A work of fiction mentioning the elixir of eternal life. Is there an elixir of immortality? Is there eternal life? Breathing of young girls

Other Worlds Gorbovsky Alexander Alfredovich

New elixir of immortality?

New elixir of immortality?

The famous Russian scientist V. M. Bekhterev studied the problem of immortality. I. I. Mechnikov worked hard on this problem, trying to obtain a certain serum that would stimulate the activity of cells and thereby rejuvenate the entire body. In fact, it was one of the variants of the same elusive “elixir of immortality,” only at the level of science. Some semblance of such a serum was produced by the Soviet academician A. A. Bogomolets. This composition increased the stability of the aging body and actually produced a certain rejuvenating effect.

The Swiss doctor P. Nigans strove for the same goal, but in different ways. He tried to rejuvenate the body by injecting it with serum from the tissues of newborn deer.

It turns out that various compositions have some rejuvenating properties. Thus, in experiments conducted at the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, mice were injected with royal jelly from bees. As a result, the life expectancy of the test subjects doubled!

Soviet scientists developed the drug NRV - petroleum growth substance. After taking NRV, performance increased, gray people's hair darkened, tissue metabolism improved, etc. However, during long-term testing, this version of the “elixir of youth” did not justify itself. (Currently, NPV as a stimulant is approved only for external use.) But most of all hopes and expectations for returning youth and prolonging life are associated with hormones.

When thyroid hormone was administered to older people, the results were amazing: literally rejuvenation of the entire body began. However, the beneficial effect was short-lived.

One of the researchers working in this area, the American doctor Robert A. Wilcoy, has set himself the noble but difficult task of restoring youth to women. He developed a complex course of treatment, including a specific diet, taking vitamins and salts in combination with injections of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Allegedly, he managed not only to stop the age-related changes occurring in the body, but also to cause something like a reverse process. And what is especially important, these changes affected not only general condition, but also appearance, to which women, not without reason, attach so much importance.

For several years now, one of the Swedish clinics has been successfully working with the hormone thymosin. Experiments on mice exceeded all expectations and hopes. The hormone slowed down their aging process so much that time seemed to stand still for them. Hormone injections were also given to patients. A correspondent who visited the clinic met a woman there who looked to be about 60 years old.

It turned out that she was actually 89 years old. The doctor himself involved in these experiments believes that systematic administration of the hormone could increase life expectancy to 130 years.

In light of these facts, it does not seem an exaggeration to report a “rejuvenating hormone” for some insects, which was isolated in one of the laboratories. The introduction of this hormone can ensure that the insect remains at a “young age” for an unlimited time. This discovery, like others discussed, gives hope that sooner or later a similar hormonal composition can be found for humans.

But perhaps, others say, it’s not the hormones at all. We cut branches, they say, without touching the roots.

The roots of aging lie elsewhere - in the fact that over the years, the body accumulates a large number of fragments of molecules with high electrical potential, so-called “free radicals”. They cause unwanted and irreversible changes in the body. If only we could find a way to neutralize them...

And now messages have been received about the first steps. The simplest remedy was used - preservatives used in industry to prevent oil spoilage. Experiments on mice showed that individuals from the experimental group lived almost one and a half times longer than those from the control group. In relation to humans, this means that life could be extended to an average of 105 years. Modest result? Maybe. But this is just the beginning. If we learn to neutralize “free radicals,” some scientists believe, human life can be extended to several centuries.

There are other directions too. And they promise even more.

Here is a man who is not much different from others.

It's probably no different at all. And only by accidentally touching his hand, you can feel that it is unusually cold. Feel it - and not attach any importance to it. Or - to give, if we know what this could mean. If we know about the experiments that are currently being conducted to artificially reduce body temperature.

If you introduce a solution of sodium and calcium into the thermostat of our body - the hypothalamus - you can regulate the temperature of the entire body in a certain way. By performing this manipulation on monkeys, it was possible to reduce their body temperature by as much as 6°C. At the same time, the monkeys themselves did not freeze, were neither sleepy nor lethargic - no side effects were noticed.

Now it’s time for humans and experiments on humans.

But why, what is the point of this?

The meaning is still the same - prolongation of life. If you lower a person’s body temperature by just 2°, their life expectancy will increase to an average of 200 years. At a body temperature of 33°, a person is expected to live about 700 years! According to the researcher, “if the thermostat is adjusted more low temperature, there is no reason to assume that we will feel differently than at 37°; we will react to changes in external temperature in exactly the same way as now.”

