New rules for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage. Basic rules for carrying baggage on an airplane. Additional baggage for Utair Status program participants

Changes to the Federal Aviation Regulations* were initiated by the Department of Transportation. The agency considered it necessary to change the rules regarding the regulation of air transportation of passengers carried out under a contract of carriage that does not provide for free baggage allowance.
The project document of the Ministry of Transport is posted on the federal portal of draft regulatory legal acts.
General rules air transport passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees”, approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2007 No. 82.

What innovations await passengers?

According to the amendments to the Rules, costs associated with the transportation of baggage in the absence of baggage will be excluded from the air transportation tariff.

If the bill is signed by the President of the Russian Federation, airlines will have the opportunity to create a wider range of tariffs for the transportation of passengers by offering different conditions for transportation. The signing of the bill is beneficial for low-cost airlines.

Airlines will decide for themselves whether they are ready to provide passengers with free baggage allowance.

It is expected that free baggage allowance will be prohibited for those passengers who have purchased non-refundable tickets. Many people who travel light, with only hand luggage, will benefit from this offer.

Important! If free luggage is not provided, but it turns out that you arrived at the plane with luggage, you will have to pay extra. The carrier has the right terminate the contract unilaterally and refuse to carry a passenger if he refuses to pay for luggage.

For reference:

Savings for airlines will be associated with a partial waiver of costs for ensuring the processes of registration, processing, loading and unloading of passenger baggage.
Currently, airports set tariffs for passenger services, which include baggage handling.
Average tariff for passenger services at airports Russian Federation on domestic airlines it is 221 rubles. On average, up to 20% of the stated fare is associated with baggage handling.

If, according to the terms of the ticket, a passenger is entitled to free baggage, the airline itself sets the standards for how many pieces of baggage and what total weight the passenger can carry for free.

But at the same time, the new rules limit the initiative of airlines.
If free baggage is allowed, it cannot be less than 10 kg and (or) less than two pieces of baggage per passenger.

For example, the airline has adopted these very standards. Please note that if your luggage is more than 10 kg, you will have to pay extra for the excess. If you have three suitcases, even if the total weight is less than 10 kg, then you will have to pay extra for one of the three.

Air travel is the fastest, most convenient and reliable way of travel and transportation, allowing a passenger and his luggage to move from one place to another in just a few hours, despite the great distance of these places from each other. However, the specific nature of air travel allows the transportation of people only to those airlines and airports that fully comply with generally accepted international standards of safety measures.

In order for the passenger to be given boarding pass, he must strictly comply with the strictest flight rules, which also include the carriage of baggage on board the aircraft. This is done for the general safety of all passengers and the aircraft.

The presented rules are mandatory for all passengers, regardless of the purpose, nature of the trip or the prestige of the cabin class in which you are flying.

In other words, this is a complex of organizational issues aimed at ensuring comfort and speed of flight. And luggage transportation is one of the most important organizational issues, which must be treated especially responsibly in order to eliminate the occurrence of possible problems.

Airplane baggage allowance for 2019

As for the transportation of baggage, it is worth immediately noting the following: the rules providing for this process do not have a single global standard, so there are variations of them, which are influenced by a number of factors.

First- the country you are flying to, since each state has its own rules and standards. For example, when going to Dubai, under no circumstances should you carry with you (not only in your luggage, but also in your hand luggage and in your pockets) objects and literature of a religious nature that are not related to Islam.

Second— Baggage allowance is affected by the choice of airline. In addition, to the permitted permissible weight baggage is affected by the class of ticket purchased (for example, economy or business class) and the type of aircraft.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications and problems when checking in luggage, it is necessary to clarify all of the above points during the process of purchasing tickets. If you have non-standard luggage, you should find out the rules for its transportation in advance.

The first thing you need to do is find out which items and things that you want to take with you can be transported by plane, and which are prohibited.

However, despite differences in some baggage rules, all airlines have general rules for baggage transportation, used all over the world.

