Who is the owner of Aeroflot? Aeroflot subsidiaries: list. Payments to Aeroflot for overflights

One replacement

The new composition of the board of directors of the Aeroflot group, which was elected at the annual meeting on Monday, June 25, included the general director of Aviacapital Service, Roman Pakhomov, who replaced Dmitry Saprykin, the general director of Rossiya Airlines (a subsidiary of Aeroflot). . Pakhomov was a member of the company's board from 2013 to 2017.

And ten people, including Chemezov, Savelyev, Kamensky and Sidorov, retained their seats on the council.​

Inconclusive decision

Remuneration to members of the Aeroflot board of directors consists of a fixed part, additional payments to it and bonuses under the incentive program approved in 2017 and designed for three years. But the payments are spread out over time. Despite the fact that at the meeting on Monday, June 25, the decision on bonus program was not accepted, shareholders supported the payment of a fixed part of the remuneration to directors - 77.76 million rubles. for the last year (ends June 30, 2018), as well as 10.387 million rubles. additional payments for the previous year (ended June 30, 2017).

The bonus part of the remuneration is tied to the capitalization of Aeroflot, its representative previously explained. Over the previous corporate year, which ended on June 30, 2017, the increase in capitalization was 117.6% - it increased to RUB 207.9 billion. This explains this high level remuneration under the bonus program (RUB 187.2 million), the issue of which was submitted to the annual meeting of shareholders. ​

“The decision on payments under the option program for July 2016 - June 2017 was postponed due to the fact that the Federal Property Management Agency, which controls Aeroflot, abstained from voting. Consultations with the controlling shareholder will continue on this issue,” a source close to Aeroflot told RBC. The government does not agree with the existing system of calculating remuneration at Aeroflot, and this was the government directive - to abstain from voting on the issue of paying bonuses, it was supported by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Economic Development, added the interlocutor in the financial and economic bloc of the government.

“The shareholders and the state did not oppose payments to members of the board of directors, but abstained, which means that the final decision has not yet been made,” noted a representative of the airline itself. Representatives of the Federal Property Management Agency and the Ministry of Transport declined to comment. The Ministry of Economic Development has not yet responded to RBC's request.

Members of the board of directors of Aeroflot could challenge the decision not to pay the bonus part of the remuneration only if they are shareholders; this is provided for by the Civil Code and the Law “On Joint Stock Companies,” noted Kirill Dozmarov, lawyer of the Art de Lex law firm. In his opinion, in this situation, a compromise between shareholders and members of the board of directors could be the adoption new program motivation.

From July 1, 2017 to June 25, 2018, Aeroflot’s capitalization decreased by 25% - to 156 billion rubles, so based on the results of the last corporate year, directors may not receive bonuses, suggests Dmitry Zharsky, director of the Veta expert group. At the end of 2014, not only members of the board of directors, but also the airline’s management were left without remuneration under the option program (in force in 2013-2015) - the board made this decision due to a drop in capitalization by 2.4 times.

In 2017, Aeroflot Group carried 50.1 million passengers, which is 15.4% more than the previous year. The company's revenue according to RAS for 2017 amounted to 446.65 billion rubles. (+4.4%), net profit - 28.4 billion rubles. (+21.7%). At the annual meeting, shareholders supported the recommendation of the board of directors and decided to allocate 50% of net profit, or RUB 14.2 billion, to dividends.

Aeroflot goes to the regions

Speaking to shareholders on June 25, Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Savelyev said that the group plans to create a network of hubs in Russian regions. By the fall, the company's management should present a new strategy containing proposals for the creation of regional hubs. But he did not specify the details.

“There is production and business logic in creating regional hubs. “Aeroflot covers the entire territory of Russia in different segments, and it is logical that it will have hubs not only in the capital,” a source close to Aeroflot told RBC. According to him, a hub has actually already been created in St. Petersburg, where Rossiya flies from, and another one may appear in Perm, where repairs of Sukhoi family aircraft are carried out.

President Vladimir Putin previously called for the development of interregional air transportation, bypassing Moscow. According to his May decree, the share of regional transportation should increase to 50% (now most flights between regions are carried out through Moscow).

In 1992 Aeroflot was restored by a special government decree. After 2 years it became a joint-stock open company, continuing to carry out international transportation and flights within Russia. 51% of shares belonged to the state.

Aeroflot emblem.

From 2000 to 2003 developments were carried out to change the design of the company's aircraft and a new symbol. Aeroflot wanted to completely change the hammer and sickle, but it was the most recognizable sign in the world. They left it, but added wings to it.

New aircraft were also purchased to update its fleet. By 2004 their number reached 100. Aircraft Russian company Aeroflot changed from Soviet to foreign. Of the first, only a few TU-154 remained in service.

