Webcam White Bay beach in the city of Santa Cruz, Virgin Islands. Webcam beach white bay in the city of santa cruz virgin islands webcam white bay island

In the territory North America There are many resort areas where you can spend a quality vacation. The territory of some islands is distinguished by amazing nature, excellent white sand beaches, warm sea. Here they did everything possible to improve the quality of your holiday. comfort local hotels no questions asked, comfortable rooms, additional facilities on site, including swimming pools and other entertainment. The Virgin Islands are one of the most amazing places in the country; large groups and families come here. Flora and fauna make you feel like you are in paradise, the sun shines most of the time, rain is rare and short-lived during holiday trips. The White Bay beach is very popular; such a holiday always leaves pleasant impressions for the whole year ahead. So that people could appreciate the advantages of this place, a webcam was installed on the beach. The broadcast can be viewed at any time convenient for the user, it is completely free and helps you learn a lot of useful information, not only regarding the general infrastructure of the facility, but also the weather. And the weather here is always pleasant; on particularly hot days you can enjoy a passive holiday on the beach, basking in the sun and swimming in the water. The Virgin Islands offer many excursions, but most often people come here for beach holiday. The webcam installed here demonstrates the quality of the beach; you can see the height of the waves and evaluate the strength of the wind. The device broadcasts images around the clock in real time. Regardless of what you have at the time of viewing geographical position, you can connect to viewing with a high-quality Internet connection.

Just four centuries ago, few people knew about this tiny land, which is why in the 17th century the Dutch corsair Jost van Dyck chose Caribbean island for a hidden refuge. Today, the name of the Virginia baby is included in all tourist brochures; the voyage to Jost Van Dyke is rated extremely highly, because no one has yet come up with better conditions for relaxation than nature itself.

Jost Van Dyke on the map

Jost Van Dyke Island on the world map or detailed map The islands can be viewed using the navigation buttons (+/-).

The alluring Caribbean is a large scattering of islands, which include the Lesser Antilles. The British Virgin Islands flourish in the archipelago of the latter, and Jost van Dyke is located in their western part. Its dimensions are small - about 8 km² (length - 6.5 km, width - 2.4 km), however, in the family of British Virginia brothers there are even smaller representatives, so the fourth place in area is well deserved. Highest point Mount Rauch Hill (321 m) is recognized.

The closest neighbor is Tortola, about 5 km to the northwest from the shores of the main British Virgin Islands. The title of administrative center is assigned to the settlement of Great Harbor. There are approximately 250 local residents.

Hospitable Jost van Dyke is unique; here it will not be difficult to combine all types of recreation, which the Caribbean Sea is generous with. Secluded serenity is guaranteed: uncrowded beaches, quiet coves, untouched nature. If you get tired of beach languor, you can easily switch to leisure, fortunately, there are plenty of sea activities - diving, mini-cruises, fishing, snorkeling, yachting. Although Jost Van Dyke is quite compact, wandering naturalists will find a lot of beautiful places. The basis local cuisine consists of seafood, fragrant spices, exotic fruits and vegetables, but gourmets will not feel any shortage of meat delicacies.

For lovers of noisy and fun leisure, there are forays to Tortola, where colorful shopping, a lot of cultural and historical impressions, and sparkling shows are provided. But most often tourists go to Jost van Dyke precisely for peace, sun, and romance.

Jost Van Dyke, like most island formations in the Caribbean, is volcanic in origin, which explains its mountainous landscape. The outline of the island, when viewed from above, is intricately curved, with many bays and bays, edged with lace of corals, against the backdrop of boundless waters Caribbean Sea they look incredible!

Precipitation is rare, but there is enough moisture for mahogany trees, fruit groves, tree fern thickets, and reed plantations. The fauna of Jost van Dyke is mainly represented by rodents, lizards, endemic leatherback turtles, and birds. A separate conversation about underwater inhabitants - coastal waters abound with giant lobsters, numerous species of fish, and shellfish.

Attractions Jost van Dyke

The wealth of Jost Van Dyke is its nature, which is also its main attraction. Diamond Reef is definitely worth a visit. The coral shelf area is so named due to the numerous birds that cover the area so densely that from a distance it resembles an iridescent living canvas.

White Beach is the pearl of the island. An amazing place that attracts tourists with its calm turquoise waters and gorgeous scenery, it is one of the ten best beaches on the planet. However, the emotions from relaxing on any of the beaches will be enchanting. It is advisable to look into the now famous Wet Bill Bar. The establishment owes its name to its location: yachts moor not far from the bar, and people who dream of enjoying exotic cocktails have to jump into the water along with their wallets.

In the autumn-winter period, travelers gather on the shore to watch the large-scale migration of dolphins and whales. Excursions to the bird and sea sanctuaries of Jost van Dyke will be of interest to everyone, without exception, and those thirsting for fantastic sensations will enjoy the so-called jacuzzi in the bays of the eastern part of the island - sea water, penetrating through the narrow gaps between the boulders, literally “boils” with millions of bubbles.

When is the best time to go to Jost Van Dyke?

Winter temperatures on Jost Van Dyke differ slightly from summer temperatures: +22-24˚ and +28-29˚, respectively. Even during the rainy season (September-December), precipitation on the island is infrequent - a maximum of six days per month. The high season is December-April.

Only the vacationer himself can ruin a wonderful vacation on Jost Van Dyke. If you take a responsible approach to choosing a tour operator, take into account weather nuances, take care of the necessary papers in advance and do not violate local laws, then nothing can interfere with your magical vacation under the auspices of the Caribbean sun.

Jost Van Dyke Island(population about 300 people), named after the Dutch pirate, is small in size, lies 5 km northwest of the coast of Tortola. Stretching from west to east, a small (only 8 sq. km) island with heavily indented shores is, like many islands in the group, of volcanic origin. Quiet and a little sleepy during the day, this island simply explodes with energy after sunset, and then... local restaurants and in bars the fun and music do not stop until the morning. This is especially noticeable during the Christmas holidays, New Year and All Saints' Day.

Jost Van Dyke - beautiful place for walking. Those who see perfect holiday to get up early and take a walk in the hilly areas - they have a lot of opportunities for this. The island has many old paths that cross it in different directions. You can walk from the old harbor in half an hour Great Harbor to the bay White Bay, or to the harbor Little Harbor. In Great Harbor you will find a variety of bars and restaurants on the white beach surrounded by coconut palms. White Bay is a great place for snorkeling among huge coral reefs. A water sports center is located in the same bay. Sandy Cay And Sandy Spit- 2 tiny deserted islands with fine, powdery sand. Those who are looking for complete solitude and merging with nature can come here for 1-2 days.

The main village of the island is Great Harbor consists of picturesque wooden buildings standing on the shore of a beautiful bay surrounded by mountains with sandy beaches, which start almost from the threshold of a few houses. In fact, this is not even a city - three main streets stretch parallel to the seashore, connected to each other by short alleys. Center resort area- the palm-fringed beach of Great Harbor Bay - not the best place on the island for swimming, but the closest beach area to the restaurants and shops of Main Street. A little further west is the beach of White Bay, considered best beach on the island and one of the 10 best in the region (there are also good bars Soggy Dollar and Gertrude, as well as a hotel and several shops). Also good are the shores of tiny Sandy Reef Island off the southeast coast of Jost Van Dyke and the isolated Sandy Spit Beach.

The island is surrounded by numerous reefs with several good places for diving in the area of ​​Little Yost Van Dyke Island, Green Cay and Sandy Cay. In autumn and winter, you can watch whales and dolphins passing on their seasonal migration routes very close to the island’s shores, or visit the “natural hot tubs” of the eastern peninsula, formed by foaming sea ​​waters seething in narrow passages between boulders. Nearby Great Tobago offers excellent dive sites and a marine reserve that protects a colony of frigate birds. And in the very east of the island, in Diamond Cay, lies the 1.25-acre bird sanctuary of the same name. Covering almost the entire bay and parts of the nearby islands of Sandy Cay, Sandy Spit and Little Jost Van Dyke, this reserve protects the beaches where the endangered leatherback turtles lay their eggs, as well as two endemic species of lizards and several species of birds, including sea turtles. terns, gannets and pelicans.

Online webcams in the British Virgin Islands provide the opportunity to virtual trip for this overseas territory, located in the northeastern part of the Virgin Islands archipelago in the northeastern Caribbean Sea. See the weather, beaches and attractions in the British Virgin Islands using web cameras in real time.

Archipelago Virgin Islands – real paradise for millionaires, where you can retire to the lap wildlife and while away the winter without depriving yourself of comfort and convenience while traveling.

Virgin Islands Climate

The weather in the archipelago is influenced by the tropics, so summer reigns here for 365 days a year. The coldest months are December and January, when temperatures drop to 29 degrees above zero. The hottest month is August with air temperatures above 32 degrees. However, it is in the summer that there is a series of strong hurricanes and heavy rains that can ruin excursions in the Virgin Islands.

Sights and recreation in the Virgin Islands

If we talk about the Virgin Archipelago, then each individual island with its small, but cozy cities are unique attractions that should be visited in real time.
Tortola Island is the main and largest island, which among local residents is called the “Land of the Turtle Dove.” This place is popular among vacationers who decide to visit the Virgin Islands for its incredible landscapes - the slopes of ancient volcanoes smoothly flow into a dry coast, dotted with its bays and bays.
Road Town is administrative center Virgin Island, main port archipelago. Located on the coast of Rhode Bay. It is in this agglomeration that the bulk of the archipelago’s attractions are concentrated:
Main Street - today it is main promenade agglomeration, which is completely dotted with small shops, boutiques, souvenir shops, restaurants and cafes. Here travelers can find everything they need for a vacation.
The post office (mid-18th century) is an ancient, monumental building that was built back in 1787. It is a small but atmospheric white building, with a brick-colored staircase leading to the entrance.
St. Phillips Anglican Church is the first Christian chapel built in the Virgin Islands. Slaves who were rescued after the sinking of the Portuguese ship Donna Paula took part in its founding. Thousands of tourists come every year to see the ruins of the Anglican church, consecrated in honor of St. Philip.
The building of the old governor's residence, Old Government House, is a monumental building that today houses the Public Museum. This complex introduces tourists to unique story Virgin Islands, local customs and traditions.
The botanical garden is located on the island of Tortola. It spreads over an area of ​​over 1.6 hectares, so this paradise suitable for secluded walks in the lap of nature. Here, vacationers can see the ruins of an experimental agricultural station, built on the territory of the garden over 100 years ago. You will also be pleased with the orchid house where you can enjoy various types these beautiful plants.
Fort George is an ancient fortification structure that was built in the 17th century. The fortress is located on the slope of Fort Hill, which offers incredible views of the surrounding area.
The Center for Applied Marine Research is located at Levity-Stouts College. The main direction of his activity is the development of various educational and scientific programs. On the territory of the center you can find both an art gallery and a small museum complex, where exhibitions dedicated to local nature, folk crafts and key historical events are exhibited.
The Virgin Islands are a unique archipelago where today you can find entertainment for every taste and color. Both excursion tourism and active tourism are developed here. aquatic species sports, and a secluded beach holiday.

Beaches of the Virgin Islands

There are many beaches in the Virgin Islands. We present a list of the best of them.
Devil’s Bay is located in the northern part of the British Virgin Islands in the Devil’s Bay of the same name. The sand spit is covered with snow-white sand, which contrasts picturesquely with the azure of the sea. The length of the beach is not too long, but vacationers will not have to huddle and feel constrained.
White Bay - located in White Bay on the northern coast of the archipelago. Tourists here will find all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable stay. The beach is covered with snow-white sand, palm trees grow on the shore. The entrance to the sea is gentle.
Spring Bay National Park- a sand spit that stretches 105 meters. The main feature of the beach is that there are large stones on the shore of Spring Bay, so tourists will have to show all their dexterity and ingenuity to overcome these obstacles on the way to the sea.

Online webcams of the Virgin Islands are a great opportunity to visit this paradise of our planet, appreciate the beauty of the landscapes and just dream about relaxing on one of the comfortable beaches covered with coral sand.