Work in Israel for Ukrainians without prepayment. What difficulties await Russian workers and other foreigners. Necessary steps to register a business

At the end of 2015, Ukraine and Israel agreed on the terms of signing an agreement on a free trade zone and a number of additional agreements - on joint production of films, on cooperation in the field of science and technology, on increasing security. In the list of important agreements, a line flashed about intentions to sign an agreement on the admission of Ukrainian specialists to the Israeli labor market in certain sectors of the economy, in particular, construction specialties. This agreement was signed six months later, in June 2016. for Ukrainians since 2016, according to these agreements, allows them to receive the same social guarantees as Israelis, including health insurance.

Jobs in Israel vacancies 2016

The demand for Ukrainian workers in Israel is consistently high; they are willingly hired in various fields of activity. The most in demand are people who can work in the service sector, industry, and agriculture.


One of the most popular vacancies for Ukrainians in Israel. Builders are constantly needed on many new buildings major cities Ukraine, as well as for road construction work. For this category of workers the most profitable terms work in Israel - social package, transportation to the place of work and others. Salaries of highly qualified builders reach up to $2,500 per month.

Apartment renovation specialists

Also one of the most sought after vacancies. Tilers, painters, plasterers, specialists in all types of repairs, plumbers will always find work in Israel. For Ukrainians in 2016, we are ready to offer many such vacancies with salaries starting from $1,700 per month.


Welding specialists, and especially highly qualified welders, are in demand in any country. These are highly paid workers in Israel who earn up to $2,500 or more per month.


A vacancy for which women under 50 years of age are in demand is an excellent opportunity to get a highly paid job for those women who cannot find work in other fields of activity due to age restrictions. The maid's salary reaches $1,700 per month.


Work for women under 45 years of age. One of the highest paying jobs in Israel for Ukrainians in 2016. The salary of a nurse in Israel can exceed $2,000. We offer work as a nurse mainly in nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals in Israel. Family caregivers are also needed to work with families. Ukrainians with secondary medical education are suitable for this position.

Mechanics, technicians

Vacancies for men under 45 years old. Salary ranges from $1,700 to $2,000 per month, qualified specialists earn more. Mechanics and technicians are mainly required in industrial plants. In 2016, we sent several dozen applicants to work in Israel for this vacancy, almost all of whom were in demand by Israeli employers.

Working in Israel attracts foreigners more and more every year. This is primarily due to the high level of development of the country and good wages for highly qualified specialists.

In 2017, working in Israel became even more desirable for foreigners. After all, this country is able to offer not only a fairly high level of wages, but also many other social benefits, the implementation of which falls directly on the shoulders of the employer himself.

Working in Israel attracts not only high salaries, but also good climate and reliability of fulfillment of labor obligations.
Finding a job in 2017 in the Holy Land is possible in several ways. One of the most widespread today is the Internet.

On the World Wide Web you can often find similar advertisements “looking for or providing work in Israel.” But in fact, in this way, it is difficult to find a highly paid job, since highly qualified specialists are highly valued in this state. They are mainly required in companies with international name and high authority.

Often, such organizations do not post their vacancies on the Internet, but use the services of international recruitment agencies for personnel selection. Therefore, if a person intends to look for work in Israel, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialized agency.

Agencies undertake to select the required vacancy based on specialty, education, work experience and skill level. They will outline in detail which jobs are suitable for women and which for men.

After studying the person’s personal data, agency employees contact potential employers and offer them the person’s candidacy for employment. The decision to hire remains solely with the employer. It is he who decides whether he needs an employee with such specialization and qualifications.

Searching for a job in Israel may not always be successful, because it may simply not meet the applicant’s expectations regarding salary. High wages are offered only to highly qualified specialists. But this is not the only way possible good earnings. Jews are very competent and value good employees. Therefore, if a person has proven himself well even in a job that is not too decent for him, he can well count on a promotion in position and in remuneration for his work. For more information on how to look for work in Israel, watch this video.

