Cuba is the official name of the country. Where is the state located - the Republic of Cuba. National Cuban cuisine

"Liberty Island" was discovered by Christopher Columbus on October 27, 1492. After this, the Spaniards tried for four centuries to colonize it and turn it into their overseas province. The British and Americans also wanted to succeed in this. However, none of them managed to establish their own rules there. That’s why they still say about Cuba that it is the “Island of Freedom.” Cuba is famous throughout the world for its carnivals, dances, songs, boxing, volleyball, Cuban cigars and Cuban rum, the beautiful sea and magnificent beaches.

Geography of Cuba

The island nation of Cuba is located in the Caribbean Sea. It consists of the islands of Cuba, Juventud and several other archipelagos. 180 kilometers north of Cuba is the United States, and to the south and southeast are Jamaica, Haiti and Dominican Republic. total area countries - 110,860 sq. km.

The island of Cuba is the largest island in the entire Caribbean. Most of its territory is plains. Only in the west, center and southeast can you find mountain systems. The most high peak– Turquino Peak in the Sierra Maestra mountain range, whose height reaches 1,974 meters.

The coast of the island of Cuba is indented with picturesque bays and coves, and near the coast there are beautiful coral reefs. In general, there are about 4,000 thousand islands and reefs near Cuba.


Havana is the capital of the state of Cuba. More than 2.3 million people now live in this city. Havana was founded by the Spaniards in 1515 on the site of an ancient Indian settlement.

Official language of Cuba

The official language is Spanish.


More than 60% of the population consider themselves Catholics, but only about 5% of them regularly attend church.

State structure

According to the 1992 Constitution, Cuba is socialist republic, in which the “leading force of society and the state” is the Communist Party. The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba also serves as the President of this state.

The local parliament is called the National Assembly, it consists of 609 deputies elected for a 5-year term. Executive power belongs to the State Council and the Council of Ministers, consisting of 31 ministers.

Administratively, the country is divided into 15 provinces, which in turn are divided into 168 municipalities, and one special municipality (Juventud).

Climate and weather

The climate is subtropical, the average annual air temperature is about +27C. Hurricane season lasts from July to mid-November. Hurricanes and tropical storms most often occur in September and October.

You can vacation in Cuba almost all year round, but best time– winter months, when there is no rain.

Average air temperature in Cuba:

  1. January - +26C
  2. February - +27C
  3. March - +28C
  4. April - +29C
  5. May - +31C
  6. June - +30C
  7. July - +30C
  8. August - +32C
  9. September - +31C
  10. October - +29С
  11. November - +27C
  12. December - +26C

Sea in Cuba

The island of Cuba is surrounded on all sides by the Caribbean Sea. There are beautiful coral reefs off the coast.

average temperature Caribbean Sea off the coast of Cuba:

  1. January - +25C
  2. February - +24C
  3. March - +24C
  4. April - +26C
  5. May - +27C
  6. June - +27C
  7. July - +28C
  8. August - +28C
  9. September - +28С
  10. October - +28C
  11. November - +27C
  12. December - +27С

Rivers and lakes

Several rivers flow through Cuba. The largest of them is the Cauto River, which begins in the Sierra Maestra mountains in the province of Santiago (its length is 370 km). The Almendares River flows through Havana, providing the capital with drinking water. In general, there are several hundred rivers and small streams on this island.

History of Cuba

On October 27, 1492, Christopher Columbus landed in Cuba, and from then on the modern history of this island, and then the state, began. At the beginning of the 17th century, Diego Velazquez founded the first seven settlement cities on the island - Baracoa, Bayamo, Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Sancti Spiritus, Camagüey and Havana. During the process of colonization, the Spaniards almost completely destroyed the indigenous population. During the 4 centuries of Spanish rule, tens of thousands of slaves from Africa were brought to Cuba.

The Spanish occupation of Cuba ended only in late XIX century, but the country becomes politically dependent on the United States.

On January 1, 1959, the Revolution won in Cuba, and the country took the path of building socialism. One of the leaders of the Revolution, along with Camilo Cienfuegos and Ernesto Che Guevara, was Fidel Castro.

In April 1961, the Americans attempted to overthrow the Cuban government led by Fidel Castro, but their mercenaries were defeated at the Bay of Pigs.

Some capitalist countries, including the United States, have still not lifted economic sanctions against Cuba, which hinders the development of this amazing country.


Cuba's culture has been shaped by Spanish, African, French and Asian influences and is therefore known for its diversity. This country has become the birthplace of many musical styles and dances, among them the most popular are mambo and cha-cha-cha.

However, Cuba is famous in the world not only for music and dancing, but also for its sporting achievements in boxing and volleyball. Sports can also be considered a reflection of cultural traditions.

Cuba cannot be imagined without festivals. For example, every summer in Havana the famous “Carnival of Chariots” is held, during which special stages with music and dance groups ride through the streets of the Cuban capital for three days, and street processions of musicians are also held. In general, Carnival in Havana lasts, as a rule, 12 days, and the legendary Tropicana cabaret, founded in 1939, participates in it.

Havana also regularly hosts crafts fairs in the summer, in which various music, dance and theater groups participate.

Every September, Santiago de Cuba hosts the Festival del Son, a traditional Cuban music festival. This holiday lasts four days.

Cuban cuisine

Cuban cuisine has been strongly influenced by Spanish culinary traditions. Many Cuban dishes are very similar to those served in Andalusia (southern Spain). However, Cuban cuisine has also been influenced by African, Portuguese, French, Arabic and even Chinese culinary traditions.

The main foods are potatoes, malanga, yucca, wheat, fish and seafood (especially lobster), meat (chicken and pork), rice, bananas, vegetables, beans. Hot spices are rarely used.

We recommend that tourists try “Moros y Cristianos” (black beans with rice), “Arroz con Pollo” (yellow rice with chicken), “Ropa Vieja” (pieces of beef fillet), “Ajiaco” (vegetable stew with meat and garlic), “ Fufú (mashed boiled green bananas, often served with meat), Piccadillo (spicy beef with tomatoes and onions). Popular desserts are “Helado” (ice cream) and “Galletas” (sweet cookies).

The traditional non-alcoholic drink is coffee. The best Cuban coffee grows in the Sierra Maestra mountains.

Traditional alcoholic drinks are rum and cocktails with rum. Every self-respecting Cuban bartender should know at least 100 recipes for cocktails with rum or other alcoholic drinks.

Sights of Cuba

Most of the monuments of Cuban culture date back to the colonial era. Several monuments are considered objects World Heritage UNESCO:

  1. Havana Vieja Historic Center and Fort (Havana)
  2. Old Town of Trinidad (Sancti Spiritus)
  3. Sugar mills around Trinidad (Sancti Spiritus)
  4. Fortifications of San Pedro de la Roca del Morro (Santiago de Cuba)
  5. Ruins of the French coffee plantation La Gran Piedra (Santiago de Cuba)
  6. Desembarco del Granma National Park

Are of great interest to tourists National parks"Alexander Humboldt", Almendares and Sierra Maestra, Los Indios Reserve and marine park Punta Frances.

