How long does it take to check in for a flight at the airport? How long does it take to check in for a plane and when does it start? Filling out the immigration card

After completing the check-in procedure and other formalities before departure, you go directly to the departure area or waiting room, where you will wait for the boarding announcement. Even if there is enough time left before departure, you won’t be bored there - in the departure area there are cozy cafes and duty-free shops for shopping lovers. To avoid unforeseen situations and not to be late for departure, it is worth knowing what time boarding begins. As a rule, boarding of the plane is announced after the completion of the passenger check-in procedure for the flight. Having arrived in advance at the waiting room where the “gate” or gates are located, the first thing you have to do is find your gate, so that you don’t have to look for it at the last minute and, God forbid, get lost. Once the required gate has been found, you need to check the flight number on the sign at the gate and the number indicated in boarding pass. The data must match.

Important! Gate numbers sometimes change for unknown reasons, so it is important to arrive at the boarding gate no later than half an hour before departure and constantly monitor the announcements and information on the board.

Boarding pass

Without a document such as a boarding pass, you will not be allowed to board. It is issued to each passenger after completing the registration procedure. If check-in is successfully completed through terminals or the Internet, you can print your boarding pass yourself. You can do this in the following ways:

  • at the registration desk at the station;
  • via terminal self-registration for a flight;
  • via an online service.

In unforeseen situations, when your boarding pass is forgotten at home, or for unknown reasons it becomes damaged (it gets wet, torn, wrinkled), you always have the opportunity to print out a new one. This document contains important information for passengers:

  • flight number (denoted as Flight);
  • number and location of the seat in the aircraft cabin (Seat);
  • Boarding time & Gate closes, sometimes only one thing is indicated, for example, the start time of boarding;
  • Gate number for passengers to board.

You should always keep your boarding pass handy along with your passport, as sometimes your identity documents may be double-checked before your flight.

Features of boarding passengers on an airplane

The boarding pass must indicate the start time of passengers boarding. This information will be announced over the airport's public address system several times, but it is better to arrive five to ten minutes earlier than the time indicated on the ticket so as not to be late. Upon arrival at the gate or gate where passengers board, it is important to double-check your flight number and gate number to make sure you are on the right track. When exiting, you will be required to present your boarding pass, and in certain cases, your passport (usually your identity document is checked before boarding domestic flights). The ticket has two parts, the larger one will be torn off and the smaller one will be left to the passenger. To be sure, this part of the coupon should be checked again - it contains information about the luggage (luggage tags), which will make it possible to identify and find your suitcases among the luggage upon arrival.

After passing through the Gate at large airports, you will board the plane either by bus, which delivers all passengers on the flight to the ramp, or along an accordion air corridor connecting directly the station terminal and the aircraft. Having walked up the stairs or along the “sleeve” to the plane, you will be warmly greeted by flight attendants who welcome you on board the plane and will help you find and take the seat in the cabin indicated on your boarding pass. Hand luggage should be carefully placed on the shelf to avoid inconvenience and discomfort during the flight.

Start and end time of boarding

Usually, exact time the beginning and end of boarding of passengers on board the aircraft is indicated on the boarding pass, written on all the airport’s numerous information boards and announced orally over the loudspeaker. But you don’t have to look at your ticket or wait for an announcement to rationally calculate your time and not be late for boarding. For those unlucky enough to be late due to their own fault, the ticket price will not be refunded. It is worth taking care of timely arrival at the desired gate in advance. You just need to know the departure time of the plane and the end time of passenger check-in.

Attention! On international flights boarding is 10–20 minutes earlier than for domestic flights.

Passengers traveling internationally should arrive at the gate no later than 40 minutes before departure, while those traveling domestically should arrive at the gate half an hour before departure. At small airports, boarding sometimes begins 20 minutes before departure for domestic flights, and 30 minutes for international flights. This is due to the fact that in international airports Often there is a long queue, and in smaller ones there is a smaller one, so the check-in procedure and subsequent boarding takes much less time.

Online registration begins in 24 hours and ends in 45 minutes before flight departure and is available when departing from the following cities:

Anapa, Antalya, Bangkok*, Goa, Ekaterinburg, Heraklion, Kazan, Kerkyra, Kos, Larnaca, Moscow (Vnukovo airport), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Pardubice, Paphos, Perm, Phuket, Rhodes, Samara, St. St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Tyumen, Ufa, Sharjah, Eilat, Enfidha**.

* At Bangkok and Eilat airports, online check-in closes 4 hours 10 minutes before departure.
** At Enfidha Airport, online check-in closes 5 hours 10 minutes before departure and boarding passes received through online check-in must be reissued at the airport check-in counter .

