Who is called the father of modern surfing. What is surfing the Internet? The history of surfing from thousands of years ago to the present day

- this kind water sports involves riding along a wave on a special board. Despite the fact that this is the most famous and popular type of active water recreation in the world, it is poorly represented in our country due to the lack of suitable places for skiing. However, some sports that originate from surfing, such as kite or windsurfing, are quite popular in our country.

There are several subtypes of surfing, and this is not counting similar sports that use various technical means, which allows you to ride where there are no suitable waves. And types of pure surfing differ, first of all, in the type of board used. We will talk about each of them further in the article, after the history of surfing.

In the meantime, you can navigate to other sections by clicking on one of the links below:

All about surfing - this section of the site presents all the materials we have collected about surfing.

Surf spots – there are not many places in the world that regularly have waves suitable for surfers. We have collected all these places in the corresponding section, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with before going anywhere to catch waves.

Surfer's outfit - all about board types, additional equipment, brands and more.

Surfing History:

Most people believe that the birthplace of surfing is Hawaii. But this is a misconception. Surfing originated in Tahiti, many centuries ago. And Polynesians from Tahiti and other islands in the 4th century AD began to migrate to other territories, including Hawaii. But it is not surprising that people are mistaken about the birthplace of surfing, because it was in Hawaii that it was preserved and then popularized in our time.

Only members of the nobility and the royal family could practice surfing in Hawaii, and even women rode boards. And surfing was considered not just entertainment or active recreation nobility, in terms of the scope of surfing tournaments, they can be compared with the Olympic Games in Greece or knightly tournaments in Europe.

The boards at that time were huge, from 3 to 7 meters, and weighed about 70 kilograms.

In the 19th century, surfing almost completely disappeared from its homeland of Tahiti and remained only in Hawaii. The reason for this was the colonization of the islands by white people, who declared surfing a forbidden activity, as they associated it with pagan rituals. In addition, the population of Hawaii has thinned out very much, so there were not many people who knew the art of surfing.

And all the credit for preserving this national sport of the islanders rests on the shoulders of the Hawaiian Princess Ka'iulani. She trained in England, where she demonstrated her ability to surf the waves of the English aristocracy. It was the end of the 19th century.

Then the main popularizer of surfing, albeit in Australia, was swimmer Duke Kahanamoku.

At the beginning of the 20th century, George Frith, who mastered the technique of lying down on a board, tried to ride the waves while standing. And he succeeded. He organized a surfing show, and his boards, used for standing surfing, were much shorter than the original Hawaiian ones.

And after these events, surfing in America is gaining popularity. In just 15 years, the new exotic sport gathered a lot of fans, many clubs and surfing schools were organized along the entire coast.

In 1930, a patent was received and the first commercial production of boards was established. After 7 years, fairly lightweight basalt boards appeared, and after World War II, plastics and composite materials began to be used.

By the middle of the 20th century, surfing ceased to be exotic; many young Americans became interested in it, and it was in the 50-60s that the era of wave riding on boards flourished. At the same time, surfing gained popularity in Europe. The modern era of surfing can be considered to have begun.

Today, several main types of board skating have become firmly established, and new sports have emerged that are in one way or another connected with sliding on a board on the surface of the water. Well, classic surfing is still the most popular water view extreme sports.

Types of surfing:

Nowadays surfing includes several subspecies, the main difference between which is the surfboard.

The main type of surfing remains standing on a board with fins, when the surfer independently catches a wave and glides along it. For this, boards of various lengths are used, from one and a half to three meters.

In addition, there are special boards with leg mounts that allow you to fly high into the air using the wave as a springboard, similar to a skate ramp.

Classic Hawaiian surfing also remains, when the athlete does not stand, but lies on the board. Only now they use not huge wooden boards, but fins and small soft surfboards.

Bodysurfing stands somewhat aside, when an athlete glides along the wave without any board, using only his body, fins and a glove, which allows him to lean on the water and raise his head.

Wakeboarding is also one of the main types of surfing. This sport is popular where there are no waves. A special boat passing by creates waves on the water up to 1 meter high, which is quite suitable for riding.

There are many sports that are further development surfing, for example windsurfing (riding a board with sails), kiting (the athlete moves by kite) and etc. But these are separate and completely independent sports, which you can read about in the appropriate sections.