It is assumed that the remedy for such a reduction in temperature will be produced in the form of pills that everyone can buy. When? Typically, the period from the discovery of a drug to its mass production and sale is 5-6 years. If this discovery is tested on volunteers and proves itself, perhaps such a drug will begin to be produced in the coming years.

There is no contradiction in the very many paths along which the search for a new “elixir of immortality” is taking place. One path illuminates the search on another path, in another direction.

The results of experiments in recent years and decades - don’t they suggest that the messages of the ancients about “elixirs of youth” and eternal life are not such fairy tales?

Perhaps some kind of memory was reflected in the evidence that has reached us, some echo of reality was preserved?

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It always seemed to a person that the period of life allotted to him was too short. Many tried to correct the matter, looking for ways to prolong life or even make it endless. Some people almost succeeded...

"Mahabharata" - the epic of Ancient India - tells the story of the sap of some mysterious tree, which prolongs a person's life to ten thousand years. But where exactly one should look for him remained a mystery. Ancient Greek historians also knew about the “tree of life,” however, they already argued that it was not sap, but the fruits of some overseas tree that could restore youth to a person, but not give immortality. Russian epics sing of “living water,” the source of which was located in the middle of the ocean on the island of Buyan. But no one has ever found either the “tree of life” or the source of “living water.”

Nevertheless, the search for the means of eternal life continued. When Christopher Columbus discovered unknown new lands in the West in Atlantic Ocean, hopes of finally finding the source of immortality were transferred there. Some even believed that it had already been found and gave the exact coordinates. Thus, the Italian humanist Pedro Martyr, a close acquaintance of Columbus, wrote to Pope Leo X:

“North of Hispaniola, among other islands, there is one island at a distance of three hundred and twenty miles from it, as those who found it say. On the island there flows an inexhaustible spring of running water of such wonderful quality that an old man who drinks it while following a certain diet will after a while turn into a young man. I beg Your Holiness, do not think that I said this out of frivolity or at random: this rumor has really established itself at court as an undoubted truth, and not only the common people, but also many of those who stand above the crowd in their intelligence or wealth, too they believe him."

It is unknown how many expeditions went in search of mysterious island with its magical source. It is only known that as a result of one of these expeditions, America was once again discovered: a noble Spanish nobleman, in search of “living water,” reached the New World and, believing that there was another island in front of him, christened the land Florida (“blooming”). But he still did not gain immortality.

But today, not from fairy tales, but from the results of scientific research, it is known that water really affects people’s life expectancy and health. The human body is seventy percent water, and it is by no means indifferent to what kind of water nourishes its tissues. Residents of some Caribbean islands look much younger than their European peers and explain this phenomenon quite casually:

On our island, such water flows from springs that rejuvenates a person.

Residents central regions Sri Lankans have excellent health and also look younger than their age - due to the climate and water from mountain springs. Many mountaineers surprise with their longevity and excellent physical condition. So the search for the elixir of immortality is not as hopeless as it might seem. Man, of course, will not cease to be mortal, but he is quite capable of living twice as long as he lives now. In any case, our skeleton has a “margin of safety” for one hundred and twenty years of active (!) life, so there is clearly an untapped natural reserve.

But let's return to the search for the elixir of immortality. In addition to magic water, there were many “man-made” recipes. Only those that clearly did not give the desired result have reached us. For if someone once managed to create such an elixir, its recipe, of course, was kept in the deepest secrecy. How would you like this tool:

“You need to take a toad that has lived ten thousand years and a bat that has lived a thousand years, dry them in the shade, grind them into powder and take them.”

Everything would be fine, but how can you find out the date of birth from cute little animals? The recipe doesn't say this.

In general, information about the successes that people have achieved in the search for immortality is scattered and unconvincing. It is known more or less reliably about two people who died already in our century, having lived a very long life. This is a Chinese man who died in 1936 at the age of... 246 years (according to official documents), and an Indian man who died in 1956 at the age of 186 years. An Indian at the age of fifty retired to the Himalayas, where he took up yoga. Apparently, a combination of special exercises, diet and some other means made it possible to significantly extend his life span. You can believe these two facts, you can not believe them, but despite the fantastic nature of such phenomena, we are not talking about immortality. And the search for it has not stopped and will not stop: there are always people ready to devote years, decades, their whole lives to it...

One of these people was Alexander Cagliostro. In addition to the mystery of its origin and unknown source enormous wealth, Count Cagliostro had an exciting secret:

“They say,” wrote one of his contemporaries. – Cagliostro discovered the secret of preparing the elixir of life. His young-looking and charming wife is already more than forty years old, and, according to her, the count has the secret of returning youth.”

