Airbus 320 flight control system interface article. "Airbus A320": description, interior layout, best seats, photos. Airplanes at S7 Airlines

Aeroflot operates 63 Airbus A320-200 aircraft. This is the most numerous model from Aeroflot. The aircraft were received from the manufacturer and were not operated by other airlines. The first aircraft was delivered to the company in October 2003. The youngest aircraft in this series flew in November 2013. We can assume that the A320 airliners have just been run-in.

The planes come in two configurations. The first, which is also the most common, can carry 140 passengers. Of these, 20 seats are allocated for business class, the remaining 120 seats are in economy class. The second configuration has 158 seats, of which 8 are business class and 150 are economy class.

Airplane diagrams were taken from the company's official website: link. In this review we will analyze the model with 140 seats.

Location of the best seats on the Airbus A320

Row 1-5. Business class aircraft. These are the best and most comfortable seats on the plane, of which there are only 20. The seats are arranged in pairs, two pairs in each row. At the same time, the first row is considered the most comfortable, since there is no other row of seats in front of it, which means there is a lot of legroom. However, the distance between the rows in business class is already large (more than 100 cm), so we won’t consider this a big advantage. But the fact that no one will recline the chair for you is a completely different matter.

Row 6. The first row of economy class on the Airbus A320, which is separated from business by a partition. Some of the most comfortable seats in this class. There are reasons for this:

  1. No row in front means there is extra legroom.
  2. There is no row in front, which means no one will recline the chair for you.
  3. If you are flying with a small child, then this is the only row for you, as there are mounts for a cradle here.
  4. There is no unnecessary fuss and walking here, since the toilets and kitchen are far behind.

However, there are also disadvantages. These seats are often booked by passengers with children, which creates additional noise. The second point is that places fill up quickly, so you need to book in advance. Finally, the third point - the whole way there will be a partition in front of your eyes. Although the view from the window here is good.

Row 8. Marked in brown in the diagram. Not best places for the flight. The emergency exit is located just behind the row, so the seats here are limited in reclining. Staying in one position can greatly spoil the flight experience.

Row 9. Just like in row 8, the seats are limited in reclining. However, the distance to the row in front is quite large, so there is additional legroom (more than in standard rows).

Row 10. On the Aeroflot diagram they are designated as seats of increased comfort. Indeed, these are the best seats in the Airbus A320 economy class. There is a lot of legroom (there is an emergency exit from the row in front), and no one will be disturbed by a reclined seat. Good view from the porthole. Such places must be reserved in advance.

Row 15. View from the window onto the wing of the plane, so if it’s important for you to contemplate the beauty of the flight, it’s better to choose another seat.

Row 24. Disadvantages of places in the tail of this aircraft the fact that there are toilets here - the only ones in economy class. It turns out that if the plane is full, passengers pass by the last rows endlessly throughout the flight. Queues, jostling, fuss will not bring joy to even the most patient person.

Row 25. The worst places in this layout. Behind the row are only the toilets, which the entire plane uses. Places C and D are even worse, since they are the outermost ones towards the aisle. The biggest movement on board will be in this place. Adding to the negativity is the fact that the seat backs are limited in reclining due to the partition from the toilet.

Many people love to travel, preferring to choose for themselves and loved ones best airlines. But still, some passengers find it difficult to endure the flight. Because of this, it is extremely important to choose the right seats in the cabin. Let's look at the design nuances of one of the popular models among most airlines - the Airbus A320.

This airliner is capable of transporting passengers over the longest distances – up to 6,150 kilometers. Initially, two series of Airbus A320 were designed: 100–200 Sharklets. Both series are almost identical. But today there is only one model in operation, the one listed first. The builders refused to move forward with the second design option. Today, most people prefer to fly on board this series. Aeroflot Group offers 68 such aircraft for passengers.

The first airliner was created in 1987 and very quickly gained popularity among passengers. The plane can accommodate up to 200 people. Rossiya Airlines, part of the Aeroflot group, has several aircraft with a capacity of 168 seats.Initially, this aircraft included a sufficient number positive aspects: convenient luggage placement thanks to large shelves, spacious hatches for loading luggage and a fairly spacious interior.

At the beginning of the 21st century, developers improved the model and added some useful functions for passengers. The luggage racks have become larger, the brightness of the lighting has increased - today each passenger independently controls the level of light in the cabin - and the interior has changed. The computer network system was also completely updated, and the monitors in the cabin were replaced with LCD displays. Nowadays, this airliner is very popular among passengers due to the comfortable conditions and minimum cost flight.

This aircraft is one of the most comfortable Airbus aircraft. Manufacturers have taken good care of the convenience of flight, quality of service and savings on tickets. But in order to choose the most comfortable seats for a comfortable flight, you should know the location of the seats on the plane. We will look at a model that belongs to Aeroflot in order to evaluate the positive aspects and identify the shortcomings of the interior of this airliner.


