My France Useful information Citizenship. How Russians can obtain a passport and citizenship in France.

Obtaining French citizenship is a rather complex and lengthy procedure that requires compliance with many conditions and requirements. And yet, according to statistical agencies, every year about 100 thousand foreigners receive the status of French citizen. Numerous migrants are attracted by the opportunity to enjoy full rights in one of the most developed European countries: decent social Security, many cultural and historical monuments, favorable climatic conditions. How to obtain French citizenship?

Benefits of French citizenship

Along with the status of a French citizen, an immigrant gets the opportunity to live and work in any EU country and travel almost all over the world without the need to apply for a visa. A naturalized citizen is equal in rights to a native Frenchman, that is, he can take part in elections and referendums, and hold government positions that are not available to non-citizens.

France is a rather difficult country in terms of obtaining citizenship

Ways to obtain French citizenship

A foreigner can obtain citizenship using one of the methods existing today:

  • by right of birth;
  • through marriage to a French citizen;
  • through the presence of direct family ties in the country;
  • through adoption;
  • by naturalization;
  • by origin.

In addition, the legislation provides for the possibility of restoring citizenship if for some reason it was lost.

Obtaining French citizenship gives you the opportunity to live and work in any EU country

Marriage to a French citizen

By entering into a marital relationship with a French citizen, a foreigner does not automatically receive citizenship of the country: certain conditions must be met. Among the requirements for the applicant:

  • at least 4 years must have passed since the marriage;
  • at the time of filing the application, the marriage must not have been dissolved and the spouse must have the status of a French citizen;
  • if the spouse, who is a citizen of the country, has not resided continuously in France for a period last three years preceding the filing of the application, at least 5 years must have passed from the moment of marriage;
  • if the marriage took place outside French territory, it must be recognized in the country. To obtain a transcription (recognition), you must contact the French embassy in the country where the marriage certificate was received;
  • confirmation of legal presence in France. A person who has a ban on staying in the country cannot obtain citizenship;
  • a sufficient level of knowledge of the French language and the basics of social life;
  • no criminal record. This requirement may be waived for persons sentenced to a term not exceeding 6 months or who have received rehabilitation.

Where to contact

If an applicant for French citizenship is located in the country, the application should be submitted to the prefecture at the place of residence. If an applicant applies for citizenship outside French territory, you must contact the Consular Section its embassy.

You can obtain French citizenship through marriage to a citizen of the country

List of documents

To obtain French citizenship through marriage, you must prepare a package of documents including:

  • an application in the form cerfa n°15277*02, which must be filled out in 2 copies, signed by the applicant and certified by a notary. Instructions for filling out the form can be found by following the link;
  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • documentary evidence of the existence of a commonality (both material and spiritual) with the French spouse;
  • birth certificates of common children;
  • confirmation of the French citizenship of the partner;
  • copies of birth certificates of children from previous marriages;
  • documents confirming continuous residence in France for the last 3 years, for example, residence permit, utility bills, employment contract, etc.;
  • certificate of passing the French language exam (level B1). This requirement does not apply to applicants who were trained in a French-speaking environment, have health problems or are over 60 years of age;
  • confirmation of place of residence outside France for the last 10 years (if the applicant lived outside the country);
  • copies of certificates of previous marriages and divorces.


If government services the submitted package of documents will be considered complete and the application is registered by the Ministry of Immigration, the applicant receives a receipt for which it is necessary to pay a fee for processing the papers. It usually takes about a year to study the submitted documentation.

If a positive decision is made as a result of the consideration of the application, the applicant receives French citizenship from the moment the request is submitted. A copy of the registered application must be obtained from the prefecture or consulate and kept as proof of French citizenship until the certificate and identity card are issued.

A refusal may be received if the applicant fails to comply with any condition. You can challenge such a decision in court, but no later than 6 months from the date of receipt of the refusal. In addition, if within 2 years after the acquisition of citizenship the prosecutor's office discovers facts of fraud in the preparation of papers, citizenship may be revoked. Suspicion may be caused by the fact that cohabitation ceases within 12 months after receiving the status.

