Traveling around the world. Dialogue in English: journey

My name is Irina Mamontova. I am an accountant. And as many people, I have a dream. I dream about traveling around the world. Moving is life, and I think it would be fascinating to spend life in travelling, to visit new countries and see their cultures, to meet new people and familiarize yourself with their customs.

I have traveled around beautiful places in my native Krasnodar region together with my family and friends. Our native mountains, forests, seas, and waterfalls are magnificent. We have also visited our neighboring republics. We went up to Arhyze Glacier, we climbed to Mount Elbrus, we saw the most beautiful lake in the world, Rica, and drank water from mineral springs.

I have a daughter whose name is Dasha. She is eleven and also mad about traveling like her mother We traveled together to the north of our country and visited the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. This year we also went abroad for the first time and visited Turkey. We were excited by the beautiful sea, gorgeous mountains, and oriental culture. We visited ancient towns and ate delicious blue crabs.

My dream - to live a full life and have traveling as the main part of it. Our planet is huge, and I would like to see each of its corners.

Let`s realize our dreams in life — it is very important.

My name is Irina Mamontova. I am an accountant. And like many people, I have a dream. I dream about trip around the world. Movement is life, and I think it would be great to dedicate your life to travel, visit new countries and see their culture, meet new people and get to know their customs.

I traveled around beautiful places in my hometown Krasnodar region together with my family and friends. Our native mountains, forests, seas, and waterfalls are magnificent. We also visited our neighboring republics. We went to the Arkhyz glacier, we climbed Mount Elbrus, we saw the most beautiful lake in the world - Ritsu, and drank water from mineral springs.

I have a daughter whose name is Dasha. She is eleven years old and is as crazy about travel as her mother. We traveled together to the north of our country and visited beautiful city Saint Petersburg. This year we went abroad for the first time and visited Turkey. We were amazed beautiful sea, magnificent mountains, and oriental culture. We visited ancient cities and ate delicious blue crabs.

My dream is to live life to the fullest and for travel to be a part of it. Our planet is huge and I would like to see every corner of it.

Let's make our dreams come true - this is very important.

I'll tell you about my experience. Yes, I have dreamed of traveling for a long time, I often saw in my dreams that I was in various places unfamiliar to me in reality, where I could move and live freely. In my own way, I always knew that I would someday travel and be in different parts of this planet, only this would happen a little later. I carefully put this thought on the shelf, for “later.”

In the meantime, I had other things that were more important and valuable to me, no less beloved by me then than the thirst to travel now. After some time, “at one fine moment,” thoughts began to come that the time had come when I needed to hit the road. I didn’t even understand “where” yet, I just felt an inner desire to be in different spaces unfamiliar to me, to feel and learn a new culture for me, to communicate with other nationalities.

It began to seem to me that there was no longer any division in races, there were no borders, I stopped feeling “local”. It was as if some expanded version of me had awakened in me, leading me to some new discoveries in my life.

The first thing I encountered in myself, despite my clear sensations that were calling me forward into the unknown - at the same time with new feelings, I felt that I did not want to leave this world of mine, which I had already developed and loved. There were some reasons that could not let me go, although my heart and consciousness were already calling me to conquer my dreams.

The first reason that prevented me from moving on was the place where I was born and lived. I love my hometown Moscow, it is a kind and sincere city for me. I have the warmest relationship with this place on our planet. Of course, you will say: “You were born there and lived all your life.” Yes, it is, but there is also something more - this dynamic, creative, bustling, vibrant, magical city.

The second reason was my reluctance to quit my job, which was already a kind of completed stage for me; I understood that my role here was already over. I no longer learned anything from it, did not develop, and was aware that my work was of no benefit to me or the world around me.