Aeroflot Tu-154.

The company continued to be actively involved in transportation to other countries. Therefore, the main goal of the company was to become the leading airline in Russia.

5 years later a cooperation contract was signed with football club CSKA. The company also had successful partnerships with the American basketball club - Nen Jersey Nets. Since 2013 The company has another partner - Manchester United.

In 2013 The budget company “Dobrolet” was organized. Its activities were hampered by the sanctions against Russia that came into force. She ceased to exist. In 2014, instead of it, Aeroflot launched another low-cost airline, Pobeda.

Since 2015 Ukraine has sanctions against Russia for any transportation on its territory.

Who owns Aeroflot?

Aeroflot management is represented by general director Vitaly Savelyev.

For 2016, the company's shares are distributed as follows:

  • 61.17% - from the state;
  • 34.04% - from legal entities;
  • 4.79% - for individuals.

Aeroflot aircraft

While the USSR existed, Aeroflot's fleet consisted only of Soviet-made aircraft. Tu and Il aircraft were the main ones in the company's fleet. The last Soviet airliner that was operated by Aeroflot until 2014, there was IL 96-300.

Aeroflot Il-96-300 aircraft.

Today, the mainstay of the company's fleet is Boeing and Airbus. The medium-haul segment is represented by Airbus A320, A319, A321. They make up the majority of Aeroflot's fleet. In addition to them, the company has Boeings - Boeing 737-800, 777-300ER.

In 2015, a contract was signed for the supply of Sukhoi SuperJet. The company currently has 30 aircraft of this type, and another 20 will be received by the end of 2017.

Sukhoi SuperJet of Aeroflot company.

Of the Russian models, 50 Irkutsk MS-21 airliners have been ordered. Aeroflot's aircraft fleet is planned to be replenished with them in the period from 2018 to 2024.

Each of the liners has its name:

  • Airbuses A320 and A321 are named great Russian composers, poets, artists and scientists;
  • Boeing 737 and 700, as well as Airbus A319 have been given names in honor of the great poets, writers, generals of Russia;
  • Sukhoi SuperJet aircraft have names Russian outstanding pilots.

They are painted on the bow of the airliner. On the left side of the fuselage is the company name in Russian, and on the right - in Latin.

Q Who runs Aeroflot?

As Kommersant has learned, the government has begun substantive discussions on plans to resuscitate the production of long-range Il-96-400M aircraft. In the near future, ministries should prepare a schedule for the retirement of foreign aircraft and develop a plan for their replacement with Russian ones. But the state has been asked to actually take on the burden of purchasing the first six aircraft from the manufacturer, which will require over 40 billion rubles. For this money, apparently, a struggle will unfold between leasing IFCs and State Transport Leasing Company. But officials are clearly not confident that they will be able to solve the main problem of the Il-96 - fuel inefficiency, and the ministries are already proposing to attract aviation fuel reserves from Rosrezerv for this purpose.

A Kommersant source close to Aeroflot said that by 2025 all 22 Airbus 330s and four out of 15 Boeing 777s will leave the company’s fleet, but the company “ has no plans to replace retiring vessels"Il-96-400M. A Kommersant source explains this by the insufficient number of aircraft, since "a limited series is planned for production, taking into account the priority of deliveries to government agencies." Aeroflot has contracts for new aircraft, due to them, the replacement of those retiring will be ensured aircraft since 2019.

Firstly, for some reason no one is discussing the question - why didn’t Aeroflot order new IL-96s for itself earlier? They decommissioned the old ones, so why didn’t they buy new ones? There was something they didn’t like about the operation - so why didn’t they raise questions with the manufacturer? Aren’t both Aeroflot and UAC Russian state corporations?

Second, all these stories about “low fuel efficiency” are obvious nonsense, since profitability is a relative concept:

ROI=CF/I, where CF is cash flow, I is the amount of investment, i.e. airplane price.

Well, due to “low fuel efficiency,” the cash flow from the IL-96 aircraft will be lower than that of its foreign counterpart (I don’t know how much lower, but for some reason I think that the fuel component is not so critical, otherwise why is Cuba still operating them? ). But the price of our aircraft, including after devaluation, is several times lower! This means that profitability is increasing, especially in comparison with new Western analogues.

The government could easily carry out these simple calculations, why doesn’t it do this? We are shaking the air, talking some nonsense about “jet fuel reserves from Rosrezerv,” instead of just networking and counting.

And this also applies to TU-204, TU-214 - the same approach.

Third, tell me, can Putin remove the president of Aeroflot? And also all the top managers? Replacing them with deputies. Of course it can.

