Changes in legislation in the field of migration. Migration policy of Russia and migration legislation of the Russian Federation

Getting a complex document from a lawyer is very expensive. Because the absence of errors is sometimes decisive. In fact, the statement is a description of the identity of the signatory. The judge forms a judgment about the applicant who has stated his views by examining the document and its meaning. In cases where the result depends on the mental state, this is fundamentally significant.

  • employment patent;
  • work permit;
  • resident card;
  • residence permit.
  • Each foreign applicant must have a valid medical insurance policy.

    Information about this is specified in the employment agreement. If the employer takes out insurance independently or has a contractual legal relationship with a medical organization to provide medical services to foreign specialists, then the candidate for the vacancy does not need to purchase a policy;

  • Changes in Migration Legislation in 2015

    In January 2015, changes to migration legislation come into force. New laws are added and old ones are edited.

    The new amendments will affect both employers and citizens of foreign countries who want to stay and work in the territory Russian Federation. The employment procedure and conditions for citizens will be changed.

    So, what awaits foreigners in 2015?

  • Mandatory exams on the legislation of the Russian Federation, history and the Russian language are being introduced for everyone who wants to find a job in Russia.
  • Without foreign passport entry into Russian territory will now be prohibited.
  • The period for obtaining a labor patent is extended to 90 days, and a mandatory condition is introduced to submit documents for a patent no later than 30 days from the date of entry into the country. If these conditions are violated, the citizen will be expelled from Russia and will be able to return no earlier than after 90 days.
  • The work permit is cancelled. All labor patents will be divided into two categories: employment with a legal entity or employment with individual. Foreigners working for a legal entity will be required to pay a new work tax.
  • A citizen of a foreign country working behind the wheel vehicle, will have to obtain a Russian driver's license by June 1.
  • It is worth noting that a number of innovations have already come into effect:

  • Already now everyone is obliged to indicate the real purpose of their visit to the country. The migration card must contain the purpose of entry “work”, if the citizen came to work in the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • A visa-free visit to Russia allows you to stay in the country for up to 90 days in each period of 180 days. This rule is called “90 out of 180”.
  • Innovations in migration legislation affecting employers:

  • All costs associated with passing exams for foreign citizens are borne by the employer. The estimated amount per person will be 6,000 rubles.
  • Due to the cancellation of work permits and changes to the labor patent scheme, the taxation of each foreign employee will be comparable to a Russian citizen - 13% personal income tax. The employer will continue to pay insurance premiums for its employees.
  • It is quite expected that as 2015 begins, many foreigners working in Russia and their employers will face new problems and inconveniences from all these changes. The costs for each employee increase significantly, and new time constraints appear that will need to be adjusted to. A mistake made when preparing documents, or an incorrect interpretation of the amendments can lead to the loss of an employee, and for foreign citizens to deprivation of earnings.

    Lawyers of the Privox Group company recommend taking care of the future now and starting to prepare the documents:

    We provide comprehensive assistance in obtaining work permits for foreign citizens. We provide services for obtaining permission to engage foreign forces for employers.

    By contacting us you will be freed from huge queues at the Federal Migration Service.

    New migration law 2015

    Section: Activities of the FMS |

    In January 2015, a new migration law came into force. Its norms have somewhat tightened the requirements for foreigners who cross the border of the Russian Federation for the purpose of earning money. Ordinary tourists or persons who come to visit relatives will not feel any discomfort from the new legislation.

    New migration law of 2015: legality of stay in the Russian Federation

    For citizens of Ukraine, according to the new standards, the period of stay without permits has been reduced. Now Ukrainians can live in Russia for no more than 3 months within six months. Violators of this norm will face a fine (3-7 thousand rubles) or deportation and an entry ban (3-10 years).

    Documents that will allow you to legally stay on the territory of the Russian Federation are:

  • employment patent;
  • work permit;
  • resident card;
  • residence permit.
  • In addition, persons staying in the Russian Federation for treatment may have their sentences extended. To do this, you must provide supporting documents to the migration service.

    New migration law 2015: combating illegal employment

    The State Duma of the Russian Federation has decisively taken up the legalization of foreign workers. For this purpose, the legislative body approved the following provisions:

  • All foreign workers must obtain an identification number and Russian taxpayer status. It is assigned to each person who applies for a patent or work permit. When re-issuing permits, a TIN is not assigned;
  • Each foreign applicant must have a valid medical insurance policy. Information about this is specified in the employment agreement. If the employer takes out insurance independently or has a contractual legal relationship with a medical organization to provide medical services to foreign specialists, then the candidate for the vacancy does not need to purchase a policy;
  • foreign students of full-time study can now officially work, but only in the territory of the region where their university is located;
  • hired drivers must have only Russian licenses.
  • New migration law of 2015: violation and punishment

    Since the beginning of the year, stricter rules regarding places of registration of migrants have come into force in Russia. Now, a fictitious “registration” will result in a significant fine (100,000 rubles – 500,000 rubles) or imprisonment. It is noteworthy that not only foreigners, but also home owners will be punished. Punishment also awaits those who do not live according to the specified registration, as well as the owners of the apartment where the migrant actually lives.