Cities and resorts

The most big cities– Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey, Santa Clara, Holguin, Bayamo, Cienfuegos, Guantanamo, Holguin, and, of course, Havana.

Cuba is world famous for its beach resorts, where residents of Europe and North America. The most popular of them are Varadero, Cayo Guillermo, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo and Holguin. Every year, for example, more than 1 million tourists vacation in Varadero (about 45% of them are foreigners).

Most local resorts offer tourists a well-developed recreation infrastructure, with restaurants, discos, nightclubs and entertainment shows in hotels. All resorts offer excellent beach holiday opportunities, including diving, boat excursions and yacht trips.


The most popular souvenirs from Cuba are any items with the image of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro, folk art, ceramics, Cuban coffee, coffee cups, Cuban cigars and rum.

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 09:00-15:00

The shops:
Mon-Fri: 09:00-17:00
Sat: 10:00-14:00

Tue-Sat: 09:00-17:00
Sun: 08:00-13:00


Ukrainians need a visa to visit Cuba.


There are two currencies in circulation in Cuba: the Cuban peso (CUP) and the convertible peso (CUC). Tourists must exchange dollars for convertible pesos. $100 = 87 CUC. In turn, 1 dollar = approximately 24 Cuban pesos. Credit cards are not widely used.

Customs restrictions

The first thing a tourist is interested in is where Cuba is located on the world map, are travel packages expensive and what are the hotel prices? It’s a little expensive, of course, but only because Cuba is too far from us, and otherwise on the island itself the prices are not so high, but the beaches and recreation compensate for everything

"Cuba libre", or Island of Freedom. White sand sunny beaches, endless ocean expanses, vibrant nature, unique architecture, rum and cigars - all this and a little more will tell you Good THERE about Cuba.

General information about Cuba

Where is Cuba

The free Republic of Cuba is located near the shores of the North and South American continents, separated from them by the waters of the Strait of Florida. The state occupies the islands of Cuba, Juventud and about 1,600 smaller islands with a total area of ​​110,860 km².

The southern coast of the country's main island faces the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the northwestern and northeastern beaches are washed by the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

Cuba on the world map


According to data from the Population Division of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the population of the republic in 2017 is 11.4 million people.


The national currency is the Cuban peso CUP, CUC. At the rate of 1 peso = 1 US dollar.

Useful phone numbers

  • Country dialing code: 53;
  • Havana telephone code: 7;
  • Call from Cuba: 119 – your country code – area code – phone number.
  • Call to Cuba: 8 – international call code – Cuba code – area code – phone number.
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation: (+53 7) 204-10-85;
  • Consulate of the Russian Federation: (+53 2) 268 61 46.

Emergency services (Havana):

  • Police: 116;
  • Honey. help: 40-50-93;
  • Firefighters: 78-85-41.

On the territory of the country:

  • National police: 82-01-16;
  • Firefighters: 81-11-15;
  • Honey. help: 24-28-11.

Payment and exchange in Cuba

In areas intended for tourists, convertible pesos are in circulation. Because of the warm relations between the island communist state and the Empire of Good, which is jealous from the other end of the Florida Strait, it is better not to fly with the evergreen presidents on vacation. When exchanging American dollars, you may be charged a commission of 10 to 20%. Therefore already seasoned tourists It is recommended to come here with Euro. Interestingly, it is almost impossible for a tourist to come across a non-convertible Cuban peso (CUP).

If it is more convenient for you to use Visa/MasterCard cards, please note that:

  • Visa is accepted in more establishments than Mastercard;
  • When visiting small shops or cafes, it is better to have cash with you, as there may not be a payment terminal;
  • Card transactions are subject to a tax of 11.24%.

Tourist reminder

Your stay in Cuba should be as colorful as possible, and you may need to add some color to your everyday wardrobe. You have every chance to become a fan of Cuban cigars after visiting their homeland, but smoking in public places is prohibited.

If you encounter a cow on the way to the beach or during an excursion, be extremely careful. This animal is sacred to Cubans, and the death of a cow in your presence can lead to unpleasant conversations with the local police.

It is also important for tourists to know that photographing government institutions, military equipment, soldiers, and police officers is prohibited. In addition, before taking a photograph of a Cuban, you should definitely ask his permission.

What are the Cuban people like?

Cuba is a multinational and multicultural country, where the blood and traditions of the peoples of Africa, Spain, Italy, Britain, Germany, Cuban and American Indian tribes, immigrants from China, France, as well as Jews resettled during the First and Second World Wars, are mixed.

Local, friendly people. Do not rush to refuse an offer to play dominoes or share a meal. Don’t be surprised if they ask you to drink in a cafe at your expense. And if hotel or hostel employees ask you to leave personal hygiene products (razors, shaving foam, etc.), remember that this is due to the high cost and inaccessibility of the latter for poor citizens.

Security on Cuban soil

The people in the communist republic are friendly, but poor. It is better not to show cash and expensive accessories. Keep an eye on your belongings to avoid becoming a victim of petty scammers and pickpockets. It is not recommended to walk in poor areas at night due to the high likelihood of being attacked.

Climate in Cuba, when is the best time to go?

The most favorable time for relaxation is from November to April.

Windsurfers will love it in the summer, when the rainy season brings the biggest waves. The dominance of hurricanes between October and November can overshadow your vacation, but in fact you can plan a vacation in Cuba at any time of the year.

Thanks to its small area, you can travel around Cuba in just a few weeks of vacation. So that you don’t miss anything important, our website has prepared for you a list of cities and resorts that you must visit.

Capital Havana is a city of opposites. Here, modern skyscrapers stand next to colonial pre-revolutionary mansions in which ordinary people live. The city is full architectural monuments, and interesting places. Havana dazzles with white beaches, treats you to exquisite cuisine and entices you with the sounds of salsa. The El Floridita bar, one of Ernest Hemingway’s favorite places, is especially worth a look. If you're not interested in a bar, visit the writer's house museum and then head to the Roma Museum. For those who are not tired of daytime excursions, it is important to know that closer to night the city turns into one big disco filled with unbridled energy. It's time to visit the Tropicana cabaret show, which has been famous throughout the world since 1939.

Santa Clara

Santa Clara A memorable place for the Cuban revolution, where Comandante Che Guevara derailed the armored train of the dictator Batista. The wreckage of that same train remains at the crash site to this day, they are a pride and attraction for the residents of the country. In addition, a mausoleum named after Ernesto Che Guevara was erected here, and if you are an American citizen, you may not be allowed into it.

Santiago de Cuba

The birthplace of street culture – Santiago de Cuba. Music on the streets of the town sounds on every corner. This place is rightfully considered the cradle of Cuban melodies and rum, because Don Facundo Bacardi was born here.


If you are interested in seeing the island as it was in the 18th century, then the city Trinidad– the best place for this. The authentic ambience of this place is amazing. Cobblestone roads, colonial-style houses, sugar plantations and slave cabins, all reminiscent of times gone by.


