A walk through the sights of San Marino, our impressions. San Marino: a miniature state with centuries-old traditions Information about the state

The Republic of San Marino is located in a mountainous area in the center of Italy. It is the oldest republic in the world - according to legend, it was created in 301 AD. e. In addition, the Republic of San Marino is also one of the smallest countries in the world. The territory of the country is divided into 9 regions, which are called “castellas” (fortifications, communes). The capital of the same name is located on the terraces of the Monte Titano hill. There is no airport, but the bus service is well developed. The official language is Italian. The local currency is the euro.

San Marino on the world map

San Marino has a temperate climate. There are cool winters and warm summers. Thousands of tourists come to the republic on Christmas Eve to watch the medieval festival. At this time, on every street you can see a colorful parade of knights, archers and musicians. On central squares in winter there are numerous sales tents, clowns and tightrope walkers entertain guests.
San Marino, the capital of the republic, is a Mecca of tourism. More than three million people visit it every year! The medieval houses, towers and squares of the capital are still preserved in excellent condition. Even ancient cisterns designed to collect rainwater for the needs of the local population have been preserved.

Map of San Marino in Russian

In addition to the narrow winding streets, picturesque courtyards and many buildings built in the Middle Ages, three magnificent castle towers invariably attract the attention of tourists. The complex is located on the top of the mountain, on its three peaks:
La Rocca is the first and most famous of the towers, built in the ninth century without a foundation directly on the rock.
La Cesta is the second central tower, which houses the famous weapons museum.
La Rocca Montale is the third, pentagonal watchtower. Its construction was never fully completed. Visitor access is limited.
Other iconic sights that are definitely worth seeing are:
A Gothic building erected in the 14th century, Piazza della Libertà is the seat of government.
The Basilica del Santo, which houses the ashes of St. Mariino, was built on the site of one of the first churches.
Romanesque bell tower located in close proximity to the Basilica del Santo.
An ancient fortress formerly owned by the Malatesta family, located on Monte Lupo in Torraccia and much more!
In addition to historical attractions, tourists are also attracted by local shops, whose prices are significantly lower than the European average.
San Marino is also very famous among philatelists. Surprisingly, stamps and coins are important industry local budget.
Tourists often buy alcohol as souvenirs. Fine Italian wines and the famous citrus liqueur Limmoncino are popular. Photo materials used from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

San Marino on the map

San Marino, a dwarf state in Italy. Being an enclave, it is surrounded on all sides by Italian territories. The state is considered the oldest in the world, since its foundation dates back to the very beginning of the 4th century; even the exact date is known, 301 years after the birth of Christ. A stonecutter from the island of Rab and his friends found refuge on Mount Monto Titano and since then their descendants have called themselves Sanmarinians.

San Marino on the map

In the window below you can take a virtual walk around San Marino. Use the navigation arrows in the upper left corner of the image. You can change the viewing angle using the arrows on the keyboard. To move around the image, you can click in the image area. Arrows on city streets show routes. You can change your position on the city map by dragging the yellow man in the lower right corner of the image with your mouse:

Storms and adversities bypassed the small republic. It was of little interest to the powerful population of the surrounding states. However, as soon as it tried to set up a powerful television station and casino in 1951, Italy banned it. The motives are lost to history, but they probably existed. Thus San Marino had to submit.

San Marino Map

Nowadays, San Marino is inhabited by about 32 thousand people. They stubbornly separate themselves from the Italians, preserving their independence. And this is vital, because the main influx Money comes from tourists who want to visit this curious corner of Europe. Picturesque landscapes and magnificent fortresses built by the craftsmen of the small republic delight the eyes of tourists and fill their memories with new impressions. San Mariino, very rich state. Each resident earns about $45,000 per year.


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San Marino is a miniature state located in the northeast of the Apennine Peninsula, between the Italian regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche. This is the smallest and most ancient republic on the planet. The full name of the country is the Most Serene Republic of San Marino.