But I got used to it, I liked our cozy team, I liked the people with whom I was friends, I even liked the walls of my work, how she greeted me in the morning, I liked leaving her home. It was probably just a habit. I quit, although this step took me a couple of years. 🙂

The third reason and the most difficult for me. My favorite activity is volunteering. I understood that if I left, I would no longer be able to go to the children, communicate with them, go to hospitals, or come up with our positive common affairs. But this was a huge part of my life. Working with children, all our creativity, ideas, our huge World, which is called “Volunteering”. I lived with my friends in this wonderful world for many years.

Imagine that for several years in a row, I was the happiest person because I found myself, my occupation in this world, I met like-minded people who think in the same direction as me. And I understood that if I left to travel, I would no longer have all this.

And at some point, thinking a lot about the fact that I dreamed of traveling and did not want to leave my favorite activities at home, I began to understand that volunteering or any of my other activities was not in me alone. Many people have also found this path for themselves over the past few years. You need to be able to trust and give way to the new creators of this life.

This applies to any activity. Sometimes, when we have been doing what we love for a long time, it is difficult for us to pick up and start doing something new. I began to think about how wonderful it is that new people with new visions, thoughts and ideas come as if to replace you. They create even more new and useful things on, figuratively speaking, your foundation, and get great joy from doing what you have been doing for a long time and were also happy about it.

And I realized for myself that everything in the world, like in nature, is cyclical. When any IDEA is born and begins to form in us, it is akin to winter. When an idea is filled with the power of thought, feeling, action and begins to develop, it is like spring. And when the idea comes to life, it’s a bright, warm, colorful summer. When an idea has already been implemented and is working, it’s like a wise and ripe autumn.

Everything is cyclical in nature, nothing stands still, everything changes. Energy needs movement, when we transform energy into our own beautiful dance, it rejoices.

And no matter how much I like my role now, I need to be able to take the next step and move on. Maybe a little later, you will return to your favorite activity, but already updated, with a new broader vision and deeper understanding, with new ideas and ideas.

Once I took it all in, I felt ready to move forward towards my next dream. Quantity grew into quality, my thoughts were already ready, I felt confident and knew that everything was going right for me. And everything began to develop easily and synchronously, as if I had always known and been able to “travel independently.” All thoughts were realized and embodied literally on the fly. I again began to live in the “embodiment of my dreams.”

Now, about the important things! For each person, the experience of creating and realizing their dreams can be different. After all, each of us is a living, individual consciousness that is one with the whole world.

Learn to draw, grow flowers, invent something new, sew designer clothes, build something with your own hands, cook in the kitchen, creating masterpieces for family and friends, write inspiring books, help people, start a family or enjoy your favorite job. The main thing is to create something, create and enjoy the process of your creation.

Inside every person lives the Creator and Creator, who knows how to create whatever he wants. And every person, consciously and unconsciously, is the Creator of himself, his own life and the world around him. Simply, someone creates CONSCIOUSLY, realizing that everything that happens around him is a reflection of his inner world and what he has created. And someone still hasn’t realized that his life is in his hands, and is creating it unconsciously.

In order to create, we have the following tools that are our birthright. These are our thoughts, our actions, our words and our feelings. They are like golden bricks with which we can build any dreams.

Everything that happens in our lives now is what we built on this moment. It is We Ourselves, and not someone else. Stop for a moment now and take a closer look. Do you like your creation? Or will you say, “No, no, it’s not us, it’s others’ fault.” Under the others there can be anyone-but-not-the-person himself. These are husband, wife, children, parents, neighbors, work colleagues, bad environment. And there is also some dark force that walks through the yards and ruins people's lives.

Of course, taking responsibility for your life is quite difficult and unpleasant. But only by taking on the responsibility that everything depends only on ourselves does it begin to be possible to become the creator of our own life. It's interesting, exciting and has endless possibilities. Can you imagine what great ideas can be brought to life?

The main thing is to find yourself, remember yourself, understand why we are here? And what could we do in this world with pleasure and joy, bringing benefit to the life around us.

A common mistake, in my opinion:

“I want to leave everything in this cold Russia and go live on the islands,” some write..