Matanzas the capital of the province of the same name is known for its large number of bridges, for which it was nicknamed the “Cuban Venice.” The province of Pinar del Rio is an interesting place to visit, where you can visit tobacco plantations and admire the views of the Viñales Valley, which received the title of “Cultural Landscape of Humanity” in 1999.

Cuban resorts


Varadero- the oldest of the resorts, a popular and truly heavenly place with turquoise ocean waters and snow-white beaches. The resort can be called a classic holiday in Russian style, everything is always included here. 24-hour bars, buffet in a restaurant with cuisines from all over the world.


Holguin– elite business VIP class resort. The hotels are mostly five star. People visit this place for luxury, tranquility and sophistication.


Guardavalaka, one of best resorts for diving, famous for its coral reef. Esmeralda is a place of emerald beaches. For lovers of original parties, it will be interesting to find yourself in a cave disco on the island of Cayo Coco.


Juventud, known as the Island of Youth (located 100 km from the island of Cuba) is interesting for its natural reserves. They say that R. L. Stevenson described the image of “Treasure Island” precisely from the landscapes of Juventud.

Cayo Largo

Speaking about pirates, it’s hard not to mention La Yana - this is an ancient tree located on the island Cayo Largo. According to legend, it served as a landmark for pirates of the Caribbean when they buried their stolen gold.

This is just a small part of the places you can visit during your stay in this country. Even if you come to Cuba several times a year for several years, this country will always find something to surprise and entice you.

Entertainment and relaxation on Liberty Island

The very thing for which thousands of tourists come on vacation every year is diving. The underwater world is interesting not only for its beautiful coral reefs, but also for the many shipwrecks off the coast. Windsurfers can catch waves off the sandy shores, while those who don’t want to (or don’t know how to swim) dive into the ocean’s embrace in a submarine.

The main monuments of Cuban architecture are concentrated in several of the most famous cities among tourists. In the capital of Cuba, Havana, you can see many cathedrals, including Cathedral St. Christopher. And it’s better for you not to brag that you’ve been to Cuba without visiting the Armory, Cathedral and Old Square capital of the state.

Che Guevara Memorial in Santa Clara, cigar factory " Francisco Donatien» in Pinar del Rio, caves with rock paintings of Mantanas. There is a prison on the island of Juventud Presidio Modelo", which is a copy of the former place of detention of F. Castro, the prison " Joliet"(Illinois). Natural landscapes and national parks more than make up for the small number of architectural attractions; many natural areas of Cuba are under the protection of UNESCO.

When you come on vacation from July 15 to August 15, be sure to visit the carnivals that take place in Havana and Santiago de Cuba, as these are unforgettable colorful events full of music, dances and colorful costumes. And smokers will be interested to know about the international festival of Cuban cigars taking place at the end of February.

Where would we be without shopping?, because you need to buy something truly Cuban - cigars, rum and coffee. Black corals and products made from them are popular among tourists. IN shopping centers Havana or Casa del Habano chain stores will not deceive you and will sell goods of proper quality.

National Cuban cuisine

Creole cuisine predominates in Cuba. Basic National dishes prepared from pork and chicken. Meat is prepared in many different ways. Among the national dishes cuisines – “Creole ajiaco” is one of the main ones. It is prepared from pork and vegetables with the addition of a good portion of spices. Also you should try:

  • lobsters with lemon;
  • crocodile meat;
  • turtle meat and eggs.

Fresh fruit slices are often served with each dish. They brew delicious and strong coffee. The main national drink is rum, which is included in almost all local cocktails.

Restaurants are mainly concentrated in resort and tourist areas; it is recommended to visit them with cash. Cost of a meal per person in good establishment ranges from 30 to 40 pesos, simpler establishments will cost no more than 15 pesos, and in an eatery you will leave a maximum of 5 Cuban coins. The tip is 10% of the check amount and it is better to give it to the waiters. And if you decide to eat at a bar, you are unlikely to succeed. In colorful Cuban bars you need to drink, and from food you will get the most nuts, or chips.

Cuban hotels

The most common hotels in Cuba are 4-star hotels, although for those who do not particularly plan to stay within four walls, there are a sufficient number of 2 and 3-star hotels. But for lovers of luxury, there is not much to choose from; there are literally only a few 5-star hotels. Most of the hotels on Liberty Island represent well-known global chains that operate according to the " all inclusive"Check-in at a hotel in Cuba occurs at 15:00, check-out is at 12:00. Cunning Cubans leave themselves three hours to clean the room before the arrival of the next guests, so you can safely make a claim if you find unwanted traces of previous guests.

How to get to Cuba

For a convenient and comfortable flight to Cuba, Good THERE recommends using the services of Aeroflot, which organizes regular, direct flights Moscow-Havana. If residents of Russia fly non-stop, then citizens of the CIS countries are recommended to fly through Moscow, or through Europe on appropriate flights.

A direct flight from Moscow lasts about 12 hours, a flight with transfers through Europe from 16 to 20 hours. Ticket prices start from 55,000 rubles per adult. It can be cheaper by purchasing a voucher. So with placement in three star hotel for 7 days and nights, the cost of a trip on average is from 60,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of holidays on the Cuban island

No matter how heavenly a place Cuba may seem to you, Okay THERE recommends paying attention to negative sides holidays in this beautiful country:

  • the sun is much more intense and brighter than residents of the CIS countries and Russia are used to; to avoid sunburn, stock up on sunscreen;
  • evening beach holiday small insects can spoil it; it is necessary to have protective sprays and creams with you;
  • do not drink raw water, and ask for chilled alcoholic drinks without ice, since Cuban water contains a lot of bacteria that are harmful to an unaccustomed tourist;
  • beware of marine life: moray eels, sea snakes and urchins and “Portuguese man-of-war”;
  • Remember the poverty of the population, which may provoke the desire of some individuals to rob you if you openly display your valuables and cash.

All these are just warnings, because it is better to prepare in advance so that your vacation is not overshadowed by anything and you can enjoy positive aspects trips:

  • feel the atmosphere of freedom;
  • enjoy the snow-white beaches;
  • absorb the cultural spirit of Cuba by visiting festivals and carnivals;
  • admire the beauty of Cuban nature;
  • try cigars and rum in their homeland;
  • dive into the depths of the ocean to explore its treasures;
  • meet and communicate with new people.

The video will complement our article

Video - Interesting Facts about Cuba

There is something interesting for everyone in Cuba. Expand your borders, the world is not in our apartments and phones. Travel, feel, learn new things. Fine THERE wishes you have a nice holiday on Liberty Island.

A country of true Caribbean romance, Cuba fascinates at first sight: coconut palms, picturesque bays, rum, cigars and a unique revolutionary spirit.

Cuba is attracted primarily by its paradise beaches - Liberty Island is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. Not surprisingly, the conditions here are ideal for leisurely sunbathing or active sea holidays.

The northern resort of Varadero is suitable for diving, surfing and deep-sea fishing.

Beautiful tourism infrastructure, many hotels (4 and 5 stars), warm waters of the Atlantic - this is where most tourists come.