General baggage allowances on board the aircraft

1 - first you need to make sure that the suitcases or bags that you will check into separate places are in good condition and integrity (the absence of various kinds of cuts and cracks) in order to prevent damage to the items in them and adjacent luggage during their transportation.

To be safe, you can wrap your luggage yourself in cellophane film. The same procedure can be performed directly at the airport for a small fee. We recommend doing this! By doing this, you will definitely not stain or tear your suitcase or bag.

2 - each airline has its own rules that set the weight and size of checked baggage and unchecked baggage ( hand luggage). If you exceed any of the parameters, you will have to pay extra.

3 - you should remember the list of things that are strictly prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft. Neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage!

What not to pack in your luggage and hand luggage

  • Caustic and corrosive. These include: all types of alkalis, acids; mercury and devices containing it; rechargeable batteries with liquid cells;

  • All types and types of gases: flammable and non-flammable, compressed, liquefied, poisonous;

  • Objects, solids and liquids that have the ability to ignite, which include: matches, lighters and liquids for refilling them; solvents, paints and other paints and varnishes; substances capable of spontaneous combustion or which emit any gases upon contact with water, as well as other substances and objects prone to combustion;

  • Substances that tend to oxidize, such as peroxides and bleach powder;

  • Any types of explosives, items and products made from them, as well as weapons: pistols, shotguns, machine guns and other types of small arms, firearms and ammunition, including empty cartridges and detonators; fireworks, flares and similar products;

  • Radioactive substances and objects emitting radiation;

  • Toxic, poisonous and infectious substances, which include: herbicides, pesticides, insecticides; laboratory materials and samples containing live viruses; subjects of etiology;

  • Suitcases and briefcases equipped with alarm devices.
  • precious metals;
  • jewelry;
  • securities;
  • money;
  • keys;
  • glasses;
  • fragile things;
  • perishable products.

Leave them at home or take them with you in your hand luggage!

Total baggage weight and hand luggage

Things and objects permitted for transportation directly in the passenger cabin of the aircraft are called hand luggage, which is often transported in small bags.

Naturally, the purpose of these restrictive measures is to ensure an adequate level of safety for the aircraft and its passengers throughout the entire flight.

For this reason, most airlines prohibit the carriage of such items in hand luggage as:
  • Knives and long scissors (and sometimes even nail scissors);
  • Corkscrews;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Needles for injections, including hypodermic ones, excluding prescribed cases;
  • Razors, blades and other piercing and cutting instruments and objects.
In addition, there are some restrictions on carrying liquids in hand luggage, such as:
  • Shampoo;
  • Gel;
  • Perfume;
  • Spray;
  • Mascara;
  • Cream;
  • Water and soft drinks.

According to the rules, it is allowed to transport the listed liquids and substances in hand luggage only in small quantities (up to 100 ml) and exclusively in sealed packages (more accurate data is provided by the specific airline that provides you with services). Exceptions include baby food and liquid medications that will be consumed during the flight. Exemptions also include liquids and goods purchased in duty-free shops ( "Duty Free").

As for the weight of luggage and hand luggage, certain limits also apply here. For hand luggage, the weight range ranges from 7 to 15 kg for 1 piece. For luggage, the permissible weight is on average 20–30 kg.

There is also a list of items and things that a passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge in the aircraft cabin, even if they exceed the limits acceptable standards weight (20 kg) of unpaid baggage allowance:

  • Briefcase or handbag;
  • Umbrella;
  • Paper folder;
  • Cane;
  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Crutches and wheelchair for transporting a passenger with limited mobility;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Outerwear and suit in a suitcase;
  • Printed publications for in-flight reading;
  • Video camera and photo camera;
  • Laptop;
  • Baby cradle for transporting a child.

Items from the list are not marked, weighed or presented for registration.
Regarding the transportation of non-standard and oversized items, such as musical instruments, sports equipment and others not included in any of the lists, you must contact airline representatives in advance.

As can be seen from everything written, carrying luggage is a rather complicated process, and in order to avoid problems, it is better to take care in advance to comply with all measures and requirements.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Please check the details about your flight and luggage: flight direction, amount of luggage, etc. We, in turn, will try to answer everyone as soon as possible.

