Azores: the last bastion of Europe. Regions of Portugal. Azores Islands In which ocean are the Azores Islands located?

On the edge of Europe, 1,460 km from the coast of Portugal, lies a picturesque archipelago consisting of 9 beautiful islands. This is the last bastion of Europe, then there are the Atlantic and America. The Azores Islands are a tasty morsel for a relaxing holiday amid untouched nature. Geographically, these green parts of the land are located at the latitude of the capital of Portugal - Lisbon. They are of volcanic origin - there are 1,766 volcanoes on the archipelago, including 9 active ones.

Azores on the world map on Google Earth:

Climate and vegetation of the Azores

This region is subtropical, and there is also an ocean around, hence sea air. All together creates an extremely comfortable atmosphere for relaxation; in summer the air temperature stays at a pleasant +20°C, rarely when the thermometer exceeds +25°C. In autumn and winter there are often long rains, and thick fogs are also typical, especially in western islands X. Coastal waters are quite comfortable for swimming: in summer the water heats up to +23°C, and in winter it rarely drops below +17°C. Covered in black volcanic sand the beaches are always filled with tourists.

In ancient times, all the islands were covered with relict trees. Nowadays, evergreen forests cover only the slopes of volcanoes with a dense carpet; there you can find quite valuable trees: English holly, laurel, cedar, Japanese cherry and pine.

9 pearls of Azor

The largest island is called Sao Miguel (747 km²), and the smallest is Corvo (17 km²). The capital of the Azores is the city of Ponta Delgada. At the end of the 20th century, the archipelago was awarded the European Union Prize for its contribution to the preservation of pristine nature and the development of eco-tourism.

San Miguel: green island

This is the most big Island(64 km long and 8 km wide), and the capital of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, is located on it. This is a very picturesque piece of land, pleasing the eye with its green landscapes. Its highest point is Mount Pico da Vara (height 1105 m), at its foot there are dense forests inhabited by a valuable endemic - the Azorean bullfinch.

This bird is recognized as an endangered species, and therefore is under special protection. In the middle of the 20th century, there were only about 100 individuals, but as a result of a program to preserve the species, the population of bullfinches is increasing.

But its main attraction is considered Mountain Lake, nature reserve Lagoa do Fogo (947 m above sea level). The lake lies in a basin extinct volcano, it can be reached by hiking trails. There are hot springs near the lake.

Pico: volcano island

The second largest is Pico (447 km²) with the 2351 m high mountain of the same name, which can be seen from afar. The island is located in the central part of the archipelago (40 km long, 15 km wide). Mount Pico is an active volcano, it is unique and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This is the most high mountain in Portugal, and, in addition to the land part, it also has an underwater part with a length of 6098 meters!

Terceira: lilac island

It is the third largest (402 km²) and the third most discovered, hence the name. Terceira lies on the westernmost part of the Azores (29 km long and 19 wide), there are 4 volcanoes on it, the oldest, Cinque Pis, is 300 thousand years old, and the youngest, Santa Barbara, is active.

Terceira has beautiful beaches and waves high enough for surfers. In the summer there is entertainment with bulls, which are released into the street on weak ropes. They also organize festivals and celebrations.

Sao Jorge: island of farmers

It is located in the center of the archipelago (area 237 km², 53 km long and 8 km wide), together with Faial and Pico it forms a triangle. The surface of the land is decorated with Mount Esperanza. This is a land of farmers, its useful areas are occupied by farmland - grain and citrus fruits. The population fishes, grows grapes and produces wine. Until the mid-20th century, São Jorge was practically isolated from other islands, until an airstrip and two seaports were built on it in the 1980s.

Faial: blue (beech) island

The next in descending order was Faial with an area of ​​172 km², separated from Pico by a narrow strait. Faial can also boast of its own mountain - Gorda rises 1043 m above the ground. The remarkable thing about Faial is that the main sea ​​port, where ships call on their way from America to Europe. In the center there is the crater of the ancient Caldeira volcano with a wide basin, but the Capelinhos volcano poses a potential danger. In the middle of the 20th century, it erupted for 13 months, as a result, almost all houses were destroyed, and the surface of the earth was covered with lava. Fortunately, the residents managed to evacuate. Many of them, taking advantage of the force majeure situation, emigrated to America.