Special employment programs

Israeli legislation has developed a number of programs that allow you to travel to Israel for the purpose of employment. The program involves providing a job to a person who meets their requirements. The main requirements for participation in the program are:

  1. Age from 25 to 55 years.
  2. Female. This requirement is not basic, but the female sex is given more preference than the male sex.
  3. Decency.
  4. Good nature.
  5. Hard work.

Work in these programs involves working as a caregiver or providing partial care for the elderly and disabled. Such employment involves working and living in the same area as a person who needs care.

Different programs have their own employment conditions. But basically, many provide not only housing, but also food. The cost of the program is one thousand dollars. This amount is paid directly by the person looking for work.

You can get a job both in a medical institution - a hospice, and at home with permanent residence.

Such work is completely legal and has all legal grounds. The employer provides the employee with free health insurance, annual leave and days off. A huge advantage is that it is possible to get a job even without knowing the national language of Israel - Hebrew. This is due to large quantity in this country there are repatriates (people who have Jewish roots, but grew up in another country) and the Russian-speaking population.

This program gives a person the opportunity to choose the employer he likes. It is mandatory to draw up an employment contract, which sets out all the basic conditions and obligations regarding the labor process.

There are several versions of the program that have minor differences in the basic requirements. For many of them, gender does not matter; only the spiritual component of a person is important. This is an excellent prospect for married couples who decide to go to work in Israel, since the program does not exclude the possibility of visiting the country with a spouse.

The contract between the employer and the hired worker is concluded for one year. If at the end of the period both parties are satisfied, there is the possibility of extending the contract for more long term. The maximum renewal period is eight years.

An example of a court decision on labor disputes in Israel

It is interesting that the employer is responsible for the registration at the initial stage. He submits a visa application to the Home Office. After reviewing it and making a decision on extradition work visa, the written agreement is submitted to the Israeli Embassy or Consulate. This document serves as an “invitation to enter” the country.
The person who received this document must contact the Embassy or Consulate of the country of actual residence and submit documents such as:

In 2017, the validity period of a work visa of this category is one year. It is important to remember that you must enter the state within thirty days from the date the visa is issued.

Extension of a work visa is possible for a period of five years.

Employment and work permit

In 2017, not all employers have the right to employ foreign representatives in their enterprises. Only those who have a special license for this, which is issued to the employer by the Ministry of Industry, Labor and Trade, have this right. A work permit is issued by the same authorized state body.

It is important that the permit is issued after the employer submits an application to the ministry. An employee cannot obtain a work permit on his own, since the document issued is strictly tied to a specific employer and place of work.

The documents must be submitted by the same employer who submitted the documents for the work visa.

If a change of workplace is envisaged, then the employee and his new employer apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to issue a new document confirming permission to carry out work activities.

Popular specialties in Israel

Israel is one of the countries whose level of medical and technological services is increasing every year. Therefore, this country requires such specialties as:

  1. Employees in the medical field.
  2. Builders.
  3. Engineers from various industries.
  4. Teachers.

The most common vacancies for foreigners

One of the most common vacancies for Ukrainians is the specialty of a home assistant. It falls into the category of precisely those professions that are constantly required on the territory of this state. The work of a home assistant involves employment with accommodation and the inclusion of a full benefits package. A person's primary responsibilities include cleaning, doing laundry, preparing food, and shopping for the home.

A special type of such profession is caring for incapacitated individuals. This job is also live-in. She has good pay and is mainly in demand among women.

Many agricultural structures offer vacancies for collecting vegetables and fruits. They are relevant for both women and men. But the only drawback is the instability of the work, because staff are required only during the season. Employers often offer accommodation on their premises. The advantage of this type of work is that it is not necessary to know Hebrew.

Both representatives and representatives of other countries are accepted for work. Vegetable picking is especially popular among Ukrainians. After all, such work allows you to earn decent money and at the same time periodically visit your native land.

On the territory of Israel there is the city of Ashdod, one of the few that employs foreigners. It is easiest for Russians or Ukrainians to find work there, since almost a quarter of the city’s population is Russian-speaking. In this city there is a factory, the main workers of which do not know Hebrew.

