Carriage of baggage and hand luggage. New rules for the carriage of hand luggage and baggage on an airplane in Russia and abroad: general and specific carriage standards for various airlines New rules for baggage

- a question that interests passengers of many airlines. People do not always understand what belongs to this category of luggage, what items can be taken into the cabin, and what is better to leave at home or check in with regular cargo.

What is the essence?

First, let's look at what is considered hand luggage on an airplane. This is a special type of baggage that is allowed to be taken into the cabin of an airliner. It has its own rules and regulations for transportation, depending on the rules of the airline. For example, economy class passengers receive one seat, and business class and 1st class passengers receive twice as many.

It is believed that the equivalent of one place is a bag or backpack containing personal belongings. This is wrong. The main criterion is weight hand luggage and its dimensions. It is these parameters that the carrier is based on. Such baggage is subject to a number of restrictions, which may vary.

General prohibitions

Before checking in for a flight, it is important to be clear about what you cannot take on the plane. Generally speaking, the category of prohibited cargo includes weapons, liquefied gases, as well as dangerous substances (radioactive, toxic, caustic). The category of prohibited items also includes explosives, liquefied gases, sharp objects, including household appliances such as wire cutters, a corkscrew, scissors, a folding knife and others.

Below we will consider in detail what you can take in hand luggage on a plane, and what items are prohibited in relation to food, cosmetics, medicines, digital equipment and other cargo.


First, let's look at what you are allowed to carry. from food. As a rule, airlines restrict passengers in this matter by prohibiting the carriage of jelly-like and liquid foods. But you can take with you:

  • Nuts.
  • Fruits.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Cookie.
  • Chips and other products.

If you are flying with a child, you are allowed to take baby food. If jellies, juices or yoghurts are found before departure, they will most likely be prohibited from being carried. This also applies to food that is packaged in cans. Those products that are allowed to be brought on board are recommended to be packed in transparent bags, which speeds up the inspection procedure.

Before departure, pay attention to the carrier's requirements, as they may vary. Pay special attention to goods from Duty stores Free. They are allowed to be taken on the plane, but only if they are packaged in a bag and have a receipt in hand.

Cosmetical tools

Women often ask what they can take with them. from cosmetics. As a rule, carriers allow you to bring into the cabin:

  • Blush.
  • Eyeliner.
  • Shadows.
  • Powder and other means.

As for jelly-like compositions, as well as liquids that are packaged in containers larger than 0.1 liters, it is prohibited to take them with you. The only option is to transfer your items to checked luggage. In addition, it is not permitted to bring pressurized cans into the cabin. In this case, the total volume of liquids carried should not exceed 1000 ml. This nuance should be taken into account before departure.

Medical supplies

An equally important issue is medications. The following medications are allowed as hand luggage:

  • Pills.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Materials for dressing.
  • Various drops.

All products should be sealed and carried with instructions for use. Otherwise, customs officers may have questions for the passenger, up to and including the need to conduct a detailed inspection. If there is an injury, hand luggage can be supplemented with special means for movement, for example, crutches. Regarding the upper limit of liquids, the same rules apply here as mentioned above.

Digital equipment

According to airline rules, you can take digital equipment on board the plane - a laptop, player, tablet, camera, charger and even a hairdryer. But there is a limitation regarding mobile phones. It can be brought into the cabin, but must be turned off. This is due to safety concerns, as radiation from mobile devices can interfere with the operation of aircraft electronics.

If you plan to carry large equipment with you that exceeds the permissible dimensions, it is better to check it as regular luggage.

What to do with documents and jewelry?

According to airline rules, you are allowed to take valuables, jewelry, wallets and important documents with you in hand luggage. You also need to take your passport with you so as not to accidentally end up in a foreign country without documents. There are situations when luggage does not fit on one plane and then it can be sent on the next flight.

Clothing and personal care items

When it comes to personal hygiene items, you can bring a toothbrush and toothpaste, a comb (without a handle), wet wipes and even nail polish remover on board the plane. At the same time, it is prohibited to take cutting or piercing things into the salon. This rule also applies to nail scissors.

From clothes you can take with you a coat, a jacket (sweater), an umbrella, a blanket and a shawl. Generally speaking, it is allowed to take almost all clothing if it does not contradict the airline’s rules and does not exceed the permissible standards (dimensions, weight).

What are the weight and size restrictions?

Separate question - How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?. Here, each airline has its own rules, which depend on the destination, ticket price, flight class and other factors. There are only two main criteria, namely size and weight:

  • Dimensions. They should not exceed 56 cm in length, 46 cm in height, and 25 cm in width.
  • Weight. Requirements vary here and different airlines may have limits ranging between 3 and 15 kg.


Despite some similarity in the requirements of air carriers regarding hand luggage, some rules are strictly individual. For example, low-cost airlines that provide budget flights are stricter about hand luggage and allow you to take a minimum of things into the cabin. There is a maximum of one seat per person. More established companies will have fewer restrictions. In any case, it is important to clarify these points in advance, even before purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

Air travel is the fastest, most convenient and reliable way of travel and transportation, allowing a passenger and his luggage to move from one place to another in just a few hours, despite the great distance of these places from each other. However, the specific nature of air travel allows the transportation of people only to those airlines and airports that fully comply with generally accepted international standards of safety measures.

In order for the passenger to be given boarding pass, he must strictly comply with the strictest flight rules, which also include the carriage of baggage on board the aircraft. This is done for the general safety of all passengers and the aircraft.

The presented rules are mandatory for all passengers, regardless of the purpose, nature of the trip or the prestige of the cabin class in which you are flying.

In other words, this is a complex of organizational issues aimed at ensuring comfort and speed of flight. And luggage transportation is one of the most important organizational issues, which must be treated especially responsibly in order to eliminate the occurrence of possible problems.