The arrangement of seats in the cabin is available in several options. But each is as comfortable as possible for passengers. There are rows of seats on both sides. Moreover, these aircraft models have cabins for two comfort classes. There are such variations for each of the rows:

  • four seats;
  • five chairs;
  • six places.

Traditionally, business class seats are located at the head of the aircraft and have a 2+2 configuration. Airbus was no exception. In the design that we will consider, under the seats the first five rows were allocated with an increased level of designer comfort. Distance between seats t It's quite small, but such an opening is enough to move around calmly without disturbing your neighbor.

People purchasing tickets for the first line take into account several special nuances of this row. The developers took care of the children and attached a cradle holder to the partition. In addition, it is impossible that the backrest will recline on the traveler - after all, in front of the seats in the first line there is a pilot cabin partition. However, there are no foot steps.

The seats in the last row of business class are not the best choice for people who want to work or just sit in silence during a flight. The proximity of a noisy common room will not meet such expectations.

Now let's move on to the places. In the model under consideration, these are seats that are located from the sixth to twenty-fifth rows. This will require a detailed analysis, because some seats here are equipped with mobile armrests, which slightly reduce the free space for the passenger to sit. In addition, there are also improved seats - space seats. However, to travel in such a seat, the passenger undertakes to meet the requirements stated by the airline. And for these seats they usually ask for an additional payment.

Economy class cabin details

Let's move on to studying the general interior of the aircraft. The sixth line seats are behind a partition that separates both classes. Such chairs have positive and negative sides. We list these nuances as follows:

  1. Restrictions on seat folding. There is no way to fully recline the seat back for a comfortable rest. This inconvenience is due to the very small distance between the rows.
  2. Food selection. Food and drinks begin to be served from this row of places.
  3. Small space in front of the seat. There is enough room for a comfortable knee position, but you will not be able to fully extend your legs.
  4. Probability of being close to children. Holders for bassinets are attached to the partition, so it is possible that there may be passengers with babies in adjacent seats.
  5. Limited View. Not every person will like to look at the wall or ceiling all the time. It is advisable to choose these seats for people who plan to sleep or work during the flight.

In the seventh row of such models, seats 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E are equipped with mobile armrests. Accordingly, it is better for people with a heavy build to think about such a choice - after all, the design provides for increased seating space. The seats in the eighth and ninth rows do not provide the ability to recline the seat. The reason for this is the escape hatches located on rows 9 and 10. In this case, the seats cannot definitely be called the worst places, but still they are located next to the emergency exits, which is not very convenient for passengers.

The tenth row seats 10B, 10C, 10D, 10E are slightly more expensive than other seats located on board. These are the notorious space seats. These chairs have a full reclining function. In addition, experts find many positive aspects here. The distance between the previous row and these seats is quite large, so you can rest your feet comfortably. You won't have to disturb your neighbors to get up.

Seats 10F and 10A cannot be called the most comfortable, since they are located next to the hatch, as a result of which the seats themselves are curved. The seats are slightly skewed due to their proximity to the emergency escape hatch. But the advantage of these rows is the presence of free legroom and a full-fledged reclining function.

All seats marked B, C, D and E from rows 11 to 25 are equipped with mobile armrests. Please take this into account when checking in for your flight. Moreover, the seats located on the last line imply the inability to recline the chair. The reason for this is the close location to the partition behind which the toilets are located.

Nuances of choice

The article gallery contains photos that make it easy to determine what the Airbus A320 looks like, the interior layout (), the best seats and seats that have disadvantages. In luxury salons it is optimal to purchase boarding pass for seats from the second to the fourth rows. By the way, another series of airliners, which involves reducing the cabin of this class to 2 rows, takes away the opportunity to choose.

If we consider standard seats, here experts especially note places 10B, 10C, 10D, 10E. Although these seats can be called the best, there are still negative aspects: it is strictly forbidden to place luggage at the bottom of the seat, so as not to block the exit to the emergency hatches. It will be quite comfortable to travel on seats marked A and F - after all, these are the seats near the windows.

The rows near the emergency exit doors do not accommodate people with children, pets or disabled people. After all, the function of opening the hatch in an unusual situation is assigned to such passengers, so physically healthy people who are not carrying oversized luggage sit here.

Now let's move on to rating of the worst places on board. Seats 24D and 24C (in another modification they are located in row 29) are unlikely to live up to the best expectations - not every person will like to fly next to the toilet stalls. But the worst places are in the rear of the cabin. This is 25 (30) row. Firstly, this line borders the toilets. Secondly, the backs of the seats do not recline. It’s not very convenient when you want to relax, but people will pass by you all the time, and sometimes there will be quite a long line to the toilet. You will have to listen to the drain and the slamming of the door all the time. Usually, tickets for such a row are purchased when all the seats are already taken.

Other Features

As we noticed, the Airbus Industrie A320 Jet has positive and negative sides.Chairs that are located near the window are, of course, good - many people like to look at the clouds. But it is worth remembering that this is only possible in daylight and sunny weather outside. If you travel at night, you won't be able to see anything through the window.

