What unusual things are sold in Europe? Business ideas from Europe - a selection of the best, creative projects

Today in Russia, more and more individual entrepreneurs are interested, especially those who were “born” in developed European countries. To a greater extent, the increased interest was provoked by purely Russian curiosity and the European desire to save everywhere and in everything. Using the European experience of successful entrepreneurship and their economic management model, it is possible to build in Russia without any problems. At the same time, it would be useful to look into popular brands with a worldwide reputation or try to implement a kind of know-how of 2016, that is, start making money on something that has not yet been offered to the Russian consumer.

The most significant areas of small business

The laws of economics state that in parallel with the growth in demand from consumers, supply from sellers begins to increase. The Russian economy is effectively influenced by various new business ideas from Europe. They stabilize the economy and make it more flexible and practical. To better navigate the variety of offers, you need to familiarize yourself with the highest priority ones. In Europe, the most promising areas of small business are the following:

  • Sales of medical equipment. This area of ​​trade is considered one of the most worthy of attention. Currently, more and more people are beginning to pay close attention to their health, which has a positive impact on the demand for this type products. With the use of modern equipment, the quality and speed of examination and treatment can significantly increase.
  • Creation of an online store. With the development of Internet technology, many consumers have discovered that it is much more convenient to make purchases without leaving home. Despite the fact that their own brands have already appeared in this niche, with some ingenuity you can take a worthy place in the virtual market.
  • The rapidly developing real estate market has led to rapid construction of residential buildings and office buildings. This indicates increased demand for building materials. Therefore, one of the ideas is to enter the construction market or trade in building materials.
  • Computer technologies and communications. Currently, high technology has taken a strong place in all areas modern life. Almost no activity can take place without them and they are present in every home of every family. Therefore, selling a wide variety of gadgets and applications for them is a great idea for starting your own business.

Ecological business as an entrepreneurial option

This area of ​​business is as unknown in Russia as it is popular in Europe. One of the directions of this business idea is the production of eco-friendly jewelry.

Mining of precious metals causes enormous damage to the environment. Therefore, many manufacturers have invested in the cultivation of artificial diamonds. These stones are practically in no way inferior to their natural counterparts, and in some characteristics they even surpass them. Their price on the jewelry market is much lower, which ensures their faster sale and, accordingly, quick profit.

Advice: Before starting this business, you need to carefully study the market and identify potential clients so as not to get stuck at the implementation stage.


A great idea for 2016 to start a business, especially considering that few people know what it is. And the point is of this business is in the delivery of food from restaurants (not to be confused with fast food) to its customers. That is, simply mediation between the restaurant and the client. If the business begins to develop, then you can hire your own chefs so as not to depend on others, and then expand the number of couriers.

Advice: For more confident prosperity of this type of business, it is necessary to acquire the most extensive menu that will satisfy the majority of customers.

Lie detector services

With the arrival of large corporations, their methods of working with personnel began to be adopted by domestic companies, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. But even on this unattractive front you can make good money. To do this, you need to spend several hundred thousand rubles on the purchase of a polygraph. After this, you can safely provide services to everyone who wants to find out whether a certain person is telling the truth or not. By the way, not only may people be interested in this commercial companies, but also private individuals, for example, married couples. With a large number of clients, within six months this device will pay for itself and begin to generate net profit.

Opening of hostels

The word "hostel" with in English translated as "dormitory". It is a European accommodation system: the client will be offered a separate sleeping area in a large room where more than a dozen guests can already live. In this case, amenities (toilet, shower) will be shared.

In order to open a hostel in 2016, you will first have to find a suitable room, renovate it, furnish it, and spend additional money on advertising. When opening a hostel, it will be necessary to take into account all the requirements imposed by the state on mini-hotels.

Advice: It is better not to rent the premises, but to buy them. Then the profit from this type of business will be many times greater, plus its owner, if the planned enterprise is successful, will protect himself from unnecessary waste in the form of an increase rent. But if there are real restrictions on the amount of starting capital, the premises will first have to be rented.

Many experts claim that in order to open a hostel in 2016 in a small town, you will need about 500,000 rubles, but in a metropolis this amount doubles.

Advice: in order to find a sufficient number of guests, it will be possible to establish relationships with travel agencies, as well as use online booking services. Next, the principle of word of mouth will work.

As you can see, there are a lot of new ideas for starting your own business that can be implemented in 2016. In addition to European ones, it will be possible to use or simply come up with something originally Russian that will appeal to domestic consumers.