Diving is developed on Faial; tourists are invited to look at sperm whales and dolphins coming close to the shore, swim with a mask and take a horseback ride deep into the island.

Other islands of the archipelago

The 4 remaining islands are smaller - Flores, Santa Maria, Graciosa and Corvo. What you can see on them:

  • Flores – Ribeira Grande waterfall, ethnographic museum, visit thermal springs;
  • Santa Maria – Christopher Columbus set foot on the “yellow” island. The ancient mills, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the chapel are a must-see. Santa Maria is notable for its special weather - if the sun is shining at one end of it, it is always raining at the other;
  • Graciosa is a “white” island, there really is a lot of white here, from the beach sand to the whitewashed houses. You can climb to the crater of the old volcano and explore the sulfur cave. There is also a sanatorium on sulfur springs. In 2008, UNESCO awarded Graciosa biosphere island status;
  • Corvo is the smallest in the archipelago, notable for its two beautiful lakes in the crater of the volcano. In the tiny village of Vila Nova, it is interesting to look at the mills made of volcanic tuff, their blades covered with fabric. The mills are made in the likeness of a weather vane - they turn following the direction of the wind.

How to get to the Azores

There are no direct flights to the Azores; there will definitely be a transfer in Lisbon. It is better to book tickets 3-5 months in advance, so you can buy them at a very attractive price. In addition, you can track price fluctuations and buy promotional tickets.

The capital of Portugal is a very pleasant and atmospheric city. If you plan your trip so that you can spend at least one day between flights, you won't be disappointed. And the very feeling of the road in terms of the feeling of fatigue will smooth out and dissipate, because you will be walking on solid ground, and not always being in the air.

There are regular flights from Ponta Deglada Airport on San Miguel, with an average of 2 flights daily, morning and evening, and there is a ferry service between the islands. Please note that at Lisbon Airport, domestic flights operate from Terminal 2, while international passengers travel through Terminal 1. Therefore, you need to take the airport bus to terminal No. 2.

Flight time to the islands is a little over 2 hours. The cost of a ticket varies greatly between different carriers, depending on the level of comfort, time of year and other conditions, on average up to €100 round trip. The time difference between the mainland and the islands is 1 hour. The most profitable way to fly to the Azores is with SATA airlines; they provide discounts on domestic flights.

Where to stay in the Azores

All islands of the archipelago have a developed infrastructure and are happy to provide guests with hotels of different price levels. But this does not mean that cheap hotels are unsuitable for living, they just have smaller rooms and a more modest package of services. It doesn’t matter which hotel you stay in, you still won’t be able to sit in your room, but will set off to explore unfamiliar paths, to expanses fragrant with the aromas of hydrangea, blown by the ocean winds. You are on the last bastion of Europe, on the edge of the earth, beyond that there is only the ocean.

The Azores Islands, located in a group in the Atlantic Ocean, invariably attract travelers with the opportunity have a great holiday in silence, solitude, tranquility. Each island is an amazing world of picturesque flora, unique natural monuments, ample opportunities for sea fishing, sailing, surfing, diving. The attractions of the Azores are primarily associated with natural phenomena and beach activities.

The amazing beauty of San Miguel Island

This is the largest San Miguel (Azores), the sights of which are simply amazing, boasting lush vegetation, clear natural lakes and thermal springs. The unique landscape of the Terra Nostra Nature Park is preserved on 12 hectares. Lagoa do Fogo appears to tourists in all its glory - a lake located in the depths of a volcanic crater. Hence the second name of the lake - “fiery”.

The Vale das Furnas valley attracts travelers with thermal springs and a sky-blue lake, freely located in open space. Island monasteries carefully preserve the culture and history of San Miguel:

  • A museum has been established in the monastery of St. Andrew (Ponta Delgada), which displays valuable ethnographic and biological exhibits.
  • The Esparanc Monastery is famous for its original 17th-century tiles and the statue of Christ the Wonderworker, the patroness of the grand annual religious festival.

South Santa Maria Island

At a distance of 82 kilometers south of San Miguel is the small island of Santa Maria. One of the very first settlements of the pioneers who settled the Azores was formed here. The island's attractions confirm the ancient origins of Vila Do Porto.