An important advantage is that there is no need to let neighbors through. But the negative side of such places lies in the inability to leave the chair without disturbing other people. For people who plan to sleep the entire flight, these seats are suitable.

When choosing economy class seats, try to avoid the last row

The chairs that are located near the aisle are good for the convenience of leaving the place on your own. But there are also negative aspects - if your neighbor needs to go to the toilet, he will ask you to let him through. In addition, passing board workers often touch passengers occupying the seats on the outermost aisle. However, if a person is flying with a child or there is a need to visit the toilet frequently, these seats will be a good solution to the problem.

We will give some recommendations for choosing suitable places. It is best to ask an Aeroflot employee to help you choose the optimal seat according to the parameters. Another option is to print out a diagram of the interior and deliberately select a seat when the plan is in front of your eyes.

Experts consider it inappropriate to choose seats where there is no folding seat function. It is not worth buying for a number of nearby toilets or other service rooms. These simple rules help increase the comfort of your trip.

Expert advice on choosing seats on the Airbus A320

We looked at what the A 320 aircraft is. The layout, the best seats in the cabin and the criteria for choosing seats will help beginners correctly assess the situation when checking in for a flight. In addition, the article provides points that you should pay attention to when planning your trip. If you choose the right seat for yourself, your flight time will be unforgettable.

Airbus Industrie A320 Jet is a very popular and spacious aircraft
Variants and dimensions of the seat layout on the Airbus A320 aircraft
Location of seats in the aircraft cabin
The best economy class seats on the Airbus A320
Among the seats in the business class cabin, it is optimal to choose seats on the second - fourth row

The first aircraft (often written A32x or A320f) began flying in the late 1980s (1987-1988) and for that time it was, perhaps, a revolutionary aircraft (widespread use of composites, fly-by-wire control system, numerous computers).
The A32x is still very modern and one of the most popular commercial aircraft. They are bought with great pleasure all over the world, including in the USA, where their aircraft manufacturers and their products are sold through the roof.

The cabin designed for the A320 is still the standard for the company's aircraft and the general layout has been used since then on all Airbus aircraft (and larger ones) with minimal changes.

In the comments to one of the previous posts, one friend inadvertently wanted to see what was going on in the Airbus cockpit.
And no one stopped him.
Well... you have to pay for mistakes...
and let the loser cry.

1. photos are not drinking, but technical; so don’t expect any pretty things - it was filmed on a scary dark night.
2. all names on foreign technology are in English. I will give approximate Russian correspondences, and where it doesn’t work, I’ll have to use English names.
3. it is quite difficult to talk coherently and smoothly about everything, both in general and in detail; Plus, I will be broadcasting from memory, so - as it happened...

So, let's go :)

The cabin is very ergonomic

, unlike, for example, Boeings :)
The cockpits of Boeings, even the most modern 777s, are close to the Russian people with a kind of picturesque disorder in the arrangement of assorted switches and toggle switches on the panels (and the panels themselves too).
But now - not about Boeing (here, by the way). In Airbus, the panels are made with buttons flush with the surface (and not sticking out, as in some places :)), with a possible minimum of protruding parts.

The main parts of what is visible in the photo:
at the top is the dashboard visor,
left and right - instrument panels for the captain and co-pilot,
in the middle is the central instrument panel,
in the middle below is the central console (or pedestal).
To the left of the PIC (aircraft captain) and to the right of the 2P (co-pilot), under the windows, there are what are usually called joysticks (they are not in this photo).
In English, these controls are called , or “side stick”.
Above the pilots is a ceiling panel.

The PIC instrument panel is located directly in front of it

It contains (from left to right):

panel with display brightness controls and backlight switch for side wall panels and floor.
Below the regulators there is a table of correspondence between foot flight levels and meter flight levels.

Since this aircraft uses EFIS (electronic instrumentation system), displays are placed instead of conventional dial instruments.
Currently the main flight display is visible on the left and the navigation display on the right.
The pictures on them can change places by pressing the round button on the left, on the backlight panel.

There are six displays on the plane, and they are all interchangeable. They are easy to replace - you need to open two latches to remove the decorative plastic panel, two latches on the handle for carrying the display, and. The connectors on the back of the display come out from the connectors on the frame when you pull out the display.
The use of displays makes it possible to place information much more flexibly and increase the saturation of the main devices with it.
Two round holes in the bottom corners of the displays contain light sensors, which also control the brightness of the displays.

The co-pilot is equipped with exactly the same instrument panel:

The navigation display shows the flight route, a picture from the weather locator and symbols of nearby aircraft from the TCAS collision avoidance system.

On the main flight display, in addition to the symbolic image of the attitude indicator, the airspeed bar is displayed on the left, the vertical speed on the right, the set airfield pressure and radio altimeter data.
If any parameter approaches a dangerous boundary, this will be indicated by a change in the color of the strip.