Quite often new business ideas come from abroad. That's why it makes sense to periodically monitor new business trends abroad. Of course, not everything can be accomplished on native soil. But some can be adopted directly, and some can be creatively reworked. This is what this review will be devoted to. But first, let’s outline some differences in the approaches in the West, East and here. This will help you better navigate when implementing a foreign business idea in your “native land”.

Business is an invention of the Western type of thinking. What is the difference between business and, more or less associated with our term, entrepreneurship? ...This requires a separate discussion. Here we will briefly outline the difference in approaches. Based on this, it will become clear that not all ideas of foreign countries can be implemented, or even implemented to a limited extent in our country.

Let us dwell on these, in our opinion, the most important features when considering new business ideas from abroad.

First of all, we will focus on foreign ideas for small businesses. This is due to the fact that medium-sized businesses have their own infrastructure, which is designed to monitor development trends. Large business is even more so, and besides this, it is largely built into the global economic system, so that it itself largely creates economic meanings and trends. Small business in this regard is in a separate information space. Some kind of general, intelligible structure supervising its development on this moment No.

For convenience, we will group business ideas according to some criteria. The structuring given below is largely arbitrary.

This ideas related to new discoveries, technology, reducing the cost of existing technologies. Traditionally, most innovations are implemented in the West or East. A periodic review of innovations can spark a business idea. And since the West is initially aimed at extracting material benefits, the development of technologies themselves is closely interconnected with profitability, financial benefits from investments. Examples of innovative business ideas:

  • Photo printing for your phone. A special case for your phone that allows you to instantly print a photo;
  • Solar tent. The energy generated by the tent is enough to charge an electronic gadget or connect any not particularly energy-intensive device;
  • Electric bike in a backpack. A good solution for those who love to travel;
  • Reusable nappies;
  • A stylus-brush that allows you to draw on touch screens;
  • Printer for printing clothes.

It is difficult to say how well they will take root with us. Europe is famous for its significant savings in resources; in the United States, significant emphasis is placed on the service sector and catering. Nutrition receives a lot of attention in Western countries. To some extent, business related to savings will be in demand here too. The situation with the food business is somewhat more complicated. And foreign environmental business ideas need to be treated with even more caution. With food, the situation is somewhat simpler for us - our economic wives are not averse to doing the kitchen themselves, and this limits some of the business proposals. Ecology worries our compatriots much less due to the smaller problems associated with it. Examples of business ideas:

Business ideas on savings

  • "Smart shower" System for optimizing the water supply to the shower: heating, flow, taking into account the condition of the person being washed, time, etc.;
  • Clock that monitors medication intake;
  • Airbag for fall protection;
  • Luggage storage facilities on motorways;
  • Source of alternative energy from the soil.

Food business ideas

  • Vending machines for selling salads;
  • Meal subscription. Supply of certain food by subscription, like newspapers or magazines;
  • Subscription for vegetables and fruits;
  • Topless coffee shops;

Eco business ideas

  • Growing and selling organic food;
  • Ecotourism. Traveling and living close to nature in an ecological area, both with a load of various agricultural work, and just relaxing;
  • Growing plants, vegetables, fruits, berries to order;
  • Biodegradable disposable cups;
  • Edible tableware. In particular for storing drinking water.

Here are a few more, in our opinion, original ideas that originated abroad.
. So far, these ideas have not received proper distribution in our country and an analysis of the possibility of their implementation is required. Examples of business ideas:

  • Advertising on windows. We draw advertising directly on the glass;
  • Production of reinforcement for concreting from composite materials;
  • Creation of unusual buildings: crooked houses, upside down houses, “dog holes”, etc.;
  • Renting out special equipment;
  • Temporary ambiance (giving the appearance) of any premises to order for the organization of certain events.

As already mentioned, not all foreign business ideas can be adapted to us. However, in most cases, the idea can be used, if not directly, then through creative processing. Part of the business idea requires high-quality development of the client base, i.e., in essence, the creation of demand. Typically, creating demand involves either a large outlay of money, a long period of time, or both. There are many examples of such ideas: Coca-Cola, hits of the season, fast food, etc.

Many people want to start their own business for a variety of reasons. Some are looking for new ways to earn a stable income, some want to find a new activity for themselves, others see this as an opportunity to express themselves, and some simply want some kind of change. Then it's time to start looking for a good idea.

It is worth noting that, for example, small business entrepreneurs borrow some ideas from European countries. This is no coincidence, since business activity in this part of the world has been thriving for quite some time. Therefore, it is from there that you can take a good innovative idea that can be adapted to the needs of Russians. So here are some new business ideas from Europe , which may be useful in 2016 – 2017.