It would probably be funny if all people at once went to travel or live on the islands, only with the thought that this would add freedom or happiness to them. All this can be achieved while sitting at home, going about your daily activities, improving your spiritual and mental quality. Just unknowingly leave, in search of " better life”or in an attempt to escape from some of your unresolved issues, alas, it will not work.

After all, on any journey, everything that is inside us becomes aggravated and comes out; we wrote about this in the article “). And if you took with you, in addition to the backpack on your back, unresolved issues, then they will remain with you and will be an additional burden for you, preventing you from moving on.

First, take these questions into your own hands, take a closer look and try to realize and comprehend these parts of yourself, do a “spring cleaning” of yourself and your life. New way You should always start with a light heart, with the joy of a new beginning, and not with an attempt to run away from your own shadow.

And now we return to the main question: "Why are you traveling?"

I answer: main reason travel, explore yourself and the world. Travel is the embodiment and realization of Our Dream. This is what we ourselves have created in our lives, as our experience that we are now living.

And what travel gives us is so much:

1. Traveling for us is also constant self-knowledge, because it is on the road, in new conditions for him, that a person hones his qualities of soul, hardens, begins to react flexibly and correctly to various situations.

2. A more complete sense of freedom and independence from the system. Freedom even lies in the freedom to choose where and how to build your space. Avoiding many stereotypes of the system (you need to live - where you were born, you need to work hard and earn money, etc.). And we believe that you yourself will decide what we need. And to live according to the templates contrived by the system is to live in an illusion, where you yourself do not decide anything and cannot implement it.

3. The opportunity to be among other cultures and nationalities. There are entire libraries of wisdom and knowledge everywhere. These are extraordinary sensations - coming into contact with a new perspective on the phenomena of life, seeing various facets of understanding the truth, feeling a different space. This all expands your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

4. Travel can be shared by photographing, remembering, exploring. And then, with the help of our blog, write about everything. And some of the beginners who are just learning the basics of independent travel will be able to use our advice. 🙂 Like me, I once enthusiastically read the stories of other travelers.

There are also other reasons: this is the spirit of adventure, this is the joy of discoverers, this is the happiness of moving through life together, of being free artists of our own lives. 🙂

That's all for today. We kiss on the nose. Bye! 🙂

“There is a great sense of joy if you can take a leap into the unknown, even if the thought of it frightens you. And when our trust has the quality of a quantum leap, we do not invent any complex plans or prepare in any way. We don't say, “Okay. I believe and I know what to do now. I will arrange my affairs and pack my suitcase to take with me.” No, we just jump without any thought about what will happen next. The jump is the main thing. And we experience the thrill of free fall in the blue sky... And at the end soft, inviting, soft pink juicy petals await us!”

“Awakening a new understanding that the cage has always been open and the sky has always been open to exploration can make us feel unsure at first. It's good, uncertainty is natural, but don't let it obscure the opportunity to experience trust and adventure that comes with uncertainty. This time move with freshness and tenderness. Feel the thrill inside. Spread your wings and be free.

You are freed from prison, from the cage, you can open your wings and the whole sky is yours. All the stars, moon and sun belong to you. You can disappear into the blue of the beyond... Just stop clinging to the cage, move out of the cage, and all heaven is yours. Spread your wings and fly towards the sun. In the inner sky, in the inner world, freedom is the highest value - everything else is secondary, even bliss, ecstasy. Thousands of flowers grow, countless, but their appearance has become possible in an atmosphere of freedom

Description of material: This material can be used by 11th grade students. The work will help in preparing for a general geography lesson on the topic: “Foreign Europe”

Essay on the topic of: "A country worth visiting."

Goals and objectives: Expand geographical knowledge about the Earth and countries of the world. To cultivate a love for beauty and everything that surrounds us. Help develop students' creative abilities.

We really want to leave the city

And learn new ways.

We want to go to other countries, mountains,

Make your dreams come true.