If you are in France, then 4 years of marriage is enough. If outside of it, then either 5 years are needed, or the spouse must be registered at the French consulate in a special register, then 4 years from the date of this registration will also be sufficient.


By ascending family line

Those applicants who have lived in the country for 25 years or more and have reached the age of 65, while being a direct relative of a French citizen in the ascending line - that is, his father, mother, grandfather or grandmother, have the right to obtain French citizenship. In this case, the applicant must submit to the prefecture or consulate the completed Cerfa form n°15561*01.

One of the ways to obtain citizenship is through relatives in the ascending line

Guidelines for filling out the form are here. The following are attached to the application:

  • a copy of the birth certificate;
  • confirmation of place of residence in the country;
  • documentary evidence of residence in France for 25 years;
  • birth certificate of a descendant who is a citizen of the country and evidence of family ties with him;
  • confirmation of French citizenship for a descendant;
  • birth certificates of children (if available).

After consideration of the case by the prefecture within six months, the request is sent to the Minister for Naturalization, indicating the opinion of the prefect. The Ministry may conduct additional examination of the documents. If the result is a positive decision, the applicant becomes a French citizen from the moment of submitting the documents. A copy of the application must be obtained from the prefecture and kept as proof of status. Subsequently, based on this copy, a French citizen certificate and identity card are issued.

If the application is rejected, the applicant has the right to appeal to a higher court within 6 months from the date of the decision. If, 2 years after the status is assigned, government agencies discover facts of fraud committed in the process of obtaining citizenship, the decision may be revoked.

Through a brother or sister

If certain conditions are met, a foreigner can obtain French citizenship through a sibling who holds a French passport. Wherein:

  • the brother or sister must have been born in France to foreign parents and acquired citizenship before reaching adulthood;
  • the applicant was born abroad, but has lived in France for at least 6 years;
  • the applicant was educated in France or one of its controlled territories.

The package of documents required to obtain citizenship in this category includes:

  • completed Cerfa form n°15662*01;
  • birth certificate;
  • proof of residence;
  • proof of residence in the country for at least 6 years;
  • evidence of education in France (diplomas, certificates);
  • documentary evidence of family ties with French citizens (brothers or sisters);
  • confirmation of citizenship of brothers or sisters;
  • marriage and divorce certificates;
  • children's birth certificates.

It is possible to obtain a French passport through a brother or sister who is a French citizen

Acquiring citizenship by naturalization

Naturalization is the most difficult way to obtain French citizenship, which requires compliance with many conditions, including requirements for the applicant’s age, period of continuous stay in the country, employment, integration into French society, absence of a criminal record, etc.

The aunt who accepted my dossier was very stubborn - she insisted that I needed to provide a certificate from the Labor Exchange, which would prove that I had been there for exactly 3 years. I was studying at the university, taking various courses, but this did not suit me, since during the holidays I could leave France, according to the aunt from the prefecture, and this violated the requirement of continuity of stay on French territory.

In short, my dossier was not accepted. I tried to collect some other documents, but I always had small holes here and there when I could not prove that I was continuously on French territory. Bank account statements showing the movement of funds or statements of use mobile phone were not accepted for consideration.

This happened a long time ago, in Paris, but they treated the documents very strictly. So I had to apply for citizenship after 5 years of marriage.



An applicant for citizenship through naturalization will need the following documents:

  • birth certificate (yours, parents’ and children’s);
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • certificate from place of work;
  • tax returns;
  • photographs of the established sample;
  • confirmation of place of residence;
  • diplomas and certificates of education received.

Conditions for naturalization

Only persons who have reached the age of majority have the right to submit an application. If a child under 18 years of age lives with the applicant, they can also be included in the application.

At the time of signing the naturalization decree, the applicant must reside in France. Moreover, in addition to family ties, the applicant must have professional, property and other interests in the country. The reason for refusal may be the residence of the applicant’s spouse outside the territory of France.

In general, the minimum period of stay in the country to apply for naturalization must be at least 5 years. Two years of residence within the state is enough for applicants:

  • have studied in France for at least 2 years in order to obtain a diploma;
  • contributing to strengthening the country’s international authority;
  • with unique abilities in the field of science, economics, art, sports, etc.