Airplane baggage allowance for 2019

As for the transportation of baggage, it is worth immediately noting the following: the rules providing for this process do not have a single global standard, so there are variations of them, which are influenced by a number of factors.

First- the country you are flying to, since each state has its own rules and standards. For example, when going to Dubai, under no circumstances should you carry with you (not only in your luggage, but also in your hand luggage and in your pockets) objects and literature of a religious nature that are not related to Islam.

Second— Baggage allowance is affected by the choice of airline. In addition, the class of ticket purchased (e.g., economy or business class) and the type of aircraft affect your baggage allowance.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications and problems when checking in luggage, it is necessary to clarify all of the above points during the process of purchasing tickets. If you have non-standard luggage, you should find out the rules for its transportation in advance.

The first thing you need to do is find out which items and things that you want to take with you can be transported by plane, and which are prohibited.

However, despite differences in some baggage rules, all airlines have general rules for baggage transportation, used all over the world.

General baggage allowances on board the aircraft

1 - first you need to make sure that the suitcases or bags that you will check into separate places are in good condition and integrity (the absence of various kinds of cuts and cracks) in order to prevent damage to the items in them and adjacent luggage during their transportation.

To be safe, you can wrap your luggage yourself in cellophane film. The same procedure can be performed directly at the airport for a small fee. We recommend doing this! By doing this, you will definitely not stain or tear your suitcase or bag.

2 - each airline has its own rules that set the weight and size of checked baggage and unchecked (carry-on) baggage. If you exceed any of the parameters, you will have to pay extra.

3 - you should remember the list of things that are strictly prohibited from being carried on board the aircraft. Neither in checked luggage nor in hand luggage!

What not to pack in your luggage and hand luggage

  • Caustic and corrosive. These include: all types of alkalis, acids; mercury and devices containing it; rechargeable batteries with liquid cells;

  • All types and types of gases: flammable and non-flammable, compressed, liquefied, poisonous;

  • Objects, solids and liquids that have the ability to ignite, which include: matches, lighters and liquids for refilling them; solvents, paints and other paints and varnishes; substances capable of spontaneous combustion or which emit any gases upon contact with water, as well as other substances and objects prone to combustion;

  • Substances that tend to oxidize, such as peroxides and bleach powder;

  • Any types of explosives, items and products made from them, as well as weapons: pistols, shotguns, machine guns and other types of small arms, firearms and ammunition, including empty cartridges and detonators; fireworks, flares and similar products;

  • Radioactive substances and objects emitting radiation;

  • Toxic, poisonous and infectious substances, which include: herbicides, pesticides, insecticides; laboratory materials and samples containing live viruses; subjects of etiology;

  • Suitcases and briefcases equipped with alarm devices.
  • precious metals;
  • jewelry;
  • securities;
  • money;
  • keys;
  • glasses;
  • fragile things;
  • perishable products.

Leave them at home or take them with you in your hand luggage!

Total baggage weight and hand luggage

Things and objects permitted for transportation directly in the passenger cabin of the aircraft are called hand luggage, which is often transported in small bags.

Naturally, the purpose of these restrictive measures is to ensure an adequate level of safety for the aircraft and its passengers throughout the entire flight.

For this reason, most airlines prohibit the carriage of such items in hand luggage as:
  • Knives and long scissors (and sometimes even nail scissors);
  • Corkscrews;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Needles for injections, including hypodermic ones, excluding prescribed cases;
  • Razors, blades and other piercing and cutting instruments and objects.
In addition, there are some restrictions on carrying liquids in hand luggage, such as:
  • Shampoo;
  • Gel;
  • Perfume;
  • Spray;
  • Mascara;
  • Cream;
  • Water and soft drinks.

According to the rules, it is allowed to transport the listed liquids and substances in hand luggage only in small quantities (up to 100 ml) and exclusively in sealed packages (more accurate data is provided by the specific airline that provides you with services). Exceptions include baby food and liquid medications that will be consumed during the flight. Exemptions also include liquids and goods purchased in duty-free shops ( « Duty Free» ).

As for the weight of luggage and hand luggage, certain limits also apply here. For hand luggage, the weight range ranges from 7 to 15 kg for 1 piece. For luggage, the permissible weight is on average 20–30 kg.

There is also a list of items and things that a passenger has the right to carry with him free of charge in the aircraft cabin, even if they exceed the limits acceptable standards weight (20 kg) of unpaid baggage allowance:

  • Briefcase or handbag;
  • Umbrella;
  • Paper folder;
  • Cane;
  • Bouquet of flowers;
  • Crutches and wheelchair for transporting a passenger with limited mobility;
  • Mobile phone;
  • Outerwear and suit in a suitcase;
  • Printed publications for in-flight reading;
  • Video camera and photo camera;
  • Laptop;
  • Baby cradle for transporting a child.

Items from the list are not marked, weighed or presented for registration.
Regarding the transportation of non-standard and oversized items, such as musical instruments, sports equipment and others not included in any of the lists, you must contact airline representatives in advance.

As can be seen from everything written, carrying luggage is a rather complicated process, and in order to avoid problems, it is better to take care in advance to comply with all measures and requirements.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. Please check the details about your flight and luggage: flight direction, amount of luggage, etc. We, in turn, will try to answer everyone as soon as possible.

Dear passengers, the rules of transportation were written not to limit your rights, but to ensure that your flight is safe. Don't ignore them!

And finally. It should be remembered that it is better to arrive at check-in 2 hours before departure in order to ensure a good mood and prevent possible difficulties.

Carry-on luggage on a plane is a real headache for most tourists returning from vacation. For many passengers, the very concept of “Hand Baggage” raises many questions. Unfortunately, not all passengers know the difference between hand luggage and luggage, and even more so from an accessory for hand luggage (an accessory for hand luggage is a very new concept for modern civil aviation).