So why doesn't he do this? They should be removed, for example, for fraud with dividends last year. Or better yet, for the destruction of the Russian aviation industry so that it would be distasteful to others.

Why doesn't he do this?

I have only one answer - he is not involved in the economy at all, leaving everything to the government. Well, then it’s time to get busy, we need to look at the management of state corporations through the prism of the entire state policy, for example, in Russia the production of large-diameter pipes was created - and this is very good. So why did we kill the airline industry at the same time?

And if with Aeroflot simply administrative measures are enough, then for other airlines one thing is enough - to ban the operation of old aircraft and that’s it, the market itself will turn them towards domestic production.

Largest airline in Russian Federation, the most famous air carrier among Russians is Aeroflot. Every year the company transports at least 10 million passengers. The company's impressive and modern fleet includes more than 167 aircraft. This is not only a domestic carrier, but also an international one. The airline's aircraft fly to 122 airports around the world.

Aeroflot in facts

The company is one of the largest air carriers in Europe and has the youngest fleet in Europe. Technical equipment impressive. Modern centers for training flight personnel, centers for training new pilots civil aviation, own situation centers and passenger support services.

The speed of technological re-equipment of the company at the latest designs is 20% faster than the pace of creating air infrastructure in Russia. The company creates its own infrastructure for education and training of personnel, including abroad. In 2011, it opened its own aviation school, which graduates and employs more than 160 people a year. Aeroflot has at its disposal the largest and unparalleled aircraft in Europe

Aeroflot shares are a profitable and promising investment today. They give the right to receive dividends and shares in the airline's capital. In addition, you can take advantage of the volatility of the stock market and sell shares at a higher price.

Aeroflot has no direct competitors in Russia and is the most successful domestic airline.

History of a great company

The history of Aeroflot is impressive and raises many interesting questions to which it is very difficult to find answers. Aeroflot looks like private airline, but it is not so. This is one of the oldest airlines in the whole world. Aeroflot was founded back in 1923, but the name was different. “Dobrolet” was the name of this giant on the market air transport. Only in 1932 the company received its famous name. Who owns Aeroflot? To the people! This is exactly how any citizen of the USSR would answer.

Until 1991, Aeroflot was a monopolist in the USSR and was the only airline. The company covered not only domestic and international Passenger Transportation. She also performed military functions. In addition, the company's air fleet did not depend on foreign manufacturers, because it was entirely supported by the state. Aeroflot shares have always been relevant, even after the collapse of the USSR.

The collapse of the state did not bode well for the company. In order to remain competitive in the new world, the company did serious work on its image in the 2000s. Corporate colors, aircraft painting, staff uniforms, and even the approach to business have changed. However, if it were not for the support of the Russian government, it is not known whether the company would have been able to survive difficult times.

Air fleet

The largest civil air fleet is located at Aeroflot. The company's policy is that aircraft do not stay in the fleet for long. Older planes are sold to other airlines and replaced with younger ones. There are so many aircraft in the company's fleet that all popular models from foreign manufacturers are present there.

It is very pleasant that the company supports the domestic manufacturer. The domestic aircraft fleet is equipped with new domestically produced Super Jets. Very soon the company's fleet will be replenished with the world's most modern civilian airliners - MC21.

Who owns Aeroflot?

IN modern world information noise is commonplace. The information is not always true. Serious damage to the company's image was caused by rumors that it was no longer a domestic air carrier. These rumors still had some basis. The fact is that training civil aviation pilots is a long and resource-intensive process. Graduate pilots, although they have sufficient experience to work in the company, are not qualified enough to be commanders. In order to correct the shortage of ship commanders, Aeroflot began to hire foreign civil aviation pilots for this position.

Who owns Aeroflot? It is impossible to give an exact answer. Aeroflot is a public joint stock company. Everyone can invest their own financial resources in company shares. Shares give their owner the right to a share in the company. Accordingly, the larger the share, the greater the rights to the company.

The controlling stake belongs directly to the founder of Aeroflot, namely the government of the Russian Federation. The controlling stake is 51%, which allows the company to be practically state-owned. All rumors about the ownership of a controlling stake by a foreign legal entity are nothing more than just rumors.

Despite the objective numbers, not everyone is ready to believe the only truth. The last 49% of shares can belong to anyone, especially foreign legal or individuals. This has long been a stumbling block and a tool in the political struggle of various factions. Disputes about who owns Aeroflot continue even today. However, according to statistics, Russian citizens and the companies own more than 35% of the remaining shares.


The post of General Director of Aeroflot has been held by Vitaly Gennadievich Savelyev since 2009. The first 5 years in this position and the new company policy turned out to be very fruitful. Vitaly Gennadievich was appointed to the position again.