In addition, applicants are not required to have a minimum period of residence in the country:

  • served in the ranks armed forces France under contract or voluntarily, taking part in hostilities;
  • having special services to the country (based on a petition from one of the ministers);
  • who have received refugee status in France;
  • for whom French is their native language, as well as for those who have trained for at least 5 years as a French teacher in one of the countries, official language of which (or one of the languages) is French.

The applicant must have a valid residence permit and not be involved in a case of deportation or ban on entry into the country. The applicant must.

To obtain citizenship through naturalization, it is necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the French language at level B1, which provides the ability to understand the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, and understand life situations. You can confirm your level of language knowledge by providing an appropriate diploma or certificate of completion of training in one of the accredited organizations (FLI). The following persons are exempt from this requirement:

  • trained in a French-speaking country;
  • having chronic defects or health problems;
  • aged 60 years or more.

The level of language proficiency of such applicants will be assessed during an individual conversation with a prefectural employee. Additionally, the requirement is optional for refugees and stateless persons over 70 years of age who have resided in the country for 15 years or more.

In addition, during the interview with the prefectural agent, the applicant's knowledge of French history, institutions, and the applicant's agreement to abide by the established principles and values ​​of the republic are tested. You can prepare for testing using a special booklet for French citizens.

During the interview, the applicant may be asked questions related to the history and social sciences of France

At the end of the interview, the applicant must sign a charter of rights and responsibilities as a French citizen.

The applicant must not have a criminal record, violation of tax laws or public order. Requests from persons previously convicted of terrorism or crimes that constitute an attack on the national interests of France are considered unacceptable.

The applicant for French citizenship must inform the prefectural officer whether he wishes to retain or renounce his previous citizenship.

Video: naturalization process

Consideration of the application

An applicant for French citizenship through naturalization must prepare the required package of documents and submit it to the prefecture at the place of residence or to the consular department of the country's embassy. All papers must be copied and translated into French by a certified translator. The application for citizenship must be completed using form cerfa n°12753*0 in two copies. Instructions for filling out - follow the link.

After submitting the documents, the applicant receives a receipt for which the fee must be paid. While waiting for an answer, the applicant has the right to change his last name (or the last name of his children). If the applicant has moved, the prefecture must be informed. It usually takes 12–18 months to process your request.

If as a result a decision is made to refuse the applicant, the latter has the right to correct the shortcomings within 2 months and repeat the request, or file an appeal to the Minister for Naturalization. If no response is received within 4 months, the appeal is rejected. You can appeal the minister's decision to the administrative court of Nantes within 2 months from the date of receipt of the refusal.

If the migration services make a positive decision, the applicant receives a notification that he has been granted citizenship, after which a naturalization decree is signed, which comes into force from the moment it is signed.

Video: Russian emigrant tells how to become a French citizen

How to obtain citizenship for a child

The child becomes a French citizen automatically if:

  • one of the parents is French (regardless of the child’s place of birth);
  • birth occurred in France and, in addition, one of the parents was born in France, one of the parents is a citizen of the country or was born in Algeria before July 3, 1962;
  • parents received French citizenship.

By right of birth

Depending on the age of a child born from foreign parents, obtaining citizenship involves various steps. For example, if citizenship is issued to a child aged 13–16 years born in France, who has lived in the country since the age of 8, the parents submit the application.

If the child is between 16 and 18 years old and has primarily lived in France since the age of 11, he can submit the request independently. A child of foreign parents automatically receives citizenship when he or she reaches 18 years of age based on residence in France for the last 5 years.

A young man born of foreigners who voluntarily enlists in the French army receives citizenship at the time of signing the contract, regardless of other conditions.


A child adopted by French citizens can obtain citizenship automatically - based on a decision of a plenary meeting of the ministry, or through the usual procedure. In the second case, the child must be in France at the time of filing the application, and the adoptive parent must have the status of a citizen of the country. If the child is under 16 years old, the application must be submitted by the adoptive parents.