This mysterious man also visited Russia. In St. Petersburg, his appearance created a sensation. And the story of the failed duel with the court physician Roberts added new shine to his name. Extremely irritated by Roberts’ attempts to denigrate him in the eyes of the court, Cagliostro offered him an original duel - “with poisons.” Both competitors had to drink the poison prepared by the other and then take any antidote. The count insisted, but the frightened doctor flatly refused: too persistent rumors that Cagliostro possessed the secret of the elixir of immortality circulated throughout the capital.

Alas, these turned out to be just rumors. Cagliostro was captured by the Inquisition and died in its dungeons. All his personal papers were burned, and miraculously only a copy of one note, taken in the Vatican, survived. It describes the process of “regeneration,” or the return of youth:

“After taking two grains of the drug, a person loses consciousness and speechlessness for three whole days, during which he often experiences attacks of seizures and convulsions, and perspiration appears on his body. Having awakened from this state, in which, however, he does not experience the slightest pain, he must take the third and last grain on the thirty-sixth day, after which he falls into a deep and peaceful sleep. During sleep, the skin slips off, teeth and hair fall out. They all grow back within a few hours. On the morning of the fortieth day, the patient leaves the room, having become a new person, having experienced complete rejuvenation.”

Everything would be fine, but the recipe for the drug has not been preserved. And - was he there at all?

The interrogation protocols of Cagliostro contain interesting information about another mysterious person - Count Saint-Germain. Cagliostro claimed that he saw the vessel in which the count kept... the elixir of immortality. They did not believe him: Count Saint-Germain died ten years before the death of Cagliostro himself, in 1784. But then strange things began to happen.

The Count appeared in Paris in 1750, not only without a past, but even without any plausible history of it. However, he preferred not to talk about himself at all, only sometimes - either on purpose or by accident - he let slip about his conversations with Plato or Seneca or one of the apostles. Of course, they didn’t believe him too much, but... When someone asked the count’s coachman whether it was true that his master was four hundred years old, he innocently replied:

I do not know exactly. But in the one hundred and thirty years that I have served my master, his lordship has not changed at all.

Of course, the coachman could have been trained. But how can one explain the fact that elderly aristocratic women in the best houses recognized in Saint-Germain a man who had visited their grandmothers’ salons half a century ago? Moreover, the elderly matrons swore that he had not changed a bit during this time. Moreover, if we compare the descriptions of people who knew the count well in different times, it turns out that he was seen in England, known in Holland, remembered in Italy. He changed names and titles - Marquis of Montfert, Count de Bellamy and a dozen others. And just as suddenly as he appeared, Count Saint-Germain disappeared from Paris and appeared in Holstein. From there the news of his death came. But none of the gravestones in the area around his castle bear the name of Saint-Germain. But it is on the list of Freemasons, whose meeting took place in Paris a year after the “death” of Saint Germain. It is reliably known that three years later the French envoy in Venice saw the count, and not only saw him, but also talked with him for a long time. And two years later, Saint-Germain found himself in one of the prisons where revolutionaries kept aristocrats. Then traces of him were lost. Did he die on the guillotine, like so many in those years? It turned out not.

Thirty years after the “imaginary death” of the count, on the sidelines of the Congress of Vienna, he was met by an old, good friend, Madame de Genlis. He did not change at all, but tried not to prolong the unexpected meeting and the next day disappeared from Vienna as mysteriously as he had done from Paris. About fifteen years later, when almost no one who knew Saint-Germain personally was alive, the count reappeared in Paris under the name of Major Fraser. He pretended to be an Englishman, had unlimited funds of unknown origin, but lived a rather secluded life. He was identified by one elderly dignitary, who miraculously survived the revolution, exile and everything connected with them. He recognized it, but unlike Madame de Genlis, he did not share this discovery with anyone, but tried to get closer to “Major Fraser”, since the years had changed him beyond recognition.

The acquaintance took place, and the dignitary gradually learned that his interlocutor was well aware of everything that happened at the French court... two hundred years ago. He spoke with such details that could not be read anywhere. Even when he spoke about very distant times and distant countries, one got the impression that he was really present there and then. The old dignitary could not stand it and let slip that at one time he had met such a person as the great Saint Germain. His interlocutor just shrugged his shoulders and started talking about something else, but... the very next day he disappeared from Paris.