The autopilot control panel is located on the dashboard visor:

On it, for example, airfield pressure and flight parameters that the autopilot needs to maintain are set: vertical speed, heading, flight altitude, speed.
Also here you can control the scale of the maps on the navigation displays and the type of their display, the buttons for turning on the autopilot and autothrottle.
And some other controls :)

The most important thing is the central instrument panel.
Here we'll have fun :)

On the left side of it are all four real mechanical instruments that this aircraft has.
All of them are just spare ones, just in case something happens. From top to bottom and left to right:
airspeed indicator, altimeter,
attitude indicator, direction indicator to radio beacons.
Below the altimeter is a button for displaying a surface map on the navigation display.
Above the attitude indicator is a sign of speed restrictions for the release of various pieces of hardware - it seems, landing gear and mechanization.

At the top of the central part is a display of engine parameters, warning and information messages.

You can look at it in more detail in one of my earlier posts:

There is also something interesting about working with MCDU (I will show it below).

Typically, the color of the information on the display indicates the status of the system to which the information relates:
green or white - everything is ok,
yellow - abnormal
crosses - no data,
red - we're screwed.
In this case, that display shows us that there is no data on the operating parameters of the engines (because the engines are not running and their electronic units are turned off). This is in the first quarter.
In the second quarter, to the right, the amount of fuel on board in pounds and the position of the wing mechanization are written.
In the quarter at the bottom left there is a warning message that one power supply on the rear panel is turned off. In this case it is the cockpit lock.
And in the last quarter - information messages: the parking brake is on, TCAS is in standby mode, the APU is working, the third radio station is in voice mode.

Below this display is the system display. It displays the state of the aircraft systems.
Now there is a fuel system page on it and you can see information about various tanks (wing and central - fuselage), about the amount of fuel in them and the fuel consumed during the final flight, about the temperature of the fuel in the tanks and the air outside.

Directly below the display, on the central console, there is a control panel for this display and for switching other displays:

At the top of the panel there are switches for changing computers that provide data to the displays to spare ones in case of failure of the main computers.
Below, on the left, are the brightness controls for the two mentioned displays.
To the right of them are page selection buttons on the system display:
Engine - engine

Here we see information about oil tanks and oil pressure in engine oil systems, its temperature, engine vibration, fuel consumption, and below - air temperature outside, airfield altitude above sea level and world time.


Operating parameters: revolutions in percent, gas temperature after the turbine, air pressure in the extraction system,
frequency, voltage and load percentage of the alternator.
The entrance door, oddly enough, is open :)

Bleed - air bleed

Condition of various parts of air conditioning packages (installations) - temperature and pressure inside, position and.

Conditioning - conditioning

The temperature of the incoming air in various areas of the cabin, in the rear and in the cockpit, and the position of the dampers.
Temperature - in Fahrenheit or Celsius (this can be changed by programming the systems).

Cabin pressure - cabin pressure

According to the air pressure regulation system:
exceeding the landing airfield,
pressure difference with the environment, variometer of the rate of change of “cabin altitude”, “cabin altitude” itself :)
Perhaps I need to clarify :)
Cabin altitude is the altitude at which the air pressure will be the same as the cabin pressure.
That is, an altitude in the cabin of 2 km means that the air pressure inside the aircraft is the same as at an altitude of 2 km.
They say that flight attendants think very hard when they try to explain this term to them during their studies. With unknown result :)

Yes, well, the position of the valves of the electronics cooling system and some computers in this regard are also shown here.

Doors/Oxygen - doors/oxygen

Position of entrance, service and doors, as well as hatches of technical compartments. Status (prepared for automatic inflation or not).
Oxygen pressure in the pilot's tank.

Hydraulics - hydraulic systems

The plane has three hydraulic systems: green, blue, yellow. These are the conventional names of Airbus, and they are not related to the color of the liquid.
Now there is no pressure in the systems, because neither the motor pumps nor the electric pumps are working.
If the yellow or green system pump is not running but the fluid level is normal, then pressure can be built up with the PTU using the pressure in the healthy system. PTU is a hydraulic motor and hydraulic pump on one shaft.
In the event of the loss of all pumps, pressure in the blue system can be created by releasing a rotating free air flow. This pressure also powers the emergency electrical generator.
Fluid levels in hydraulic tanks are indicated by the letter ">".

Flight controls

Schematically the supply of pressure to the hydraulic drives of the control surfaces, the position of these surfaces, the state of the control computers.
As you can see, different surfaces are powered by different systems in different combinations (G, B, Y).