The package of documents includes:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • proof of residence in France;
  • if the child is under 16 years old - confirmation of the respectful attitude of his representative towards the exercise of parental rights;
  • confirmation of the citizenship of the adoptive parents;
  • a copy of the verdict or judicial act prescribing the acquisition of citizenship;
  • if the adoption took place abroad, the decision of the French bailiff.

All documents must be translated into French by a certified translator.

A child adopted by French citizens can obtain citizenship automatically

Adopted child

Adopted children can obtain French citizenship if certain conditions are met, including:

  • the presence of documentary evidence that the child was accepted by a French citizen or the social assistance service for children at least 3 years ago, or the child studied at a French school for 5 years;
  • at the time of filing the application, the child lives in France;
  • presence of French citizenship among adoptive parents.

Restoration of citizenship

Persons who have lost their status due to:

  • marriage with a foreigner;
  • changes in parents' citizenship.

In addition, former members of the parliament of the republic, the assembly of the French Union and other civil servants have the right to restore citizenship.

If the status was lost due to marriage to a foreigner whose country does not support dual citizenship, restoration is possible provided that cultural, family, economic and professional ties with France are maintained. Citizenship cannot be restored to persons:

  • posing a threat to the national security of the country;
  • previously convicted for a term of more than 6 months;
  • subject to deportation or prohibited from entering the country;
  • staying in France by chance.

The request must be submitted to a court competent in matters of citizenship. The following must be attached to the application:

  • birth certificate;
  • proof of previous French citizenship;
  • document confirming receipt of new citizenship;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • confirmation of the preservation of cultural, professional, family and economic ties with France.

To restore status lost as a result of the marriage of one of the parents to a foreigner whose country does not recognize dual citizenship, you must be an adult and reside in France.

Restoration of citizenship for former civil servants is possible subject to their residence in France. The status can also be restored for family members of such an applicant: the application must indicate confirmation of family ties - spouses, children (unmarried).

Is it possible to obtain citizenship through investment?

An investment of 1 million euros or more in the French economy can simplify the procedure for obtaining citizenship, but is not a sufficient condition for automatically obtaining the status.

Investments in the French economy can speed up the process of obtaining citizenship

Double citizenship

French law allows for dual citizenship: to obtain a French passport, our compatriots do not need to renounce their Russian one.


A fee of 55 euros must be paid for processing an application for French citizenship.

What happens after a positive decision

The ceremony usually takes place in the prefecture at the place of residence. A naturalized citizen receives an invitation within 6 months from the date of assignment of status. If he works, he is entitled to at least half a day of leave to attend the event.

What steps does a new citizen need to take?

Having received the status of a citizen, you need to:

  • make a request for a birth certificate;
  • The validity period of the identity card is 15 years

    For getting biometric passport You must appear in person at City Hall to provide fingerprints. The package of documents includes:

    • identification;
    • photograph of the established sample;
    • completed Cerfa form n°12100*02;
    • a revenue stamp worth 86 euros;
    • proof of residence.

    The passport is valid for 10 years.

    The validity of a French passport is 10 years

    Thousands of residents of the Russian Federation and other CIS countries annually apply for French citizenship. The procedure will require the applicant to be careful and careful when preparing documents, as well as compliance with the conditions and requirements provided for by the laws of the country.

According to official statistics, every year people come here and stay long term about 150 thousand immigrants. Approximately half come from Europe (Spain, Greece, Portugal), and there are also many people from Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia). To move, a foreigner will have to thoroughly learn the national language and culture. Perhaps this is why there are relatively few immigrants from the CIS here. Those who are not afraid of difficulties will find useful information on how to obtain a residence permit and French citizenship in the future. This region is famous for its perfumes, champagnes, gourmet cuisine, and Paris is the world capital of haute couture. There are a lot of visitors here, so the local population is friendly towards foreign guests.

The easiest way to achieve the desired status is based on family ties. Other common options are marriage or marriage, naturalization (long-term work, knowledge of traditions and language, comfortable existence in local society according to generally accepted norms), investment in the economy, own business, sporting achievements, political or military persecution of a foreigner in his homeland. The main condition is to live here for the last 5 years.

