The procedure for unloading and loading cargo from vehicles. Rules for loading and unloading cargo - basic rules for performing loading and unloading operations

Loading of goods into a container, securing, covering and tying of goods must be carried out by the consignor (customer of transportation), and unloading of goods from the container, removal of fastenings and coverings, by the consignee. But since this norm is dispositive, it applies only in the case when (provision of transport services) is not otherwise provided. If the contract does not differentiate responsibilities between the parties to the contract for loading or unloading cargo, the consignor and consignee close and open the container doors, respectively.

A transport company or organization may, by agreement with the shipper or consignee, undertake loading and unloading of:
a) containerized, piece and roll-and-barrel cargoes delivered by trade and catering enterprises with a small turnover;
b) other cargo if the transport company or organization has means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations.
The agreement is formalized by including the specified clauses in the contract of carriage. In case of concluding a long-term contract for the carriage of goods by rail responsibilities for loading and unloading specific cargo by a transport company can be formalized as an annex to the contract, and the main contract of carriage provides only conditions that ensure maximum use of loading and unloading mechanisms; It is the shipper’s responsibility to carry out preliminary preparation of cargo (laying it on pallets, in containers, etc.) and provide a place for parking and minor repairs of loading and unloading mechanisms, as well as office space for setting up locker rooms and for workers’ rest.
The agreement of a transport company or organization with the shipper and consignee may provide for the participation of the driver in loading and unloading cargo in the manner provided for in the Labor Safety Rules on road transport. In case of participation in the loading and unloading process, the driver takes the cargo from the side of the vehicle during loading, and when unloading, the load is delivered by the driver onto the side of the vehicle. When a transport company assumes obligations to carry out loading and unloading operations, it is responsible for damage or damage to the cargo during loading and unloading that occurs through their fault. The consignor, as well as the consignee, is obliged to maintain loading and unloading points, sites, as well as access roads to them in good condition at any time of the year to ensure unhindered passage and maneuvering of rolling stock. It is also necessary to ensure the availability of mechanization equipment and the required number of workers to comply with the established deadlines for loading and unloading cargo, install devices for lighting workplaces and access roads to them when working in the evening and at night, prepare inventory, rigging and, if necessary, weighing devices for weighing cargo and rolling stock. When transporting goods, the shipper is obliged, within the limits of the volume of goods specified in the order (application) of the shipper (consignee), to load the container until its capacity is fully used, but not above its carrying capacity.
Piece cargo transported without containers (metal rods, pipes, etc.), the reception and loading of which is impossible without significant loss of time, must be combined by the shipper into larger loading units (transport packages).
Heavyweight cargo without containers must have special devices for construction: protrusions, frames, hinges, eyes, etc. If the cargo is on pallets, individual cargo items are stacked on them in such a way that it is possible to check the quantity of their position on the pallet and fastenings (with the exception of closed box pallets transported behind shipper's seals). Cargo must be placed in a container and securely secured so that there is no shifting, falling, pressure on the door, abrasion or damage to the cargo during transportation, and the safety of the rolling stock during loading, unloading and en route is ensured.

The driver is obliged to check the compliance of the stowage and securing of cargo in the container with the requirements of traffic safety and ensuring the safety of rolling stock, and also to inform the shipper about any errors in the stowage and cargo securing threatening its safety.
The shipper, at the request of the driver, is obliged to eliminate any deficiencies found in the stowage and securing of the cargo. Based on traffic safety requirements, the driver is obliged to check the cargo weight according to the Rules using the invoices. traffic, as well as the state of fastening and lashing of the cargo, which should prevent the container from moving beyond the frame or falling out of the vehicle. Responsibility for compliance with safety rules during loading and unloading operations, as well as liability for accidents that occur as a result of failure to comply with these rules, lies with the party that has assumed these obligations.
Before loading containers, the shipper must verify their commercial suitability for the carriage of the cargo in question. If malfunctions, unsatisfactory sanitary conditions or other circumstances are detected that may affect the safety of the cargo during transportation, the shipper must refuse to load the goods into this container and make a note about this in the waybill or waybill, certifying it with his signature and seal ( stamp). In case of disagreement, an act is drawn up, signed by representatives of the shipper and the transport company.
Loading and unloading operations must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.002, GOST 12.3.009, GOST 12.3.020, the requirements of Interindustry rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations. The choice of methods for carrying out loading and unloading operations should include the prevention or reduction to the level acceptable standards exposure of workers to hazardous and harmful production factors by:

a) mechanization and automation of loading and unloading operations;

b) the use of devices and devices that meet safety requirements;

d) operation of production equipment in accordance with current regulatory and technical documentation and expedition documents;

e) the use of sign and other types of signaling when moving goods by lifting and transport equipment;