Despite the very small area, the country is divided into 9 municipalities ( castelli): the capital of San Marino, as well as the castelli of Acquaviva, Borgo Maggiore, Domagnano, Chiesanuova, Montegiardino, Serravalle, Faetano and Fiorentino. These areas, or city-communes, historically arose on the site of the first settlements, where defensive fortresses were subsequently erected.

The capital is not the most big city: only 4.5 thousand people live in San Marino, while in industrial Serravalle there are twice as many.

The Republic owes its name to Saint Marino, who at the beginning of the 4th century AD gathered a group of Christians and took refuge with them from the persecution of the Roman Emperor Diocletian on Mount Titano. Marino was canonized during his lifetime. According to legend, last words his words were: “I leave you free from other people.” The tiny village quickly received the status of a separate state and already in the Middle Ages had its own republican laws, which are still in effect in San Marino today.

In foreign policy, the republic invariably maintains neutrality.

These days, San Marino is deservedly one of the most visited countries in Europe. This is facilitated by both the rich cultural and historical heritage of the republic and the distinctive hospitality of the local residents.

San Marino


32,000 people (2011)

Population density

519.9 people/km²




Form of government

parliamentary republic

euro, San Marino lira


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


220 V, 50 Hz, European type sockets.

Climate and weather

San Marino has a subtropical Mediterranean climate. This means that the summers here are long, hot and sunny, and the winters, although short, are quite cold.

There is practically no rain in summer, and the average daily temperature in August–September is +26 °C. At this time, breezes blow on the flat part of the country, which somewhat soften the heat.

The coldest month is February: at this time the air warms up during the day to +7...+9 °C. In winter, a cold north wind often blows (here it is called " boron"), so there may be frosts down to -1...-4 °C at night. Sometimes snow falls, but the snow cover does not stay long.

The best time to travel to San Marino is from May to September, when the weather is most comfortable.


The nature of San Marino will impress any traveler. And if you climb higher into the mountains, you will see that the lands of Italy also “work” on the beauty of San Marino - after all, they offer a wonderful view from above. Mount Titano, 738 m above sea level, is the highest point in the country.

The flora of this region is very diverse and has about 4 thousand species. Numerous evergreens grow here: cypress, laurel, pistachio, cork oak, magnolia, pomegranate and olive, southern juniper and boxwood, blue-green agaves, lemon. Blackberries and dozens of types of flowers grow everywhere.

The country's fauna is notable for the fact that, if desired, all its representatives can be found in the surrounding forests. In addition to the well-known squirrels and hares, there are martens, weasels, chamois, roe deer, wild boars and badgers here. The rivers are inhabited by chubs, tench, pike and even trout and grayling.


The main attractions of the country are located in the capital - the city of San Marino. An examination of the local architectural wonders always begins with the famous towers - Guaita, Montale and Cesta (they are depicted on the coat of arms of San Marino).

The Guaita Tower was built in the 11th century and initially served as a prison. Now this is perhaps the most popular place among tourists in San Marino. From the height of the tower you can endlessly admire the picturesque beauties of the lands of San Marino and Italy. The Tower of Chest was built on highest point Monte Titano in the 13th century, and Montale was built a century later. True, tourist access to this tower is now limited.

It is also interesting to visit the Government Palace of San Marino, or Palazzo Publico. This grand building, with its battlements, pointed turrets and polygonal balconies, looks much more like a defensive fortress than a secular palace. Actually, the palace has always performed protective functions. Inside you can look at the perfectly preserved Council Hall, the Meeting and Audience Hall, the Voting Hall and a huge number of examples of medieval art.

Be sure to take a walk around Freedom Square (“ Piazza della Liberta") in front of the Government Palace. Here is the Statue of Liberty, which was given to the city in 1876 by the German Countess Geirot Wagener. Under the square there are huge tank tanks " Fossey", which used to collect rainwater to provide the residents of San Marino with drinking water (there are almost no rivers in the country). The square offers beautiful views of the city and the local cemetery of Montalbo, which, oddly enough, is considered a popular tourist spot.

In the vicinity of the capital there are also many interesting historical monuments. Here it is impossible not to pay attention to unique temples, which were in medieval San Marino not only religious buildings, but also centers of education and science. The rock-cut Chapel of San Marino, located in Baldacerrone, is very impressive. Cailungo is located temple complex San Rocco Oratori, where you can see the Madonna and Child canvas, dated 1542. Domagnano has the church of San Michele Arcangelo, built in 1253. And the most old church St. Andrew's, which is mentioned in the chronicles in 1144, is located in Serravalha. Is it true, ancient building has not survived, and the modern building was erected in 1824.


Italian cuisine dominates in the Republic of San Marino. Here you will be offered the same ravioli, lasagna, cannelloni, tortellini, pasatelli broth, various pastas and pizza. Particularly popular are Roman escalopes, fried rabbit, Bolognese cutlets, assorted “mutfuls” of three types of meat and fried partridge with different sauces. You can’t be in San Marino without trying the San Iarino pie and caramel dessert “ Cacciatello».

Any restaurant will offer you an impressive wine list. The best are considered to be Muscat Moscato di San Marino, as well as Albana, Biancale and Sangiovese wines. If you are brave enough, you can try the local strong drink " mister».

Of the Italian restaurants in the country's capital, tourists are usually advised to visit Ritrovo dei Lavoratori And Il Piccolo. Note that there are almost no alternatives to Italian cuisine in San Marino, except for American-European fast food in shopping centers. But if you want to take a break from pasta and pizza, you can dine at a restaurant Guang Dong, where visitors are offered wide choose dishes of Chinese and Japanese cuisine.


The bulk of tourists come to San Marino for a one-day visit and live in a nearby Italian city Rimini. In some cases it turns out to be cheaper.

But in San Marino there are about a dozen beautiful family hotels categories 3* and 4*. Almost all of them are located in picturesque areas with green parks and flowering gardens. As a rule, hotels have a swimming pool and a restaurant. The rooms are air conditioned. Internet access and breakfast are often not included in the room price.

Please note that from April to October, during the high season, there may not be enough rooms, so we advise you to book hotels in advance.

As for rental housing in San Marino, it is mainly not apartments that are rented here, but houses designed to accommodate a large family. As a rule, the cost of such pleasure is at least 2000 euros per month, which is perhaps more affordable than a long stay in a 4* hotel, but not at all cheap for long-term rental.

Entertainment and relaxation

The first thing that impresses all travelers without exception in San Marino is the abundance of holidays, which are a series of religious and secular events. All celebrations take place in San Marino on a grand scale. Many holidays are concentrated in the period from January 6 (Epiphany) to February 5 (Anniversary of liberation from Alberone occupation). It is extremely interesting to watch on April 1 and October 1 the magnificent ceremony of transferring powers to the new captain-regent. And, of course, if you find yourself in San Marino at the end of April, do not miss the opportunity to attend the Formula 1 Grand Prix races. The most spectacular holidays are “ Medieval Days” at the end of July and Independence Day on September 3.

Very popular in everyday life in San Marino active species recreation. There are many football fields, swimming pools, and tennis courts. Tourists are also offered roller skating, bicycles, basketball, hunting and fishing. Be sure to try your hand at local sports - clay pigeon shooting and ball throwing " bocci».

If you come with children, be sure to visit the local aquarium and watch the life of rare fish and reptiles.

Museums in San Marino deserve special attention. You can touch history at the State Museum of San Marino and the Museum of Ancient Weapons in the Tower of Cesta. Paintings and sculptures of the 16th-17th centuries are presented in the art gallery of the Church of San Francesco. Car enthusiasts can expect exciting experiences at the Vintage Car Museum and exhibition Maranello-Resso- the world's only exhibition of Ferrari cars since 1951. Curious exhibits are also presented in the Museum of Curiosities and the Wax Museum.


Shopping in San Marino is attractive because the country is a duty-free zone: prices here will be about 20% lower than in Italy! Therefore, this is where tourists come who want to buy a whole wardrobe for 500-1000 €.

In San Marino there are about ten so-called outlets where you can buy things from famous Italian designers with a 30-70% discount. Moreover, discounts apply all year round, and during total sales in July-August and January-February, discounts are doubled. True, at this time there is such an influx of shopaholics that popular models and sizes are not easy to find.

The most popular outlet is the capital one Big Chic, or San Marino Factory Outlet. All brands are located in separate stores. These are mainly mid-segment items at reasonable prices.

Fur coats deserve special attention: there are two fur factories in San Marino - UniFur And Braschi. In factory stores you can buy a beautiful, high-quality fur coat for 1000-1500 €.

It is believed that in San Marino you can buy high-quality sunglasses inexpensively: in the center of the capital there are indeed a lot of shops with a huge selection of glasses in different price categories. But you should be very careful not to buy a fake.

All tourists consider it their duty to purchase leather items in the city of San Marino. In the center there are many small private shops, where during sales you can find leather jackets from little-known Italian brands for 200-300 €.

When it comes to souvenirs and gifts, San Marino deservedly has the reputation of a souvenir paradise. In local souvenir shops you can find anything: from glass and ceramic vases to exclusive jewelry. We also recommendbuy alcohol in San Marino, as it is cheaper here than in duty free.

When planning a shopping trip in San Marino, remember that from 13:30 to 16:00 almost all shops are closed.


Neither airport nor railway in San Marino no. However, the country gets along just fine without them, since literally an hour’s drive from San Marino, in the Italian city of Rimini, there is international Airport named after Federico Fellini and railroad station. Buses and taxis run regularly from Rimini to San Marino.

Finding a taxi in San Marino is not a problem. There are about ten San Marino taxi services, and several more Italian ones are added to them, which carry passengers from San Marino to Rimini and back.

There is also a type of transport here, such as a cable car. It leads to the towns of Borgo Maggiore and Monte Titano. The cable car cars are called gondolas and run every 15 minutes. From July 1 to September 5, the cable car operates from 7:50 to 01:00, from September 6 to 30 - until 20:00, in October and March - until 19:00, and in November-February it stops operating at 18:30 . The cost of the trip is 4.5 € in both directions.

If you wish, you can rent a car in San Marino. There are several car rental points in the capital. In order to rent a car, you need credit card and an international driver's license. The driver must be at least 21 years old.


San Marino has many internet cafes with wireless internet access. Internet services are also provided in all hotels, but it makes sense to check their costs in advance.

But mobile connection The quality here is excellent: the country uses the GSM 900/1800 standard. There are two mobile operators - Vodafone Omnitel And Telecom Italia Mobile. Roaming is also available; only the cost of this service can upset a tourist.

An alternative to expensive roaming can be telephone booths located everywhere. To pay for calls, you can use telephone cards (sold at any kiosk or store), as well as tokens or small coins. At the post office and from some bars you can call using the “ scatty", that is, pay after the conversation.

If you need to call abroad, again, a street pay phone will help. You can also order a conversation at a call center. The cost of calls depends on the destination country and time of day. The cheapest time to call is from 22:00 to 8:00. If you are going to make calls from a pay phone, it is better to buy a special telephone card, which provides favorable rates to certain countries.


The crime rate in San Marino is one of the lowest in Europe, so there is no need to worry about safety here. But, as in any tourist place, you should beware of thieves of all stripes. It is better to store large sums of money, expensive jewelry, watches and other valuables in a hotel safe, even for an additional fee. By the way, you shouldn’t leave valuables in your hotel room either, since the administration is not responsible for things not deposited in the safe.

There are no predatory animals or outbreaks of infectious diseases on the territory of San Marino. The only potential danger is the steep mountainous terrain, which makes roads and streets known for their sharp curves.

Business climate

Since 1956, San Marino has had the status of a free economic zone. The country is an attractive offshore zone and has a reputation as a “tax paradise”. It is not for nothing that many Italian companies locate their production in San Marino in order to take advantage of significant tax breaks. From the point of view of foreign investment, such areas as banking, numismatics and tourism are traditionally considered promising.

Real estate

As in many dwarf states, it is unlikely that you can buy real estate cheaply in San Marino. The opportunity to have housing in a picturesque mountainous region with excellent ecology and excellent infrastructure costs a lot of money, and, apparently, in San Marino this is understood very well, since the cost of real estate in this country is traditionally high.

The conditions for purchasing an apartment or house in San Marino are not much different from the conditions for purchasing real estate in Europe or Italy. So, today any foreigner in San Marino can purchase an apartment, villa or commercial real estate with ownership. But, unfortunately, you won’t be able to obtain citizenship this way, even if you buy a villa for several million euros. To become a citizen of San Marino, you need to have officially lived here for 30 years.

Note that in this country any real estate is subject to tax, but, fortunately, there is an agreement between Russia and San Marino that prevents double taxation.

Among residential real estate, most offers concern the sale of country houses - the apartment market is very scarce. But there are villas and luxurious mansions in large quantities. But prices for a house in San Marino usually start from 500-600 thousand euros.

San Marino is a small but proud country, and this should be taken into account when communicating with its natives. Be sure to ask permission before photographing a local resident.

Residents of San Marino are offended if they are called Italians: however, not at all because they do not like Italians, they simply value their own independence very much.

A striking difference from Italy is also manifested in restrained etiquette: when meeting or making acquaintances in San Marino, they do not hug and kiss, as in Italy, but just shake hands.

Smoking is prohibited in most public places and, incidentally, while driving a car. Violation of the latter prohibition is punishable by a fine of 100 €.

As for currency exchange, we advise you to inquire in advance about the commission percentage charged at the bank or exchange office. Since the maximum percentage is not prescribed by law, in some places it can reach 10%. Some exchange offices may also charge a fixed commission. Also note that most banks require you to present your passport when exchanging foreign currency. Banks are open on weekdays from 8.30 to 13.30 and from 15.00 to 16.00. Exchange offices are open an hour longer. By the way, the official money of San Marino - the lira - is not used here.

Republic of San Marino – small state V southern Europe. According to legend, its founder was a simple stone craftsman named Marinius.

He created a community of Christians that did not disintegrate after his death, and its members lived freely and proudly. The place where they lived was first called "Land of San Marino", then - “Community of San Marino” and only later began to be called “Republic of San Marino”.

San Marino on the world map, Europe and Italy

The state is tiny, third on the list of the smallest states in Europe.

Where is?

It is located in Europe, in its southern part, in northeastern Italy. Most likely do not know in which country the little-known San Marino is located. Italy surrounds the republic, it borders on the south and west with the Marche region, and on the north and east with the Emilia-Romagna region.

Distance from San Marino to Main historical city Italy, about 350 kilometers.

Choose plane tickets to using this search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

Quite convenient to get there by car, there are no border controls, which is a plus. Parking is free almost everywhere in the republic.

And one of the most unusual and beautiful ways to get from the capital to one of major cities, Borgo Maggiore, – By cable car (only one and a half kilometers in cabins by air with amazing beautiful views around).

Map of San Marino with cities in Russian

The state is so small that it does not even have a dozen large cities.

Large settlements

In this small republic there is only nine cities(listed by size):

  1. Serravalle;
  2. Borgo Maggiore;
  3. San Marino;
  4. Domagnano;
  5. Fiorentino;
  6. Acquaviva;
  7. Faetano;
  8. Chiesanuova;
  9. Montegiardino.

These cities are also called "castelli"(in Italian "castles").


The capital is the city of the same name San Marino. It is the third largest, both in terms of area and population. It is just over four thousand people.

The city is located on a hill, and all government institutions are located there. The government, printing house, newspaper editorial offices are right there.

Information about the state

Form of government

The Parliament of the Republic is Great General Council, numbering 60 members. They are elected by popular vote for a term of 5 years. Heads of State: two captain regents who represent the executive branch and are elected every 6 months.

Government of San Marino - State Congress. All its members (and there are 10 of them) are elected by the Great General Council for 5 years. The republic is divided into 9 districts. In any district there is a commission, it elects the head - the captain. His term of election is two years.

Population and language

The population of the republics is about thirty-three thousand people. It cannot be said that in the republic there is a concept “ official language", but the documents are maintained on Italian. The population speaks the local dialect of Italian. Most understand and can explain themselves in English language, especially in the capital.

What to see?

Perhaps all the cities of the republic are beautiful and worth visiting. The most convenient way to travel between them is by car, along roads that run along hills with amazing views. The cities of the republic themselves are a cultural and architectural heritage. Tourists can also visit towers, which are represented on the flag of San Marino.

You can enter two of the towers by paying an entrance fee, but the third is closed to the public.

In the town of San Marino, the town square has its own The Statue of Liberty. It is recommended to visit the Government Palace, the Museum of the Republic, and just take a walk along the beautiful old streets filled with the spirit of the Middle Ages.

The oldest state in Europe, San Marino, located on the slope of Monte Titano, is truly the pearl of the Apennine Peninsula. Founded in the 14th century, it, one way or another, managed to preserve its best traditions and customs, as well as the political system.

San Marino today is a fairly modern country, preserving memories of the numerous battles for independence in which it was involved indigenous people.
Residents of this amazing country Most are descended from Italians, but they are strikingly different from their neighbors.

Even the most absent-minded tourist, once in San Marino, will note the fairly calm disposition of the San Marino people, their friendliness and willingness to help. Most of all, residents value and honor the centuries-old history and customs of their homeland.

The traditional costume of the representatives of this country is practically no different from the folk clothing of the Italians. Previously, men wore light linen shirts and short trousers, while women preferred to dress up in long skirts and tunics, while choosing darker colors.
Like most small towns scattered across northern Italy, life in San Marino goes on as usual.

The country's population, which at last count is only about 32 thousand people, is quite wealthy. And the numbers confirm this. GDP per capita was more than $62,000 per year.

The peace of the miniature state is protected by its own armed forces, which include about 50 people. However, the residents themselves note that they can defend their homeland at any time.

The Republic of San Marino also boasts its own prison, which houses only one prisoner.

He is provided with truly royal living conditions: lunches and breakfasts from nearby restaurants in the city, as well as a room with a TV and a library.


Speaking about the attractions of this miniature country, it is worth noting that on its territory there are nine castle cities, which are also administrative centers: San Marino, Borgo Maggiore, Chienazuova, Domagnano, Acquaviva, Fatano, Fiorentino, Montegiardino and Serravalle.
It will not be difficult for you to get from one castle to another: they are all connected by a network of roads scattered between high mountains and undulating hills.

Not a single tourist who visits San Marino will be able to leave empty-handed. He will definitely buy ceramics traditional for the commune, or world-famous stamps and coins with state minting. Local wines and liqueurs are especially popular here, as in Italy.

Today, one of the smallest countries in the world attracts more and more tourists. San Marino can rightfully be considered a state of magnificent castles and buildings that, despite their age, have retained their original form.

Obviously, San Marino is worth including in your travel plan, because there is hardly a tourist who will refuse a delightful walk through the ancient city-state, which will preserve the memories of bygone times for a long time.