Here you can see ancient houses built in the 15th century, unique ancient mills, a chapel and the Temple of the Holy Spirit against the backdrop of the mighty Atlantic Ocean. Santa Maria is famous for hosting famous rock festivals every August.

Faial Island in the heart of the archipelago

The attractions of the Azores in the central part of the archipelago are concentrated on the island of Faial. A relict beech forest has been preserved here. Whales and sperm whales swim to the shores of Faial, next to coastline Dolphins frolic freely. The coastal zone provides an excellent opportunity for diving and underwater photography. On the island on high level Conditions have been created for horse riding and golf.

Pico: a unique volcano on the island of the same name

7 kilometers from Faial lies the island of Pico, 42 km long and 15 km wide. The peak of a volcano from the Guinness Book of Records soars above the island. Its height above the surface of the island is small - only 2351 meters. But the underwater part is truly gigantic - 6098 meters. The volcano is active. Despite the fact that it erupted in 1963, fresh traces of lava flows are visible on the slopes.

Pico is a real asset that the Azores can boast of. The sights, photos of which are presented in the article, are a monument World Heritage UNESCO thanks to the unique landscape of volcanic origin and unique vineyards.

Sao Jorge

Situated in the middle of the archipelago, São Jorge, together with the islands of Pico and Faial, forms a kind of triangle. Stretching 53 km long (with a width of 8 km), the island looks like a ship cutting through the waters of the Atlantic. On Sao Jorge, the sights of the Azores are represented by ancient buildings built in the 17th-18th centuries. Island towns and villages greet tourists with narrow streets lined with ancient temples, churches, and the town hall. In coastal Urseline, a bell tower rises from solidified lava. It was built on the site of a church that was buried by fiery lava during a powerful volcanic eruption.

Paradise for lovers - Graciosa

Graciosa, opened in the 15th century, is small and cozy. Its remoteness is the main value for tourists dreaming of a calm, secluded holiday. Here you can reliably hide from civilization and from people. The only settlement is Santa Cruz Da Gracioza.

The landscape, dazzling with its whiteness, the white walls of ancient houses sparkling in the sun - the world around us gives travelers a feeling of joy and delight. A striking silence accompanies tourists. Lush greenery, a sparkling world against the backdrop of a vast ocean, a bottomless sky overhead - a true paradise for couples in love and romantics.

The attractions of the Azores Islands are concentrated here under the status of a biosphere reserve, where you can see the crater of the Furna Da Caldeira volcano with an underground lake from the outside and inside, visit the incredibly bizarre Sulfur Cave, thermal and hydrogen sulfide springs.

Terceira - island treasure

Terceira Island, discovered by Europeans one of the first, appeared as a result of the eruption of four volcanoes. One of them - Santa Barbara - still remains active. The island town of Angra Do Heroismo is the historical capital for which the Azores are famous. Sights associated with the ancient buildings of the city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The magnificent island beaches offer... relaxing holiday, big waves attract surfers and yachtsmen. There are a huge number of beautiful places on the island. Among them we can highlight the 100-meter deep Algar Do Carvao cave with an internal lake, stalactites and stalagmites, natural parks, Misterio Dos Negros lake reserve, Monte Brasil mountain. The island is also famous for its colorful festivals and festive processions.

Flores Island

The western island of Flores was one of the last to be discovered by Europeans. It is interesting for its thermal springs, popular among tourists, and lakes in the craters of dormant volcanoes. The Ribeira Grande waterfall falls picturesquely from the mountain slopes. Among the natural monuments is the Enshareus Grotto. The island celebrates the Feast of the Holy Spirit on Sundays throughout the summer.

Corvo Island

To the north of the island of Flores is Corvo (translated as “raven”), which is home to 430 people. A natural feature of the island is two bright blue lakes spilling into the old crater of the volcano. On the island, tourists can visit a 16th-century church, stroll along ancient streets, and admire the amazing panorama opening from a high hill.

Ancient mills line the coastline. They are built from volcanic tuff - black as a raven's wing, and the triangular blades are sewn from canvas. Unique design windmills, which turn after the wind, no matter from which direction it blows.