E) correct placement and stowage of cargo at work sites and in vehicles;

g) compliance with the requirements for security zones of power transmission nodes of engineering communications and power supply.

Most loading and unloading operations must be performed by mechanized methods using lifting and transport equipment and mechanization. Legal and regulatory technical documents regulating the procedure for carrying out loading and unloading and related work, establish rules for the use of certain types of lifting and transport equipment.
If work is carried out manually, the following conditions must be met:

a) sharp, cutting, piercing products and instruments are carried only in cases or cases;

b) loads in rigid container and ice without packaging can only be carried using gloves;

c) loads in faulty containers, with protruding nails, edging, etc. are not allowed to be carried;

d) glassware should be placed on stable stands. Glass containers should be stored in special boxes with slots. Do not use broken dishes that have chips or cracks;

e) for loading cargo onto vehicles or unloading them, it is prohibited to use boards less than 50 mm thick. To prevent sagging under the boards, strong supports are installed. Carrying a load by a loader is allowed if the weight of the load is no more than 50 kg.

If the weight of the cargo exceeds 50 kg, but not more than 80 kg, then the loader can carry the load provided that the load is lifted (removed) with the help of other loaders. The approximate timing of loading and unloading cargo, as well as the timing of additional operations related to loading and unloading cargo, are given in Appendix No. 2 of our agreement. The time of arrival of the vehicle for loading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill at the loading point, and the time of arrival of the vehicle for unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill at the unloading point. If available at loading and unloading points (except for stations railways) entrance gate or checkpoints and cargo analysis laboratories, the time of arrival of the vehicle for loading or unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill or waybill to the shipper or consignee at the entry gate or at the checkpoint or laboratory. Loading and unloading is considered completed after the driver is presented with properly executed shipping documents for the loaded or unloaded cargo. The travel time of the vehicle from the gate or checkpoint to the place of loading or unloading and back is excluded when calculating the time the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded. If a vehicle with a container arrives for loading earlier than the agreed time, the vehicle is considered to have arrived for loading at the time appointed by the client, unless the shipper accepts it for loading from the moment of actual arrival. Shippers and consignees are required to note on the waybills the time of arrival and departure of vehicles from loading and unloading points. The vehicle travel time from the gate or checkpoint to the place of loading or unloading and back is determined in the contract for the carriage of goods in a container.
Loading and unloading of goods not provided for by the general rules for the carriage of goods in containers are carried out in accordance with the rules for the transport of certain types of goods, as well as the contract of carriage.

From damage and spoilage. Let's take a closer look at these rules.

The type and number of vehicles required for implementation is determined by the carrier depending on the nature and volume of transportation.

The carrier must ensure timely delivery of a serviceable vehicle suitable for transportation in accordance with () and meeting all sanitary standards. If the carrier submits a transport that does not meet the previously agreed conditions, the shipper has the right to reject it.

Control over the timely arrival of rolling stock for loading, regulation of its placement, accounting for loading, use of vacant vehicles, recording the time of arrival and departure of vehicles is carried out by the Carrier or the Customer, depending on the adopted transportation scheme.

Before loading semi-trailers, van-type trailers, containers and tank trucks, the Customer is obliged to check the suitability of the rolling stock for transporting cargo. If damage is detected that may affect the integrity or quality of the cargo during transportation, the Customer has the right to refuse to load the cargo onto this rolling stock.

When loading and unloading at cargo points, the following types of vehicle arrangement can be used:

  • lateral placement– loading and unloading is carried out through the side of the vehicle;
  • end arrangement a – loading and unloading is carried out through the rear side of the vehicle;
  • oblique arrangement– loading and unloading is carried out simultaneously through the rear and side sides of the vehicle.