This post will be a continuation of useful articles about tricks independent travel. Earlier, I wrote in detail about how to look for cheap air tickets, about what travel insurance is and how travel insurance differs from insurance for traveling abroad, in this post we will talk in detail about hand luggage and how to fly on planes without overpaying for excess weight.

What is hand luggage

Here's what Wikipedia says about the concept of hand luggage:

Hand luggage is the cargo that a passenger takes with him on board a passenger vehicle (in our case it is an airplane, but vehicle it can be anything), without putting it in the luggage compartment.

As you can see, hand luggage is everything that a passenger takes with him on board the plane. Many people think so, but if you look more closely at the rules for transporting goods on passenger planes, then it turns out that everything that is on you, including outer clothing and the contents of your pockets, is no longer hand luggage, but is called personal equipment and is actually not taken into account at all. And there are a lot of such interesting points in the rules of transportation, read about it further.

Rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane

The basic rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane are the same for most airlines, with the exception of low-cost airlines. For low-cost carriers, any excess is a means of additional income, so you should be aware of this and take into account the special rules of low-cost carriers.

It should be understood that any restriction on the carriage of things in the aircraft cabin is, first of all, a concern for the passenger and the safety of air travel, and then an opportunity to take an extra penny from the passenger for the excess. Now I will explain what I mean.

Here are the basic rules for carrying hand luggage on an airplane:

  • all hand luggage should be no more than 115 cm (the sum of three dimensions, 55?40?20) - everything is clear here, this is so that things fit on the shelves;
  • the weight of hand luggage should be between 8 and 12 kilograms (depending on the airline) - this is so that each passenger can independently put their things in the boxes above the seats;
  • bans on liquids and other prohibitions - unfortunately, after the American tragedy “September 11”, civil Aviation became different, the rules did not become more strict, they became completely different. Those who have flown before know how much easier it used to be to go through pre-flight inspection.

Hand luggage size

In this part of the post we’ll talk about how much hand luggage you can take on a plane, what to do with goods from Duty Free and about other interesting things that will help you save and not pay for excess weight.

Weight of hand luggage on the plane

The weight of the luggage that you want to take on the plane is strictly regulated and there can be no problems with this, or on the contrary, this is the main problem (after all, sometimes they require payment for excess weight). For different airlines, the weight can vary from 5 kilograms to 12 kilograms. Low-cost airlines may have their own quirks regarding the weight of hand luggage.

If you read this post to the end, you will find several legal ways to reduce the weight of your carry-on luggage and still carry everything you want.

Dimensions of hand luggage on an airplane

As I mentioned earlier, most airlines have the same size allowance for carry-on luggage, because most airlines have the same aircraft models and the same overhead bins.

Allowable size hand luggage, in most cases, is: 55 cm x 40 cm x 20 cm or 115 cm (the sum of 3 dimensions). Here you should take into account that you most likely won’t be allowed to carry skis 115 centimeters long on board, but will be forced to check them in as luggage, since there is simply nowhere to put them in the cabin, well, you can’t carry them in the aisle.

Passengers always have difficulties determining the dimensions of hand luggage; to solve these problems in advance, many airlines install special templates at airports that imitate the permitted dimensions and anyone can check their belongings using these templates.

Beginning travelers always have a question about what is the best way to pack things when flying in the cabin of an airplane. I have tried many options from a reliable suitcase to a comfortable backpack and can give some advice.

  • a carry-on suitcase is very convenient if you are transporting really valuable and fragile things (a priceless Chinese vase from the Qing Dynasty, fragile Murano glass figurines, etc.). In this case, the “armor” of the suitcase walls is justified; in all other cases, the suitcase is too inconvenient for carry-on luggage;
  • a carry-on bag is an excellent solution, it can be compacted and thus it will pass any “size” control, but carrying such a bag at the airport can be very inconvenient. If the bag has wheels, then this option is quite suitable;
  • a carry-on backpack is the most convenient thing that can be for carrying things on an airplane, it perfectly passes all the “size” controls (tested on a 45-liter backpack), it is easy to carry and your hands are always free. I recommend this option to everyone.

Duty Free goods in hand luggage

When purchasing goods in Duty Free shops at the airport (in the so-called “sterile zone”), you should take into account the weight of your purchases. The stores themselves do not impose any restrictions on the sale of goods (buy at least half the store).

In theory, Duty Free items are personal items and do not count as carry-on baggage, but boarding the plane can be difficult (if you have too many Duty Free purchases), so you should be rational about everything. You should also remember that transporting goods from Duty Free is required in a special container (in which the goods are packaged in the store) and not to disturb the packaging throughout the flight. It is advisable to keep the receipt for your purchase throughout the flight, it may come in handy.

If there were no problems boarding the plane and your Duty Free purchases are flying with you, then you may face restrictions at customs in the arrival camp. Each country has clear rules on the possibility of duty-free import of goods, and some (mostly Muslim countries) completely prohibit the import of the most popular Duty Free goods (alcohol). As a rule, customs “gives the go-ahead” for the import of 1 liter of strong alcohol and 1 block of cigarettes; for a larger volume you need to pay a duty. Each country has different rules, so you should check before you travel.

If you are flying with a transfer, you should remember that you will have to go through the security control procedure again and here your Duty Free bag may be regarded as hand luggage and not as personal items. In these cases, you must present a receipt from the Duty Free store of the first airport (where you made the purchase) and, of course, the Duty Free goods must be packaged accordingly.

Accessory for hand luggage

Now comes the fun part. Not long ago, some airlines introduced new passenger aviation concept - “Accessory for hand luggage”, for most passengers this is a real salvation from being overweight and here’s why. Some things go beyond the concept of hand luggage and end up as accessories for hand luggage; below I will give an approximate list (it may differ for each airline, and for low-cost airlines it may be completely absent). Now the passenger has hand luggage with a regulated weight and size and the opportunity to carry on the plane some of the things that were previously considered hand luggage and took up most of the space there.