The island of eternal summer gives 330 sunny days a year, the rainy season is from May to October, which means it is best to come in the European winter. Cubans offer impeccable service, prices for accommodation and excursions are above average, but in addition to hotels, rooms and houses can be rented from local residents.

Holidays in the country are not limited to spending time on the beach; for lovers of educational trips, there are excursions to national reserve Baconao, the Viñales karst valley, the eco-trails of the Zapata Peninsula and the orchid gardens of Soroa.

After the silence of parks and reserves, you should definitely go to the capital of the country - the city of Havana.

The local architecture will appeal to lovers of contrasts: ancient colonial buildings stand side by side with modern glass skyscrapers. Feel the spirit of the past in Old Havana, for more active rest- Prado Boulevard with its colorful carnivals.

The large cities of Santiago de Cuba, Trinidad, Camagüey will tell you about the history and culture of the country from all sides. For comfortable travel around Cuba, it is better to rent a car.

Public transport is practically undeveloped; to travel within the city, you can use inexpensive and safe “tourist taxis”.

The national cuisine combines traditional Spanish, Caribbean and African dishes. Meat lovers will be pleased with all kinds of “grills”, especially pork and chicken. Tourists can expect an abundance of fruits and vegetables, rice and legume dishes, and a rich assortment of seafood with spicy sauces. The famous Cuban rum and cigars will be the main highlight of the trip and an ideal souvenir from Liberty Island.

Cultural features

Cubans are very friendly and cheerful people.

The first thing that catches your eye is the smiles, because everyone smiles in Cuba, regardless of age and wealth. Considering that their lives are quite difficult for a number of reasons, this seems simply amazing. Another feature is that all Cubans simply love to sing and dance, they can suddenly throw a carnival or start dancing fiery salsa.

In addition, Cubans are very talkative and temperamental, but not aggressive. They always try to help others, including foreigners, and they treat Russians very friendly and with great sympathy. Cuba is a country where there is always an atmosphere of fun and celebration.

Local bans

Although Cuba is called the Island of Freedom, there are still some restrictions for tourists in the country:

  • It is prohibited to photograph military facilities and military personnel;
  • you cannot swim in the sea if a red flag is displayed;
  • nudism is prohibited;
  • You can go to jail for drugs;
  • smoking is prohibited in public places;
  • in the country there is a ban on the use of cards from American banks, that is, cards Visa systems will not be accepted.

National holidays

  • January 1-2 - Liberation Day (victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959);
  • May 1—Labor Day;
  • July 26 is National Uprising Day (July 25 and 27 are also days off);
  • October 10 - Anniversary of the beginning of the wars for independence from Spanish rule, Cuban Culture Day;
  • December 25—Christmas.


Cuban cuisine has developed under the influence of Spanish, African and Creole traditions. It is difficult to call Cuban cuisine specific - in general, it is quite simple, and variety is provided by numerous sauces made from tomatoes, peppers, mangoes, papaya and other products.

Among the meat dishes, chicken, pork, beef and, of course, seafood are very popular.

Cubans, like most Latinos, prefer rice and beans as a side dish. Particularly popular dishes: ajiaco soup (a mixture of meat and vegetables), la caldosa (chicken), potaje soup (bean soup), picadillo a la abanera (rice with minced meat) and many others. The main rule of Cuban cuisine: food should be simple and satisfying.

Among desserts, Cubans prefer ice cream, as well as the traditional delicacy cucurucho. Among drinks, coffee is especially popular among Cubans, and tea is almost impossible to find in the country.

But if you do manage to get tea, it will be of very poor quality and, most likely, in bags. In terms of alcohol, the most common drink is, of course, rum.


From a trip to Cuba you can bring a large number of exotic gifts that will remind you of a wonderful trip.

A must-have are excellent Cuban cigars, which are worth buying in stores at large hotels, having first studied the varieties and types of cigars. Cohiba, Monte Cristo, Romeo y Julieta are popular in Cuba. Please note that you should not buy the product secondhand - most likely, you will run into a cheap fake, which will definitely not contain high-quality tobacco.

Rum and local coffee can be purchased at duty free, and for particularly rare varieties of the aromatic drink, you should go to specialized stores.

Representatives of the fair sex will certainly appreciate the original jewelry made of black coral. Note to travelers: to check the authenticity of the coral, you can heat it with fire - real coral will not melt. The interior will be decorated with mahogany figurines, paintings by local artists, Cuban flags and various trinkets bearing revolutionary symbols.

Fans of Comandante Che Guevara will be pleased with T-shirts and baseball caps with his image (it is also better to buy them at hotels or at the airport, where the quality is better). Finally, those with a sweet tooth should pay attention to the delicious coconut jam, which can be spread on toast and used to make various desserts.

Visa How to get there

They say that you need to go to Cuba while Fidel is still alive. You can put this into practice by purchasing a ticket for Aeroflot and Cubana De Aviacion flights, flying from Moscow to Havana five times a week. With transfers, you can get to Cuba using flights from Iberia (via Madrid), KLM (via Amsterdam), Air France (via Paris). Mexicana, Interjet and Cubana (from Mexico), Aeropostal (from Venezuela), and Bahamas- Bahamasair, from El Salvador - TACA International Airlines. In addition, from the large Russian cities, for example, from Yekaterinburg, here ... Read more

Border nuances

All foreigners entering Cuba must fill out a migration card, which will then be stamped by an immigration officer. On the road... Read more


Unlimited import of foreign currency is allowed, but amounts over 5,000 USD must be declared. You can import up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, and goods for personal use in reasonable quantities duty free. It is prohibited to import any parts and spare parts for cars and motorcycles, narcotic substances (face a long prison sentence), unlabeled medicines and medicines containing narcotic substances (except with a doctor’s prescription). The import of weapons, ammunition, explosives and toxic substances, extremist or...

The name of the country comes from “Akoba”, which means “land, dry land” in the language of the local Indians.

Cuba area. 110860 km2.

Population of Cuba. 11.39 million people (

Cuba GDP. $77.15 billion (

Location of Cuba. Cuba is a state, located on the very large island West and several nearby islands. In the north it is washed by the Strait of Florida, in the southwest - by the Yucatan Strait, in the east - by the Windward Strait, in the south -.

Administrative division cubes. The state is divided into 14 provinces and the special municipality of Isla Juventud.

Cuban form of government. Republic.

Head of State of Cuba. Chairman of the State Council.

Supreme legislative body of Cuba. National Assembly, which elects the Council of State.

Supreme executive body of Cuba. Council of Ministers.

Major cities in Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey, Holguin, Guantanamo, Santa Clara, Cienfuegos, Matanzas.

Official language cubes. Spanish.

Religion of Cuba. 55% are atheists, 40% are atheists, 3% are Protestants.

Ethnic composition of Cuba. 65% are descendants of Europeans, 20% are mulattoes, 12% are Africans, 1% are Chinese.

Fauna of Cuba. Of the mammalian representatives of the animal world, the hutia and the slittooth should be distinguished. Home to a huge number of bats, almost 300 species of birds, including vulture, quail, finch, macaw, hummingbird. More than 700 species of fish and shellfish live in coastal waters. There are numerous insects, including very dangerous ones - sand flea and the malaria mosquito.