Loading, fastening, covering, tying and unloading the vehicle, removing fastenings and coverings must be carried out by the Customer.

Opening and closing tank hatches, turning pumps on or off, and manipulating the hose installed on a truck must be performed by the driver.

The Carrier, in agreement with the Customer, may undertake loading and unloading operations. The driver can be involved in this work only with his consent. When loading, the driver can accept cargo from the side of the vehicle, and when unloading, deliver it onto the side of the vehicle.

If the Carrier has undertaken loading and unloading, he is responsible for the safety of the cargo during the performance of these works.

The customer must maintain loading and unloading areas, as well as access roads to them, in proper condition.

Additional equipment of trucks for the transportation of specific cargo can be made by the Customer only in agreement with the Carrier.

Loading and unloading operations with cargo weighing more than 50 kg and requiring lifting of cargo to a height of over 2 m must be carried out with use of mechanization means ().

When loading in bulk, the cargo should not rise above the level of the sides. If necessary, the main sides need to be increased, but the total height of the rolling stock with cargo should not be more than 4 meters from the road surface, otherwise this cargo will be considered.

Loads should be placed and secured in such a way as to prevent them from falling, dragging, or the possibility of injury to accompanying persons.

Piece cargo that exceeds the height of the body sides should be tied with strong, serviceable rigging (ropes, ropes). It is prohibited to tie loads with metal cables and wire.

Boxes, barrels and other piece goods must be loaded in such a way as to prevent the possibility of them moving during sudden braking, starting off, or on sharp turns. To do this, it is forbidden to leave gaps between them. They need to be filled with wooden spacers and spacers of appropriate strength and length.

Between fragile loads (glass, ceramic products, enamel and aluminum utensils, etc.) straw, wood shavings or other materials are laid that can protect them from breakage and damage.

Loading cargo with special (“Caution”, “Glass”, “Do not throw”, “Top”, “Do not tip”) must be carried out especially carefully. They must be placed in the body in such a way that these inscriptions are visible when unloading.

When loading light or heavy loads into a vehicle, the heavy ones should be placed at the bottom and the light ones at the top. must be evenly distributed between the trailer and the vehicle.

The driver is obliged to check the securing of the load on the rolling stock to ensure the safety of the load, the vehicle and traffic safety conditions. If any deficiencies are identified in securing and placing the cargo, the driver is obliged to inform the Customer about this. The shipper is obliged, at the request of the driver, to eliminate all deficiencies identified by him.

The driver must also check that the dimensions of the cargo comply with the dimensions indicated in.

The customer is obliged to monitor compliance with labor protection legislation, as well as safety standards during loading and unloading operations. He bears full responsibility for the consequences of failure to comply with these legislative acts. If, according to the contract, loading and unloading operations are performed by the Carrier, then all obligations to comply with the law and responsibility for the consequences of their failure lie with him.

The time of arrival of the rolling stock for loading is established from the moment when the driver at the loading point submitted, and the time of arrival of the vehicle for unloading is established from the moment the driver presents the bill of lading (waybill) at the unloading point.

These are the basic rules for loading and unloading cargo, compliance with which will protect you from various negative consequences.


1. Loading of cargo onto a vehicle, securing, covering and tying of cargo must be carried out by the consignor, and unloading of cargo from the vehicle, removal of fastenings and coverings - by the consignee.

The consignor and the consignee respectively close and open the sides of vehicles and tank hatches, lower and remove hoses from tank hatches, screw and unscrew hoses.

In cases where, at checkpoints of the consignor (consignee), in accordance with established rules, cargo is inspected with the removal of tarpaulins and covering of cargo after inspection, opening and closing tank hatches, etc., these operations are performed by the consignor (consignee).

2. A motor transport enterprise or organization may, by agreement with the consignor or consignee, undertake loading and unloading of:

a) containerized, piece and rolled-barrel cargoes delivered by trade and catering enterprises with a small turnover;

b) other cargo if the motor transport enterprise or organization has means of mechanization of loading and unloading operations. In this case, the annual contract for the transportation of goods by road must provide for conditions that ensure maximum use of loading and unloading mechanisms; It is the shipper’s responsibility to carry out preliminary preparation of cargo (laying it on pallets, in containers, etc.) and provide a place for parking and minor repairs of loading and unloading mechanisms, as well as office space for setting up locker rooms and for workers’ rest.