    Besides, migration legislation 2015 provides for the possibility of deportation of a person who has committed two or more administrative offenses, regardless of the severity. The reason could even be a repeated traffic violation.

    Migration news

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    03/12/2015 Citizenship for Ukrainians in a simplified manner?

    The FMS has prepared a number of amendments that are planned to be introduced to Federal Law No. 62 on Russian citizenship. However, the amendments do not apply to all foreign citizens wishing to obtain Russian citizenship.

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    The Leningrad Region Prosecutor's Office issued a resolution requiring the employer to pay a fine in the amount of 4,800,000 rubles. for illegally recruiting foreigners to work.

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    As you know, when filing an application for a patent, it is also necessary to attach a report on the medical examination passed.

    A truly spring holiday is approaching - International Women's Day.

    03/05/2015 Amendments to the work permit

    As is known, a work permit, in addition to the territory of its validity, also indicates the profession of the foreigner and the organization in which he works.

    The spring holiday International Women's Day is approaching! And we want to please the entire female half and give you a gift.

    03/03/2015 Why does a foreign citizen need SNILS?

    All foreign citizens temporarily staying in Russia and working under an employment contract are subject to pension insurance.

    02.03.2015 Medical insurance for foreigners: what do you need to know?

    A medical policy is one of the documents confirming the right to stay in the Russian Federation.

    02/27/2015 Testing in Russian language, history and law: what do you need to know?

    As is known, from January 1, 2015, when applying for a patent, you must pass a test in Russian language, history and law and receive a certificate.

    For citizens of Armenia, Belarus and Kazakhstan on the territory of the Russian Federation there are special conditions stay.

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    What you need to know before applying for a temporary residence permit.

    02/24/2015 Ignorance of the law does not exempt you from responsibility!

    In accordance with Art. 13.3 clause 2, a foreign citizen has only 30 days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation to apply to the FMS to obtain a labor patent.

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    In connection with the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    As is known, foreign citizen who works under a patent for a legal entity must enter into an employment contract, and if for an individual, then a contract for the provision of services.

    02/13/2015 Who must indicate the purpose of entry into the Russian Federation as “work”?

    Foreign citizens arriving in Russia in order to...

    02/11/2015 Are citizens of Ukraine required to apply for a patent?

    We previously wrote that the Russian Federal Migration Service is extending temporary registration for all citizens of Ukraine. However, the extension of migration registration does not mean that you can work on the territory of the Russian Federation without permits.

    02/09/2015 What taxes is the employer required to pay for a foreign employee?

    The tax rate that the employer must pay to the state directly depends on whether the foreign citizen is a resident of the Russian Federation or a non-resident.

    Migration processes are an integral part of world politics. People have long sought to create the most comfortable living and working conditions for themselves. Often, in their homeland, citizens fail to realize their potential, so they decide to move abroad, where they have a much greater chance of providing themselves with a decent life and a secure future for their children. Some countries welcome the influx of foreigners, others are against attracting migrants. In order to resolve this issue and organize a well-functioning system of entry and exit from the country, each power adopts its own migration legislation.

    Migration policy state is a set of measures, individual for each country. In Russia, the migration industry has been developing for a long time and is now at the stage of improvement and modernization. During the Soviet era, residents of the country were constantly subject to infringement of their own rights and opportunities. Only after the collapse of the Union were Russians able to legally leave the country without fear of reprisals and the consequences of their actions. Along with the intensive outflow of Russians to the Russian Federation, an active influx of foreigners from countries that were former Soviet republics began. In order to optimize the flow of people leaving and entering, a modern migration policy in Russia was formed.

    The official date when Russian migration law was formed is the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition to this document, the authorities have adopted a number of laws, decrees, regulations and international agreements that establish the rules and procedure for the movement of migrants in the country. Today, state migration policy in the Russian Federation is based on freedom of movement and the right to choose a place of residence. Control in this area is exercised by the Federal Migration Service. It is this structure that must be notified about leaving and entering the country, changing place of residence and registration. It is best to learn from an experienced lawyer how to cooperate with the Federal Migration Service in order not to violate the current migration law. On our website, experts provide online consultations, finding an individual approach to each applicant.

    Main types of migration in Russia

    To understand what the state migration policy of the Russian Federation is based on, it is necessary to understand what types of migration exist, how they differ and how they influence the development of the country’s socio-economic and demographic sectors. can be classified according to:
    • Duration. People can enter and leave the country, either permanently or temporarily, with the aim of returning to their homeland.
    • Reasons for moving. A number of reasons can force people to change their place of residence, among which the most common are economic (unemployment, inflation), political, military, family, etc.
    • Directions. Migration can be external, when people leave their homeland, as well as internal. In the second option, people change their place of residence, but do not go abroad.
    • Organizations. According to the circumstances under which migration occurs, it can be divided into forced, mass and individual.