Dear passengers, the rules of transportation were written not to limit your rights, but to ensure that your flight is safe. Don't ignore them!

And finally. It should be remembered that it is better to arrive at check-in 2 hours before departure in order to ensure a good mood and prevent possible difficulties.

When traveling by plane, passengers take their luggage and carry-on luggage with them. The airplane has long become the most in a fast way moving between cities and countries. On November 5, 2017, new rules and regulations for the carriage of baggage and hand luggage on an airplane came into force. There are general rules for transporting things, but some airlines make their own additions to them. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with them before purchasing air tickets.

While I was preparing this article, the Ministry of Transport published the Order “On Amendments to the Federal Aviation Rules “General Rules for the Air Transportation of Passengers, Baggage, Cargo and Requirements for Services for Passengers, Shippers, and Consignees.” So I tried to collect the most up-to-date information about the new rules for baggage and carry-on luggage.

General rules regulate the amount of luggage and its weight. From them you can also find out what is allowed and what is prohibited to take on board the plane. It is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as luggage and hand luggage.

Baggage refers to the items you check into the cargo area of ​​the aircraft. This could be a suitcase, bag, backpack, etc.

Carry-on luggage is the items you take inside the plane. During the flight, they are placed on a special shelf above the seats. If things are not bulky and will not interfere with your travel, they can be placed under the seat of the passenger in front.

Checked baggage is registered individually for each passenger. Most often this happens when checking in for a flight. The luggage is placed on a special conveyor belt, which shows its weight on an electronic scale. If there is no overload, the airport employee sticks a special barcode on it, and it is sent through the long, confusing tunnels of the airport straight to your plane. You will be given a baggage check-in ticket. Be careful with him. If your luggage suddenly gets lost, this coupon will be very useful to you.

There are currently three types of tickets:

  1. non-refundable without norm,
  2. non-refundable with baggage allowance
  3. returnable with luggage.

If your ticket includes baggage, the carrier cannot allow it to weigh less than 10 kg.

Most often allowed weight free luggage next:

  • for passengers traveling in economy class - 23 kg. per person
  • For business class passengers, baggage weight should not exceed 32 kg. per person

Most airlines keep the sum of three baggage dimensions to no more than 158 cm.

  • for children under 2 years of age, the free baggage allowance is 10 kg (the sum of three dimensions should not exceed 115 cm)
  • For children from 2 to 12 years old, the baggage allowance is the same as for an adult.

Important! Check the free baggage allowance and its dimensions before purchasing a ticket, as these parameters may differ for different carriers.

When traveling as a couple with one baggage, you are usually allowed to carry 30 kg, and not, as many would like, to combine the baggage allowance for one person. If your ticket includes baggage, then you will not need to pay additional fees when combining it.

Low-cost airlines most often charge an additional fee for luggage. Moreover, when purchasing a baggage ticket in advance, its price is lower than when paying at the airport. The difference can reach 50%. If you want to save money, calculate in advance how many things you will take with you.

If you paid for luggage, but in fact did not use it, then this amount is refundable. For example, you bought two pieces of luggage and used one. The actual difference must be returned. This measure refers to the weight, size and quantity of luggage.

Excess baggage allowance will have to be paid additionally. Each airline has its own tariffs for excess kilograms. It happens that airline representatives turn a blind eye to a slight excess of luggage, but you shouldn’t count on it.

Carry-on baggage rules

According to the new rules for passenger transportation, the carry-on baggage allowance has been determined. It must be at least 5 kilograms. At the same time, the carrier may, at its discretion, increase this minimum rate. For example, to increase the attractiveness of your tickets. The dimensions of hand luggage are also left at the discretion of the carrier. I think many have heard about the minimum size of a backpack or handbag allowed in the cabin, measuring 36x30x27 y.

In practice, the following parameters are most often encountered:

  • for economy class passengers – up to 10 kg.
  • for business class passengers – up to 15 kg.