The Azores through the eyes of travelers

Tourists who have visited the sights of the Azores leave only rave reviews:

  • Stunning impressions remain from the Pico volcano on island of the same name. The view from the top is breathtaking.
  • It is impossible to get enough of watching the dolphins play in the coastal waters of Faial.
  • Despite problems with infrastructure and minimal comfort, the Azores inspire admiration and leave only positive emotions.
  • A mega-stunning view of the ocean that will be remembered for a lifetime.

True bliss is experienced by a traveler at the ends of the earth, on the shores of the great Atlantic Ocean under a clear blue sky. A unique and rare corner of nature is the Azores. Sights, photos and descriptions of the natural and cultural riches of the archipelago remain forever in the memory of tourists, causing a feeling of joy and happiness.

The Azores have been an autonomous region of Portugal since 1976; its capital is the city of Ponta Delgada, which is located on the islet of Sau Miguel. The Azores archipelago consists of nine main and a large number of smaller landmasses.

Azores on the world map

Geographical position
The Azores are located in the north-west of the Atlantic Ocean, 2000 km from the Iberian Peninsula, and they are separated from the island of Madeira by more than 1000 km. Officially, the islands belong to Europe, of course, as part of Portuguese territory. The boundaries of this economic zone extend from eastern island Santa Maria is 600 km from Corvo, which belongs to the western group of islands.

Climate and nature
The Azores archipelago has a temperate, rather mild climate. In the winter months, the average daily temperature is +16°C; in the summer it is quite warm, but the heat is not difficult to bear. The sunniest month is August, its temperature during the day is +23°C and +18°C at night. From the first autumn month to April it rains regularly, and fogs often occur. The most a large number of precipitation that falls during the month does not exceed 110 mm. Temperature ocean water in the area of ​​the islands throughout the year it varies from +17°С to +23°С.

The Azores islands are of volcanic origin, their slopes are decorated with subtropical forests and evergreen banana, orange, apricot plantations, as well as numerous vineyards. Closer to mountain peaks hot ones are common mineral springs.
The archipelago is home to very rare plant species, for example, the beautiful Azorina flower, which is often depicted on stamps of the autonomous region.

Map of the Azores in Russian

On the island of Pico there is an active volcano, which is the most high point Azores archipelago - 2350 m above sea level.
The island of Terceira is famous for the Algar do Carvao cave, formed after a volcanic eruption 2000 years ago, its length is 100 m. this place located large cluster quartz stalagmites and stalactites, plus a beautiful underground lake. There is a sulfur spring not far from the cave.

Administrative division
The central city of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, is the oldest settlement in the Azores and houses the government of the autonomous region. Nine large islands The archipelago is usually divided into groups:
Eastern group - Santa Maria, San Miguel;
Central group - Terceira, São Jorge, Graciosa, Faial and Pico;
Western group - Corvo, Flores. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

: 38°36′00″ n. w. 27°59′00″ W. d. /  38.60000° N. w. 27.98333° W d. / 38.60000; -27.98333(G) (I)

Water areaAtlantic Ocean Number of islands9 Largest islandSan Miguel total area2322 km² Highest point2351 m A countryPortugal Portugal AE first levelAzores Population (2011)246,772 people Population density106,276 people/km²


The name of the islands most likely comes from the obsolete Portuguese word "azures" (similar to the Russian "azur"), which literally means "blue". There is also a more poetic version, which claims that the island took its name from the word “Açor” - hawk (the Arabs called the Hawk Islands). According to the legend of sailors, hawks flew to their nests and showed the way to the islands. However, since this bird has never existed in this region, scientists consider this version the least likely.

Nature and natural resources

The archipelago consists of islands of volcanic origin. Active volcano Pico (2351 m) is the largest peak in Portugal.

The Azores is home to endemic animal and plant species such as the azorina ( Azorina) and Azorean bullfinch ( Pyrrhula murina).