Someone dreams of Paris,

About Prague, London, Moscow.

He read books about Sweden

So much that I never dreamed of.

So, it's time to dream.

Throw away all your problems!

Close eyes. Let's fly!

Leave the walls of your native country.

Russia-Sweden. Forward.

There are so many adventures awaiting us.

After all, the capital is already waiting there

We have wonderful impressions.

Seeing the world is every person's dream. Our planet contains so many new and beautiful things. There are so many countries in the world - so many unexplored distances, roads and discoveries. Some are attracted by nature untouched by man, while others want to visit a bustling metropolis with skyscrapers and millions of people, others want to discover the secrets of centuries-old castles and palaces, and others dream of the warm sun on the sea coast. Each culture is unique and conceals customs and traditions, by discovering which we can get to know other people better. And all this beckons and enchants, attracts us. The developed transport system allows you to cover vast distances in a matter of hours. The whole world is open to man, and traveling is no longer difficult for all of us. But you don’t have to travel far to do this; you can even take a walk along hometown and learn a lot of interesting and invisible at first glance. The next step could be a trip to other cities in our country, rich in history and architecture. And so, gradually, we will see and learn a lot, we will feel the diversity and beauty of life. I am just beginning my traveler’s journey, and there is still a lot of unknown before me. Therefore, it is difficult for me to choose one trip that I would like to take. But still, today the country of my dreams has become Sweden, whose attractions attract hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. Let's try for a moment to plunge into this fabulous Swedish world, filled with historical sights, interesting cities And beautiful nature. So, let's fly..✈

Let's visit Stockholm center

Or rather, Gamla Stan.

Beauty every meter

Full. The Swedes are waiting for us there.

There are many museums there.

People won't get bored there!

Antique shops,

To take something as a souvenir.

We are located in Stockholm, one of the most beautiful capitals in the world. This city has been the permanent residence of Swedish kings and the capital of the country since the 13th century. Stockholm lies on 14 islands on the shores of Lake Mälaren and the Norström Strait, it is called the “Venice of the North”. Gamla Stan district (translated Old city) is historical center Stockholm, located on the island of Stadsholmen, until the 80s of the 20th century it officially bore the name City Between Bridges. The large picturesque square in the center of the Old Town is called Stortorget. It was this square that became the site of the bloody massacre in November 1520.

The royal palace awaits.

It was built in the Roman style.

An old man of his age,

But everyone loved him.

Gamla Stan boasts a baroque Royal Palace. The House of the Nobility is located on the northwestern corner of the Old Town. The restaurant "Den Gyldene Freden", located on Österlanggtan, was opened in 1722 and, according to the Guinness Book of Records, is the oldest existing restaurant with an unchanged interior. The palace is used by the king to carry out his representative duties as head of state. The office of the king and other members of the royal family is located here. The palace has 1,430 rooms (660 with windows) and is one of the largest royal palaces in the world, which is still used for its intended purpose. Stockholm Palace is guarded by the Royal Guard, part of the Swedish armed forces.

And, of course, to the cathedral

In that Uppsala cathedral.

All paintings are for selection.

This is the main temple in Sweden.

There is a golden tomb there,

The walls are all in the painting.

The atmosphere there is so

What didn't you dream about?

Uppsala Cathedral is Sweden's largest temple and the largest Gothic building in all of Scandinavia, with a height of about 120 meters. Pilgrims make trips here to the tomb of Eric the Saint. Here are the graves of many famous Swedes: King Gustav I, philosopher Emmanuel Swedenborg and others. Uppsala cathedral-church Swedish National Shrine, Uppsala Diocese Cathedral and Uppsala County Parish Church. The church contains the remains of St. Eric, the patron saint of Sweden, in a golden tomb. He was killed in this place in 1160. In the rear chapel is the tomb of King Gustav and his wives. Uppsala Cathedral is an outstanding historical and cultural monument.

And to the Crystal Kingdom

We'll definitely take a look.