The sum of the three dimensions should be no more than 115 cm.

Hand luggage can be weighed both at check-in and before boarding the plane.

In my flight experience, I have encountered many times the fact that hand luggage was simply not weighed. It all depends on the stringency of the airlines' requirements.

Additionally, the passenger has the right to take with him into the aircraft cabin

  • outerwear
  • suit in a suitcase
  • bouquet of flowers
  • women's handbag, briefcase, backpack (weight and dimensions set by the air carrier)
  • baby food for the child during the flight
  • chairs, strollers for children, as well as a removable cradle from the stroller (the dimensions of which are established by the carrier)
  • medicinal and dietary preparations
  • crutches, canes, walkers, rollators, folding wheelchairs used by a passenger and having dimensions that allow them to be safely placed in the aircraft cabin on a shelf above the passenger seat or under the seat in front of the passenger seat;
  • goods purchased in Duty free, packed in a sealed plastic bag (weight and dimensions are established by the carrier)

These items will not be weighed or labeled.

According to the new rules, a laptop, mobile phone and an umbrella. But they can be put, for example, in a briefcase or backpack, which are allowed for free transportation.

What not to take on a plane

You can put almost anything in airplane luggage, with the exception of things that can cause harm to the airliner and passengers:

  1. highly flammable substances and liquids: gunpowder, firecrackers, sparklers, acentone, gasoline, etc.
  2. weapons: firearms and bladed weapons (checkers, swords, swords, etc.). Transportation is possible only with special documentation.
  3. gases, including lighters, aerosols
  4. poisons, poisons, radioactive substances

Of course, many of the things listed are unlikely to be taken on vacation by ordinary people. Flight safety comes first, so you need to be careful when packing your luggage. In addition to completely prohibited items for transportation, many countries impose restrictions on the import/export of certain products. For example, alcohol and cigarettes. If you are going to take something out of the country, read the established rules.

You need to approach the arrangement of hand luggage more carefully. There are significantly more restrictions on transportation here. Agree, when you check in your luggage and the time comes to check your hand luggage, it will not be very pleasant to part with your favorite cream or shampoo. I once found myself in such a situation in Barcelona when the passenger screening staff wanted to throw away only the face lotion, foundation and several other packages of cosmetics that I had recently purchased. And all because I didn’t pay attention to the transportation of liquids on the plane. I was just starting to travel back then and didn’t know that creamy foods were also considered liquids.

Cannot be placed in hand luggage

  • manicure sets
  • corkscrews
  • blades, razors
  • alcohol
  • liquids with a volume above 100 ml.
  • alcohol

The exception is products purchased in Duty stores free: drinks, perfume, cosmetics. While waiting for a flight, some passengers make significant purchases, so they board with huge packages.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Will you have to pay money for a suitcase on any flight?

No. This depends on the type of ticket you purchased. Amendments to the law allow airlines to sell baggage-free, non-refundable tickets. At the same time, you will retain the right to carry-on baggage weighing 5 kg.

2. How do I know if my ticket includes baggage?

Before purchasing air tickets, you can find out whether baggage is included and to what extent. Now this information is easy to find on airline websites and ticket aggregator websites. If you have already purchased a ticket, this rule is stated in it.

3. How much will I have to pay extra for a suitcase?

This measure is left at the discretion of the carrier. Each airline sets its own prices. At Pobeda prices start from 500 rubles. for 10 kg.

4. What size can hand luggage be?

The weight of hand luggage is fixed by law (it is 5 kg), but the size of hand luggage can be set by carriers at their discretion. Before purchasing air tickets, check this information on the company’s official website.

5. What should I do if my luggage exceeds the paid limit?

It is better, of course, not to allow this to happen. You will have to pay extra for excess airline rates, and they are usually higher when paying at the airport.

How to avoid overpaying for luggage

And finally, I’ll tell you a few life hacks on how not to overpay for luggage, which will allow you to save money.