An agreement between a motor transport enterprise or organization with the consignor and consignee may provide for the participation of the driver in loading and unloading cargo in the manner provided for in the Rules for Labor Safety in Motor Transport.

If the driver participates in loading or unloading, the driver takes the cargo from the side of the vehicle during loading, and when unloading, the driver delivers the cargo onto the side of the vehicle.

3. In the event that motor transport enterprises or organizations, by agreement with shippers (consignees), undertake loading and unloading operations, they are responsible for damage or damage to the cargo during loading and unloading that occurs through their fault.

4. When transporting construction and other cargo in large quantities, motor transport enterprises or organizations are obliged to organize the work of vehicles, and shippers and consignees are obliged to ensure the acceptance and release of cargo daily, in no less than two shifts, including on weekends and holidays, not allowing a reduction in the volume of loading and unloading operations these days.

5. The consignor and consignee are obliged to maintain loading and unloading areas, as well as access roads to them, in good condition at any time of the year to ensure unhindered passage and maneuvering of rolling stock, as well as provide adequate lighting for work in the evening and at night.

6. The shipper and the motor transport enterprise or organization when transporting goods are obliged, within the limits of the volumes of goods specified in the order (application) of the shipper (consignee), to load the rolling stock until its capacity is fully used, but not above its carrying capacity.

During mass transportation of lightweight cargo (including agricultural cargo), a motor transport enterprise or organization is obliged to increase the sides or take other measures to ensure an increase in the use of the carrying capacity of the rolling stock.

When loading bulk cargo transported in bulk, the surface of the cargo should not protrude beyond the upper edges of the sides of the rolling stock in order to prevent the cargo from spilling out during movement.

7. Piece cargo transported without containers (metal rods, pipes, etc.), the acceptance and loading of which is impossible without significant loss of time, must be combined by the shipper into larger loading units by bundling or coiling with wire 3 - 5 places. The strength of the tie must be such as to ensure that the crane hook can be lifted by any wire harness.

8. Heavy cargo without containers must have special devices for strapping: protrusions, frames, loops, eyes, etc.

When transported on pallets, individual packages are placed on them in such a way that the quantity can be checked without disturbing their position on the pallet and fastening (with the exception of closed box pallets transported behind the shipper's seals).

9. Cargo must be stowed in the rolling stock and securely secured so that there is no shifting, falling, pressure on the doors, abrasion or damage to the cargo during transportation, and the safety of the rolling stock is ensured during loading, unloading and en route.

It is prohibited to secure cargo with nails, staples or other means that damage the rolling stock.

10. Equipment necessary for loading and transportation, auxiliary materials (trunks, racks, trays, wire, panel fences, slopes, etc.), as well as means necessary for insulating cargo (blankets, mats, etc.), must be provided and installed by the shipper and removed by the consignee. Tarpaulin, ropes for covering and tying cargo are provided by a motor transport company or organization with payment according to tariffs.

11. Additional equipment and equipping of vehicles for the transportation of certain cargo can be carried out by the shipper only in agreement with the motor transport company or organization.

12. Motor transport enterprises or organizations may, under an agreement with the consignor and at his expense, re-equip car bodies.

13. All devices belonging to the consignor are issued by a motor transport enterprise or organization to the consignee along with the cargo or returned to the consignor in accordance with his instructions in the waybill at his expense.

14. The driver is obliged to check the compliance of the stowage and securing of the cargo on the rolling stock with the requirements of traffic safety and ensuring the safety of the rolling stock, and also to inform the shipper of any observed irregularities in the stowing and securing of the cargo that threaten its safety. The shipper, at the request of the driver, is obliged to eliminate any detected irregularities in the stowage and securing of the cargo.

Based on traffic safety requirements, the driver is obliged to check the compliance of the dimensions of the cargo with the Traffic Rules, as well as the condition of securing and tying the cargo, which should prevent the cargo from moving outside the body or falling out of the body.