Then he was allegedly seen there already in the mid-thirties of our century. But since there was no one personally acquainted with the count, these messages are difficult to consider reliable. Although if we take it as an axiom that he actually invented the elixir of immortality, then his behavior seems quite logical. Wanting to keep his secret, he had to either move from place to place and change names, or fake his death and continue living under a different name. Otherwise, he would have had no peace from those eager to penetrate his secret.

There is, by the way, another person who achieved immortality, but not with the help of the elixir, but in a completely different way. According to legend, when Jesus Christ was led to the place of execution, he wanted to lean against the wall of one of the houses for a minute to rest. But the owner of the house did not allow him to do this.

Go, go! There’s no point in resting,” he allegedly shouted.

Christ unclenched his parched lips:

Fine. But you, too, will walk throughout your life. You will wander forever, and you will never have peace or death...

The owner of the house was called Agasfer. But he is better known under the nickname “The Eternal Jew,” and there are several interesting testimonies about him. future fate. In 1223, he was met at the Spanish court by the Italian astrologer Guido Bonnati. Five years later, he was mentioned in one of the papers of the English abbey, which was visited by the Archbishop of Armenia. The archbishop, according to him, was personally acquainted with Agasfer, talked with him several times and was absolutely sure that it was this man who was cursed by Christ. In 1242, Agasfer appeared in France, and then disappeared for two and a half centuries.

In 1505 he was seen in Bohemia, and in 1547 in Hamburg. There Bishop Paul von Uytheen met with him, who in his notes mentions that this man spoke all languages ​​without the slightest accent, led a secluded and ascetic lifestyle, and had no property. If they gave him money, he immediately distributed it to the poor. In 1575, Agasfer appeared in Spain, in 1599 - in Vienna. From there he intended to go to Poland and then to Moscow. And there is vague evidence that he actually visited Moscow and communicated with someone. But his appearance in German city Lübeck in 1603 is more than documented - an entry in the city chronicle made by the burgomaster, historian and theologian in Latin:

“Last year, on January 14, a famous immortal Jew appeared in Lübeck, whom Christ, going to the crucifixion, condemned to redemption.”

Mentions of this mysterious personality were also found at a later time. The last one is dated 1830. You can believe it, you can reject it. Or you can take the point of view of one medieval doctor who wrote:

“There is nothing that can rid the mortal body of death, but there is something that can postpone death, restore youth and prolong the short human life.”

Modern science is also searching for the elixir of immortality. But, first of all, scientists have established that a human cell has a strictly defined lifespan - 50 divisions. The only difference is how quickly this process occurs. For some it takes sixty years, for others it takes more than a hundred. But after this, the cell dies, and all attempts by scientists to increase the number of divisions were unsuccessful. And the experimenters chose a different path - cell rejuvenation. Some manage to achieve a positive effect, but no one has yet found an elixir. Although there are interesting results from experiments on mice.

The introduction of industrial preservatives into the mouse body, those that prevent the spoilage of oil, lengthened the life of the animals by almost one and a half times. Reducing his diet by a third lengthened his life by half. And the special diet generally rejuvenated the tailed ones: two-year-old individuals, that is, old men, began to behave like three-month-old youngsters. However, everyone knows that you need to eat right. Although not everyone does this... for some reason. And this is how a person is designed that he prefers to dream about a miraculous drug of instant action: he slams a glass and is healthy and young again.

But in fact, if someone achieved immortality, sooner or later he would have to ask himself the question - why live an endless life? Even the most exquisite pleasures become boring, even the most favorite activities can become boring. And you can renounce immortality itself, as, according to legend, the wisest of the wise, King Solomon, did. When he was offered the elixir of immortality, he refused to accept it because he did not want to outlive those who were close to him and whom he loved...

There is, after all, such a view of immortality.

What is the elixir of immortality probably everything already know, but who doesn’t know, you probably guessed it. This is a certain mixture of substances that can stop our aging and give humanity eternal life. Nowadays, every day different countries around the world, scientists are testing various drugs and looking for the necessary ingredients that can stop destructive processes in the human body. Is it possible to interfere with the natural cycles of our body and set the clock hands back? This question arises for almost every inhabitant of the planet who has crossed the forty-year mark of life. Life is very short and you don’t want to lose the youthful beauty of your body, but you want to remain forever young, vigorous, fresh, forever attractive and loved. It’s unlikely that anyone will disagree with me. Sooner or later we are looking for ways to rejuvenate. Part of this can be helped by proper nutrition, a sporty and balanced lifestyle, but how much will we gain from this? Maximum 5-10 years. Celebrities and rich people shell out unimaginable sums for plastic surgery.
Let's take the example of Taisiya Povaliy, a famous singer.

