Where is the Sinai Peninsula? Regions of Egypt: Sinai Peninsula. Exodus of anatomically modern humans from Africa

Today, the territory of the Sinai Peninsula belongs almost entirely to Egypt. Only a small part of it relates to Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the northeast, armed conflicts continue between the Egyptian government and Islamists, who organize terrorist attacks and attacks on Egyptian security forces. Sometimes they extend to the border areas of Israel and the Gaza Strip.

South Sinai- a prosperous territory, well known throughout the world for its resorts: Sharm el-Sheikh, Nuweiba, Taba, Dahab, etc.

North Sinai remains an unstable area of ​​the peninsula. This is due to the poverty of the population living here, regular smuggler routes and general economic backwardness. Low level life also led to an environmental disaster associated with massive pollution of the Sinai coast with plastic waste. It was here that Islamists and terrorist groups became more active, taking the local population under their influence.

The Sinai Peninsula connects Africa with Asia, to which it belongs geographically. Sinai is wedged into the Red Sea and is washed from the west by the Gulf of Suez, and from the east by the Gulf of Aqaba. In terms of landscape, Sinai is one of the most amazing regions of Egypt.

The northern part of the peninsula is occupied by a desert plateau, low mountains in the south are formed by crystalline rocks, colored blue, green and red and forming the famous Multi-colored Canyon. Stone and sandstone cliffs, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, make you hold your breath with delight. Here God spoke to Moses; through these lands along the “Silk Road” merchants transported goods from the East to Egypt.

Mount Sinai

The most famous local landmark is Mount Sinai(Mountain of the Law, Gabal Musa or Mount Moses) 2285 m high. At the top of the mountain, according to legend, the Lord handed Moses the stone tablets of faith with the famous Ten Commandments. There are two paths leading to the top - one is short but steep, the other is flatter but also longer. Not far from the top, where the chapel of the monastery of St. Catherine stands, they connect - here begins a staircase of 3,400 steps carved by the monks into the rock, which pilgrims have to overcome (this can also be done on a camel, but this undertaking is not for the faint of heart). Every night dozens of pilgrims from different countries of the world climb from the monastery to Mount Moses to meet the dawn.

Monastery of St. Catherine

At the foot of the mountain, in the place where the Lord spoke with Moses, he grew up Monastery of St. Catherine- the oldest operating Christian monastery in the world. Located at an altitude of 1570 m in a valley between the mountains of Moses, Katarina and Safsaf, 200 km from Sharm el-Sheikh, the monastery was built in the 6th century. On the territory of the monastery grows the “Burning Bush” - a bush in the flame of which, according to the Old Testament, God first appeared to the prophet Moses. In the labyrinth of monastic buildings stands the famous three-nave basilica, for which thousands of tourists come here. The head and hand of the martyr St. Catherine are kept in two golden caskets next to the marble tabernacle. Behind the choir is the small Chapel of the Burning Bush. It is believed that the roots of the biblical bush are located under the altar, supported by marble columns. The monastery's collection contains more than two thousand icons, and the monastery library is also famous - in terms of its collection of religious literature and manuscripts, it is considered second only to the Vatican.

Hot Springs

An interesting natural phenomenon of Sinai is the hot springs located along it. west coast, close to the highway leading to Sharm el-Sheikh. The most famous are the Sources of Moses (Uyun-Musa). According to biblical legend, when the prophet Moses led the children of Israel out of captivity in Egypt, Moses struck the ground five times with his staff, and springs appeared in these places. 130 km to the south are the Hammam Pharaoh - "Pharaoh's Baths", and even further south, near the city of Tor - the "Moses Baths", which have long been used by local residents to treat rheumatism and arthritis.

  • Tours for May Worldwide
  • The Sinai Peninsula is an absolutely unique and amazing place in every way. You can at least start with geographical location: Sinai is the border between Asia and Africa; in fact, the peninsula itself is considered part of the Asian continent. Its nature is also unique - the mountainous and desert areas of Sinai are almost uninhabited, which means that the flora and fauna have been preserved in absolutely pristine form. I probably haven’t heard about coral reefs and diving in local waters, unless I’m lazy. Well, of course, the historical and cultural role these places for all humanity. After all, it was here that the people of Israel wandered with Moses, and right there the prophet received a divine revelation.

    How to get to the Sinai Peninsula

    The largest air hub in Sinai is in Sharm el-Sheikh, whose international Airport receives hundreds of flights a week from all over the world.

    It is most convenient to travel directly around the peninsula in a group excursion group. As an option - by bus, but it is better to take tickets for 1st class and the so-called tourist buses, and not municipal ones, since they take a long time, they hardly follow the schedule, and in general their appearance leaves much to be desired.