Fuel - fuel

To the right of the title are units of measurement (in this case LBS = pounds; could be kg)
Below is the fuel used by each engine. The value is reset when the engine starts.
The box shows the total amount of fuel on board.
In circles - position and APU. The middle valve with a vertical bar is a ringing valve (so that fuel can be produced from tanks on one side to the other side).
The lines show schematically the fuel lines.
Orange rectangles are tanks. They are now turned off. If they are turned on and everything is fine, then they are green. If they are turned on, but there is no fuel pressure after the pump, there will be an orange inscription LO (low pressure).
Below is the distribution of fuel among the tanks: two wing tanks and a central one. Wing tanks have more compartments closer to the wing console, connected to the volume of the main wing tank using valves. The valves are now closed, and this is indicated by a vertical green line. When the valves open to allow fuel to flow into the main volume of the tank, this will be visible on the screen.
The fuel temperature in each tank is shown below it.

All these pages are called up automatically during the flight, without pressing buttons on the remote control. Because the plane itself tracks the flight phases and shows the required this moment information.
Of course, this does not exclude the possibility of manually calling pages.

Well, we’ve almost figured out the systems; and now there is only a little left to explore - a little more than half :)

On the right side of the central instrument panel:

Chassis position indicators,
buttons for turning on different intensity of automatic braking (brakes), switch for anti-skid systems and front wheel steering control.
Fashion watches
and again the switch for the surface display mode on the navigation display (now for the co-pilot).

Below -

landing gear release and retraction handle (the control system is purely electric, no taps in the cabin),
brake accumulator pressure and brake pressure indicators.

Let's take a quick look at the pedestal.

The left and right sides are almost the same:
(top down)
the lower parts of the MCDU stick out,

In the middle is a block of engine control handles (EC) with control handles (RUR) on them.
On the sides of them are wheels for manual control of the stabilizer shift with position indication.

Bottom of the remote control:

Here at the top is how the left and right parts of the previous photo differed:
on the left is the weather locator control panel, on the right is the TCAS control panel.
Between them, in the middle, are the main engine switches and the start switch (scrolling is the normal position of the selector - starting and ignition).

In the middle, from top to bottom:
rudder trimmer,
parking brake,
handle for mechanical drive of emergency landing gear release.
In general, on this plane there are only three cables (for emergency manual control) - emergency landing gear release, rudder control and stabilizer control. Everything else is controlled only by electric remote control, although the drives are usually hydraulic.

Right, top to bottom:
flap release handle,

At the very bottom there are rubber pads to accommodate the legs of the third occupant (yes, that’s what it’s called), sitting on a folding chair near the entrance door of the cockpit.

The mentioned MCDU is a multifunctional remote control from which a lot of things can be done (entering a flight route, testing systems).

Again, a link to what can be done through them during maintenance -

Let's look up: the second best thing is the ceiling panel.

Let's start from the middle part, from bottom to top:

Bottom left - switches: taxi lights, landing lights, flashing lights, strobes, wing and logo lights, navigation lights.
Bottom right - illumination of the ceiling panel itself, lighting of the cockpit, illumination of buttons, magnetic compass, emergency lighting switches and warning signs about fastening your seat belts.
Between them is the main switch of the APU and its start button.
on the left - control of the anti-icing system,
on the right is the air pressure inside the aircraft.

Even higher is electricity management.

In the middle are battery switches (accumulators, that is) with an indication of their voltage.
Ext Pwr = .
The APU generator is connected automatically when it starts.
The computer monitors the parameters of the supplied voltage, and if it goes outside the limits, the power is not connected. Therefore, this plane does not use domestic power supplies - with our sources, the voltage and frequency fluctuate on their own.

Under the red cap is control of the mechanical disconnection of the engine generator drive shaft and the output shaft of the drive box.


Top down:
control of fire hydrants and fire extinguishing engines (on the sides) and APU (in the middle),
hydraulic systems (under the cap there is a manual release of the windmill),
fuel system (pumps, valves).

Side ceiling panels:

top to bottom (control):
inertial navigation systems,
control surface computers,
evacuation signal,
emergency power supply,
surface proximity warning system,
speech accumulator,
turning on the passenger oxygen system (more precisely, only the release of masks),
calls for conductors and ground staff,


top down:
control surface computers (the button lights up when the computer malfunctions, and you can also turn it off),
heated rear trunk,
trunk smoke system,
electronics compartment fans in the cabin and passenger compartment,
starting engines hand-to-hand,
windshield wiper 2P.

Well, let's finish the tour...

Each pilot has a Sidestick on board:

With this thing, the pilot can control the roll left and right and the pitch up and down.
On the left you can see the speaker on the front panel - the dispatcher is speaking from there.
Just to the right of the handle (this is 2P) is the control of turning the wheels of the front leg for steering. On an Airbus, both the PIC and the 2P can taxi.
And on the right, with an orange button, is a microphone for scaring passengers and flirting with dispatchers.
On the sidestick itself there is a red button to enable control priority.
In normal mode, signals from both sidesticks are algebraically summed. If someone alone wants to control the plane, he must notify the other pilot with the words “I have controls” (I control) and can press the button (or vice versa, press first if there is no time to warn). After pressing, only his sidestick will work, and the plane will say this in a human voice and show it to both of them with an indication on the instrument panel visor.
There is also a button on the front of the sidestick to turn on the headset microphone during a conversation (or transmission). Pressed when you need to say something on air.