Composition of the archipelago

The islands are divided into three groups:

Island Island group Square,
Highest point,
people (2011)
Main city
1 San Miguel Eastern group 747 747 1103 1103 137856 137 856 184,55 184,55 155,0 155,0 Ponta Delgada
2 Santa Maria Eastern group 097 97 0587 587 005552 5552 057,24 57,24 046,0 46,0 Vila do Porto
3 Faial Central group 172 172 1043 1043 014994 14 994 087,17 87,17 080,0 80,0 Horta
4 Piku Central group 447 447 2351 2351 014148 14 148 031,65 31,65 110,0 110,0 Madalena
5 Graciosa Central group 061 61 0404 404 004391 4391 071,98 71,98 034,0 34,0 Santa Cruz da Graciosa
6 Sao Jorge Central group 237 237 1053 1053 009171 9171 038,70 38,70 115,0 115,0 Velas
7 Terceira Central group 402 402 1021 1021 056437 56 437 140,39 140,39 085,0 85,0 Angra do Heroismo
8 Florish Western group 142 142 0914 914 003793 3793 026,71 26,71 048,0 48,0 Santa Cruz das Flores
9 Corvo Western group 017 17 0718 718 000430 430 025,29 25,29 018,0 18,0 Vila do Corvo
Total 2322 246 772 106,28


  • The average temperature in winter is 18-19 °C, in summer 24-25 °C.
  • Maximum monthly precipitation is 110 mm. Annual precipitation increases westward from 700 mm at San Miguel to 1600 mm at Flores. From June to September, dry and partly cloudy weather prevails. The water temperature throughout the year ranges from +17 to +23 °C. The weather may be unstable.

Temperatures and precipitation are averaged for all of the Azores.


There is no exact data on the opening time of the islands. However, it is known that the Azores were known to the Carthaginians, this is proven by the Punic coins found on Corvo. Both the Normans and the Arabs knew them. Presumably the Vikings landed here in the 9th century.

During the Middle Ages, many references were made by Europeans to the Western Isles, by which they apparently meant the Azores, the Canary Islands and Madeira. The first Italian and Spanish maps and atlases with the Azores clearly marked on them appear in the 13th-14th centuries. It is also unknown which of the captains of Prince Henry the Navigator was the first to land on these islands (Presumably this was done by Diogo de Silves in the city). All that is known for certain is that in a letter dated , the Portuguese king confirms the discovery of the Azores and grants “leave” to Prince Henry so that he can begin to develop them (at the time of the discovery the islands were uninhabited).

The following centuries were calmer, but in the city of Azores they again appeared on the pages great history thanks to the role of the island of Terceira in the fight against the absolutist regime. Liberal forces formed here, which subsequently flooded mainland Portugal. In the 19th and 20th centuries, development of the region was driven mainly by agriculture, livestock raising and fishing.

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The Azores archipelago stretches over 650 kilometers and forms three groups of islands - next to the largest island of Sao Miguel lies Santa Maria, the first island discovered by the Portuguese. 180 km to the northwest lies a large group of islands - Terceira, Sao Jorge, Pico, Graciosa and Faial, and after another two hundred kilometers Flores are lost ( Flores) and Corvo.

In the capital of the autonomous region, Ponta Delgada on the island of Sao Miguel, the national carrier of Portugal is based - SATA airlines ( and TAP (, offering flights from Moscow with one or two connections in Europe. This is the most convenient and expensive way to get to the Azores - the price starts from 500 euros in both directions with two connections.

Holidays on the islands are not a cheap pleasure, although hotels and food here, as in mainland Portugal, are quite inexpensive. If you wish, you can find a double room for 30 euros per day, and lunch for 15 euros for two. But the flight itself and trips within the archipelago will result in a decent amount, because due to the long distances and climatic conditions The most convenient and sometimes the only way to travel between islands is by air. SATA operates flights to all islands from Ponta Delgada with prices starting from €40 one way. Most ferry trips ( operate only in summer at more affordable rates, this is the best option for traveling between the central group of islands. Another possible option is to purchase an island tour (,,, either on the spot or with a flight from Lisbon or major European cities including accommodation, transportation and excursions to selected islands, what could be more profitable independent organization. Support is provided in English. These same companies offer a variety of programs active rest, including whale watching, swimming with dolphins, diving, fishing, jeep safaris, kayaking, walking or cycling.

San Miguel

San Miguel- the largest and most visited island of the archipelago. From the island's capital, Ponta Delgada, day trips to lakes, craters, hot springs and rocky shores are convenient. In the west is the largest volcanic crater in the Azores, Caldeira das Sete Cidades, with a diameter of 12 km and a slope height of up to 300 m, where there is a village of the same name and three lakes, which are best observed in cloudless weather from observation deck Vista do Rei. Two of them, separated by a narrow isthmus, have different colors, called Lake Blue and Lake Green, respectively.