The factory requires workers to produce paper products. Many recruitment agencies offer this particular job to foreigners. Job advertisements for this company can also be found on the Internet.

The employer provides only a workplace without accommodation. But in exchange for this, the person receives health insurance and mandatory days off.

Stable work in Israel for men and women from Ukraine.
Work in hotels, restaurants, office complexes and also construction specialties
There is a lot of work and you can earn decent money
Salary 1300 – 3000 $ per month, issued once a month around the 10th
We help you enter Israel + status that allows you to work and move around Israel
We guarantee status + work + accommodation, 100 percent guarantee!

Phone + WhatsApp for contacts: +972529394148 Sasha
Phone + WhatsApp for contacts: +972537872175 Oleg
Email: [email protected]

Working in Israeli restaurants Legally

The employer company offers work to employees on official terms. We register our clients through an immigration lawyer.
Payment from salary in installments is possible!!!
We offer work for men and women, as well as married couples.
We offer work in Israel
Working in a restaurant kitchen.
Working in the kitchen involves several different directions to choose from, such as assistant cook, cook, sushi chef, cooking, slicing, chopping, washing and cleaning, etc.
And many other vacancies!!!
Working hours 8-16 hours.
Day off: upon request.

Requirements: men and women, also married couples from 22 to 55 years old.
-physically healthy
-work experience is not required

WE DO NOT TAKE ADVANCE PAYMENT FOR SERVICES!!! , all you need to do is purchase tickets (tour packages) and money for the first time until salary!!!

Living conditions: 2-3 people per room.
Salary from 24 shekels per hour. This is from about 6.5 $.
Accommodation at the expense of the employer.
Meals depend on the place of employment
No language barrier.
Person No. 849214 dated 02/16/2012
We meet our clients at the airport.

All questions by phone +380991418999
Calls are accepted from 9-00 to 18-00

Jobs for men and women from Ukraine

The company “Work Israel Today” provides work and legal employment for men and women, couples in Israel without knowledge of the language - for Russian speakers. Sending workers from Odessa or Kyiv - air travel. It is necessary to have an issued passport in hand or the ability to obtain one in a short time.

Open vacancies need to be clarified, because... Due to the large flow of applicants from Ukraine, vacancies are often closed and updated within a week. There is a wide range of different vacancies - workers, builders (interior and exterior decoration), nannies, cleaners for cleaning companies, assistant cooks and others. Regarding builders - welder, plasterer, painter, tiler, facade worker, fitter, helper (handyman), bricklayer, concrete worker - they are needed urgently, there are 8 places left. Plants and factories need workers, there are 6 places left.

Cleaning companies in Israel need cleaners and cleaners, 8 places left. Sometimes agricultural vacancies open up, it is necessary to clarify. Hourly wages - from 22 shekels per hour - 5.4 dollars per hour - this is for workers, for specialists - from 1800 USD. per month. An Israeli immigration lawyer issues a permit to stay in Israel (on an A5 visa (residence permit), which gives the right to legally stay and work in Israel), you can work for a contract period of 6 months to 2 years. At the end of this visa, you will be able to return to Israel in a year (12 months), without receiving sanctions or deportations. It is impossible to obtain a B1 work visa; the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not issue quotas (jobs) for citizens who do not have EU citizenship.
If you have any questions, call or email. Working hours from 10.00 to 18.00 Mon-Fri. Call +380734413436

For many years, immigration to Israel has been extremely popular among citizens of the post-Soviet space. Especially if you have Jewish roots, which allow you to get an Israeli passport in a short time and stay in the territory of the Promised Land forever. Not the least important reason for moving is finding employment in Israel. A large city on the coast is considered one of the most popular destinations among foreigners. Mediterranean Sea - Tel Aviv.

It is the most important financial, commercial, industrial and Cultural Center countries. Work in Tel Aviv for Russians and Ukrainians in 2017 is available in many sectors of the economy, including construction, information technology, tourism, agriculture and some types of unskilled labor.

