The deepest and most transparent lake. The cleanest bodies of water in the world. The cleanest lakes in Europe

Water, which is of great importance for human life, is the main treasure of our planet. Now ecological problems urban areas are becoming particularly relevant. As technological progress develops, water bodies become polluted, as a result of which the biogeochemical cycle of substances is disrupted, which negatively affects the self-regulation of natural systems.

Picturesque lakes, which are under state protection, always attract a large number of tourists from all over the globe. It must be said that the rating of natural reservoirs with clear water often changes. In our article we will tell you in detail where the cleanest lake in the world is located.

Natural masterpiece of Russia

Pearl of Siberia tectonic origin deservedly enjoys the fame of the main miraculous masterpiece of Russia. Ancient Baikal is considered the leader in the number of records set in various categories among the world's lakes. Hundreds of thousands of tourists and researchers go to the legendary reservoir every year to fully enjoy its amazing beauty.

Until recently, Baikal, the photo of which is amazing, was considered the cleanest lake in the world. In clear water containing a small percentage of suspended matter and impurities, you can see stones at a depth of up to forty meters. This clearness is explained by the activity of living organisms living in the lake, which are a natural filter.

True, not all scientists support this statement. Many people believe that numerous mountain streams rush into the cleanest lake in the world, literally washing away all the pollution.

Legendary lake

It's interesting that in winter time year, the same transparent ice forms on a world-famous natural body of water. That is why tourists strive to get to the amazing riot of colors in summer time year and amazes with its snow-white grandeur. Photos fully convey the unusual atmosphere. mysterious place, about which there are many legends.

Researchers claim that water from high concentration oxygen can be used as distilled. And in former times it was considered healing, and many diseases were treated with the weakly mineralized liquid.

New discovery by scientists

Recently, scientists made a real discovery, telling the whole world that the cleanest lake in the world is located in New Zealand. Swimming in the Blue Lake natural reservoir is strictly prohibited, and only scientists are given permission to dive into the water to conduct research and take unique photographs.

During laboratory tests, it was found that the depth of visibility of the natural miracle on a clear day is about 80 meters, and in any place you can see the smallest details of the bottom in detail. The freshwater Blue Lake in New Zealand, formed over seven thousand years ago, is recognized as being as pure as distilled water. Even after the heaviest rains, the natural creation returns to its pristine purity.

This amazing transparency is explained by the preliminary filtering of water coming from another lake through various rocks, which is completely renewed within a day.

Wilderness in New Zealand

The indigenous people of New Zealand have long revered the world's purest lake and perform mysterious rituals dedicated to spirits on it.

Surrounded by relict forests and high cliffs an untouched corner located in a nature conservation area delights any traveler. The stunning landscapes of the lake, which has recently received the name “God’s Bath,” remain in everyone’s memory for a long time.

Chinese miracle of nature

Chinese national park Jiuzhaigou boasts a huge collection natural resources. flowers - a shallow and mysterious miracle, considered the real pride of the reserve. It is not for nothing that it is called the most beautiful body of water in the world that changes its color.

At the bottom of the quiet landmark, long-fallen trees lie criss-cross, giving the beautiful lake a fairytale-like appearance. The dark trunks are perfectly visible to visitors, because the water in the lake is incredibly clean. When immersed in a never-drying water, you can clearly see what is happening at a distance of 40 meters.

Lake changing shades

Local residents say that the sacred pearl of the reserve, painted in several colors, resembles the fluffy tail of a peacock. The icy water of a beautiful turquoise hue changes its palette from time to time, becoming either piercing yellow, then dark green, or acquiring a rich blue color. The reasons for this unusual phenomenon were minerals contained in large quantities and terrestrial and aquatic plants - hydrophytes.

Matte water surface

The recently discovered one (Canada) is unlikely to take first place in the ranking of the cleanest natural reservoirs due to tiny suspended particles dissolved in the water. However, one cannot fail to mention the amazingly unreal beauty of the attraction. This amazing masterpiece, reminiscent of a wolf's head with protruding ears in its bizarre outlines, is of glacial origin.

The bright blue has never been transparent due to the fine dust that geologists call glacial flour. The mineral-enriched mass gives the lake, located high in the mountains, an amazing color and unusual matte finish.

Human activity causes enormous harm to nature by polluting sources fresh water. Taking care of the environment is the only measure that will allow us to pass on to future descendants the pristine beauty of clear lakes. Nature will respond with gratitude for your care, and our children and grandchildren will enjoy the stunning beauty of marvelous reservoirs.