Rivers and lakes of Cuba. The largest is Kauto.

Sights of Cuba. In Havana - National Museum, Colonial Museum, Museum of Anthropology, Moro Castle, Santa Clara Monastery, La Fuerza Fortress, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, City Hall, the largest zoo in America; in Santiago de Cuba - Museum of Natural History; In Cardenas - the Oscar M. de Rojas Museum; in Camagüey there are a large number of churches and mansions from the colonial period. On the shore of the bay is the world's largest aquarium.

Helpful information for tourists

As souvenirs from Cuba, you can bring black coral and jewelry made from it, items made from tortoise shell (especially bracelets and hairpins). Don't forget to buy one or two bottles of unique Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars. When purchasing products from crocodile skin ask the seller for an export license, otherwise this souvenir will be confiscated during customs control. A good gift from Cuba would also be a tumbadora or bongo - drums musical instruments. Another gift is the guayabera, a shirt worn by officials in the tropics. You will probably have to use currency shops, since pesos can only buy books and medicine.

In Cuba, it is customary to pay a tip of 5-15% of the cost of services. The porter and maid at the hotel are given 1 dollar.

The official name is the Republic of Cuba (Republica de Cuba, Republic of Cuba).

Located in the West Indies. Occupies an archipelago that is part of the Greater Antilles. Includes the islands of Cuba (area 104.9 thousand km2), Juventud (2.2 thousand km2) and more than 1,600 small islands (3.7 thousand km2). The total area is 110,860 km2. Population - 11.2 million people. (2002). The official language is Spanish. The capital is Havana (2.2 million people, 2002). Public holidays - Liberation Day on January 1 (1959), National Uprising Day on July 26 (1953). The monetary unit is the Cuban peso (equal to 100 centavos).

Member of the UN (since 1945), Leningrad NPP (since 1975), AKG (since 1994), LAI (since 1999), WTO (since 1995), etc.

Sights of Cuba

Geography of Cuba

It is located between 19°49′ and 23°15′ north latitude and 74°08′ and 84°57′ west longitude. Washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Caribbean Sea in the south and the Gulf of Mexico in the west. Length coastline islands of Cuba - 5746 km. The coast is characterized by deep-water bays (Matanzas, Nipe, Guantanamo) and many convenient bays. The island is surrounded by reefs and other coral formations.

Cuba is separated from the United States by the Strait of Florida (180 km at its narrowest part), from Haiti by the Windward Strait (77 km), from Jamaica by the Strait of Colon (140 km) and from Mexico by the Yucatan Strait (210 km).

Most (about 2/3 of the territory) of the island of Cuba is flat or slightly undulating plain. The most significant hills and mountains are located in the south-east of the country. Highest points- peaks Turkino (1974 m), Cuba (1872) and Sweden (1734) in the Sierra Maestra mountain range.

The rivers are short and not full. The largest (km): Cauto (370), Sagua la Grande (163), Sasa (155). There are no significant lakes.

The soils are represented by red soils (the most common), chernozems and brown soils.

The flora includes up to 8 thousand species of tropical flora (including 90 species of palm trees). Forests cover approx. 1/4 of the territory. The fauna is characterized by a poverty of vertebrates and an abundance of lower species (rodents, insectivores, bats), as well as the absence of predatory mammals and poisonous individuals.

Of the mineral resources, large deposits of nickel-cobalt and iron ores are of greatest importance. There are also chromites, manganese, copper, lead, zinc, and tungsten. Among nonmetallic minerals, marls, magnesites, dolomites, refractory and ceramic clays, and marble stand out. Proven reserves: oil 283.5 million barrels, nickel 5.6 million tons, cobalt - 1 million tons.

The climate is tropical, trade wind. The average annual temperature is +25.5°C. The coldest month is January (+22.5°C), the hottest month is August (+27.8°C). The rainy season is from May to October, the dry season is from November to April. The average annual precipitation is 1400 mm.

Population of Cuba

Population dynamics (thousand people, as of mid-year): 1990 - 10,628, 1995 - 10,964, 2000 - 11,199, 2001 - 11,230. Fertility rate 12.08%, infant mortality 7.27 people. per 1000 newborns, average life expectancy is 76.6 years (2002 estimate). Sex and age structure of the population: 0-14 years - 20.6% (men 1,188,125, women 1,125,743), 15-64 years - 69.3% (3,902,162, 3,880,531), 65 years and older - 10 .1% (520,849, 606,911) (2002 estimate). Urban population 73.3%. Population density 101.5 people. per 1 km2. Citizens who have worked for 25 years and have reached 60 years of age (men) and 55 years of age (women) have the right to retire. Illiteracy among the population aged 10 years and older is 3.8%.

Ethnic composition (%): mulatto - 51, white - 37, black - 11 and Chinese - 1. Language - Spanish.

The majority of believers profess Catholicism, a smaller part - Protestantism, Judaism and Afro-Cuban cults.

History of Cuba

The island of Cuba was discovered by H. Columbus on October 27, 1492. Colonization of the country by Spain began in 1511. The Indian tribes inhabiting it (Guanahatabeys, Siboneys and Tainos), under the leadership of their leaders Atuey and Guama, stubbornly resisted the conquerors who brought socio-political and economic feudal institutions of the metropolis. In 1596 the island received the status of captaincy general. The progressive extinction of the indigenous population forced the organization of the import of blacks from Africa, whose labor became the basis of the slave-owning plantation economy (sugar cane, tobacco, coffee), which occupied the middle. 18th century along with cattle breeding latifundia, a leading place in the economy of the colony. A class of wealthy Creole landowners gradually emerged. At the same time, the population's dissatisfaction with the colonial order grew.

The independence movement arose in Cuba in the 19th century. The anti-colonial Ten Years' War (its leaders were K.M. de Cespedes and I. Agramonte - representatives of the patriotic part of the large landowners), which began on October 10, 1868 with an uprising near the town of Yara, ended with the Sanhon Pact (1878). Its main result was the abolition of slavery (1886), which promoted the national unity of the Cubans. An attempt by the most radical elements to continue the struggle (Little War of 1879-80) failed, and Spain retained its dominance over the island.

A new uprising for independence broke out on February 24, 1895 (“Cry from Bayre”). Its leader, organizer and inspirer was H. Marty (died in battle in May 1895). A. Maceo and M. Gomez also played a prominent role in the struggle for national liberation.

Seeking to take advantage of liberation struggle Cuban people, The United States entered into a war with Spain on April 25, 1898, which ended with the occupation of the island by American troops. On May 20, 1902, Cuba gained formal independence. In 1901, under pressure from the United States, the so-called The Platt Amendment meant the establishment of an unofficial US protectorate over the country. The latter were leased territories in the areas of Guantanamo and Bahia Onda.