    Popular hotels in Sinai Peninsula

    Entertainment and attractions

    Of course, the Sinai Peninsula, like the whole of Egypt, is famous largely for its beautiful beaches, comfortable hotels, a fairly good level of service, and, most importantly, warm sea, where underwater life literally boils. It seems that this is some kind of compensation for the picturesque, but at the same time monotonous, nature of the land. However, despite the appearance of desert, there is something to see here. There are three in Sinai national parks- “Ras Abu Galum”, “Nabq” and “Ras Mohammed”. The latter, for example, is a reserve that simultaneously includes 5 ecosystems!

    Another amazing natural monument The Sinai Peninsula is considered its hot springs. The most famous of them are the Sources of Moses. They arose at that legendary time when Moses led the Jews out of Egyptian slavery. Having walked along the bottom of the Red Sea, they were exhausted, many were tormented by thirst. Then the prophet struck the ground several times with his staff, and immediately water began to gush out from under the ground.

    To the south of the Springs of Moses, at a distance of about 100 km, there are other thermal baths - the Pharaoh's Baths and the Moses Baths.

    Another unique attraction of the Sinai Peninsula can be called the Colored Canyon. It is located just an hour's drive from popular resort Nuweiba. What is a place with such an intriguing name? The canyon stretches approximately 700 m in length, and the height of the gorge sometimes reaches up to 100 m. This place will be very interesting for those who have dreamed of being on the Moon all their adult lives.

    Of course, the main historical attraction of the peninsula is the monastery of St. Catherine. Its appearance is associated with the name of the Byzantine emperor Constantine the Great and his mother Helen. In 330, a small church was built in Sinai, as well as a fortification so that the monks could survive the raids of nomads. Life was not easy for the first inhabitants of the monastery: they spent the night in caves, obtained their own food and prayed fervently. In addition, the monks were active in missionary work and over several centuries they managed to convert a significant part of the inhabitants of the Sinai Peninsula to Christianity.

    The Sinai Peninsula is perfect place for a beautiful tan. As in many places in Egypt, there is something to see here, because according to legend, it was here that Moses received commandments from God. Tourists from all over the world flock to Egypt to get impeccable holiday conditions for little money. The gentle waves of the Red Sea, the bright sun, and a huge number of historical attractions make your holiday on the Sinai Peninsula unforgettable.

    In this article we will try to describe all the features of holidays on the Sinai Peninsula in 2020.

    For many years now, the Sinai Peninsula has been the subject of disputes and wars between Africa and Asia. There was no way they could share such a tasty morsel. Due to its location and large number of minerals, disputes continue to this day. Strategic importance The Sinai Peninsula grew after the construction of the Suez Canal in the 19th century.

    Sinai Peninsula on the map:

    This territory belonged at one time to Turkey and Israel. But after much dispute and war, the peninsula returned to Egypt. Thanks to this, relative calm reigned. Holidays on the Sinai Peninsula are very different from holidays on other popular ones. Holidays in 2020 can become truly unforgettable.


    The unique fauna of the peninsula can be considered one of its attractions. It is difficult to see more beautiful coral reefs anywhere else. The coast is real paradise for divers. Many travelers come here to take an amazing dive and swim along the barrier reef.

    The area is very hot. Therefore, most green oases are the subject of painstaking work by local gardeners.

    The Sinai deserts are inhabited. There you can see wolves, foxes, mountain goats, hyenas and other numerous inhabitants.


    The climate can be a real test for a tourist. In summer there is sweltering heat on the coast, up to 50 degrees during the day. At night the temperature is very moderate. In winter, the daytime temperature is 24-25 degrees, and the nights can be very cold. Snow sometimes falls in the mountains in autumn. Spring can be very rainy. If you are going on vacation to the Sinai Peninsula in 2020, remember that if you cannot tolerate the heat, try to spend more time by the sea and drink 3-4 liters of water daily.

    Best season for vacation

    The best time of year to travel is mid-autumn or early spring. During this period there is no stifling heat; the air temperature rarely rises above 30 degrees. The nights are warm, not lower than 18 degrees.


    Features of the holiday

    Unfortunately, the most convenient air port of Sinai has not yet adjusted the zone for Russians, so for now there will be no direct flights there. Therefore, you will have to make transfers to get there. Such services are provided only by foreign airlines.

    The best option is to fly through. Its cost is about 500 euros, the time spent in the air is approximately 7 hours.

    A trip with a connection in European cities– London, Geneva, Zurich.