Here's what you can take on the plane as an accessory to your hand luggage from Aeroflot:

  • handbag/men's briefcase;
  • folder for papers;
  • umbrella;
  • cane;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • outerwear;
  • laptop computer, camera, video camera;
  • printed materials for in-flight reading;
  • baby food for the child during the flight;
  • a baby cradle when transporting a child;
  • suit in a suitcase;
  • telephone cellular communication;
  • crutches;
  • a bag with purchases from the Duty Free store.

And again, there are several incomprehensible situations: there are instructions about a laptop, but there are no instructions about a charger, there are instructions about a camera, but they will force you to check the tripod in your luggage, etc.

Carry-on luggage for children

For passengers with small children, carrying things for all children's needs becomes a big problem. Luckily, most airlines offer the option to use an additional standard-sized carry-on bag. This rule applies to passengers with children under 2 years of age; if the child has a full-fledged ticket and a seat in the aircraft cabin, then he also has a full-fledged place for hand luggage.

How and where to place hand luggage on board an airplane

To accommodate hand luggage on board the aircraft, there are luggage racks above the passenger seats; it is their volume that dictates strict requirements (in terms of weight and size) for passengers’ hand luggage. If necessary, hand luggage can be placed under the seat of the passenger in front (not all seats on the plane have this option).

Many airlines clearly state in their rules that during air travel the accessory must be placed under the seat of the seat (located in front of you), and all hand luggage must be placed on the shelf (above your seat). Placing any items in the aisles of the aircraft or in the space near the emergency exit is prohibited.

How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?

How much hand luggage you can take on a plane depends largely on the carrier company and the class of service.

For most airlines, there is the same standard for the number of pieces of hand luggage:

  • economy class - one piece of hand luggage;
  • business class - two pieces of hand luggage;
  • first class - two pieces of hand luggage.

Low-cost airlines stand apart; they may require additional payment for items in the aircraft cabin. Some American and Canadian carriers provide as many as 2 pieces of carry-on luggage when flying in regular economy class.

Liquids in hand luggage

Restrictions on the carriage of liquids in hand luggage seem to me the most crazy restrictions for airline passengers. Judge for yourself, because all these restrictions are for 1 liter of 100 ml. for real “bad guys” it’s very simple, just a few people with bad intentions and that’s it.

But for law-abiding passengers, these perversions of liquids in hand luggage cause enormous inconvenience and additional hassle. This is due to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which completely changed the attitude towards aviation security and now every passenger (including infants with their jars of baby food) is considered a potential terrorist.

The rules for transporting liquids in hand luggage are as follows: a passenger has the right to carry one liter of liquids (in total) in hand luggage; liquids must be placed in containers with a volume not exceeding 100 milliliters. All liquids carried on the plane must be packed in a sealed transparent bag (with a reusable zipper); the size of the bag for liquids should not exceed 20x20 centimeters.

And as always, there are many ambiguities that confuse passengers and cause problems. For example, you will not be allowed to take on board a half-empty tube of toothpaste if its volume is more than 100 ml; to all your objections, “There’s only half there,” the only reaction is “Not allowed.” It’s not so bad to have toothpaste, but what if it’s an expensive cream in a 125 ml tube? Anything with a volume of more than 100 ml. will be confiscated and disposed of.

There are a number of goods that do not resemble liquids (for example, no reasonable person would call cheese a liquid), but are considered liquids when transported on an airplane:

  • perfumery;
  • shampoos;
  • gels;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • oils;
  • paints;
  • creams;
  • deodorants;
  • shaving foam;
  • mascara;
  • lipstick;
  • toothpaste;
  • beverages;
  • syrups;
  • soups;
  • cheeses;
  • canned food;
  • caviar;
  • jam;
  • homemade preparations.

Thus, it turns out that you can carry caviar and cheese in hand luggage, but not more than 1 liter (in total), which is divided into 100 ml. containers. A normal person cannot imagine hard cheese poured into small bottles, and this often leads to misunderstandings between passengers and employees at airports.

It's a joke about cheese in bottles, but it is advisable that all liquids be in labeled containers, this way you will save yourself from unnecessary questions. It should be remembered that airport workers have the right to open any jar or tube and verify the contents, it doesn’t matter if there is expensive cream or baby food inside.

What can you carry in hand luggage?

What can you take in hand luggage on a plane? Here you should answer the following question for yourself, about the necessity of the things that you carry into the aircraft cabin. It’s understandable when you take documents and really valuable things with you, but when people bring things into the aircraft cabin that could easily survive the flight in the luggage compartment, the question arises: “Why?” I believe that you should take the most necessary and valuable things in your hand luggage, and either check in everything else as checked luggage or not take it at all on your trip.


Any drinks in glass, plastic or cardboard packaging up to 100 ml. can be carried in hand luggage; the requirements for packaging drinks from Duty Free stores are more relaxed and are not limited to a volume of 100 ml.

You can carry any drinks and alcohol in your hand luggage, but the strength of alcoholic drinks must be no more than 70%; anything higher is considered a flammable substance and is not allowed for transportation in the aircraft cabin.

Food and food

There are no special requirements or restrictions for food (you should check with your airline) if you are bringing food within reasonable limits (a sandwich for the road or a few apples). It should be remembered that in some states there are strict regulations that prohibit the import of meat, dairy and other products. It should also be noted that some products (for example, cheese, yogurt or caviar) are considered liquids, and the package volume should not exceed 100 ml.

Here is a list of these liquid products:

  • caviar;
  • yoghurts (regular or drinking);
  • soups;
  • honey, jam;
  • canned food (meat, fish, homemade preparations);
  • foods with a lot of sauce or gravy.