In 1925, with the support of the United States, the dictatorship of J. Machado was established in Cuba, which was overthrown on August 12, 1933 as a result of the revolution. In September 1933, a provisional revolutionary government led by R. Grau San Martin came to power, expressing the political sentiments of the national bourgeoisie and the middle urban strata. In 1934 it was overthrown as a result of a coup carried out by Colonel F. Batista. Batista carried out a certain democratization of internal life: in 1938 the Communist Party was legalized, in 1939 the Trade Union Center of Cuban Workers was founded, and in 1940 it was adopted new Constitution- one of the most democratic in the world of that time.

Under the subsequent governments of R. Grau San Martin (1944-48) and especially C. Prio Socarras (1948-52), the persecution of democratic forces caused a response in the form of activation of the latter. Fearing the victory of these forces in the upcoming elections in June 1952, Batista carried out a preventive coup on March 10 and established a military-police regime in the country. On July 26, 1953, under the leadership of F. Castro, a failed armed uprising against the dictatorship took place. With the landing of a revolutionary detachment of 82 people on the territory of Cuba on December 2, 1956. Led by Castro, the insurgency in the country received new impetus. The movement against the dictatorship took various forms, and on January 1, 1959, as a result of the joint actions of all revolutionary forces, the pro-American Batista regime fell. On February 17, 1959, Castro took over as prime minister of the Revolutionary Government, which began to implement radical socio-economic and political changes. After Castro proclaimed a course towards building socialism on April 16, 1961, a brigade of American mercenaries landed in Cuba (in the Playa Giron area). The defeat of the interventionists hardened the counter-revolution, supported and directed by the United States. The USSR's intervention in the conflict led to one of the largest confrontations between “socialism and imperialism” after World War II, known as the Caribbean (or Missile) Crisis of 1962. Its outcome ushered in a period of peaceful development for Cuba.

Government structure and political system of Cuba

The Constitution is in force in 1976, as amended in 1992. According to the Constitution, “Cuba is a socialist, independent and sovereign state of the working people, created by all and for the benefit of all in the form of a unitary democratic republic providing the conditions for political freedom, social justice, individual and collective prosperity and human solidarity.”

Administrative division: 14 provinces (Pi nar del Rio, the city of Havana, Havana, Matanzas, Cien Fuegos, Villa Clara, Sancti Spiritus, Ciego de Avila, Camagüey, Las Tunas, Granma, Santiago de -Cuba, Holguin and Guantanamo), which are divided into 169 municipalities, including one special central subordination (Juventud Island).

Most big cities(thousand people, end 1998): Havana (2192), Santiago de Cuba (440), Camagüey (304), Holguin (256), Santa Clara (210), Guantanamo (207).

The highest legislative body is the unicameral National Assembly of People's Power, whose deputies (609 people) are elected by universal, direct, secret ballot. The term of office of parliament is 5 years.

From among its deputies, the National Assembly elects the State Council (31 people), consisting of a chairman, first deputy chairman, 5 deputy chairmen, a secretary and 23 members. The State Council is a permanent body of the National Assembly, which represents it between sessions, implements its decisions and reports to it on its activities. The term of office of the Council of State expires when the elections for a new assembly are completed. The Chairman of the State Council is both the head of government and the supreme commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the republic.

The highest executive body of power is the Council of Ministers (government), whose members are nominated by the Chairman of the State Council and approved by the National Assembly. The Council of Ministers is accountable in its activities to the National Assembly of People's Power.

Local authorities are represented by provincial and municipal assemblies. The term of office of the first is 5 years, the second is 2.5 years. Like the National Assembly, the locals are elected through equal, direct and secret elections. Citizens who have reached the age of 16 have the right to be elected to provincial and municipal assemblies, as well as the bodies formed by them. The age limit for deputies of the National Assembly is 18 years.

Castro served as Prime Minister of Cuba from February 17, 1959 until February 24, 1976, when this post was abolished by law. Since December 2, 1976, Castro has been Chairman of the Council of State and Council of Ministers of Cuba.

The only legal one Political Party- The Communist Party of Cuba (CPC), created on April 16, 1961, which has complete control over the legislative, executive and judicial authorities and mass public organizations. The leading role of the CPC is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic. The highest body of the party is the congress, convened once every 5 years, which is elected by the Central Committee. The last of its members is elected by the Politburo (25 people). The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba is F. Castro, the second is R. Castro. By the 5th Congress of the CPC (1997), the party numbered 780 thousand members.

The most widespread public organization- Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (KDR), created in 1960 and uniting St. 6.6 million people National coordinator of the KZR - J. Contino.

The Trade Union Center of the Workers of Cuba (PTK) was founded in 1939. It unites 19 sectoral trade unions with 2.7 million members (1996). General Secretary - P. Ross Leal.

The Federation of Cuban Women (FCW) was formed in 1960 and includes 3.6 million people. (82.7% of the total female population over 14 years of age, 2000). The Chairman of the FKJ is V. Espin de Castro.

The National Association of Small Farmers (NAMZ) was founded in 1961 and has approx. 170 thousand members. Chairman of NAMZ - O. Lugo. There are also a number of other public organizations.

The leading organization of the business community is the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Cuba.

In foreign policy, Cuba advocates international relations and friendly relations with all states based on strict respect for equality, sovereignty, independence and national and territorial integrity. She is committed to the ideas of strengthening the role of the UN, the principles of a multipolar world and international security.

Most countries in the world maintain normal interstate relations with Cuba and support the lifting of the US trade embargo. Cuba's economic and trade relations with Canada, the EU (especially Spain) and Latin American countries (in particular Venezuela) are developing successfully.

On the line. 2002 Cuba maintained diplomatic and consular relations with 182 states.

The number of Cuban Armed Forces decreased from 297 thousand people. in 1987 to 55 thousand in 1997. The share of military expenditures in GDP decreased during this time from 4.5 to 2.3%. In 2002, citizens fit for military service (persons 15-49 years old) were: men - 1915.6 thousand, women - 1869.9 thousand people.

Diplomatic relations with the USSR were established on October 14, 1942, interrupted on April 3, 1952, and restored on May 8, 1960. In December 1991, the Russian Federation was recognized as the legal successor of the USSR.

Economy of Cuba

Disorganization and then collapse of the decades-old system of foreign economic relations with the USSR and other countries of Eastern Europe led to the fact that in the beginning. 1990s Cuba's economy found itself in a protracted crisis. During 1989-93, Cuba's GDP decreased by 34.8%. The decline in the country's purchasing power from $8.1 billion in 1989 (the last “normal” year for the national economy) to 1.7 billion in 1993 indicated that its economy was 4/5 paralyzed. The government was forced to introduce a program of emergency measures, which provided for a wide opening of the economy to foreign capital, strict centralized control over the expenditure of financial resources, and a shift in emphasis in favor of the development of industries working to satisfy urgent domestic demand (food industry, oil production) or for export.