Surfing spots:

Unfortunately, not many places on our planet are suitable for pure surfing and it is impossible to find a point on the globe where the waves would be all year round. Therefore, you need to carefully choose a place for skiing, taking into account the time of year and the likelihood of waves. You can read about all this in the corresponding section on our website or in the article, but traditionally good places For skating, surfing in Tahiti, the birthplace of this sport, and surfing in Bali are considered. Special pools for surfers with wave generators are also being created.

What is surfing the net? We will need to answer this question further. Every user today encounters this concept. But not everyone knows what we are talking about. Below you will find information about surfing the Internet. What is he? What is it used for? What does it offer?


What is surfing on the World Wide Web? The answer to this question is extremely simple.

Internet surfing is the process of viewing pages on web resources. Does a person log into a social network? This is surfing. Reads articles? The same! Just looking for information on the Internet and going to certain addresses? All this is called surfing.

However, there is another fairly common concept. What is surfing the net? This is how they describe the simplest way to make money on the Internet, based on viewing various types of pages. We will get to know him in more detail.

Types of surfing

Surfing the Internet, as we have already found out, is a means of making money. The user is paid for viewing or going to a specific web resource. Everything is very simple. Even a schoolchild can cope with this method of earning money.

Surfing the Internet can be different. Today the following varieties are known:

  • manual;
  • auto;
  • reading letters;
  • tasks.

What does each method mean? And how to start making money by browsing pages on the Internet? What resources are best suited to bring your idea to life?

Hand surfing

What is manual surfing? This is the most common method of making money on the Internet.

It is based on manually visiting and reviewing suggested sites. That is, the user himself follows the link and explores the web resource. There is nothing unclear or difficult about this.

Usually, more links are offered to make money from manual surfing. In other words, this option allows for a lot of page navigation. This means your earnings will also increase.

At the end of the transition, as a rule, you need to answer a simple question or enter a picture from a captcha. This technique is used to confirm the operation.

Automatic review

Automatic site surfing is the second method of making money by studying web resources. He is also in demand, but get it this way a large number of no money will be available.

The thing is that automatic surfing involves the independent operation of a browser or a specialized program using the links provided. The user may not even look at them.

A similar technique is used to boost traffic. And that's why they pay for it. But for automatic surfing, as a rule, significantly fewer links are offered than for manually visiting sites.


What is surfing? This issue will not cause any more trouble. Everyone can answer it.

The next type of earnings from surfing is performing so-called paid tasks. Usually it all comes down to making a few page transitions, as well as spending a certain amount of time on the site. Less often - registration, leaving comments and other activities.

You can earn good money on tasks, but they are performed entirely manually. In this case, there is no auto-execution and there cannot be.


The last way to make money surfing is by reading paid newsletters. Or, as they are also called, letters.

The user is offered letters that need to be viewed. For this, users are rewarded cash. It's small, but it's income. It does not require any skills or knowledge.

Where to begin

Website surfing - what is it? This is the name for any browsing of web resources on the Internet. Most often - for money.

Where to start a career as an Internet surfer? To do this, you will need to choose a good surfing exchange. There are a lot of similar resources. And some of them are scammers.

In addition, the user needs to create an electronic wallet to withdraw money from exchanges. The most commonly used payment systems are PayPal, Webmoney, Qiwi, and Yandex.Money.

It would be enough. In reality, the work being studied is not that difficult. It does not require any special skills from users. And therefore even a schoolboy can cope with it.


You can find surfing programs on the Internet. More precisely, applications that allow you to browse websites for money.

The bulk of this software distributed by specific Internet surfing exchanges and used to automatically view pages. The software is usually absolutely safe.

Some exchanges offer the installation of special browser extensions. This is also a completely normal phenomenon, because progress does not stand still. Previously, separate programs were used to automatically view sites, but now utilities have been added to them. The main thing is to download applications only from official sites or from trusted sources.

How much can you get

Surfing sites - earning money without investment. Only free exchanges really allow you to earn income from the operations you are studying. And that's not always the case. Every user should remember this.

Many people are interested in how much they can earn by surfing the Internet. There is no exact answer to this question. We can say with confidence that you can’t get big money this way.

In order to surf, the main thing you need is a wave, a board and the desire to get a lot of amazing emotions. Surfers take their board, go with it into the rough waters of the sea or ocean, swim on the board towards the wave, stand on this board and, so to speak, first catch and then ride the wave. All this looks quite spectacular, even fascinating.

History of surfing

It is not possible to name the exact date of the appearance of this sport today. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that surfing originated in Hawaii. This activity was part of the culture of the Hawaiians and was a tradition of the local population, until the “white man” came to the islands - he captured the minds of the inhabitants of the islands, forced them to live according to the tenets of Christianity, and surfing began to be considered a sin worthy of censure and persecution.

