulates. Knowing them, you can really assess your capabilities and finally decide on the direction.

Traveling to Australia, Argentina, Egypt, India, Hungary, Brazil, Cambodia, Indonesia, China, USA, Morocco, Mexico, Oman, Seychelles, Chile, Jamaica, Malaysia, Singapore, UAE, Peru, Sri Lanka, Thailand - a valid passport is required for 6 months from the date of completion of the trip.

European countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Romania, Norway, Slovenia, France, Finland, etc. - put forward a requirement for Russian passport for a period of 3 months from the date of completion of the trip. The following countries should be included in this category: South Africa, Canada, Cyprus, Vietnam, Tunisia, Turkey, Japan, New Zealand and etc.

It should be remembered that the information presented is relevant today, but tomorrow it may be different. Consulates frequently update visa regulations. That's why, The best way Find out the current restrictions on the validity of foreign passports - obtain information from the consulate.

Not all citizens are aware of the exact validity period of a foreign passport for traveling abroad. Focusing only on the date indicated in the document itself, you can find yourself in a difficult situation during border control, when your minor child is refused to be allowed abroad on the grounds that his appearance does not match the photo in the passport. Accordingly, you will also not be able to fly on the flight for which you purchased tickets.

How long is it valid?

Similar problems, but of a slightly different nature, may be encountered by those citizens who frivolously do not pay attention to the peculiarities of foreign legislation before traveling abroad. This concerns, first of all, the period of time between the formal expiration of the travel document and the date of entry into another country.

If there are less than three months left until your passport expires, it is better not to tempt fate and postpone your trip until you get a new passport. Otherwise, foreign border guards will refuse to let you out of the country, citing the fact that your passport is expired. As a consequence of this, you will have to look for a Russian embassy or consulate to obtain a certificate allowing you to return to your homeland without a passport.

When does a child need to change their international passport and is it necessary to change their international passport at the age of 14? Not everyone knows the answers to these questions. Formally, the validity of a travel document is limited only by its type. The age of the child does not matter, especially since there are no special “children’s” foreign passports. In practice, everything depends on whether the child’s appearance allows him to be identified as the owner of the international passport.

If the border control officer decides that the child does not resemble his passport photo, then it is quite possible that he will be denied permission to cross the border. Accordingly, this cancels a trip abroad for at least one parent.

When should I change my child’s passport if it has changed? To avoid problems at the border, it is better not to delay the procedure for reissuing a travel document until the border guards notice a problem in identifying a minor. For school-age children, it is better to change their passport every 3-4 years. If you have issued a passport for a preschool child or, especially, an infant, then you may need to replace the document after two years.

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Since March 2010, Russian citizens, in addition to the old-style passport, have the opportunity to obtain a new generation international passport, i.e. biometric valid for 10 years. Choice, of course, is a good thing, but how to make it right?

Let's look at all the fundamental differences between these two documents, which give the same rights.

  1. Registration procedure
    The list of documents for an old-style passport and a biometric one is the same. The exception is questionnaires (applications) for the issuance of a passport and their completion. The application form for a new generation passport must be filled out in capital letters ONLY; filling out manually is not allowed (printed version only). According to the list of questions, the questionnaires are equivalent. I note that on biometric passport Just like with the old sample, you will be asked for photographs. The registration itself at the Federal Migration Service is almost the same, however, you will be photographed for biometrics right in the inspector’s office. In some Federal Migration Service there is a waiting list for photographing, i.e. To apply for a biometric passport you will have to come twice.

    You can download the form (application) for an old-style passport here.
    You can download the form (application) for a new passport here

  2. Validity periods
    The old-style international passport will continue to be valid for 5 years. There are NO restrictions on countries visited or on obtaining visas. The myths that it is easier to put a visa in a biometric passport are groundless!
    The new generation passport has more pages (46 versus 36 in the old model) and is valid for 10 years (with the exception of biometric passports received before March 2010! Their validity is 5 years.)
  3. State duty
    An important factor is the cost of obtaining a passport. The state fee for a biometric passport is 2,500 rubles, for children under 14 years old 1,200 rubles, for an old-style passport – 1,000 rubles. and 300 rub. respectively.
  4. Taking a child abroad
    From the moment of birth, a child can get his own passport. Which sample should I choose? - the decision is yours.
    For my part, I would like to add that obtaining a foreign passport small child inappropriate, because children at this age change very quickly and perhaps within a year (depending on the age of the child at this moment) They simply won’t let you out at the border. There will be a need to re-issue the document.
    Another important difference is that the presence of a child is not required for an old-style passport (a legal representative comes to the application with documents for the child), for biometrics you need to come with the child for a photo (sometimes this is a whole problem - standing in line and persuading the child to take a photo in someone else’s office Not everyone can do uncles.)
    Now, regarding the entry - since February 2011, a decree came into force according to which children entered in a foreign passport only confirm their relationship with their parents (according to the principle general passport) and do not give the child the right to travel abroad. I can’t clarify to what extent this resolution is being implemented and whether children are released using a parent’s passport, I will only say that children are NOT registered with the Federal Migration Service! There is also information that children registered before 2008 can travel on the same document with their parents, but the passport does not contain data on the date of registration... Therefore, it is not clear who will be released and who will not. In my opinion, it is easier to issue your child with his own separate passport and travel with peace of mind.

Additional Information.

People traveling abroad who apply for a foreign passport in Russia often try to find out the answers to several questions. For example, they want to know which international passport is better, as well as what old passport different from new. Many people believe that a biometric passport is better than a regular passport, since it is valid for 10 years and contains a digital photograph. The biometric document contains a plastic page with a chip that contains the owner's data. Many people want to know which is easier to obtain a foreign passport - a new passport or an old one?

Registration of a new passport is a little more expensive, and the owner’s questionnaire differs from the questionnaire in the old-style passport (however, there is nothing complicated about filling it out). The validity period of the new passport is 5 years longer than usual, and there are more pages. When applying for a new passport, you do not need to be photographed in advance - you will be photographed on the spot. But even with your old passport, you can travel anywhere on the planet without any problems. So it’s up to you to decide which passport to apply for. It depends on how much money you are willing to spend to get the old one and new passport, and for what period you need this document.