She was born in 1964. Accordingly, she is 47 years old. We see in her example a tense face, corrected facial touches by skillful surgeons. I agree, looking good is a test, but alas, looking younger in appearance does not mean getting a ticket for a few extra years of life. Internal clock flow out like receding sand, and sooner or later it will dry up and force you to travel along the Styx.
Cagliostro, owner of the secret of immortality
I first read about the “Elixir of Immortality” in the book “The Queen’s Necklace” by Alexandre Dumas. In the novel there is a certain mysterious character - Count Cagliostro. As I managed to find out, this man is a real historical figure.

His real name is Giuseppe Balsamo, he was born around 1743 in Palermo into the family of a cloth merchant.C early years he was uncontrollably drawn to science. Having spent his youth in the East, where he mastered the art of healing, acquired knowledge of chemistry and picked up magical-alchemical jargon, Balsamo, under the name of Count Cagliostro, began to demonstrate his talents in high European society. According to legend, the count owned the secret of the “philosopher’s stone,” a substance with which it was possible to transform base metals into gold and prepare the elixir of immortality.
“They say,” one of the newspapers wrote at that time, “Count Cagliostro possesses all the wonderful secrets of the great adept and has discovered the secret of preparing the elixir of life.”
People who were extremely concerned about maximizing their lives were, for the most part, endowed with wealth and power. They were looking for the shortest route. And such a path seemed to exist. The most ancient traditions and legends mentioned it - this is the “elixir of immortality”, which the gods tasted. It was called differently in different countries. The gods of the ancient Greeks used ambrosia, which gives eternal life, the Indian gods used amrita, the gods of the Iranians used haoma. And only the gods Ancient Egypt, showing majestic modesty, they preferred water to the other food of the gods.
Water is like the elixir of life

As you know, the human body is 70% water. In recent years, it has become known that water varies significantly not only in chemical impurities, but also in isotopic composition and other characteristics. It is this that nourishes the tissues of our body and can prolong or shorten life. The water that we drink from the tap, of course, carries nothing useful. City rivers have long become dead and carry a huge amount of chemical, radiation, natural, psychophysical and other harmful substances. Why do you think I mentioned psychophysical? Water, as a living organism, can also be both negatively and positively charged. big cities a large amount of negative energy that comes out of people is absorbed by water. It is like a sponge that absorbs the full spectrum of this pollution. Such water, accordingly, comes to our house. We cook food from it, we drink it... It is known that the residents of some Caribbean islands, such as Guadeloupe, look much younger than their European peers. When they are asked how they manage to remain young for a long time, the answer usually follows: “On our island, such water flows from springs that rejuvenates a person...” The inhabitants of the central regions of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) are also distinguished by excellent health. Residents of Sri Lanka consider the climate and water of mountain springs to be the reason for their health. Apparently, it was no coincidence that the ancients tried to look for life-giving water on this island.
Some scientists also associate the longevity of the highlanders and a number of peoples of the North with the water they drink. This is the so-called “melt water effect”, which has a beneficial effect on metabolism and thereby, as it were, “rejuvenates” the body.
Immortality according to the Bible
The idea of ​​immortality is not new. In most religions, gods are considered immortal. Mythical creatures, angels, demons, nymphs, satyrs and many others also live forever. Can a person become immortal? After all, people die from a specific disease, and not from old age. Is it possible to extend life and until how long? The texts of the Bible say that people used to live much longer. The average age was about 1000 years. Is this true? I think that there is no need to doubt the Bible.
Various recipes for rejuvenation are known. In ancient times, gerocomy, the rejuvenation of an aging man through copulation with young girls, was popular. The Bible tells the story of King David, who slept with a beautiful girl, Abishag the Shunammite, as a result of which his decrepitude decreased. This method was promoted by Hippocrates. The British Museum contains a tombstone from the Roman Empire, on which is engraved: “Here lies Claudius Herimpus, who lived one hundred and fifteen years and five days by the breath of young virgins.” Claudius was a teacher at a girls' school, which ensured his unprecedented longevity.
Secrets of China

Probably, the Chinese came closest to the secret of immortality. During the time of the Chinese Emperor Shi-Hang Ti, there was a legend about the lucky islands located where the sun rises. Allegedly, geniuses lived there who owned the secret of the drink of immortality. The emperor sent an expedition to search for the islands, which returned empty-handed. The participants of the next expedition disappeared forever. Maybe the sailors died during a storm, or maybe they reached the promised land, gained immortality and did not want to return.
During the Tang Dynasty, which ruled the country from 618 to 907, Taoism was recognized as the state religion. In those days, the symbol of Taoism was the turtle. These reptiles were kept in temples. Believers placed notes asking about their lifespan next to the turtle. Depending on which direction the turtle crawled, the question of how long a person would live was decided. If it remained in place, it meant that the person was sick and, most likely, would not last long.

Onah-Taoists set as their goal unification with the fundamental principle of the world, Tao, and achieving immortality. For this purpose, special exercises and meditations were used, as well as the “golden elixir” kin-tan, the recipe for which the Taoists were able to obtain from the mysterious inhabitants eastern islands. Legend has it that the “golden elixir” included 999 components, including cinnabar, arsenic, crushed diamond, virgin sperm, mummy, incense, musk, “demon tears” (it is unknown what was meant by this name), etc. . Organic components were dissolved in water obtained from melting ice delivered from the highest mountain peaks. The mixture underwent 999 transformations over nine years. Only a person prepared with special exercises could be affected by kin-tan; for everyone else, the drink turned out to be poison. To become immortal, one had to renounce worldly desires, wealth and power. Therefore, the emperors had a choice - to remain on the throne or give up power and become immortal. A person who drank the drink turned into a crane and flew to the happy islands, where he became one of the immortal geniuses.

In one of the Taoist monasteries lived the elder Sun Ming, whose age exceeded five hundred years. It was he who visited the happy islands and learned there the recipe for the drink of immortality. If the Taoist had stayed with the geniuses, he would have gained eternal life, but Sun Ming chose to accomplish the feat and returned to China to tell the secret of the “golden elixir” to the Taoist monks. As a result, the hero lived for a very long time, but not forever.

During the Tang Dynasty in question, Sun Ming was already deaf and blind, had difficulty speaking and could not tell anything about the life of geniuses on the mysterious eastern islands.

History has not brought to us a single name of a representative of the imperial family who renounced the throne and gained immortality. The Taoists did not always enjoy the patronage of the Chinese authorities. Over time, they closed themselves off in their communities and revealed the recipe for kin-tan only to the initiated. Many tried to find out the secret of the drink from the monks. Before World War II, Hitler sent emissaries to Tibet; What they were doing there is still not completely clear; perhaps they were looking for a recipe for a magical elixir.

In the mid-70s, reports appeared in the press about two Frenchmen who set out to find out ancient secret. They went to one of the remote Chinese monasteries and kidnapped a monk. The adventurers decided to torture the Taoist to find out the recipe for the “golden elixir”. He chose to die, but did not betray the memory of Sun Ming. A few months later, the French were found dead in a hotel in Shanghai. They died in terrible agony, poisoned by a poison of unknown origin. Nearby they found a golden bottle with traces of a liquid with a strong odor. Perhaps the rogues stole an elixir made in one of the monasteries and drank it, not knowing that for an unprepared person it would turn out to be poison. The Chinese authorities were not particularly diligent in finding out the causes of death of foreigners, and the golden vessel disappeared during the investigation.

Now in Chinese People's Republic There is an Association of Taoist Believers. Perhaps its members know the secret of the drink of immortality.
The secret of the order's healers

Chronicles tell how, to maintain strength, the crusaders ground amber, mixed the powder with wine and drank. Later, in 1525, the Master of the Order of the Crusaders gave the famous church reformer Martin LUTHER, who suffered from cholelithiasis, a spoon carved from “white amber.” One of the leaders of the Kaliningrad Institute of Amber and Regional Resources, Sergei PETROV, is convinced that back in the 12th century, medieval doctors guessed that amber activates metabolic processes in the body with a sharp increase in the release of cellular energy and has a bactericidal effect. In Germany, a variety of varnishes and succinic acid were obtained from centuries-old resin. It is no coincidence that at one time there was a law in the country according to which a person caught stealing amber from quarries was to be executed by hanging.
Laboratory as a front line

One must think that the Teutonic chronicles in late XIX centuries were carefully studied by German doctors. In any case, even before the start of the First World War, pharmacies in Germany were briskly selling the Lammerwein drink. This healing potion, in which succinic acid (succinate) was dissolved in a special way, was considered almost an elixir of immortality. However, after Hitler came to power, the Nazi intelligence services paid attention to the stimulating properties of succinic acid and classified all work in this area. The fact is that in the 30s of the last century, German science worked almost entirely for military needs. In particular, doctors were looking for means that would dramatically increase the endurance of soldiers. By the way, in the USSR such a cola-based drug was obtained by 1943 and made it possible to maintain high performance around the clock by taking a special half-gram tablet once every 4 hours. However, it was not recommended to take such drugs for more than 36 hours.