To go down to the sandy beaches of Lake of Fire (Lagoa da Fogy), you need to be in good physical shape. This can only be done by completing a 12-kilometer winding path, but the reward will be untouched wild nature and the complete absence of tourists. When planning a trip to the observation deck at the top, take warm clothes - the weather is changeable, and the wind blows almost constantly here.

The territory where God and the Devil agreed to be considered neutral. In the valley, geysers and fumaroles emit clouds of steam and water, demonstrating the nature of dormant volcanoes. The smell is appropriate, and a special dish is prepared here - cozido, when meat and vegetables, put in a pan, are buried in the ground for five hours. The city has the thermal pools of Poca de Donna Beija (, where for 2 euros you can swim in hot pools mineral water. Not far from the city there is a lake of the same name with an observation deck Miradouro do Pico de Ferro at an altitude of 570 m (Miradouro do Pico de Ferro) and a Gothic chapel made of black basalt (Igreja da Nossa Senhora das Vitórias), where José do Santo (Jose do Canto), bibliographer and landowner, and his wife.

Ponta Delgada

Founded in the 15th century, the capital of the island, San Miguel, is a surprising mixture of modern buildings, port facilities, churches and ancient mansions, all designed in the typical style of snow-white walls with dark basalt trim. It is worth exploring the 18th-century Portas da Cidade, a three-arched city gate that once marked the entrance to the city and leads to the main square of Goncalo Viejo Cabral (Praca da Goncalo Velho Cabral), named after the first governor of the island.

Among the churches of the city, which are free to visit, it is worth noting San Sebastian (Igreja de Sao Sebastiao), San Jose (Igreja de Sao Jose), Esperanza Monastery (Convento Nossa Senhora da Esperanca), dating back to the 15th-16th centuries, where you can see altars in the Manueline style, ancient Azulezuz, wooden furniture and carved choirs of the 17th-18th centuries. In the lower church of the monastery there is a revered statue of Christ, which on Easter, dressed in red clothes and richly decorated, is carried through the streets of the city.

The Azores Museum is named after Carlos Machado (Museu Carlos Machado, entrance 2 euros, from 10.00 to 17.00, and presents an exhibition dedicated to the history and life of the islanders; especially interesting is the large model of San Miguel and temporary Exhibitions.

Santa Maria

Lying 50 km south of San Miguel, Santa Maria Island has the warmest climate in the Azores and the deserted sandy beach of Praia Formosa, marked Blue flag for cleanliness. There is parking, changing rooms and a cafe on the beach. On the rocks above you can see the ruins of a 16th-century fortress, designed to once protect the islanders from pirates. Incredibly, this small island, home to just five settlements, has almost 40 chapels and churches dedicated, of course, to the Virgin Mary and a huge empty airport, the runway of which was built during the Second World War. Even the city hall in Vila do Porto is located in the former Convent of Sao Francisco, which is completely free to visit.

The houses in the sleepy towns are painted white with multi-colored trim, each in its own town. In Santa Barbara it is blue, in Sao Pedro it is red and green in the capital Vila do Porto. Sometimes you can see bread tied to a stove on the street - as a relic of the times when residents baked it for the sailors of the ships that came here.

The most developed of the Azores islands, with a capital listed as a UNESCO heritage site, Angra do Heroísmo, and a network of towns located around the perimeter of the island. It is famous for its unusual variety of bullfighting and bull racing, where the bull is restrained by a rope and released into the street, as well as for its brightly painted chapels dedicated to the Holy Spirit - imperios.

IN historical center Angra do Heroismo is interesting Cathedral Se Cathedral, Fort of St. John the Baptist (Castelo de Sao Joao Baptista), city gardens (Jardim Municipal), which were once part of the Convento de Sao Franciso of the 15th century, where today the city museum (Museu de Angra do Heroismo,, entrance 1 euro). The island was once home to nine monasteries, and the ruins of numerous forts and watchtowers, designed to protect the island from pirate raids, can be seen everywhere.

Not far from the city there is the Algar do Carvao cave (entrance 8 euros, May-September from 13.00 to 15.00), where you can go down 100 meters into the crater of an extinct volcano underground lake. To the west is Furnas do Enxofre with hot geysers.