Lakes- natural reservoirs of water not connected to the World Ocean. Since ancient times, people have settled on their banks and used these reservoirs for household and drinking needs. However, the impact of human activities on lakes is much greater than on rivers.

The water in such reservoirs changes much more slowly, so many lakes, including those classified as natural attractions, are heavily polluted. For this reason, the cleanest lakes in the world are located in inaccessible areas far from human settlements.

Which lake is the cleanest and most transparent in the world?

Several bodies of water located in different parts of the world are competing for the title of “cleanest lake”.

Blue - there is no equal in purity

Until recently, Baikal was considered the cleanest lake on Earth. However, recently he was moved from this unofficial pedestal Blue Lake V .

Its name in the Maori language is Rotomairewhenua, meaning "lake of peaceful land".

In 2011, research conducted by scientists showed that it is Blue Lake that deserves to bear the title of the cleanest lake. According to its transparency of water in Blue Lake comparable to distilled water, and the visibility of the water column is approximately 80 meters.

Blue Lake is fed by the waters of a neighboring lake Constance, in which they undergo a kind of filtration. The water in Blue Lake changes completely within 24 hours. Due to the landslide rocks that make up the bottom of the reservoir, the water in it has different shades:

  • Blue;
  • Emerald;
  • The rarest violet the color that distinguishes the cleanest bodies of water.

The lake is located on the very big island New Zealand - South Island . Swimming and diving in Blue Lake are strictly prohibited not only because of its unique purity, but also because of its sacred status among the local Maori aborigines.

Bowman - crystal transparency

The most transparent Lake Bowman, Montana, is considered the world's lake. A small reservoir with an area of ​​less than 10 km² is located in the reserve Glacier.

The water in this lake is so clear that you can see every pebble at the bottom. The high transparency of Lake Bowman is maintained due to the fact that there is practically there are no tourists, although visiting the lake is not prohibited.

A dirt road leads to the lake, and on its coast there is a campsite where anyone can book a boat ride on the water or fishing.

In addition to its extraordinary appearance, the Lake of Five Flowers carries several more mysteries. For example, water level it never changes, although the neighboring lakes dry up in the summer. In addition, in winter the reservoir never freezes. All these factors influenced the lake to acquire a sacred status among local residents.


Peyto Lake is located in Canadian Rockies, in the province of Alberta, . Alpine lake, located at an altitude of almost 2 km above sea level, is the most popular and famous among the lakes located entirely on Canadian territory.

Peyto gained its enormous popularity for the unusual color of the water in the spring.

When the mountain glaciers that feed the lake begin to melt, glacial flour gives the water pale turquoise color, which is found only in tropical seaside resorts.

Transparent turquoise water against the background of harsh mountains covered with coniferous forest creates several surreal painting. The shape of the lake is also unusual, resembling a wolf's head.

Largest lake system

Great Lakes, located on the border of the United States and Canada, is the largest lake system in the world, rivaled only by Lake Baikal in terms of water reserves. The lakes are of glacial origin and formed about 10 thousand years ago. The Great Lakes include:

  1. Lake Upper(the largest lake in the system);
  2. Huron;
  3. Michigan;
  4. Erie;
  5. Ontario.

Also, the Great Lakes system includes a lake that is small compared to the rest St. Clair, however, it does not directly apply to the Great Lakes. Lake Verkhnee is the largest in area fresh lake in the world, second only to the salty Caspian Sea.

Hundreds of rivers and streams flow into the Great Lakes system, so the water in them has a normal color. A large population living on the coasts of lakes, a vibrant economic and economic activity led to the fact that by the middle of the 20th century the waters of the lakes were heavily polluted.

Measures taken by the US and Canadian authorities have led to the water being significantly purified over the past decades.

Now environmental problems are largely left behind, and the lakes are home to many species of fish, including trout, which can only live in the purest water.

Finally, look at the interesting things video about the cleanest lake in the world:

Among the splendor of Russian nature, it is impossible not to pay attention to the freshwater expanses - lakes.

We present to your attention 7 cleanest lakes of our vast homeland.

Location: south of eastern Siberia, Irkutsk region.

It’s simply impossible not to call this unique body of water the very first on this list. In addition to the fact that this is the deepest (1700 m.), largest lake in area (more than 30 thousand sq. m.), it is also filled with the purest water.