High level economic development promotes the influx of investment and the successful conduct of business by foreigners in Israel. Tel Aviv University is one of the largest Israeli universities, where you can study, including English language. In general, comfortable conditions for living and carrying out professional activities have been created in Tel Aviv.

At the time of Israel's official independence in 1948, Tel Aviv was the only city with a population of over 100 thousand people. Lives here today more than 430 thousand inhabitants and it is the second largest city in the country after the capital - Jerusalem. Up to 92% of local citizens are Jews. The remainder are Muslims, Christians and representatives of some other religions. In principle, Tel Aviv is a rather multinational city, where foreigners from different parts of the world, including Russia and Ukraine, have found their home.

Tel Aviv has a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and warm, rainy winters. Average summer season lasts from May to October, the hottest month is August. Even in January, daytime temperatures do not drop below 17-18 degrees. It's very bright and beautiful city, combining modern architecture, gourmet cuisine and exuberant nightlife. The cultural component is represented by numerous museums, large theaters and film festivals. Sports fans will be able to enjoy the games of professional football and basketball teams.

Tel Aviv's transport infrastructure is at the highest level, crime is practically absent, high-quality medical care and the education system create additional positive conditions for labor migration. True, real estate prices in Israel, and Tel Aviv in particular, are very high. This needs to be taken into account when planning your move. Unemployment in the city is slightly higher than the national average, around 5-6%. Competition for jobs is very high. Do not forget that Israelis and foreigners with a valid residence permit in Israel have priority rights to employment in Tel Aviv.

Mandatory requirements for legal work in Tel Aviv for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other foreigners from the CIS countries - this is a preliminary conclusion labor contract, receiving work permits and work visa B1. Typically, an Israeli company handles the paperwork, and the applicant provides all possible assistance and contacts the Israeli diplomatic department in his country. Illegal work in Tel Aviv threatens a foreign worker with deportation from the country for a period up to 10 years, and for the employer even imprisonment or at least a large fine.

Of course, the main difficulty when finding a job in Tel Aviv is finding an employer who is willing to spend time and money on obtaining permits for a foreigner. The procedure may take a while up to 4 months. Accordingly, the company’s interest in an employee from abroad should be very significant. First of all, the qualifications, level of education and experience of the applicant are taken into account.

Some specialties, for example medical ones, require a certificate, which cannot be obtained without citizenship or permanent residence in Israel. Despite the significant number of Russian-speaking diaspora in Israel, finding a well-paid job in Tel Aviv without knowing the language is almost impossible. official languages in the country - Hebrew And Arab. Widely spread English. In rare cases, mainly in the field of unskilled labor, it may be sufficient only Russian.

The annual flow of tourists to Tel Aviv exceeds 1 million people. Take the chance to relax on the comfortable beaches of the Mediterranean Sea and take some time to search for a job in Tel Aviv. You may even be able to pass an interview and speed up the process of preparing documents. Tel Aviv has one of the strongest urban economies in the entire Middle East region. Prepare a resume and cover letter, send job offers to large companies directly. For example, the city has offices of such world giants as Google And Microsoft.

Search for a job in Tel Aviv

List of the best employers in Tel Aviv (Israel) 2017 - here.

Vacancies and salaries in Tel Aviv in 2017

Israel has a modern market economy focused on the development of innovation and high technology. For example, areas such as medicine and engineering software attract the most talented and qualified specialists from all over the world to the country. Many experts call Tel Aviv the second Silicon Valley. This is the place where the country's scientific, technological and financial potential is concentrated.

Tel Aviv is home to the Israel Stock Exchange and has developed textile, chemical and food industries. In many of the listed areas, foreigners can find promising and highly paid jobs. Even by the standards of the most developed European countries Israeli workers' salaries are more than decent. The minimum monthly wage in the country is 5 thousand shekels (about 1280 euros). The average salary in Tel Aviv in 2017 exceeds 2.5 thousand euros per month.