  1. Take only the essentials with you.
  2. Before purchasing tickets, check the airline's website for free baggage allowance.
  3. Try to weigh your luggage at home so that if it is overloaded, you can lay out some of your items.
  4. If you suddenly find yourself overweight at the airport, try to put some of your things on yourself, and put some in your pockets and hand luggage. The items you are wearing are not carry-on luggage.
  5. Remember that some things can be bought along the way. For example, shampoos and shower gels.

If you have any questions about the new rules for carrying baggage and hand luggage on an airplane, ask them in the comments.

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Like now

There is no legal requirement for weight. Carriers set limits at their discretion.

what do they want to remove from the list?

The minimum free norm is 5 kg. The carrier can charge more, but not less.

Passenger's belongings or things to take with you- what passengers are allowed to take into the cabin for free in addition to hand luggage. They do not need to be weighed, registered or labeled. I just took it and went with them to the salon. For example: briefcase, handbag, cradle, folder for papers. The rules have a clear closed list of such things. Carriers do not have the right to demand additional payment for them.

The list of things you can take with you to the salon will also change. They propose to reduce it. The new list is not yet final.

Like now

Baby food
Suit in a suitcase
Baby bassinet
Folding wheelchair
Folder for papers
Bouquet of flowers
Printed publications

What do they want to remove from the list?

Baby food
Suit in a suitcase
Baby bassinet
Folding wheelchair
The rest goes into luggage or hand luggage

Any item from the “take with you” list can be placed in hand luggage or checked in as checked baggage. But if the ticket is baggage-free or there is a weight limit, baby food and a suit can be carried separately. And don't pay anything for it.

So, they still want to cut the list and worsen conditions for passengers?

Changes regarding hand luggage and passenger belongings have not yet been approved. An official representative of the Ministry of Transport says that the list will still be supplemented.

But they cut it for a reason. Experts analyzed luggage and realized that laptops, cameras and magazines are most often carried in luggage or carry-on luggage. Flowers are brought very rarely. And there can be no questions at all regarding outerwear: it is not considered luggage and is not prohibited from being carried on the plane.

If there is unexpected baggage, will I not be allowed on the plane?

They'll let me in, of course. But you will have to pay extra for unexpected luggage when checking in for your flight at airline rates.

Are tickets definitely not going to go up in price?

There is no reason in these changes specifically for tickets to become more expensive. On the contrary: companies now have the opportunity to make tickets cheaper.

Tickets may become more expensive for other reasons, but these specific amendments to the air code have nothing to do with it.

I have already bought a ticket, but I am leaving in October. By what rules will I be checked in for the flight?

To put it simply: according to the old ways.

By default, you should be booked on the flight according to the rules that were in effect when you bought the ticket. Formally, the airline may include some tricky condition about changing the conditions of transportation, but it will most likely be illegal. Just in case, check with the carrier.

Do the new rules apply to all flights? Even for foreign airlines?

The rules apply only to those airlines that operate under Russian legislation. Foreign carriers or codeshare flights may have different rules.

How to buy a plane ticket without overpaying?

If you are flying without luggage, after September 29, choose baggage-free, non-refundable tickets. How much cheaper they will be, no one knows yet. Air carriers will decide this.

If you are flying with luggage, carefully read the conditions on the website where you buy your ticket. The seller must clearly write the conditions for luggage.

Properly distribute items between checked luggage, carry-on luggage and personal items. For now, it is more profitable to carry a laptop and camera separately from a backpack or suitcase. When the rules change, you will have to put it in your backpack - it will be hand luggage. Or in a briefcase - it will be something you take with you.

If the carrier's rules violate the law, they can be challenged. Then the airline will compensate for the damage. Collect documents, write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and get ready to go to court. Here are stories where carriers lost:

Stay tuned for changes in air travel regulations. If you have constructive suggestions regarding hand luggage and baggage, participate in discussions of the Ministry of Transport project.

Also, do not forget that changes to air travel rules are not final yet. We are waiting for clarification on hand luggage and the list of things to take with you. Subscribe to Tinkoff magazine and we will tell you what rules will eventually be approved and what to do about it: