India: what you need to know before your trip. Travel to Egypt. Everything a tourist needs to know! What does a tourist need in this

What a tourist needs to know before traveling to the UAE. What currency to take. What to take with you: food, medicine, clothes. What to take your child.

What you need to know before traveling to the UAE

Any trip begins with packing your suitcases. To make your vacation a success, think seriously about the contents of your luggage. Imagine that you are flying to the UAE tomorrow, what does a tourist need to know?


First, let's figure out what currency to take in the UAE. The country's national currency is dirhams. It is assumed that in Russia you purchase dollars or euros, and upon arriving in Dubai, exchange them for dirhams. In most establishments you can pay in American dollars and euros, but you will receive change in dirhams. Bank cards They also accept it, but when traveling around the country it is better to have cash.


A trip to a Muslim country requires special attention to your wardrobe. What clothes to take to the land of eternal summer? On the one hand, the hot climate suggests light beach outfits. On the other hand, the strict laws of Islam dictate their own rules: no necklines or miniskirts. Women's clothing should be closed, opaque and not attract prying glances.

For female tourists, it will be interesting to try on Arabic attire: loose ankle-length trousers, a long dress and a black veil. But you are unlikely to want to walk the streets in it. For men, special national clothing is provided: a long white shirt “kondura”.

If you do not leave the hotel premises, you do not have to worry about your appearance. Wear whatever you want. But on the streets of the city, an immodestly dressed woman will cause dubious compliments and outright ridicule. You don't have to cover yourself from head to toe, just cover your knees and shoulders.

Men, as always, are in a privileged position. All they need to do is change from shorts to trousers and put on a T-shirt. When visiting religious sites, women and men must adhere to a dress code. It is unacceptable for men to appear bare-chested and wearing a headdress. Ladies wear a full-length skirt and cover their head and shoulders. A light scarf becomes a must-have. It will protect you from the burning sun, powerful air conditioning and indiscreet glances.

Don't forget about your headdress. It is better to wear a hat with a large brim to protect your neck and shoulders. Don’t be lazy to take beach sandals with you, otherwise moving on the hot sand will be problematic.

Your clothes in the UAE should be light, light, and made from natural fabrics. But to stay warm after sunset, bring trousers and a thin sweater. Clothing prices in the country are high, so take care of your wardrobe in advance.


In a hot country, there is a high probability of contracting an infection, so a personal first aid kit is required. People from India, Pakistan, Iran, and Bangladesh come to work in Dubai. Therefore, in addition to local viruses and bacteria, “guests” from distant, exotic countries are added. This is a big risk for a tourist from Russia, so stock up on antiseptic wipes and gels.

What medications can I take in the UAE? The simplest drugs can be transported freely:

  • antiseptics – brilliant green, iodine;
  • antipyretic – Rinza, Theraflu, etc.;
  • stomach medications – rehydron, smecta, activated carbon;
  • antispasmodics (noshpa);
  • diclofenac - ointment for bruises and sprains;
  • bactericidal patch.

If you need additional medications, have a prescription from your doctor. Find out before your trip whether the products you need are on the list of prohibited drugs. Teach that you should not take medications containing codeine and phenobarbital with you. Leave Nurofen, Imodium, Loperamide, Corvalol and similar drugs at home. It’s easier to buy an analogue at a local pharmacy than to risk it at customs.

Vacation with children

What to take with you to Dubai if you are traveling with a child? In order to relax comfortably and not run to the shops from the first day, mothers should stock up on essentials for the baby:

  • several sets of light clothing;
  • jacket with a hood;
  • a couple of shirts for swimming;
  • spare shoes;
  • sunburn cream with a high degree of protection;
  • diapers and nappies for the first time;
  • beach toys;
  • Panama hats (2-3 pieces).

In hot weather, when you need to hide from the sun, large supermarkets become your salvation. To relax with your baby in the Dubai Mall, where the air conditioning is turned on at full power, you will need warm clothes.

Separate topic - what to feed a child. Many hotels offer children's menus.

Stores sell baby purees in jars: rice porridge with additives, potatoes with carrots, mango with apple, etc.

For the first time, take with you food that your baby is accustomed to - meat and vegetable purees, muesli. You cannot take a lot of perishable dairy products, including yoghurts, curds, and kefir. It is unlikely that they will survive long-term storage.

It makes sense to take a supply of buckwheat, which is not sold in the UAE. Everything else can be bought at any supermarket, including fruits, vegetables, juices.

What food is better to take? Give preference to well-known brands such as Herber, Hipp, Nan or Nestle. You can prepare food for your child yourself if you live in an apartment. Older children eat in the hotel restaurant, where there is a large selection of dietary dishes. Buy water for drinking in stores. Tap water is drinkable, but has an unusual salty taste.

What else?

Pack your suitcase with your favorite beach towel. In the UAE, it is rare that a hotel has its own beach; most of them are public, where towels are not provided.

In addition, take with you on vacation:

  • light colored backpack;
  • camera;
  • Sunglasses;
  • before and after tanning product not lower than 30 PF;
  • insect repellents;
  • hygiene products (shampoos, gels, disinfectant wipes);
  • spare shoes;
  • shawl or scarf.

Don't forget to pack chargers for all the gadgets you take with you.

Always make copies of documents before traveling and store them separately from the original. This will make your life much easier in the event of a loss.

Religion and culture

An experienced traveler will definitely take an interest in the culture and customs of the country he is visiting before his trip. United Arab Emirates is a Muslim country with very strict rules. Although Dubai is religiously tolerant, the influence of Islam on local life is very strong.

To feel comfortable in a country with an alien mentality, tourists should respect local laws and customs.

For visitors, Dubai is a city of the future, with giant skyscrapers, luxury hotels and huge shopping malls. But local residents still observe centuries-old traditions, wear national clothes and pray 5 times a day.

When arriving in the UAE, follow these basic rules:

  1. It is indecent to look closely at people praying, much less photograph them.
  2. Increased attention to a woman is not welcome; you cannot take pictures of them or point them with your finger. Violation may result in criminal penalties.
  3. Women's clothing should not be revealing or provocative. Shorts and open sundresses are only allowed on hotel premises.
  4. It is prohibited to drink alcohol in public and appear on the street while intoxicated.

Following these simple rules will greatly simplify life in a foreign country. The response will be respect and hospitality of the local residents, and the trip will leave only pleasant memories.

According to statistics, every hundredth of them will face medical problems. One in 2,000 will end up in hospital, and one in 12,000 will require high-tech treatment. And some victims, despite having health insurance, will be forced to pay for part of the treatment out of their own pocket. How to choose the right policy that will work in case of an accident?

Tells Artur Zulfikarov, head of service department of insurance companies:

Standard medical insurance offered by travel agencies provides minimum coverage in the European Union - 30 thousand euros. And medical care around the world is very expensive, so you need to carefully review your insurance before leaving. Please be aware that your insurance may not cover treatment in some situations.

At a known address

There are other situations when the insurer may refuse to pay for treatment.

1. Self-referral to the wrong address

Case from practice: A 6-month-old child has a fever. The mother had no way to contact the insurance company. She handed the phone number to the insurance company at the reception and asked to call a doctor. The staff called a doctor they knew. The insurance company refused to pay for his visit.

Expert commentary: If you go to the doctor on your own, bypassing the customer service, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay the costs on the spot yourself, and upon arrival provide documents to the insurance company - the costs incurred will be reimbursed to you only if the experts consider the request to be justified.

2. Appeal over trifles

Lyudmila asked to send a doctor - it seemed to her that her blood pressure had risen. When she got to the medical center, she had to wait about three hours for an appointment.

Expert commentary: Medical insurance is not a VHI policy. It provides assistance with emergency situations and acute diseases. Calling a doctor to just listen, look at your throat, measure your blood pressure won’t work. And in medical centers, first of all, they deal with seriously ill patients, and then with the rest.

3. Medicines - at your own expense

Galina Sergeevna, who applied for poisoning, expected that the doctor would provide her with all the necessary medicines and refused to buy them with her own money.

Expert commentary: There is a drug reimbursement system abroad, but it applies only to citizens of the country. Tourists buy medicines with their own money at the pharmacy (doctors are prohibited from distributing them), and only those that were indicated in the doctor’s prescriptions. The cost of drugs purchased beyond a doctor's prescription is not refundable.

They will heal for their own

What happens to tourists who come on holiday to visa-free countries without insurance and got into an accident, for example?

In no country in the world will such a patient be thrown out onto the street and he will be given the necessary treatment,” explains Artur Zulfikarov. - There are intergovernmental agreements according to which emergency assistance is provided to citizens. But the patient will still be sent a bill for treatment (often quite significant). And until the patient pays for it, he will not be able to enter any country in the world - states exchange databases of “unreliable citizens.” Therefore, if you do not pay the bill for treatment in Greece, you will not receive a Schengen visa next time (today it is needed to enter 26 countries).

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Each country has its own rules and it is always better for travelers to familiarize themselves with them in advance rather than face a fine or, worse, liability for this or that action. In this article we will discuss Vietnam. A country that is always popular with Russian tourist, a country where cuisine is not for the faint of heart, and the laws still include the death penalty, so be careful and familiarize yourself with some of the rules and laws of this Asian country.

Protect the environment.

The Vietnamese approach issues of their nature very responsibly. The country prohibits the purchase, sale, and killing of wild animals. It is prohibited to take plants from nature, much less take them out of the country. Plants are sold in strictly certified retail outlets. The punishment for violation is a large fine or criminal liability.

Traditions and culture.

The Vietnamese are very calm people and their respect can be lost once and for all if you loudly swear at someone or wave your arms. Also in this country you are not allowed to shake hands. You may be asked to leave the restaurant if you start calling the waiter by gesturing with your hands. You should not touch the Vietnamese; for them it is an insult or a potential threat; you can get a very different answer, including contacting the local police, who can issue a fine.

You will be slapped with a big fine if you disrespect the Buddha in all his manifestations, this could be a statue or, for example, a souvenir. Also, when visiting Buddhist temples, be sure to take off your shoes. When leaving the temple, follow local traditions - you need to leave facing the shrines.


Being drunk in public places is not recommended; if a person attracts attention to himself, he may be taken to the police station. A positive blood alcohol test may result in a fine.

A visitor to a Buddhist temple must cover his shoulders with clothing; for men, no shorts, only trousers and other pants that completely cover the legs. Women can be in the temple provided that their skirt or dress is above the knees.


Vietnamese laws are very harsh on those who take photographs of military installations. This is best avoided. Perhaps you will come across a lenient policeman, but he will not risk his neck for tourists. The punishment can be very harsh, including imprisonment.

You should not sell electronic cigarettes in Vietnam, this may entail administrative or criminal liability. Moreover, the import of electronic cigarettes is allowed.

Prison or death penalty for drugs. Vietnam is sensitive to harmful substances. So use can end in prison, distribution or production is even more severe - death penalty. On the streets they offer tourists so-called counterfeit drugs or relaxants, the use of which is extremely dangerous to health.

10 simple rules, the knowledge of which will impress your tourism manager. Well, it will help you choose the perfect vacation.

1. Book only with an agency you trust. And if you don’t trust it, don’t book it

In tourism, everything is built on trust. A tour is not a car; you cannot touch it when purchasing it. If the agency or manager does not inspire confidence the first time, look for something else, otherwise mental anguish will prevent you from making the right choice.

2. Tell your manager everything that is really important to you.

Any vacation involves hundreds of details. Only you know what you need. Some people need pink walls in their room, others need to fly only with a certain airline. If you know that there are absolutely critical things for you (for example, the distance to the sea, the size of the beds or the name of the maid at the hotel), ask the manager about it yourself. Otherwise, these nuances risk getting lost in the kaleidoscope of information tinsel.

3. Clarify penalties in case of cancellation

This is life, and sometimes we are forced to change our plans. Even if at the time of booking you are 100% sure that your vacation will not be cancelled, check the cancellation rules. Please be aware that it is almost impossible to cancel a tour without penalties, and during the high season ( New Year, May holidays and summer) if the tour is cancelled, you won’t be able to get a penny back in most cases

4. Ask for details about all stages of booking

Purchasing any tourism product - tour, cruise, air ticket, etc. - has its own characteristics. The tour operator may allow you to pay for the tour in installments or, conversely, require full payment immediately. At the height of the season, you can receive passports with visas at the airport, and when booking hotels that are not in the guaranteed block of the tour operator, there is a risk of cancellation of the reservation even after payment. In addition, prices for some products may change several times a day and may only be current at the time of booking.

It is best to clarify all the details on the nuances of booking your specific application with the manager at the very beginning.

5. Check all documents twice

One small typo can easily become a barrier to the world of cool mojito and eiffel towers. Please check your documents as carefully as possible. Pay special attention to those that you will submit to the consulate for a visa. Check the dates of birth, the spelling of names and surnames in different documents, and the relevance of the photo. Separately, examine whether there are any obstacles to your going abroad: outstanding loans, litigation, and the like.

Ask your manager to point out any possible bottlenecks and review all documents with you.

6. Don't ask for a discount

The specifics of the tourism business are such that even the smallest discount takes away a significant piece of bread from the manager working with you. Therefore, asking a decent travel agency for a discount is bad manners. You should be especially suspicious of companies that offer discounts right out of the gate.

7. Know that the same tourist service can be bought at any travel agency at the same price

If you choose a tour by contacting two or more agencies, you should know that there is no concept of exclusivity in tourism as such. If one product is in travel agency X, then it will definitely be in travel agency Y, and at the same price.

Therefore, feel free to give preference to the agency you like most, not paying attention to signs with tempting prices, “special” offers and promotions.

8. Check departure times one day before departure

A reputable travel agency will do this work for you, but remember: always check the departure time of your flight one day before departure on the website of the airport, tour operator or airline. Changing the scheduled departure time, especially for charter flights, is common.

9. If possible, take care of your vacation in advance

Contrary to the common stereotype about last-minute travel packages, we recommend planning your vacation in advance. And it’s not just about the prices, which are the best if you book early (at least two months in advance). The most popular hotels and the most convenient flights usually sell out quickly, so if you leave your purchase until the last minute, you risk choosing from something that no one else needs.

Besides, early booking makes it possible not to rush to collect documents and make it easier to obtain a visa.

10. If you want to express gratitude, leave recommendations

If your vacation was a success, The best way thanking a hotel, airline or travel agency is a positive review. Do this on the travelers website, at in social networks or just when meeting friends. And save the tips you save for your next trip.