One of the best viewing platforms is located in the Serra de Santa Barbara mountains near the town of the same name in the west of Terceira, at an altitude of 1020 meters on the edge of a large crater. On the northern side of the island, the town of Biscoitos is attractive for its beach, located among black piles of solidified lava with artificially created swimming pools and the only Wine Museum in the archipelago (Museu do Vinho from 10.00 to 16.30 except Sunday and Monday).


The tiny, calm island, as usual in the Azores, also has its own caldeira - you can go down to the Furna do Enxofre crater and explore a large cave with volcanic lake or follow the Furna Maria Encantada corridor, which leads to the crater rim for spectacular views.

The island's capital, Santa Cruz da Graciosa, is a tiny village with two hotels and rows of two-story white houses. The Island Museum (Museu da Graciosa) presents a collection of household items sent by emigrants from North America, a real whaling ship is also on display here. Nearby is Monte da Ajuda, topped by the 16th-century church Nossa Senhora da Ajuda and a whalers' lookout point.

Sao Jorge

Lying 40 km south of Graciosa, Sao Jorge stretches for 55 km, but is only 5-7 km wide. Almost the entire northern and southeastern coast are rocks up to 480 meters high. People come here to enjoy quiet walks along the trails along the ridge and fajas - the name given to strips of land formed as a result of the collapse of rock, where there are often small pools. Almost all settlements, including the capital Velas, are located on the southwestern side of the island.

East of Velas, in the charming village of Manadas, it is worth visiting the 18th-century Baroque Church of Saint Barbara (Igreja de Sao Barbara) with a carved cedar altar, the walls of which are decorated with paintings and azulezuj. In the nearby village of Urzelina you can see the top of a buried church - the aftermath of the 1808 eruption.


The main attraction of the island is the peak of the same name with a height of 2350 meters, to conquer which you must first obtain permission. An independent ascent along a marked trail costs 10 euros and takes about 3 hours if you are in good physical shape. The descent from the mountain is more difficult due to the slippery sand and slag on the trail.

It is considered to have the best conditions for whale watching, and the history of whaling is presented in the Museo dos Baleeiros (Museo dos Baleeiros admission 2.5 euros free on Sunday) in the town of Lajes. The documentary film showing the whale hunt is impressive.

A visit to the natural lava tunnel Gruta das Torres near the capital, the town of Madalena, will be a real adventure - the path is paved only 50 meters at the entrance, and then you will have to walk on a natural “surface”, so durable shoes are required. There are two visits - at 14.30 and 16.00, fee 7 euros per person, group up to 15 people, helmets and flashlights are provided, children under 6 years old are not allowed.


For five hundred years, ships and yachts plying between America and the Mediterranean have called at the port of Horta, the capital of the island. Although the island itself is small - its dimensions are 17 by 13 km, in the vicinity of the capital there is a complete set typical of the Azores. This is a beach with fine white sand, awarded the Blue Flag for its cleanliness - Porto Pim and the city museum (Museu doa Horta, from 10.00 to 16.00, closed Monday) presents, in addition to a set of household items, old photographs and models of ships carved from wood, best samples This traditional craft was created at the beginning of the 20th century.

At the historic Peter's Cafe Sport (, in addition to great food and a variety of flags, you can see carved whalebone and bone crafts on display on the second floor.

The best way to view Horta is from the observation deck, of which there are two in its vicinity - Monte de Guia in the south and Miradouro da Espalamaca in the north. There is also an obligatory crater with a depth of 400 meters and a diameter of 2 km - Caldeira do Cabeco Gordo, which can be walked along a path in a couple of hours. People go to the west of Faial to see the “lunar” landscape - after the eruption of the Capelinhos volcano, only the top of a buried lighthouse emerges from the ashes.

Florish and Corvo

During a storm, the two small westernmost islands of the archipelago find themselves completely cut off from any civilization. And if in Floris, with a population of 4 thousand inhabitants, there are still two hotels, then in tiny Corvo with one settlement, Vila Nova, formed by just one street runway, ending into the ocean, only 400 people live. Although the first thought that comes to a tourist who sets foot on this land, shrouded by unbridled ocean winds: “Do people live here?!” Wild landscapes, elephant craters covered with flowers, at the bottom of which lakes, waterfalls and caves glisten and the complete feeling that you are just a grain of sand in the ocean of eternity...