However, no prohibitions there could eradicate the urge to ride the wave in people’s souls. Even though the development of surfing has stopped, this does not mean that boarding has completely disappeared. Surfing continued to travel through time until it reached the present day. By the way, it was surfing that became the progenitor of such activities as skateboarding, windsurfing, snowboarding, and kitesurfing.

Today, it is a sport, a kind of art of riding waves. However, the essence of surfing has not changed throughout its history of development. The skating process itself is not at all difficult, as it seems from the outside. Of course, it’s unlikely that everything will turn out perfect the first time, but with a little practice, you can start taking small waves.

Due to the fact that surfing is a sport that requires certain water conditions, it is not developed everywhere. For example, how to surf in continental countries? No way. Because of this, not everyone understands what kind of sport it is and what it takes to practice it?

By the way, about surfing equipment. To surf you will need a board, wax, a leash and in some cases a wetsuit. A little more about everything:


Modern boards are divided into longboards (more than 2.5 meters) and shortboards (from 1.5 to 2.2 meters). There are also types of boards such as fanboards, gunboards, and towboards. Each of these surfboards has individual characteristics. Some boards are easier for beginners to ride, others allow you to make cool maneuvers, others allow you to ride a huge wave, etc. Generally, surfboards are made from foam, molded with shapers and plexiglass. I would like to note that it is only from the outside that it seems like the surf is made of steel. In fact, the board has a rather fragile structure and often breaks.


A leash is a plastic cord tied to the tail of the surfboard, as well as to the athlete’s leg. This plastic cable prevents the surfer from losing the board when he falls off it. The length of the leash should not be shorter than the length of the board itself.


Wax is necessary for rubbing hands and feet. For what? It's simple - so as not to slide off the board. Each water temperature has its own type of wax, so you need to know in which waters you will ride the wave.


A wetsuit is used in cases where the water is very cold or you simply don’t want to get wet. The main functions of a wetsuit are to warm the athlete and prevent his body from getting wet.

For many, surfing is something exotic, for others it is an everyday activity. Some people see board skating as a real sport, but others don’t understand it. However, this doesn’t matter, surfing was, is and will always be as long as the wave exists.

Many people dreamed before going to bed in childhood, didn’t they? Some wanted to become an astronaut, a firefighter, a policeman. But I had slightly different dreams. I wanted to become a surfer. Always be on the crest of the wave, look like a model from a magazine. But I never thought about how it came about and what the word “surfing” means.

Surfing is a sport

Surfing is, first and foremost, a sport. Well, to be more precise, surfing is a sport that consists of sliding on the boardon the waves. Surfing originated quite a long time ago in Polynesia. The first to practice this sport were Hawaiians, who also practice it to this day. For them it was and is part of a special ritual.

The very first boards made by the Hawaiians were heavy and weighed 70 kg.

Total distinguish several types surfing:

A little more information about surfing

There are two versions of how the rest of the world learned about surfing: according to the first version, in 1767 when the ship is under command Samuel Wallis arrived in Tahiti. Another version says that it is the botanist Joseph Banks opened surfing to the rest of the world, arriving in Tahiti in 1796.

Even Mark Twain, visited Hawaii V 1866, wrote that he met a group of aborigines who were having fun with the national pastime, swimming in the surf.

The founder modern look surfing is George Fit, who often liked to call himself that.

For many people, surfing has become not just a sport, but a part of life. If there was no surfing, modern hippies would not have appeared.

Many found their way thanks to the board and the waves. I always wanted to learn how to surf, but unfortunately... Russiathere is no such possibility. But if you also want to become a surfer, or you have another dream, then do not despair and achieve your goal, no matter what. I can only wish you good luck. And I hope that in the near future I will also be able to fulfill my dream.

Surfing: where did it all begin?

Today, several versions of the origin of surfing are known. According to one of them, the first in the world started Fishermen from Polynesia glide through the waves. They came up with the idea of ​​getting to the shore with the catch “riding a wave.” This method significantly reduced transportation time. Gradually, the Polynesians got a taste for it and began to catch waves not only for business, but also for pleasure. In their free time from fishing, they surfed in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean.

At the same time, surfing began to emerge in Hawaii. Only in these places, conquering the waves was considered a privileged activity, to which only royalty were allowed. Any attempts by mere mortals to “get on the board” were punishable by cruel execution. Representatives of the royal blood were seriously interested in surfing: historians say that all the time they had free from management they glided in the vastness of the inaccessible ocean. If the water element did not please good waves, representatives of the “blue blood” resorted to the help of priests. With ritual dances and special prayers, they tried to earn the mercy of the ocean. How effective these methods of causing waves were is unknown to historians.

Periodically, the royal nobility organized large competitions where honor, valor and enormous wealth were at stake. So, 4 years in a row from 1895 to 1899. The Hawaiian princess Ka'iulani was considered the best and undisputed wave conqueror. She glided surprisingly deftly through the waves on her favorite long board made of wood called wili-wili. Hawaiian Princess Ka'iulani is considered the latest representative of Waikiki's oldest surf school.

With the arrival of European missionaries on the island, local Hawaiian culture began to disappear. Sliding on the waves became a forbidden activity and was a sign of lax morals. Due to the imposition of Western religion, surfing has lost its former nobility and prestige. This sport was practically forgotten.

At the beginning of the 20th century, surfing experienced a real revival. Traveler Alexander Unford resurrected the sport, calling it Waikiki, in an effort to attract more tourists. At the same time, many enthusiasts began to get involved and support the resurgent surfing. One of these activists was two-time Olympic champion swimmer Duke Kahanamoku. He helped revive and spread Hawaiian culture. Duke Kahanamoku pioneered the art of wave surfing for Australians. He was an active participant in various competitions and shows. It was thanks to the efforts of Duke Kahanamoku that surfing became an international sport.

Another famous surfer enthusiast of that time was George Frith. He was a true innovator in surfing. George was the first to ride a board standing up, whereas previously it was customary to lie down on it. He demonstrated this amazing know-how when he was only 16 years old. As the story goes, Frith received his first board as a gift from his uncle, the Hawaiian prince. By the way, the boards are the subject of another of George’s innovations. For the first time he began to experiment with their length and shortened 16-pound boards by half.

Now surfing was gaining popularity. European and Hawaiian enthusiasts created entire clubs of wave conquerors. The ancient art of making boards began to be revived. The craftsmen tried new materials and looked for new forms. Thanks to surf master Tom Blake, the boards have become significantly lighter: their weight has decreased from 68 kg to 27 kg. He then began creating other boards that were shaped like a cigarette and were hollow inside. But this type of surfing did not catch on. Even though Blake himself won the first Pacific Coast Surfboard Championship with his hollow boards, solid boards were much more popular.

Nevertheless, “Blake's cigars” set new records together with their inventor. Conservatives tried to ensure that only surfers with solid boards were allowed to compete. Rivalry different types boards ended in friendship - all restrictions on the type of surfboards allowed in competitions were lifted, and Blake received the first-ever patent for his hollow “cigar”.

Further experiments with boards continued. The imagination of innovators played out in full force. Materials have become even more unusual, shapes have become more non-standard, and sizes have become more bizarre. Blake showed the world another innovation. He equipped the board with a small fin, which he attached to the bottom at the very end of the board. This innovation gave more stability when cornering. Before this, you had to turn by dipping your foot into the water in front of the board.

The outbreak of World War II meant that the development of surfing was temporarily suspended. It was no longer possible to go “swimming” in Hawaii. Air defense facilities were located along the entire coast behind a barbed wire fence. Only a small number of avid surf masters continued to improve their boards even during difficult war times.

However, the war played a role in the development of this sport. During these years, new chemical technologies were actively developed, and materials such as foam plastic and fiberglass appeared. After the end of the war, the owner of one of the plastics companies in America gave some materials to a certain Pete Paterson. This is how the first fiberglass board appeared.

Then the production of surfboards was put on stream, making this sport available to many young people. Specialty stores began to open for the first time. Hobby Alter and Jack O'Neill were among the first to sell surfing products. The last of the entrepreneurs was also the first to develop a modern wetsuit.

The mid-20th century marked the beginning of the modern development of surfing. He especially flourished on South coast California. At that time, the most famous representatives of this exciting sport were Greg Noll and Dick Cross. They spent most of their time in the ocean, thanks to which they achieved great skill.

Oahu surfer George Downing became the founder of very big wave riding. Especially for these purposes, he created a board for conquering giant waves. Other surfers also joined in. But not everyone is so fond of the huge splashes of the ocean. Hawaiian Rabit Kekai found special joy in surfing small waves. This inspired him to create a special board - “hot dog surfing”. The new surfing turned out to be, although less spectacular, but certainly no less exciting and exciting.