Sometimes the period is reduced: graduates of local universities only need 2 years after issuing a diploma of education, and a foreign spouse has the right to apply after 4 years. The issue is being resolved individually for migrants who served in the French troops.

The French Foreign Legion is also a way to obtain citizenship

The refugee will need to confirm the threat to his life in his homeland. In addition, according to EU rules, he must apply for asylum in the first state in which he arrived and he was not in danger. Migration Service strictly fulfills this requirement.

It is impossible to obtain a French citizen's passport if the applicant falls under one of the following characteristics:

  • illegal presence in the state;
  • a criminal record resulting in a prison sentence of six months or more;
  • expulsion from the country or ban on entry;
  • threat to the country's security, suspicion of terrorism.

Migrants must apply to the Tribunal of First Instance. This is done at your place of residence. The materials are then reviewed by the prefect. At home, documents are accepted by the consulate.

The minister has the right to make a decision up to 12 months. Consulates provide a response within 6 months. First, a certificate is issued, on the basis of which you can issue an id (identity card). The Constitution allows a citizen of the Russian Federation, but the fundamental law does not allow a citizen of Ukraine to take advantage of this opportunity.

Family ties

If one of the child's parents is French, a birth certificate with the coat of arms of France is automatically issued. It does not matter in which country the newborn was born. If his parents are stateless (persons without affiliation with any state), he will need to spend 5 years or more in the territory of the state from the age of 11 to become a French citizen. He can apply at the age of 16 or after the age of majority at any time. According to the laws, he would not even be considered an immigrant.

If a minor foreign child is adopted by a French family, he can become a citizen of this state. But there is a condition, the observance of which is vigilantly monitored. The adopted child must sever contacts and ties with his homeland and not communicate with his biological parents.


An adult citizen of Russia or Ukraine who has lived here for the last 5 years or more has the opportunity to naturalize. Before obtaining French citizenship, you will need to collect a package of documents for your dossier:

  • knowledge of the language is confirmed by a diploma of higher philological education. Since 2006, an international standard certificate of successful completion of the exam is also suitable for this purpose;
  • knowledge of national culture and history is tested using a test. After passing, a corresponding certificate is issued;
  • an employment contract concluded for several years in advance;
  • a certificate from the bank confirming a sufficient level of income to support yourself and your family;
  • long-term apartment rental agreement.

Athletes with outstanding athletic achievements, graduates of local universities, and those who have served in the state army will need to collect the same documents.

Marriage to a Frenchman or a Frenchwoman

Just 10 years ago, this was the easiest way for a Russian citizen to obtain a French passport. But since 2006, immigration laws have become stricter. Now even those who receive this document through marriage must spend at least 4 years in the country. If the family spends a lot of time abroad, the period increases to 5 years.

Marriage with a Frenchman (Frenchwoman) is a way to obtain citizenship

The spouses collect a dossier from the documents listed above; the period for consideration of the application can also take up to 1 year. Additionally, a marriage certificate and a joint statement from the two spouses are attached.

Knowledge of the language and traditions is required, which are tested not only by certificates, but also during a personal interview. The commission clarifies whether the spouses really live together, and during the interview finds out the details of their acquaintance and relationship. This is done not only to stop fictitious marriages, but also to check the level of the language.

Citizenship for investors

Wealthy Russians and Ukrainians can achieve citizenship by investing in the country's economy. In 2017, a foreigner must invest between 1 and 2.5 million euros in special company(special purpose vehicle), which will manage its funds and invest them in various projects. A businessman is immediately issued a card for permanent residence for 10 years and the opportunity to apply for a passport after 5 years. Unlike all other categories of persons, the investor does not need to spend these 5 years in France. If he does not live in the country permanently, does not own real estate and is not engaged in economic activity, he is not even required to pay taxes.

Another option is to open a private enterprise with at least 50 jobs, which should be occupied by the French. Before obtaining French citizenship, a foreigner must present a business project to the prefecture and provide documents confirming his work experience and competence.

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Today I would like to touch on the topic of how to obtain French citizenship.