If you are traveling with baggage that exceeds the carry-on baggage limit, you must check your baggage at the designated DROP OFF check-in counter or at your flight's check-in counter before check-in time ends.

If your luggage exceeds the free baggage allowance in weight or dimensions, you must pay excess baggage according to the tariffs set by the airline.
Read the baggage rules and pay attention to the list of items and substances restricted/prohibited for transportation.

You can use the online check-in service for Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 in the following cases:

    You do not need special services, such as accompanying a child without parents, accompanying seriously ill people on stretchers, etc.;

    You travel without animals, do not carry weapons and heavy luggage;

    You do not have additional seats in the aircraft cabin, including for luggage.

How to check in for a flight online:

1. On the official website of Rossiya Airlines, go to the online check-in service page (the “Online check-in” button) or use the service’s direct address.

2. Fill in the fields in accordance with the itinerary receipt:

  • Passenger's last name. Enter the passenger's last name as it appears on the ticket itinerary receipt. Example: RYBAKOV (when entering copied text, check that there are no hidden spaces), a double surname is also entered together without spaces, for example, ALEKSANDROVAANDREEVA.
  • Number of ticket. Enter number electronic ticket as indicated in the itinerary receipt. Example: 1952420251055

3. Read and agree to the online registration rules, privacy policy, terms and conditions of service and the list of major hazardous substances and items prohibited for transportation on board the aircraft.

4. To identify the passenger, click the “Search” button.

If identification is successful, the page will display flight information, passenger information and online check-in status.

The status of online registration can be displayed in two states: OPEN or CLOSED - in accordance with the activity of the service. By clicking the button, you can view information about the start and end times of check-in at the airport, as well as the start and end times of boarding the plane.

The “Passenger selected for registration” field displays the passenger whose last name was indicated during authentication;

If you have a companion(s), you can add him/her for online check-in together by clicking on the "Add Passenger" button and entering the last name and ticket number.

5. Select the last name of the passenger(s) you are registering and click the “Proceed to Online Check-in” button.

6. Click the “Select Seat” button to select seats on the aircraft cabin map.

When choosing a location, be guided by the following symbols:

Passenger's chosen seat

Blocked seats and seats already selected by other passengers

Paid seats in the “Space+ Upper Deck” category

Paid seats in the “Space+” category*

Paid seats in the “A-ZONE” and “FRONT ROWS” categories

Paid seats category "B-ZONE" (preferred seats)

Seats of category “C-ZONE” (standard seats) available for selection

Places equipped with bassinets for babies

Seats equipped with bassinets are provided to passengers with infants aged no more than 1 year and weighing no more than 11 kg. The number of seats with carrycot attachments on board is limited. Length of the cradle: 75 cm.

According to flight safety rules, we can offer a passenger with an infant under 2 years of age a limited number of seats to choose from in the aircraft cabin - the outer seats near the aisle, with the exception of some blocks of seats.

*For pre-purchased Space+ seats at emergency exits, you must check in for your flight and receive a boarding pass at the airport check-in counter.

Before completing online registration, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the seating diagram:Boeing 747-400, Boeing 737-800.
The layout and location of seats on board the aircraft may vary due to slight differences in modifications of individual aircraft.

7. Select additional services. An insurance policy is included with your order by default.

If necessary, the passenger can click on the “SELECTED” button to remove the service from the order; after clicking, the button will change to the “SELECT” button. When you press the “SELECT” button again, a new window opens in which you can select the “Insurance” service for each passenger.

It is possible to issue a voluntary insurance policy on Rossiya Airlines flights numbered FV5501-5949 if you have an issued air ticket on the website in the section - 24 hours, but no later than 2 hours before the flight departure.

When departing from Vnukovo, you can choose Additional Meals from the “Shokoladnitsa” menu, as well as the “Congratulations on Board” service, before check-in and no later than 7 hours before flight departure. You can select additional services by pressing the "Select" button.

8. After selecting your seat and additional services, click the “Proceed to payment” button.

If you select a paid location and/or a paid service, you must enter your mobile phone number and e-mail, then go to the payment page and make a payment.

The passenger's status will change to "Registered", the selected seat will be assigned to the passenger, a boarding pass and payment receipt will be generated.

9. The boarding pass and receipt are generated in PDF format. Use the buttons:

“BOARDING PASS” - for immediate viewing and printing of the pass;

“RECEIPT” - for immediate viewing and printing of a receipt (for paid seats)

“QR CODE” - for immediate viewing and printing of the QR code.

“Send documents by e-mail” - in order to print all documents later. Please provide the email address(es) to which your boarding pass will be sent.

10. Online registration is completed.


A paper boarding pass is required to proceed to the boarding gate. If you were unable to print your boarding pass at home, you can print your boarding pass at self-check-in kiosks at the airport or at the airport check-in counter.

How to cancel registration:

1. In order to cancel registration if a free seat was previously selected, the passenger must be identified.

3. In the window that opens, you must confirm your intention to cancel online registration.

4. Cancellation of online registration is completed.

5. Cancellation of online registration in case of purchasing paid seats with additional comfort is not possible. Return Money for the purchased service occurs in accordance with the claim procedure in accordance with

In connection with the introduction of additional security measures at airports for passing security control procedures, and for international transport, also border and customs formalities
you must arrive at the departure airport in advance .

In order to ensure flight safety, the airline reserves the right to change the seats you have chosen without prior notice, as well as to refuse flight if:

    Before the end of ground check-in (40 minutes before departure), you did not have time to go through all the pre-flight procedures regulated by the airport of departure.

    You arrive at the gate after the boarding time has passed.

The check-in procedure for a plane can take a lot of time. Each air carrier warns customers in advance that it must be completed in a timely manner, within the time frame established for this.

When does check-in for domestic flights start and how long before it ends? Russian airlines? When does a passenger need to arrive at the airport to catch the plane on time?

Check-in times for domestic flights

To get on board the plane in time for departure, you first need to know how long it takes to check-in for domestic flights of the airline company. Most often, according to the rules of most airlines, it begins two hours before departure time. However, the start time may be set by the rules of a particular airport.

Check-in of passengers and baggage for domestic flights stops 30-40 minutes before departure. Please remember that each airline can set its own time. Therefore, it is better to check with the air carrier in advance when purchasing a ticket how long it takes to end at the airport.

How much time should I arrive at the airport so as not to be late for check-in?

If a passenger has not checked in for a flight before the specified time, the airline has the right to dispose of his seat on the plane at its discretion. In this regard, even a five-minute delay can have unpleasant consequences for the delayed traveler. How to determine how much time is best to arrive at the airport so as not to be late for check-in time for your flight?

Often, airline employees themselves advise their passengers to have at least one or two hours left before the end of the registration procedure. Especially if the passenger is flying for the first time or is unfamiliar with the airport. By this time, you should consider visiting duty free or additional packing of existing luggage before checking in for your flight. Registration may take longer, for example due to a long line at the counter. IN major airports It’s a good idea to find out in advance how long it will take to get from the entrance to the counter and find the desired terminal.

Online registration

Today, a passenger can not only purchase air tickets for any flight via the Internet, but also go through online check-in. The procedure is quite simple: the passenger checks in for the flight and checks in luggage, if necessary, by entering information into a special form on the airline’s website. After that on mobile phone will be sent which is printed directly at the airport, using a special device in front of the control line.

When does online check-in for domestic flights start and how long before it ends? You can check in for a flight online one day or 23 hours before departure. This procedure ends in most airlines when there is 1 hour left before departure. Some air carriers, such as Aeroflot, have extended the closing time for online check-in to 45 minutes.

Is there a chance to get on the plane after check-in time ends?

Of course, arriving at the airport with enough time to spare - The best way fly away without unnecessary nerves. But even knowing how long it takes to check-in for domestic flights, it’s impossible to predict everything. If a passenger is still late for check-in, is he still able to board his flight? Of course, if the plane has already left the airport, it is impossible to get on it. But in the case when registration is no longer carried out, but the plane has not taken off, the passenger has a small chance of getting on board.

If check-in is completed and there are less than 40, but more than 25 minutes left before the departure time, you can use a special counter, which is called, respectively, “Check-in counter for late passengers.” For everyone except business class ticket holders, the registration procedure in this case will be paid.

Counters where latecomers can check in are available at most airports. If they are missing, the passenger can contact a representative of the airline operating his flight. As a rule, these employees are located near the check-in counter before the aircraft departs. If there is enough time before departure, an airline representative can also escort a late passenger on board.

So, you are going to the airport. A passport, ticket, documents for the child have been prepared (passport, birth certificate, consent of the spouse for the departure of your child). You haven’t forgotten a wallet with money from the country you are interested in, a return ticket (it is needed to get to many countries, and it can “take” you not necessarily home, but to another country), as well as the card with which you paid for the ticket (in some airlines may require it). The suitcase was also collected, and even carefully measured with a measuring tape and weighed. When to call a taxi?

Experienced passengers are sure: If the flight is domestic, you need to arrive 2 hours before departure. If you are international or you are a beginner, then for three. Add to this time the route to the airport, taking into account possible traffic jams and congestion.

And now about the same thing, but in more detail.

  1. Incoming control. Even if you are not flying anywhere, but just meeting your husband/brother/matchmaker, you will be asked to send your bag to the scanner and go through the metal detector yourself. If something in the bag alerts the employee, he will ask you to open it and show the contents.
  2. Departures board. Same as on train station. Look on your ticket to see what your flight number looks like and look for it on the board. It contains Latin letters as well as numbers. If it says next to it that registration is open, or if an empty field lights up, you’ve made it. If it is indicated that landing in progress- alas...
  3. You check in and receive a boarding pass, after which (if necessary) you check in your luggage, receiving luggage tag. You will receive your suitcase after boarding. He will fly with you, only in the cargo compartment.
  4. Go through passport control and pre-flight inspection(again, a metal detector + scanner for all things, but this check is more thorough), and in some cases you will have to communicate with customs officers.
  5. The waiting room where you will stay until boarding. There are cafes and shops here.
  6. Boarding a plane to which a certain gate will lead. At large airports, buses wait for people behind the gates, and less often, there is an accordion corridor leading to the door of the aircraft.

Registration time and procedure

How does registration work? An airline representative checks the documents of all passengers, their tickets (although sometimes only a passport is enough, since they have all the information in the database), and then hands over a boarding pass with the number of your seat on board. If you are one of the first in line, you can ask the employee to find you a more comfortable seat (for example, one where you can stretch your legs well).

Have you already registered elsewhere? They will send you a coupon - be sure to print it out. It is this, and not the ticket, that guarantees that you will be allowed on the plane. By the way, in addition to the flight number, it will indicate the exact departure time.

You can register:

  • from home, via the Internet (though not always - information about such registration is on the websites of carrier companies);
  • through a self-check-in terminal (this method can be recommended not only for experienced travelers). Its advantage is that you don't have to stand in line at the counter. These smart machines (also called self-check-in kiosks) can read information from your passport and also print out the boarding pass you need.

Self-check-in (especially if done in advance, via the Internet - it opens about a day before the flight, although VizAir allows you to check-in a month in advance) gives you the advantage of choosing your favorite seat on the plane. Well, people who will go through “off-line” check-in near the airport employee’s desk, especially those last in line, will already receive what’s left... However, this rule has an exception: sometimes companies indicate specific information on their tickets seat, which is assigned to this passenger. Most often, these are places of increased comfort, for which a person pays extra.

If you checked in online but forgot your boarding pass at home, you will have to visit the check-in counter and they will issue you a new one. In some cases, you can register using your mobile phone. The coupon will be sent to you and does not need to be printed - it will be checked through the screen of your phone.

Registration usually starts 2 hours before and ends 40 minutes before departure., smoothly “flowing” into the landing.

If you are late for this procedure, or arrive on time, but without necessary documents, you will be denied boarding.

Boarding time

After check-in, you are taken to the departure area (waiting room). Here people are waiting for the airline to check their documents. last passenger and announce landing. Even if it seems to you that there is still time, immediately find the gate you need. Your boarding pass contains your flight number - the same one should appear on the sign above the gate. Only after figuring out how to get to this “departure point” can you set off to explore the fascinating world of duty-free.

It's worth remembering: gate numbers sometimes change, so don't stay in stores until the last minute. It is in your interests to appear at the boarding gate no later than 15 minutes before boarding, that is, a maximum of 25-45 minutes before departure (depending on the length of your flight and what city you are in, this will be discussed in more detail below) . You can’t be late: if a passenger “goes on a spree” and doesn’t make it in time, the money for the ticket won’t be returned to him - it’s his own fault.

Boarding times are constantly reminded to passengers, broadcast on information boards and repeated over loudspeakers.

Domestic flights

  • At large airports (for example, in the capital), boarding begins 30-40 minutes and ends 15-20 minutes before departure.
  • At small airports (say, in Barnaul, Irkutsk, and so on) it starts 25-30 and ends 15-10 minutes before the “start”.

International flights

  • Large airports: starts 60 to 40 minutes, ends 25 to 20 minutes before departure.
  • Small: starts in 40-30 minutes, ends in 20-15 minutes.

Why is there such a big time difference? It's simple: the larger the airport, the longer the queues. And in smaller cities there are practically no such services, so the service is faster.

That's all! Now you can sit back and fly beautifully into the sunset.

By the way! When checking in, passengers are often asked to select a seat on the plane. There is no need to think that they are all the same - there are more and less comfortable chairs. In addition, many salons are designed differently, so the seats in them are not at all identical. This video will help you make the right choice!