Some airlines allow the following solid and dry foods to be taken into the cabin:

  • sandwiches;
  • sausages, cutlets, sausages;
  • cookies, chips, bread, waffles;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • sweets, cakes and pastries.

Electronics and modern gadgets

When going through customs at the airport, you will be asked to remove your laptop from your carry-on luggage and place it in the basket for later scanning. Laptop, phone, smartphone, etc. may not be taken into account in the weight of hand luggage and are considered personal items, but here you should study the airline’s rules more carefully.

On some flights to the United States, any electronic device larger than a smartphone is prohibited from being carried in carry-on baggage.

The following electronic devices can be carried in the aircraft cabin:

  • mobile phone(with the exception of exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones);
  • laptop, tablet, e-reader;
  • camera, video camera;
  • MP3, DVD player.


Medicines and medicines needed on the trip can be taken in hand luggage, but please note that you may be asked to prove the need for certain medications (you should have a doctor's instructions on the need to take medications).

Care devices

The following personal devices can be carried in hand luggage.

  • a safety razor and replacement blades for it, as well as an electric razor;
  • hair dryer and other hair styling devices;
  • a toothbrush (including an electric one).

Cosmetics and hygiene products

In hand luggage you can take cosmetics and hygiene products in any (glass, plastic, paper, wooden, etc.) packages with a volume of up to 100 ml.

  • cream, gel;
  • suntan lotion or oil;
  • toothpaste;
  • deodorant (solid, spray, roll-on);
  • hairspray and foam;
  • liquid for contact lenses;
  • shampoo, mask, hair conditioner, etc.

Other items in hand luggage

  • literature and magazines;
  • a painting (its size must not exceed the allowable size for hand luggage);
  • dishes, glasses, sets, etc.;
  • musical instrument;
  • wedding dress and other clothes (must be carried in a special case - a briefcase, it is counted as one
  • piece of hand luggage).

It is important to know some features that may surprise you right at the airport (read the passenger's story in the comments to this post). For example, an ordinary skateboard may be considered a weapon and will be asked to be checked in as luggage. I became interested and I checked with the airport representatives whether this was true or not, that’s what they told me. The full answer to my letter can be seen in the photographs.

In accordance with aviation security requirements, according to paragraph 72 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2007 No. 104: “items and substances that can be used as weapons of attack, but not prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft, are packaged and transported in as checked baggage.

All restrictions on carrying items in hand luggage can be divided into several groups.

  • prohibited for safety reasons - weapons and toys that imitate them (firearms, piercing weapons, etc.), exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones, I think everything is clear here;
  • prohibited for the convenience of passengers - everyone wants to smuggle their oversized cargo on board, but no one wants to sit next to a friend who brought oversized cargo into the cabin;
  • prohibited for commercial purposes - using an airplane cabin as a “gazelle for transportation” is possible, but expensive. If you want to bring 50 kilograms of mangoes from Thailand, pay for the excess and bring them.

Now let's talk about this in more detail, recent events with exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones surprised and scared many. And as a result - a complete ban on the use of this smartphone model on board an aircraft.

Sharp objects, explosive loads and weapons

  • It is prohibited to take firearms and any piercing or cutting objects (knife, corkscrew, razor blades, sharp manicure utensils, etc.) into hand luggage;
  • working tools (screwdrivers, nails, files, drills, etc.);
  • sports equipment (skateboard, roller skates, scooters, baseball bats, etc.).

Electronics and modern gadgets are prohibited in hand luggage

After the scandal with the exploding Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, many countries banned bringing Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones on board an airplane, and the Federal Air Transport Agency went even further and prohibited bringing this smartphone model even into the airport.

Many airlines have prohibited the carriage of small personal mobility aids powered by lithium batteries (unicycles, mini-Segways, hoverboards, hoverboards, etc.) in hand luggage and in the cargo compartment.

On March 21, 2017, US authorities banned the transportation of electronic devices in hand luggage, a ban is imposed on flights from the Middle East and North Africa. Passengers from these countries (Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates) traveling non-stop to the United States of America are prohibited from carrying laptops, tablets, cameras and other electronics in hand luggage. The UK also joined this ban.

Food and food

If you managed to bring food and other food products on board the plane (some airlines are not particularly picky about this), then it is advisable to destroy (eat) it there, since many countries prohibit the import of any agricultural products, meat, milk and etc. without proper certificates.

Carrying hand luggage on an airplane, tricks and life hacks

The main life hack “How not to overpay for excess luggage” is to leave everything unnecessary at home, but not everyone can give themselves such pleasure - traveling with a half-empty backpack, so I’ll tell you how I deal with excess weight in my carry-on luggage.

Usually, I travel with two backpacks, one large (about 45 liters), the other small (30 liters). At the beginning of your journey, all things (including a 30 liter backpack) are placed in a 45 liter backpack and fly as hand luggage in the cabin. During long journey backpacks are filled with all sorts of necessary (and not so necessary) little things and on the way back they no longer fit into each other, and this is where you have to think about how to optimize the weight and size of your luggage.

Here is a sample list of actions to reduce the weight of your luggage after a long trip:

Make the most of your body- sounds strange, but if you understand that the advantage is inevitable, then you can carry some of the things into the cabin of the plane on yourself in the literal sense of the word. For example, you can wear warm clothes from your luggage (it will probably be hot and you will look stupid), you can put small but heavy souvenirs in your pockets, etc.

If you go even further, you can buy fashionable and very practical clothes from the famous brand SCOTTeVEST. Their signature jackets are specially designed for travelers, with top models featuring over 40 pockets of all shapes and sizes to accommodate a variety of gadgets and devices. With such functionality, all SCOTTeVEST brand clothing looks fashionable and modern. Any of their little things, be it a cap or panties, will be provided with pockets for storage.