Thanks to the New Deal, Cuba in 1994 managed to reverse the declining trend in its economic development - Country's GDP for the first time in recent years, it grew by 0.7%. The trend towards the resumption of economic activity that emerged in this year, although it subsequently intensified, did not become sustainable: Cuba's GDP growth (%): 1995 - 2.5, 1996 - 7.8, 1997 - 2.5, 1998 - 1, 2, 1999 - 6.2, 2000 - 5.3, 2001 - 2.5, 2002 - 1.1. Sharp fluctuations in growth rates over the years are explained mainly by changes in world market conditions, as well as force majeure factors (hurricanes, droughts).

The GDP in 2002 is estimated at 27.6 billion pesos. Based on the official (obviously inflated) exchange rate of the peso against the dollar (1:1), then GDP per capita in 2002 was approximately $2,456. However, this figure does not reflect the actual state of affairs, since the peso is an inconvertible currency, and its real purchasing power is expressed by the ratio of 26 pesos to 1 dollar.

The number of people employed in the national economy is 4.3 million people, of which 78% are in the public sector. Agriculture accounts for 24%, industry - 25% and services - 51% of all employment (1999). Unemployment 4.1% (2001).

According to official data, there is no inflation in the country. According to the CIA, inflation in 2002 was 7.1%.

Sectoral structure of GDP: agriculture - 8%, industry - 35, services - 58% (2002).

The development of individual sectors of the national economy is uneven. In industry, the priority is the extractive industries - oil and the production of nickel-containing concentrates. In 2002, Cuba produced a total of 4.1 million tons of oil, which meets 92% of the country's need for electricity production. Cuba's current (2003) energy demand is 100 thousand barrels. per day, 53 thousand of which go to preferential terms from Venezuela.

The extraction and processing of nickel ores remains a strategic sector of the Cuban economy, in the development of which more than $400 million has been invested over the past 5 years. In 2000, nickel-containing concentrate became the country's main export product, revenues from the sale of which exceeded revenues from sugar supplies. A year later, Cuba strengthened its position in the world economy as the 5th largest producer of nickel (76.5 thousand tons). The country has 37% of the world's reserves of this metal and plans to increase its production to 100 thousand tons in the near future.

At the same time, Cuba does not yet have plants for processing concentrate into finished products (Canada does this for it). The nickel industry is too energy-intensive for their construction to be planned in the near future given the underdeveloped energy sector on the island. Electricity generation in 2001 amounted to 15.3 billion kWh.

The backbone of the Cuban economy is still recognized as the sugar industry, which ranks third in terms of income in hard currency after tourism and the nickel industry.

The collapse of the former supply system established within the framework of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and unfavorable world market conditions caused a deep recession in the industry: the volume of raw sugar production decreased compared to the 2nd half. 1980s 2 times, varying between 3.2-4.0 million tons (in 2002 - 3.4 million tons).

Since May 2001, the government has been restructuring the industry. The main task is to significantly increase its profitability. As part of the corresponding program, it was announced that 71 of the existing 156 plants would be closed or repurposed and the remaining ones would be modernized. The production potential of sugar factories is henceforth planned to be maintained at the level of 4 million tons of products per year (0.7 million tons for domestic consumption and 3.3 million for export). OK. 40% of the area occupied by sugar cane will be allocated to other crops, for the development of livestock farming and the expansion of forest resources.

With the help of foreign loans, the tobacco industry is being restored, primarily the production of cigars, which was greatly reduced in the beginning. 1990s In 2002, their sales reached $240 million.

Among the knowledge-intensive industries, biotechnology, the pharmaceutical industry and medical instrumentation receive the greatest attention. Of the 804 medicines included in the national list, the pharmaceutical industry produces 571 (71%, 2001).

On the line. 1997 Cuba's land fund amounted to 10,972.2 thousand hectares, incl. agricultural lands - 6686.7 thousand hectares (60.9%), of which cultivated lands - 3701.4 thousand hectares (33.7%), natural pastures - 2222.8 thousand hectares (20.3%), unused lands - 762.5 thousand hectares (6.9%); non-agricultural lands - 4285.5 thousand hectares (39.1%), incl. forests - 2924.9 thousand hectares (26.6%). Irrigated areas are less than 1 thousand km2.

Of the 6686.7 thousand hectares of agricultural land, 2234.5 thousand hectares (33.4%) are in the public sector, 4452.2 thousand hectares (66.6%) are in the non-state sector, incl. in the cooperative - 4149.9 thousand hectares and at the disposal of individual peasants - 236.2 thousand hectares.

Production of certain types of agricultural products (2001, thousand tons): vegetables and root crops - 2125.2, rice - 590.6, corn - 306.7, beans - 105.6, citrus fruits - 893.8. Deliveries for slaughter (thousand tons): cattle - 143.9, small cattle - 17.3, poultry - 71.0. 1.5 billion eggs were produced.

The public sector accounts for 72.3% of the production of vegetables and root crops, 34.5% of rice, 21.3% of corn, 15.6% of beans, 50.5% of citrus fruits, 93.7% of beef, 27. 9% - pork, 18.1% - small livestock meat, 35.0% - poultry, 19.3% - milk and 78.8% - eggs (1998).

Cuba has a relatively dense transport network. Length railways 12.0 thousand km (2000, estimate), incl. public railways - 4.8 thousand km (of which electrified - 147 km), etc. sugar lines - 7.2 thousand km (2000, estimate).

The length of highways is 60.9 thousand km, incl. with hard surface - 29.8 thousand km.

In 2001, specialized transport institutions in Cuba transported 678.9 million passengers, of which by rail - 15.0 million, by road - 657.6 million (excluding the transportation of tourists) and by air - 1.3 million. Cargo transportation amounted to 57.7 million tons, of which by rail - 5.4, road - 45.4, sea - 9.9 and air - 0.01 million tons.

The Cuban merchant fleet consists of 14 ships with a displacement of St. 1 thousand tons. Total carrying capacity - 63.4 thousand tons (2002, estimate). The fleet includes 9 dry cargo ships (including 3 bulk carriers), 2 tankers and 3 refrigerators. The most important ports: Havana, Santiago de Cuba, Matanzas, Senfuegos, Mariel, Nuevitas, Manzani-llo. Total ports - 32.

There are 172 airports in the country, of which there are concrete runway 78 (2002).

In 2001, the following were sent (millions): letters - 15.6, telegrams - 5.5. The total distribution of printed publications amounted to 282.9 million units, of which newspapers - 264.5 million. The volume of national radio broadcasts was 11,278.9 MWh, the volume of national television broadcasts was 7,757.8 MWh. 731.8 thousand telephone lines were in operation. Number telephone numbers per 100 inhabitants - 5 (2001). There were 3.9 million radios and 2.6 million televisions in the country (1997). Internet users - 120 thousand (2002).

The most dynamic sector of the Cuban economy in recent years is tourism. In 2002, this industry, although it experienced a 5% decline, brought the treasury $2.0 billion. Cuba was visited by 1,686.7 thousand tourists, 40% of them from Europe. For reception foreign tourists the country has 40 thousand hotel rooms and 11 international airports. The sector employs 100 thousand people. The country is taking active measures to encourage cruise ship visits to its ports and ensure that this type of tourism attracts St. 3 million people In 2002, 70 cruise ships with 45 thousand passengers on board visited Cuba.

Cuba has a two-tier banking system, which includes 8 commercial banks, whose activities include the provision of financial intermediation services, and a central bank that regulates and controls their work. All Cuban banks are state-owned, the owner of their shares is the central bank, created in 1997. There are also 12 representative offices of foreign banks in the country. The only bank that operates abroad on the basis of Cuban capital is Havana International Ltd. There are also representative offices of the National Bank of Cuba, founded in 1950. It retained its commercial status and inherited the country's foreign debt. The functions of the central bank include: issuing banknotes, regulating the money supply in circulation and loans, developing monetary policy, etc.

The country has a trimonetary monetary system: pesos, dollars and convertible pesos (the latter was introduced into circulation in 1994, is equal to the US dollar and is intended to limit the circulation of American currency in the national economy).

In 2001, the revenue side of the budget was 14,774 million pesos, and the expenditure side was 15,533 million pesos. The state budget deficit (759 million pesos) remained within the planned limits (2.8% of GDP), which generally confirms the correctness of the government's tax policy.

Starting from the 2nd half. 1990s The social situation in the country has stabilized somewhat. According to official sources, compared to 1994, calorie consumption increased by 33% (up to 2585 kcal per day), and protein consumption by 44% (up to 68 g per day). In nominal prices, the average monthly salary increased from 185 to 249 pesos (taking into account the fall in the peso exchange rate after September 11, 2001, it actually did not change and is less than $10). Extremely low level official income results in a constant decrease in the population’s motivation to work.

Although open unemployment has been gradually declining since 1995, underemployment has become widespread. By international standards, the majority of the population lives below the poverty line. At the same time, social differentiation of the population is increasing. Among those with higher purchasing power are citizens who own foreign currency. Over 50% of the population receives remittances from the United States, the official amount of which ranges from $800 to $1,100 million per year.

Currently, 95% of the country's total housing stock is electrified. Gasification will be completed in 2003 largest cities- Havana and Santiago de Cuba.

In 2000, there were 170 inhabitants for every general practitioner, and 1,129 inhabitants for every dentist. Number of students per teacher: primary school - 12.0, secondary school - 11.5 (2000). The number of students per teacher is 5.6 (2000).

Although Cuba's Human Development Index is 0.795 (2000), the standard of living of its population is still lower than in pre-crisis 1989.

According to official estimates, in 2001 Cuba's foreign trade turnover was determined at $6,443.3 million. A year later, it decreased by 13.9%.

The country still spends more foreign currency on importing necessary goods than it receives from exports, which makes the state's balance of payments very strained. The trade balance deficit ($3,120.3 million, or 11.4% in relation to GDP) in 2001 turned out to be almost 1.9 times greater than the volume of exports. Against the backdrop of GDP growth, since 1993 there has been a constant deterioration in the balance of payments.

In 2001, exports amounted to $1,661.5 million. Commodity structure of exports (%): sugar - 30.1, nickel - 25.6, tobacco products - 14.5, seafood - 4.4.

Imports increased in 2001 to $4,781.8 million. The main purchases accounted for (%): machinery and equipment - 23.6, energy - 23.5, food products - 14.4, chemicals - 8.8.

The main trading partners are (2001,%): in exports - Russia (19.4), Canada (16.6), Spain (8.9), Germany (7.2), the Netherlands (7.0); in imports - Venezuela (18.6), Spain (15.4), China (9.2), Mexico (6.2), Italy (6.0).

The volume of trade with the Russian Federation is $322.5 million, incl. exports 288.0, imports 34.5.

In November 2001, Havana for the first time took advantage of an amendment adopted by the US Congress allowing US companies to export food to Cuba. However, the island is forced to pay all contracts in advance and in cash, without being able to take out loans from US banks. In 2002, Cuba purchased food from the United States totaling $255 million.

A serious problem of the balance of payments remains related to the ongoing US embargo and the impossibility of conducting international payments in dollars. Having lost $260 million in 1998 alone due to the need for constant currency exchange in the face of fluctuating exchange rates, the National Bank of Cuba decided to make it mandatory to use the euro as a currency from July 1999. monetary unit in transactions with 11 member countries of the European Monetary Union.

In 1987, Cuba unilaterally stopped servicing its foreign debt, the size of which was at stake. 2001 was estimated at $10,893.0 million (81.0% - principal amount of debt, 19.0% - obligations to service it). This amount does not include debts to former socialist countries, incl. THE USSR.

To stimulate the influx of foreign capital into Cuba, on September 5, 1995, the country adopted new law on foreign investment, and on June 3, 1996 - the law “On Free Zones and Industrial Parks”, which contains legal norms governing their creation and operation.

All sectors of the national economy are open to foreign investors, with the exception of health care, education and national security (the ban does not apply to those belonging to the Revolutionary armed forces business system).

The total volume of foreign direct investment approved at the con. 2002, amounted to $5930 million. The number of economic associations with the participation of foreign capital from 46 countries (among which Spain, Canada, Italy, Great Britain and France stand out) reached 402. In the sphere of interests of foreign investors are 32 different sectors of the Cuban economy. According to Cuban press reports, more than 650 projects are at various stages of negotiations, approx. 1/2 of them belong to EU countries.

As of May 2002, Cuba has signed agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investments with 60 countries. Expanding the legal framework for investments, it is negotiating with a number of states on the preparation of agreements on the avoidance of double taxation. K con. 2000 such agreements were signed 4 (with Barbados, Spain, Italy and the Russian Federation).

Currently, there are 3 free zones on the island, located in the Havana region. More than 240 foreign operators are registered in them, 2/3 of which operate in the commercial sphere, the rest in manufacturing and the service sector.

Science and culture of Cuba

Scientific activities in Cuba are coordinated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (founded in 1994). It includes 39 different scientific institutions, incl. Academy of Sciences of Cuba (founded in 1962) and four agencies: Atomic Energy, Science and Technology, Environment and Information for Development. In recent years, the main efforts of Cuban scientists have been aimed at applied scientific research, which in the near future promises a real economic effect. From the 2nd half. 1990s a number of scientific institutions are united in the so-called. scientific poles. One of the largest is the Scientific Pole of the West of Havana, created in 1996 and uniting 38 scientific institutions operating within 10 ministries. Expenditures on research activities amounted to 136 million pesos in 2000, the number of people working in the field of science and technology was 64.1 thousand people, incl. more than 6 thousand doctors of science.

More than 50% of all scientific work in Cuba is carried out at universities and their 76 research centers. System higher education includes 61 universities, of which in the system of the Ministry of Higher Education - 17, the Ministry of Education - 16 and the Ministry of Health - 14. The teaching staff of universities is 21.6 thousand people. The largest universities are Havana (founded in 1728) and Oriente (founded in 1947). Expenditures on education in 2000 - 7.6% of GDP.

In 2000, there were (units) in the country: theaters and theater halls - 361, cinemas - 682, libraries - 131, museums - 330, cultural centers - 308 and amateur art groups - 21,538. 7.45 million copies of books were published 1026 various titles, 25 films were released, incl. 6 full-length.