15. The shipper and consignee are obliged to ensure control over compliance with safety rules during loading and unloading operations and bear full responsibility for accidents that occur as a result of their failure to comply with these rules.

When loading and unloading operations are carried out by a motor transport enterprise or organization, the duty to ensure control over compliance with safety rules during loading and unloading operations, as well as responsibility for accidents that occur as a result of failure to comply with these rules, rests with the motor transport enterprise or organization.

16. The timing of loading cargo onto a vehicle and unloading cargo, as well as the timing of additional operations related to loading and unloading cargo, are established by the rules for applying tariffs. The specified time limits also apply in cases of loading trailers and semi-trailers.

The time of arrival of the car for loading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill at the loading point, and the time of arrival of the car for unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the bill of lading at the unloading point.

If there are entry gates, or checkpoints, or laboratories for cargo analysis at loading and unloading points (except for railway stations), the time of arrival of the vehicle for loading or unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill or waybill to the consignor or consignee. entry gate, or at a checkpoint, or in a laboratory.

Loading and unloading are considered completed after the driver is presented with properly executed shipping documents for the loaded or unloaded cargo.

The vehicle's travel time from the gate or checkpoint to the place of loading or unloading and back is excluded when calculating the time the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded.

If a vehicle arrives for loading earlier than the agreed time, the vehicle is considered to have arrived for loading at the agreed time, unless the shipper accepts it for loading from the moment of actual arrival.

Shippers and consignees are required to note on the waybills the time of arrival and departure of vehicles from loading and unloading points.

The travel time of the vehicle from the gate or checkpoint to the place of loading or unloading and back, which is excluded when calculating the time the vehicle is under loading or unloading, is determined in the contract for the carriage of goods by road.

17. Loading and unloading of cargo to the extent not provided for by the Charter of Road Transport of the RSFSR and this section of the Rules is carried out in accordance with the rules for the transportation of certain types of cargo.

4 . Rules for loading, unloading, placing and securing cargo on vehicle

4.1. To carry out loading and unloading operations with cargo transported by vehicles, shippers and consignees must have loading and unloading areas with access roads to them, ensuring unhindered passage and maneuvering of vehicles, as well as the ability to work in the dark with proper lighting for workers places

4.2. Loading and unloading areas must be equipped with machines and devices for mechanized loading and unloading of cargo; ensure compliance with fire safety, sanitary, hygienic and environmental standards; ensure the safety of cargo and labor safety of personnel working at these sites; have, if necessary, weighing and other equipment to determine the weight and quality of the cargo being transported, as well as telephone and other means of communication.

The number and equipment of loading (unloading) posts with devices for performing loading and unloading operations at sites must correspond to the type and volume of cargo being transported and ensure minimal downtime for vehicles during loading and unloading.

4.3. Loading of cargo onto a vehicle, fastening, lashing and covering of cargo, opening and closing the sides of the platform, tank hatches, lowering and removing hoses from tank hatches, screwing and unscrewing hoses, removing and installing removable awnings at loading points is carried out by the shipper; unloading of cargo, removal of fastenings and cargo covers, as well as the performance of the above operations with the sides of the platform, removable awnings, hatches and hoses of tanks at unloading points is carried out by the consignee, unless otherwise provided by agreement between them.

When loading cargo by the shipper, responsibility for spoilage and damage to the cargo during loading, as well as for the consequences of improper fastening and placement of the cargo in the body of the vehicle (damage to the cargo during transportation, its displacement, overturning) rests with the shipper.

The carrier must control the processes of loading, securing and placing cargo in the body of the vehicle, closing the sides (hatches) and others specified in paragraph 4.3 carried out by the shipper. operations, except in cases where the carrier’s representative is not allowed to the place of cargo loading. If the shipper fails to comply with the carrier’s requirements regarding the placement and securing of cargo, as well as other requirements specified in clause 4.3. operations, the carrier may refuse to transport goods with reimbursement by the shipper of the corresponding costs.

In the event of a disagreement between the carrier and the shipper regarding the security of the installation and securing of the cargo, the shipper must provide documentary evidence of security with the signature of his competent authorized person on the waybill.

4.4. Before starting the movement and during the journey, the driver is obliged, if there is an objective opportunity, to control the placement, fastening and condition of the cargo in the body of the vehicle in order to avoid its displacement and fall. If the placement, securing, or condition of the cargo pose a threat to road safety, the driver must take measures to eliminate the danger or stop further movement.

4.5. The carrier, under an agreement for the carriage of goods with the customer (shipper or consignee), may undertake loading and unloading operations on the terms provided for in the relevant agreement, taking into account the customer’s preliminary preparation of the cargo, provision of parking spaces and minor repairs of loading and unloading machines and devices carrier, office premises for the construction of changing rooms and rest areas for workers.

In the event that the carrier, under an agreement with the customer, undertakes loading and unloading operations, placement and securing of cargo in the body of a vehicle and other operations, responsibility for spoilage and damage to the cargo during the performance of these works and for the consequences of improper implementation of the relevant operations is assigned to carrier.

4.6. Participation of the vehicle driver in loading and unloading cargo is possible only with his consent, as well as the consent of the carrier, in a manner that does not contradict the rules of labor protection and safety during loading and unloading operations in road transport. In this case, when loading, the driver accepts the cargo in the back, and when unloading, the driver delivers the load from the body of the vehicle.

When using vehicles equipped with lifting devices, the control of the lifting device is carried out by the driver of such a vehicle.

4.7. The shipper must ensure that the cargo is loaded into the carrier's vehicle in accordance with the type of cargo, its weight and quantity, as well as the time of work agreed upon in the application/order.

4.8. When transporting goods with a small volumetric mass, the carrier, in agreement with the shipper, can take measures to ensure increased use of the vehicle's carrying capacity.

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To prevent losses of bulk and bulk cargo during transportation, the shipper must load them in such a way that the surface of the cargo does not protrude beyond the upper edges of the open body of the vehicle. In this case, the carrier, together with the shipper, ensures that such cargo is covered with a tarpaulin or other devices.

4.9. Piece cargo, the loading of which onto vehicles and unloading without the use of mechanized means requires a lot of time and labor, must be placed in transport packages or containers before loading by the shipper, taking into account the provision of a mechanized method of loading and unloading operations.

The procedure for forming transport packages and loading containers must comply with the Rules for the transportation of goods in containers and transport packages (Section 11 of the Rules), as well as the technical conditions for the manufacture, transportation and storage of products from manufacturers.

4.10. When carrying out loading operations, the shipper is obliged to:

a) place loads evenly over the entire floor area of ​​the vehicle body or container, preventing eccentric distribution of load in the body (container) and axle loads in excess of the values ​​​​established for the vehicle in real road conditions;

b) stack homogeneous piece goods in the body of a vehicle (container), maintaining the same number of tiers and ensuring reliable fastening of the top tier of the stack;

c) place heavier loads closer to the axis of symmetry of the vehicle (container) body;

d) ensure that the center of gravity of the load is established as low as possible and in the middle of the length of the vehicle (container) body;

e) do not allow cargo with a higher volumetric mass to be stacked on cargo with a lower volumetric mass;

f) fill the gaps between the stack of cargo and the walls of the body (container) using various fasteners (gaskets, inflatable containers and other devices);

g) when loading long cargo (pipes, rolled steel, timber, etc.) of different sizes, different lengths and thicknesses, select them the same in each individual row; place longer cargo in the lower rows.

4.11. To prevent the cargo from tipping over or shifting in the body while the vehicle is moving, the shipper is obliged to securely secure it in the body of the vehicle using its own means of fastening, unless otherwise provided in the contract of carriage.

4.12. The choice of means of securing cargo in the vehicle body (belts, chains, cables, wooden blocks, stops, anti-slip mats and others) is carried out by the shipper, taking into account road safety, the safety of the transported cargo and the vehicle.

4.13. Loads large mass, the loading of which can only be carried out by mechanization, must have loops, eyes, protrusions or other special devices for gripping when using lifting machines and devices.

When transporting the specified cargo, based on the need to ensure traffic safety, the driver is obliged to check the condition of placement and securing of the cargo on the vehicle before starting the movement, as well as during the movement.

4.14. Securing cargo with nails, staples or other methods that damage the vehicle is not permitted.

4.15. The shipper (consignee) must provide, install and remove trays, belts, wire, other devices and auxiliary materials necessary for loading and transportation, unless otherwise provided in the contract of carriage.

The carrier may, for an additional payment, provide tarpaulin and other materials for covering and tying cargo, if this is provided for in the contract of carriage.

4.16. To transport certain types of cargo, the carrier, by agreement with the shipper or consignee, can retrofit the vehicle body, taking into account the requirements of current standards, rules and regulations.

4.17. Devices for ensuring the safety of cargo and carrying out loading and unloading operations belonging to the consignor are transferred by the carrier to the consignee at the unloading point along with the cargo or returned to the consignor at the loading point or other place in accordance with the contract of carriage or as indicated in the waybill.

4.18. If the carrier discovers that the stowage or securing of cargo on a vehicle does not comply with road safety requirements, as well as the requirements for ensuring the safety of the cargo or vehicle, the carrier must notify the customer about this and refuse to carry out the transportation until the customer eliminates the noticed deficiencies.

4.19. The time of arrival of the vehicle for loading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill and identification document to the consignor, and the time of arrival of the vehicle for unloading is calculated from the moment the consignee is presented with the bill of lading at the point of unloading.

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When transporting goods in containers with their removal from vehicles, issued in such cases with an accompanying statement ( Appendix 8 to the Rules), the time for delivering an empty container to the shipper or a loaded container to the consignee is calculated from the moment the driver presents the accompanying statement: to the shipper at the loading point, and to the consignee at the unloading point.

4.20. Loading of cargo into a vehicle is considered completed if the cargo is loaded into the body of the vehicle and a bill of lading is duly issued for it and the necessary marks are made on it and on the waybill.

When the carrier submits a vehicle for loading earlier than the agreed time, it is considered that the carrier has begun to fulfill the contract at the agreed time. In this case, the shipper can accept the vehicle for loading from the moment of its actual arrival.

4.21. Unloading of arrived cargo is considered complete if the cargo is completely unloaded from the vehicle, the consignee has issued a waybill, waybill and other documents for the transportation of cargo, and all necessary work on cleaning the body has been completed.

4.22. If the consignor or consignee has an entry gate or checkpoint, the time of arrival of the vehicle for loading or unloading is calculated from the moment the driver presents the waybill or waybill to the consignor (consignee) at the entry gate or checkpoint.

4.23. The travel time of a vehicle from the gate or checkpoint to the place of loading or unloading and back is excluded when calculating the time the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded.

4.24. The shipper and consignee are required to note on the waybill and the waybill the time of delivery of the vehicle to the loading and unloading points, and the time of departure from them.

4.25. At the warehouses of transport and forwarding enterprises (terminals), loading and unloading and other work related to the dispatch and receipt of goods (preparing goods, securing, covering and other operations) are carried out by these enterprises, unless otherwise established by the contract of carriage.

4.26. After unloading the cargo, the vehicle body or container must be cleaned of cargo residues by the consignee, and after transporting dangerous and perishable goods, animals, birds and other goods that contaminate the body, washed and, if necessary, steamed or disinfected. The specified operations for cleaning and sanitizing the vehicle body, by agreement of the parties, can be performed by the carrier.

4.27. The shipper or consignee bears primary liability to the carrier for damage to the vehicle, respectively, during loading or unloading of cargo, as well as in transit due to improper placement and securing of cargo in the amount of actual costs incurred by the carrier to repair the vehicle.

4.28. The consignor (consignee) is obliged to ensure loading (unloading) and prepare transport and accompanying documents within the time limits established by agreement of the parties and calculated from the moment the vehicle arrives for loading or unloading. In case of excessive downtime of the vehicle during loading or unloading, as well as due to improper execution of transport documents or their absence, the guilty party is obliged to pay the carrier a fine in the amount established by agreement of the parties, and in the absence of the specified agreement - in accordance with the Charter of Road Transport.

4.29. The basic standards for downtime of cars and road trains at loading and unloading points are given in Appendix 9 to the Rules.