Get rid of everything unnecessary- there are things that there is no point in bringing back and you can get rid of them in a variety of ways, you can simply throw them in the trash, donate them to the natives or sell them off. On my Indian trip, a gift in the form of an ordinary ballpoint pen evoked extremely positive emotions among local children.

Find a travel companion- if you find a fellow traveler who doesn’t have as much luggage as you, you can always ask for a favor. But here you should be very careful and trust the person (and he should also trust you), because where is the guarantee that it may end up in the things you handed over and where is the guarantee that a new acquaintance will return your luggage.

Send part of your luggage by mail- every country has a post office and this fact should not be ignored. The cost of sending to Russia will cost some money, but it is much cheaper than tariffs for excess luggage.

On November 5, 2017, new baggage transportation rules came into effect for all Russian airlines. The maximum and minimum weight of baggage that the carrier can carry has now been established. Plus, under the influence of sanctions and counter-sanctions, customs legislation has also changed. What does a traveler need to know before packing? Let's figure it out.


Basic normative act (“General rules air transport"), which previously determined the requirements for the activities of airlines, was distinguished by rather imprecise provisions. Some air carriers set fairly strict standards, while others made concessions. But on October 5, 2017, the Federal Law on Amendments to the Main Document was prepared (it came into force on November 5).

The law establishes the following types of tariffs for carriers:

  1. Returnable with luggage space.
  2. Non-refundable with baggage allowance.
  3. Non-refundable without free baggage allowance.

Baggage is understood as bags, boxes, suitcases that the passenger deposits in the baggage area, having previously been weighed during check-in.

So, the law establishes that the maximum weight of one piece of luggage is 30 kg (previously a piece of luggage could weigh no more than 32 kg). But this norm may change depending on what tariff was ticket purchased. For example, business class does not have the same restrictions that apply to economy class.

According to the previous rules, each carrier could set its own baggage rules. Now, uniform standards have been introduced for all airlines in our country (with the exception of the low-cost carrier Pobeda). Please note that the provisions of the law apply only to Russian companies! Foreign organizations operate within the framework of the legislation of their state.

All baggage is allowed to be divided by weight:

  • Up to 10 kg (free).

Moreover, the weight threshold at which baggage is transported free of charge is valid for all campaigns (previously, each company independently set this standard). So the carrier is obliged to provide you with a compartment designed for 10 kg, even if your luggage weighs less. However, this is the minimum permissible weight: the air carrier itself can increase the upper limit in the tariff.

  • 10-30 kg.

In this case, the airline independently determines some nuances: you should first familiarize yourself with the weight of luggage allowed according to the selected flight fare. The upper limit can also be set independently (for example, 20, 22, etc., but not exceeding 30 kg).

  • More than 30 kg.

All suitcases and bags exceeding 30 kg and the established dimensions are considered heavy cargo. You will also have to pay extra for extra kilos, but at special prices designed for heavy loads. The price is also set by the company.

Watch the video about the new baggage law:

The new rules retain the right to combine the belongings of two or more passengers into one piece of luggage (to do this, you need to put all things in one suitcase or box). It should also not be more than 30 kg.

Please note that some fares do not include baggage allowance. Such tickets are much cheaper, but in this case you can only fly with hand luggage. You can find out what features are included in a particular tariff on the carrier’s website (in the “Baggage Transportation” section).

There are a number of generally accepted standards regarding things carried in luggage:

  • Suitcases, bags and boxes must be in good condition: without cracks, breakages, etc.
  • It is not advisable to carry objects and literature of any religious content in your luggage.

How much does the advantage cost?

Overweight is a situation when, during weighing at the airport, it was determined that the baggage weighs more than that norms that are established by the carrier in the tariff. In other words, excess weight. In this case, the passenger pays extra for extra pounds. Or the number of luggage pieces has been exceeded.

The price and procedure for paying for extra pounds is calculated according to the flight fare. Accordingly, the cost for business class will be higher than for economy class.

Let's say a citizen purchased a ticket for a St. Petersburg-Moscow Economy Class flight. The cost of this service includes the transportation of luggage up to 25 kg. If during the check it is determined that the luggage weighs 28, then the extra kilos will have to be paid for or left behind. The cost is determined by the airline itself.

  • Strollers and bicycles.
  • Appliances.
  • Musical instruments, sports equipment, etc.

Items in this category must not exceed the following dimensions: 2 m (total) and 30 kg. This cargo must be indicated in the preliminary application, i.e. when booking. If upon inspection it is determined that the size and weight requirements have been violated, the carrier has the right to refuse to carry such baggage.

Prices by airline

The price for luggage and its dimensions consists of the following parameters:

  1. Ticket tariff plan.
  2. Parameters of the baggage piece itself: quantity, weight, size, etc.

Passengers have the right to return money for baggage space if it was not used. The same applies to the case if two places were purchased, but in fact only one was used.

Some companies offer discounts on tickets to passengers classified as benefit recipients. To do this, you need to provide supporting documents.

Airlines often offer their customers free transportation of sports equipment and equipment. You can learn about this from the news on the official website. Plus, on long-haul flights, additional concessions on other items may be introduced.


Read more about Aeroflot airline baggage rules at.

S7 (basic economy tariff)

The maximum weight of one piece of luggage is 23 kg. The company has different ticket prices depending on the flight distance and passenger status (there is a system of cards for participants that provide them with a number of privileges).

You can find out the exact cost of the flight and baggage allowance on the official S7 Airlines website, in the “baggage allowance” section, using the baggage calculator.