They have an electric drive and can be adjusted both forward and backward, as well as in height and backrest deflection (all sorts of lumbar supports are also adjustable, but that’s not about now).

The chairs are very ergonomic not only in terms of fit, but also in appearance and additional functions.
On Boeing, for example, the seats still remain like those on bombers :) - a riveted structure made of sheet metal and with various levers and drums on the sides.
Here we see a neat, well-thought-out design with a minimum of sharp protruding corners. The armrest retracts into its niche, and there is a compartment for life jackets on the back. The back pad is removable and you can swim with it if necessary.

The armrest of the chair is also adjustable and is positioned so that the hand rests more comfortably when operating the aircraft:

Sometimes questions arise whether it is difficult for a captain to steer with his left hand.
Don't know. According to pilots' conversations observed on the Internet, this is just a matter of habit.
I think this is true because:
1. PIC, as a rule, steers even better than the second one.
2. The steering wheel is also steered with one hand (the second is on the throttles).
3. A huge number of people also drive cars with their left hand and change gears with their right.

The main difference between Airbus and Boeing is undoubtedly :)

For some reason, Boeing has a large steering wheel growing in this place, so there’s no way to eat properly or write a letter to mom.

On the side of the pilot's seat, against the wall, there are places for the crew's oxygen masks

There is a fire extinguisher at the bottom, and at the back there is a glove compartment for documents, where there is usually a bunch of books on how to fly (if you forgot, you can always catch up).

And finally, on the back wall there is a panel (how is this in Russian?..) (gas station).

There are letters on the sides of the rows, and numbers on the bottom. So we get a coordinate system for easily finding the desired gas station.
Some gas stations are tracked by the aircraft, and when they are knocked out, a message about this will appear on the upper middle display. These gas stations are green.
If some of the systems on the aircraft are disabled or have been removed (although they were installed), then the pulled out gas stations of these systems are secured. Here they are visible as having red borders (and some are not visible because they have black brackets).
For example, these could be systems such as tire pressure indication on displays in the cabin, entertainment systems, a second locator, and so on.

Well, that’s probably all for today. It turned out not only about the cabin.

If anyone else still has questions, I’ll kill you!
ask... :)

p. s.
and if suddenly this turns out to be interesting, please mark it in the comments (well, there’s something like “peshi escho” or just a plus sign), otherwise I won’t write such voluminous posts (all night long).

This model of airliner is produced by the Airbus aircraft manufacturing association. The improved design contains enough a large number of technical innovations. This aircraft became the first passenger aircraft in the world to use a remote control system. Now, instead of the usual steering wheels, pilots use side handles. Many metal parts have been replaced with products made from composite materials.

Airbus A320 of Aeroflot airline

Despite the unique characteristics of the A320 aircraft, its design continues to be improved. The most recent innovation was the wingtips. These bends are designed to reduce fuel consumption.

Unique parameters

The initial version of the aircraft was produced in small quantities, but after the development of an improved model, aircraft production increased to 40 aircraft per month. In addition to the upward-curved wing tips, the fuel tanks were also modernized, significantly increasing their volume. They now hold 29.8 tons of aviation kerosene.

Airbus A320 with wingtips at the Berlin Airshow, 2012

The main characteristics of the device are as follows:

  • Height – 11.8 meters.
  • Length – 37.6 meters.
  • The wingspan is 34.1 meters.
  • The weight of the Airbus 320 is 77 tons. This is with full fuel tanks.
  • The flight altitude is 11.9 km.
  • Maximum speed – 900 km/h.
  • Range – over 5000 km.
  • The take-off run is 2 km.

The number of seats in the cabin for ordinary passengers is 180, and in the case of a cabin layout with business class seats, the capacity of the Airbus A320 without pilots is 150 people.

The developers introduced many technical innovations to the project of this model. The plane became the first passenger airliner with fly-by-wire control system. Its advantages lie in the automatic control of many parameters aircraft. In particular, the specified program does not allow overload, and also reacts to the power of the crosswind. Pilots are alerted to any discrepancies by on-board digital electronics supplied by French manufacturers.

It instantly copes with flight and navigation information, instantly processing data related to the operation of on-board systems. Timely warning of pilots about failures greatly facilitates the work of pilots. All electronic equipment meets international standards.

The image from the cameras is transmitted directly to the monitors

Each wing is equipped with one powerful turbojet engine. Regardless of the model, the motors installed are different. The serial number of the modification depends on their types.

Modernization of the A320 airliner

Today, engineers and designers of the Airbus Corporation are improving this aircraft, which has been given the name: “A320neo”. This is another step in the modernization of this model. A large number of elements made of composite materials will be added: plastic reinforced with glass fiber and carbon fiber. Honeycomb core is also used.

The aircraft development program includes the following changes: weight reduction of the entire structure, improved interior design, and increased luggage compartment.