Swedes have known since childhood

Where is the good glass?

The Kingdom of Crystals is an extraordinary place where you can observe the process of artistic creation. The Kingdom of Crystal is home to the world famous Swedish glass industry, which consists of 11 glass factories, characterized by their own diverse atmosphere. The ability of glassblowers to transform cast glass into wonderful creations of art immerses a person in a world of magic. You can always buy souvenirs here.

In the past, the strongest of bases,

Or rather, to the Carlsten Fortress

They will take us on a boat.

The master will tell you about it there.

In Sweden at the most high peak Marstrand is located the stone fortress Carlsten - the most unique historical attraction, attracting a huge number of visitors. The fortress survived two enemy attacks in 1677 and 1719 and was even conquered, but after numerous agreements and negotiations it was returned to Sweden. Throughout its history, Carlsten Fortress also served as a prison. It housed especially dangerous criminals and political prisoners. It was here that the famous Lasse Maia robber was held from 1813 until the end of the 1930s. In 1855, the last serf prisoners were transferred to Gothenburg. Tourists can climb to the roof of Carlsten and admire the opening panorama, and in the main hall of the fortress, guests are treated to lunch.

To the city where the most important port

We will arrive without a doubt

This city is Gothenburg.

We'll have a great time there

On west coast Sweden is located in Gothenburg, most of the attractions of which are located in its center. Here it is Opera theatre, built in 1859 Celebrity events take place at main street Gothenburg - Avenyn, where the art museums are located. The street ends with Gotaplatsen Square, in the center of which is the Poseidon fountain, a work by the famous Swedish sculptor Carl Milles (1931). On the square there is Concert hall, built in 1935 and has excellent acoustics, thanks to which it is considered one of the best halls in the world. Every year, a grandiose festival “Guteborg Party” is held on the square, during which musical and theatrical performances and dance marathons do not stop for four days. Most big park the city's Palace Park, a so-called environmental protection zone. But a new landmark of Gothenburg is a red and white skyscraper, on the roof of which there is a Observation deck, from where you can admire the panorama of the city and the sea bay.

Sweden is full of scientific celebrities such as: Alfred Nobel - Swedish chemist, inventor of dynamite. Carl Linnaeus was a Swedish naturalist and physician, creator of a unified system of classification of flora and fauna. And who doesn’t know the national musical culture of Sweden? Among the Swedish composers are Karl Bellman, Wilhelm Peterson-Berger, Hugo Alfven. The Royal Swedish Opera, founded in 1773, is considered one of the best in Europe. Swedish pop groups and performers have received worldwide recognition: Doctor Alban, ABBA, Ace of Base, Europe and many others. One of the outstanding Swedish post-hardcore bands is Adept, whose concert I would really like to go to.

Such famous actors as Hollywood actor, director, screenwriter and producer Delph Lundgren have left their mark in cinema; popular Swedish theater, film and television actor Mikael Nykvist; Alexander Skarsgård.

In addition to attractions and celebrities, each country is famous for its traditions.

New Year celebrate together.

Tennyson. And just like in childhood

Make promises.

On New Year's Day in Sweden there is a tradition of burning a huge straw goat. And also breaking dishes on the doors of their friends’ houses. The Christmas gnome, whose name is Jul Tomten, brings gifts to the Swedes.

Well, on Saint Lucia's Day

There will be a choice for her role.

Lucia will be bright and sweet

Celebrate Christmas with a song.

Before the New Year, Swedish children choose the Queen of Light, Lucia, who brings children gifts and sweets, as well as treats for pets. Lucia is dressed in a white dress and has a crown with lit candles on her head.

In the spring, the Swedes' main holiday is

Easter. The children are waiting for him.

They find it very funny

To be a “witch”, to get everything.