Depending on the field of activity and skills of the foreigner, salaries can be more than 4-5 thousand euros. Only qualified specialists with scarce professions and extensive experience can count on such amounts. Unfortunately, vacancies in Tel Aviv for Ukrainians and Russians in 2017 are mainly related to unskilled labor. Builders, agricultural workers, loaders, assistant cooks and waiters are often required. Girls can work as maids, housekeepers, seamstresses, nannies and nurses.

Israel will never go out of fashion; interest in it is always stable and high, both culturally and practically. The republic does not stand still, constantly raising its level, therefore, having solved the question of how to find work in Israel, many Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians today manage to achieve high well-being and fulfillment of hopes.

This is far from an advertising slogan - the Israeli state maintains an indicatively high level of pay and working conditions for employees. And as a bonus, it obliged all employers to strictly provide their workers with an extensive range of pleasant social benefits.

There are two main ways to find work in the Holy Land:

  • Internet;
  • specialized agencies.

The first method is the most widespread and accessible - the web is filled with job offers for foreigners and platforms for posting resumes of job seekers. Among them there are always many options for Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. The Republic of Israel is known for its number of people from former USSR and the current CIS, because work for Russian speakers is there. However, if the goal is a high-paying vacancy, then the Internet network will be of little help here.

The state very much welcomes highly qualified specialists; the salaries of qualified professionals are very impressive. As a rule, we are talking about large companies with a worldwide reputation and prestige, which are not suitable for posting advertisements for searching employees on the Internet. Therefore, such vacancies are dealt with by special international recruitment agencies, and this is where highly qualified specialists should turn in search of a job field.

Recruitment firms do everything necessary to find a place among working Israelis:

  1. They help prepare a package of documents (portfolio, resume) showing the candidate’s specialty, education, work experience, and all the valuable qualities of the candidate.
  2. They study the materials provided and select several suitable options for a particular person.
  3. They describe in detail exactly what opportunities the existing characteristics provide, including separately for women and men.
  4. They get in touch with client companies that have submitted applications to find employees and provide them with all the information about the applicant.

All that remains is to wait for the decision of the potential employer. Having examined the proposed candidate, he quickly informs whether a real specialist is suitable for him or not. In case of withdrawal, the company continues to select a location further.

You can contact an employment agency in Israel not only for highly lucrative positions. Databases of companies recruiting personnel contain offers of various levels. And, despite the fact that Israelis only get high salaries for certified professionals, the Jewish nation has a very positive attitude towards any good, responsible employees. So hardworking, diligent citizens of low-skilled labor have a great chance of eventually achieving higher levels through promotions and salary increases.

Israeli special employment programs

In addition to the general conditions for obtaining employment, local government programs for the employment of visitors help people find work in Israel. These programs are aimed at providing the opportunity to earn money for people of certain qualities, regardless of their nationality. The list of requirements is as follows:

  • age over 25, under 55 years;
  • predominantly female (not a mandatory requirement, but a priority);
  • high integrity;
  • sincere kindness, philanthropy;
  • love of work.

In 2017, holders of the above can be guaranteed to count on support for programs that hire candidates for jobs dedicated to caring for the elderly, people with limited mobility, and incapacitated people. The activity involves permanent residence with the wards in the same house. Although different programs may have different conditions, typically these helpers are provided with food as well as housing. At the same time, you can work in this way not only at home, but also in medical institutions and hospices.

The peculiarity of such employment is the need to first deposit an amount equal to one thousand US dollars. The amount is quite justified and quickly pays off, since working in Israel under such a program provides many advantages. This:

  • complete legality;
  • mandatory free medical insurance from the employer;
  • a full employment contract containing detailed description all conditions, rights, obligations of the parties;
  • the opportunity to independently choose where and for whom to work;
  • regular days off;
  • full annual leave;
  • free employment without knowledge of the language (Hebrew), since the country is populated by a huge number of Russian-speaking repatriates (former citizens of other countries with Jewish roots) and simply Russian speakers.

The programs are heterogeneous and have slight differences. For example, for most proposals, gender is not important; the main attention is paid to the spiritual fulfillment of the applicant. In addition, you are allowed to come with your other half (husband, wife), so the method is very convenient for couples who want to work for the benefit of themselves and the Israelis together.