The company offers four tariff plans, which include various services:

  • Light – maximum cheap ticket and a simple tariff: the price is about 2,000 rubles.
  • Promo is the most popular tariff. One piece of luggage (23 kg). The cost is a little more than 3,500 rubles.
  • Standard – package with extended service. From 7,500 rubles.
  • Flexible – a tariff with a complex of several services. Price – 10,000 rubles.

The last two tariff plans operate in the business class category, with even more features. The maximum price is up to 23,000 rubles.

Tariffs for excess baggage transportation from December 1, 2017.

Free carry-on baggage allowance:


Prices from this carrier start from 500 rubles per 10 kg.

The baggage requirements are as low as possible, which follows from the operating principle of low-cost carriers - the desire to make the ticket price as low as possible, which reduces the number of services provided.

Carefully read the rules and requirements on the official website. In some cases, a flight may cost more than a ticket from another, non-low-cost company.

Ural Airlines

The standard cost of transporting 23 kg baggage in Russia is 2,000 rubles. In the CIS – about 25 euros. But international flights will cost 50 euros. Excess baggage in Russia will cost 2,000 rubles, within the CIS it will cost 25 euros, but when traveling on international flights it will cost 100 euros.


Behind excess baggage(increase in the number of seats, weight, exceeding dimensions) the company charges 50 euros. You will also have to pay extra for some items and belongings if they exceed the established weight.

Free checked baggage allowance

Carry-on baggage allowance per passenger are:

What can you carry?


All liquids (that are not prohibited) stored in containers larger than 100 ml must be placed in luggage. Moreover, this must be done even if they are not completely filled.


Any alcohol-containing substances up to 24% are also included in luggage (regardless of the number of bottles). Alcohol containing from 24 to 70% is stored in luggage in a volume of no more than 5 liters maximum.

Champagne is allowed to be transported, but it must be securely packaged. It would be safer to purchase it at the airport, in the duty-free department.


It is strictly prohibited to transport narcotic and psychotropic drugs. Particular attention is paid to potent drugs:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sleeping pills and anti-sickness pills.
  • Preparations containing large quantities alcohol (usually in liquid form).

You are allowed to carry medical needles as carry-on baggage, but only with a doctor's certificate. It must indicate that the passenger requires injections during the flight (for example, this applies to diabetics). If there is no such document, the devices are stored in the luggage compartment.


It is allowed to transport fruits, but there are some nuances. While some can be transported without any danger (pears, apples, etc.), others, during transportation or carrying by loaders (grapes and other soft fruits) can stain your luggage and the belongings of other passengers. Therefore, it is advisable to transport them in plastic containers and other reliable containers.

On international flights this is more difficult to do, since different customs legislation applies. No one knows where the passenger got these fruits, how they were grown or how dangerous they are. Therefore, their (as well as plants, nuts and vegetables) transportation must be coordinated with the sanitary service of the country where the person is going.

In the Russian Federation, due to the introduced “counter-sanctions” measures, it is prohibited to import fruits from several dozen countries. Therefore, consult the carrier company on this issue in advance. Otherwise, you may face a fine (both at our border and in another state).

What can't be carried?

There are some items and things that are prohibited from being carried in luggage due to security violations. It was recorded that the following cannot be transported in the luggage compartment:

  • Infectious, radioactive, magnetized and toxic substances.
  • Acids, alkalis, solvents, mercury, etc.
  • Weapons and signaling devices.
  • Batteries.
  • Lighters, hairsprays and other flammable substances.

Weapons (cold steel and firearms) can only be transported with permits.

Question and answer: is it possible to transport?

Here we will tell you whether you can transport:


It is allowed to be transported if it meets the established standards (the length of the blade of a utility knife should be no more than 10 cm, and a folding knife should not be more than 6 cm). However, it must be packaged securely. You can carry souvenir knives, but the owner must provide a certificate from the seller confirming this purpose of the item.


Can be transported as other electronic gadgets. However, they must be securely packaged. Most often it is taken with you as hand luggage.


They are allowed to be carried. The customs service has decided that no more than 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 grams should be transported into the country. tobacco Similar requirements apply within the European Union and in the United States.

Meat, sausage, canned food

It is allowed to transport food if it is not perishable: i.e. It is allowed to store canned food, sausages, cooked meat, etc.

Shampoos, deodorants

You can, and other personal hygiene items can be placed in luggage as long as they are not flammable. And here blades, razors and nail scissors should only be stored in checked baggage as they are dangerous items.

Rules for transporting sharp objects in hand luggage and baggage:

Despite changes in legislation and the introduction of weight standards, the carrier independently determines what services it provides within the framework of a particular tariff, and many issues still need to be agreed upon in advance with the airline. Moreover, when transporting luggage, you need to rely not only on the air, but also on the customs legislation of the country.

The permissible dimensions and weight of hand luggage on an airplane are limited to certain standards. At the same time, there are no universal parameters for the baggage that a passenger can carry with him in the cabin of the aircraft: the norms mainly depend on the carrier, the paid class of service, and the flight distance.

In any case, you will have to find out the permitted weight and size of hand luggage in advance: in order not to pay for excess weight and to avoid the most unpleasant situation - getting rid of excess things just before departure.

Before purchasing tickets, you should carefully study the tariffs of low-cost airlines and offers on new promotional tariffs - this applies to both domestic and foreign airlines. Cheap flights may come with restrictions: no checked or carry-on luggage, or stricter baggage weight requirements.

Size and weight of hand luggage on Russian airlines

Maximum weight of hand luggage on most airplanes Russian airlines equal to 10 kg, for business class - 15 kg. However, before purchasing a ticket, you need to find out the rules for the chosen fare, as they can vary greatly.

Airline Hand luggage weight Hand luggage size, cm

Business - 1 piece up to 15 kg.

55×40×25 Aeroflot hand luggage weight and size in 2020
S7 Airlines

Economy - 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business - 1 piece weighing up to 15 kg (in total).