    You can use the services of tour operators in neighboring countries of Belarus or Ukraine, from whose airports direct flights depart to Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Where to stay?

    The majority of tourists strive for the “Source of Moses”. Legends are made about its healing power. According to one of them, the prophet Moses hit the ground with his staff and at the same moment a healing spring began to flow from it.

    Tourists who want to cope with diseases of the joints and bones go to the “Pharaoh’s Baths,” which were visited by the kings of Egypt many thousands of years ago. Water breaks out from under the rocks and rushes into the sea.


    The most popular entertainment in the resorts of the Sinai Peninsula is diving and snorkeling. At every step they offer training. Equipment for this type of leisure can be rented. Fans of diving and snorkeling should know that these sports can be practiced here all year round.

    Entertainment includes walks along the coast in a jeep, and from October to April on camels. For a European tourist this is exotic.

    What to see?

    Those planning a holiday to the Sinai Peninsula in 2020 should know what local campaigns offer to choose from a large number of excursions. What to see, you choose for yourself.

    • Wrecks and reefs can be seen in the Thistelgorm area;
    • Egyptian Park - Ras Mohammed - one of the most best places for diving;
    • Camel or jeep ride. The walk allows you to get acquainted with the life of the Bedouins;
    • If you want to see the sunrise in Sinai, go to Mount Moses.


    Sinai cuisine includes many traditional African dishes. Many years of European colonization, the passage of the island from one owner to another, gave the local food a European sophistication.

    Don't even try to find pork dishes. The meat of this “dirty” animal is not sold in any supermarket or market. This is due to the peculiarities of the Muslim religion.

    Also, you won’t find “rare steak” in Sinai restaurants. All products undergo thorough heat treatment, which is due to special climatic conditions. The local heat can quickly spoil even fresh meat or fish.

    The main traditional dish of aish baladi is a fragrant bread flatbread. Any filling can be added to Egyptian bread.

    The meat is usually served accompanied by rice or vegetables. Be sure to try torly - lamb with vegetable stew, seasoned with lemon and marjoram.

    Arabic kofta meatballs have an amazing taste. Sinai restaurants offer chicken cooked according to an old Cairo recipe. This dish will conquer any gourmet.

    Never give up fish. It is prepared according to special ancient recipes and served with a variety of sauces. The “grilled fish” is very impressive.

    The first courses are very tasty and rich. The local soup medemas is made from beans.

    The well-known hibiscus tea comes from Egypt. This drink is offered everywhere. The cafe's visitors will also be offered a cup of aromatic coffee or black tea.

    Food prices are not high. In an inexpensive restaurant, you can pay up to $3 for a three-course set menu.

    It is not at all expensive to shop at local markets or supermarkets. The main thing is to move away from crowded tourist areas and shop in the same stores as the local population. For example, grant, strawberries or peppers will cost no more than $1 per kilogram. The price of vegetables is very low; a kilogram of zucchini or eggplant costs no more than 35 cents.

    If the price of the products is indicated in the price tag, there is no point in haggling, but if it is not, then you can bargain for 20-30% of the cost.


    The most popular souvenir that tourists from Egypt always bring is papyrus. In second place are plates with unique Arabic designs.

    Shops and markets are open until late in the evening. Here you can find souvenirs for every taste. Tourists will be offered expensive items, such as carpets self made. Be sure to purchase Arabic colorful jewelry. They are not expensive at all, but they look very beautiful.

    A special Sinai souvenir is a T-shirt with a picture of a diver on it. The main thing is not to forget to bargain always and everywhere.

    Tour price

    Very often the price of a trip to the Sinai Peninsula depends on the choice of tour operator. The larger the company, the wider the range of its capabilities and the companies with which it works. Therefore, before the final purchase, it is worth “probing” several agencies and comparing their prices for the same items.

    The next important determining factor in price is the class of the hotel; the higher it is, the more expensive the tour.

    At the beginning of 2020, the sale of tourist packages to Egypt by Russian and tour operators is not carried out. It is planned that direct flights to Cairo will be available to Russians at the beginning of the year. Flights to Sharm El-Sheikh Airport will become possible presumably in the fall of 2020.

    The minimum cost of an all-inclusive tour for seven nights in a three-star hotel will be 30 thousand rubles per person and more.

    The Sinai Peninsula is a paradise for perfect holiday. The warm waters of the Red Sea, endless beaches with velvet sand, excellent service and Arabic cuisine make the resorts of the peninsula a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. Many people fall so much in love with the local landscapes and hospitable hotels that they are ready to return to Sinai every year.

    Even more about the peninsula in the video: