Open left menu fire land. Tierra del Fuego What and where to eat

Those who want to go even to the ends of the world are unlikely to realize that they mean Tierra del Fuego. The archipelago is located in the very south of South America and has about 40 thousand islands of different sizes and shapes. The navigator gave such a strange name to the territory. When in 1520 he sailed to the islands, he saw numerous Indian fires, which he mistook for volcanic vents.

To date Tierra del Fuego divided between two states: Argentina and Chile. The first got the southern part, and the second the rest of the territory. The northern part of the archipelago is in many ways similar to Patagonia, and further south the nature becomes poorer, mountain landscapes covered with glaciers appear. The climate here is quite cool throughout the year, so it is very difficult to call this archipelago a resort. Tierra del Fuego, despite this, every year attracts more and more people who want to be alone with nature, away from civilization.

No one will be bored here, because you can go fishing, go for a walk or go on a cruise. The guides have developed numerous routes along which you can go to the mountains to admire the surrounding landscapes. It is suggested to walk or ride horses or motorcycles. There are also ski slopes, so fans of this sport will certainly enjoy Tierra del Fuego.

You can get acquainted with local architecture, historical and cultural monuments, admire the flora and fauna of these places. When planning to go on vacation, many tourists confuse the Earth’s belt of fire with the southernmost archipelago due to similar names. The edge of the world differs in many ways from other places on the planet, so it’s really worth visiting here at least once.

You should definitely visit the regional museum Fin del Mundo and the museum located in the city prison, both are located in the southernmost city on the planet - Ushuaia. It is also recommended to take a boat trip along the Beagle Channel, named after Charles Darwin's ship. Tierra del Fuego gave the scientist the opportunity to conduct important research that became the basis of evolutionary theory. You should definitely go on a cruise to the islands inhabited by Arctic birds, Magellanic penguins. You can get a lot of impressions from a walk through the National Park, which has no analogues in the whole world.

Having visited the archipelago, it is worth going around Cape Horn, in the coastal waters of which the whole rests. This should be done from November to March, then the weather is not too stormy. It will be interesting to repeat the route of Charles Darwin; for this you need to hire a guide with a boat, having previously insured them and yourself at the same time. In restaurants you need to try the centolya dish, you won’t find anything like it anywhere else.

To confidently tell everyone that you have been to the very edge of the world, you need to go to Puerto Toro, a fishing village where about 50 old-timers live. Tierra del Fuego hides a lot of interesting things. To lift the veil of secrets, you just need to come here and get to know the local

The southernmost Argentine province, located on the island of Tierra del Fuego, has virtually no land borders with other provinces of Argentina. The closest province to it is Santa Cruz, occupying northern part The islands are separated from it by the Strait of Magellan. In the west, Tierra del Fuego borders on Chile, in the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and to the south of it is Antarctica.

The territories of the province of Tierra del Fuego are quite controversial and conflict-ridden. According to official data from Argentina, this province consists of three parts - the eastern part of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, the Antarctic sector and several archipelagos in the southern part Atlantic Ocean(Malvinas or Falkland Islands, South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia). This is the official name of the province: “Terra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.” But in fact, only Tierra del Fuego belongs to Argentina. Antarctica is a neutral territory under the 1961 Antarctic Convention, and the Malvinas Islands, the subject of a long-running dispute between Argentina and the United Kingdom, are controlled by the European country.

Accordingly, such indicators as territory area and population also have a double meaning. Thus, the area of ​​the province on the Tierra del Fuego archipelago is 21,263 km. sq., and including Antarctica and islands - 1,002,445 km. sq. The population here is very small and amounts to only 164,944 people.

The province owes its name to the discoverer of these lands, Magellan. Seeing how the natives were burning fires, he called this land of fire. With his light hand, this name was assigned to the archipelago.

The weather conditions here are extremely harsh. The weather is usually cold, damp, and strong winds blow constantly. The average annual temperature is only +5.3 °C. The climate is suitable for comfortable tourism only three months a year - from December to February, when the high season begins here.

The topography of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago consists of low mountains and flat steppes, in places covered with low-growing Magellanic forests. On the coast there is sandy beaches, and in the very center of the island there is the Andean mountain system. Numerous small glaciers characteristic of this zone are gradually melting and sliding into the ocean. Local pastures are ideal for grazing sheep, which at one time gave impetus to the development of sheep farming. And today it is the leading sector of the region’s economy. Fisheries, forestry, wool production, and oil and gas production also play an important role in the province's economy.

The provincial capital, important port and main tourist center is the city of Ushuaia. Most Southern City The land stands on the banks of the famous Beagle Canal and offers tourists a huge choice of activities in contact with the pristine nature of Patagonia. The picturesque town, surrounded by a ridge of snow-capped mountains, is quite small, but nevertheless has everything you need tourism infrastructure- elegant commercial centers, comfortable hotels, quality restaurants, museums and travel agencies offering a wide range of excursions in the surrounding area. During the high season they often stop at the port cruise ships, filling the city with motley crowds of tourists.

Sights of Ushuaia:

  • Tierra del Fuego National Park
  • Beagle Channel Boat Tour

200 km. north of Ushuaia on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean there is a second tourist centre Tierra del Fuego is a Rio Grande city that is gaining momentum and has attracted many tourists in recent years. Here you will find completely different landscapes of the coastal part of Patagonia, as well as historical and cultural routes, during which you will get acquainted with the dramatic history of this harsh region. Sport fishing and agritourism are very popular in the Rio Grande.

Argentine Antarctica

Currently, the Antarctic territory is divided between 7 countries: Great Britain, France, Norway, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina and Chile, but does not belong to any state. Only scientific activities are permitted on its territory. Geographically, Argentine Antarctica includes the Antarctic Peninsula with the South Oakney and South Shetland Islands and a triangular sector stretching from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean to the South Pole, which is located within 25° west. Longitude - 74°W d.

The ideal time to travel to Antarctica is December-January, when there is the most clear days. Most cruises to Antarctica depart from the port of Ushuaia. On the Ushuaia waterfront, several travel agencies offer cruises and tours to Antarctica. The most adequate price-quality ratio company organizing such trips is Antartica turismo Ushuaia, whose office you will also find on the city embankment. However, it should be understood that the cost of a cruise ticket in any case will not be less than $3,000.

Current time in Ushuaia:
(UTC -3)

Antarctica has a huge field of activity for curious and active travelers! Here you can take a tour of the Antarctic ice fields, fly a helicopter over glaciers, cruise along the coast between giant icebergs and enjoy the marine fauna of the generous Antarctic waters that shelter populations blue whales, elephant seals, seals, fur seals and emperor penguins. The pristine beauty of this region can amaze even experienced travelers!

When the phrase comes out of our mouths: “Yes, even to the ends of the earth...”, we don’t even think that we are thereby mentioning the picturesque expanses of Tierra Del Fuego, which was once separated from the snow-white glaciers of Antarctica, and is now divided between Chile and Argentina.

Wild nature, thanks to the cruel climate, blood-chilling stories of insatiable sea ​​waters, annually absorbing thousands of ships and remoteness from civilization, has remained almost untouched. Only in the stone embrace of cities do comfortable hotels and sparkling neon stubbornly reach out to the low gloomy sky shopping centers- a breath of comfort and warmth for tourists eager to see the horizon with their own eyes, standing on the southernmost cliff of the planet. What if the silhouette of a city of a civilization that perished many centuries ago appears in the depths of the sea, and with the piercing arctic winds comes revelation and absolute knowledge of the truth of existence?!

The 40 thousand islands of the archipelago are like a handful of rough diamonds of various sizes and shapes, carelessly thrown by the Creator into the gray-emerald waters, warmed only by the stingy January sun. The largest of the islands is Isla Grande. But the harsh climate for humans is a blessing for the main inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego - the hilariously touching penguins, seeing which is one of the first goals of any visitor.

Main tourist town archipelago - Ushuaia (also the southernmost city on Earth), the economic capital of the region is the city of Rio Grande.

How to get there

From Buenos Aires to Ushuaia - more than 3000 km. The smartest way to overcome them is by plane; travel time is about 4 hours. From El Calafate to Tierra del Fuego is just an hour's flight.

Search for flights to Buenos Aires (the closest airport to Tierra del Fuego)

Weather in Tierra del Fuego

Spring, summer and early autumn are especially good in Tierra del Fuego. This time is ideal for walking around national park, cruises, fishing and other trips to these places.

Tierra del Fuego

Popular hotels in Tierra del Fuego

Entertainment and attractions of Tierra del Fuego

The main attractions became the reason for the creation of an extensive infrastructure in the capital of the burning islands - Ushuaia. Here you can first explore the city prison, or rather the museum, imposingly located in it, and, of course, the regional museum Fin del Mundo - the Museum at the End of the World. After which it is recommended to board one of the boats in order to perform boat trip on the Beagle Channel. For the impatient, a two-hour tour with a visit to a couple is enough colorful islands, inhabited by sea lions and Arctic birds, for a more detailed immersion into the world of fauna and flora of Tierra del Fuego, a 4-hour cruise with dessert - a viewing of Magellanic penguins - is suitable. National Park Tierra del Fuego - a whole day of impressions, analogues in tourist leisure which are not, and the entrance fee is only $10.

An unforgettable journey will be a walk to Cape Horn National Park, over which rises the one-eyed watchman of sailors - the famous Horn Lighthouse. King penguins have taken a liking to the icy rocks of Snow Hill Island, a visit to which is a real pleasure, because this is already the land of the Arctic Peninsula, although not everyone decides to take such a desperate step.

It is worth visiting the lake with almost black water due to the peat bottom, going by jeep to lakes Escondido and Fagnano, or sailing on a rented yacht to the Beagle Channel and to the island of Los Lobos.

When going on a jeep safari, it is better to take care of your lunch in advance and take with you everything you need for barbecue. If the guide is experienced, he will definitely suggest parking lots, where you can stop and how to stop, and most importantly, enjoy refreshment.

4 things to do at the End of the World

  1. Having visited Tierra del Fuego, it is sacred to repeat the route of the legendary Charles Darwin, who in the 1830s took a promenade along the islands of the archipelago. Who knows, maybe this journey will inspire you to a great discovery that amazed the world, like the theory of Darwinism, which arose in the mind of a scientist precisely while examining the unique beauties of this land. To do this, you can rent a boat and a guide, having previously insured both of them, and yourself at the same time.
  2. You can become the owner of an unusual trophy by rounding Cape Horn, the coastal waters of which are the largest ship graveyard, for overcoming which everyone receives a certificate, which a couple of centuries ago looked like a silver earring in the left ear. It is recommended to do this on your own exclusively from November to March, when the weather is not so violent.
  3. IN local restaurants On the menu, look for dishes made from Kamchatka crab Centola, the aromatic meat of which must be washed down with local Chilean vodka Pisco 35 degrees. Dinner costs 30-50 dollars.
  4. In order to confidently declare to everyone: “I have seen the ends of the world” after an exciting trip to the islands of Tierra del Fuego, you need to visit the southernmost locality The land is the fishing village of Puerto Toro, where one of the 50 remaining old-timers will pat you on the shoulder with a calloused, rough hand while you stand in shock on the rocky boulders, fighting the sharp gusts of the sea wind. Address: Navarino Island, Tierra del Fuego archipelago.
  • Address: Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
  • Telephone: +542901421315
  • Date of foundation: October 15, 1960
  • total area: 630 sq. km
  • Height above sea level: 600 m
  • Category: IUCN II (national park)
  • Nearest city: Ushuaia
  • Working hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00
  • Entry fee: 140 pesos

Tierra del Fuego National Park (Parque Nacional Tierra del Fuego) is one of the greatest parks on the planet. To find out which country Tierra del Fuego belongs to, look at the map of South America: there you can see that Tierra del Fuego is located in the south. It is located nearby, and geographically the park is part of.


Tierra del Fuego is located in a temperate climate zone, the main features of which are heavy rainfall, frequent fog and gusty winds. The rainy season lasts from March to May. In summer the air warms up to +10°C. In winter, thermometers rarely record levels above 0°C. The average annual temperature in Tierra del Fuego is + 5.4°C.

Park opening

The first visitors visited here on October 15, 1960. 6 years later, the territory of Tierra del Fuego in Argentina was increased, and today it is 630 square meters. km. The uniqueness of the reserve lies in the fact that it is the first park on the planet established on the seashore. It includes lakes Roca and Fagnano, as well as part of the Beagle Channel.

Unusual name

Why was Tierra del Fuego National Park called that? There is a legend according to which the Indian tribes, who noticed the ships of the explorer Ferdinand Magellan, lit hundreds of fires on the coast. This is where the name of the park came from - “Terra del Fuego”.

Flora and fauna of Tierra del Fuego

The gigantic area of ​​the park is a natural habitat for countless plants. The most common nothofagus in the reserve are: Antarctic, birch, dwarf; physalis, barberry, crowberry and others. The park is inhabited by more than 20 species of mammals and 100 species of birds. Red foxes, guanacos, geese, condors, parrots and other representatives of the fauna are considered especially valuable here.

Tourist routes

The park's organizers took care of the diversity throughout the territory of Tierra del Fuego. Routes for beginner tourists include hiking along the banks of the La Pattaya and Ovando rivers, and a walk to the Black Bay. Experienced travelers can head to the Beagle Canal, Lake Roca or Mount Guanaco, whose height is 970 m. If walking is not your thing, you can rent mountain bikes, ride horses, or go on a boat cruise. Be sure to take a camera to take some photos in Tierra del Fuego Park.

How to get there?

meteoblue weather charts are based on 30 years of weather models available for every point on Earth. They provide useful indicators of typical climate patterns and expected weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, sunshine or wind). Weather data models have a spatial resolution of about 30 km in diameter and may not reproduce all local weather events such as thunderstorms, local winds or tornadoes.

You can study the climate of any location, such as the Amazon rainforest, West African savannas, Sahara Desert, Siberian tundra or Himalayas.

30 years of hourly historical data for Tierra del Fuego can be purchased with history+. You will be able to download CSV files for weather parameters such as temperature, wind, cloudiness and precipitation relative to any point on the globe. Data from the last 2 weeks for the city of Tierra del Fuego are available for free evaluation of the package.

Average temperature and precipitation

The "mean daily maximum" (solid red line) shows the maximum average temperature for every month for Tierra del Fuego. Likewise, the "Minimum Average Daily Temperature" (solid blue line) indicates the minimum average temperature. Hot days and cold nights (the dotted red and blue lines indicate the average temperature on the hottest day and coldest night of each month for 30 years. When planning your holiday, you'll be in the know average temperature and are ready for both the hottest and coldest days. The default settings do not include wind speed indicators, but you can enable this option using the button on the graph.

The rainfall schedule is useful for seasonal variations, such as the monsoon climate in India or the humid period in Africa.

Cloudy, sunny and precipitation days

The graph indicates the number of sunny, partly cloudy, foggy, and precipitation days. Days when the cloud layer does not exceed 20% are considered sunny; 20-80% cover is considered partly cloudy, and more than 80% is considered completely cloudy. While the weather in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is mostly cloudy, Sossusvlei in the Namib Desert is one of the most sunny places on the ground.

Attention: In countries with a tropical climate, such as Malaysia or Indonesia, the forecast for the number of days of precipitation may be overestimated by a factor of two.

Maximum temperatures

The maximum temperature diagram for Tierra del Fuego displays how many days per month reach certain temperatures. In Dubai, one of the hottest cities on earth, the temperature almost never drops below 40°C in July. You can also see a chart of cold winters in Moscow, which shows that only a few days a month the maximum temperature barely reaches -10°C.


The precipitation diagram for Tierra del Fuego shows how many days per month, certain precipitation amounts are reached. In areas with tropical or monsoon climates, rainfall forecasts may be underestimated.

Wind speed

The diagram Tierra del Fuego shows the days per month during which the wind reaches a certain speed. An interesting example is the Tibetan Plateau, where the monsoons produce prolonged strong winds from December to April and calm air flows from June to October.

Wind speed units can be changed in the preferences section (top right corner).

Wind speed rose

The Tierra del Fuego wind speed rose shows how many hours per year the wind blows from a certain direction. Example - southwest wind: The wind blows from southwest (SW) to northeast (NE). Cape Horn, the southernmost point in South America, is characterized by a characteristic powerful westerly wind, which significantly impedes passage from east to west, especially for sailing ships.

general information

Since 2007, meteoblue has been collecting model meteorological data in its archive. In 2014, we began comparing weather models with historical data going back to 1985, creating a global archive of 30 years of hourly weather data. Weather charts are the first simulated weather data sets available on the Internet. Our weather data history includes data from all parts of the world covering any time period, regardless of the availability of weather stations.

The data is obtained from our global weather model NEMS over a diameter of approximately 30 km. Consequently, they cannot reproduce minor local weather events such as heat domes, cold blasts, thunderstorms and tornadoes. For locations and events that require a high level of accuracy (such as energy allocation, insurance, etc.), we offer high-resolution models with hourly weather data.


This data may be used under the Creative Community "Attribution + Non-commercial (BY-NC)" license. Any form is illegal.