    Migration law in the Russian Federation recognizes each of the above options. Labor migration deserves special attention. It can refer to any type, but differs in the purpose of the move. Migration of labor resources is always carried out with the aim of finding work and employment, obtaining high wages. In Russia, according to current migration laws, foreigners can find work if they have a work permit or patent. An exception to the rules are citizens of countries that are members of the Customs Union. They do not need to have any permits to work in Russia.

    State policy of the Russian Federation in the field of migration law

    In 2012, the President of Russia approved the Concept, which regulates and forecasts, sets tasks and goals, and explains the conditions and stages according to which Russia’s migration policy will develop. The plan has been developed until 2025, the main steps towards the implementation of the concept are the development of regulations and the creation of the necessary infrastructure (in the period from 2012 to 2015), the implementation and monitoring of the measures taken (for which time is allocated from 2017 to 2020), as well as assessment of the effectiveness of the measures taken (from 2020 to 2025). The concept was developed based on many years of experience work of the Federal Migration Service and how state migration policy has been implemented over the past 20 years, as well as taking into account international practice and other strategic planning documents. According to the document, the main goals that should be implemented by 2025 are:
    • solving demographic problems of the Russian Federation and organizing uniform resettlement of citizens;
    • improvement of Russia's economic indicators and the influx of highly qualified personnel;
    • guarantee of national security for local residents and foreign migrants;
    • reducing cases of discrimination between the indigenous population and migrants;
    • achieving balance in the labor market in Russia.

    On the website of the Federal Migration Service, anyone can access the full version of the Concept for the Development of the Migration Sphere until 2025. To save your own time, you can ask our online expert to explain to you the basics and directions of the document, as well as the rules for its implementation.

    Today, migration law in Russia does not fully meet its objectives. Current rules attract temporary migrants, limiting the possibility of their full integration and resettlement in the Russian Federation for permanent residence. The concept is aimed at improving these laws and maximizing the adaptation of foreigners in Russia. The point of the program until 2025, which is aimed at attracting professionals and experienced personnel from abroad, as well as students and young professionals, deserves special attention. It is planned that by the end of the project the population of the Russian Federation will be about 146 million people.

    Voluntary resettlement program in the Russian Federation

    Migration policy is a set of laws and actions aimed at resolving the situation in the country, organizing the legal movement of Russians and foreigners within the state, as well as outside its borders. One of the effective directions for implementing policy in this area is the state program for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots. The project was adopted in 2006 and was designed until 2012. Over the course of six years, the program surprised people with its effectiveness and popularity, so in 2013 the Russian authorities decided to make the project indefinite.

    Today, anyone who meets certain criteria can come to Russia for permanent residence for favorable conditions. A compatriot is a person who was born in the Russian Federation or the USSR, and also has Russian relatives or ancestors. If the applicant is a member of one of the presented groups, and also knows the Russian language, respects the laws of the Russian Federation and has a positive reputation, he will be accepted in Russia and will be provided with a number of benefits and privileges.

    To become a participant in the program, the applicant must contact the Federal Migration Service or the Russian diplomatic mission abroad and submit identification documents confirming the existence of grounds for participation. Within two to three weeks, the organization’s employees will check all the data and information, after which they will provide the applicant with a certificate. It is this document that will give you the right to claim all benefits and bonuses. It is worth noting that the state provides significant financial support to resettled compatriots, benefits, allowances, etc. Privileges will only be given if the person moves to a priority region. The list of subjects of the Russian Federation available for resettlement is quite large, but does not include overpopulated regions such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    Main problems

    Migration law of the Russian Federation is constantly being improved, because today in this area the authorities of the Russian Federation are faced with various problems and troubles. One common challenge is internal migration. Residents of the Far Eastern and northern regions are moving to more developed cities with high economic level and broad prospects. In addition, residents of rural areas do not see the advantages of life in the countryside and flock to the cities. The level of urbanization today exceeds all acceptable levels. New laws and rules, a developed concept and compatriots are designed to resolve the problem that has arisen and optimize internal settlement indicators.

    The second global problem in the Russian migration sphere is illegal migrants. There are illegal immigrants in every country, and everywhere the authorities are trying to eradicate this phenomenon. People from abroad cross the border illegally or enter legally, but decide not to formalize their further status in the country. These individuals create competition in the labor market because they are ready to work for the minimum wage. Local residents with high qualifications remain on the street because of these practically free workers. Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes, but enjoy all social benefits. Which negatively affects the economic situation in the country.

    In order to reduce the number of illegal migrants, they will face large administrative penalties for violating migration laws. According to the administrative code of the Russian Federation, the amount of the fine for violating the migration order varies depending on the nature, extent and duration of the illegal actions. The amount of sanctions is usually about 2000-5000 rubles. If the violation is committed repeatedly, the amount is doubled. In case of serious violations or systematic neglect Russian laws the foreigner faces eviction, deportation or expulsion, which is accompanied by restrictions on entry. Such persons will be prohibited from entering Russia for three, five or ten years.