Idea No. 1. Mini golf

Mini golf is a good alternative to regular golf. Only here the area is smaller, and you don’t need any special skills or physical fitness, just to be able to hold the stick correctly. It is very popular in many European countries, so why not make it famous in our country?!

Field selection

First you need to select a field. It includes 18 tracks depending on the class of the field. The fields themselves can be up to 4 types. And this requires a lot of space. It is also worth taking care of a beautiful landscape and various playgrounds. All this in the best possible way promotes a pleasant pastime.


The essence of the game is simple - you need to drive the ball into the hole, making as few strokes as possible. Each hole is numbered according to the number of lanes - that is, from 1 to 18. It is important to follow the order. During the course of the game you can use different balls, however, for one hole - only one ball.

Each playground equipped with various obstacles. You can play 6 hits on each track. But if after six strokes the ball is not driven into the hole, an additional point is added. There is only one player on the field itself; everyone else waits for their turn. The one with the fewest points wins.


There are many companies that manufacture golf courses. They are made from various materials, but most often they are made from chipboard, using carpet covering. The cost of such a track can be within 13 thousand rubles, European analogues will cost a little more - about 20 thousand rubles.

Idea No. 2. Eat and drink to your heart's content

An original business idea from Europe concerns catering facilities. For example, in a restaurant or cafe, visitors are charged only for how much time they spend in the establishment. At the same time, you can order anything you want (food, drinks), and in any quantity. Of course, within reasonable limits. This allows you not only to save some money, but also to spend pleasant and useful time.

If you organize something similar in our country, it will undoubtedly attract attention.

Idea No. 3. Taxi-unlimited

Abroad, such a service is in great demand, and therefore popular. The idea itself is not that complicated. Anyone can use the services of a taxi with a personal driver with the selection of an individual route at the time when needed. Depending on the country, this service is paid 45-60 euros monthly.

At the same time, the carrier company is developing a route so as to transport, if possible, several passengers traveling in the same direction. For example, someone needs daily certain time travel to work and back. The company, in this case, taking into account the interests of other clients, develops a route and receives its well-deserved income. The client himself does not have to wait public transport at the stop and call a taxi service. At the same time, everyone is happy. In our country, such a service would be useful to many.

Idea No. 4. Rabbit business

Many people love such a product as meat. Although it is produced in large quantities, not everyone has enough of it. In addition, in stores on the shelves there is mainly beef, pork or lamb; you can rarely find meat from other animals. Why not start your business by breeding rabbits? On the one hand, the prospect looks promising, but on the other hand, good investments are needed to get the maximum return.

It is worth noting that in Germany, running this type of agriculture is the most profitable and prestigious business. Here they do not use homemade cages, but entire complexes with professional automatic equipment for cleaning and raising animals.

Rabbit farm

Currently, you can find a variety of cage designs for keeping rabbits. The main task before everyone is to ensure optimal conditions for keeping animals with minimal effort from the rabbit breeder. Thus, there are cages with compartments for drinking and eating, collecting waste products, and equipped with a good ventilation system.

When running such a business, you should approach the matter responsibly. And this means looking after your animals. Small ones should be kept together and separately from adults. When the cubs are 4 months old, the females are separated from the males to avoid related offspring.

If rabbits are raised for meat, they need increased nutrition. There are some recipes according to which animals are fed up to 80 times per day. With this diet, the individual gains the required weight within several months. But in this case the meat contains a large number of fat, and the quality of the skin leaves much to be desired. In this regard, rabbits are fed 4 to 5 times. Moreover, fattening is carried out mainly in the autumn season. Knowing this contributes to the correct selection of the number of cells.

Idea No. 5. Live beer

Any representative of the stronger half of humanity loves beer. But besides men, the weaker sex also shows interest in this drink. Among all types, the most common is live beer. That is, the one that is sold on tap. As world practice shows, such business is in high demand. This beer is made from a decoction of barley and hops and is stored for no more than 3 days.

Opening a store does not involve any special difficulties. Over time, you can even set up your own production and sell various types of the drink in your store. You can not limit yourself to one store, but create an entire network, and not only in one city, but throughout the country.

However, there is a small drawback. And it lies in the seasonality of the business - in winter, few people want to miss a glass of beer. Therefore, this time is called the “low season”. Legal registration of a business may cause some difficulties. This involves passing inspections by all relevant authorities, including checking the product for quality. And in order to sell live beer, you need to obtain a license that gives you the right to sell alcoholic beverages.