Initially, the contract is signed for a year. If the interested parties make a positive impression after the established period, the agreement is extended for a longer period, but not more than 8 years.

For Russians in Israel, such work became not only in a good way find your place in life, but also a good opportunity to move to the Holy Land for good one day. You can read more about the programs on thematic forums or Internet sites, where many reviews from direct participants are posted. And also on the official website or in the real representative office of the embassy.

A few words about choosing a location

Small provinces, as in any country, have few jobs or low wages. More chances and options, as usual, in major cities. Here it is:

  • Tel Aviv;
  • Jerusalem;
  • Haifa;
  • Ashdod.

Each region has its own spheres of influence. Tel Aviv is the largest transport hub countries, railway workers and transport specialists are in demand here. In addition, the city has medical fame, since the famous clinics of Souraski, Ichilov, Assuta, and famous medical centers are located here. Israelis are very willing to accept highly qualified doctors. There is also a good medical base in Jerusalem, which is also a favorite tourist destination. This means that tourism workers are in demand here. The same can be said about Haifa.

Ashdod is the country's largest port; technical specialists, as well as mechanics, loaders, and navigators are welcome here. Moreover, there is a large paper products factory in Ashdod that accepts non-Hebrew speaking foreigners.

Is a work visa required?

In 2017, work activity is impossible without. The visa form is category B1, it is initially issued by the employer. It is he who submits an application to the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs for a visa for the future employee. If the application is approved, written permission is transferred to the responsible diplomatic mission and serves as an invitation letter.

After this, the person entering submits the following documents to the embassy (consulate):

  • proof of no criminal record;
  • negative test results for HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis;
  • certificate of general condition health;
  • daktokarta (fingerprinting), which is mandatory since 2016;
  • a couple of standard photos;
  • stub of receipt for payment of state duty.

Based on the information provided, a visa is issued for a period of one year. It must be activated within 30 days after the date of receipt. Later, it is possible to extend the visa for another 5 years.

It should be noted that only those employers who have received the appropriate license from the Ministry of Industry, Labor and Trade have the right to issue a labor permit. At the same time, it will not be possible to obtain permission directly from the employee himself; the document comes only from the specific company that requested the work visa.

A change of workplace is accompanied by a new application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for another permit.

Priority specialists and sought-after personnel

The medical and technological focus of Israeli development creates extensive vacancies for Russian specialists:

  • doctors;
  • builders;
  • engineers.

An important nuance is that qualifications, especially medical ones, must be confirmed through Israeli licensing authorities.

Among the representatives of simple professions, Israelis constantly need:

  • home helpers;
  • agricultural assistants;
  • seasonal harvesters.

Strawberry harvest

The earnings are decent and very convenient for Ukrainians and Belarusians, since they can work close to their homeland.

Open opportunities for repatriates

Everyone is always welcome to repatriates in the Holy Land, because Jews are very friendly with each other. Especially for brothers and sisters by blood, the Israeli government has created a help center and recruitment agency “Sokhnut”, which makes it easier for compatriots to return or settle in their historical homeland.

All services of these institutions are provided to repatriates free of charge. A website of the same name has also been created, where you can always find current job listings. Repatriates can also use it absolutely free.

How much do Israelis get paid?

The average income of Israelis is 10 thousand new shekels or ~ 2,500 US dollars (about 170,000 rubles).

Depending on the type of activity, the average salaries of specialists are as follows:

  1. High-tech workers – 20 thousand shekels/month.
  2. Social workers – from 7 to 9 thousand shekels/month.
  3. Administrative activities – up to 8 thousand shekels/month.
  4. Medical personnel – from 15 thousand shekels/month.
  5. Loaders, laborers, drivers – up to 5 thousand shekels/month.

To summarize, it can be summarized that the search for vacancies in the lands Israeli state for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusian citizens is often crowned with success. However, increased earnings will still require a good specialty and knowledge of at least English.

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