Obtaining French citizenship is not easy, but it is much easier than Germany or Canada (there are a number of countries, including Europe, where it is prohibited to have dual citizenship).

This note is intended for residents Russian Federation, since in other countries obtaining a second citizenship may be different.

Obtaining French citizenship will relieve you of worries about moving around the EU countries and will facilitate the process of buying real estate or getting a job.

Ways to acquire French citizenship

Family ties

This is the easiest way. If your parents (or one of them) has French citizenship, then there are no problems with obtaining a second passport.


You must have lived in France for at least 5 years, have excellent command of the language, have a permanent job and pay your bills regularly. You must follow all the rules of the country.

The naturalization process can be accelerated by up to two years if you have a higher education in France.

For people who have meritorious services to France, obtaining citizenship can be significantly accelerated.

Marrying a Frenchman

If you are married to a French citizen, then obtaining citizenship is possible after four years of marriage, if you have a French spouse with a stable job, the purpose of which was to confirm the solvency of his family.

The period can be increased to 5 years if the spouses live outside French territory.

Business emigration

France is interested in investing money in its economy, so if you want to invest your money in a business project in this country, this will eventually allow you to obtain citizenship. The only disadvantage of this option is that the investment amount must be at least one million euros.

And at this moment someone receives a Russian passport :)

The easiest way to obtain French citizenship

One of the most simple ways obtaining French citizenship through other European Union countries.

In a number of other European Union countries, obtaining citizenship for Russians is much simplified. Having received citizenship, for example, of the Czech Republic, you can already apply for a French passport, provided you have lived in France for at least two years.

If you have any questions, ask! 🙂

In contact with

Due to the large influx of migrants since 2015, the French Republic tightened the rules for acquiring French citizenship. For example, to prove language proficiency, it is not enough to simply pass an interview with local authorities in French. Anyone wishing to obtain French citizenship must provide proof in the form of a certificate or diploma.

How to obtain French citizenship

By right of blood

The fastest and easiest way. If the applicant has a French mother or father, then citizenship is assigned automatically.

By right of territory

There are several ways to acquire French citizenship by territorial law:

  1. If the applicant's parents are stateless persons any country, then it is possible to automatically obtain citizenship of the Republic, subject to birth in France.
  2. Obtain citizenship at age 18, subject to the following rule: starting from 11 years of age and at the time of majority, it is necessary stay in France for more than 5 years.
  3. At the age of 16 you can apply for citizenship, submitting a corresponding application to the judicial authorities. Continuous stay in the country is a prerequisite.
  4. Parents may apply to the court to request citizenship for a child aged 13 if he has lived in France since the age of 8.
  5. When a child is adopted by a French family the right to obtain French citizenship automatically arises.

By right of naturalization

The naturalization process is suitable for people permanently and legally resident in France. Of course, this process is complex and monotonous. To qualify for citizenship through naturalization, you must meet the following conditions:

  • continuously stay on French territory for at least 5 years. The time may be reduced by 2 times if the applicant has received or is receiving a higher degree at a French university;
  • be of legal age;
  • have a temporary residence card in France.

Having a job offer in France will be a big plus. The naturalization period may be reduced for some groups of persons. For example, for those who have demonstrated their usefulness and talent for France. Or who served in the French army. The reduction in naturalization applies to refugees if they have been able to prove their status. The same conditions apply to citizens of former French colonies or for whom French is their native language and they were not educated in it. less than 2 years.

By law of marriage

If the period of marriage with a French resident is 4 years, then the person can apply for French citizenship. The period is increased to 5 years , if the spouses do not reside within the Republic. To avoid fictitious marriages, French state established a number of requirements for applicants:

  • Knowledge of French must be at a high level.
  • Continuous cohabitation more than 3 years.
  • Ability to answer questions regarding personal life of spouses.

By Business Immigration Law

This method is ideal for large entrepreneurs. Investments in the French economy in the amount of 1-2 million euros will significantly speed up the process of obtaining citizenship.

IMPORTANT. Investing in real estate will not help you obtain a French passport.

Time shows that it is much easier to obtain citizenship in other eurozone countries than in the French Republic.

What to do to obtain French citizenship? To be born in France, to become a citizen after living in France for several years, to marry a French man or a French woman... There are different situations, different ways to obtain citizenship, and legislative and regulatory innovations are increasingly numerous.

There are four main ways to obtain French citizenship: kinship, birth in France, naturalization, marriage.


· KINSHIP: “My parent(s) have French citizenship” (Right of Blood)

This is the simplest case. The fact that at least one of your parents is French automatically gives you the right to French citizenship. Attention! By parent we mean only the direct parent, that is, the mother or father directly. However, French laws do not prohibit cases when you or your parents were born in another country, and even if you have never lived in France.

· PLACE OF BIRTH: “I was born on French territory...” (Right of Territory)

· “ of my parents is French”

In this case, it is enough that one of your parents (mother or father) was a French citizen for you to receive French citizenship. This law applies if your parents were born in Algeria before July 3, 1962, but in other French colonies.

· "... from non-French parents (illegal and legitimate cases)..."

· “...and my parents do not live in France”

You can become a full Frenchman, unless the laws of your parents' homeland recognize you as their subject. This is most often possible in countries where both the law of blood and the law of territory apply.

· “...and my parents gave me their citizenship”

There are three options:

· obtaining French citizenship upon turning 18 years old, if at that moment you live in France;

ATTENTION! In this case, the following condition must also be met: you must live in France for five years (consecutive or not) from the age of eleven.

· Obtaining citizenship is possible at the age of 16 by filing an application in court;

· Citizenship can be granted at the request of the parents and with the consent of the child if he has lived in France since the age of eight.

ATTENTION! In any case, it is not enough just to come to France as a tourist, you need to live. Despite the fact that the issue of the exact definition of residence is not clearly defined in the course of judicial practice, this means actual, stable and permanent residence with registration in the centers for family and employment issues. Finally, such permanent residence must be yours. If you are an adult.


Citizenship is granted by government agencies.

· “I am a foreigner, but permanently reside in France”

You need to know that naturalization is not a right and can be denied. But whatever the authorities’ response, it must be motivated by something. So, the reason for the refusal will help you reformulate your request, taking it into account, or file an appeal if the decision is not sufficiently motivated.

It is necessary to reside in the country legally, that is, if valid card temporary residence or other similar document.

In addition, you need:

be of age

live in France: you must have been a permanent resident for five years by the time your application is submitted and your case is heard. This is the so-called “seniority condition”. Attention! This period is reduced by two years if you received higher education in France for two years or if you have demonstrated the ability or talent to be useful France. This period can be reduced in many cases. For example: if your spouse has acquired French citizenship; if you are an adult child of a person who is receiving or has received French citizenship; if you come from a former colony of France; if you were born in a country where official language– French and it is your native language or if you have studied for five years in a French-speaking language educational institution; if you are a refugee.


· "I am a foreigner or stateless person and I intend to marry a French national"

If the fact of marriage does not directly give you the right to obtain citizenship, it does allow you to apply if you are permanently residing in France. In order to avoid fraud and combat fictitious (so-called “white”) marriages, the decree of January 14, 2005 provides for new rules for obtaining French citizenship due to marriage. These new provisions oblige the foreign spouse to integrate as quickly as possible into French society.

An interview at the prefecture and the consulate is carried out to establish:

· Ineffectiveness of cohabitation between spouses

· Level of French language proficiency during a conversation directly with you

Degree of assimilation into French society

· Behavior and law-abidingness.

French citizenship can be obtained two years after marriage. After a year of marriage, an application is submitted to the court. Provided that your life together (both actual and material) was continuous. The minimum period of cohabitation increases to three years if it is interrupted. You may be denied citizenship for up to a year after submitting your application if you violate any condition.

Once you receive citizenship, you are considered a full French citizen from the moment your application comes into force.

· “I want my French citizenship back”

The procedure for returning citizenship has no age limit and proceeds in the same way as naturalization.

It can be acquired again either by appropriate decree or by application in the event of loss of citizenship due to marriage to foreign citizen(the application can be made both in France and abroad).