Seeing the bottom at a depth of 20 meters costs nothing at all! Its water has an unusual blue color, and even the ice, when the lake freezes, is almost completely transparent! The purity of water remains a mystery to modern scientists, because any lake is gradually overgrown with silt, but not Baikal!

Some researchers suggest that the reason lies in the location of the reservoir - at the junction of tectonic plates - it is constantly replenished with fresh groundwater due to the movement of these same plates.

Today no one is able to give an exact answer either about the age of the lake or the purity of its waters, however, it is thanks to these inexplicable factors that the lake is inhabited by animals that are not found anywhere else in our vast planet.

Location: Southern Urals, Chelyabinsk region.

The younger brother of Lake Baikal, Turgoyak, is not much inferior to it in terms of water purity. Its area is not so huge, but still impressive - more than 26 square meters. m. The granite massif has become a vessel for the waters of the lake and thanks to this, the liquid seems to be filtered through natural stone and remains incredibly clean.

The bottom of Turgoyak is absolutely flat, and the unusually beautiful landscapes on the shore of the reservoir are noted in a special card index of our country. In addition to the visible charms, this body of water is very connected beautiful legend about a guy named Tur and the beautiful maiden Goyak. Thanks to their love and great care for each other, this unique lake appeared.

Location: Chelyabinsk region, Satkinsky district.

The highest lake in our country (724 m above sea level) gave its name to the national park in which it is located. It is surrounded by five giants: the Zyuratkul, Moskal, Urenga ranges and the Lukash and Nurgush mountains.

Clean water, well enriched with oxygen, provides habitat for many species of fish. The lake area is even recognized as the most ecological area in the region!

Formed thousands of years ago, this lake has now become a reservoir and is of great value for the nature of our homeland. However, it was precisely because of human intervention that the line of the shore of the lake changed and, if earlier in its shape it very much resembled a heart, now the reservoir has lost this feature.

Location: Altai.

The name of the lake comes from the name of the tribe - Telesy, who lived near its waters when the Russians first discovered it. In terms of depth, this is the second lake after Baikal. It is located in a tectonic basin, as if in a cradle. The height of its location is quite impressive - 436 m above sea level.

The steep, steep banks are truly picturesque, and the bays: Kamginsky and Kyginsky; spread out, allowing many fish to spawn.

A distinctive feature of Lake Teletskoye is its capricious climate. On the same day you can witness a dozen weather changes, this happens due to two neighboring winds, they very unexpectedly replace each other.

Location: Leningrad region and the Republic of Karelia.

The reservoir is marked in the history of our vast country as the Road of Life. The lake was the only channel of communication with besieged Leningrad; its very existence saved many lives of our great-grandfathers.

The length of the lake spreads over 219 km, at its deepest point it is 230 m. unique nature attracts a huge number of tourists every year. Lake Ladoga gives life to the Neva River - it is in its waters that it takes its source.

Two of the existing islands are also distinguished by their popularity Lake Ladoga- Valaam and Konevets. On their territory there are one-of-a-kind ancient monasteries.

Location: Leningradskaya, Vologda region and the Republic of Karelia.

Onega, adjacent to the previous one, is located parallel to Ladoga, has a very similar coastal topography - in the north there are many islands and peninsulas, while in the south coastline very even and smooth.

The lake has a remarkably large number of bays. The purity of the water here, although two times lower than in Baikal, is still much higher than many muddy reservoirs.

Among other things, this lake, like its neighbor, was filled with ice thousands of years ago. It still freezes in the cold season.


Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr Peninsula.

This lake is the Ice King of the world, because no other lake on the planet is located to the north of it. For nine months of the year it is covered with ice almost everywhere to the very bottom, but life still glimmers here.

A very unique flora and fauna surrounds this body of water; all living things here have an accelerated life cycle. This is provided by nature for the sake of survival in such harsh conditions. Despite everything, more than 20 species of fish live here, and the opportunity to fish attracts many avid fishermen from all over the world.

The lake itself, although in some places reaches 26 m. Most of its territory is only 4 m depth This lake is also interesting because it is like a huge bay with an area of ​​4.5 thousand square kilometers for the Taimyr River. It flows into it as the Upper one, and flows out as the Lower one. In fact, its waters constitute a reservoir.

Our country is an incredible storehouse of enormous natural treasures; one lifetime is definitely not enough to see them all, and happy will be the one who can see at least the freshwater attractions mentioned here.

Don’t wait for fate’s approval, go towards the crystal lakes of the country, and your life will take on their purity and uniqueness!