The main part of the wing mechanization is made of heterogeneous artificial materials. These are spoiler panels, nose cone, slats, flaps, etc. The vertical tail is completely composite. The material consists of two or more components. Each of them is separated by a clear boundary. In most composites, the components are divided into a matrix and its constituent reinforcing elements. They are designed to improve mechanical performance. The front part of the horizontal stabilizer is also made of composite.

The modernized model will be equipped with new economical engines. The emission of harmful substances and noise levels will be significantly reduced. Fuel consumption will be reduced by up to 15%. The wings will also be improved. Now the ends will resemble shark fins. According to the calculations of the developers, it is precisely such designs that reduce fuel consumption. Thanks to all the innovations, the flight range will increase by almost 1000 kilometers.

Flying laboratory, aka the very first A320 with tail number MSN001


Compared to other airliners of similar sizes, the A320 model has a fairly large passenger cabin, equipped with wide shelves that can accommodate a large amount of hand luggage. The huge cargo compartment and extended hatches for loading luggage stand out here. The company's developers made all these and other changes after 2000.

The interior panels were replaced. Now passengers can easily place hand baggage 10% more than before. Individual LED lighting appeared above each chair. The main light in the cabin can be adjusted as needed. Outdated cathode ray monitors have been replaced by liquid crystal displays.

In addition to electronics, the developers worked on many mechanisms, significantly improving their performance. All this contributed to a reduction in the cost of service.

Another feature of the A320 model is the technically improved cockpit. Now any information regarding auxiliary systems, as well as the aircraft’s engines, its flight position and other parameters, is displayed on several displays occupying the main part of the instrument panel.

Thanks to the side control handles, the work of the pilots has been greatly simplified. These joysticks are not directly connected to the planes. Any movement of the levers is processed by a computer, after which the information is transmitted to the drives, whose operation is based on hydraulics. High level automation made it possible to limit the number of crew members to two pilots, and also significantly increased passenger comfort and flight safety.

Official development of the A320 aircraft model began in 1984. The car first took off three years later. Despite this, the liner has not been written off, but is constantly being modernized. This is dictated by the demands of the time. In particular, the developers are somewhat reducing the passenger space, thereby increasing the number of seats.

As for production lines, they are open in many countries around the world. Relatively recently, an aircraft assembly plant in China began producing 4 aircraft per month.

At the Le Bourget air show, held in 2011, this model was in high demand. Thanks to this, the management of the Airbus concern received several large orders from leasing and even budget organizations. In total, the aircraft manufacturing association received 667 orders, which undertook to supply 1,029 A320 model aircraft to customers. The total amount of all orders was almost $70 billion. This figure made the airliner the most popular in the world.

In the family of this series of machines, the largest is the A321 model. She was first seen in action in 1994, when she took on her first passengers. Huge dimensions do not provide for more passenger seats. However, there are also two salons, one of which is budget.

In contact with

The Airbus A320 is one of the most popular aircraft in the world. At the time of writing, there are 3,497 Airbus A320s in service worldwide. The A320 made its first flight back in 1987, but production of this model is still ongoing.

The A320 is the first model of the so-called “A320 Family”, which also includes the A318, A319 and A321. This is a line of narrow-body aircraft (narrow-body aircraft are those whose cabin has only one longitudinal aisle). The fuselage of the A320 Family aircraft is one of the widest, if not the widest, of any single-aisle aircraft in the world. The A320's fuselage is 7 inches wider than its competitors, providing enhanced passenger comfort. The wide fuselage allows you to place from 4 to 6 seats in one row, depending on the width of the seat, or to create a fairly wide longitudinal passage in the aircraft cabin. The aircraft can accommodate 150 passengers in a two-class cabin and up to 180 passengers in a single-class cabin. The A320 cabin is rightfully considered one of the most comfortable in the world among aircraft of this category. In addition, the headroom of passengers has been significantly increased, allowing for large overhead compartments for hand luggage. The Airbus A320 is equipped with large passenger and service doors. The noise emitted by the aircraft has been significantly reduced.

Airbus A320 is a short- and medium-haul aircraft. Flight range – 6150 km. Advanced lightweight composites are widely used in aircraft construction, which reduces the weight of the aircraft. The wings of the A320 have an optimized design. A320 – the first aircraft in civil aviation, which uses a fly-by-wire control system (EDCS - the so-called “fly by wire” system). We will not dwell on this system in detail, we will only say that, unlike the mechanical system in the EMDS, the aircraft is controlled by electronic signals, this system shifts the emphasis from the pilot to automation, thereby ensuring stability in the air, increasing the smoothness of flight, and taking on many control functions yourself, significantly reducing the pilot's workload.

The A320 is the first Airbus narrowbody model to be equipped with new so-called Sharklets - wingtips. Sharklets with a length of 2.4 m made of lightweight composite improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the wing and significantly reduce fuel consumption.