Researchers of the Third Reich worked in a different direction. In particular, they gave up caffeine-based substances, which first invigorate and then make them depressed. We were looking for a physiological, natural remedy for the human body and settled on succinic acid. Soldiers who took the new drug became stronger, more resilient, and acquired a “truly Aryan fighting spirit.” Succinic acid increased the oxidation of fatty acids and carbohydrates, increasing the body's resistance to stress: physical, chemical, biological. The whole thing was spoiled only by a small nuance - banal diarrhea, which, after taking the pills, engulfed true Aryans.

However, this misfortune was easily overcome, but the Germans were prevented from completing the work by the surrender of the Reich in May 1945.
Research during the Cold War
During the Cold War in the United States and Russia, scientists persistently searched for the secrets of eternal life. Some of them managed to achieve results. However, they were faced with the fact that, as it turns out, this is a rather dangerous activity. Those scientists who approached the solution to the secret of life faced inevitable death .One by one, scientists died in different situations. Some of them from heart attacks, some were killed. Someone really didn’t want the elixir of immortality to be officially found, perhaps the one who possessed it. All research, work, records scientists were destroyed or simply disappeared.
Nowadays, everything is becoming quite transparent and we see that the Illuminati, the world rulers, are slowing down the development, standard of living and population on Earth. They may be right in their thinking, but they have no right to act against humanity.
Let us understand what will happen if the elixir of immortality appears.
1. In 20 years, there will be 60% fewer old people on the planet, but there will also be fewer young people. But a large number of middle-aged people will appear.

The number of rich people will increase. Accordingly, the working class will stop disappearing. There will be no one to work. This will lead to famine, crisis, wars.
3. The number of people on the planet will begin to grow uncontrollably. How much can our mother Earth feed? Again, famine, wars. An increase in food production will be required. An increase in production by several thousand percent will completely destroy the ecology of the planet. It is unlikely that our planet will last even a hundred years with this population. The ozone layer will be destroyed, and the Earth will turn into a second Mars.
4. Increasing the number of smart people. Nobody needs smart people. Good workers are needed. The ratio of bosses to workers cannot be 10 to 1.
5. The resources on the planet will run out, and humanity may turn into “nomadic gypsies” who, like locusts, in space will look for scraps of minerals and shelter for a normal life.
There are quite a lot of examples that can be given, but I think the main meaning is conveyed.

The elixir of immortality has existed for a long time. It is owned by initiates. These are the world elite, the smartest people on the planet. They will be granted eternal life. The rest will face the fate of cultivated toadstool mushrooms, which will be uprooted after some time.
All you can get are stem cells. This option, according to the Illuminati, is safe, since it involves a sacrifice. Life at the expense of death. Everyone knows that now newborns are cut alive and given rejuvenating injections from them to those who are able to pay for it "pleasure." They are absolutely not concerned about other people's lives.
Let's live honestly, eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, read books and watch less TV, and then our short life will not be lived in vain.

"...I accidentally learned this unusual story, which happened in Syria these days, from Alexander Loginov, who had been working as a novice for the fifth year in the Greek monastery of Philotheus on Holy Mount Athos. An Orthodox physician, a Greek by nationality, a pathologist, came to this monastery, who was one worked for a time on a medical commission created by the UN. He met with the elders of the monastery. According to this doctor, the commission was studying a unique case - literally the resurrection of a person from the dead. Initially, the examination of the victim was carried out in Damascus by local doctors, and then they got involved in the case US military doctors. The American side eventually concluded that what happened was a consequence of “UFO intervention,” and classified this information. “And ours crossed themselves and said: “And thank God!” - Alexander said...
The story is like this. The one we are actually talking about, a certain Sh.D., was a rich Arab sheikh from Saudi Arabia. And his wife was a devout Muslim from a wealthy noble family. This Arabian family could be called happy if... they had children. Years passed and, despite all efforts and significant medical expenses and treatment from various luminaries, they remained childless. The man's parents advised him to marry one more woman, since local law allows up to four marriages at the same time.

Tired, worried and hopeless, the man did not take the advice of his parents, but went on vacation with his wife to Syria. Arriving there, they rented a car and a driver to accompany them as a tour guide around Syria. During the trip, the driver noticed that the Saudi couple was upset and concerned about something. And, since they managed to get close, he asked why they were unhappy, maybe because they were not happy with the way he conducted excursions?