Appreciate the greatest riches of our Motherland!

Surely, you thought, dear readers, that we would talk about the well-known Siberian Lake Baikal. But no! The cleanest and most transparent lake is currently located in one of the islands of New Zealand - South Island. The visibility depth of this lake is 76 meters - almost like through distilled water (80 meters).

Once upon a time, both Baikal and Issyk-Kul were just as clean and transparent, but now visibility in them is 42 and 39 meters, respectively.

The cleanest and most transparent lake in the world, located on the South Island of New Zealand

I couldn't find its name anywhere on the Internet. This natural wonder was first photographed by a certain Klaus Thiemann, and he was assisted by the New Zealand Department of Conservation. Of course, the clearest lake is located in a protected area with limited access. Otherwise, it will soon become not the cleanest and most transparent thanks to people who, during their existence, have managed to crap and pollute the nature of our planet so that it is no longer possible to “wash” it (((. Not only diving and swimming are prohibited in this lake, but even No entry allowed It was only through Thiemann's exclusive arrangement with the New Zealand Department of Conservation that the photographer was allowed to make his first dive in the lake.

It is worth noting that this lake is sacred to the local Maori tribes, with whom agreement was also made regarding the photographer’s immersion. Special permission was also obtained for a helicopter to land on the shore of the lake, which delivered specially prepared equipment on a clear sunny day.

Thanks to the reasonable actions of the Department of Conservation, it is still possible to preserve this corner of nature in its pristine purity. It seems that it has now become sacred to all humanity.

Oh, how I wish all the lakes on our entire planet were as clear!

We admire the beautiful photos of the cleanest lake, gentlemen!

As summer approaches, we increasingly dream of taking a dip in cool and clean water. True, not always accessible beaches They delight you with impeccable cleanliness. There are, however, places on Earth where the water is truly transparent and practically untouched by civilization.

In today's top ten we have collected the cleanest bodies of water in the world. Yes, not all of them are suitable for swimming, but enjoying the contemplation of the bottom through a 40-meter thickness of water is a special pleasure.

10. Crater Lake (Oregon, USA)

This crater lake famous for its clear water and deep blue color. The lake was formed more than 7,700 years ago. One of the attractions of the Crater is a huge log that has been floating vertically across the entire surface for more than a hundred years.

9. Bak Bak Beach (Borneo Island)

The water here is so clean that you can see every blade of grass near the algae covering the huge boulders. This beach is unpopular among tourists because entering the water is very inconvenient. It was this circumstance that allowed us to keep the water crystal clear.

8. Lake Mashu (Japan)

The reservoir in Akan National Park is considered one of the cleanest in the world. The lake is located at the foot of the mountain of the same name. The transparency of the water here is amazing – it reaches more than meters. So that tourists can appreciate the local beauty, several observation platforms are equipped above the water.

7. Flooded Red Rock Cave (Australia)

Tourists love to visit this place, spending hours looking at the smallest stones at the bottom. deep lake. The transparency of the water is somewhat reduced by light ripples arising from the nearby waterfall.

6. Peyto Lake (Canada)

The cleanest lake located in national park Banff was formed as a result of the melting of a glacier at an altitude of 1860 meters. One of the highlights of the lake is the tropical turquoise color of the water.

5. Lake Baikal (Russia)

boasts unusually clear water. In some places you can see the bottom located at a depth of over meters. Baikal waters reach particular purity in the spring.

4. Lake of Five Colors (China)

This extraordinary lake is located in Sichuan province. The bottom of the lake is covered with trunks of fallen trees, which can be seen in great detail thanks to the crystal clear water. The lake is fed by underground springs, the warmth of which prevents it from freezing even in severe winters.

3. Jenny Lake (Wyoming, USA)

The reservoir was formed about thousands of years ago during the melting of glaciers. By the way, the lake got its name from an Indian girl who married the British pioneer Richard Lee.

2. Rio Sucuri (Brazil)

This river is so clean and transparent that it creates the illusion that fish swimming in the water are fluttering in the air. Together with its banks covered with lush greenery, the Sukuri River creates a very picturesque landscape that attracts tourists. One of the most popular activities in Sukuri is snorkeling.

1. Lake Königssee (Germany)

This one is one of the cleanest bodies of water in the world formed as a result of melting glaciers. Only vessels with electric motors, rowing boats and pedal catamarans are allowed to travel on the lake. In the very middle of the lake you can hear an unusually pure and clear echo, helped by the surrounding mountains.