Replacing old endings with Sharklets. Airbus A320 of S7 airlines.

According to Airbus, they can increase flight range by approximately 185 km, payload by 450 kg and reduce fuel consumption by 4%. Each Sharklet consists of 95% composite materials and, despite its impressive dimensions (height 2.4 meters), weighs only 40 kg.

Thanks to all these characteristics, the Airbus A320 has gained very wide popularity all over the world, including in Russia. The A320 is widely used in Europe, Asia and on intercontinental routes.

Aircraft of the A320 Family

Length of Airbus A320 - 37.57 meters

Airbus A320 height - 11.76 meters

The wingspan of the Airbus A320 is 35.8 meters with Sharklets wingtips

Airbus A320 take off

Aeroflot Airbus A320 seat layout

As you can see in the diagram, Aeroflot's A320 has two different cabin layouts. They differ in the number of business class seats. In the first option, there are 5 rows of seats in the business class compartment, and the remaining rows are for economy class passengers. Most Aeroflot A320 aircraft have this exact configuration. The second layout option provides only two rows for business class, and all other rows belong to economy class.

Business Class.

1 - 5 rows (1 - 2 rows for the second layout). These are business class seats. Each row has 4 chairs (2 on each side). The chairs are wide and comfortable. Business class seats recline quite far. There are comfortable foot rests, they are located under the seat in front of the passenger sitting in front.

1st row. This business class row has some special features. There is a wall in front of you, whether you like to look at the wall during the entire flight or not is up to you. However, the advantage of the first row is that no one will recline their seat in front of you. Considering the impressive backrest angle in business class, this is quite an important advantage. True, the wall in front of you is equipped with cradles for children, but almost no one uses them. Among the minuses of the first row, it should also be noted that there are no footrests.

Economy class.

6th row (3rd in the second layout). This is the first row of economy class. The advantages and disadvantages are almost the same as the first row of business class. There is a wall in front of you; not everyone enjoys looking at a wall the entire flight. However, no one will throw their back on you here. This point is more relevant here than in business class, since in economy class the distance between the rows is smaller. This row has a lot of knee room, but you won't be able to stretch your legs. Folding tables are located in one of the armrests, which automatically makes it immovable. One of the important advantages of the front rows is that food and drinks are served from these rows. This circumstance is an advantage not only and not so much because of the consideration of getting food earlier, but because in the back rows you will have a very limited choice of food and drinks.

We also note that the wall in front of the first row of economy class is equipped with bassinets for children, so that the flight may be accompanied by infants.

Airbus A320 interior Aeroflot

Rows 8-9-10 (12-13-14 for the second option). The A320 has two escape hatches on each side of the fuselage, both located in the middle of the cabin (see photo of the plane). The 8th row is located directly in front of the hatch, and its main drawback is that the backs of the seats in this row do not recline or recline to a very limited extent. The same picture is in the 9th row, since the seats of the 9th row are located in front of the second hatch, that is, between two hatches. However, the 9th row has a big advantage - there is a lot of legroom; due to the hatch, the distance to the 8th row is quite large.

10th row (14 for the second option). These are the places increased comfort» - the best economy class seats. They are located directly behind the second hatch, so there is plenty of legroom up front. However, in 9-10 rows you cannot put hand luggage under the chair or at the feet, so as not to block the emergency hatches. Also, elderly people, passengers with disabilities or passengers with children cannot fly in these rows.

A common drawback for the outer window seats in rows 8-9-10 is that the seats may be a little crooked due to the hatches. Also, due to the proximity to the hatch, it can be cold in some planes. However, you can always ask the flight attendants for blankets.

The remaining rows. The remaining rows of economy class are regular seats. The only rule here is that the further you go towards the tail, the poorer the choice of food and drinks will be.

Last rows. The seats in the last two rows are not the best, especially the seats in the last row and the aisle seats in the penultimate row. Proximity to toilets will not give you pleasure: people will constantly pass near you, the sounds of doors, draining water, and smells will disturb you. Plus, the backs of the seats in the last row do not recline because of the wall.

Seat diagram of the Airbus A320 airline S7

Airbus A320 S7 interior

First, please read the characteristics of the seats and rows of the Aeroflot A320 aircraft, since the advantages and disadvantages of the seats are basically the same. S7 Airlines allocates only two rows for business class (8 seats). The remaining rows belong to the economy class sector.

We only note that the 3rd row of the A320 S7 corresponds to the 6th row of Aeroflot, and the 10-11-12 rows of the S7 correspond to the 8-9-10 rows of the Aeroflot A320.

Seating diagram of the Airbus A320 of Ural Airlines

UralAvia allocates 3 rows (12 seats) for business class, the remaining rows are economy class. The advantages and disadvantages of the seats are the same as in similar Aeroflot aircraft. Check out the Aeroflot A320 seat specifications at the beginning of the article. Economy Class A320 Ural Airlines starts from the 4th row (the 4th row corresponds to the 6th row of Aeroflot).