55×40×23 Dimensions and permissible weight of hand luggage for S7

Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Economy premium, business - 1 piece up to 10 kg.



Weight and size of hand luggage at UTair
Ural Airlines

Promo Light/Lowcost/Promo/Economy/Premium Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business/Comfort - 2 seats with a total weight of up to 15 kg.

40×30×20 low-cost

Dimensions, weight of hand luggage for Ural Airlines
Victory 36x30x27 + laptop/tablet without cover and cane umbrella Hand luggage at Pobeda
Russia On flights SU 6000-6999: economy, comfort - 1 seat up to 10 kg; business - 1 piece up to 15 kg.

On flights FV5501-5900: economy - 1 seat up to 5 kg; business - 1 piece up to 10 kg.

55×40×25 for all tariffs Standards: For SU 6000-6999; For FV5501-5900
Azur Air Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg; business - 1 piece up to 10 kg. Excess weight - in agreement with the a/k. 55×40×20 Hand luggage at Azur Air
Gazprom avia 1 place up to 5 kg 45×35×15 Gazprom Avia standards

Economy, comfort - 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business - 1 piece up to 15 kg.

55×40×25 Donavia's norms
Pegasus Fly

Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg.

Business - 2 pieces up to 5 kg each.

115 cm (55×40×20) Carry-on luggage at Pegas Fly

Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Premium, Business - 1 place up to 10 kg.

115 cm (55×40×20) IrAero standards
Komiaviatrans 1 place up to 8 kg 35×22×25 Komiaviatrans standards

Basic - 1 piece up to 10 kg.

Hand luggage at Nordavia
Red Wings Airlines

Light/Standard – 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Basic - 1 piece up to 10 kg.

40×30×20 for the Light tariff

Red Wings Airlines hand luggage

Light/Classic - 1 place up to 5 kg;

Optimum/Premium - 1 place up to 10 kg.

Weight and size of hand luggage at Rusline
Saratov Airlines 1 place up to 5 kg 45×35×15 Saratov Airlines carry-on baggage allowances
Royal Flight

Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business - 1 piece up to 10 kg.

55×40×20 Hand luggage at Royal Flight
Nordwind Airlines

Economy - 1 piece up to 5 kg;

Business - 2 pieces of 5 kg each.

115 cm (55×40×20) Hand luggage on Nordwind Airlines

Economy - 1 piece up to 10 kg;

Business - 1 piece up to 15 kg.

55×40×20 Carry-on baggage on Yakutia planes
Yamal 1 place up to 5 kg 55×40×20 Hand luggage at Yamal Airlines

Weight and dimensions of hand luggage on foreign airlines

The variation in tolerances for the weight and size of the bag in the cabin of foreign airlines is even wider. Depending on the air carrier, the weight of hand luggage on airplanes often varies from 5 to 18 kg. In some cases, carry-on baggage allowances can surprise you with their generosity, even in economy class.

Websites of airlines operating international Passenger Transportation, are often available in several languages, including Russian.

Airline Hand luggage weight Hand luggage size Information on the official website

Economy - 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business - 2 pieces: 8 kg + 5 kg, or 1 piece up to 13 kg.

56×45×25, for Olympic Air 55×40×23
1) 56×45×25 (up to 8 kg),
45×35×20 (up to 5 kg);
2) 56×45×25 (up to 13 kg).

Standards on the Aegean website
AirAsia 2 bags with a total weight of up to 7 kg. 56×36×23 and 40x30x10 All information about hand luggage on the AirAsia website
Air Astana Economy - 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business - 2 pieces up to 8 kg.
56×45×25 Air Astana baggage allowance
Air France Economy - up to 12 kg.
Business - up to 18 kg.
55×35×25 Air France cabin baggage
Czech Airlines

Light - 1 place up to 8 kg;
Plus, Flex - 1 piece up to 8 kg + 1 piece up to 3 kg;
Business - 2 pieces of 8 kg and 1 piece of up to 3 kg.

55x45x25 and an additional small bag (all tariffs except Light) - 40x30x15. Hand luggage at Czech Airlines
EasyJet 1 place. There is no weight limit, but the passenger must lift hand luggage onto the overhead bin and remove it safely. 56x45x25. For easyJet Plus card, FLEXI fare - additional seat 45x36x20. Carry-on baggage rates on the EasyJet website
Emirates Economy - 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First class and business - 2 pieces of up to 7 kg each (briefcase, handbag or bag with clothes)
Economy - 55x38x20. First and business: briefcase - up to 45x35x20, bag - up to 55x38x20. Hand luggage options on the Emirates website
Etihad Airways Economy - 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First class, business - 2 pieces weighing up to 12 kg (in total)
115 cm (40×50×25) Baggage dimensions on the Etihad Airways website
Finnair Business, as well as Finnair Plus Platinum, Gold and Silver cards - 2 pieces of luggage weighing up to 10 kg (total weight).
Other rates - 1 piece up to 8 kg.
56×45×25 Hand luggage in the Finnair cabin
Qatar Airways Economy - 1 piece up to 7 kg.
First, business - 2 pieces with a total weight of up to 15 kg.
50×37×25 Information on the Qatar Airways website
Turkish Airlines Economy - 1 piece up to 8 kg.
Business, as well as with Elite Plus and Elite cards - 2 pieces of 8 kg each.
23×40×55 Turkish Airlines hand luggage
Lufthansa Economy, economy premium - 1 piece up to 8 kg.
First, business - 2 pieces of 8 kg.
55x40x23; For folding travel bags - 57x54x15 Carry-on baggage on Lufthansa aircraft
Korean Air Economy - 1 piece up to 12 kg.
First and prestige class - 2 seats with a total weight of up to 18 kg.
55×40×20 Korean Air passenger baggage allowance
Thai Airways 1 place up to 7 kg 115 cm sum of three dimensions