Idea No. 6. Delicious figurines

Every business entrepreneur is aware that small businesses in Europe include a large number of enterprises of various activities. This has contributed to the fact that now many businessmen different countries, including beginners, mainly focus on it. Whether this is good or bad - this can be debated endlessly. But we must admit that Russian entrepreneurs should pay attention to some ideas from Europe.

Take, for example, making figures from marzipan. In our country, since ancient times we have been producing food at home. Pies with a variety of fillings, pickles, jams and others. Making figures from marzipan can be called a modern trend in this area. Moreover, this type of art can be passed on from generation to generation.

What is marzipan?

Perhaps not everyone is aware of this term. Marzipan is a mixture that includes almonds, previously ground into flour, and powdered sugar (sometimes sugar syrup is used instead). The shelf life of this product can reach up to 2 months, without losing its quality. In addition, it has an original taste and is of high value for the human body. By eating one small figurine, you can provide yourself with a daily dose of vitamin E.

Marzipan has good plasticity, due to which you can sculpt a variety of figures and paint with food coloring. Such figurine can be suitable for various celebrations: birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and others. Such figures will be especially popular among children.


Don't neglect these and many other popular business ideas. And let every entrepreneur achieve success with their help.

Business ideas from Europe are bold startups that will help you increase your wealth in a short time. Western projects are the best suited for implementation in Russia, if only for the reason that they are new, interesting and not yet sufficiently developed in our country, which means entrepreneurs have every chance to occupy a relatively free niche. Below we will look at the most popular new business products in Europe with small investments.

Creating a group on social networks

Progress does not stand still. In the capitalist world, advertising determines sales. According to many experts, the “era of television” is coming to an end. An increasing amount of advertising is going online. In Europe, advertising through social media widespread, but in Russia this marketing method is only gaining popularity. Advertising is placed in communities (publics). You can create such a site without any special expenses.

All that is required is to come up with an original concept for a public post on one of the social networks (VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). For example, dedicate a group beautiful photos nature. Next you need to unwind it. This is what the start-up capital will be used for.

To promote a group, you must follow these steps:

  • fill the community with content (fill it with interesting information material);
  • gain subscribers using special services (it costs up to three thousand rubles);
  • run advertising in other communities (price is negotiable, in large groups - from 15 thousand rubles);
  • Post content regularly.

Advertising needs to be given special attention. It must be designed for the target audience. If the community is dedicated to nature, then advertising should be in public pages with a corresponding topic - this way it will be seen by a large number of potential subscribers.

European business ideas, which do not exist in Russia, are associated with an independent search for advertising buyers. When you gain more than 60 thousand subscribers, advertisers will contact you. You can find them yourself based on the interests of your community members. For example, a public page about nature can successfully advertise an online store of goods for active rest.

The cost of advertising on social networks is calculated by special services, and it is from this amount that customers will be based. Such services work on the following principle: they determine the number of subscribers, so-called likes and comments. So try to post content that encourages commenting.

In the West, there is an increasingly clear trend of demand for bold and creative startups. One of them: opening your own time cafe (or anti-cafe). Small businesses in Europe are increasingly focusing on creating entertainment establishments with a small selection of gastronomic products. An anti-cafe is an establishment with a specific theme. Food and drinks are also sold there, but in much smaller quantities than in a regular cafe.

A business that does not exist in Russia is the creation of establishments for fans of TV series. See which TV shows have the highest ratings at the moment. Then announce an evening screening of the new series at your anti-cafe. It is enough to advertise in the community dedicated to the series on social networks and there will be no free places left. After this, fame among fans will grow exponentially.

Online trading

Small businesses in Europe have changed dramatically over the past five years. More and more people are realizing that the most profitable sales channel is the Internet. Instead of maintaining stores (which means a lot of certificates, rent, staff salaries and much more), entrepreneurs give preference to online sales platforms.

The most popular business in Europe is still poorly developed in Russia. Therefore, those who manage to occupy a market niche now will be able to avoid fierce competition in the future.

What can't you save on? On advertising. Marketing comes to the fore when it comes to the Internet. Even if you have an establishment in the city center, still open an online store. With proper promotion of a website (or a group on a social network), you may close your store as unnecessary and turn it into a warehouse.

Business without leaving home

Another trend has become the production of goods at home; small businesses in Europe are moving into this segment. Ideas for this type of production can be found anywhere. Starting from T-shirts with prints of famous football club, ending with clay figurines for video game lovers. An interesting idea that is gaining popularity is the production of figurines of people with its help (the figurine externally repeats the image of the customer).

Many of these products require inexpensive, compact equipment that you can place in your home or garage (learn how to choose ). This way you won't need to rent a separate room. Sales channel - online store and social networks with a link to it. For 15-20 thousand rubles you can promote a channel within a month.