And the couple spoke about their misfortune. Being also a Muslim, the driver said that in Syria, Christians - and specifically Orthodox Christians - have a monastery called Panaghia Saidnaya (the name consists of a Greek word meaning “Most Holy” and one Arabic word meaning “Our Lady”), and that many people those who cannot have children go to the life-giving icon of this monastery. In the monastery they are allowed to taste the oil from the lamp burning in front of the life-giving icon of the Mother of God, and the “Mary” of Christians gives them what they desire, according to their faith.

Inspired by what they learned, the Saudi Arabian couple asked the driver to take them to the Saidnaya - "Lady Christian" monastery, promising that if they had a child, they would give him 20,000 dollars, and they would donate 80,000 to the monastery. dollars.

When they went to the monastery, they did exactly as they were told. Then they returned home, and after some time the woman became pregnant, and after the due date gave birth to a wonderful boy. This was a true miracle of our Blessed Virgin Mary.

After his wife gave birth, a Saudi Arabian man returned to Syria to fulfill his promise. He called the driver and asked to pick him up from the airport in Damascus. But the driver, being cunning and evil, persuaded two of his friends to go with him to the airport to kidnap a rich man from Saudi Arabia, take his money and kill him. Along the way, the man promised each of the driver's friends 10,000 US dollars.

This seemed not enough to them; they turned off the road leading to the monastery into a deserted place, where they killed him, cut off his head and chopped his whole body (arms and legs) into pieces. With their minds clouded over what they had done, they put the man's remains in the trunk of the car instead of leaving them there. After they took his money, watch and everything he had, we went to look for another deserted place so that we could leave the remains.

On one of the national highways, the car suddenly stalled and they stopped in the middle of the road. All three got out to see what happened to the engine. Some passerby stopped to help them, but they refused to help, fearing that their terrible crime would be discovered. The motorcyclist managed to notice that blood was dripping from the trunk of the car, and called the police, because the whole scene and those three seemed suspicious to him. The police arrived and, seeing blood under the car and on the asphalt, ordered the trunk to be opened.

And when they opened it, the Saudi man suddenly stood up - alive and well, saying: "Right now this Panaghia has finished stitching up my neck, right here (and showed them the Adam's apple area), after stitching up the rest of my body." Seeing this, the three criminals immediately lost their minds - literally went crazy. The police handcuffed them, and on the way to the psychiatric hospital they kept screaming: there was no way that the man they had killed - by beheading him and cutting him into pieces - would still be alive.

The man was examined at the hospital, and doctors confirmed that the stitches were indeed applied recently. There really were seams, and they can still be seen. As the man climbed out of the trunk of the car, having literally been molded anew, he kept repeating that Panaghia had restored his body and revived him with the help of Her Son.

Immediately after this, the man called his relatives to Syria, and together they went to the Panaghiei Saidnaya monastery, offering praise, glory and prayers, and instead of the originally promised amount of 80,000 US dollars, they donated 800,000 US dollars to the Mother of God Monastery. Having learned about what had happened, the shocked relatives and friends of this man converted from Islam to the Orthodox faith.
...In addition to the story of the physician we have already mentioned, who visited the Philotheus monastery, the news of the miracle of the Mother of God in Syria was recently sent to the Athonite monasteries by Elder Schema-Archimandrite Ephraim from the Greek monastery of St. Anthony the Great in Arizona (USA), a disciple and associate of Elder Joseph the Hesychast, former abbot of the monastery Philotheus. Schema-Archimandrite Ephraim, who organized and oversees 21 Orthodox monasteries in North America, writes that he first learned about this from Abbot Ignatius, the abbot of the Greek Orthodox monastery in Bethlehem.
At the same time, there is no documentary evidence of the authenticity of the Syrian miracle from official (Christian or Islamic) sources. Messages left on Arab Internet forums provide a link to a program broadcast on the first Syrian TV channel.
And further. The famous Serbian theologian, Bishop Afanasy (Jevtich), spoke about this miraculous incident when he spoke to the inhabitants of the Sretensky Monastery and at the conference “Church and Eschatology” in Moscow. Vladyka Athanasius was in Syria and heard this story from the bishop there.
...We will only add that the Sidnai convent near Damascus actually houses an ancient miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, painted by the Apostle-Evangelist Luke in the 1st century AD. And the most different people through their prayers they receive healing from him - this is also documented."

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