The most important spring holiday is Easter, which traditionally occurs earlier than our Orthodox Easter. The Swedes, like us, paint eggs, but small children dress up in their grandmother’s old skirts, scarves, and paint freckles on their faces to look like witches. The fact is that in former times the Swedes believed in the existence of witches, who, according to legend, annually on Maundy Thursday flew to Bald Mountain to meet the devil. Therefore, although witches have long been gone, the tradition is still alive, and children, armed with a broom and a copper coffee pot, go from one house to another, wishing a happy Easter to their neighbors, for which they receive candy, cakes, and if they are lucky, even money .

Night awaits Walpurgis,

Sing songs without comfort.

Drive your problems away.

Light fires, walk without haste.

They will wear white caps

Students. Will save it later.

The night will be greeted with fireworks

And with the smell of spring.

Another significant day for the Swedes is Walpurgis Night. On this day, bonfires are lit throughout Sweden and spring songs are sung. Students wear special white frocks, which they keep for the rest of their lives. The festive night is accompanied by firecrackers and fireworks.

An unusual Swedish holiday -

Fermented day of herring.

They put a basin in the sun

With fish. She lets out juices.

But the most unusual, in my opinion, Swedish holiday is the day of fermented herring, which has a sharp, unpleasant smell that not all Swedes can withstand (under-salted herring with spices and pepper is kept in the sun for a couple of days, where it begins to ferment, however eat it before it has time to go rotten). But those who overcome the peculiar “aroma” claim that the taste of this fish is magical. Swedish traditions and rituals are good for their ability to change. Old and new get along well with each other.

Swedish customs are passed down from generation to generation, and many traditions seem somewhat mysterious. I would like to note that the people of Sweden are distinguished by their careful attitude towards nature. Swedish environmental legislation prohibits leaving trash on the road, breaking wood for fires, burning fires, and washing cars in natural bodies of water. The fines for violation are such that no one will want to do it. In Sweden, the law is respected; the Swedish increased demands on oneself and caring attitude toward others are evident in everything.

Having visited Sweden, the most peaceful and beautiful country peace, a person will bring home only positive emotions and good mood. The beauty of nature, clean air, architectural monuments country, because such beauty cannot be forgotten. And various museums and artistic craft centers will not leave anyone indifferent.

The ancient Greeks said that desire itself creates creation. The power of desire and dreams can turn a life around and change a person. I think that there are simply no people who would not dream of something in their life. Dreams can be small and big, feasible and unrealistic, real and fantastic. A dream is an amazing feeling that gives meaning to life and hope for the best. Dreams play a big role in a person’s life. It is an aspiration that people try to make a reality throughout their lives. Modern life impossible without travel. It’s always interesting to discover new things, to see how diverse life is, to meet new people, to try unusual dishes, to hear unusual musical rhythms. I am still quite a few years old, and in the future I will try to make my dream come true. For now, I only enjoy fiction and mentally transport myself to the world of Sweden. After all, dreams fill our lives with colors, they help us to know ourselves. You should never deprive yourself of dreams, since a person cannot exist without them. I wish all people to make their dreams come true, leaving behind their everyday problems.

One day dreams will come true

One day we will be the border.

Be it me, be it you,

Or let's enjoy Nice together.

With you we will travel around the world,

And we will visit Sweden.

We fly to Prague, Vilnius, Rome

Dreams Come True. I know.



"Sweden" - historical guide. Yu. V. Antonova

Encyclopedic reference book "Countries of the World" Smolensk, publishing house "Rusich", 2001.

"Countries and peoples. Foreign Europe. General overview. Northern Europe." P. Maksakovsky, Moscow, publishing house "Mysl", 1981

Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Encyclopedia "Countries and Peoples"

Once upon a time, when my brother and I were still going to school, there was a huge picture hanging on the wall of our room. political map peace. Our parents hung it in the hope of instilling in us a love of geography. And I must say, they succeeded and love came to us... True, this love was not so much for geography, or rather, not even for it at all. It was a love of traveling the world.