Which home business is able to bring profit to entrepreneurs from villages and villages, you will find out at this address:. Current commercial ideas for rural areas.

What does the success of European business depend on?

What conclusion can be drawn from everything said above? Fast and high income with minimal investment Only a bold idea and non-standard solutions can provide. When choosing a startup, you should pay attention to the growing popularity of online sales.

And most importantly. One Indian energy drink, costing 30 cents, has a better effect on the body than the world famous Red Bull. Because it contains berries from the Parvati Valley. Red Bull doesn't have Parvati Valley berries, but it does have an image that generates billions in revenue. All interesting business ideas from Europe are based on the right marketing strategy. Therefore, always remember that advertising is the engine of sales. Consider also

Business in Europe has long ceased to be something unusual. Many people strive to find their niche in business in order to develop a new, profitable direction. How to find what you need, and what new products have appeared in recent years?

Now more and more people are going “free swimming” and starting to develop their own business. This is achieved by those who initially introduce new, interesting ideas business, the fruits of which will be in demand.

The most popular areas in small business in Europe

A successful businessman always strives to pay attention to those areas that not only will not lose their relevance in the near future, but will also be at the peak of popularity. Having analyzed the types of businesses in Europe, we can say with confidence that the following are currently on the crest of the wave:

  • Information and communication technologies. Phones, computers, software products are now more popular than ever, and if you are well versed in this or have the appropriate specialty, then this direction is just for you.
  • E-commerce. In Europe, it is now very popular to shop without leaving home. Therefore, online stores are gradually replacing retail stores. This area is already quite developed, but it’s time to think about your niche in this sector. You will be required to determine the category of products that you will offer, as well as develop a productive marketing system to attract targeted visitors to the site.
  • Medical devices. Medicine does not stand still, and new modern diagnostic devices, self-diagnosis, and medical devices are constantly being introduced, accessible not only to professionals, but also ordinary people. For example, glucometers, blood pressure monitors, breath detectors, inhalers and much more. To start a business in the medical field, it would be good to have experience in this field and significant initial capital.
  • Construction. Skilled professional builders are always valued because construction and renovations never stop. It is important in this area to have experience in construction, “golden hands” and to develop an impeccable reputation.
  • Environment. You can protect the environment by recycling waste, for example polyethylene, plastic, paper are quite suitable for recycling. Garbage, it turns out, can also bring in good money.

Available types of business, brief overview

Are you considering business options? For you, our review of affordable and profitable ideas.

  1. You can take the simplest route and buy a ready-made business, i.e. a franchise with an already promoted brand. Your success is guaranteed! Franchises are now offered by a lot of large companies, from online gift stores to construction companies or cement factories. Choose what you like and become rich by developing a ready-made business.
  2. Growing vegetables and herbs in greenhouses. The case is accessible to almost everyone. First you need to equip a greenhouse. The first greenhouse may be small and imperfect, but growing vegetables is very profitable and quickly pays for itself. Therefore, you will soon be “threatened” with expanding production capacity, which means an increase in capital.
  3. Production of building materials. In particular, you can take as an idea the production of metal profiles, nails, dowels, concrete tiles, and wooden products.
  4. Production of cabinet furniture. Find your niche in the furniture business by developing unusual furniture designs and conquering the consumer market high quality materials and work.
  5. Production of semi-finished products. Many start with small workshops with a few employees or organize a family business, then developing into large companies with a popular product. In work with food products there are some subtleties, and you will have to establish contacts with sanitary and epidemiological services.
  6. Confectionery shop, baking cakes to order, mini-bakeries. Masters of confectionery art will quickly win their circle of regular customers, since no one has canceled holidays and birthdays.
  7. Cosmetology, hairdressing services, hair and nail extensions. If you are a beauty specialist, then it's time to open your own salon. Initial investments will be required to rent a room, purchase the necessary tools, materials, chairs, mirrors and all kinds of auxiliary devices. Rest assured that this business will quickly pay off if you are an excellent master of your craft. People tend to recommend their hairdresser to their friends and you will soon gain new clients.
  8. Repair services, glazing of windows, balconies, installation of doors. The initial investment is minimal, but efforts will have to be made to conquer the sales market.
  9. Restoration and repair of furniture can also generate considerable income, since it is known that modern furniture is not durable and now increasingly rich people prefer to buy antique wooden furniture, which must first be put in order.
  10. Internet business. This niche is now practically empty and is just beginning to be filled. This is where you can show freedom and imagination. You can start creating websites, writing texts, taking photos and video editing.