We traveled, virtually moving across countries and continents... Having arisen, this love lay hidden for some time, and then uncontrollably pulled us, as adults, into real trips around the world. Now I would like to have the same map on the wall again as in childhood, and to mark on it the places we managed to visit, but, alas, the cramped apartment restrains my impulses and I wait again...

Make your dreams come true - travel the world

Every person dreams of something. But how many people don’t dare to turn them into reality, they continue to go to work they don’t like, instead of responding to the call of their heart and becoming artists, or photographers, or starting their own business. How much is lying on the sofa, instead of going on a trip!

Many people think that they have so many more years of life at their disposal, only more opportunities, but so imperceptibly the shackles of time entangle them with responsibilities, worries, ailments, and at some point they will feel that life is passing by, that nothing they wanted has happened and will not happen. it came true that everything flowed away like sand from your hands.

Therefore, in order not to look with bitterness at the high shores of the unfulfilled - forward, on the road! The world of travel is waiting for you!

Reader! If you are young, then there are a couple more arguments for you. Travel and adventure go hand in hand! They will give you moments that you will remember for the rest of your life. Youth is precisely the time when your worldview and horizons are formed. Take advantage of these invaluable opportunities, watch this beautiful world with your own eyes, make new friends and new acquaintances! Feel the unity of humanity and the inextricable connection of all people!

How to travel the world

It is clear that there are many ways and types: this is a tourist package for beach holiday, and travel by car, bicycle, by cruise ships, this could be a mountain trek, diving, etc.

  • Firstly, you must start from what country you would like to go to.
  • Then you need to clearly know what your journey should be like, what you expect from it, what its goals are.
  • Decide on your finances.
  • Select the appropriate month.
  • Choose a company.
  • Get the necessary vaccinations.

Traveling the world is accessible to everyone

Among the many misconceptions and myths regarding travel, the dominant assertion is that this pleasure is not available to everyone, that it requires considerable cash. But this is not so, you can and should travel inexpensively, combining reasonable costs with acceptable comfort and safety.

We are for independent travel. We plan a budget, buy tickets in advance, find comfortable inexpensive accommodation, decide on what we want to see, see if these expenses can be reduced due to any freebies. And besides, it is not necessary to travel far, because even a simple change of environment, freeing you from the daily routine and giving you new impressions, already carries the aroma of travel.

What does traveling around the world give people?

They give everyone their own, what they needed most. For some it is:

  • Just rest;
  • For some, this is an opportunity to expand their horizons, meet new people, and feel another culture from the inside;
  • Get a sea of ​​emotions;
  • Gain new life experience;
  • Someone to find a job abroad;
  • Take photographs or collect material for your work;
  • See natural wonders and learn to protect nature;
  • Visiting museums, galleries, historical places;
  • Shopping;
  • And many more.

Our goals

If we talk specifically about us, then our goals are more modest:

  • we would like to visit many more countries that we have not been to, and perhaps also visit those that we have already visited
  • gain impressions and become more deeply acquainted with the culture of these countries
  • post travel stories on your blog
  • gain experience in independent travel, learn more about opportunities to travel on a budget, and, of course, share this experience with your readers

How a person changes when traveling around the world

When traveling, a person not only overcomes space, he not only gets imbued with new knowledge and impressions, he as a person imperceptibly transforms.

  1. Quite unexpectedly, the traveler feels that he does not need mountains of things to be happy, he just needs a few clothes for the season and a minimum of household appliances.
  2. Changing places makes him open to communication: shyness decreases, internal shackles fall and people open up somewhere at the subconscious level, people begin to easily and simply make acquaintances and communicate.
  3. Moving around cities or countries quickly teaches you to easily adapt to new places and new circumstances. Some reach such heights in this that they know how to feel at home not only in their native lands, but also where they are.
  4. Changing places and emerging new circumstances develop flexibility and innovative thinking.
  5. Well, and, perhaps, the psyche becomes stronger: some little thing will no longer deprive one of mental balance

Tell me, have you felt the influence of traveling around the world? Have you changed?